Afton (IA): 95
Ague: 30
Alamo Mocho (CA): 169
Albany (OR): 34
Aldritch, James: 42
Alkali: 24, 43, 106, 119–20, 147, 176, 190–91, 240–41
Anienza swamp (AZ): 237
Antelope: 44–45, 111–12; meat of, 42, 111, 161, 215
Antelope Peak (AZ): 171
Antelope Springs (TX): 190
Antelope Station (AZ): 244
Apache Indians: 174, 176ff, 239
Arizona City (AZ): 245
Audrain County (MO): 56
Aurora (OR): 33n
Barilla Station (TX): 189, 224, 226
Barlow’s Gate (OR): 81
Barton, John: 165–66, 175, 185, 190; wife, 167, 177
Bear River (UT/ID): 47, 70, 132
Bears: 228
Beaver Creek (UT): 140
Beaver Dam Wash (UT): 144
Benton County (OR): 14
Bergman, Chris: 84
Berk’s Station (AZ): 243
Betz, Peter E.: 83
Bible: 134
Birds: whippoorwill, 213
Birdwell, Henry: 165
Black, Isaac Clifton: 56, 58, 82
Black, John Maupin: 55–57, 61, 69, 82–83
Black, John M., II: 84
Black, Lee: 83; children, 84; marries Helen Holton, 83–84
Black, Marguerite W. (Mrs. John M.): 8, 55, 84
Black, Martha: 83
Black, Mary Louisa (McRoberts): 8, 82; biography, 55–59; children, 56, 83; death, 84; diary, 59–82; illness, 61, 63, 67–69, 73
Black, Myrtilla (“Tilla”): 56, 58, 65, 67, 76, 80, 83; marries, 84
Black Foot Creek (ID): 26–27
Black Hills (WY): 23, 40, 60, 114
Blacks Fork River (WY): 69, 130
Blacksmithing: 138, 140, 166–67
Boats: on Columbia R., 33; on Platte R., 19, 21; on Snake R., 73–74
Bosco Creek (TX): 199
Brazos River (TX): 215
Brice, Agnes Arvilla: 35
Brice, Emma Etta: 35
Brick kiln: 137
Bridges: 22, 23, 64, 80, 118, 120, 123, 207
Buffalo (Bison): hides, 218
Bunyard, Daniel: 222
Bunyard, Frances Stewart: 209; ill, 224
Bunyard, Harriet: 7; death, children, 209; diary, 210–49
Bunyard, Larkin S.: 209; death, 209; occupations, 210
Bunyard, Stewart: 211–12, 232; train captain, 213
Burk’s Station (AZ): 171
Burney’s Station (NM): 178
Butter Creek (OR): 32
Butterfield Overland route: 163, 165n, 196n
Cache la Poudre River (WY): 60n, 61, 114–15
Cactus: 107, 114, 150, 169, 227, 238
Cadiz (OH): 15
Cajon Pass (CA): 149; toll gate, 150
California: overland parties to, 87, 187–89, 194, 196, 209
California Road: see Mormon Corridor
Camas Prairie (ID): 28
Camp Soda (CA): 148
Campbellites: 208
Canada: 156
Cañon Creek (ID): 26
Canyon Station (AZ): 173
Carrizo Creek (CA): 168
Carson River (NV): 110–13
Carter, William A.: 131
Cascades: of Columbia R., 33
Castle Gardens (NY): 155
Castle Mountains (TX): 221
Castle River (NE): 54
Catholic church: 181
Cattle: calves, 192–93; droves of, 233–24, 236; milk cows, 17, 21, 109; price of, 24, 92; retrieved from Indians, 160; shoeing of, 116; sick, 76; stampede, 61; stray off, 29; traded, 134–35, 138–40
Cedar City (UT): 141
Cedar trees and wood: 15–16, 40, 67, 101, 117, 218
Center Mill (TX): 200
Central House (OR): 30
Centralia Station (TX): 222
Chariton (LA): 93
Chariton River (IA/MO): 94
Cheese: 165; see also milk
Chicago (IL): 157
Childbirth: 19, 27, 65, 71, 158, 161
China Ponds (TX): 193
Chipman, Capt.: train of, 159
Cholera: 86
Cienaga River (AZ): 237
Clark, Ada Emiline: 152
Clark, Caroline Hopkins: Mormon convert, 7, 151; pregnant, 152
Clark, Edwin Frances “Frank”: 153–55, 157, 161; dies, 162
Clark, Harriet: 151
Clark, Herbert Henry: 152, 154–55
Clark, John: death, 152; 157, 159, 161; farmer, 152; LDS activity, 152; Mormon convert 151
Clark, John (“Jack, ” son): 161
Clark, Martha Eliza: 152–55; dies, 157
Clark, William “Roland”: 152, 155, 160
Clark County (MO): 91
Clear Creek: in NE, 101; in TX, 212
Cold Springs (NE): 22
Colorado River: in CA/AZ, 169, 245–46; in TX, 196, 219
Comanche (TX): 198
Concho River (TX): 193–94, 196, 219–21
Cooke Canyon (NM): 233–34
Cooke’s Wells (CA): 169
Coply, Charley: 165
Corn: for feed, 183, 188, 197; price of, 190; roasting ears, 197, 199, 226, 241
Corn Creek (UT): 139
Cottonwood (UT): 142
Cottonwood Bend (TX): 182
Cottonwood Creek (NE): 159
Cottonwood Spring (NV): 146
Cottonwood trees: 40, 97, 113, 149, 182, 229, 242
Council Bluffs (IA): 38–39, 59
Court House Rock (NE): 22
Cove Creek (UT): 140
Coyotes: 174
Cranberries: 216
Cross Timbers (OK/TX): 211
Currants: 22, 68, 130, 160, 220
Daughters of Utah Pioneers: 7, 152
Davis, Uncle Billy: 69
Davis, Silas: 62–63, 65, 67, 69, 79–80
Deacon, George C.: 166
Dead Man’s Hole (TX): 187, 227
Deaths on trails: 129, 232; in OR, 23, 26, 30, 70, 89–90, 130–31, 138, 144, 149, 157, 159, 235, 246
Delay, Dick: 171–73, 175, 179, 182, 191
Denton Creek (TX): 212
Devil’s Back Bone: 47
Devil’s Gate (WY): 24, 43, 161
Diaries and journals: sources of, 8–9, 55, 87, 210
Diarrhea: 61, 73, 155, 157, 224–35
Diseases: see cholera, dysentary, illnesses, scarlet fever, smallpox
Doctors: 79, 130, 141, 182, 188; fee, 130; see also medicine
Dogs: 106
Dogtown (NE): 103
Doubtful Canyon (AZ): 177
Downey (CA): 89
Dry Creek: in ID, 29; in UT, 139
Duck Creek (TX): 212
Dysentary: 27
Earache: 67
Echo Canyon (UT): 132
Elder Creek (WY): 23
Elk Horn (WY): 23
Elkhorn River (NE): 39
Elkhorn Springs (UT): 140
Emerson, Sally M.: 210
Emigrants: returning parties 122
England: 152
Farewell Bend (of Snake R.): 30
Fans, Levi and John: 69
Farming: in ID, 48
Feed for livestock: 184–85; barley, 171, 247; cost of, 246; molasses cane, 142; pasturage cost, 133–34, 136; see also corn, grass
Ferries: on Colorado R., 170–71; on Pecos R., 222; on Platte R., 122; on Rio Grande, 181; on Snake R., 49
Fifteen Mile House (OR): 32n
Fillmore, Pres. Millard: 137n
Fillmore (UT): 137
Firearms: see guns
Fireflies: 158
Fish: bought of Indians, 168; in trail streams, 71, 100, 115, 160, 194–96, 212, 215ff, 228
Fish Creek (WY): 24
Fish Pond (CA): L. Meacham store, 148
Flax: 71
Flowers: 21, 93, 103, 215, 225
Food: 160; see also beef, potatoes, provisions
Food poisoning: 58
Fort Belknap (TX): 215
Fort Bliss (TX): 231
Fort Bowie (NM): 235n
Fort Chadborne (TX): 218–19
Fort Cottonwood (NE): 19
Fort Fillmore (NM): 181
Fort Griffin (TX): 215–16
Fort Halleck (WY): 63–64, 117, 121
Fort Janis(TX): 224
Fort Kearney (new, NE, on Platte R.): 19, 59, 102
Fort Laramie (WY): 22, 40, 160
Fort McPherson (NE): 19n
Fort Stockton (TX): 190
Four Mile Creek (NE): 99
Fouts, Hubert E.: 210
Franklin (TX; El Paso): 182, 231
Fremonts Orchard (CO): 59, 110
Frogs: 195
Fuel for fires: weeds used, 99, 178, 186; see also buffalo chips, sagebrush, wood
Gatewood, Anna (or Ann) (Shackleford): 91, 94, 97, 105, 112, 131; burial at Fillmore (UT), 139; death, 89, 138; ill, 136–37
Gatewood, Annie: death, 90, 149; ill, 144–48; burial, 150
Gatewood, Atwell B. “Att”: 88, 91, 96–97, 102, 112, 123, 138, 165, 168, 179, 184,
Gatewood, Atwell B. (cont.) 190, 204; children die, 89, 90, 131, 144, 149; ill, 137; marries Miss Oxer, 203; wife, 201, 203
Gatewood, Jefiie: death, 89, 144; ill, 140–43
Gatewood, Mary: 130; death, 131
Gila Bend (AZ): 241
Gila City (AZ): 245
Gila River (AZ): 171–74, 240–45
Gillett, Collins Moore: 152; death, 161
Glenwood (LA): 97
Gnats: 112
Gold: mining in ID, 28, 36, 51–52, 78; in NM, 235
Gooseberries: 120–21, 160, 218, 221
Grande Ronde River and Valley (OR): 30
Grass: passim; blue and rye, 75
Graves: at Fillmore (UT), 139; on trails, 103–07, 116–17, 128, 216
Grayson County (TX): 208
Great Platte Road: 90
Green River (WY): 25, 46, 68, 129, 161
Grocery: 222
Guns: 46, 76, 167, 170, 173, 216–17; rifle purchased, 95
Hail storms: 46, 76, 107, 184, 217
Hamilton, John S.: 164–65, 190; wife, Jane, 165–66, 188
Hams Fork River (WY): 47, 69, 130, 161
Hangings: 211
Hanna, Joseph, Jemima: 57
Hanna (or Hannah), Josiah and Mary C.: 57, 59, 82–83; starts ferry, 83
Happy Camp (ID): 53
Hares: 161; see also rabbits
Hendricks, Grace Paul: 35
Home Creek (TX): 197
Hood County (TX): 205
Horses: passim; die, 135, 149, 185–86; emigrant use, 163ff, 242; of Indians, 139; have mountain fever, 54; sick, 183, 185; sold, 177; traded for, 138, 198
Horseshoe Creek (WY): 23
Hot springs: 134
Houses: see sod houses
Howerton, James and Gladys: 87
Ice Springs (WY): 161
Idaho: overland party to, 35
Illnesses: 23, 74, 184, 220; see also cholera, diarrhea, diseases, dysentary, earache, medicine, mountain fever, scarlet fever, smallpox, spotted plague
Independence Rock (WY): 24
Indians: 22, 38, 40, 42, 135, 146, 168, 215; atrocities of, 62–64, 160, 239; burials, 246; burned ranches, 101, 103, 107, 121; fear of, 177, 213; girl captives, 215–16; horses of, see horses; kill emigrants 25, 103, 172, 174, 214; as prisoners, 106; steal livestock, 147, 160, 174, 179, 225; women, 115; see also squaw wives
Indians Pass (TX): 218
Injuries: broken bones, 100; gunshot, 96; see also deaths
Irrigation: 75, 136, 242; see also farming
Jackrabbits: see rabbits
Jacksboro (TX):213–14
Jackson County (OR): 57
Jail Rock (NE): 22
John Bright (steamship): 152, 154
John Day River (OR): 32
Jones, Harvey: 51
Josephine County (OR): 82
Julesburg (CO): 20–21, 59, 106–07
July Fourth: recognized, 54, 113, 194
Jumpoff Joe Creek (OR): 82
Junction Basin (ID): 53
Junction City (OR): 58
Junction House (NE): 105
Kerfoot, Nellie: 89–98; death, 130
Kinyon Station (AZ): 242
Kirk, Crockett: 58
Kirk, James T. and Virginia: 58, 60, 63
Kirkland, Abraham K.: 88, 115, 135, 165, 170, 181, 185, 190, 200n, 207; child ill, 199; wife, 105, 120, 131, 134, 138, 140, 142, 145, 149, 165, 167, 173, 188, 191, 197, 201, 203
Klamath County (OR): 83
Knoxville (IA): 35–36
La Bonte Creek (WY): 23
La Grande (OR): 31
Lander, Frederick West: road of, 25
Leigh, Eva Paul: 35
Leon Holes (TX): 189
Leon River (TX): 198–99
Lewis, Fanny Bunyard: 210
Lewis River (ID): see Snake R.
Limpia Mountains (TX): 225
Lincoln County (OR): 14
Linn County (OR): 13
Liquor and temperance: 19, 102, 165, 226, 244
Liscomb (IA): 27–28
Liverpool (Eng.): 152
Livestock: see cattle, mules, oxen
Locusts: 184–85
Lodgepole Creek (NE): 21
Lon Creek (AZ): 238
Los Angeles (CA): 89
Lost River (ID): 27
Mcllree: Charles, Samuel, Walter, 14, 34
McKinney (TX): 208–10
Mail: carriers, 103, 231; route in ID, 52
Maricopa Indians: 173n, 174, 241
Masonic dinner: in TX, 203
Matthews Mill (CA): 163
Mays, George: 110
Medicine and doctoring: 19, 37–38, 57, 129; Blue Mass, 80; calomel, 63; cost of, 131; cures for livestock, 109; Jamaica ginger, 68; laudanum, 61, 63; list of medicines and uses, 85–86; morphine, 130; opium, 79; paregoric, 63; quinine, 61, 129–30; salts, 68–69; tannin, 63
Melons: 241; see also watermelons
Memphis (MO): 91
Mesilla (NM): 233
Mesquite: 164, 169–70, 190, 194, 217, 221, 238, 242; beans, 247
Mexico (MO): 56
Mileages: 216ff
Military: Buffalo soldiers, 180, 184n, 186, 189, 192, 218–19, 222–23, 226; in TX, 214, 216; at forts, 19, 44, 102; station and store, 118; on trails, 63–64, 103, 106–07, 124–25, 159, 173, 176, 194, 226, 235, 241
Milk and butter: 17, 112, 135, 226; buttermilk, 197–98
Mimbres, Rio (NM): 178–79n, 234
Mining: see gold, silver
Mississippi River: 157
Missouri: 163
Missouri River: 17, 157–58; crossing of, 39, 98
Mohave River (CA): 148–49
Mohawk Station (AZ): 244
Molasses: 207
Monmouth (OR): 8
More, William: 170
Mormon Trail or Trace: 87
Mormons: converts to, 151; as diarists, 45, 71, 158; emigrant numbers, 152; “Gentiles, ” 135; on Platte R., 20; preacher, 138
Mosquitoes: 119, 183, 191, 206, 245
Mountain fever: 86, 89, 128, 137
Mountain sheep: 117
Mountain Spring (NV): 147
Mud Springs: in NE, 22; in OR, 32
Muddy Fork River (WY): 161
Muddy River (NV): 146
Mule Springs (CA): 81
Mules: 147, 164, 170, 185; cattle baded for, 140
Music: see recreation
Nebraska City (NE): 158
Negroes: 39, 187, 190, 224, 249; soldiers, 180, 184n, 186; see also military
Nephi (UT): 135
New River (CA): 247
Newman, J.: 31
Nishnabotna River (1A): 17; Middle River, 96
Oak Flat (CA): 165
Oatman family: 172n
Oats: bought, 76
O’Fallons Bluffs (NE): 20
Oregon: overland parties to, 13, 55; State Prison, 33
Organization of emigrant parties: elect
Orodell (OR): 31
Otoe County (NE): 158
Ottawa River (IA): 96
Oxen: death of, 24; for plowing, 181; shoeing of, 112, 127
Packers: 127–28
Panther Creek (TX): 197
Panthers: 194
Parawan(UT): 141
Paul, Mrs. Arvilla Shipley: 35, 37–39
Pawnee Indians: 18
Pecos River and Springs (NM/TX): 191–92, 221–22
Peoria (OR): 34
Picacho (Saddle Mountain, AZ): 239
Pierpont’s Ranch (TX): 183
Pike, Sam and Emma: 155
Pilot Knob (CA): 170
Pilot Point (TX): 211
Pim Indians: 239
Pine Creek (UT): 140
Plano (TX): 207
Platte River (IA/MO): 95
Platte River (NE/WY): 18–20, 40–42, 59, 101–21; crossing of, 110–ll;North, 21–24, 65, 159
Plattsmouth (NE): 17, 59, 90, 99
Pole Creek: see Lodgepole Creek
Porter, Andrew Jackson: 13–16
Porter, Elizabeth Lee: 8; children, 14;
diary of, 16–34; rheumatic, 16; as teacher, 14–15
Portland (OR): 33
Potatoes: 75, 132, 135, 140, 246
Prairie dogs: 60, 106, 115, 218, 220
Pratt, Sarah: 90
Prices: of provisions, 181, 195, 226
Provisions for the trail: 17;prices of, 188; see also beef, eggs, flour, milk, potatoes, prices
Provo (UT): 134
Pumpkin Creek (NE): 22
Quicksand: 127
Quincy (IA): 95
Quincy (IL): 157
Rabbits and jackrabbits: 19, 42, 69, 107, 167; see also hares
Rafts: 192
Railroads: along Columbia R., 33
Rain: passim; 237
Rattlesnake Creek (ID): 28
Recreation: at sea, 154; on trails, 93, 100–01, 103, 109, 159
Red Buttes (WY): 23
Red Oak (IA): 96
Resting Springs (NV): 200
Rhyne, Isaac N.: 88, 91–92, 97, 139–40
Rhyne, Mary: 88, 118, 121, 129, 131, 138, 146; marries Asa Todd, 89
Rhyne, Susan: 88, 97, 113, 115, 131; marries J.T. Wood, 89
Ridgway, George: 165; shot, 182
Rio Grande (TX): 181–84, 228, 232
Rivers and creeks: crossing of, 20, 43, 62, 73–74, 110–11, 163–64, 192, 233; see also bridges, ferries, river names
Riverside (CA): 89
Roads: in CO mountains, 124–25; dusty, 124–25; muddy, 92; rocky, 216; rough, 141; sandy, 25, 39, 109, 168ff, 246–47; toll, 243
Rock Creek: in OR, 32; in WY, 120
Rogue River (OR): Valley, 82
Roscoe (MO): 200n
Round Canyon (UT): 136
Sacaton (AZ): 240
Sage Creek (WY): 122
Sagebrush: 27, 44, 66, 124–25, 190
Sagehens: 69
St. George (UT): 142
Salem (OR): 33
Salt: price of, 188
Salt Lake City: 233
Salt River (WY): 26
Salt Springs (WY): 26
San Bernardino (CA): 90, 150, 163
San Jacinto River (CA): 164
San Pedro River (AZ): 176, 236
San Simon (AZ): 177
Santa Ana River (CA): 163
Santa Clara (UT): 142
Scarlet fever: 38
Scotts Bluff (NE): 22
Seasickness: 152
Seneca Creek (AZ): 175
Seven Wells (CA): 169
Sevier River (UT): 136
Shackleford, Anna: 88; see also Anna Gatewood
Shackleford, Debbie: 88
Shackleford, Frankie: 91–93, 97, 143, 145
Shackleford, Mary: 88, 98, 105, 111, 115; death, 89, 130
Shackleford, Ruth: diary, 91–150, 163–208; family, 88; ill, 105, 113–14, 116–25, 128–30, 135–36, 187
Shackleford, Sarah: 88
Shackleford, William “Frank”: 88, 91, 97–100, 102, 105, 108–17, 121, 124, 126–47, 150, 163–64, 166, 168, 170, 173, 181, 200; as carpenter, 89, 201; ill, 132–34, 145, 191–92
Sherman (TX): 208
Shipley, Brice: 35, 42–43, 46, 51, 53–54; occupations, 36
Shipley, Clarissa Elvira (Aldritch): 8; family of, 8, 35; diary of, 36–54
Silver: in AZ, 238; mining in ID, 28, 36, 51–52
Silver Creek (ID): 17
Skunk Creek (ID): 49
Slavery: in MO, 56–57
Snake Indians: 70
Snake (or Lewis) River (ID/OR): 26–27, 30, 72–73; crossing of, 27, 30, 49, 77
Snow: 136
Soap Creek (MO): 93
Sod houses: 102
Soldier’s Farewell (NM): 178
Southern Calif. Historical Soc.: 7, 210
Spanish dagger: 223
Spotted plague: 38
Spring Valley (ID): 50
Springs: frequency, 136; see also hot
Squaw Creek (TX): 198
Stagecoaching: 66; stations on trails, 22, 52, 64, 126
Stamper, Mr. and Mrs. Andy: 26–27, 31
Stanwick’s Station (AZ): 243
Steamboat Springs (ID): 48
Steamboats: 152
Stephensville (TX): 199
Stevens Creek (NM): 235
Stevens Peak (NM): 235
Stewart, Ed: 222
Stewart, Jim: 231
Stine’s Peak(NM): 178
Stockton (TX): 200
Stonehouse, Mr.: 159
Stoves: 98
Sulphur Springs: in AZ, 176, 236; in TX, 223; inWY, 128
Summit (UT): 141
Sunday observance: 52, 95, 101, 103, 108, 111, 138, 166, 200, 202–03, 217
Sutton’s Ranch (AZ): 173
Sweetwater River (WY): 24–25, 43
Tarrant County (TX): 205
Telegraph, overland: 160
Temecula (CA): 165
Texas: 207, 210; overland party to, 163; routes in, 190
Texas Hill Station (AZ): 243
Thomas, John: 232
Thornton’s Hill (TX): 217
Three Crossings Military Station (WY): 44
Thunder, lightning: 44, 102, 104, 185, 236
Timber: in OR, 15–16; on Platte islands, 18; in TX, 206
Tobacco: 198
Todd, Asa: 89
Tonkawa Indians: 216
Tree Creek (NE): 159
Trinity River (TX): 206, 211, 213
Umatilla Indian Agency: 32
Umatilla River (OR): 32
Union County (IA): 95
Upton (UT): 152
Utah: overland parties in, 151
Utah Lake: 134
Vallecito (CA): 167
Van Horn’s well (TX): 227
Virgin River (UT): 144
Wages: in UT, 132
Wagons: brakes for, 77; numbers of, 112, 122, 165, 226; repairs on, 46–47, 61, 119, 175, 211; traded, 138; wheels locked, 133, 149, 175–76
Warm Creek (CA): 150
Warner, Jonathan T.: 166n
Warren, Henry: 51
Water: passim; price on desert, 190, 233; scarcity on trails, 48–50
Weather: in CA, 18; flood, 29; heat, 18, 159; see also hail storms, rain, snow, thunder
Weber (UT): 132, 250
Weber River (UT): 132
Weiser River (ID): 77
Weston (TX): 208
Whitson, Dr.: 31
Wild Rose Pass (TX): 225
Willamette River (OR): 33
Willow Creek: in ID, 28; in WY, 24
Willow Spring (WY): 24
Winston Springs (NV): 147
Women: short dresses, 100; see also squaw wives
Wood, J.T.: 89
Wood: lack of, 168, 227; see also cedar, fuel, sagebrush
Works Progress Admin. (WPA): 210
Wyoming (NE): 158–59
Yates, Mrs.: Mormon emigrant, 158
Young County (TX): 214
Yuma (AZ): 171
Yuma Indians: 169–70