Chapter 15. Email

Email on your iPhone offers full formatting, fonts, graphics, and choice of type size; file attachments like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Pages, Numbers, photos, and even .zip compressed files; and compatibility with Yahoo Mail, Gmail, AOL Mail, iCloud mail, corporate Exchange mail, and any standard email account.

Dude, if you want a more satisfying portable email machine than this one, buy a laptop.

This chapter covers the basic email experience. If you’ve gotten yourself hooked up with iCloud or Exchange ActiveSync, see Chapter 17 and Chapter 19 for details.

Setting Up Your Account

If you play your cards right, you won’t have to set up your email account on the phone. The first time you set up the iPhone to sync with your computer (Chapter 16), you’re offered the chance to sync your Mac’s or PC’s mail with the phone. That doesn’t mean it copies actual messages—only the email settings, so the iPhone is ready to start downloading mail.

You’re offered this option if your Mac’s mail program is Mail or Outlook/Entourage, or if your PC’s mail program is Outlook, Outlook Express, or Windows Mail.

But what if you don’t use one of those email programs? No sweat. You can also plug the necessary settings right into the iPhone.

POP3 and IMAP Accounts

Those freebie, brand-name, web-based accounts are super-easy to set up. But they’re not the whole ball of wax. Millions of people have more generic email accounts, perhaps supplied by their employers or Internet providers. They’re generally one of two types:

  • POP accounts are the oldest and most compatible type on the Internet. (POP stands for Post Office Protocol, but this won’t be on the test.) A POP account can make life complicated if you check your mail on more than one machine (say, a PC and an iPhone), as you’ll discover shortly.

    A POP server transfers incoming mail to your computer or phone before you read it, which works fine as long as you’re using only that machine to access your email.

  • IMAP accounts (Internet Message Access Protocol) are newer and have more features than POP servers, and they’re quickly putting POP out to pasture. IMAP servers keep all your mail online, rather than making you store it on your computer; as a result, you can access the same mail from any computer (or phone). IMAP servers remember which messages you’ve read and sent, and they even keep track of how you’ve filed messages into mail folders. (Those free Yahoo email accounts are IMAP accounts, and so are Apple’s iCloud accounts and corporate Exchange accounts. Gmail accounts can be IMAP, too.)

The iPhone can communicate with both kinds of accounts, with varying degrees of completeness.

If you haven’t opted to have your account-setup information transferred automatically to the iPhone from your Mac or PC, then you can set it up manually on the phone.

Tap your way to SettingsMailAccountsAdd Account. Tap Other, tap Add Mail Account, and then enter your name, email address, password, and an optional description. Tap Next.

Apple’s software attempts to figure out which kind of account you have (POP or IMAP) by the email address. If it can’t make that determination, then you arrive at a second screen, where you’re asked for such juicy details as the host name for incoming and outgoing mail servers. (This is also where you tap either IMAP or POP, to tell the iPhone what sort of account it’s dealing with.)

If you don’t know this stuff offhand, you’ll have to ask your Internet provider, corporate tech-support person, or next-door teenager to help you. When you’re finished, tap Save.

To delete an account, open SettingsMail[account name]. At the bottom of the screen, you’ll find the Delete Account button.

If you have “push” email (Yahoo, iCloud, or Exchange), then your iPhone doesn’t check for messages; new messages show up on your iPhone as they arrive, around the clock.

If you have any other kind of account, then the iPhone checks for new messages automatically on a schedule—every 15, 30, or 60 minutes. It also checks for new messages each time you open the Mail program, or whenever you drag downward on the Inbox list.

You can adjust the frequency of these automatic checks or turn off the “push” feature (because it uses up your battery faster) in Settings; see Tip.

When new mail arrives, you’ll know it at a glance; all the Notification Center options work well in Mail. For example, if your phone is off, you can tap the Sleep or Home button to view the sender, subject, and the first line of the message right on the Lock screen. (Swipe across one, right there on the Lock screen, to jump to it in Mail.)

You’ll also hear the iPhone’s little “You’ve got mail” sound, unless you’ve turned that off in Settings.

If your phone is on, then a new message can alert you by appearing briefly at the top of the screen, without disturbing your work.

You can actually process a message right from that banner. If you see at a glance that it’s junk, or if no response is necessary, then drag your finger down on it (or, if you have an iPhone 6s or 7, hard-press it) to reveal two new buttons: Mark as Read (leave it in your inbox, no longer appearing as a new message) and Trash.

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At the Home screen, Mail’s icon sprouts a circled number that tells you how many new messages are waiting. If you have more than one email account, it shows you the total number of new messages, from all accounts.

If you routinely leave a lot of unread messages in your inbox, and you don’t really care about this “badge,” you can turn it off. In fact, you can turn it off on a per-account basis, which is great if one of your accounts is sort of a junk account that you keep as a spare. Tap SettingsNotificationsMail[account name]Badge App Icon.

In any case, once you know you have mail, tap Mail on the Home screen to start reading it.

If you have more than one email address, you’re in luck. The iPhone offers a unified inbox—an option that displays all the incoming messages from all your accounts in a single place. (If you don’t see it—if Mail opened up to some other screen—keep swiping rightward, backing up a screen at a time, until you do.)

This Mailboxes page has two sections:

If you tap an inbox’s name, you wind up face to face with the list of incoming messages. At first, you see only the subject lines of your messages, plus, in light-gray type, the first few lines of their contents; that way, you can scan through new messages to see if there’s anything important. You can flick upward to scroll this list. Blue dots indicate messages you haven’t yet opened.

Each message bears a gray 〉 at the right side. That means “Tap this message’s row to read it in all its formatted glory.”

Here and there, though, you may spot a double arrow at the right side of the message list, like this: 〉 That means you’re looking at some threaded messages. That’s where several related messages—back-and-forths on the same subject—appear only once, in a single, consolidated entry. The idea is to reduce inbox clutter and to help you remember what people were talking about.

When you tap a threaded message, you first open an intermediate screen that lists the messages in the thread and tells you how many there are. Tap one of those to read, at last, the message itself.

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Of course, this also means that to return to the inbox, you have more backtracking to do (swipe rightward twice).

In general, threading is a nice feature, even if, from time to time, it accidentally clumps in a message that has nothing to do with the others.

But if it bugs you, you can turn it off. Open SettingsMail, scroll down, and turn off Organize By Thread.

(If you have an iPhone Plus model, you can turn the phone 90 degrees to see the mini-tablet-like view shown on the facing page, with the message list and open message visible simultaneously.)

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You might notice, in your master Inbox, two “email accounts” that you didn’t set up: VIP and Flagged. They’re both intended to help you round up important messages from the thousands that flood you every day.

Each one magically rounds up messages from all your account inboxes, so you don’t have to go wading through lots of accounts to find the really important mail. (Note: That’s inboxes. Messages in other mail folders don’t wind up in these special inboxes, even if they’re flagged or are from VIPs.)

In the real world, VIPs are people who get backstage passes to concerts or special treatment at business functions (it stands for “very important person”). In iOS, it means “somebody whose mail is important enough that I want it brought to my attention immediately when it arrives.”

So who should your VIPs be? That’s up to you. Your spouse, your boss, and your doctor come to mind.

To designate someone as a VIP, proceed in either of these two ways:

Once you’ve established who’s important, lots of interesting things happen:

Sometimes you receive email that prompts you to some sort of action, but you may not have the time (or the fortitude) to face the task at the moment. (“Hi there, it’s me, your accountant. Would you mind rounding up your expenses for 2005 through 2015 and sending me a list by email?”)

That’s why Mail lets you flag a message, summoning a little flag icon or a little orange dot in a new column next to the message’s name. (You can see the actual dot in the message on the previous page at right.) It can mean anything you like—it simply calls attention to certain messages.

To flag an open message, tap at the bottom of the screen. When the confirmation sheet slides up (below, left), tap Flag.

You can also rapidly flag messages directly in a list (the Inbox, for example). Just swipe leftward across the message—half an inch of finger-sliding does the trick—to reveal the set of buttons shown here at right:

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Tap Flag. (If you tap More, you get the option to Unflag.)

The dot or icon appears in the body of the message, next to the message’s name in your message list. (In the picture on the facing page, the top dot looks more like a bull’s-eye; that’s because it’s flagged and unread.) The flag appears even on the corresponding message in your Mac or PC email program, thanks to the miracle of wireless syncing.

Finally, the Flagged mailbox appears in your list of accounts, making it easy to work with all flagged messages, from all accounts, in one place.

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This might be a good time to point out another, newer way to draw attention to a message: Tell Siri to “Remind me about this later.” See “Remind Me About This” for details.

What to Do with a Message

Once you’ve opened a message, you can respond to it, delete it, file it, and so on. Here’s the drill.

List View: Flag, Trash, Mark as Unread

It’s easy to plow through a seething Inbox, processing messages as you go, without ever having to open them. All you have to do is swipe across a message in the list horizontally.

To a certain extent, you can customize these gestures. You can turn off the right-swipe gesture. Or swap the positions of the Flag and Read options, for example, so that you flag a message when you swipe fully to the right and Read appears as a button when you swipe to the left. Or you can put the Archive button into the place of Flag when you swipe to the left.

To check out your options, open SettingsMailSwipe Options (shown on the facing page).

Tap Swipe Left to specify which button appears in the center of the three when you swipe partway leftward: None, Mark as Read, Flag, or Move Message. Tap Swipe Right to choose which function you want to trigger with a full rightward swipe (None, Mark as Read, Flag, Move Message, or Archive).

To compose a new piece of outgoing mail, open the Mail app, and then tap in the lower-right corner. A blank new outgoing message appears, and the iPhone keyboard pops up.

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Here’s how you go about writing a message:

  1. In the To field, type the recipient’s email address—or grab it from Contacts.

    Often, you won’t have to type much more than the first couple of letters of the name or email address. As you type, Mail displays all matching names and addresses so you can tap one instead of typing. (It thoughtfully derives these suggestions by analyzing both your Contacts and people you’ve recently exchanged email with.)

    As you go, the iPhone displays a list of everyone whose name matches what you’re typing (previous page, left). The ones bearing buttons are the people you’ve recently corresponded with but who are not in your Contacts. Tap the to open a screen where you can add them to Contacts—or remove them from the list of recent correspondents, so Mail’s autocomplete suggestions will no longer include those lowlifes.

    If you hold your finger down on the period (.) key, you get a pop-up palette of common email-address suffixes, like .com, .edu, .org, and so on, just as in Safari.

    Alternatively, tap the to open your Contacts list. Tap the name of the person you want.

    You can add as many addressees as you like; just repeat the procedure.


    There’s no Group mail feature on the iPhone, which would let you send one message to a predefined set of friends. But at, you can create free email groups. You can send a single email message to the group’s address, and everyone in the group will get a copy. (You have to set up one of these groups in a web browser—but lo and behold, your iPhone has one!)

    Incidentally, if you’ve set up your iPhone to connect to a corporate Exchange server (Chapter 19), then you can look up anybody in the entire company directory at this point. Setup has the instructions.

  2. To send a copy to other recipients, enter the address(es) in the Cc or Bcc fields. If you tap Cc/Bcc, From, the screen expands to reveal two new lines beneath the To line: Cc and Bcc.

    Cc stands for carbon copy. Getting an email message where your name is in the Cc line implies: “I sent you a copy because I thought you’d want to know about this correspondence, but I’m not expecting you to reply.”

    Bcc stands for blind carbon copy. It’s a copy that goes to a third party secretly—the primary addressee never knows who else you sent it to. For example, if you send your coworker a message that says, “Chris, it bothers me that you’ve been cheating the customers,” you could Bcc your supervisor to clue her in without getting into trouble with Chris.

    Each of these lines behaves exactly like the To line. You fill each one up with email addresses in the same way.

  3. Change the email account you’re using, if you like. If you have more than one email account set up on your iPhone, you can tap Cc/Bcc, From to expand the form and then tap From to open up a spinning list of your accounts. Tap the one you want to use for sending this message.

  4. Type the topic of the message in the Subject field. Leaving it blank only annoys your recipient. On the other hand, don’t put the entire message into the subject line, either.

  5. Type your message in the message box. All the usual iPhone keyboard and dictation tricks apply (Chapter 4). Don’t forget that you can use Copy and Paste, within Mail or from other programs. Both text and graphics can appear in your message.

    And here’s a fantastic trick: As you’re composing a message, you can refer to another email—maybe the one you’re responding to—without losing your place.

    To do that, drag downward on the title bar, where it says New Message or whatever the reply’s title is; your message in progress collapses to the bottom of the screen. Now you can scroll through the message behind it—or you can navigate to any message in any Mail account or folder. This is a great trick when, for example, you want to copy some text out of an earlier message.

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    Actually, you can collapse multiple outgoing messages like this, leaving them unfinished but still open. They all pile up at the bottom of the screen. (Hold your finger down on them to “fan” them open, so you can hop into one.)

    When you’re ready to resume writing, tap the title bar at the bottom of the screen; your composition window opens right back up.

  6. Attach a photo or video, if you like. Hold down your finger anywhere in the body of the message until the Select buttons appear. Tap to reveal the Insert Photo or Video button (shown on the next page at lower left).

    When you tap it, you’re shown your iPhone’s usual photo browser so that you can choose the photos and videos you want to attach (next page, middle). Tap the collection you want; you’re shown all the thumbnails inside. Tap the photo or video, and then tap Choose.

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    You return to your message in progress, with the photo or video neatly inserted (above, right). You can repeat this step to add additional photo or video attachments. When you tap Send, you’re offered the opportunity to scale down the photo to a more reasonable (emailable) size.

  7. Format the text, if you like. You can apply bold, italic, or underlining to mail text you’ve typed.

    The trick is to select the text first (Cut, Copy, Paste). When the button bar appears, tap the B I U button. Tap that to make the Bold, Italics, and Underline buttons appear on the button bar; tap away. Not terribly efficient, but it works.

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  8. Tap Send (to send the message) or Cancel (to back out of it). If you tap Cancel, the iPhone asks if you want to save the message. If you tap Save Draft, then the message lands in your Drafts folder.

    Later you can open the Drafts folder, tap the aborted message, finish it up, and send it.

Oh, and by the way: You can begin composing a message on your phone, and then continue writing it on your Mac, without ever having to save it as a draft. Or go the other way. See Handoff for details on Handoff.

If you don’t get much mail, you probably aren’t lying awake at night trying to think of ways to manage the information overload on your tiny phone.

If you do get a lot of mail, here are some tips.