Page numbers reflect those in print edition.

Abernethy, Jack, 141

Acadia National Park, 173

Account of the Taxonomy of North American Wolves, An (USFWS), 139140

Adams, John, 66

Adams-Onís Treaty (1819), 82

Age of Ecology, 106, 153

Albright, Horace, 169, 172

Alcan Highway, wolves along, 141142

Alexander, William, 80

Alexis, Grand Duke, hunting by, 5, 6, 164

Alibates, 22, 24, 171

Allen, Durwood, 145

Alloway, Charles, 132

Alsarea, 83, 84

Altithermal, 17, 21, 22, 124

American Bison Society, 112, 121, 133, 134

American Buffalo Foundation, 178

American Fur Company, 77, 128

American Museum of Natural History, 3, 90

American Prairie Reserve, 181, 182

map of, 179

American Serengeti, map of, 177

American Serengeti (movie), 182

American Society of Mammologists, 58

Anasazi, 22

Animal Damage Control Act (1931), 58, 60

Antelope, 4, 30, 31, 41, 45, 46, 163

finding, 3940

hides of, 38

pronghorns and, 29

Antelope Creek people, 24, 26

Anthrax, 127

Antilocapra, 31, 40

Antilocapridae, 30, 31, 40

Antiquities Act, 170

Arapahos, 82

horses and, 71

Archaic peoples, 20, 21

bison and, 22

Arctodus simus, 33

Arikara Buffalo-Calling Society, 118

Arikaras, 1, 118

Arkansas River, 16, 21, 64, 85, 101, 163, 164

fur trade on, 65

horses on, 71

Ashley, Robert, 68

Assiniboines, 126

Athabaskan, 108

Auden, W. H., 161

Audubon, John James, 3, 4, 78, 41, 144, 164, 180, 182

horses and, 64, 84

wildlife and, 1, 2

wolves and, 147

Audubon, John Woodhouse, 1

Audubon, Victor, 1

Avonlea culture, 115

Awahakei, 77

Badlands, 15, 169170, 173

Badlands National Monument, 170

Badlands National Park, 170, 171

Bailey, Vernon, 7, 44, 55, 152

Bakken oil boom, 167

Barro (wild horse), 64, 65

Bayou Pierre, 74

Bear Butte, 118

Bears, 9091, 94, 104, 144, 163

black, 96, 9899

brown, 9798

cave, 96

monster, 94, 108

Pleistocene, 96

short-faced, 33, 91, 96, 143, 144

stories about, 107, 108109, 109110

white, 96, 97

yellow, 97

See also Grizzly bears

“Bear Woman with a Snapping Vagina, The” (Nez Perce story), 108

Becknell, William, 83

Beckwourth, Jim, 85

Bell, John, 164

Bent, St. Vrain & Co., 85

Bent’s Fort, building, 85

Bering land bridge, 36, 96, 140

Bering Strait, 50

Berlandier, Jean-Louis, 7576, 77

Besant culture, 115

Big Boy (wolf-hybrid), 156

Big Breakout, 166

Big Foot Wallace (bear), 105

Big History, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 24, 25, 26, 28, 87, 113

Great Plains and, 20

humans and, 27

wild horses and, 70

Bighorn sheep, 2, 7, 42, 150, 170

Big Star, 83

Big Timber, 85

Biography of a Grizzly, The (Seton), 105, 106

Biological warfare, 54, 149, 150

Birds of America, The (Audubon), 1, 51

Bison, 2, 7, 9, 24, 28, 39, 62, 63, 71, 74, 85, 89, 92, 116, 144, 163, 170, 174, 176, 182

adaptation by, 21

biomass of, 21, 125

caloric possibilities of, 37

carrying capacity for, 25, 127

cattle and, 133

charisma of, 111

climate change and, 113

decline of, 43, 112, 115, 119120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 128, 132

domesticating, 133

drought and, 115, 126, 127

dwarf, 20, 146

giant, 15, 37, 51

Great Plains and, 36, 37, 94, 115, 124, 125, 127, 133 (photo), 134, 150

grizzly bears and, 95, 9697

harvesting, 149150

history of, 122123

horses and, 25, 127, 128

hunting, 14, 18, 26, 42, 46, 48, 52, 76, 121, 125, 127, 129, 149

Indian policy and, 122, 130, 131

long-horned, 3, 33, 143

migration of, 25

photo of, 114, 133

plains peoples and, 2223

population of, 94, 111, 134

preserving, 134

pronghorns and, 36, 38, 43, 127

slaughtering of, 67, 27, 99, 120, 121, 122, 124, 130, 131

spread of, 37

wolves and, 134, 137, 141, 144, 146, 148, 150, 158

Bison antiquus, 14

Bison antiquus occidentialis, 18

Bison bison, 20, 21

Bison Field Campaign, 122

“Bison-Loving Billionaires Rile Ranchers with Land Grab,” 181182

Bitterroot Mountains, 91

Bitterroot Valley, wolves in, 156157

Blackfeet, 98, 108, 117

horses and, 70, 71

Black Hills, 43, 72, 171

Blackland Prairie, 167

Blackwater Draw, 12, 14, 22, 28

photo of, 13

“Blitzkrieg Overkill” model, 19

BLM. See Bureau of Land Management

Blue Sky, 116

Bob Marshall Wilderness, 109

Bodmer, Karl, 118, 164, 180, 183

Bonfire Shelter jump site, 125

Boone & Crockett Club, 43

Border and the Buffalo, The (Cook), 122

Bourbon Reforms, 7475

Bovine tuberculosis, 127

Boyd & McNannin, 112

Boynton, H. W., 106

Brazos River, 16

Bridger, Jim, 5

Brown, Barnum, 3

Brown, Dee, 120, 122

Brown, Harvey, 111, 112

Bryce Canyon National Park, 170

Bryson, Reid, 127

Buffalo. See Bison

Buffalo-Coming-Out, 119

Buffalo Commons, 161, 178

Buffalo hunters, as national heroes, 132

Buffalo jumps, 116, 125, 148

Buffalo People, 116

“Buffalo-Stealer,” 117

Buffalo wallows, 148

Bumpas, Herman, 173

Bureau of Biological Survey, 7, 44, 104, 134, 139, 151, 152, 171

PR campaign by, 5556

strychnine and, 150

Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 179, 180

Burlingame, Merrill, 121

Burnet, David, 82

Burroughs, John, 55

Burroughs, William, 106

Burton, Sir Richard, 5

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown), 122

Byers, John, 31

Caddoans, 22, 23, 24, 77

Calf Creek, 111112

Call of the Wild (London), 106

Calvert, John, 79

Camels, 3, 14, 33, 143

Cameron, Evelyn, 165

Cameron, Ewen, 165, 166

Cammerer, Arno, 173

Canadian River, 16, 24, 83

Canidae, 50, 140, 155

Canis latrans, 47

Canis lupus, 50, 139

Canis lupus arctos, 140

Canis lupus baileyi, 140

Canis lupus irremotus, 154

Canis lupus nubilus, 140

Canis lupus occidentalis, 140

Canis lycaon, 50, 140

Canis rufus, 50, 139, 140

Cantwell, Matt, 104

Capitalism, 119, 120, 121, 124

Capulin Volcano, 171

Carolina parakeets, demise of, 134

Carson, Rachel, poisons and, 59

Cary, William de la Montagne, 89, 90

Cascades, 104, 168

Casey, Denise, 103

Cashily, John, 79

Cather, Willa, 165, 166, 182

Catlin, George, 1, 63, 74, 84, 119, 161, 164, 171, 175, 179180

art of, 148

ceremonies and, 118

Great Plains and, 168

horse trading and, 84

painting by, 65 (fig.)

wild horses and, 6465, 8788

Cats, 90, 144

cheetah-like, 3

Cattle, 26

bison and, 133

wild, 127

wolves and, 150

Cattle Men Tracing Grizzly Den, 90

Caughley, Graeme, 145146

Causey, George, 129

Central Plains, 25, 40, 42, 175

climate science and, 176177

horses on, 66, 72

trading on, 85

Century magazine, 55

Cervidae, 30

Cervoidea, 30

Chacoan Empire, 24, 124

Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, 110, 171

Chasmaporthetes ossifragus, 33

Chatillon, Henry, 5

Chauvet Cave, 11, 95

Checoba (war horse), 84

Cheetahs, 30

false, 18, 33, 143

Cheyennes, 116, 117, 118, 119, 126, 129

horses and, 71, 73, 85

Chickasaws, 75

Chihuahuan Desert, 37, 178

Chouteau, Auguste Pierre, 82

Cimmaron River, 16, 99100

Civilization, 54, 113114, 122, 150

Civil War, 85, 114, 129, 160

Clark, Daniel, Jr., 66, 68

Clark, Tim, 103

Clark, William, 39, 148

bears and, 97, 98

coyotes and, 4647, 4748

Climate, Great Plains, 1516, 27

Climate change, 20, 113, 126, 128

Clinton, Bill, national monument and, 180

Clovis people, 11, 15, 16, 26, 28

elephants and, 14, 18

mammoths and, 108

Siberians and, 12, 14

Clovis sites, 12, 16, 18, 37

Club-Foot (bear), 105

Cody, Bill, 5

Cody culture, 20

Cole, Cornelius, on bison, 130

Colorado Plateau, 168, 169

Colter, John, 80

Columbia River, bison on, 125

Comanches, 63, 66, 72, 79, 82, 100, 126, 141

bison and, 129

buffalo pastures and, 128129

horses and, 73, 81, 82, 83, 85

Southern Plains and, 24, 25

trade with, 101

wolves and, 137

Commerce of the Prairies (Gregg), 51

Committee of Ecology of the Grasslands, 169

Compound 1080, using, 59

Concho River Valley, bison in, 127

Conservation biologists, 167, 179180

Conservationists, 121, 122, 168

Cook, John, 122123, 124, 131

Cooper, James Fenimore, 90, 164

Cope, Edwin, 3

Corbin, Ben, 150

Coronado, 77, 125

Corps of Engineers, 171

Corrals, 38, 7576, 77, 88

Cougars, 3, 7, 33, 70, 71

Coyote (mythic being), 49

stories about, 48, 50, 53

Coyote Man (legendary figure), 117, 118

Coyotes, 4, 9, 33, 71, 144, 155, 158

controlling, 153

criticism of, 53, 54, 58

discovery of, 4647

encounters with, 61

eradication of, 42, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 104

evolution of, 47, 48, 50, 51

Great Plains and, 92

individuality of, 107

perception of, 104

persistence of, 7

petroglyph of, 49 (fig.)

photo of, 61, 138

plasticity of, 5152

poisoning, 5354, 86, 153

pronghorns and, 3536, 39, 45, 47

recovery for, 153

survivability of, 53

traits of, 52

urban, 60, 62, 107

wolves and, 50, 52, 53, 62, 140, 141, 147, 150, 152, 156

Coyotl, 47

Craighead brothers, 107

Crees, 116, 126

horses and, 70

Crows, 6, 126, 129

horses and, 70, 71

Culture, 3738, 91, 92, 93

horse, 70

Indian, 108

Western, 100

Curtis, Edward, 115

Curwood, James Oliver, 106

Custer, Elizabeth, 164

Custer, George Armstrong, 5, 90, 131, 164

Custis, Peter, Grand Expedition and, 29, 39, 69

Cut-Bank Canyon, 117

Dauni, Alexandro, 79

Davis, John, 79

Davis Mountains, 106

Deer, 7, 33, 40, 42, 46, 71, 150, 163

hides of, 38

hunting, 146

population of, 145

slaughter of, 99

Defenders of Wildlife, wolves and, 143144, 154

Delano, Columbus, 131

DeMun, Jules, 82

Denver, coyotes in, 62

Department of Agriculture, 60

De Porras, Martin, 70

Descartes, René, 100

DeVoto, Bernard, on Stewart, 5

Diamond, Jared, 51

Dillehay, Tom, 124125

Diseases, 139

exotic, 127, 128

Old World, 125, 127

Dixon, Billy, 129

Dobie, Frank, 71

Dodge, Mabel, 165

Dodge, Richard Irving, 38, 99, 100, 131, 164

Dog Den Butte, 117, 119

Drewyer, brown bears and, 97

Drought, 17, 24, 124, 176

bison and, 115, 126, 127

Great Plains, 2526, 126

DuBray, Fred, 134, 135

Dunbar, Sir William, 66, 162, 163

Duprees, Fred, 132

Dust Bowl, 126, 170, 173, 176, 178

Earth, 116

Ecology, 11, 119, 136, 144, 147

damage to, 167

Great Plains, 65, 70, 71, 124, 125126, 167, 170

Ecology Center, 182

Ecoregional Planning in the Northern Great Plains Steppe, 180

Elephants, 3, 27, 33, 51

Clovis people and, 14, 18

population of, 19

Elk, 7, 33, 38, 40, 42, 71, 105, 115, 144, 150, 153, 163

on Great Plains, 158

hunting, 6, 26, 146

Elton, Charles, 145

Endangered Species Act (1973), 59, 60, 153, 154, 158

Energy development, battle against, 178

Enlarged Homestead Act (1909), 167

Enlightenment Age, 29, 39

Environmentalism, 144, 153, 160, 167

Epizootics, 20

Eradication Methods Laboratory, 56

Erect Horns (culture hero), 117, 118

Everglades National Park, 173

Evolution, 12, 3132, 37, 47, 48, 50, 51, 87

Extermination of the American Bison: With a Sketch of Its Discovery and Life History (Hornaday), publication of, 120

Extinctions, Pleistocene, 7, 1819, 30, 3132, 37, 42, 52, 113, 115, 124, 144, 146, 149

False Washita, 63

Farming, 23, 24, 173, 176

Filibert, Joseph, 82

Fission-fusion capabilities, 51, 52, 56

Flathead Reservation, 132

Flathead River, 92, 154

Flint Hills, 178

Folsom people, 14, 15, 18

Folsom sites, 37

Fort, Greenburg, bill by, 130131

Fort Benton, 3, 90

Fort Bridger trap site, 38

Fort Laramie, 85

Fort Peck Game Range, 171

Fort Smith, 83

Fort Union, 1, 2, 7

Fort Worth, 68

Fowler, Jacob, 8283, 101103, 108

Fowler, Robert, 102

Fracking, 27, 178

Fremont, John Charles, 147

Friedkin Site, 11

“Friendly Medicine Grizzly” (Blackfeet story), 108

Fund for Animals, wolves and, 143144

Fur trade, 52, 63, 64, 65, 69, 72, 74, 83, 103

predator pelts and, 54

Gable, Clark, 86

Galen, James, 152

Gard, Wayne, 120

Gast, John, 113

Gazelles, 4, 30, 32, 39, 46, 51

Gehrt, Stanley, 60, 107

Geist, Valerius, 96

Ghost Dance, 119

Giraffes, pronghorns and, 30

“Girl Who Married the Bear, The” (Athabaskan story), 108

Glacier National Park, 136, 168, 174

grizzly bears in, 92

wolves in, 152, 153, 154

Glass, Anthony, 79, 85

horse trade and, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82

mustangs and, 88

Glenn, Hugh, 83, 102

Global economy, 26, 119, 128

Goddess of Liberty, The (Gast), 113

Goldman, Edward A., 58, 139, 140

Goodnight, Charles, 132, 171, 172

bison diseases and, 127

Paradise Valley and, 174

Goodnight, Mary, 132, 172

Gore, Sir George, 5, 6, 164

Gould, Charles, 174

Grand Canyon, 172, 173

wolves at, 158

Grand Canyon National Park, 168, 169, 170, 174

Grand Expedition, 29, 69, 77

Grand Forces, 21, 113

Grand Teton National Park, 170, 175, 181

pronghorns in, 33

wolves in, 159

Grant, Ulysses, Fort bill and, 130131

Grassland National Park, 171

Grasslands, 5, 1516, 17, 21, 99, 116, 125, 144, 168

adapting to, 25

bison and, 37

Pleistocene, 18

pronghorns and, 37

Gray Wolf Restoration Team, wolf pack release by, 158

Great American War, grizzly bears and, 104

Great Auk, 7

Great Basin, 37

Great Bear, 77

Great Bison Belt, 36

Great Buffalo Savanna, 134

Great Drought, 124

“Greater Black Hills Wildlife Protection Area,” 178

Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 107

Great Extinctions, 20

“Great Horse Funnel,” 72

Great Lakes, 24, 60, 126

wolves along, 140, 159

Great Plains, 5, 12, 21, 22, 24, 39, 40, 45, 52, 54, 55, 83, 86, 90, 93, 113, 116, 122, 133, 136

big animals of, 3, 28

destruction of, 8

future of, 176177

history of, 18, 20, 93, 112

Jurassic, 16

landscape of, 19, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167

living on, 10, 16

parks for, 44, 168, 171, 172, 180, 182

Permian, 161

photo of, 8

Pleistocene, 32, 33, 143

preservation of, 168, 169

private ownership of, 166, 167, 168

re-wilding of, 92, 167168, 171, 179180

slaughter on, 67, 8, 42, 99, 100, 130

transformation of, 166

traveling through, 1, 3

Triassic, 16

wildlife of, 41, 4647

Great Plains, The (Webb), 7

Great Plains Restoration Council, 178

Great Pronghorn Savannah, 36

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 173

Green River, 34, 85

Gregg, Josiah, 51, 144, 147148

on buffalo, 143

on coyotes, 147

Grey, Zane, 166

Greybull River, 105

Grinnell, George Bird, 43, 54, 90

Grinnell, Joseph, study by, 58

Grizzly bears, 2, 4, 9, 40, 70, 71, 89, 144, 170

bison and, 95, 9697

cave bears and, 96

colonizing with, 182

encountering, 9394, 9697, 99, 100, 101, 102103

fate of, 110

history of, 9192

hunting, 6, 90, 99

individualization of, 105, 106

as monsters, 108

photo of, 91, 105, 138

population of, 92, 104105, 105, 107

range of, 95 (map)

slaughtering of, 7, 26, 94, 103104, 105

understanding, 93, 104

Grizzly King, The (Curwood), 106

Gros Ventres, 108, 117

Haley, Evetts, Palo Duro and, 172

Hall, E. Raymond, 51, 58, 139

Ham, Caiaphas, 82

Hancock, John, 131

Harper’s Weekly, 90

Harris, William Cornwallis, 5

Hemingway, Ernest, 5

Hernandez, Francisco, 39

Hidatsas, 72, 116, 118

Hides, 38

buffalo, 128, 129

hunting for, 121, 123, 128, 131

High Plains, 24, 70, 137, 163, 167, 179

acquiring, 178

farming on, 173

High Plains Ecosystem Recovery Plan, 182

High Plains Ecosystem Restoration Council, 178

Hoita, 117

Homesteading, 43, 168, 170

Homotherium serum, 33

Hornaday, William T., 55, 132, 133

biography of, 122

bison and, 112, 114, 121

goal of, 111112

market hunt and, 120

post-bison era and, 120

robe trading and, 121

unregulated market and, 124

Horse herders, nomadic villages of, 2627 (photo)

Horses, 14, 18, 28, 33, 76

acquisition of, 75, 76, 125

Barb, 69

bison and, 25, 127, 128

carrying capacity of, 25

evolution of, 87

on Great Plains, 64, 65 (fig.), 69, 85, 8788

humans and, 25

modern, 69, 87

as national property, 74

petroglyphs of, 73 (fig.)

Pleistocene, 71, 127

population of, 128

trading, 72, 73, 74, 7780, 83, 8485, 86

wild, 3, 4, 26, 42, 51, 62, 63, 6465, 65 (fig.), 66, 6869, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 (map), 84, 85, 86, 8788, 127, 149

House, John, 68, 79

Howard, E. B., 12

Hudson’s Bay Company, 72, 77, 94, 128, 145

Hunter-gatherers, 37, 126

Hunting, 6, 7, 14, 18, 26, 38, 40, 42, 46, 48, 76, 90, 99, 123, 125, 127, 128, 129, 149, 150, 159, 164

market, 43, 52, 55, 120, 121, 131

painting of, 17 (photo)

railroads and, 43

sport, 55, 56, 104

Hyenas, 3, 18, 33, 143, 144

Ice Ages, 12

Ickes, Harold, 174175

Indian policy, bison and, 127, 130, 131

Indians, 103

acculturation of, 132

controlling, 130

emergence of, 178

Individuality, 105, 106, 107

Ingersoll, Ernest, on coyotes, 54

Intertribal Bison Cooperative (ITBC), 134

Iscanis, 77

Isle Royale National Park, 145

Jackals, 4, 47, 48, 50

Jackson Hole, 33, 175

James, Edwin, 40

James, Thomas

Alsarea and, 84

horse trade and, 78, 83

Wichita Indians and, 83

wild horses and, 88

JA Ranch, 174, 175

Jefferson, Thomas, 38, 39, 66, 88, 96, 162

coyote and, 47

Dunbar and, 163

exploration and, 46

Glass and, 81

Grand Expedition and, 29

letter from, 68

Philip Nolan and, 66

Red River expedition and, 40

Sibley and, 79, 80

West and, 69, 70

wild horses and, 6869

Jeffersonian Age, 94, 100

Johnston, Velma “Wild Horse Annie,” 86

Jones, Charles Buffalo, 121, 132

Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (Moulton), 9697

Judith River, 3

Junction Butte pack, 158

Jurassic, 16

Kaibab Plateau, 145, 146

Karuks, Coyote and, 48

Kearny, Steven, 85

Kelsey, Henry, 94

Ken-L-Ration company, 86

Kern, Richard, 85

Kidwell Ranch, 45

Kiowa Calendars, 129

Kiowas, 63, 100, 108, 119

bison and, 115

horses and, 85

Knight-Ridder News Service, 137

Knopf, Fritz, 182

Kruger National Park, 168

Kwahadis, 38

Lacey Act (1900), passage of, 121

Lake Superior, wolves along, 152

Lakotas, 6

bison and, 115

buffalo pastures and, 128129

horses and, 71

Lamar River, 157158

Lamar Valley, wolves in, 157, 158

Land and Water Conservation Fund Act (1964), 169

Landscape with Herd of Buffalo on the Upper Missouri (Bodmer), 164

Languedoc, wolves at, 143

Laramie Range, 151

Laurasia, breakup of, 19

Lawrence, D. H., 92

Leidy, Joseph, 3

Lemons, John, 82

Leopold, Aldo, 58, 106, 153

Letters and Notes on the North American Indians (Catlin), 119

Lewis, John, 80

Lewis, Meriwether, 102, 183

antelope and, 3940

bears and, 9798, 9899, 108

coyotes and, 4647

Great Plains and, 163

grizzly bears and, 99, 103, 108

wolves and, 147

Lewis and Clark expedition, 1, 4, 29, 39, 52, 69, 93, 119, 163, 182

coyotes and, 61

Great Plains and, 167

grizzly bears and, 94, 96, 99, 100, 101, 103

Missouri River and, 180

pronghorns and, 33, 40

wolves and, 144, 148

Lilly, Ben, 101

Lincoln, Abraham, 130

Linnaeus, Carolus, 39, 40

Lions, 3, 90, 175

mountain, 149

steppe, 3, 33, 143

war on, 104

Little Bear, trade and, 128

Little Big Horn, 131

Little Ice Age, 26, 125, 126, 127

Little Missouri Badlands, 170

Litts, Frank, 86

Llano Estacado, 7, 16, 43, 44, 86, 142, 167, 171, 175, 178

Loki (mythic being), 48

London, Jack, 106

Lone Man, 116, 117

Long, Stephen, 40, 163

coyote and, 47

pronghorns and, 41

Lopez, Barry, on slaughter of animals, 99

“Lost Cause” explanation, 120

Lotka-Volterra Equations, 145

Louisiana Purchase, 29, 77, 81

wild horses and, 66

Lowe, David, 131

LU-Bar Ranch, 111

Lubbock Lake, 22

Lycopithecus, 139

MacFarland, Alexander, 82

Magic Pack, 154

Mammoths, 3, 14, 19, 143

extinction of, 108

skeleton of, 4 (photo)

Mandans, 1, 40, 72, 96, 98, 117

buffalo and, 116

ceremonies of, 118, 119

Man-Who-Kills-Game-Easily, 118

Marcy, Randolph, Tule Canyon and, 172

Market economy, 7374, 128

Marsh, Othniel, 3

Martin, Paul, model of, 19

Masai Mara, 2, 11, 33, 90

Masai Mara National Reserve, 168

Massaum ceremony, 118

Mather, Stephen, 169

Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied, Prince, 164, 180

Maximus (bear), story of, 109110

Mayers, Frank, 129

McCall, Ezra, 82

McFee, Ross, 20

McHugh, Tom, 120

McIntyre, Albert, 151

McKay, James, 132

McKean culture, 115

McKenzie River, 137

McKibben, Bill, 109

Mech, David, 146

Megafauna, 11, 19

charismatic, 34, 27

Pleistocene, 4, 4 (photo), 14, 18, 45

Melville, Herman, 101

Merycodontinae, 31

Mesteños, 74, 76, 77

Métis, 115, 129, 132

Metitsi Wahb (bear), 106

Mexican gray wolf recovery plan, map of, 159

“Mexican Traveller,” 66, 68

Mexican War, 84

Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan, 160

Mexican Wolf Recovery Team, 154

Milk River, 98

Miller, Alfred Jacob, 85

Mills, Enos, 106, 172

Miracinoyx inexpectatus, 33

Miracinoyx trumani, 33

Miró, Esteban, 66

Misfits, The (movie), 86

Mississippian peoples, 22, 24

Mississippi River, 37, 56, 72, 75, 125

Mississippi Valley, 22

Missouri Fur Company, 77

Missouri River, 1, 3, 16, 46, 63, 83, 88, 89, 90, 118, 148, 161, 171, 182183

exploring, 41

photo of, 181

Moby Dick (Melville), 101

Mogollon peoples, 22

Mojave Desert, 37

Monroe, Marilyn, 86

Monterrey, 70, 93, 94

Mooar, J. Wright, 122, 132

Mooney, James, 116

Moose, 144, 146, 153

Moses (coyote), 55

Mother Bear Guarding Cubs, 90

Mother Road, 173

Moulton, Gary, 96

Mount Scott, 119

Muir, John, 55, 106, 107, 122, 172

Mule deer, 6, 39, 145, 183

Mummy Cave culture, 115

Murie, Olaus, 58, 106, 171

Musselshell River, 112

Mustangers, 65, 67, 75, 76, 79, 82, 83, 85, 86

“Mustang Fund,” creation of, 75

Mustang Prairie, 71

Mustangs, 45, 67, 70, 75, 85, 88

Napi, 117

Natchez Trace, 65, 66, 68

Natchitoches, 24, 74, 77

Southern Plains tribes in, 38

trade and, 72

National Bison Range, 31

National Geographic Society, 182

National Museum, 111

National Park of the Plains, 172

National parks, 55, 59, 180

National Park Service (NPS), 87, 169, 170, 172, 174

ecosystem thinking and, 171, 173

Great Plains and, 168

Nature Conservancy, 178, 180

“Nature-faker” controversies, 106, 107

Navajos, 38

Coyote and, 48

Neanderthals, 94

Nee Aut, 117

Neo-Atlantic Episode, 125

Neotony, 52, 155156

Newhouse, Sewell, trap by, 150

New Orleans, 24

trade and, 25, 72

New Spain, 75, 80

New York Zoological Park, 112

Nez Perce, 108, 128

Coyote and, 48

horses and, 70, 73

Nix’ant, 116

Nixon, Richard, 59, 86, 153

Nolan, Philip, 66, 80, 84, 85, 88

adventures of, 68

horse trade and, 74, 77, 78

mustanging and, 67, 79

wild horses and, 69

Northern Plains, 27, 40, 42, 63, 72, 85, 86, 152, 168, 171

bison on, 114115

ecology of, 119, 182

fur trade on, 64, 83

horses on, 73, 74

hunting on, 7, 131

landscapes of, 180

public land in, 178179

wolves on, 154, 159

Northern Range elk herd, 158

Northern Rocky Mountains, 103, 136, 146, 179

grizzly bears in, 92

wolves in, 158

Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Plan, 153

Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Team, 156

Northwest Company, 77

NPS. See National Park Service

Nuttall, Thomas, 41

Nyack Creek, 92

Odum, Eugene, 106

Ogallala Aquifer, 16, 176

Ohio River, 64

O’Keeffe, Georgia, 165, 166, 172, 182

Okipa ceremony, 118, 119

Old Ephraim (bear), 105

Old Man Coyote (mythic being), 48, 53, 58

downfall of, 59

flaw of, 4950

Old Mose (bear), 105

Old Women’s culture, 115

Omega (steamer), 1, 3

Optimal Foraging Strategy, 147

Ord, George, 40

Oregon Trail, The (Parkman), 164

Origin of Man, The (Read), 139

Osages, 64, 67, 81

Our Vanishing Wild Life: Its Extermination and Preservation (Hornaday), 121

Out of Africa (movie), 5

Overland Trails, 127

Oxbow culture, 115

Oyate Pte, 116

Pablo, Michel, 132

Pablo-Allard herd, 132

Paint Horse, 81

Paleo-hunters, 37

Paleolithic, 18, 48, 94

Palo Duro Canyon, 132, 171, 173, 174, 175

preservation and, 172

Palo Duro Canyon National Monument, 173, 174

Panthera, 3

Panthera leo atrox, 33

Paradise Valley, 174

PARC. See Predatory and Rodent Control

Parker, Hilary, 182

Parkman, Francis, 164

Passenger pigeons, demise of, 124, 134

Patton (movie), 123

Pawnees, wolves and, 148

Peale, Charles Willson, 39

Peale, Titian Ramsay, 40, 41

Pecos River, 16, 73

bison on, 122, 125

Pelican Lake culture, 115

Pend Oreilles, 132

Permian Age, 16, 27, 172

Petroglyphs, photo of, 49

Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, 40

Phyllis (wolf), 154

Picuris, 73

Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 102, 163

Pike’s Peak, 101

Pine Ridge, 115

Plains Indians, 120, 128

bison and, 2223

bison ceremonies of, 116119

creation accounts of, 116

hunting by, 38, 149

subservience for, 114

Plainview culture, 20

Plano culture, 20

Platte National Park, 168

Platte River, 16, 41, 122

Pleistocene, 3, 4, 12, 14, 18, 20, 35, 45, 51, 53, 91, 182

ecology of, 124

extinctions of, 1819, 30, 3132, 37, 42, 52, 113, 115, 124, 144, 146, 149

Great Plains of, 32, 33, 143

horses and, 71, 127

wolves and, 143

Plenty Coups, 112

Poisoning, 5354, 55, 56, 86, 149, 150, 152, 153

banning, 59

Popper, Deborah Epstein, 161, 162, 178

Popper, Frank, 178

Powder River, 56

Prairie dogs, 39, 40, 46, 162

Prairie Reserve Project, 179

Predator Conservation Alliance, 182


eliminating, 59, 104

keystone, 56

prey and, 144

role of, 58, 59

Predatory and Rodent Control (PARC), 56, 150

Pronghorns, 4, 9, 18, 41, 62, 71, 85, 87, 115, 121, 150, 157, 162, 170

adaptation by, 30

antelope and, 29

behavior of, 31, 32

bison and, 36, 38, 43, 127

coyotes and, 3536, 39, 45, 47

evolution of, 3132

fawns of, 32, 35

grasslands and, 37

Great Plains and, 2930, 3132, 92

hunting, 6, 26, 38, 4243

Linnaean name for, 40

migration of, 3334

photo of, 30, 35, 44

population of, 44

slaughtering of, 67, 99100

strategy of, 3435

wildness of, 40

Pryor Mountains Wild Horse Range, 9, 86

Puebloan farmers, 23, 24

Pueblo Indians, 22

horses and, 70

petroglyph by, 49 (fig.)

Pueblo model, 24

Pueblo Revolt (1680), 24, 70, 126

Puff (wolf), 158

Purgatory River, 101, 102

Quivira, 77, 125

Ragged Tail (wolf), 158

Railroads, 114

hunting and, 42, 43

Ranch Life and Hunting Trails (Roosevelt), 165

Read, Caveath, 139

Reagan, Ronald, 59, 153

Red Desert, 71, 85

Redford, Robert, 5

Red River, 16, 29, 39, 63, 68, 69, 80, 84, 141, 171

expedition of, 40

horses on, 77

Red Stick ceremonies, 118

Remington, Frederic, 104, 166

Republican River, 24

Revisionism, ecological, 144, 146

Re-wilding, 92, 167168, 171, 179180

Rich, Daniel Catton, 165

Riebsame, William, 176

Rinderpest, 127

Rinella, Steven, 11, 14, 16

River of the West, The (Victor), 103

Rockefellers, 175, 181

Rocky Mountain Fur Company, 72, 77

Rocky Mountain National Park, 168

Rocky Mountain News, 58

Rocky Mountains, 16, 109, 140, 168

wolves in, 156

Roe, Frank Gilbert, 120

Roosevelt, Theodore, 3, 104, 164165, 173, 180

bison and, 133

Great Plains and, 170

horses and, 87

pronghorns and, 43

Wichita Mountains and, 168

Roquier, Francisco, 79

Roughing It (Twain), 53

Russell, Charles M., 104, 166, 178

Ryan, Nolan, 142

Saber-toothed cats, 3, 19, 33, 143

Sabin, Edwin, on coyotes, 54

Sabrine, Mary, 132

Sacred Arrow Bundle, 118

Safaris, 4, 5, 6, 164

Salish, 48, 70

Salt Lake Weekly Tribune, 54

Samson, Fred, 182

Sandoz, Mari, 120, 165, 166

Santa Fe, 11, 24, 29, 94, 174

Santa Fe Trail, 83, 147

Sapphire Mountains, wolves in, 156

Say, Thomas, 40, 47, 164

Scandic Drought, 124

Schamp, George, 82

Scientific American, 54

Scientific Revolution, 100

Scimitar cats, 3, 19, 33, 143

Scott, George C., 123

Scribner’s, 90

Seminoles, 75

Serengeti, 11, 33

comparisons to, 2, 4

reconstruction of, 8

Serengeti National Park, 168

Seton, Ernest Thompson, 55, 105

grizzly bears and, 94

“nature-faker” controversies of, 106

pronghorns and, 36

Seymour, Samuel, 40, 41

Sheep, 39, 60

hunting, 26

Shelford, Victor, 169, 170

Shenandoah National Park, 173

Shepard, Paul, on grizzly bears, 93

Sheppard, Morris, 173, 174

Sheridan, Philip, 5, 123, 131

Shoshones, 98

horses and, 70, 71

Siberians, Clovis people and, 12, 14

Sibley, John, 38, 79, 80

Sierra Club, 122, 133, 179

Sierras, 105, 168

Silent Spring (Carson), 59

Sioux, 24, 128, 129

Skan, 116

Sloths, giant ground, 3, 14, 18, 143

Smilodons, 33

Snake River, bison on, 125

Snowdrift (wolf), 152

Snow Owl ceremony, 118

Snows of Kilimanjaro, The (Hemingway), 5

Sonoran Desert, 37

Southern High Plains, 12, 15, 1718

grasslands of, 21

grizzly bears on, 101

wolves on, 138

Southern Plains, 16, 21, 23, 27, 40, 42, 68, 70, 77, 79, 80, 124, 147, 174, 175, 179

appearance of, 161, 162

bison on, 22, 115, 129, 132, 133, 172

climate science and, 176177

Comanches and, 24, 25

drought on, 126

ecology of, 63

emigrants on, 127

farming on, 24

horses on, 25, 71, 72, 73, 74, 83, 85

parks for, 171, 173

rainfall on, 25

wild horses on, 64, 66, 88

wolves on, 5051, 155, 159 (map), 160

Southern Plains Land Trust, 178

Southern Plains tribes, 40, 67, 77, 81

Spangler, Roy, 152

Spaniards, 126, 128

horses and, 24, 79

Speckled Eagle, 117, 119

Spotted Tail, 5

Stagg, Allen, 141

Steck, Michael, 147

Stegner, Wallace, quote of, 161

Stewart, Sir William Drummond, 5, 85, 164

Stewart, Susan, 137

St. Louis, trade and, 25, 72

Strychnine, 5354, 55, 56, 59, 149, 150

Sublette, Solomon, 85

Sublette, William, 5

Sublette pronghorn herd, 33

Sullys Hill National Park, 168

Sun Dances, 118

Sun River, wolves on, 155

Superior National Forest, 146

Sweet Medicine, 116, 117, 118

Talapoon, Joseph, 68

Talapoon, Lucas, 80

Tales of the Grizzly: Thirty-Nine Stories of Grizzly Bear Encounters in the Wilderness (Clark and Casey), 103, 104

Taos, 73, 94

photo of, 23

Taovayas, 77

Tetrameryx, 31

Texas Panhandle, 43, 44, 123, 132, 141, 171

pronghorns on, 45

wolves on, 138, 152

Texas Parks and Wildlife, Llano Estacado and, 178

Thallium sulfate, poisoning with, 59

Tharp, William, 85

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, 170, 171, 173174

wild horses in, 87

Thoreau, Henry David, 9

Three-Mile wolf pack, 156, 157

Three-Toes (wolf), 151, 152

Three Years among the Indians and Mexicans (James), 84

Throckmorton, J. W., 131

Toll, Roger, 172, 173, 174

Townsend, John Kirk, 41

Trade, 2223, 25, 79, 94, 128

fur, 52, 54, 63, 64, 65, 69, 72, 74, 83, 103

horse, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85

Indian, 85, 101

Spanish, 67

Trade and Intercourse Act (1834), 85

Triassic, 16

Trickster (mythic being), 48

Trinity River, 68

Tule Canyon, 172, 174

Twain, Mark, 53, 60

Two-Toes (wolf), 151

Union Pacific, 43

Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument, 180

Ursus arctos horribilis, 90

“U.S. Agents Stalk ‘Desperadoes’ of Animal World thru Deserts and over Mountain Ranges of West,” 58

US Army of the West, 84, 120

US Fish and Wildlife Service, 60, 139, 158, 180

wolves and, 153, 154

US Government Printing Office, 120

US Peace Commission, 114

Utes, horses and, 70, 71

Victor, Frances Fuller, grizzly bears and, 103

View to Death in the Morning, A (Cantwell), 104

Viscaino, Sebastian, grizzly bears and, 9394

Vonnegut, Kurt, 134

Wab (bear), 105

Wakan Tanka, 116

Walker, James, 116

Walker, Joseph Reddeford, 5, 85

Walking Coyote, Samuel, 132133

Webb, Walter Prescott, 7

West, Elliott, 127

West Texas, 43, 45, 86, 92, 172

White, Richard, 129130

White Bear Crick, 101

White Cliffs Narrows of the Missouri, 180, 183

photo of, 181

Whitehouse, Joseph, quote of, 89

Whitey (wolf), 151

Whitman, Walt, Great Plains and, 165, 166

Wichita Indians, 66, 74, 77, 79, 8081

horses and, 83, 84

James and, 83

Wichita Mountains, 63, 79, 119

Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge, 87, 133, 168

Wild and Scenic Missouri River, 180, 182183

photo of, 181

Wildebeests, 4, 71, 113, 114

Wilderness Act, 180

“Wilderness Letter, The” (Stegner), quote from, 161

Wilderness Preservation System, 134

Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Protection Act (1971), 86

Wild Horse and Burro Conservation Act (1959), 86

Wildlife Services, 60

warning sign by, 57 (photo)

Wilkinson, James, 66, 68, 163

Williams, Old Bill, 85

Wily (wolf-hybrid), 137, 142143, 154155, 156, 157

Wind Cave National Park, 168, 171

Winter Counts, 129

Wisconsin Ice Age, 14, 16, 21

Wolfforth, George, 45

Wolf Haven, 143144

Wolf Hunter’s Guide, The (Corbin), 150

Wolf-hybrids, 142, 143, 154155, 157

phenomenon of, 137138

photo of, 155

Wolf packs, 51, 147, 148, 154, 156, 157, 158

Wolf Point, 97

Wolves, 2, 28, 33, 48, 61, 70, 71, 109, 113, 115

bison and, 134, 137, 141, 144, 146, 148, 150, 158

bounties on, 54, 151

buffalo, 140, 141142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 152

captive breeding of, 160

cattle and, 150

coyotes and, 50, 52, 53, 62, 140, 141, 147, 150, 152, 156

criticism of, 137138, 150

Custer, 151

dire, 3

eastern, 50, 143

encountering, 136137, 141142

eradication of, 6, 42, 56, 150, 151152, 156, 159

gray, 4, 50, 51, 52, 56, 92, 138, 140, 146, 153, 154, 160

on Great Plains, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 149, 150, 159160

humans and, 148149

individuality of, 107

intelligence of, 153154

Mexican, 140, 154, 160

perception of, 104

photo of, 138

Pleistocene and, 143

poisoning, 54, 86, 149, 150, 152

population of, 145, 152, 153

prairie, 62

predation by, 146, 148, 152

prey for, 143, 144

recovery for, 61, 153

red, 4, 5051, 61, 62, 140, 143, 146, 153

slaughtering of, 7, 26, 27, 104, 151, 159

taxonomy of, 140

tracks of, 138 (photo)

trapping, 42, 150

Wood Buffalo National Park, 147

World Wide Fund for Nature, 181

Wyeth, Nathaniel, 51

XIT Ranch, 141, 167

Yanas, Coyote and, 48

Yard, Robert Sterling, 169

Yellow-Haired Woman (legendary figure), 117, 118

Yellow House Canyon, 45, 167

Yellowstone National Park, 8, 134, 158, 168, 169, 173, 179, 181

grizzly bears in, 92, 170

photo of, 138

pronghorns in, 44

wolves in, 152, 154, 170

Yellowstone River, 1, 16

Yellow Wolf, 129

Yi-Fu Tuan, 15

Yosemite National Park, 168

Young, Stanley, 56, 139, 140, 151

Ysa (wolf-hybrid), 137, 142143, 154155, 156

photo of, 155

Zebras, 4, 33, 71, 114

Zion National Park, 168, 169