1: Setting the Scene Amidst Turbulent Politics
Early Politics and Enduring Values: Pits, Pulpit, Pitches and Politics
Social Democracy in Crisis: The Rise of Populism and the Political Right
Our Democracy Is Weak and Ineffective
2: The New Political Landscape
Towards a New Order: Building a New Consensus For Progressives
Helping to Shape Our Thinking and Ideas
Britain, Brexit and Scotland: New Ideas
3: Brexit, a Cause Without a Case. Why Did It Happen?
The Rust Belt Analysis, Trump and Brexit
The Extreme Right in British Conservative Politics
What's the Matter With Social Democracy?
Absolute Sovereignty and the Primacy of our Laws
The Lies, Fake and Fraudulent News
4: Identity – Sentiment, Nostalgia, Emotion and the Lure of Greatness
5: Populism: Discredited Ideas in New Garb
The US As Our Friend and Saviour
6: Requiem For a Nightmare Brexit
7: The EU, a Case With a Cause: Going in a Different Direction
Threat to the Union and Scotland’s Role In It
Churchill and Thatcher: Identity and Ambivalence
The EU is the Role We Are Looking For