
+ (addition operator), 12

= (assignment operator), 13–15, 245, 276

{ } (braces), 23

+ (concatenation operator), 12–13, 27, 30, 130–131

-- (decrement operator), 130

. (dot operator), 59, 68

" (double quotation marks), 27

== (equal-to operator), 30, 276

// (forward slashes), 23, 28

> (greater-than operator), 30, 60

++ (increment operator), 129

< (less-than operator), 30, 60

% (modulo operator), 139

!= (not-equal-to operator), 29

; (semicolon), 24

~ (tilde), 16

* (wildcard character), 46


About screen, 113–114

AbsoluteLayout value, 240

ActionListener class, 63–64, 226

action listeners, 46–47, 68, 234

actionPerformed() method, 63, 154–156, 227–228, 234

addActionListener() method, 63

addMouseListener() method, 213

addition operator (+), 12

AlertDialog class, 113–114

alert dialog pop-up, 113–114

Android devices

connecting to computer, 101

Developer mode, 100–101

preparing to run apps, 100

testing apps on, 100–102

Android emulator

BubbleDraw app, 260–261

Hi-Lo guessing game, 94–99

Secret Messages app, 188–189

Android package files (APK), 101–102

Android Studio, 1. See also BubbleDraw app (Android mobile version); Hi-Lo guessing game (Android mobile version); Secret Messages app (Android mobile version)

activity selection, 78–79

Android emulator, 94–99

code completion, 91–92, 278

correcting spelling errors, 275

default project view, 80

Design tab, 80–81

grouping symbols, 277–278

importing classes automatically, 86

installing, 8–9

SDK or API levels, 78

starting projects, 76–80

Target Android Devices window, 78

updating, 176

widgets, 81

animation, 225–229. See also BubbleDraw app (Android mobile version); BubbleDraw app (GUI version)

adding timer, 226

frame rate, 225, 241, 253

preparing, 227–228

setting timer, 226–227

starting timer, 229

threading, 249

anonymous inner classes, 63, 91, 155, 167, 184, 210

APK (Android package files), 101–102

application program interface (API) levels, 78

apply() method, 119

arguments, 155

arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), 12

ArrayList data structure, 205–210, 253

assignment operator (=), 13–15, 245, 276

attributes, 26


binary search, 40

bin folder, 1, 11–12, 141–143

Boolean expressions, 65

braces ({ }), 23

break statement, 113

Bubble class, 200–205, 255–257

attributes for, 201

defining bubbles, 200–202

methods for, 202–205

modifying, 255–257

BubbleDraw app (Android mobile version)

adding animation variables, 252–253

adding testBubbles() method, 258–259

BubbleView() constructor, 254

custom app launcher icon, 268–270

adding, 268–269

changing app name, 270

creating, 268

displaying, 269–270

drawing with onDraw() method, 257–258

handling OnTouchListener events, 259–260, 264-265

modifying Bubble class, 255–257

running in Android emulator, 260–261

setting up project, 250–252

testing, 258–261, 266–267

threading and multitasking, 261–264

touch event handler code, 264–265

combining single-pointer and multitouch events, 271–272

multitouch, 266–267

BubbleDraw app (desktop version)

building frame, 199

creating Bubble class, 200–205

attributes for, 201

defining bubbles, 200–202

methods for, 202–205

creating project files, 198–199

mouse events, 210–217

clicks, 212–214

creating reusable event listener, 211–212

drags, 214–215

wheel events, 215–217

pixelated effect, 219–220

size variable limits, 218

storing bubbles in ArrayList, 205–210

adding constructor, 206–207

adding method, 207–208

testing BubblePanel class, 208–210

BubbleDraw app (GUI version)

adding transparency, 224–225

animation, 225–229

adding timer, 226

frame rate, 225, 241

preparing, 227–228

setting timer, 226–227

starting timer, 229

building GUI, 232–235

event handlers, 234–235

setting up panel and buttons, 232–233

collision detection, 235–239

hard bounces, 238–239

soft bounces, 236–238

copying project and renaming Java file, 222–223

fixed speed, 244–245

pixelated effect, 245–247

preventing stationary bubbles, 244

random speed and direction, 229–232

sharing app as runnable JAR file, 243

speed control slider, 240–243

customizing, 241

event handler, 242–243

BubbleDraw class, 199

BubbleListener class, 212–214, 227

Bubble() method, 202–204

BubblePanel class, 199, 201, 203, 206–209, 214–215

BubbleView class, 251–255

BubbleView() constructor, 254

Button component, 82, 84, 87, 180


adding, 82

adding event listeners, 62–64, 91–94

adding labeled, 46–47, 54

Clear button, 232–235

Click me! button, 46–47

Encode/Decode button, 152, 154–156, 159–164, 167, 179–180, 182–186

floating action button (fab), 84–85, 190–193

Guess! button, 54–55, 62–63, 66–69, 82, 93, 99

Move Up ^ button, 172–173, 196

OK button, 114

Pause/Start button, 232–235

Play Again button, 66, 73–74

showing and hiding, 73–74


Caesar cipher, 125–126

camel case, 14, 21

Canvas class, 256

case sensitivity, 14, 21, 274

casts (type casts), 24, 132

chained assignment, 245

charAt() method, 130–132

char data type, 132

checkGuess() method, 58–59, 65, 68–69, 73, 88–89, 106, 116, 120

child classes, 49

classes, 21, 86–87

anonymous inner classes, 63, 91, 155, 167, 184, 210

creating, 21–23, 200–204

extending, 49

importing, 25

public, 23

superclasses, 48

Clear button, 232–235

Click me! button, 46–47

close() method, 37, 135

code completion, 91–92, 278

code recommenders, 59, 274–275

collision detection, 235–239

hard bounces, 238–239

soft bounces, 236–238

Color Chooser dialog (in Eclipse), 160, 165

Color class, 201, 203, 224, 255–256

command line apps, running without Eclipse, 141–144

opening command line window, 142–144

workspace folders, 141–142

comments, 23, 28

comparison operators

equal to (==), 30, 276

greater than (>), 30, 60

less than (<), 30, 60

not equal to (!=), 29

compiler directives, 91

concatenation operator (+), 12–13, 27, 30, 130–131

conditional expressions, 30

conditions, 28

confirm dialogs, 163

content assist, 59, 274–275

content panes, 52


data structures, 205

debugging, 28

case sensitivity, 274

code completion, 278

commenting out, 28

grouping symbols, 276–278

spelling errors, 274–276

statement completion, 278

syntax coloring, 273

USB debugging, 100–102, 188, 267

decrement operator (--), 130

defaultCloseOperation property, 51–52

Dimension class, 64–65

dismiss() method, 114

dot notation, 26

dot operator (.), 59, 68

double quotation marks ("), 27

double variable type (double-precision floating point), 14

do-while loops, 33–35

draw() method, 204–205, 247, 256

drawOval() method, 250, 256–257

drawRect() method, 204


Eclipse, 1. See also BubbleDraw app (GUI version); Hi-Lo guessing game (GUI version); Secret Messages app (GUI version)

automatic indentation clean-up, 35

content assist and code recommenders, 59, 274–275

correcting spelling errors, 274–275

creating classes, 21–23

creating new Java project, 20–21

customizing appearance of, 7–8

grouping symbols, 277

installing, 3–4

perspectives, 21

saving code, 25

setting up

default workspace storage location, 4–5

installing WindowBuilder Editor, 6–7

modifying to run with Java 9, 5

setting up GUI projects, 48–49

themes, 7

WindowBuilder Editor, 50

Design tab, 50

installing, 6–7

Palette pane, 52–54

Properties pane, 51–52

Source tab, 56

workspace folders, 4–5, 141–142

/edit command, 16

editor action, 103

EditText component, 82, 84, 87, 102, 107, 178, 185

else-if statements, 138–139

else statements, 31

encapsulation, 201

Encode/Decode button, 152, 154–156, 159–164, 167, 179–180, 182–186

encode() method, 151–155, 182–185

equalsIgnoreCase() method, 34

equals() method, 34, 276

equal-to operator (==), 30, 276

escape character sequence (\n), 107, 178

event listeners, 62, 117. See also mouse events; touch events

for buttons, 62–64, 91–94

creating reusable, 211–212

for ENTER key, 103–104

exception handlers, 70–72

exceptions, 70

/exit command, 16

expressions, evaluating in JShell, 12–13

extending classes, 49


fab (floating action button) icon, 84–85, 190–193

fillOval() method, 204–205

fillRect() method, 220, 247

finally block, 71–72

findViewById() method, 87

floating action button (fab) icon, 84–85, 190–193

floating-point numbers, 14

FlowLayout value, 240

focus, 69

Font Chooser dialog (in Eclipse), 159

for-each loops, 228, 263

for loops, 129–134

forward slashes (//), 23, 28


game loops (do-while loops), 33–35

getHeight() method, 236–238

getInt() method, 120

getMenuInflator() method, 111

getPointerCount() method, 266, 271

getProgress() method, 186

getSource() method, 235

getStringExtra() method, 194

getText() method, 59, 155, 185

getUnitsToScroll() method, 216

getValue() method, 167–168, 243

getWidth() method, 236–238

Graphics class, 204

greater-than operator (>), 30, 60

grouping symbols, 276–278

Guess! button, 54–55, 62–63, 66–69, 82, 93, 99


Handler class, 253, 262

"Hello, Java!" test code, 9

/help command, 16

HiLo class, 21–23

Hi-Lo guessing game (Android mobile version)

adding method to begin new game, 90–91

adding method to check player’s guess, 88–89

building GUI layout, 80–83

changing guessing range, 114–117

adding variable, 115

dialog to allow user to select range, 116–117

modifying behavior of app to use variable, 115–116

changing number of tries, 122–123

event listeners, 91–94

options menu, 109–114

adding items to XML file, 110–111

alert dialog pop-up for About screen, 113–114

displaying, 111–112

responding to user selections, 112–113

ratio of wins to losses, 123

running in Android emulator, 94–99

running on real Android device, 100–102

setting up project, 76–80

storing game stats, 120–122

storing user preferences, 118–120

Toast messages, 106

UX improvements, 102–105

aligning text field, 104

centering input in text field, 103

event listener for ENTER key, 103–104

visual improvements, 107

wiring up, 83–88

Hi-Lo guessing game (command line version)

completed code for, 37–38

counting tries, 40–41

creating HiLo class, 21–23

creating new Java project, 20–21

generating random numbers, 23–25

getting keyboard input, 25–27

increasing range of numbers, 40

loops, 28–35

if statements, 30–32

play again feature, 33–35

making program print output, 27–28

overview of, 19–20

planning basic version of, 20

prompting for user input, 26

testing, 36–37

thank-you for playing, 36–37

Hi-Lo guessing game (GUI version)

adding method to check player’s guess, 58

converting strings to numbers, 60–61

getting text from text field, 59–60

designing GUI, 50–58

aligning elements, 54–55

customizing components, 52–54

setting properties, 51–52

wiring up, 55–58

event listeners, 62–64

handling bad input, 69–72

new game (picking new random number), 61–62

play again feature, 66–67, 73–74

setting up GUI window, 64–65

setting up project, 48–49

showing and hiding Play Again button, 73–74

showing number of tries, 73

testing, 66

UX improvements, 67–70

automatically removing old guesses, 68–69

pressing ENTER to guess, 68

/history command, 16


if-else statements, 31, 135

if statements, 30–32, 134

image editors, 268

ImageView class, 251, 253

/imports command, 16

increment operator (++), 129

indentation, 30, 35, 277

indexes, 129

inflate() method, 111

inheritance, 48

input dialogs, 163

Integer class, 60

int variable type (integer), 13

invalidate() method, 259, 263

isSpace() method, 135

<item> tag, 111

iteration, 128


JAR (Java archive) files, 169–171, 243

Java, 1

as first programming language, xx

modifying Eclipse to run with Java 9, 5

as object-oriented programming language, 21

printing output in, 15

testing setup using JShell, 9–17

Java archive (JAR) files, 169–171, 243

Java Development Kit (JDK), 2–3, 10

Java Perspective (in Eclipse), 21

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) software, 1–2, 141

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) software, 1–2, 141

JButton component, 46, 52, 54, 63, 74, 151, 232

JCheckBox component, 52

JDK (Java Development Kit), 2–3, 10

JFrame class, 44, 48–49, 199, 223

JLabel component, 52–54, 57, 61, 74, 151, 240

JOptionPane component, 164

JPanel component, 46, 198–199, 207–208, 232, 240

JRE (Java Runtime Environment) software, 1–2, 141

JScrollPane component, 173–174

JShell, 9

commands, 16–17

creating GUIs in, 44–47

declaring Java variables in, 13–15

evaluating Java expressions in, 12–13

“Hello, Java!” test code, 9

opening code in, 16

printing output, 15

running, 9–11

from command line, 10–11

confirming installed version of JDK, 10

from shortcut, 11–12

saving code created in, 16

starting new code snippets, 17

testing Java setup, 9–17

JShell Edit Pad, 46–47

JSlider component, 164–167

JTextArea component, 150–152

scroll bars for, 173–174

wrapping text, 162

JTextField component, 52–53, 56–57, 59–60, 68–69, 151–152

JVM (Java Virtual Machine) software, 1–2, 141


key/value pairs, 118



adding, 52–54, 81–82

alignment, 53

editing, 53, 81–82

font, 53

naming for coding, 56

length() method, 129–131

less-than operator (<), 30, 60

lineWrap property, 162

/list command, 16

logarithms, 123

log() method, 123

loops, 28–35, 144–145

do-while loops, 33–35

for-each loops, 228, 263

for loops, 129–134

nested, 38

while loops, 28–30


MadLibs class, 41

MadLibs game

Android mobile version, 107

command line version, 41

GUI version, 74

main() method

BubbleDraw app

desktop version, 210

GUI version, 222–223

Hi-Lo guessing game

command line version, 22–23, 25, 29, 35

GUI version, 48, 64–65

Secret Messages app

command line version, 127–128, 135–136

GUI version, 148, 156–157

majorTickSpacing property, 165, 241

makeText() method, 106

manifest file, 193

Math class, 23

math expressions, 12

MenuInflator class, 111

<menu> tag, 110–111

message dialogs, 163–164

methods, 22, 200–210

designing, 202–205, 207–208

displaying available methods with content assist, 68–69

method signature, 207

minorTickSpacing property, 165, 241

modulo operator (%), 139

MouseAdapter class, 212

mouseClicked() method, 212

mouseDragged() method, 214–215

MouseEvent class, 212–213

mouse events, 210–217

clicks, 212–214

creating reusable event listener, 211–212

drags, 214–215

wheel events, 215–217

mouseMoved() method, 214

mousePressed() method, 212–214

mouseReleased() method, 212

MouseWheelEvent class, 215–216

mouseWheelMoved() method, 216, 218

Move Up ^ button, 172–173, 196

multitasking, 249, 261–264

multitouch, 249, 266–267


\n (escape character sequence), 107, 178

nested loops, 38

newGame() method, 61–62, 64, 66–67, 90, 113–115, 120

New Java Class dialog (in Eclipse), 22–23, 49, 148

New Java Project dialog (in Eclipse), 20–21

newline character, 107, 178

nextInt() method, 25, 27–28, 203–204, 224, 231

nextLine() method, 25, 128

not-equal-to operator (!=), 29

numeric variables, 13–14


object-oriented programming, 21, 198

objects, 21

OK button, 114

OnClickListener event handler class, 91–92, 184

onClick() method, 93, 114, 184–185, 191

onCreate() method, 87, 90–91, 115, 120, 182, 191

onCreateOptionsMenu() method, 111

onDraw() method, 257–258, 263

online resources, xxi–xxii

onOptionsItemSelected() method, 112, 116, 118–119, 121

onProgressChanged() method, 188

OnSeekBarChangeListener event handler, 187–188

onStartTrackingTouch() method, 188

onStopTrackingTouch() method, 188

OnTouchListener interface, 251–252, 259–260

onTouch() method, 259–260, 264–265, 271

/open command, 16


arithmetic (+, -, *, /), 12

assignment (=), 13–15, 245, 276


equal to (==), 30, 276

greater than (>), 30, 60

less than (<), 30, 60

not equal to (!=), 29

concatenation, 12–13, 27, 30, 130–131

decrement (--), 130

dot (.), 59, 68

increment (++), 129

modulo (%), 139

options menu, adding in Android, 109–114

adding items to XML file, 110–111

alert dialog pop-up for About screen, 113–114

displaying, 111–112

responding to user selections, 112–113


package declarations, 85–86

Paint class, 253

paintComponent() method, 207

parameters, 153

parent classes (superclasses), 48

parseInt() method, 155, 185

parsing, 60

Pause/Start button, 232–235

persistent information, storing, 118–121

pixelated effect, 219–220, 245–247

Play Again button, 66, 73–74

pointers, 266

postDelayed() method, 263

println() method, 15, 26–27

private modifier, 57

procedural programming, 198

public modifier, 58


Random class, 203

random() method, 24, 203

range settings dialog, 116–117

refactoring, 223

RelativeLayout value, 255

repaint() method, 209, 213, 215, 228, 234

requestFocus() method, 164

/reset command, 16

resource leaks, 37, 135

return statement, 113

run() method, 262

Runnable interface, 262


/save command, 16

Scanner class, 25, 37


different operating systems and, 216–217

mouse wheel events, 215–217

scroll bars, 173–174

SDK (software development kit) levels, 78

Secret Messages app (Android mobile version)

connecting Encode button to encode() method, 182–185

customizing fab icon, 190–193

designing GUI, 177–181

Move Up ^ button, 196

receiving secret messages from other apps, 193–195

running in Android emulator, 188–189

running on real Android device, 188–190

SeekBar component, 187–188, 196

setting up project, 176–177

testing, 185–187

wiring up, 182–188

Secret Messages app (command line version)

adding loops to, 144–145

Caesar cipher, 125–126

character values, 132–133

closing all input/output resources, 135–136

custom key values, 137–138

encoding digits, 138–141

encoding only letters, 133–135

full version of, 140–141

languages other than English, 135

reversing and encoding, 145

setting up project, 126–131

asking user for input, 128

creating project in Eclipse, 127

message reverser, 128–131

strings, 128–131

try-catch blocks, 145

Secret Messages app (GUI version)

building main() method, 156–157

creating encode() method, 151–154

designing GUI, 148–151

event handling, 154–156

full source code, 157–159

handling bad input, 156, 162–164

improving GUI, 159–169

line and word wrap, 161–162

Move Up ^ button, 172–173

numeric slider

adding, 164–166

code cracking with, 166, 168–169

moving when value in text field changes, 174

scroll bars, 173–174

setting up project, 148

sharing as runnable JAR file, 169–171

wiring up, 148–151

SecretMessagesGUI class, 152

SeekBar component, 179–180, 187–188, 196

selectAll() method, 69, 164

Select Deployment Target dialog (in Android Studio), 98, 198

semicolon (;), 24

setBackground() method, 207

setButton() method, 114

setColor() method, 204

setItems() method, 117

setOnClickListener() method, 183–184, 191

setOnSeekBarChangeListener() method, 187

setOnTouchListener() method, 265

setSize() method, 64

setText() method, 61, 107, 156, 167

setVisible() method, 45, 65

shared preferences, 118–121

showMessageDialog() method, 163

show() method, 106



adding, 164–166

code cracking with, 166, 168–169

moving when value in text field changes, 174

speed control, 240–243

customizing, 241

event handler, 242–243

smart completion, 278

Snackbar pop-up messages, 191

software development kit (SDK) levels, 78

spelling errors, 274–276

src (source code) folder, 22, 48, 127, 141, 148

start() method, 229

stateChanged() method, 166–167, 242

statement completion, 278

stop() method, 229

storeRange() method, 119

strings, 12

String variable type, 14–15, 33

stubs, 22

superclasses (parent classes), 48

super() method, 253

switch statement, 113

syntax coloring, 273

System class, 26 object, 25

System.out object, 26


temporary variables, 12

Terminal, 142

testBubbles() method, 208–210, 213, 258–259, 265

Text class, 88

text fields

adding, 82

aligning, 104

centering input in, 103

declaring at top level of class, 56–57

getting text from, 59

sizing, 83

wiring up, 55–56, 83–84

TextView component, 81–82, 84, 87, 104, 107, 114–116, 177

Thread class, 262

threading, 249, 261–264

threads, 253

tilde (~), 16

Timer class, 225–227

title property, 51

Toast messages, 106

toString() method, 88, 185

touch events, 251–252, 259–260, 264–267, 271–272

transparency, 224–225

try-catch statements, 71–72, 145, 156, 162–163

type casts (casts), 24, 132


undo, 55

Unicode, 132

update() method, 228, 237–238, 255

USB debugging in Android, 100–101

user experience (UX), 67



declaring and initializing, 26

declaring at top level of class, 56–58

declaring in JShell, 13–15

temporary, 12

/vars command, 16

void modifier, 58


what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) interfaces, 50

while loops, 28–30

wildcard character (*), 46

WindowBuilder Editor (in Eclipse), 50–52

Design tab, 50

installing, 6–7

Palette pane, 52–54

Properties pane, 51–52

Source tab, 56


close operation, 51–52

content panes, 52

creating, 44–45

sizing, 64

titles, 51

wrapStyleWord property, 162

WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) interfaces, 50