We can and will fix the dieting trap. I’ve helped tens of thousands of people just like you end this vicious cycle, find freedom for diet dogma, and transform into happier, healthier people. And you cannot mess this up. Just please remember that I ask you to follow each chapter in the order I’ve laid out (no skipping ahead). I promise this method will work for you because it will be co-designed by you (a soon-to-be highly informed version of you!).

I suspect the biggest difference between this approach and anything else you’ve tried is that you will be in charge. My role is to be your guide. This book is a condensed, high-level summary of the very intricate system that makes up your metabolism. I will simplify the science, sort through myths and misconceptions, and offer a framework for you to make this work on your terms. You won’t need me to tell you what to do. You’ve been down that road before. Instead, I’m going to give you all the information and options you need to make the right choices for the next 12 weeks. You can apply none, some, or all of the suggestions I make. What you put in is what you will get out. (You need to own it!) I’m going to offer my suggestions based on peer-reviewed research, but they will be just that: suggestions. It’s your body and your health, and ultimately you have to decide what is important.


There are 7.7 billion people on the planet and no two of us are exactly the same. Unlike a typical diet, when you follow the 131 Method you’ll customize the approach to work for you. To do that, you need a strong understanding of how your metabolism works. In the first chapters I will simplify the latest research and findings on metabolism, plus energy use and storage. You will understand how your food impacts your hormones, what it takes to speed up your metabolism, and how to improve gut health and use stored body fat as fuel. Fear not! You’re going to master this stuff, including the latest research on how your body was meant to heal.

Now before we start talking meal plans and recipes, we’re going to dig into the stuff that matters—mind-set. I’ll help you understand what it takes to shift your thinking, drop the dieter’s mentality, and create the habits that fortify your success.

I know that some readers will want to skip the why of the 131 Method and jump to the “What do I eat and when?” section. Those are the people still searching for a diet, a quick fix. Not you. You’re not interested in wasting time. You understand that in order to end the cycle of dieting and become the healthiest version of yourself, you need to commit to understanding how your body works. The mystery of your metabolism and the secret to true health come together when you understand a few key principles: homeostasis, the role of inflammation, inflammatory foods, how your gut microbiome impacts hormones, your weight, and overall immunity. By understanding these things first you’ll know why your body responds and reacts the way it does. This foundation will give you the information you need to customize every part of the 131 Method.

Next we’ll set aside the science to help you get prepared to start! We’ll dig into mind-set and uncover subconscious and often habitual thinking that may be holding you hostage. I’ll share with you how minor adjustments you make today can help ensure your success, including establishing accountability, creating measures, increasing water intake, getting better sleep, choosing the right type of exercise, supplements, and more. I’ll also teach you how to customize your meal plan using your personal favorites or selecting from the more than 100 simple and delicious recipes you’ll find in Part III. And throughout the book you’ll find inspirational stories from people just like you who have changed their lives and turned their health around by adopting the 131 Method.

It’s in Part II of the book that I’ll break down the three different cycles, or dietary phases. The 131 Method consists of three different phases: Ignite, Nourish, and Renew. Each phase lasts four weeks. Because each phase has been designed to tackle a primary health objective, you’ll cycle or change up how and what you eat. In each phase you spend three weeks following a specific dietary approach. After the first three weeks, you can continue to follow the meal plan for one more week, or you can choose to fast and refuel. (Chapter 5 goes into the whys, how-tos, and ins and outs of fasting, but don’t worry! It’s not mandatory and there are plenty of options for me to share with you.)

Finally, I’ll help you to understand how to maintain your healthy lifestyle long after 12 weeks and apply the principles of the 131 Method to your life.

Let’s break down the phase framework:


The first phase is Ignite. Ignite cranks up your metabolism and sets it on fire! Your body will go from sugar-burning to fat-burning mode, or ketosis, and learn to use stored body fat as fuel. On Ignite you’ll enjoy satisfying, delicious meals high in healthy fats and low in carbohydrates. You’ll also learn how to use intermittent fasting to supercharge your fat-burning results and stabilize your appetite. You’ll eat foods that reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and promote gut healing.

Depending on your goals, on the final week of Ignite you’ll follow an optional plan to fast and refuel. Should you choose to fast, you’ll spend the first few days on a custom-designed and supported fast to rest the gut, correct your appetite, and emotionally detach from food. You’ll finish out the final Ignite week with a personalized refueling plan to help you reengineer your newly rebuilt immune system.


Nourish builds on the fat-burning foundation of Ignite while increasing your body’s ability to metabolize micronutrients found in whole foods and plants. Over the course of these three weeks, you’ll gradually cut back on animal proteins and increase consumption of vegetables and plant-based healthy fats.

As in Ignite, the fourth and final week of Nourish ends with fasting and refueling. During the first few days of that week, you’ll start with one of four fasting options to rest your gut. You’ll finish out the week with a personalized refueling plan to boost immunity and increase gut microbiome diversity.


Renew is the last four-week phase. By the time you reach Renew, you will have mastered fat burning and intermittent fasting and dramatically improved your insulin sensitivity. You will have figured out which foods are personally problematic and, as a result, will see reduced inflammation and water retention. Most of all, you will feel amazing! Renew will teach you how to use fats, proteins, and yes, even carbs, for energy! It’s in Renew that your body will effectively use all macronutrients for energy, which is called macrophasing.


Macrophasing, which is explained in detail in Chapter 8, provides the ultimate approach to metabolic flexibility by changing or “phasing” your macronutrient ratio of carbohydrates, protein, and fats every two to three days. With guidelines and my recipes, you’ll design a meal plan to best suit your lifestyle. You’ll enjoy carbs, fats, and proteins and experience the joy of a metabolism that works with you, not against you.

Just as in previous phases, the fourth week of Nourish ends with an optional personalized fast and refueling plan. By that point you’ll be a 131 Method pro!


I’m a realist. I’m not going to sugarcoat the fact that changing our beliefs and challenging much of what we’ve been force-fed for decades is going to take some work.

The struggle is real.

One of my closest friends recently started the 131 Method. I texted her to see how it was going. She replied, “Great! But it’s really hard to pay attention to what I’m putting in my body.” To which I texted back, “True! But it’s also really hard to be unhealthy and look and feel older than your age . . . not that you do, because you’re gorgeous and hot, but you know what I’m saying.” We have to choose our hard.

To no avail I embarked on an exhaustive Google search to figure out who originally coined the phrase “Choose your hard.” The first time I heard it, I was at a Tony Robbins motivational event. It stuck. I’ve considered having it tattooed next to the tiny palm tree on my right ankle that I got on spring break at age 18. (Dumb idea.) The fact is, we do have choices, and sometimes all options involve some difficulty.

There are going to be setbacks. Expect them and press forward. There are going to be days when you find your progress unsatisfying. You may be tempted to drown your frustrations in a box of doughnuts, but instead you’ll choose your hard. You’ll choose the right hard.

Oh, and good news: the most difficult choices almost always come with the greatest reward! It’s hard to study. But it’s rewarding to earn your degree. It’s hard to grow a big baby in a tiny body. But it’s pretty darn rewarding to give a child life. I promise to simplify this process for you. It would be disingenuous to suggest it will be easy, but the rewards that await you are immeasurable. Choose your hard. I know you’ll choose wisely.

The fact that you probably bypassed 10 popular diet books before landing on this gem, coupled with the fact you’re actually taking the time to read and absorb 131 Method, means you’re not just smart, you’re badass. You’re a truth seeker. You don’t mind rolling up your sleeves to do the work. I ask you to make a vow not to give up, not to see this as an all-or-nothing kind of thing, but a process, a journey we’ll take together. We are better together. Everything is easier when you have the support of others, which is why I want to encourage you to be a part of our 131 community by going to

You are the smartest and the coolest! I’m already in love with your determination. I wrote this book for you, and I’ll be with you all the way.

Let’s do this . . .
