Pete Rollins
Part I. Sex: The Biological
1. Comfort
2. Where Dreams Go to Die
3. To Be Invisible
4. Under the Waves
5. My Younger Self
6. The Drip-Feed of Erotic Data
7. Thoughts on Death
8. A Theology of Kissing
Part II. Drugs: The Experiential
9. A Box I’ve Never Opened
10. Play Fucking Loud
11. Migraines and Melancholy (Or Knowing One’s Darkness)
12. Creative Chaos
13. Dressing the Sacred
14. Dirt
15. Skulls
16. Capitalism on Drugs (Or Our Love Affair with Non-Permanent Pharmacological Lobotomies)
17. My Own Judas
18. Tattoos
19. Love Is a Losing Game
20. The Sound of Failure
21. Shoes
22. When Tokyo Was Still the Future: Why I Travel
23. Orvieto
Part III. Art: The Creative
24. I Missed Punk, but I Got the Message
25. Collage, Bricolage, Assemblage
26. Elvis’s Belly
27. Fallen Angels
28. An Elegy for Leonard Cohen
29. When Is a Painting Not a Painting?
30. Twombly
31. Bowie and Me
Part IV. Religion: The Spiritual
32. The Other Woman
33. A Theological Life
34. On Smugness
35. A Shout
36. Between Carnival and Lent
37. Dead Gods
38. Hello, Darkness
39. Losing Jesus
40. Notes on the Death of God
41. Religion and a Rabbit’s Foot
42. Apocalypse Will Blossom