For years I followed and promoted a plan calling for six small meals a day, every two to three hours. Even though I spent much of my time preparing and eating these small meals, I never felt satisfied. Each meal made me hungry for more. This left me feeling deprived and thinking there must be something wrong with me. Not only did eating small meals ramp up my hunger, it was also impossible for me to lose body fat unless I dramatically and dangerously restricted calories. Understanding the difference between calorie restriction and fasting helped me understand why the small-meals approach was never going to work for me.

Technically we all fast at some point each day. (That’s why the first meal of the day is called breakfast. You break the fast you were on while you slept.) In this chapter I will share with you the remarkable benefits of extended fasting. However, I want to be abundantly clear that longer fasts are not for everyone.

Bottom line: When in doubt, consult with your physician before fasting. Period. The four types of fasting in the 131 Method are intended to improve your overall health. They are not recommended for quick weight loss. However, once you understand the science behind fasting and you follow the 131 Method to prepare your body to fast, you’ll see precisely how fasting can support long-term weight loss.


Ironically, it wasn’t too many years ago that I warned my loyal fitness followers that fasting was just about the worst thing you could do for your metabolism. I, like many other health experts, believed that if you skipped meals, your body would undoubtedly break down muscle and your metabolism would slow down. Today, I stand corrected. Countless scientific studies have proved those beliefs to be false. As a matter of fact, fasting may just hold the key to improving gut health, rebuilding the immune system, and boosting your metabolic rate.

One of the reasons for fasting’s many benefits is that it can kick-start the process of autophagy in your body. In 2016, cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his work on autophagy—his discoveries on how cells recycle their content during fasting. Your cells create encoded proteins that seek out dead, broken, diseased, or nonfunctioning cells and break them down to use the resulting molecules to make new cell parts.

Autophagy is awesome because it:

Biogerontologist Valter Longo of the University of Southern California and his team found that fasting increased human growth hormone, increased muscle development post fasting, reduced glucose, lowered blood pressure, reduced IGF-1, normalized C-reactive proteins (which are related to risk for cardiovascular disease), and increased autophagy (soon to be your favorite word). As Dr. Longo and countless other experts, including nephrologist Jason Fung and neuroscientist Mark Mattson, have confirmed, informed fasting, done for the right reasons and with the right preparation, is not only safe for most people, it can help you to live a longer, fuller, healthier life!

Researchers in the Department of Medical and Health Services at Linköping University in Sweden found that consuming one large meal rather than five small meals actually decreases the hunger hormone ghrelin. In addition, their study found that larger meals eaten less often increased energy expenditure.1 Another study, on morning fasting and obesity, conducted in the department of health at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, showed that obese adults who were able to delay their first meal of the day experienced a decrease in appetite, a decrease in ghrelin production, and an increase in satiety.2

Fasting is an integral part of the 131 Method and offers a variety of scientifically based benefits, including starting and maintaining ketosis and autophagy, regulating hunger hormones, starving down bad gut bacteria to balance your microbiome, regulating your blood pressure, giving the digestive system an opportunity to heal, and helping you identify and break the habit of emotional eating.


Fasting does the coolest things ever to your brain! When you fast, you significantly increase production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)—say that five times fast. BDNF is a chemical produced in the brain and blood that is active in the areas of the brain that affect decision making, memory, and clarity of thought. BDNF is also key in the signaling of the hippocampus to suppress appetite, as well as messaging that tells the body to use stored brown fat (the unhealthiest fat) for energy. BDNF has also been shown to increase the rate at which your body burns energy, increase quality sleep, and promote daytime wakefulness. Are you sold yet? BDNF is also thought to play a role in the reduction of depression, anxiety, and stress. Several studies have linked low BDNF production to depression, sleep disorders, and weight gain.


The relationship between weight loss and fasting isn’t as obvious as it might seem, so let me break it down. First, while it’s likely you’ll experience rapid short-term weight loss on a fast, that shouldn’t be your primary objective. Sure, stepping on the scale after your first fast can be exciting and motivating, but keep in mind that the number on the scale does not necessarily represent permanent weight loss. Many of the pounds that are gained and lost in quick weight fluctuations are due to water weight.

Remember, when the body is inflamed, it holds water in tissue as a sort of protective mechanism. As you reduce inflammation through fasting, you’ll experience less bloating and your body will eliminate unnecessary fluids. Body tissues also hold water based on the sodium content of food. While losing that water can be seen when you step on the scale after fasting, some of that water weight will and should return. Your body requires additional water when you are eating regularly for proper digestion, waste elimination, nutrient absorption, and more.

But here’s some good news about those lost pounds: Not all of the weight you lose on a fast will come back. Studies show you can lose up to half a pound of fat per day while fasting! Now we’re talking! For example, let’s say you complete your first three-day fast, step on the scale, and see that you have lost five pounds. Some of that will be water weight, so you won’t have lost five pounds of pure fat—but you may have lost one and a half pounds of fat. I don’t know about you, but I would be pretty happy with the ability to lose that much fat in such a short period. And while water weight should be expected to return, you can say bye-bye to the body fat for good!

To help maintain your realistic and healthy expectations for fasting, rather than focus on the scale after your fast, focus on your body’s new ability to burn fat and the tremendous long-term health benefits you experience each time you fast. (If you struggle with this concept, you may want to reread the section “Scales Can Be Rude” in Chapter 4.)


Many on the 131 Method often remark that the most powerfully transformational piece of the program is the awareness they gain during fasting. We’re surrounded by food. It’s everywhere. It gets your attention on Instagram. Commercials lure you to the pantry. Family congregates in the kitchen. Coworkers bond over potluck lunches. It’s no wonder we end up eating for a million reasons other than hunger. (Don’t forget to complete the True Hunger vs. Emotional Eating exercise in Chapter 4.)

Fasting can also be the ultimate reality check, giving you a profound awareness about the amount and frequency of the food you consume each week due to emotional eating, habit, and plain old boredom. Armed with this self-awareness, you can replace these habits with healthier activities. How you prepare for these situations in advance of your fast will help ensure your success.

I could not believe how good I felt while I was fasting. I can’t say I’ve ever felt that much energy or mental clarity. —MICHELE P.


If you’re like most people, you likely have some preconceived notions about fasting. Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that fasting requires supernatural willpower or that it’ll feel torturous. Most people assume they’ll feel sluggish or “hangry.” While everyone’s experience is a little different, when you prepare for a fast following the 131 Method, you’ll be shocked by how good you feel!

Actually, you should expect to look and feel amazing. (Remember, our expectations often determine our outcome.) When we fast, human growth hormone production increases nearly fivefold. Human growth hormone is essential for cellular regeneration, tissue repair, and production of collagen for healthy hair, strong nails, and skin that glows. Don’t believe it? Take a picture of your skin on day one and again on day three of a fast to document the difference for yourself!

When following the 131 Method fasting protocol, people often report feeling more energy than when they are consuming a normal diet. This is because with greater human growth hormone comes greater energy. Furthermore, ketone molecules produced while fasting deliver a more potent form of energy.

While fasting, you can expect relief from nagging joint aches and pains as inflammation begins to subside. Every system of the body performs more proficiently, and you’ll find relief from common discomfort so many of us have just learned to live with. In addition, puffiness disappears!

Before developing the 131 Method, if I had gone so much as five hours without food, it would have been an all-out “Call 911, get out of my way, I don’t care what I eat, someone’s going to get hurt, I need to eat” kind of emergency. But once I created the 131 Method, giving me choices of how and when to fast, everything changed.

For example, I decided to do a three-day fast in conjunction with a three-day social media conference called Marketing Impact Academy that I host here in Southern California. There were nearly 1,000 participants in attendance, expecting brain-blowing business strategies and social media marketing content to be delivered from the stage by yours truly from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Pulling off this event requires that I am fully rested, focused, and mentally sharp.

I distinctly remember each day of the fast waking up and feeling better than the day before. I had spent the two weeks prior to the event preparing my body. Because I was in a mild state of ketosis before I started my fast, day one was breeze. On day two, I recall wanting to eat something for dinner, not because I was hungry, but because I wanted to unwind after a mentally grueling day. I noticed the desire and identified that it wasn’t a physical hunger, but rather an appetite triggered by a feeling. Instead of breaking my fast, I downed a cup of bone broth and joined attendees for the event dance party. My energy was very high. I ended up dancing my booty off for three hours! Knowing I probably had overdone it, I expected to wake the next day feeling a bit run down or low on energy. Nope.

By day three, my energy level was through the roof. I felt as if some super-bionic computer had taken over my brain; I was no longer searching for the right word or struggling to remember what I was to present next. I spoke from the stage for hours with laserlike focus. With each hour that passed, I felt better mentally and physically. And not once did I feel hungry. Over the course of the third day, I must have said 20 times to myself, “I cannot believe I’m not hungry.”

Over the course of my career, I’ve led countless multiday events, each of which was stressful and took its toll on me mentally and physically. Not this time. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow each night and awoke feeling rested, high-energy, and focused.

I felt comfortable doing this experiment because I did the following to prepare for fasting:

I lost 19 pounds, 3 inches from my waist and hips, and 5 percent of my body fat. I definitely have more energy, a healthier gut (no more daily stomachaches), and fewer aches and pains. I feel younger at 52 than I did in my 40s. My skin looks smoother, and my hair is healthier and has stopped falling out. —MELISSA H.


People often worry about fasting for one reason: They’re afraid of feeling hungry. When I tell people who follow the 131 Method that they won’t be hungry, they think I’ve lost my mind. But it’s true, and here’s why.

We experience hunger when there isn’t enough of the expected or current fuel source available. That’s when the body signals the brain, via our hormones, to tell us to eat. When we are in a sugar-burning state, glucose and glycogen are stored in our system. When we begin to deplete those glucose stores, our hormones signal the brain to create hunger cues such as a growling stomach, headaches, sleepiness, lethargy, anger, confusion, etc. The body perceives a threat—shortage of fuel to keep running—and the brain screams, “Eat! Eat! Eat or you’re going to die!” We answer by eating whatever is in sight, which raises insulin levels, increases hunger hormones, and creates a metabolic cycle of survival. As a result, those hunger hormones are used, confused, and abused and don’t know what to do!

Fasting, however, corrects your temper-tantrum hunger hormones. As you transition into the fat-burning mode of ketosis, fat becomes your primary fuel source. Your hunger hormones then signal the brain, “Hey, you can relax, we have plenty of fuel on board.” Those hunger cues of the past disappear. Long gone will be the days of starvation-based bad decisions or text messages you shouldn’t have sent while you were hangry!


Humans have used food to self-soothe and express love since the beginning of time. If we simply thought of food as fuel, healthy weight loss wouldn’t be nearly so complicated. The fact is, food is how we express care and concern for ourselves and others. For this reason, you probably shouldn’t expect friends and family to be super-excited about your plans to fast. Quite the contrary. However, don’t confuse their concern with ill-intended sabotage. Their worries likely stem from a good place. Unlike you, they haven’t immersed themselves in the science of metabolism, so their fears arise from a lack of understanding. What we don’t fully understand we fear. Here are some ways I suggest handling this:


At the end of each of the three phases of the 131 Method, you’ll have a choice! You can follow the one-week optional fast and refueling plan, or you can continue following the guidelines of the phase you are in. (I know it’s going to feel a bit redundant, but at the end of every phase I will remind you that fasting is optional. I will also ask you to take a Fasting Assessment to help determine if it’s the right time for you to fast.)

Here’s how that will work. Say for example you are on the Ignite phase for three weeks. During the fourth week, you decide that fasting isn’t for you this month. No problem! You’ll simply extend what you were doing in weeks 1, 2, and 3 and continue it during week 4. This means, if you choose to skip fasting on Ignite, you would continue to practice macro tracking and intermittent fasting for an additional week.

There are four levels of fasting. Each level is more advanced than the previous one. For best results, don’t skip ahead to more advanced levels until you have established the metabolic flexibility that comes in later phases of the 131 Method. But you can return to a lower-level fast, or choose to skip fasting altogether! The 131 Method allows you to customize every part of the program and still be successful.

When it comes to fasting, it’s not uncommon to hear people insist there’s only one way to do it. They’re wrong. The right way is the way that works for you. The type of fast you select should be determined only after considering your health objectives, current physical condition, how you’ve prepared in the weeks prior, and what’s going on in your life. If fasting might place an undue burden on you or disrupt something important you have planned—like a special dinner or that 5k you’ve been training for—then skip it for now, but don’t dismiss the idea of trying it later.


Fasting was intimidating at first. I never thought I could not eat breakfast or work out in a fasted state. Now, I cannot imagine it any different. From working out and following a “diet” to LEARNING what works for me. Living life and enjoying food, and teaching my husband about it, too. Now, we are eating good-quality foods, have less inflammation, balanced workouts of cardio and weights, better sleep, clearer skin without use of expensive products. I used OMAD (One Meal a Day) as my go-to fasting choice and I truly feel that I am aging backward! We’ve learned to do what works for us. We will never follow a one-size-fits-all diet again. —BRIDGET I.


Parents, when it comes to fasting, we have to be very careful what message we are sending small children and/or impressionable teens. They haven’t the maturity or need to understand fasting, and seeing Mom or Dad going without food can create subliminal messaging. In fact, studies have shown that parental role modeling is the single greatest predictor of a child’s relationship with food, body image, and dieting. Unfortunately, when parents restrict food, diet, speak negatively about themselves, or obsess over body image or weight loss, the result is an increased likelihood of obesity and diminished self-esteem in their children.

Young children and impressionable teens are likely to interpret fasting as a form of restriction. Kids aren’t privy to the knowledge you’ve consumed in this book, nor is it appropriate for children to fast. For this reason, I always suggest that if you are a parent, consider fasting options that allow you to eat within specified periods of time, such as fasting level 1, 2, or 3. Speak in terms of health, energy, brain function, and longevity around your kids. Instead of foods that are “good” or “bad,” refer to foods in terms of how they help you perform or improve the way you feel. Avoid talking about weight, dieting, or your body. Instead of restricting, rewarding, or controlling your child’s food intake, role model what it means to be healthy from the inside out. What’s more, I also think that shopping, preparing, cooking, and eating healthy food with our family are some of the most important things we do as parents. So, Mom and Dad, keep some food in your fast!

It might seem to you I’m overstepping my boundaries—after all, this isn’t a parenting book. You’re right, but the fact of the matter is that most of us can trace our issues with food and body image right back to our earliest years of childhood. Those well-meaning yet hurtful comments and unhealthy habits of parents can create a lifetime of struggle for some. The 131 Method gives you the tools you need to change the legacy of health for your family forever.


Also referred to as time-restricted eating, intermittent fasting will help you correct an appetite on overdrive, burn stored body fat, and give your gut a rest. And to do this, you won’t need to count calories, but you will want to watch your macronutrient ratios. When used in combination with a diet high in fat and low in carbs, fasting helps your body deplete glucose and glycogen stores. That’s why keeping your carb intake at 5 to 10 percent of your total calorie intake will give you optimal results with intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is considered by many to be the easiest fast to start with. I encourage you to practice several weeks of intermittent fasting before even considering a more advanced fast.

There are countless variations of intermittent fasting. While I suggest you practice it on all three phases of the 131 Method, you’ll practice daily intermittent fasting during the Ignite phase using an eating window. This means you will schedule your meals to happen within a particular window of time, such as 12 hours. Technically speaking, if you didn’t eat in your sleep last night, you were doing intermittent fasting for however long you slept.

Getting started is a breeze. Begin with the time you want to have your last meal and then count ahead 12 hours to schedule your first meal of the next day. Let’s say that you plan to finish dinner by 7 P.M. That means you’d have your first meal (breakfast) no earlier than 7 A.M. the next day.

Start with a 12-hour window for your first few days. Then, every day, delay your first meal by another hour or so, while continuing to have your last meal of the day at the same time. This means breakfast on Monday might be at 7 A.M. On Tuesday you would delay your first meal until 8 A.M. On Wednesday you would postpone breakfast until 9 A.M. and so on until such time that your meals are eaten within an eight-hour window. Using our example, you would eat from 11 A.M. to 7 P.M., then fast from 7 P.M. to 11 A.M.

The way you design the timing of your meals should fit seamlessly into your lifestyle with consideration of the time of day you usually have the most robust appetite. Some may prefer an early breakfast and have dinner in the late afternoon. If you tend to be hungrier in the evening, you’ll likely have no problem pushing your first meal back to almost lunchtime to accommodate a late dinner.


Never thought in a million years that I, Tara, could fast, but I did! Intermittent fasting made it so easy. I’ve lost 18 lbs. I sleep so much better. Within the first week, I noticed that my feet, knees, and joints didn’t hurt like they did. I was taking pain relief medicine almost daily but not anymore. My complexion has improved. I have more energy. I crave real food too! I love the recipes! The recipes help with meal planning ideas! —TARA Y.

It’s a good idea to track the time of your first and last meal each day using your 131 Method Workbook (available at or by keeping notes in your smartphone. This will help you progressively and comfortably shorten your eating schedule until you’re down to an eight-hour window.

Technically speaking, when fasting for the pure benefits of autophagy, you want to avoid consuming any calories.

Water is of course encouraged, but there’s much debate about whether bone broth, your morning coffee with MCT oil, or preworkout supplements break the fast.

Here’s the answer: It depends. Strictly speaking, anything you eat could take you out of a ketosis and therefore “break the fast.” However, most people have found they can eat a small amount of something high in fat—or mostly pure fat—during their fasting window and still stay in fat-burning mode! So many people during their fasting period still have coffee, coffee with coconut oil, coffee with heavy cream (no sugar), lemon water, MCT oil, or bone broth to help stave off the urge to eat.

If it’s any consolation, in all the fasting I’ve done over the course of the last three years, I have my fat-burning coffee every morning, bone broth in the evening, and small amounts of pure fat when needed. Don’t get caught up in the idea that there’s only one way to do this. All-or-nothing thinking does not allow for forward progress.

You may be able to eat a handful of nuts in the evening, or even have a preworkout drink in the morning, and not be kicked out of ketosis; others may find that this affects them negatively. It may take some time to build the metabolic flexibility needed to maintain ketosis. You have to trust how you feel during this time.

Honestly, I’m not that nice a person until I have my fat-burning morning coffee. Just typing the words “morning coffee” brings me joy and fills the back of my throat with the smell of that fresh pot! You’re in charge here. You get to decide what works best for you! If you’re the obsessive rule-following type, then stick with water until your first meal. But if dropping any part of your morning or daily ritual means you’d be putting the greater public at risk, girl go get your coffee!

Intermittent fasting is just one of several simple strategies on the 131 Method that allow you to take control of your hormones, rest the digestive system, and reduce body fat without having to “diet.” Each of these strategies, or tools as I like to call them, will help you improve overall health. Using one tool is great but stacking these tools is even better and only works to fortify your long-term success.

While fasting is certainly something humans have done for thousands of years, there have yet to be clinical human studies to assess the long-term effects of intermittent fasting on metabolic adaptation. For that reason, I suggest periodically phasing from intermittent fasting to avoid adaptation. Ideally, this can be done anytime intermittent fasting isn’t convenient due to your social schedule, or just because you wake up and really feel like you need to eat. Give yourself some grace. There’s a big difference between good habits and obsessive behavior. Avoid making food or the timing of your meals something that interferes with living your life! The 131 Method is all about balance.

I used to use a lot of prepackaged meals and sauces; now I make it all from scratch. I also love intermittent fasting and not eating late at night. —SARAH J.



For many years, we have been told to eat before exercising. The idea was that if we exercised in a fasted state, we would be low on energy, have diminished returns, and possibly lose muscle mass in the process. The latest research shows that exercising and intermittent fasting are safe when done together. As with all things, however, you want to listen to your body and give yourself time to become comfortable as you transition from being a sugar burner to a fat burner.

When you are new to intermittent fasting and your body is accustomed to running on the energy provided by glucose and glycogen, you may at first find it challenging to fuel high-intensity workouts. As your body becomes fat-adapted and metabolically flexible, exercise and all physical activity will become much easier. Keep in mind that everyone adapts to ketosis at a different rate. Be patient! Listen to your body. Many people report having more energy during fasted workouts and a diminished postworkout appetite.

Research shows that those practicing intermittent fasting demonstrate no significant difference in physical performance as compared with those consuming food prior to their workout. In one eight-week study, scientists compared maximal strength of those who were fasting and those who were not and found maximal strength was maintained in resistance-trained men when doing intermittent fasting.3

Regardless of studies, statistics, and recommendations, what matters is what works for you. Some people feel great exercising in a fasted state. Others take several weeks to make the transition. I want you to learn to listen to your body. If your body is craving rest, rest. If a rigorous workout sounds good, let’s do it!

When I first heard that fasting was a part of the 131 Method, I have to admit I was nervous. Like most people, I immediately thought I could never fast beyond 24 hours. I followed the 131 suggestions and got my body into ketosis prior to my fast, and I couldn’t believe I sailed through using the shortened window protocol. I was amazed how my body took care of me! I didn’t experience any of the discomfort I had anticipated. The shortened window method of fasting was a great stepping stone to extended fasting. I’m now able to complete a three- to four-day fast every month. —DANA M.


The shortened window fast (SWF) takes intermittent fasting one step further by reducing the schedule each day during which you consume food. If you’ve mastered the eight-hour intermittent fasting schedule during Ignite, you’ll find the SWF a breeze.

On the SWF, you’ll delay your first meal of the day even further, so that you are eating all your meals within a four-hour period each day and finishing your final meal at least two to three hours before bedtime. It doesn’t matter exactly when in the day your four-hour eating window occurs—you can have it during the morning, afternoon, or evening if you want. The exact time isn’t nearly as important as working to ensure it’s at the same time every day for seven days.

The food that you do eat on your SWF should be high in fat and low in carbs to maintain nutritional ketosis. I specifically recommend a range of 70 to 85 percent of your calories from healthy fat and less than 15 percent from carbohydrates.

So how does a four-hour window work? How you customize your four-hour eating window is up to you. You might allow hunger to be your guide. Create quiet, undistracted, peaceful space to enjoy your first meal and then wait until you feel hungry again within your scheduled window. You might also wish to create four smaller meals and eat on the hour for four hours. Or you could play it by ear and do something different each day. Remember, the only rules are the ones you make, and the right way to follow this method is the way that works best for you. (Insert mic drop here!)

Because of the limited number of hours you’ll be eating within, it’s very likely your intake will be substantially less than what you usually eat each day. That’s okay! Remember, this is a fast. Don’t worry about calories or try to force down food, as if you’ll never make it through the night. Remember, a fat-adapted body can survive on stored body fat for quite some time.

I had wanted to do the three-day fast, but after listening to my body I opted for the shortened window fast. I ate within a four-hour window every day for seven days. The shortened window fast didn’t seem like a fast, so I was worried I was doing it wrong until I took some time to listen to my body and notice the results.

My skin has cleared up, the pounds and inches melted off—which is so odd to me because of all the fat I ate. I am one of those people who cut as much fat out of my diet as possible for the last several years, so I definitely had to “trust” the process. I also had dealt with stomach issues in the past when eating fat, so I was very leery to eat any. I was amazed that I had absolutely no stomach issues with the diet and felt satisfied by all of the wonderful recipes I tried. My only disappointment was that I wanted to try more recipes but always found myself feeling so satisfied that I didn’t need to eat more! I’ve got a list of recipes I want to try in the near future. I also found myself naturally drinking more water than ever before.

I also loved the fact that I had time to do more in the day. When only thinking about eating within four hours, I wasn’t consumed with meal planning the other times of the day and found myself getting so much done.

I do hope to try the three-day fast the next time I get a chance, but the one thing I have definitely learned to do is to listen to my body. If I don’t feel like it’s the right time, I know I can do the shortened window fast and still have amazing results! —LORI F.


The level 3 fast is called OMAD, which stands for One Meal a Day. This one is pretty self-explanatory. OMAD is a practice of fasting an entire day, except for one meal. If you choose OMAD, you’ll be testing it for three consecutive days; ideally, you’ll want to eat your meal (and any additional calories) within a one- or two-hour window.

Which meal you choose is up to you and should be based on your lifestyle and the time of day when your desire to eat is most active. As with all scheduled eating, it’s best to choose the same mealtime each day. Parents have often mentioned that they find it most convenient to choose dinner as their meal of the day so they can spend quality time with their children and role-model healthy habits. I love the idea of parents modeling healthy eating for their kids. Our children are always watching. For that reason, instead of talking about diet, use dinner as a time to talk about food as fuel and the power of unprocessed whole ingredients.

When practicing OMAD, be careful to not to binge or indulge beyond what you would typically eat for a meal. Remember, although fasting comes with many health benefits, it is also a practice in releasing our emotional attachment to food. There’s no reason to supersize portions or stuff yourself. Eat to the point of satiety, never discomfort. You’re eating only one meal, so the quality of the ingredients is critical. Do your best to create meals with whole, unprocessed foods.

Practice mindful eating. Work to be consciously aware of each bite. To maximize the health benefits of a modified fast such as OMAD, meals should be higher in healthy fats, lower in carbohydrates, and moderate in protein to help you stay in ketosis. The carbs should be complex carbohydrates, and mostly from plants.

Avoid consuming calorie-laden drinks before your one meal. If you’re going to eat something before your meal, be mindful of your macronutrients and whether your choice will affect your insulin level and spike your blood sugar. Ultimately, how carefully you follow this recommendation is up to you.

We started the 131 Method at the ages of 59 and 68 to get into better health so that when we are older we will not have to go to many doctors’ visits. Needless to say, it was eye-opening, informative, and last but not least, amazing. When we got to the fasting protocols, the OMAD wasn’t as hard to try as we thought. We just shortened our eating window more and more so we could have one meal a day . . . We used to think the older you get, the harder it is to lose weight . . . but it’s NOT! I’m now 60, and I’ve lost 55 pounds. I haven’t been this size for over 20 years. My husband is 69 and down to his college weight of 175 pounds—a loss of 45 pounds. AMAZING to say the least. :) —ELIZABETH AND KEN K.


Level 4 is the most advanced fast, but many consider it the most rewarding. If you have mastered intermittent fasting with an eight-hour eating window and maintained ketosis for several days, you might find your first three-day fast far easier than you’ve anticipated.

A three-day mini-fast can look like a variety of things as you can customize your experience to meet your needs. Traditionally speaking, a three-day mini-fast might mean you are only drinking water for 72 hours. However, due in large part to the works of Dr. Valter Longo and others, we now know that many of the benefits of fasting can be achieved without fully abstaining from calories or food. This means your three-day mini-fast should be designed to include the support (from a mental, physical, and nutritional standpoint) that you need to be successful.

Regardless of how you design your three-day fast, it is essential you support your efforts with adequate hydration and with special attention given to ensure electrolytes are balanced (as discussed in Chapter 4). I might add the other key component to a successful fast, regardless of type, is that you exercise common sense. If you’re not feeling well, end the fast!

A three-day mini-fast probably sounds a bit intimidating. I get it. As a fitness professional, for decades I warned people of the “dangers” of skipping even one meal. Today I am empowered by the research and human studies of great scientists who are helping us to uncover the miraculous healing benefits of fasting. I now have firsthand experiencing preparing my body to fast, and I know that if you follow the 131 Method, fasting will help you rebuild and repair your immune system, improve overall health, manage emotional eating, and help you to keep body fat off for good. By following this plan, you will find the three-day fast to be one of the most healing, powerful, and transforming things you can do for yourself.

Let’s get real. Going without food for three days is going to be much tougher on you mentally than it will be physically. Keep that in mind. Don’t set yourself up for disaster. Think about what you have going on, the situations you’ll be in, any social engagements you might have planned, your health, and of course your stress at the moment. If you are under considerable stress, level 1 or 2 is likely a better fit.

Your three-day mini-fast starts when you’re ready to start it. Select three days during the week that make the most sense for your lifestyle; three days where you simply won’t have to rely solely on your willpower. Pick three days during which you can keep yourself quite busy. Try to avoid scheduling your fast to coincide with a big social gathering, or even a close-of-the-soccer-season pizza party. It’s not the end of the world if you decide to delay the start of your fast by a day or even a week, if that makes life a little easier. No part of this should be painful or rigid. This whole journey leads to a healthier version of you. This is real life, not a prison sentence.

Once you complete your three-day mini-fast, you will begin refueling and prepare to move on to your next phase feeling lighter, stronger, and more empowered than ever.

Your three-day mini-fast will give your digestive system three full days of rest. Three days is sufficient for most people to burn entirely through their glucose and glycogen stores and truly reap the benefits of fasting ketosis and the process of cellular autophagy.

The benefits of the three-day mini-fast include:


Support refers to the supplements, liquids, or anything else you might need to take in (including food) in order to make the most of your fasting experience. You may need support because fasting is new or to help you cope, whether physically or mentally.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I want you to take a food first approach to your health. However, there are circumstances where you may want to consider supplementation. In part because of the increased interest in the benefits of ketosis, many companies have developed supplements which can aid in the process of entering ketosis.

Exogenous ketones are man-made supplements (exogenous describes something made outside the body). As you’ve learned, your body has the ability to produce ketones naturally. Due in large part to the popularity of the ketogenic diet, the production of exogenous ketones has become big business. There are countless types, manufacturers, and uses to consider. Though your goal should be to produce ketones naturally, there are many individuals who find supplementing with exogenous ketones helps to minimize any discomfort associated with the transition into ketosis, which is sometimes referred to as “the keto flu.” A quality-ingredient exogenous ketone supplement may be ideal if you have a history of consuming a high-sugar/high-carb diet; if you find it difficult to maintain appropriate macronutrient levels prior to fasting, as may happen with vegans or vegetarians; or if you need to consume more than 10 to 15 percent carbohydrates.

I’ve experimented with several brands, flavors, and types of exogenous ketones. Without question they are man-made, highly processed ingredients, and I don’t endorse their long-term use. Personally, I prefer to get my body to produce them naturally. However, you may find them helpful in getting through a rough day of fasting.

The consumer availability of exogenous ketones is relatively new. There is a lot we don’t know yet, so proceed with caution. As with all decisions, you’re in charge!

Some things to consider before supplementing with man-made ketones:

If you do decide to proceed, look for 10 or more grams of beta-hydroxybutyrate per serving. Be wary of manufacturers that fail to list total grams on their packaging.


When you’re trying to stay in fat-burning mode, carbs will have the most significant impact on your insulin level. Instead of carbs, supplement with foods containing healthy fat, such as avocados, macadamia nuts, pecans, or cashew nuts. Or go for a pure healthy fat like coconut oil, coconut butter, grass-fed or grass-finished ghee, grass-fed butter, or even MCT oil. The oils and even butters can be stirred into your coffee or tea. That might sound strange, but trust me when I say you’ll feel surprisingly satisfied. In small quantities, these supplements should allow you to remain in fat-burning mode while continuing to rest your digestive system.

I think it’s important to note that many people really miss the act of chewing; others may experience digestive discomfort by consuming pure fat on an empty stomach. So, can you have a handful of nuts or a couple tablespoons of avocado? Sure! In fact, you can have ice cream if you think that’s the right decision for you. Just remember that almost everything, even nuts and avocado, contain carbohydrates. The more carbohydrates you consume, the more likely you are to push yourself out of ketosis. For the record, I have yet to do a fast where I didn’t have a few nuts. To judge the success of your fast, you need to include your mental state, not just the depth of your ketosis.


In my experience, fasting success is about 10 percent physical and about 90 percent mind-set. My first attempt at fasting was a disaster for three reasons. First, I didn’t know the importance of achieving ketosis before fasting. Second, I failed to plan activities to keep me busy and my mind off food. Third, and most significant, was my bad attitude. In the back of my mind I had decided I would quit even before I started. Your beliefs determine your outcome. Start with the right attitude.

Today fasting is a breeze for me. I actually love it. I look forward to it because I know how to prepare mentally and physically. Following these tips will help you avoid an unpleasant ride on the struggle bus.

In advance of your fasting days, pull out your calendar and pack it with productivity! Organize your closet, catch up on projects, schedule a garage clean-out, start that book you were going to write. (Most people say fasting is one of their favorite parts of the 131 Method, not just because of the physical benefits but because of the productivity that results.) Or pamper yourself, learn to meditate, take a hike with a friend, or read a great book.

Schedule activities away from food hubs like the lunchroom or the kitchen. During mealtimes and habitual “snacking hours,” set a meeting or appointment, or use the time to call your mom. (Legit, call your mom!) If mindless snacking is your nemesis, hang out anywhere other than where temptations can be found.

When all else fails, go to bed early.


I’ve lost 20 lbs. and 12 inches and kept it off for almost a year now! I keep cycling through the phases and have fasted four times! I have not had a major sickness in a year! The 131 Method has improved my immune system! I also love my relationship with food now. I’m not hungry or worried about when I’m going to eat next. So freeing! —RHONDA K.


There are several concepts you’ll see I have repeated several times throughout this book. I’ve done so with the intention of making the message stick. One of those is that fasting is optional.

Fasting is an option; it is not mandatory. (As I warned, I’ll repeat that message often.) Fasting can be a stressor on the system and should be carefully considered before you begin. Even if you choose not to fast during the entire 12-week process, I promise it will not hinder your success. At the end of each phase, before you begin your fast and refueling, you will find a fasting checklist. I recommend you complete this checklist before deciding if this is the right time and if fasting is right and safe for you. Fasting is not appropriate for all populations.


Remember: Always consult your doctor before starting a fast!


Before embarking on a fast, review the following to determine if fasting is appropriate for you at this time:


Refueling isn’t just a cute way to describe the fact that you get to eat again! Refueling is intentional and specific and many believe it is perhaps even more important than the fast itself. Refueling gives you the opportunity to rebuild from scratch, to start over and to get it right. Here’s what I mean.

When you refuel you learn to listen to your body as you reintroduce and test foods. Done right, refueling will not only give you valuable gut health information, it will also help you to build a stronger gut lining, which in turn means a stronger immune system.

Imagine you had a friend in a relationship with this really rock-solid, awesome guy, the love of her life, her soul mate, the one who wanted to love her, care for her, and buy her cute shoes. Let’s pretend this friend didn’t realize what a catch she had. In fact, she took Prince Charming for granted, treated him poorly, and never listened. Frankly, she was abusive. You weren’t a bit surprised when he said he wanted to “take a break.” But now he’s decided to give her another chance, an opportunity to start anew.

This, my darling, is the story of your gut!

Fasting and refueling gives you an opportunity to do things differently this time and build something beautiful. This is why refueling is just as critical as the fast itself, if not more so. Refueling is like learning to appreciate and care for one of your most important assets. Think of refueling as a second chance to rebuild a healthy environment in your gut.

During your fast, you gave many systems of the body the opportunity to rest, including your digestive tract. Now you need to slowly and carefully reintroduce solid food. No matter how much you want a big plate of syrup-drenched pancakes, or even something healthy like a kale salad, you must start slowly, or find yourself making a mad dash to the restroom!

Aside from giving you an opportunity to be kinder to your gut, refueling is also an opportunity to create diversity in your gut microbiome and to understand which foods do and don’t work with your digestive tract or might be causing inflammation.

When trying to determine which foods cause you digestive distress, it’s essential you go about refueling in a way that makes it easy to identify the culprit. That’s why I suggest, if at all possible, that you avoid combining foods for at least the first day. If, for example, you develop a pounding headache or painful gas soon after your first refueling meal, you’ll want to know which food is to blame. But if that first meal was scrambled eggs, spinach sautéed in olive oil, brown rice, and some sliced avocado, it will be difficult to pinpoint the culprit that’s causing your digestive sensitivity.

Use your symptom tracker to record what you ate and when. And before you break up officially with dairy, peanuts, tomatoes, or whatever food you suspect of having caused your distress, consider this: The urgency to rush to the bathroom immediately after eating a particular food might have little to do with a potential food sensitivity. Rapid elimination, fast transit, urgent bowel movements, and even diarrhea immediately after a meal can be the result of many gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), candida overgrowth, acid reflux, Crohn’s disease, or another illness. If these symptoms persist, repeating each of the three phases of the 131 Method will aid in the healing of your gut. It goes without saying that persistent problems should be addressed by a qualified physician. I would also encourage you to consider working with a qualified integrative medical doctor who specializes in digestive health.

Every time you complete a phase, your immune system will get stronger, your metabolism will get faster, and your digestion better able to tolerate foods that in the past may have been problematic.



Use the chart below to track your food and symptoms while refueling. Describe your symptoms below each food you list.

Symptom (describe in the space provided) Food 1 Food 2
Joint/muscle pain, aches, inflammation
Fatigue, sleepiness, insomnia
Digestive discomfort: bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, reflux, etc.
Headache, migraine
Sore throat, stuffy nose, sinus infection, itchy eyes
Skin rash, redness, acne
Poor concentration and lack of focus
Mood disturbance, irritability, depression, anxiety
Excitability and hyperactivity
Other: List symptom
No reaction
Joint/muscle pain, aches, inflammation
Fatigue, sleepiness, insomnia
Digestive discomfort: bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, reflux, etc.
Headache, migraine
Sore throat, stuffy nose, sinus infection, itchy eyes
Skin rash, redness, acne
Poor concentration and lack of focus
Mood disturbance, irritability, depression, anxiety
Excitability and hyperactivity
Other: List symptom
No reaction

*A PDF version of this tracker is included in the Ebook Supplemental Material download.

Using the Refueling Tracker, you’ll be able to identify signs and symptoms of foods that are inflammatory for you and foods that should be removed from your diet as you continue to heal your gut.


Congratulations! You’re ready to Ignite! Your next step is week 1 of phase 1 of the 131 Method. I encourage you to read through the next three chapters fully before starting the program. And don’t forget to share your progress with me at
