
Albritton, Rogers 84

analogies 100101, 265, 267, 268269; language 265, 268269; and metaphors 268; between philosophy and psychotherapy 269271, 280282

animal minds 7 8, 48, 92, 102, 177180, 191192, 196197

anti-representationalism 288, 289, 292301, 303, 306

Aristotle 37n16, 40, 120, 171

authority 6, 97, 116, 126127, 311, 313, 322, 324326

automatic cognition 271274, 276282; see also intuitions

Bar-On, Dorit 97n1, 225, 227, 231, 232, 233

behaviorism 8, 53, 96, 98, 100101, 212

Blackburn, Simon 1, 2n4

Bouwsma, O.K. 245n7

Brandom, Robert 1, 2n4, 181, 181n24, 184, 312, 313, 323n27

Burge, Tyler 87n16, 105n25, 181n24, 185, 185n39

Canberra plan 5, 290, 291, 294, 303

Carnap, Rudolf 289, 296, 298, 299

Cartesianism 8, 53, 209, 211214, 216, 217; see also Descartes, Rene

causation 35, 37, 3941, 62n23, 9293, 100n8

Cavell, Stanley 1, 1n2, 35n7, 4243, 59

Chomsky, Noam 148, 289, 303305

cognitive science 209

Collins, John 304

common sense 8, 44, 85, 88, 9293, 209, 216

consciousness 23, 2629, 7980, 8285, 91, 94, 102, 107, 124125, 135; see also sensations

continuity: human-animal 223227, 231235

Crary, Alice 1, 8, 224, 225, 227, 228n12, 231, 233, 233n20

Davidson, Donald 7, 41n26, 53n78, 178, 179181, 181n24, 182187, 193197, 199, 319n23

deflationism (semantic) 60, 103, 287, 291, 292, 295, 297299

Dennett, Daniel 1, 311n1

Descartes, Rene 37n16, 50

Dewey, John 39, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 325

Dromm, Keith 72, 73n76

Drury, Maurice O’Connor 250n34

Dupre, John 46n44, 59

epistemology 31, 34, 37n16, 38, 9698, 104106, 108, 116117; self-knowledge 9698, 114, 116; see also inferences: inferential model of self-knowledge; skepticism: mathematical

experimental philosophy 9, 260, 261; sources Project in 262, 266267, 271, 279, 282; and warrant project in 261264

experiments 35, 261, 270, 276278

expression 223239

expressive behavior 4851, 9092, 96, 103, 120, 178, 187197, 199200

expressivism 2n4, 9798, 100, 112113, 116; global 288, 289, 292, 294, 299, 300, 303, 305, 315n15, 321

externalism 2122, 87n16, 105n25

Flanagan, Owen 244, 245n7

Fodor, Jerry 100n8, 319

Ford, Anton 233, 234, 234n25, 237

Frege, Gottlob 4, 4n8, 6, 2628, 119132, 135137, 139142, 146149; Begriffsschrift 128, 148; Der Gedanke 4n8, 119, 124, 131, 135, 138n18, 142; Sinn 119120, 123, 125127, 129131, 136; third realm 4, 119, 124125, 127, 131, 136, 147148; Vorstellungen 119, 125, 135, 138

genealogy 151, 165, 171

generality: 128130, 138; categorical 232234, 234n25, 237, 238

Gier, Nicholas F. 251n34

God 42, 4647, 52

Goldfarb, Warren 245

grammar 48, 65, 96, 101, 102n14, 107110, 127128, 154, 168

Hacker, Peter M.S. 151155, 165, 169, 243, 244n4

Hagberg, Garry L. 211, 212

hallucination 263; argument from 264, 273276

Hanfling, Oswald 243n1, 249n28, 252, 253n46, 255

hardening 157, 159, 164171

Hawthorne, John 323n28

Hilbert, David 148, 153

Hornsby, Jennifer 59

Horowitz, Alexandra 206210, 214

Horwich, Paul 1, 9, 287289, 292295, 297, 299, 301304

Hume, David 9, 243245, 247, 249, 251258

illusion 263; argument from 264, 273276

inferences: contextually inappropriate 275279, 281; inferential model of self-knowledge 96, 10, 104, 111, 116; stereotypical 274279

introspection 8082, 85, 98, 100, 114115

intuitions 8889, 261264, 272274, 279, 281282; evidentiary value of 261262, 264, 273274

Jackson, Frank 2, 36, 3841, 290

Jones, Peter 244n2

Kierkegaard, Soren 53

Kitcher, Philip 10, 311314, 317, 322, 324327

Lewis, David K. 56, 79n1, 85, 153n11, 290

Loeb, Louis 251n36

logic 49, 119121, 126, 145146, 148, 151n2

Macarthur, David 5860, 62, 70n64, 74n86, 315n15

Maddy, Penelope 1, 3, 151n2, 170n58, 171

mathematics 7, 19, 37, 88, 113, 148, 151160, 164171; see also skepticism: mathematical

McDowell, John McDowell 1, 5, 8, 23n22, 41n26, 49, 59, 6162, 6571, 170n57, 181, 181n24, 183n31, 184n74, 233235, 235n27, 237, 237n31

McGinn, Colin 323n28

McGinn, Marie 1, 33n2, 6566, 6970, 72, 317, 318

meaning: as use 20, 2931, 45, 80, 103, 104n21, 113

mental: capacities 221; contents 6667; descriptions 219; expression 219; predicates 218, 219; properties 83, 90; states 96101, 105, 111, 116, 216

metacognitive insight 261, 264, 276, 280288

metaphor 9, 2223, 265, 267268, 275277

metaphysics 10, 3639, 4142, 60, 64n38, 8587, 313, 315, 316, 320325

Misak, Cheryl 313

Monk, Ray 251n34

Moore, G.E. (Moore’s Paradox) 112114, 117

Moran, Richard 1, 112n46

Munson, Thomas N. 251n34

naturalism 23, 16, 21, 29, 3336, 96, 98, 149; compatible with therapeutic philosophy 263267, 273276; metaphilosophical 261263, 266; methodological 260, 262263, 266; methodological vs. metaphysical 38, 5758, 260; natural properties 56, 7986; object 289294, 297302; orthodox 318321; pragmatic 309, 310, 312, 313, 320, 325, 326; strict vs. liberal 45, 4546, 5662, 6566, 70, 117; subject 287, 292, 300, 303, 304, 320322

necessity 110, 126, 151157, 159, 161, 163, 165171

norm 2, 152154, 156157, 160161, 163165, 167, 170171

normativity 4041, 61, 6870, 314, 318n19

pain 44, 4849, 7987, 9094, 98109; see also sensations

paradox 43, 263265, 273, 279, 281

Peacocke, Christopher 8286, 9094, 106n29

Pears, D.F. 1, 1719, 244, 248249, 251

perception 124; problem of 263264, 273276, 279

perplexity 317318, 320, 323

philosophy: as continuous with science 5657; diagnostic approaches in 264265, 279, 281; therapeutic conception of 261, 268273, 279282; see also Wittgenstein, Ludwig, conception of philosophy

physicalism 3536, 3941

Plato 37n16

platonism/anti-platonism 57, 6769, 79, 8182, 85, 8889, 153, 156, 169

pragmatism 10, 313, 314

Price, Huw 1, 1n4, 910, 59, 287305, 311, 314, 317, 319322, 324326

principle of charity 266, 276

private language 6, 22, 7981, 98100, 104, 123124, 153n10; see also sensations: privacy of

pseudo-problems 265266, 272; dissolving of 96, 265266, 273274, 279

psycholinguistics 261, 263264, 274279, 282

Putnam, Hilary 22, 41n26, 59, 79n1

quietism 4546, 70n64, 323

Quine, Willard V.O. 4, 36, 38n19, 131, 244245, 298300, 304, 305

realism/anti-realism 1718, 68, 83n8, 8789, 91, 9394

regularity: empirical 155156, 161, 164166, 16971

representation 10, 120123, 126127, 152153; representing-as 123, 132, 142

representationalism 69, 315, 316, 319n22, 320, 321n25, 325

Rhees, Rush 33, 250n34

Rorty, Richard 10, 311318, 320325

rule 7, 99, 109, 152, 154157, 160, 163170

rule-following 20, 2528, 3132, 6667, 72, 97n2, 99, 170

Russell, Bertrand 38, 99n6, 119121, 123133, 147148; Russellian propositions 119, 123

Ryle, Gilbert 8, 216, 220, 221

science 25, 17, 3341, 5662, 7174, 309, 310, 315, 318320, 322, 323, 324; physics 3335, 46n46, 57, 73, 146; unity of 39

Sellars, Wilfrid 74

sensations 6, 17, 19, 2223, 44, 48, 50, 7983, 8587, 9293, 98109; first-person (self-ascription) vs. third-person ascriptions 8182, 84, 9293, 9698, 103104, 106108, 111112, 115116; privacy of 22, 7981, 9899, 124; see also pain

skepticism: continuity 78, 177, 179182, 184185, 187, 189, 192, 196197, 199; mathematical 152153, 157, 170171

Smith, Norman Kemp 251n35, 254n50

soul 5154, 102, 309, 311, 313, 315, 317, 319, 321, 323, 325

Spiegelberg, Herbert 251n34

Strawson, Peter F. 117, 244, 255

Stroud, Barry 1, 59, 167n54

supernatural 5, 39, 42, 4649, 5253, 56, 60

theory of mind 216

therapy: cognitive 261, 279282; concept of 268269; and philosophy 9, 45, 261, 268273, 279282

Thomasson, Amie 289, 294296, 299

truth 58, 82, 84, 103, 119122, 124127, 129132; correspondence theory of 131, 135141, 145, 148149; truth-bearer 131, 135, 138139; truth-maker 319, 322

unity: conceptual 232, 235, 237, 237n31, 238

urge to misunderstand 261, 270, 276

Williams, Bernard 8, 244n2, 245247, 249, 256n60, 257

Williamson, Timothy 58

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 13, 223, 225, 226, 227, 227n10, 230232, 235238; On Certainty 105, 107, 109; his conception of philosophy 2225, 4348, 56, 6368, 149, 261, 263267, 269271, 313318, 320323, 325; his conception of religion 5254; and forms of life 6, 167169; and metaphilosophical naturalism 3334, 263267; his own experiments 270; and pragmatism 314, 315; Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 34n5, 36, 38n18, 43, 119120, 123, 131132, 137, 142149

Wright, Crispin 1, 23n22, 90n18, 97n2, 106n28, 170n57