Photos are by the author unless otherwise credited.
Adobe Stock
shaiith, photo 1
John R. Beaudry, photos 1, 2, design by John R. Beaudry for the Stern garden.
Joan S. Bolton, photo 1, design by Joan S. Bolton of Santa Barbara Garden Design for the Joan T. Seaver Kurze garden.
Anna Brooks, photo 1 right
Catharine Cooke, photo 1, design by Catharine Cooke and Ian Gribble
Shawna Coronado at, photo 1
Courtesy of Annie’s Annuals and Perennials, photos 1 top, 2 right, 3, 4 bottom right
Courtesy of the Southern Living Plant Collection, photo 1 top right
Courtesy of the Sunset Western Garden Collection, photos 1 bottom left, 2 center left and bottom left
Michelle Derviss, photo 1, design by Michelle Derviss
Katie Elzer-Peters, photo 1 bottom left
C. L. Fornari, photo 1
Gale Gettinger, photos 1, 2, 3, 4, the garden of Gale Gettinger and Richard Ash; 5 top right, 6, 7 right; 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 top right, the garden of Janet and Dan Miller
Tina Henricksen, photo 1 bottom left
Saxon Holt, photos 1, 2, 3 left, and right, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 bottom right, 14 bottom, 15 center left; 16 center right, design by Susan Morrison for the Lundstrom garden
Saxon Holt for the Sunset Western Garden Collection, photos 1 top center, 2 top left, 3 center right
Terryfic3D, photo 1
cubanman, photo 1
Johnny Greig, photo 1
JDwow, photo 1 bottom left
msterlin, photo 1 top right,
aimintang, photo 1 center left
richjem, photo 1
DavidByronKeener, photo 1
Lynn Felici-Gallant, pages 1 top right; 2, 3, 4 top, design by Catharine Cooke and Ian Gribble for the Kolod garden
Kelly Kilpatrick, photo 1
Linda Lehmusvirta, photos 1, 2
Theresa Loe, photos 1, 2, garden of Theresa Loe
Kerry Michaels, photos 1, 2 center left, 3, 4
Keeyla Meadows, photos 1, 2, design and garden of Keeyla Meadows
Millette, photos 1 center, 2 second left, and far right, 3 left, 4 left, 5 bottom, 6 left, 7 center right, 8 bottom right, 9 bottom left, 10 bottom left, 11 bottom left, 12 center left, 13 center left
Killian O’Sullivan, photos 1, 2, garden design by Kelly Kilpatrick, architectural design by Killian O’Sullivan AIA, for Lynne Deegan-McGraw
Jude Parkinson-Morgan, photos 1; 2; 3; 4, design by Huettl & IRI for the Sanchez garden; 5, 6–101, 7, 8, design by Patricia St. John APLD of St. John Landscapes for the Tyhurst and Hayes garden; 9, 10, design by Katrine Thomas, Fine Gardener for the Doerr Toppin garden; 11, 12, 13, design by Jeannie Fitch of Garden Nest for the Jones garden; 14, 15, design by Linda Middleton APLD of Terralinda Design; 16, design by Nina Mullen of Mullen Designs for the Tanovic garden; 17, design by Jeannie Fitch of Garden Nest; 18, 19, design and garden of Ann Nichols; 20, design by Roxy Wolosenko of Roxy Designs; 21, design by Roxy Wolosenko of Roxy Designs for the Rose-Lerman garden; 22, design by Patricia St. John APLD of St. John Landscapes for the Chaves garden
Pam Penick, photos 1 bottom, 2 top left
Jenny Peterson, photo 1 top left
Wickie Rowland, photo 1
John Shewey, photo 1
vallefrias, photo 1 bottom right
Patricia St John APLD, photos 1; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, design by Patricia St. John APLD of St. John Landscapes for the WaiChee Khoong garden
Amy Stewart, photo 1, design by Susan Morrison
Rebecca Sweet, photos 1, 2, design by Rebecca Sweet; 3 top left, 4, 5 left center, 6 right center
Hunter Ten Broeck, photos 1, design by Hunter Ten Broeck; 2 right center; 3; 4, design by Judith Phillips for the Marilyn Underwood garden; 5, design by Hunter Ten Broeck; 6 left center
Benjamin Vogt, photos 1; 2, design by Monarch Gardens LLC; 3
Katie Weber, photos 1, 2 center right, design and garden of Katie Weber of Katie Weber Landscape Design
Helen Weis photos 1, design by Helen Weis for the garden of Dr. and Mrs. Tkach; 2, design by Helen Weis for the Cole Richardson garden; 3, design by Helen Weis for the garden of Ray and Sherri Carter
Wikimedia Commons
Used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license:
Michal Wolf, photo 1
EnLorax, photo 1 bottom right
Dominicus Johannes Bergsma, photo 1 bottom right
Carl Dennis, Auburn University,, page 1 bottom right
Used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license:
bastus917, photo 1 center right
liz west, photo 1
Tai Williams, photos 1, 2, design by Susan Morrison for the James garden; pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, design by Susan Morrison for the Williams garden; 9, 10, 11, 12, design by Susan Morrison for the Morrison-Bowerman garden
Doreen Wynja, Eye of the Lady, photos 1, 2, design and garden of Linda Ernst of Dancing Ladies Garden, sculpture by Cynthia Spencer; 3; 4; 5, design by Lori Scott; 6, 7, 8, design and garden of Marina Wynton, Olivine Land LLC; 9, design by Leonard Foltz and Fred Weisensee, Dancing Oaks Nursery; 10, design and garden of Linda Hannan of Hannan Garden Design; 11; 12, design by Janice Palma-Glennie for the Keuhlewind garden; 13, design and garden of Bruce Hegna of Nature/Nurture Landscape Design; 14, design by Barbara Hilty Landscape Design for Marilyn Mauch garden; 15 top right
Doreen Wynja for Monrovia, photos 1 bottom left, 2 top center, 3
Additional Design and Homeowner Credits
Garden of Janet and Dan Miller, photos 1, 2
Design by Susan Morrison for the Corbin garden, photos 1, 2
Garden of Kate Mendenhall, photos 1, 2
Design by BJ Ledgerwood for the Giffen garden, photos 1, 2
Garden of Linda LaRue Brown, photo 1
Design and garden of Keeyla Meadows, photos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Design and garden of Marcia Donahue, photos 1, 2
Design and garden of Ann Nichols, photo 1