Chapter 19. The Corporate iPhone

In its younger days, people thought of the iPhone as a personal device, meant for consumers and not for corporations. But somebody at Apple must have gotten sick of hearing, “Well, the iPhone is cool and all, but it’s no BlackBerry.” The iPhone now has the security and compatibility features your corporate technical overlords require. (And the BlackBerry—well...)

Even better, the iPhone can talk to Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync servers, staples of corporate computer departments that, among other things, keep smartphones wirelessly updated with the calendar, contacts, and email back at the office. (Yes, it sounds a lot like iCloud or the old MobileMe. Which is probably why Apple’s MobileMe slogan was “Exchange for the rest of us.”)

This chapter is intended for you, the iPhone owner—not for the highly paid, well-trained, exceedingly friendly IT (information technology) managers at your company.

Your first task is to convince them that your iPhone is now secure and compatible enough to welcome into the company’s network. Here’s some information you can use:

And what’s in it for you? Complete synchronization of your email, address book, and calendar with what’s on your PC at work. Send an email from your iPhone; find it in the Sent folder of Outlook at the office. And so on.

You can also accept invitations to meetings on your iPhone that are sent your way by coworkers; if you accept, these meetings appear on your calendar automatically, just as on your PC. You can also search the company’s master address book, right from your iPhone.

The biggest perk for you, though, is just getting permission to use an iPhone as your company-issued phone.

Your company’s IT squad can set up things on their end by consulting Apple’s free setup guide: the infamous iOS Deployment Reference.

It’s filled with handy tips, like: “Data can be symmetrically encrypted using proven methods such as AES, RC4, or 3DES. iOS devices and current Intel Mac computers also provide hardware acceleration for AES encryption and Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1) hashing, thereby maximizing app performance.”

In any case, you (or they) can download the deployment guide from this site:

Your IT pros might send you a link that downloads a profile—a preconfigured file that auto–sets up all your company’s security and login information. It will create the Exchange account for you (and might turn off a few iPhone features, like the ability to switch off the passcode requirement).

If, on the other hand, you’re supposed to set up your Exchange account yourself, then tap SettingsMailAdd AccountExchange. Fill in your work email address and password as they were provided to you by your company’s IT person.

And that’s it. Your iPhone will shortly bloom with the familiar sight of your office email stash, calendar appointments, and contacts.

Life on the Corporate Network

Once your iPhone is set up, you should be in wireless corporate heaven:

Exchange + Your Stuff

The iPhone can display calendar and contact information from multiple sources at once—your Exchange calendar/address book and your own personal data, for example.

Here’s how it works: Open your iPhone calendar. Tap Calendars. Now you’re looking at all the accounts your phone knows about; you might find separate headings for iCloud, Yahoo, Gmail, and so on, each with calendar categories listed under it. And one of them is your Exchange account.

You can pull off a similar stunt in Contacts, Notes, and Reminders. Whenever you’re looking at your list of contacts, for example, you can tap the Groups button (top left of the screen). Here, once again, you can tap All Contacts to see a combined address book—or you can look over only your iCloud contacts, your Exchange contacts, your personal contacts, and so on. Or tap [group name] to view only the people in your tennis circle, book club, or whatever (if you’ve created groups); or [your Exchange account name] to search only the company listings.

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If you’ve spent much time in the world of Microsoft Outlook (that is, corporate America), then you already know about invitations. These are electronic invitations that coworkers send you directly from Outlook. When you get one of these invitations by email, you can click Accept, Decline, or Maybe.

If you click Accept, then the meeting gets dropped onto the proper date in your Outlook calendar, and your name gets added to the list of attendees maintained by the person who invited you. If you click Maybe, then the meeting is flagged that way, on both your calendar and the sender’s.

Exchange meeting invitations on the iPhone show up in four places, just to make sure you don’t miss them. You get a standard iPhone notification, a numbered “badge” on the Calendar app’s icon on the Home screen, an attachment to a message in your corporate email account, and a message in the Calendar app—tap Inbox at the lower-right corner. Tapping Inbox shows the Invitations list, which summarizes all invitations you’ve accepted, maybe’d, or not responded to yet. Tap one to see the details (below, left).

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You can also generate invitations. When you’re filling out the Info form for a new appointment, you get a field called Invitees. Tap there to enter the email addresses of the people you’d like to invite.

Your invitation will show up in whatever calendar programs your invitees use, and they’ll never know you didn’t send it from some corporate copy of Microsoft Outlook.

If you’re having trouble with your Exchange syncing and can’t find any steps that work, ask your Exchange administrators to make sure that ActiveSync’s settings are correct on their end. You’ve heard the old saying that in 99 percent of computer troubleshooting, the problem lies between the keyboard and the chair? The other 1 percent of the time, it’s between the administrator’s keyboard and chair.

The typical corporate network is guarded by a team of steely-eyed administrators for whom Job One is preventing access by unauthorized visitors. They perform this job primarily with the aid of a super-secure firewall that seals off the company’s network from the Internet.

So how can you tap into the network from the road? Only one solution is both secure and cheap: the virtual private network, or VPN. Running a VPN lets you create a super-secure “tunnel” from your iPhone, across the Internet, and straight into your corporate network. All data passing through this tunnel is heavily encrypted. To the Internet eavesdropper, it looks like so much undecipherable gobbledygook.

VPN is, however, a corporate tool, run by corporate nerds. Your company’s tech staff can tell you whether or not there’s a VPN server set up for you to use.

If there is one, then you’ll need to know what type of server it is. The iPhone can connect to VPN servers that speak PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) and L2TP/IPsec (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol over the IP Security Protocol), both relatives of the PPP language spoken by modems. Most corporate VPN servers work with at least one of these protocols.

The iPhone can also connect to Cisco servers, which are among the most popular systems in corporate America, and, with a special app, Juniper’s Junos Pulse servers, too.

To set up your VPN connection, visit SettingsGeneralVPN.

Here you may see that your overlords have already set up some VPN connections; tap the one you want to use. You can also set one up yourself, by tapping Add VPN Configuration at the bottom.

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Tap Type to specify which kind of server your company uses: IKEv2, IPsec, or L2TP (ask the network administrator). Fill in the Server address, the account name and password, and whatever else your system administrators tell you to fill in here.

Once everything is in place, the iPhone can connect to the corporate network and fetch your corporate mail. You don’t have to do anything special on your end; everything works just as described in this chapter.