Become more self-assured at work.
By Amy Gallo
2. Overcome the Eight Barriers to Confidence
From self-defeating assumptions to defensiveness to arrogance.
By Rosabeth Moss Kanter
3. Everyone Suffers from Impostor Syndrome—Here’s How to Handle It
Change your frame of mind when you’re feeling inadequate.
By Andy Molinsky
4. Mental Preparation Secrets of Top Athletes
How rituals can help you manage your anxiety.
An interview with Daniel McGinn by Sarah Green Carmichael
5. Research: Learning a Little About Something Makes Us Overconfident
Experience can be deceiving, especially to novices.
By Carmen Sanchez and David Dunning
6. To Ace Your Job Interview, Get into Character and Rehearse
Develop new parts of yourself through performance.
By Cathy Salit
7. Six Ways to Look More Confident During a Presentation
What your body language signals to your audience.
By Kasia Wezowski
8. You Don’t Just Need One Leadership Voice—You Need Many
Be more authentic and inspire confidence in others.
By Amy Jen Su
9. Cultivate a Culture of Confidence
Build team resilience to recover from setbacks.
By Rosabeth Moss Kanter
10. Great Leaders Are Confident, Connected, Committed, and Courageous
Gather your emotional courage in the face of risk.
By Peter Bregman
11. Helping an Employee Overcome Their Self-Doubt
Address their inner critic head-on.
By Tara Sophia Mohr
12. To Seem Confident, Women Have to Be Seen as Warm
Female leaders face an unfair standard.
By Margarita Mayo
13. Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?
Don’t confuse confidence with competence.
By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
14. Less Confident People Are More Successful
Self-criticism can be motivating.
By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic