9/11 terrorist attacks, 59–61
501c3 organizations, 119–213
Abedin, Huma, 131–33
ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union
adversaries, understanding of, 18–19, 61
affirmative action, 51
Affordable Care Act. See Obamacare
Afghanistan, 59
African Americans, 85–93, 142–43, 148–49
African American Studies departments, 108
African National Congress, 68
al-Arian, Sami, 59
Alinsky, Saul, 32–36
Al-Jazeera, 62
al-Sisi, Abdel Fattah, 133
American Association of University Professors, 112
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 59–60, 120
amnesty for illegal aliens, 14, 57, 159
appeasement, 64–65
Armenia, 63
assimilation, 56–58
Austin, Texas, 49
Ayers, William, 117
Bachmann, Michelle, 133
Baltimore, Maryland, 91
Band, Doug, 131–32
“basket of deplorables,” 20
battle plan, 157–63
bin Laden, Osama, 62
birther claim, 24
Black Lives Matter, 87, 90–92, 119–20, 148
Black Studies departments, 108
Boehner, John, 133
Bork, Robert, 104
Bouie, Jamelle, 2
Breitbart, Andrew, 3
budget repair bill, 126
bullying, 73
Bush family, 10
Caldwell, Christopher, 137
caliphate, global, 63
capitulation, 101–5
Center for American Progress, 74, 131
Center for Constitutional Rights, 59–60
Center for Race and Gender, 111
character assassination, 27–30, 81–82, 104
charitable foundations, 119, 123
Charlotte, North Carolina, 148
checks and balances, 70
Christic Institute, 40
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 71–72
climate change, 47–48
Clinton, Bill, 10, 62, 90, 95–96, 129–32
Clinton, Hillary, 19–20, 29–30, 47–49, 57, 70–72, 129–34, 150–51
Clinton Foundation, 98, 129–34, 149
CNN, 2
collective bargaining, 127
Collins Susan, 41
Columbia Teachers College, 117
Congressional Budget Office, 43
conscience, 35
Constitution, US, 14–15, 69–70
“Contract with the American Voter” (Trump), 145–46, 151, 153–56
Cornell University, 108
corruption, 34–35, 129–34, 140, 149
Crenshaw, Kimberle Williams, 109–10
Cuba, 68
culture wars, 3
Cuomo, Mario, 96
cynicism, 144
death panels, 45
debates, presidential, 70–71
debt ceiling, 14–15
“Declaration of the Principles on Academic Freedom and Academic Tenure” (American Association of University Professors), 112
“Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places” (bin Laden), 62
Democratic Party, 33–34, 40, 85–93, 135–39
Department of Education, 161–62
Department of Homeland Security, 59, 120, 159
dependency, 143
discrediting opponents, 25–26
discrimination, 89–90
diversity offices, 50, 113–15, 147
doctor, choice of, 42–43
Duke, David, 25
economic recovery, 7
education, 107–18, 146–47, 161–62
election, 2016, 1–3
elites, 137
e-mails, 130–31
entitlements, 69
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 46–47, 161
equality, politically enforced, 28
Equal Pay Act, 97–98
ethnic studies departments, 108–9
executive orders, 158–59
executive tyranny, 13–16
expulsion from progressive communities, 31–32
favors, paid, 129–30
Fear, Inc. (Center for American Progress), 74
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 150
feminism, 109–10
Ferguson, Missouri, 91
Fonte, John, 56–58
founding fathers, 154
Fourteenth Amendment, 50
Frank, Barney, 90
Freedom of Information Act, 130
freedom of speech, 72–73
freedoms, individual, 42–43, 93, 141–42, 154
Frey, William H., 25
funding institutions, 120
Galluzzo, Gregory, 35–36
Gasparino, Charles, 138
gender-wage gap, 96–98
genocide, 63
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 150
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 68–69, 104
Gohmert, Louie, 61
Gore, Al, 136
government unions, 125–28, 147
Green Revolution, 66
Green Zone, Iraq, 64
Grothman, Glenn, 126
Gruber, Jonathan, 43–44
Hamas, 67
Hatch, Orrin, 104
Hatch Act, 117
hate speech, 73
Health and Human Services Department, 160
Hezbollah, 67
high school, 116–17
Hitler, Adolf, 82
Holder, Eric, 150
hope, 155
House of Representatives, 13, 71, 96
housing crisis, 90
Human Rights Council, UN, 67–68
hypocrisy, 88–89
idealism, 36
identity politics, 50
ideological diversity, 113–16
illegal aliens, 14, 43, 55–57, 121, 139–40, 145–46, 159
immigration policies, 57
impeachment, 14
inclusiveness, 155
individual rights and freedoms, 42–43, 93, 141–42, 154
infrastructure, 163
inner cities, 86–88, 142–43, 149, 161–63
integration, 58
intellectual diversity, 113–16, 147
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 102, 119, 122, 150, 160–61
Internet domain names, 68
intersectionality, 109–10
intrusiveness of government, 15
Iran nuclear deal, 14–15, 65–66
Iraq, 63–64
IRS. See Internal Revenue Service
ISIS terror network, 64
Islam, 61–64
Islamophobia Studies Journal, 111
Jackson, Andrew, 136
jihad, 61
jobs, high-paying, 87
Jones, Van, 2
judicial appointments, 159–60
Kaine, Tim, 40
Kennedy, Anthony, 72
Kerry, John, 67
Keystone XL Pipeline, 159
Kirkland, Lane, 128
Klein, Daniel, 72–73
Koran, 63
Ku Klux Klan, 82
law and order, 87
Lebanon, 65–66
Lerner, Lois, 160–61
Levin, Yuval, 46
Libya, 68
Limbaugh, Rush, 11–12
limits to government power, 69
living constitution, 69–71
Lizza, Ryan, 35–36
lockstep mentality, 29–30
Los Angeles, California, 91
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 33
Mao Zedong, 31
marginalizing opponents, 25–26
marriage, multiracial, 25
Marxism. See Communism
McMullin, Evan, 11
means and ends, 34–35
Medicare, 41
Miami, Florida, 154
microaggressions, 73
military, degradation of, 7, 64
millennials, 107–8
Mills, Cheryl, 132
minimum wage, 97
miseducation, 110–11
moral language, 141
mortgages, fraudulent, 90
Mubarak, Hosni, 65
multiculturalism, 146
Muslim, use of term, 61. See also Islam
Muslim Brotherhood, 63–65, 74, 133
Muslim Students Association, 133
Muslim World League, 132–33
Mussolini, Benito, 82
Napolitano, Janet, 73–74
Nasseef, Abdullah Omar, 132–33
National Education Association, 32
National Intelligence Strategy 2009, 61
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 65
New Deal for African Americans, 87, 148–49, 161–62
New Republic, 35
nihilism, 34
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 46
Oath of Allegiance to the United States, 56–57
Obama, Barack, 24, 49, 90–93, 104–5
Obamacare, 14, 18, 39–44, 103, 120, 141, 160–62
open borders, 57, 68, 121, 146
Open Society Foundations, 119
oppression studies, 52, 58, 108–9
Palestine Islamic Jihad, 59
Palestinian Authority, 67
paper rights, 68–69
Paris climate-change deal, 161
party line, 31–32
Patriot Act, 59
Patterson, Orlando, 25
Pelosi, Nancy, 96
people of color, use of term, 58–59, 62
personal destruction, politics of, 27–30, 81–82
Planned Parenthood, 162
Poland, 128
policing, proactive, 91
political correctness, 28, 31, 61, 73–74, 81, 141, 146
political diversity, 113–16, 147
Politifact.com, 42
Ponnuru, Ramesh, 46
postelection agenda, 145–51
poverty, 143
power, 35–36
Prince, The (Machiavelli), 33
prison population, 92
progressive movement, 17–21, 79
public opinion, 103
public universities, 114–15
purse, power of, 13–14
qualifications, individual, 52
radical Islam, 61–64
radicalism, 31–36
realism, 36
redemption, 28–29
redistribution of wealth, 43–44, 70, 141
red line, Syria, 65
refugees, influx of, 8
relativism, 34
Republican Party, 9–12, 111–13
resistance to Trump, 155–56
riders placed on bills, 14
rigged system. See corruption
rights, individual, 42–43, 93, 141–42, 154
rights coalition, 120–21
riots, 126
Roe v. Wade, 69–70
Romney, Mitt, 9
Roosevelt, Franklin, 127
rule of law, 151
Rules for Radicals (Alinsky), 32–36
Russia, 65
safe communities, 87
Sanctuary Cities, 8, 59–60, 120, 151, 159
Sanders, Bernie, 40, 47, 80–81, 108
San Francisco State University, 108
Scalia, Antonin, 159
scholarships, 87
School Choice and Education Opportunity Act (Trump), 147, 162
Second Amendment, 8
segregation, 89
Senate Judiciary Committee, 104
Seshasai, Karuna, 98
sharia law, 63
single-payer health care. See socialized medicine
sixties radicals, 33
Slate.com, 2
Smiley, Tavis, 142
Snowe, Olympia, 41
socialism, 107–8
socialized medicine, 18, 42, 45, 103
social justice, 28, 50, 58–59, 108–9, 117
Social Security, 41
societal transformation, 49–53, 92–93
Solidarity movement, Poland, 128
Sotomayor, Sonia, 104
South African Constitution, 68
Soviet Union, 49
speakers at universities, 115
state legislatures, 114–15
Steinem, Gloria, 96
strategy, 77
sunsetting tax-exempt organizations, 123
Supreme Court, 69–71, 104, 159–60
Sweeney, John, 128
Syria, 63–65
system, American, 33
systemic racism, 49–53
tax-exempt organizations, 119–23, 148
tax reform, 162–63
teacher instruction, 117
Teneo Group, 131–33
term limits, 150
think tanks, 120
Thomas, Clarence, 104
threats, 126
totalitarianism, 46
TPP. See Trans-Pacific Partnership
trade deals, 139
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 158
transparency, 43–44
Trumka, Richard, 128
Trump, Donald, 1–3, 19–20, 80–82, 139–42, 148–49, 153–56
truth, fixed, 34
two-party system, 136–37
Tyson, Mike, 82–83
underdogs, champions of, 135–39
underrepresentation, 51–52
undocumented immigrants, use of term, 55–56
unions, government, 125–28, 147
United Nations (UN), 67–68
universities, 52–53, 72–73, 89, 107–18, 146–47
University of California, Berkeley, 111
University of California, Los Angeles, 91
University of California, Santa Cruz, 110–11
UN Watch, 67–68
Vadum, Matthew, 128
vetting for immigrants, 62, 146
vouchers, school, 87–88, 147, 161
Walker, Scott, 125–28
Wall Street, 137–38
Wall Street Journal, 91
Washington Post, 2, 10, 29, 36, 107–8
white supremacy, 92–93
Wilson, Joe, 42
Wilson, Woodrow, 50
Wisconsin, 125–26
women, war on, 95–96
Women’s Studies Association, 109
World Trade Center bombing, 1993, 62
Yale University, 113
Yemen, 66