All page numbers refer to the 2014 print edition.

Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations.

abc (art berlin contemporary) 98

abstract, an 111

Als, Hilton, ‘Daddy’ (2013) 166

Althamer, Paweł 9395, 94

Angus, Jennifer, ‘Artist Statement’ (n.d.) 21516

Apollinaire, Guillaume, Le Poète assassiné (1916) 36

Aragon, Louis 41

ARCO, Madrid 27

art magazines, and advertising 175; Artforum 14; Burlington 143, 171; Cabinet 36; comparative reviews formats 171; e-flux journal 13, 23; Flash Art 13; frieze 27; Modern Painters 22728

art-critics, and conflicts of interest 26; and non-specialist art-writers 18689; as artists 39, 216; as independents 28; as poets 39; origins in West 3132

ArtSlant (blog) 97

art-writers, ‘good’ v. ‘bad’ 11, 162; and multiple roles 29; types of approach 15; types of background 15

art-writing, format types 1920, 23, 29; and accuracy 4041; and artist’s biography 89, 174, 191; and blogs 41, 97; and fiction 1617, 36; and pay 10; and selling art 28; and structures 107, 11213, 12124, 126, 129, 153, 19197, 19899; 2013; as ritual 17, 150; as philosophy 17; for children, 67; like drawing 17

Ashbery, John 39

Autogena, Lise and Joshua Portway 2001, 201

Azimi, Negar, ‘Fluffy Farhad’ (2010) 9596

Bad at Sports (blog) 97

BANK 12, 13

Bankowsky, Jack, ‘Previews: Haim Steinbach’ (2013) 183

Barney, Matthew 92, 166

Bartholomew, Richard 39

Batchelor, David, Chromophobia (2000) 92

Baudelaire, Charles 31, 39

Benjamin, Walter 3738, 52, 68; ‘Theses on the Philosophy of History’ (1940) 37

Bhabha, Homi 124

bibliography 1089; 113; 119

Bischof, Werner 100, 100

Bishop, Claire, Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship (2012) 9394

Blazwick, Iwona, ‘The Found Object’ (2013) 194

Bourgeois, Louise 197

Bourriaud, Nicolas, ‘Altermodern’ (2009) 40; Relational Aesthetics (1998) 119

Bracewell, Michael 22829; ‘A Cultural Context for Sarah Morris’ (1999) 229

Braque, George 143

Broodthaers, Marcel 212

Brown, Robert 162

Bruguera, Tania 65

Burn, Gordon 39

Burns, Charlotte, ‘Artists take to the streets…’ (2013) 128

Clark, T.J. 188

‘connoisseur’ 33, 157

Contemporary Art Daily 10

‘contextualization’ 35

Coupland, Douglas 231, 23233; ‘Behind the Glass Curtain’ (2004) 232

cover sheet (for academic papers) 125

Croner, Ted 229, 229

Crow, Thomas 5455, 60

Dadson, Andrew 13536, 135

Danto, Arthur C. 24

Davie, Karin 198

Davis, Ben, ‘Frieze New York…’ (2012) 184; ‘Speculations…’ (2012) 185

de la Barra, Pablo León 29

de Man, Paul 38

Dean, Tacita, ‘Palast, 2004’ (2006) 21718

Demos, T.J. 199203; ‘Art After Nature: on the Post-Natural Condition’ (2012) 200

Diawara, Manthia 8486; ‘Talk of the Town: Seydou Keïta’ (1998) 85

Diderot, Denis 36

Dillon, Brian, Tormented Hope: Nine Hypochondriac Lives (2009) 88

dOCUMENTA (13) 31, 13941; catalogues 209

‘Documents of Contemporary Art’ series (MIT/Whitechapel) 108

Dodd, Lois 17778, 179

Dubuffet, Jean, La Fille au Peigne (1950) 15659

Duchamp, Marcel 24, 32, 63, 92, 165

due diligence 154

Dupin, Jacques 39

‘Duplicate Verb Syndrome’ 81

Durant, Mark Alice and Jane D. Marsching, ‘Out-of-Sync’ (2006) 139

Durham, Jimmie 216

ekphrasis 3839

Elkins, James 32

Enwezor, Okwui 5051, 62; ‘Documents into Monuments: Archives as Meditations on Time’ (2008) 50

Farquharson, Alex 19697, 22526; ‘The Avant Garde, Again’ (2002) 196; ‘Review of “Painting Lab”’ (1999) 225

first-hand research 120

Fischli, David and Peter Weiss 82

footnotes 109; 120; 174

For the blind man in the dark room looking for the black cat that isn’t there (2009) 208

Foster, Krauss, Bois, Buchloh and Joselit, Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism (2004) 108

Fox, Dan 40

Frank Jewett Mather Award for Art Criticism 36

Fried, Michael 102; ‘Art and Objecthood’ (1967) 9293

Friedman, Tom 197

Frieze, art fair and magazine 27

getting published, reviews 173; essays 2045

Gillick, Liam 30

Goya, Francisco 4648, 47, 53, 74, 186

Graham, Dan 216

Graw, Isabelle 23132; ‘Reading the Capital: Sarah Morris’ New Pictures’ (2001) 231

Greenberg, Clement 32, 33

Gregory, Alice, ‘On the Market’ (2012) 16162

Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, Girl with a Dead Canary (1765) 36

Griffin, Tim 39

Groys, Boris 25, 41

Hainley, Bruce 197

Harrison and Wood, Art in Theory 1900–2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas (2002) 108

Heartney, Eleanor 28

Herbert, Martin, ‘Richard Serra’ (2008–9) 133

Hickey, Dave 16, 28, 18889; ‘Fear and Loathing Goes to Hell’ (2012) 90; ‘Orphans’ (2009) 188, 230

Hopps, Walter 162

Horowitz, Noah, Art of the Deal: Contemporary Art in a Global Financial Market (2011) 15556

Horsfield, Craigie 51, 51

house style 145

Hunt, Andrew 25

‘instant artist’s statement’ generator 210

‘International Art English’ 1314, 31

Internet 15, 41, 103; 119; 13839; 143, 182, 189; and reviews 182

‘interpretation’ 35

‘inverted triangle structure’ 126

Ippolito, Jon 14243

Israel, Nico 170

jargon v. art terminology 91

Jess 55, 55


Judd, Donald 39, 178

‘judgment’ 32, 35

Katz, Alex 178

Keïta, Seydou 8487, 86

Kelly, Mary 216

Kelsey, John 30, 8182; ‘Cars. Women’ (2006) 82

Kempes, Anke, ‘Sarah Morris’ (2005) 221

King, Stephen 43, 81

Klee, Paul (1920) 3738, 38, 52, 68

Klein, Jochen 226

Kraus, Chris 36; Where Art Belongs (2011) 99100

Krauss, Rosalind 33, 5760

Kwon, Miwon, ‘One Place After Another: Notes on Site Specificity’ (1997) 121

Lange, Christy, ‘Andrew Dadson’ (2008–9) 135

Lassry, Elad 73, 7374

Levine, David and Alix Rule 13, 31

Mallarmé, Stéphane 86

Mann, Ted, ‘Mandalay Bay (Las Vegas): Sarah Morris’ (n.d.) 222

Matta-Clark, Gordon 7475

McFarland, Dale, ‘Beautiful Things: on Wolfgang Tillmans’ (1999) 7778

Meyer, James 123

Mirza, Haroon 69, 6970

Mokgosi, Meleko, Modern Art: The Root of Africa Savages (2013) 143

Morgan, Stuart 35, 188; ‘Playing for Time’ (1991), 75

Morris, Robert 39

Morris, Sarah 16, 22033, 224; ‘A Few Observations on Taste or Advertisements for Myself’ (2009) 233

Morton, Tom 151

Moshiri, Farhad 9597, 96

Nauman, Bruce 208, 212

negative reviews 174

Neto, Ernesto 70, 7071

‘new art history’ 33

O’Doherty, Brian, ‘Boxes, Cubes, Installation, Whiteness and Money’ (2009) 103

O’Hara, Frank 39

O’Reilly, Sally ‘Review: Seven Days in the Art World’ (2008) 18082; 186

October 33, 34

Out-of-Sync (Maria Miranda and Norie Neumark) 138, 13839

‘outlining in reverse’ 117

Papp, Anna-Bella 61, 61

paragraphs 8789

Parker, Cornelia 19495, 195

parts of speech: nouns 7476, 136, 138, 141; adjectives 7678, 138; verbs 7981, 136; adverbs 8182

Pasolini, Pier Paolo 30

phenomenological approach 23132

‘Philosophy and Literature Bad Writing Contest’ 72

Picasso, Pablo 63

Piper, Adrian 210

Plagens, Peter 48

plagiarism 109; 116

platitudes 127

Porcari, George 99101, 101

press coverage, accessing 14849

press releases, alternatives 15051

Price, Seth 30, 14041

Questia 108

quotes 22; 109; 116

Rae, Fiona 7576

Rauch, Neo 16870, 169

Rauschenberg, Robert 54, 8384

‘Readers’ series (Routledge) 108

Rehberg, Vivian, ‘Aya Takano’ (2008–9) 137

Relyea, Lane 28

Rhode, Robin 15152, 152

Rosenberg, Harold 39

Rosler, Martha 28

‘rule of thirds’ (organizing time for academic papers) 112

Ruskin, John 8

Sala, Anri, ‘Notes for Mixed Behaviour’ (2003) 219

Saltz, Jerry 170; ‘20 Things I Really Liked at the Art Fairs’ (2013) 61

Schjeldahl, Peter 1819, 22, 39, 78, 177, 219

Schneemann, Carolee, Meat Joy (1964) 41

Schwabsky, Barry 22, 39, 198

Searle, Adrian 22325; ‘Life thru a lens’ (1999) 223

Semiotext(e) 34

Serra, Richard 13234, 133

Sherman, Cindy 5759, 59

Siegelaub, Seth, Xerox Book (1968) 205

Smith, Roberta 26; ‘The Colors and Joys of the Quotidian’ (2013) 17778

Smith, Tony 9293

Smithson, Robert 211; ‘A Tour of the Monuments of Passaic, New Jersey’ (1967) 92

Solvay, Lucien 4648, 53

Sontag, Susan 19

‘sort’ command to organize 115

Stallabrass, Julian 14, 91

Staple, Polly, Dispersion (2008–9) 2067; 208

Stark, Frances 30

Steinberg, Leo, ‘The Flatbed Picture Plane’ (1968) 83

Steyerl, Hito 16, 30, 7980, 80; ‘In Defense of the Poor Image’ (2009) 79

Stiles, Kristine and Peter Selz, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings (2012) 211

style guides 120

Sylvester, David 6264

Szapocznikow, Alina 19293, 192

Szymczyk, Adam 19293; ‘Touching from a Distance: on the Art of Alina Szapocznikow’ (2011) 193

Takano, Aya 136, 136

tautology 119

The Potosi Principle: How Can We Sing the Song of the Lord in an Alien Land? (2010) 207

‘Themes and Movements’ series (Phaidon) 108

theory, types 3334

Thompson, Don 18789; The $12 Million Stuffed Shark (2008) 187

Thompson, Jon 65; ‘New Times, New Thoughts, New Sculpture’ (1993) 102; 208

Thomson & Craighead, ‘Decorative Newsfeeds’ (2004) 142

Thornton, Sarah, Seven Days in the Art World (2008) 18082; 186

‘three jobs of communicative art writing, The’ 4952, 63, 118, 134, 136, 138, 143, 169, 172, 184, 190

Tillman, Lynne 36; ‘Portrait of a Young Painter Levitating’ (2006) 198

Tillmans, Wolfgang 7778, 78

Tomkins, Calvin 92

Truitt, Anne, ‘Daybook: the Journal of an Artist, 1974–79’ 213

Tuason, Izzy, ‘Seth Price’ (2012) 141

Turner, Christopher, ‘Beijing City Symphony: On Sarah Morris’ (2008) 22728

UbuWeb 189

value, types for art 15556

Vasari, Giorgio 192

Verwoert, Jan 41; ‘Neo Rauch at David Zwirner Gallery’ (2005) 168

‘waffle’ 56

Wakefield, Neville 188

wall labels 131, 14344

Warhol, Andy 17, 32; 8889; 162

Waxman, Lori 30, 31

Wenzel, Erik ‘100% Berlin’ (2012) 9798, 98

West, Franz 144, 144

Wilde, Oscar 35; 106

Winkelmann, Jan, ‘A Semiotics of Surface’ (1999) 230

Wong, Martin 61, 61

Wood, Gaby, ‘Cinema Vérité: Gaby Wood meets Sarah Morris’ (2004) 22627

writer’s block (overcoming) 105

Yau, John 39

‘yeti’s (two-faced adjectives) 43

Young, Carey 19697