Leviticus 1

Leviticus 2

Leviticus 3

Leviticus 4

4:2 a Lev. 5:15–18; Num. 15:22–30; 1 Sam. 14:27; Acts 3:17

4:2 1 through error

4:3 b Ex. 40:15; Lev. 8:12

4:3 c Lev. 3:1; 9:2

4:3 d Lev. 9:7

4:4 e Lev. 1:3, 4; 4:15; Num. 8:12

4:5 f Lev. 16:14; Num. 19:4

4:6 g Ex. 40:21, 26

4:7 h Lev. 4:18, 25, 30, 34; 8:15; 9:9; 16:18

4:7 i Ex. 40:5, 6; Lev. 5:9

4:10 j Lev. 3:3–5

4:11 k Ex. 29:14; Lev. 9:11; Num. 19:5

4:12 l Lev. 4:21; 6:10, 11; 16:27

4:12 m (Heb. 13:11, 12)

4:13 n Num. 15:24–26; Josh. 7:11

4:13 o Lev. 5:2–4, 17

4:15 p Lev. 1:3, 4

4:16 q Lev. 4:5; (Heb. 9:12–14)

4:20 r Lev. 4:3

4:20 s Lev. 1:4; Num. 15:25

4:20 2 Lit. covering

4:22 t Lev. 4:2, 13, 27

4:22 3 leader

4:23 u Lev. 4:14; 5:4

4:23 4 is made known to him

4:24 v Lev. 4:4; (Is. 53:6)

4:25 w Lev. 4:7, 18, 30, 34

4:26 x Lev. 3:3–5

4:26 y Lev. 4:20; Num. 15:28

4:26 5 Lit. covering

4:27 z Lev. 4:2; Num. 15:27

4:27 6 Lit. any soul

4:27 7 Lit. people of the land

4:28 a Lev. 4:23

4:29 b Lev. 1:4; 4:4, 24

4:31 c Lev. 3:14

4:31 d Lev. 3:3, 4

4:31 e Gen. 8:21; Ex. 29:18; Lev. 1:9, 13; 2:2, 9, 12

4:31 f Lev. 4:26

4:32 g Lev. 4:28

4:33 h Lev. 1:4; Num. 8:12

4:35 i Lev. 3:5

4:35 j Lev. 4:26, 31

Leviticus 5

5:1 a Prov. 29:24; (Jer. 23:10)

5:1 b Lev. 5:17; 7:18; 17:16; 19:8; 20:17; Num. 9:13

5:1 1 his iniquity

5:2 c Lev. 11:24, 28, 31, 39; Num. 19:11–16; Deut. 14:8

5:2 d Lev. 5:17

5:3 e Lev. 5:12, 13, 15

5:4 f 1 Sam. 25:22; Acts 23:12

5:4 g (Matt. 5:33–37); Mark 6:23; (James 5:12)

5:4 2 vows

5:5 h Lev. 16:21; 26:40; Num. 5:7; Ezra 10:11, 12; Ps. 32:5; Prov. 28:13

5:7 i Lev. 12:6, 8; 14:21

5:7 j Lev. 1:14

5:8 k Lev. 1:15–17

5:8 3 Lit. apart

5:9 l Lev. 4:7, 18, 30, 34

5:10 m Lev. 1:14–17

5:10 n Lev. 4:20, 26; 5:13, 16

5:11 o Lev. 14:21–32

5:11 p Lev. 2:1, 2; 6:15; Num. 5:15

5:12 q Lev. 2:2

5:12 r Lev. 4:35

5:13 s Lev. 4:26

5:13 t Lev. 2:3; 6:17, 26

5:13 4 concerning his sin

5:15 u Lev. 4:2; 22:14; Num. 5:5–8

5:15 v Ezra 10:19

5:15 w Ex. 30:13; Lev. 27:25

5:16 x Lev. 6:5; 22:14; 27:13, 15, 27, 31; Num. 5:7

5:16 y Lev. 4:26

5:17 z Lev. 4:2, 13, 22, 27

5:17 a Lev. 5:1, 2

5:17 5 punishment

5:18 b Lev. 5:15

5:19 c Ezra 10:2

Leviticus 6

6:2 a Num. 5:6

6:2 b Lev. 19:11; Acts 5:4; Col. 3:9

6:2 c Ex. 22:7, 10

6:2 d Prov. 24:28

6:2 1 deceiving his associate

6:2 2 an entrusted security

6:3 e Ex. 23:4; Deut. 22:1–4

6:3 f Ex. 22:11; Lev. 19:12; Jer. 7:9; Zech. 5:4

6:4 g Lev. 24:18, 21

6:4 3 return

6:5 h Lev. 5:16; Num. 5:7, 8; 2 Sam. 12:6

6:6 i Lev. 1:3; 5:15

6:6 4 appraisal

6:7 j Lev. 4:26

6:9 k Ex. 29:38–42; Num. 28:3–10

6:10 l Ex. 28:39–43; Lev. 16:4; Ezek. 44:17, 18

6:10 m Lev. 1:16

6:11 n Ezek. 44:19

6:11 o Lev. 4:12

6:12 p Lev. 3:3, 5, 9, 14

6:13 q Lev. 1:7

6:17 r Lev. 7:7

6:17 5 share

6:18 s Lev. 6:29; 7:6; Num. 18:10; 1 Cor. 9:13

6:18 t Lev. 3:17

6:18 u Ex. 29:37; Lev. 22:3–7; Num. 4:15; Hag. 2:11–13

6:20 v Ex. 29:2

6:20 w Ex. 16:36

6:21 x Lev. 2:5; 7:9

6:21 6 pleasing

6:22 y Lev. 4:3

6:22 z Ex. 29:25

6:22 7 completely

6:25 a Lev. 1:1, 3, 5, 11

6:26 b (Lev. 10:17, 18); Num. 18:9, 10; (Ezek. 44:28, 29)

6:27 c Ex. 29:37; Num. 4:15; Hag. 2:11–13

6:27 8 Lit. shall

6:28 d Lev. 11:33; 15:12

6:30 e Lev. 4:7, 11, 12, 18, 21; 10:18; 16:27; (Heb. 13:11, 12)

6:30 f Ex. 26:33

6:30 g Lev. 6:16, 23, 26

6:30 h Lev. 16:27

6:30 9 The Most Holy Place when capitalized

Leviticus 7

Leviticus 8

8:2 a Ex. 29:1–3

8:2 b Ex. 28:2, 4

8:2 c Ex. 30:24, 25

8:2 d Ex. 29:10

8:2 e Ex. 29:15, 19

8:6 f Ex. 30:20; Heb. 10:22

8:7 g Ex. 39:1–31

8:8 h Ex. 28:30; Num. 27:21; Deut. 33:8; 1 Sam. 28:6; Ezra 2:63; Neh. 7:65

8:8 1 Lit. Lights and the Perfections, Ex. 28:30

8:9 i Ex. 28:36, 37; 29:6

8:10 j Ex. 30:26–29; 40:10, 11; Lev. 8:2

8:11 2 set them apart for the LORD

8:12 k Ex. 29:7; 30:30; Lev. 21:10, 12; Ps. 133:2

8:13 l Ex. 29:8, 9

8:13 3 headpieces

8:14 m Ex. 29:10; Ps. 66:15; Ezek. 43:19

8:14 n Lev. 4:4

8:15 o Ex. 29:12, 36; Lev. 4:7; Ezek. 43:20, 26; (Heb. 9:22)

8:15 4 Lit. covering

8:16 p Ex. 29:13; Lev. 4:8

8:17 q Ex. 29:14; Lev. 4:11, 12

8:18 r Ex. 29:15

8:20 s Lev. 1:8

8:21 t Ex. 29:18

8:21 5 pleasing

8:22 u Ex. 29:19, 31; Lev. 8:2

8:23 v Ex. 29:20, 21; Lev. 14:14

8:24 w (Heb. 9:13, 14, 18–23)

8:25 x Ex. 29:22

8:26 y Ex. 29:23

8:27 z Ex. 29:24; Lev. 7:30, 34

8:28 a Ex. 29:25

8:29 b Ps. 99:6

8:29 c Ex. 29:27

8:29 d Ex. 29:26

8:30 e Ex. 29:21; 30:30; Num. 3:3

8:31 f Ex. 29:31, 32

8:32 g Ex. 29:34

8:33 h Ex. 29:30, 35; Lev. 10:7; Ezek. 43:25, 26

8:34 i (Heb. 7:16)

8:35 j Num. 1:53; 3:7; 9:19; Deut. 11:1; 1 Kin. 2:3; Ezek. 48:11

8:35 6 office

Leviticus 9

Leviticus 10

10:1 a Ex. 24:1, 9; Num. 3:2–4; 1 Chr. 24:2

10:1 b Lev. 16:12

10:1 c Ex. 30:9; 1 Sam. 2:17

10:2 d Gen. 19:24; Num. 11:1; 16:35; Rev. 20:9

10:3 e Ex. 19:22; Lev. 21:6; Is. 52:11; Ezek. 20:41

10:4 f Acts 5:6, 10

10:4 1 in front of

10:6 g Num. 1:53; 16:22, 46; 18:5; Josh. 7:1; 22:18, 20; 2 Sam. 24:1

10:6 2 An act of mourning

10:6 3 weep bitterly

10:7 h Lev. 8:33; 21:12

10:7 i Lev. 8:30

10:9 j Gen. 9:21; (Prov. 20:1; 31:5); Is. 28:7; Ezek. 44:21; Hos. 4:11; Luke 1:15; (Eph. 5:18); 1 Tim. 3:3; Titus 1:7

10:10 k Lev. 11:47; 20:25; Ezek. 22:26; 44:23

10:11 l Deut. 24:8; Neh. 8:2, 8; Jer. 18:18; Mal. 2:7

10:12 m Num. 18:9

10:12 n Lev. 21:22

10:13 o Num. 18:10

10:13 p Lev. 2:3; 6:16

10:13 4 portion

10:14 q Ex. 29:24, 26, 27; Lev. 7:30–34; Num. 18:11

10:14 r Lev. 22:13

10:14 s Num. 18:10

10:15 t Lev. 7:29, 30, 34

10:16 u Lev. 9:3, 15

10:17 v Lev. 6:24–30

10:17 w Ex. 28:38; Lev. 22:16; Num. 18:1

10:18 x Lev. 6:30

10:18 y Lev. 6:26, 30

10:18 5 The Most Holy Place when capitalized

10:19 z Lev. 9:8, 12

10:19 a (Is. 1:11–15); Jer. 6:20; 14:12; Hos. 9:4; (Mal. 1:10, 13; 3:1–4)

Leviticus 11

11:2 a Deut. 14:4; Ezek. 4:14; Dan. 1:8; (Matt. 15:11); Acts 10:12, 14; (Rom. 14:14; Heb. 9:10; 13:9)

11:4 b Acts 10:14

11:4 1 impure

11:5 2 rock badger

11:5 3 impure

11:7 c Is. 65:4; 66:3, 17; Mark 5:1–17

11:8 d Is. 52:11; (Mark 7:2, 15, 18); Acts 10:14, 15; 15:29

11:9 e Deut. 14:9

11:10 f Lev. 7:18, 21; Deut. 14:3

11:10 4 detestable

11:13 g Deut. 14:12–19; Is. 66:17

11:22 h Matt. 3:4; Mark 1:6

11:24 5 impure

11:25 i Lev. 14:8; 15:5; Num. 19:10, 21, 22; 31:24; Zech. 13:1; (Heb. 9:10; 10:22; Rev. 7:14)

11:29 j Is. 66:17

11:31 k Hag. 2:13

11:32 l Lev. 15:12

11:32 6 impure

11:33 m Lev. 6:28

11:33 n Lev. 15:12; Ps. 2:9; Jer. 48:38; (2 Tim. 2:21); Rev. 2:27

11:38 7 impure

11:39 o Hag. 2:11–13

11:40 p Ex. 22:31; Lev. 17:15; 22:8; Deut. 14:21; Ezek. 4:14; 44:31

11:41 8 detestable

11:43 q Lev. 20:25

11:43 9 Lit. your souls

11:43 10 impure

11:44 r Ex. 6:7; Lev. 22:33; 25:38; 26:45

11:44 s Ex. 19:6; Lev. 19:2; 20:7, 26; (Amos 3:3); Matt. 5:48; 1 Thess. 4:7; 1 Pet. 1:15, 16; (Rev. 22:11, 14)

11:45 t Ex. 6:7; 20:2; Lev. 22:33; 25:38; 26:45; Ps. 105:43–45; Hos. 11:1

11:45 u Lev. 11:44

11:46 11 concerning

11:47 v Lev. 10:10; Ezek. 44:23; Mal. 3:18

Leviticus 12

12:2 a Lev. 15:19; (Job 14:4; Ps. 51:5)

12:2 b Ex. 22:30; Lev. 8:33; 13:4; Luke 2:22

12:2 c Lev. 18:19

12:2 1 impure

12:3 d Gen. 17:12; Luke 1:59; 2:21; John 7:22, 23; Gal. 5:3

12:4 2 consecrated

12:6 e Luke 2:22

12:6 f (John 1:29; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19)

12:6 g Lev. 5:7

12:6 3 Lit. a son of his year

12:7 4 Lit. covering

12:8 h Lev. 5:7; Luke 2:22–24

12:8 i Lev. 4:26

12:8 5 pure

Leviticus 13

13:2 a Deut. 28:27; Is. 3:17

13:2 b Deut. 17:8, 9; 24:8; Mal. 2:7; Luke 17:14

13:2 1 Heb. saraath, disfiguring skin diseases, including leprosy, and so in vv. 2–46 and 14:2–32

13:3 2 defiled

13:4 c Lev. 14:8

13:6 d Lev. 11:25; 14:8; (John 13:8, 10)

13:8 3 defiled

13:10 e Num. 12:10, 12; 2 Kin. 5:27; 2 Chr. 26:19, 20

13:11 4 defiled

13:13 f Ex. 4:6

13:18 g Ex. 9:9; 15:26

13:22 5 infection

13:24 h Is. 3:24

13:42 i 2 Chr. 26:19

13:44 j Is. 1:5

13:44 6 altogether defiled

13:45 k Lev. 10:6; 21:10

13:45 l Ezek. 24:17, 22; Mic. 3:7

13:45 m Is. 6:5; 64:6; Lam. 4:15; Luke 5:8

13:46 n Num. 5:1–4; 12:14; 2 Kin. 7:3; 15:5; 2 Chr. 26:21; Ps. 38:11; Luke 17:12

13:46 7 live alone

13:47 8 A mold, fungus, or similar infestation, and so in vv. 47–59

13:49 9 mark

13:51 o Lev. 14:44

Leviticus 14

14:2 a Matt. 8:2, 4; Mark 1:40, 44; Luke 5:12, 14; 17:14

14:2 1 See note at 13:2

14:3 2 Heb. saraath, disfiguring skin diseases, including leprosy, and so in vv. 2–32

14:4 b Lev. 14:6, 49, 51, 52; Num. 19:6; Heb. 9:19

14:4 c Ex. 25:4

14:4 d Ex. 12:22; Ps. 51:7

14:7 e Num. 19:18, 19; (Heb. 9:13, 21; 12:24)

14:7 f 2 Kin. 5:10, 14; Ps. 51:2

14:8 g Lev. 11:25; 13:6; Num. 8:7

14:8 h Lev. 11:25; (Eph. 5:26; Heb. 10:22; Rev. 1:5, 6)

14:8 i Lev. 13:5; Num. 5:2, 3; 12:14, 15; 2 Chr. 26:21

14:9 j Num. 19:19

14:10 k Matt. 8:4; Mark 1:44; Luke 5:14

14:10 l Lev. 2:1; Num. 15:4

14:12 m Lev. 5:6, 18; 6:6; 14:19

14:12 n Ex. 29:22–24, 26

14:13 o Ex. 29:11; Lev. 1:5, 11; 4:4, 24

14:13 p Lev. 6:24–30; 7:7

14:13 q Lev. 2:3; 7:6; 21:22

14:14 r Ex. 29:20; Lev. 8:23, 24

14:16 s Lev. 4:6

14:18 t Lev. 4:26; 5:6; Num. 15:28; (Heb. 2:17)

14:18 3 Lit. covering

14:19 u Lev. 5:1, 6; 12:7; (2 Cor. 5:21)

14:20 v Lev. 14:8, 9

14:21 w Lev. 5:7, 11; 12:8; 27:8

14:21 4 Approximately two dry quarts

14:22 x Lev. 12:8; 15:14, 15

14:23 y Lev. 14:10, 11

14:24 z Lev. 14:12

14:25 a Lev. 14:14, 17

14:30 b Lev. 14:22; 15:14, 15

14:32 c Lev. 14:10

14:34 d Gen. 12:7; 13:17; 17:8; Num. 32:22; Deut. 7:1; 32:49

14:34 e (Prov. 3:33)

14:34 5 Decomposition by mildew, mold, dry rot, etc., and so in vv. 34–53

14:35 f (Ps. 91:9, 10; Prov. 3:33; Zech. 5:4)

14:37 6 Lit. lower than the wall

14:38 7 quarantine

14:44 g Lev. 13:51; (Zech. 5:4)

14:46 h Lev. 11:24; 15:5

14:46 8 defiled

14:47 i Lev. 14:8

14:49 j Lev. 14:4

14:52 9 ceremonially cleanse

14:53 k Lev. 14:20

14:54 l Lev. 13:30; 26:21

14:55 m Lev. 13:47–52

14:55 n Lev. 14:34

14:56 o Lev. 13:2

14:57 p Lev. 11:47; 20:25; Deut. 24:8; Ezek. 44:23

Leviticus 15

15:2 a Lev. 22:4; Num. 5:2; 2 Sam. 3:29

15:4 1 defiled

15:5 b Lev. 5:2; 14:46

15:5 c Lev. 14:8, 47

15:5 d Lev. 11:25; 17:15

15:6 e Lev. 15:10; Deut. 23:10

15:8 f Num. 12:14

15:12 g Lev. 6:28; 11:32, 33

15:13 h Lev. 14:8; 15:28; Num. 19:11, 12

15:14 i Lev. 14:22, 23, 30, 31

15:15 j Lev. 14:30, 31

15:15 k Lev. 14:19, 31

15:15 2 Lit. covering

15:16 l Lev. 22:4; Deut. 23:10, 11

15:18 m (Ex. 19:15; 1 Sam. 21:4; 1 Cor. 6:18)

15:19 n Lev. 12:2

15:19 3 Lit. in her impurity

15:24 o Lev. 18:19; 20:18

15:24 4 defiled

15:25 p Matt. 9:20; Mark 5:25; Luke 8:43

15:28 q Lev. 15:13–15

15:30 r Lev. 5:7

15:31 s Lev. 11:47; 14:57; 22:2; Deut. 24:8; Ezek. 44:23; (Heb. 12:15)

15:31 t Lev. 20:3; Num. 5:3; 19:13, 20; Ezek. 5:11; 23:38; 36:17

15:32 u Lev. 15:2

15:32 v Lev. 15:16

15:33 w Lev. 15:19

15:33 x Lev. 15:25

15:33 y Lev. 15:24

Leviticus 16

16:1 a Lev. 10:1, 2; 2 Sam. 6:6–8

16:2 b Ex. 30:10; Lev. 16:34; 23:27; (Heb. 6:19; 9:7, 8, 12; 10:19)

16:2 c Ex. 25:21, 22; 40:34; 1 Kin. 8:10–12

16:3 d Lev. 4:1–12; 16:6; (Heb. 9:7, 12, 24, 25)

16:3 e Lev. 4:3

16:3 1 Lit. With this

16:4 f Ex. 28:39, 42, 43; Lev. 6:10; Ezek. 44:17, 18

16:4 g Ex. 30:20; Lev. 8:6, 7

16:5 h Lev. 4:14; Num. 29:11; 2 Chr. 29:21; Ezra 6:17; Ezek. 45:22, 23

16:6 i Lev. 9:7; (Heb. 5:3; 7:27, 28; 9:7)

16:10 j (Is. 53:5, 6; Rom. 3:25; Heb. 7:27; 9:23, 24; 1 John 2:2)

16:11 k (Heb. 7:27; 9:7)

16:12 l Lev. 10:1; Num. 16:7, 18; Is. 6:6, 7; Rev. 8:5

16:12 m Ex. 30:34–38

16:13 n Ex. 30:7, 8; Num. 16:7, 18, 46

16:13 o Ex. 25:21

16:13 p Ex. 28:43; Lev. 22:9; Num. 4:15, 20

16:14 q Lev. 4:5; (Heb. 9:25; 10:4)

16:14 r Lev. 4:6, 17

16:15 s (Heb. 2:17)

16:15 t (Heb. 6:19; 7:27; 9:3, 7, 12)

16:16 u Ex. 29:36; 30:10; Ezek. 45:18; (Heb. 9:22–24)

16:17 v Ex. 34:3; Luke 1:10

16:18 w Ex. 29:36

16:19 x Lev. 16:14; Ezek. 43:20

16:19 2 set it apart

16:19 3 impurity

16:21 y Lev. 5:5; 26:40

16:21 z (Is. 53:6)

16:22 a Lev. 8:14; (Is. 53:6, 11, 12; John 1:29; Heb. 9:28; 1 Pet. 2:24)

16:22 b Lev. 14:7

16:22 4 shall carry

16:22 5 solitary land

16:23 c Lev. 6:11; 16:4; Ezek. 42:14; 44:19

16:24 6 Lit. covering

16:25 d Lev. 1:8; 4:10

16:26 e Lev. 15:5

16:27 f Lev. 4:12, 21; 6:30; Heb. 13:11

16:29 g Ex. 30:10; Lev. 23:27–32; Num. 29:7

16:29 7 humble yourselves

16:29 8 As a resident alien

16:30 h Ps. 51:2; Jer. 33:8; (Eph. 5:26; Heb. 9:13, 14; 1 John 1:7, 9)

16:30 9 Lit. covering

16:31 i Lev. 23:27, 32; Ezra 8:21; Is. 58:3, 5; Dan. 10:12

16:32 j Lev. 4:3, 5, 16; 21:10

16:32 k Ex. 29:29, 30; Num. 20:26, 28

16:33 10 Lit. covering

16:33 11 The Most Holy Place

16:34 l Lev. 23:31; Num. 29:7

16:34 m Ex. 30:10; (Heb. 9:7, 25, 28)

Leviticus 17

Leviticus 18

18:2 a Ex. 6:7; Lev. 11:44, 45; 19:3; Ezek. 20:5, 7, 19, 20

18:3 b Josh. 24:14; Ezek. 20:7, 8

18:3 c Ex. 23:24; Lev. 18:24–30; 20:23; Deut. 12:30, 31

18:3 1 what is done in

18:3 2 statutes

18:4 d Ezek. 20:19

18:8 e Gen. 35:22

18:9 f Lev. 18:11; 20:17; Deut. 27:22

18:12 g Lev. 20:19

18:14 h Lev. 20:20

18:17 i Lev. 20:14

18:18 j 1 Sam. 1:6, 8

18:19 k Ezek. 18:6

18:19 l Lev. 15:24; 20:18

18:20 m (Prov. 6:25–33)

18:20 n Ex. 20:14; Lev. 20:10; (Matt. 5:27, 28; 1 Cor. 6:9; Heb. 13:4)

18:21 o Lev. 20:2–5; Deut. 12:31

18:21 p 2 Kin. 16:3

18:21 q 1 Kin. 11:7, 33; Acts 7:43

18:22 r Lev. 20:13; Rom. 1:27

18:23 s Ex. 22:19; Lev. 20:15, 16; Deut. 27:21

18:24 t Matt. 15:18–20; 1 Cor. 3:17

18:24 u Lev. 18:3; 20:23; Deut. 18:12

18:25 v Num. 35:33, 34; Ezek. 36:17

18:25 w Is. 26:21; Jer. 5:9

18:25 x Lev. 18:28; 20:22

18:25 3 bring judgment for

18:26 y Lev. 18:5, 30

18:26 4 obey

18:28 z Jer. 9:19

18:29 5 Put to death

18:30 a Lev. 18:3; 22:9

18:30 b Lev. 18:2

18:30 6 charge

Leviticus 19

Leviticus 20

20:2 a Lev. 18:2

20:2 b Lev. 18:21; 2 Kin. 23:10; 2 Chr. 33:6; Jer. 7:31

20:2 c Deut. 17:2–5

20:2 1 As resident aliens

20:3 d Lev. 17:10

20:3 2 Put him to death

20:4 3 disregard

20:6 e Lev. 19:31; 1 Sam. 28:7–25

20:7 f Lev. 19:2; Heb. 12:14

20:7 4 Set yourselves apart for the LORD

20:8 g Lev. 19:19, 37

20:8 h Ex. 31:13; Deut. 14:2; Ezek. 37:28

20:8 5 sets you apart

20:9 i Ex. 21:17; Deut. 27:16; Prov. 20:20; Matt. 15:4

20:9 j 2 Sam. 1:16

20:10 k Ex. 20:14; Lev. 18:20; Deut. 5:18; 22:22; John 8:4, 5

20:11 l Lev. 18:7, 8; Deut. 27:20

20:12 m Lev. 18:15

20:13 n Lev. 18:22; Deut. 23:17; Judg. 19:22

20:14 o Lev. 18:17

20:15 p Lev. 18:23; Deut. 27:21

20:17 q Lev. 18:9; Deut. 27:22

20:17 6 Put to death

20:17 7 iniquity

20:18 r Lev. 15:24; 18:19

20:18 8 Or customary impurity

20:18 9 Lit. made bare

20:18 10 Put to death

20:19 s Lev. 18:13

20:19 t Lev. 18:12

20:20 u Lev. 18:14

20:21 v Lev. 18:16; Matt. 14:3, 4

20:21 11 indecent, impure

20:22 w Lev. 18:26; 19:37

20:22 x Lev. 18:25, 28; 2 Chr. 36:14–16

20:23 y Lev. 18:3, 24

20:23 z Deut. 9:5

20:24 a Ex. 3:17; 6:8; 13:5; 33:1–3

20:24 b Ex. 19:5; 33:16; Lev. 20:26; Deut. 7:6; 14:2; 1 Kin. 8:53

20:25 c Lev. 10:10; 11:1–47; Deut. 14:3–21

20:25 d Lev. 11:43

20:25 12 detestable or loathsome

20:25 13 defiled

20:26 e Lev. 19:2; 1 Pet. 1:16

20:27 f Lev. 19:31; 1 Sam. 28:9

Leviticus 21

21:1 a Lev. 19:28; Ezek. 44:25

21:4 1 Lit. master or husband

21:5 b Lev. 19:27; Deut. 14:1; Ezek. 44:20

21:6 c Ex. 22:31

21:6 d Lev. 3:11

21:6 e Is. 52:11

21:7 f Ezek. 44:22

21:7 g Deut. 24:1, 2

21:7 2 Lit. he

21:8 h Lev. 11:44, 45

21:8 i Lev. 8:12, 30

21:8 3 set him apart

21:9 j Deut. 22:21

21:10 k Lev. 8:12

21:10 l Lev. 10:6, 7

21:10 4 In mourning

21:11 m Num. 19:14

21:12 n Lev. 10:7

21:12 o Ex. 29:6, 7

21:18 p Lev. 22:19–25

21:18 q Lev. 22:23

21:23 r Lev. 16:2

21:23 s Lev. 21:12

Leviticus 22

22:2 a Num. 6:3

22:2 b Lev. 18:21

22:2 c Ex. 28:38; Lev. 16:19; 25:10; Num. 18:32; Deut. 15:19

22:2 1 keep themselves apart from

22:3 d Lev. 7:20, 21; Num. 19:13

22:3 2 defilement

22:4 e Num. 5:2

22:4 f Lev. 15:2

22:4 g Lev. 14:2; 15:13

22:4 h Lev. 11:24–28, 39, 40; Num. 19:11

22:4 i Lev. 15:16, 17

22:5 j Lev. 11:23–28

22:5 k Lev. 15:7, 19

22:6 l Lev. 15:5

22:7 m Lev. 21:22; Num. 18:11, 13

22:8 n Ex. 22:31; Lev. 7:24; 11:39, 40; 17:15; Ezek. 44:31

22:9 o Lev. 18:30

22:9 p Ex. 28:43; Lev. 22:16; Num. 18:22

22:9 3 charge

22:10 q Ex. 29:33; Lev. 22:13; Num. 3:10

22:10 4 As a visitor

22:11 r Ex. 12:44

22:15 s Num. 18:32

22:18 t Lev. 1:2, 3, 10

22:18 5 brings his offering

22:19 u Lev. 1:3; Deut. 15:21