Tutorial #12 - Displaying the Book

At this point, you are probably wondering when we are ever going to have our digital book reader let us read a digital book.

Now, in this tutorial, your patience will be rewarded.

This is a continuation of the work we did in the previous tutorial.

You can find the results of the previous tutorial and the results of this tutorial in the book’s GitHub repository.

Note that starting in this tutorial, it is assumed that you know how to add import statements as needed as we refer to new classes in existing code, and so the required imports are not always going to be specified.

Step #1: Adding a Book

First, we need a book. Expecting you to write a book as part of this tutorial would seem to be a bit excessive. So, instead, we will use an already-written book: The War of the Worlds, by H. G. Wells, as distributed by Project Gutenberg.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We realize that this choice of book may be seen as offensive by Martians, as it depicts them as warlike invaders with limited immune systems. Please understand that this book is a classic of Western literature and reflects the attitude of the times. If you have any concerns about this material, please contact us at martians-so-do-not-exist@commonsware.com.

Download http://misc.commonsware.com/WarOfTheWorlds.zip and unpack its contents (a book/ directory of files) into your assets/ folder of your project. Windows and Linux Android Studio users can drag this book/ directory into the project and drop it in assets/ to copy the files to the proper location. You should wind up with assets/book/ and files inside of there:

Android Studio Project Explorer, Showing assets/book/
Figure 294: Android Studio Project Explorer, Showing assets/book/

In that directory, you will find some HTML and CSS files with the prose of the book, plus a contents.json file with metadata. We will examine this metadata in greater detail in the next section.

Step #2: Creating a ModelFragment

This sample project will use the “model fragment” pattern to hold onto the data about the book to be viewed. The “model fragment” pattern works well for cases where:

Something has to load that BookContents, ideally in the background, since reading an asset and parsing the JSON will take time. Also, something has to hold onto that BookContents, so it can be used from EmPubLiteActivity and the various chapter fragments in the ViewPager.

To that end, we will create a new class, cunningly named ModelFragment.

Right-click over the com.commonsware.empublite package in your java/ directory and choose New > Java Class from the context menu. Fill in ModelFragment as the name, android.app.Fragment as the superclass, and click OK to create the empty class.

Step #3: Defining Our Model

That contents.json file contains a bit of metadata about the contents of the book: the book’s title and a roster of its “chapters”:

  "title": "The War of the Worlds",
  "chapters": [
      "file": "0.htm",
      "title": "Book One: Chapters 1-9"
      "file": "1.htm",
      "title": "Book One: Chapters 10-14"
      "file": "2.htm",
      "title": "Book One: Chapters 14-17"
      "file": "3.htm",
      "title": "Book Two: Chapters 1-7"
      "file": "4.htm",
      "title": "Book Two: Chapters 7-10"
      "file": "5.htm",
      "title": "Project Gutenberg"

In the case of this book from Project Gutenberg, the assets/book/ directory contains six HTML files which EmPubLite will consider as “chapters”, even though each of those HTML files contains multiple chapters from the source material. You are welcome to reorganize that HTML if you wish, updating contents.json to match.

We need to load contents.json into memory, so EmPubLite knows how many chapters to display and where those chapters can be found. We will pour contents.json into a BookContents model object, leveraging the GSON library that we added to our project in an earlier tutorial.

Right-click over the com.commonsware.empublite package in your java/ directory and choose New > Java Class from the context menu. Fill in BookContents as the name and click OK to create the empty class.

Then, replace the contents of that class with the following:

package com.commonsware.empublite;

import java.util.List;

public class BookContents {
  List<BookContents.Chapter> chapters;

  int getChapterCount() {

  String getChapterFile(int position) {

  String getChapterTitle(int position) {

  static class Chapter {
    String file;
    String title;
(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/BookContents.java)

If you prefer, you can view this file’s contents in your Web browser via this GitHub link.

Step #4: Examining Our Model

BookContents is a GSON interpretation of the JSON structure of contents.json. BookContents holds onto the chapters, as a List of BookContents.Chapter objects, each of which holds onto its file.

BookContents also supplies three accessor methods:

Step #5: Defining Our Event

We will want to load the JSON and create the BookContents on a background thread, as we will be performing enough I/O and parsing that we might make our UI a bit sluggish if we do the work on the main application thread. However, we need to let the UI layer (EmPubLiteActivity and its ViewPager) know when the book is loaded, so it can be poured into the user interface.

We could use an AsyncTask for that, notifying the activity in onPostExecute(). However, we will need more flexible inter-component communication over time, things that cannot be handled by a simple AsyncTask. Hence, we will start using the event bus pattern here, employing greenrobot’s EventBus library that we added to our project in a previous tutorial.

With EventBus, we create our own event classes. The one event that we have up front is one to indicate that our book metadata has been loaded and is ready for use, in the form of a BookContents object. Hence, in this step of the tutorial, we will define a BookLoadedEvent that will be posted when the book is loaded. And, we will have the event hold onto the BookContents, to lightly simplify populating the UI later on.

Right-click over the com.commonsware.empublite package in your java/ directory and choose New > Java Class from the context menu. Fill in BookLoadedEvent as the name and click OK to create the empty class.

Then, replace the contents of that class with the following:

package com.commonsware.empublite;

public class BookLoadedEvent {
  private BookContents contents=null;

  public BookLoadedEvent(BookContents contents) {

  public BookContents getBook() {
(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/BookLoadedEvent.java)

If you prefer, you can view this file’s contents in your Web browser via this GitHub link.

Step #6: Loading Our Model

Now, we need to actually arrange to load the book on a background thread and post our newly-created BookLoadedEvent. This is one of the key jobs of our ModelFragment: to manage the loading of our activity’s model, using background threads.

With that in mind, replace our stub ModelFragment implementation with the following:

package com.commonsware.empublite;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Fragment;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Process;
import android.util.Log;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

public class ModelFragment extends Fragment {
  final private AtomicReference<BookContents> contents=
    new AtomicReference<>();

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  public void onAttach(Activity host) {

    if (contents.get()==null) {
      new LoadThread(host.getAssets()).start();

  public BookContents getBook() {

  private class LoadThread extends Thread {
    private AssetManager assets=null;

    LoadThread(AssetManager assets) {


    public void run() {
      Gson gson=new Gson();

      try {
        InputStream is=assets.open("book/contents.json");
        BufferedReader reader=
          new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

        contents.set(gson.fromJson(reader, BookContents.class));

        EventBus.getDefault().post(new BookLoadedEvent(getBook()));
      catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Exception parsing JSON", e);

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/ModelFragment.java)

If you prefer, you can view this file’s contents in your Web browser via this GitHub link.

In onCreate(), we call setRetainInstance(true), to tell the framework to keep this fragment despite a configuration change, just passing it to the new activity created as a result of that configuration change.

In onAttach(), if we do not already have our BookContents object, we fork a LoadThread to populate it, and we cannot readily get at an AssetManager until we are attached to the hosting activity. This is why we are not forking LoadThread in onCreate(). You may see this method name appear with strikethrough formatting. onAttach() taking a Context as a parameter was added in API Level 23, and onAttach() taking a Activity as a parameter was deprecated. However, our minSdkVersion is lower than 23, so we need to use the older callback method.

LoadThread takes the AssetManager as a parameter, stashing it in a field in the LoadThread constructor.

Then, in the run() method that is called on the background thread, we call setThreadPriority() to drop the thread’s priority to that of a background thread. This reduces how much we compete with the main application thread for CPU time. Then, we read in the JSON using GSON to create the BookContents instance. GSON automatically de-serializes our JSON into the BookContents and BookContents.Chapter instances, given that we are telling the fromJson() method that it is to be loading an instance of a BookContents object. Finally, we post() a BookLoadedEvent to the default EventBus.

The BookContents is wrapped in an AtomicReference, in case the main application thread tries to get the BookContents at the same time our background thread tries to set that field’s value. Using an AtomicReference handles our thread synchronization for us.

The open() method on AssetManager could throw an IOException. Normally, this indicates a development-time bug (e.g., we failed to actually set up the book/contents.json file), which is why we log the message to LogCat. A production-grade book reader should also post() an EventBus event to allow the UI layer to let the user know that we could not load the book. As it stands, the book reader will remain stuck on the ProgressBar forever in case of this sort of problem. Augmenting the tutorial in this way is left as an exercise for the reader.

Note that the LoadThread implementation has a pair of references to Process. In this case, this is android.os.Process, not java.lang.Process. Since java.lang.Process is automatically imported, if you fail to import android.os.Process, you will see errors about how THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND and setThreadPriority() are not defined. Since we are not using java.lang.Process in this class, having the import to android.os.Process (as shown in the code listing above) resolves this conflict.

Step #7: Registering for Events

Right now, our BookLoadedEvent will be posted… and ignored, as nothing in the application is set up to watch for such events. Our EmPubLiteActivity needs to know about these events, and the first step to accomplishing that is to have it register for events in general with the EventBus.

Add the following two methods to EmPubLiteActivity:

  public void onStart() {

  public void onStop() {

These simply register the activity with the EventBus while it is in the foreground.

Step #8: Adapting the Content

Before we can use the BookContents, we need to update ContentsAdapter to display the prose on the screen.

First, add a BookContents data member to ContentsAdapter:

  final BookContents contents;

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/ContentsAdapter.java)

Then, add the BookContents parameter to the constructor, assigning it to the new data member:

  public ContentsAdapter(Activity ctxt, BookContents contents) {


(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/ContentsAdapter.java)

Next, update getCount() to use the getChapterCount() of our BookContents:

  public int getCount() {

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/ContentsAdapter.java)

Then, modify getItem() to retrieve the relative path for a given chapter from the BookContents and create a SimpleContentFragment on the complete file:///android_asset path to the file in question:

  public Fragment getItem(int position) {
    String path=contents.getChapterFile(position);

      + path));

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/ContentsAdapter.java)

Note that you may need to change the parameter name in the getItem() declaration to be position, as it may be another value (e.g., arg0).

Finally, add getPageTitle(), pulling our tab title from the chapter title:

  public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/ContentsAdapter.java)

Step #9: Showing the Content When Loaded

Now, we can actually add the logic to display the book once it is loaded.

Create a setupPager() method on EmPubLiteActivity as follows:

  private void setupPager(BookContents contents) {
    adapter=new ContentsAdapter(this, contents);

    MaterialTabs tabs=(MaterialTabs)findViewById(R.id.tabs);

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/EmPubLiteActivity.java)

The contents of this method are almost identical to some lines in onCreate() – we have just moved them to a separate method. Remove those duplicate lines from onCreate(), so you have:

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


Then, add the following onBookLoaded() method to EmPubLiteActivity:

  @Subscribe(threadMode =ThreadMode.MAIN)
  public void onBookLoaded(BookLoadedEvent event) {

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/EmPubLiteActivity.java)

This tells EventBus that if a BookLoadedEvent is posted, we are interested in it, and it should be delivered to our onBookLoaded() method on the main application thread. This method looks like it is unused, because it will be called using reflection by the EventBus, and the IDE does not know that. The @SuppressWarnings("unused") annotation indicates that this method is used.

Step #10: Attaching our ModelFragment

We also need to add some code to set up the ModelFragment — it will not magically appear on its own. So, the first time we create an EmPubLiteActivity, we want to create our ModelFragment. To do that, define a static data member named MODEL in EmPubLiteActivity:

  private static final String MODEL="model";

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/EmPubLiteActivity.java)

Then, update the onStart() method in EmPubLiteActivity to see if we already have the fragment before creating one:

public void onStart() {

  if (adapter==null) {
    ModelFragment mfrag=

    if (mfrag == null) {
          .add(new ModelFragment(), MODEL).commit();

If you run the result in a device or emulator, you will see the book content appear:

EmPubLite, With Content
Figure 295: EmPubLite, With Content

Swiping left and right will take you to the other portions of the book.

Step #11: Showing the Content After a Configuration Change

While you can see the book contents now, if you try rotating the screen, the book contents will not appear. That is because the ModelFragment has already loaded the contents (so the BookLoadedEvent has passed), but we have no logic in EmPubLiteActivity to populate the book by other means.

To do that, simply add an else if clause to the if in onStart(), to get the book contents over to setupPager() if they are ready:

  public void onStart() {

    if (adapter==null) {
      ModelFragment mfrag=

      if (mfrag==null) {
          .add(new ModelFragment(), MODEL).commit();
      else if (mfrag.getBook()!=null) {

(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/EmPubLiteActivity.java)

Now, if you run the sample and rotate the screen (e.g., Ctrl-Right on the Windows/Linux emulator), the book will appear in either case.

Step #12: Setting Up StrictMode

Since we are now starting to do disk I/O, particularly aiming to have it done on background threads, it would be a good idea to configure StrictMode, so it will complain if we fail in our quest and accidentally do this I/O on the main application thread.

Add the following method to EmPubLiteActivity:

  private void setupStrictMode() {
    StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder builder=
      new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder()

    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {


(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/EmPubLiteActivity.java)

Here, we create a StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder, configured to detect all violations on the main application thread, logging them to LogCat. In addition, if we are in a DEBUG build, we will flash a red border around the screen.

Note, though, that this red border will appear even if we do not make any mistakes. Unfortunately, Google engineers do not check the framework code for these sorts of violations, leading to some bugs that we as app developers cannot resolve. Those will be reported as StrictMode violations, just as if we had made the mistakes ourselves.

Then, just after super.onCreate() in the onCreate() method in EmPubLiteActivity, add in a call to the new setupStrictMode() method. This will give you an onCreate() method that looks like:

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


(from EmPubLite-AndroidStudio/T12-Book/EmPubLite/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/empublite/EmPubLiteActivity.java)

In Our Next Episode…

… we will allow the user to manipulate some preferences in our tutorial project.