adapting ideas, 86–91


Eastern, 96

JetBlue, 102

Southwest, 16–17, 93, 102, 151

Allied Bank, 103, 149

Anderson, Wyatt, 99

Apple Computer, 86, 94

ARE (appreciation, recognition, and encouragement), 66–67

ASAP, 126, 127–28

associates, 95 See also employees

attention to detail, 139–40

Austin, Gen. Lloyd, 67

authority, vs. responsibility, 148–51

basics, importance of, 13–18

Berns, Gregory, 174

Boice, Liz, 26

brain science, 173–74

brainstorming, 110

Branson, Richard, 139

Buddha, 78

Buffett, Warren, 92

Burger King, 165–66

Cathy, S. Truett, 92–93

Cetinkaya, Yasar, 163

checklists, 140–43

Cheers (TV show), 121–22

Chick-fil-A, 92–93, 172–73

City Loft Hotel, Beaufort, South Carolina, 62–63

Clarke, Richard, 137

cleanliness, 15–16

Coatoam, Brian, 103

Cockerell, Priscilla, 14, 64, 67, 77, 79–80, 88, 97, 101, 106–8, 146, 149, 163, 172, 174

commitment, 41

communication skills, 16–17


challenging colleagues to compete, 60

and copycatting, 87–89, 94

marking differences from, 2, 3, 13, 60, 69, 87, 92–94, 112, 126, 137, 176

computer repair, 125–26, 127, 133–34

computer simulation, 55

copycatting, 86–91

copying ideas, 86–91

Covey, Stephen, 84–85

Creating Magic (Cockerell), xi, 102, 182, 183

customer service

apologies, 168–71

availability, 99–100

basic truth of, ix–xi

defined, 3

emotional aspect, 124

Golden Rule, 65

handling complaints, 77–78

as personal responsibility, 1–4

practicing selflessness, 108–10, 174–75

resolving problems, 148–51

role of commitment, 41

top-down approach, 9–12

triple crown, 41

trying too hard, 178–80


angry, 156–58

anticipating needs, 111–13

“bad,” no such thing, 154–55

being ignored, 123–25

keeping promises to, 114–18

leaving lasting impression, 63–65

making feel special, 121–22

needs vs. wants, 129–34

never arguing with, 161–63

treating as VIPs, 61–67

words for speaking of, 96–98

Dare, Bud, 25

Davis, Bud, 152–53, 154

Denning, Stephen, xiii

Disney, Walt, 15, 69

Disney World, 4, 10, 25–26, 42–43, 51, 55, 59–60, 69–70, 71, 102, 150, 161

Disneyland, 10, 69

Eastern Air Lines, 96

ecosystems, 24–27

Edison, Thomas, 34

Einstein, Albert, 74


availability for customer service, 99–104

brainstorming new products and services, 113

colleagues as friendly competitors, 60

hiring, 37–41

interviewing prospects, 37–41

mastering basics, 13–18

scripts for, 42–46

words for speaking of, 95–96

energy, 30–31

expectations, high, 57–60

expertise, 71–72

Facebook, 179

FedEx, 139

flexibility, as personality trait, 166–67

Fombrun, Charles, 144–45

force multipliers, 69

Ford, Henry, 40

Ford Motor Company, 40

Gallup organization, 38, 131

Gawande, Atul, 140–41

geeks, 135–38

Green, Judson, 10–11

Hannig, Dieter, 26

Hart, Christopher W. L., 117–18

Hesselbein, France, 95

high expectations, 57–60

Hilton, Conrad, 14

Hilton Hotels, 10, 14

hiring employees, 37–41

Holz, Karl, 26

Hornick, Joe, 103

hospitality, defined, 14

hospitality industry

City Loft Hotel, Beaufort, South Carolina, 62–63

copycatting in, 87–88

Kybele Hotel, Istanbul, 163

Marriott, 10, 28, 79, 152–53, 155–56

on-site practice, 53–54

pillow idea, 88

Six Senses Resort & Spa, Vietnam, 88

Walt Disney World, 4, 10, 25–26, 42–43, 51, 55, 59–60, 69–70, 71, 102, 131–32, 150, 161

hospitals, 14–15

hotel industry. See hospitality industry

Hundley, Roderick, 107

Hungerford, Steve, 115

hygiene, 15–16

IBM, 86

ideas, harvesting, 89–91

imitation, 90

instant gratification, 126

interviewing prospective employees, 37–41

JetBlue, 102

Jobs, Steve, 86, 111

John, Elton, 171

Johnson, Lela, 64

Kilburg, Karl, 79, 80

knowledge, 48–52

Kybele Hotel, Istanbul, 163

language. See wordsmiths

Le Coq au Vin restaurant, 119–20

leadership, xi, 11–12, 20, 27, 59–60, 80, 102

Levitt, Mara, 103

Lincoln, Abraham, 23

listening, 79–85

mailing address, 104

Marriott, Alice, 28

Marriott, Bill, 15, 48

Marriott, J. W., 28

Marriott Hotels, 10, 28, 79, 152–53, 155–56

Merrill Lynch, 103

Mollie Stone’s Markets, 93–94

mothers, 14, 15, 19–23


Interviewing (MBI) method, 38

needs, vs. wants, 129–34

neuroscience, 173–74

“no,” 159–63

Norsworthy, Alice, 26

organizations, as ecosystems, 24–27

Paige, Satchel, 176

Paisley, Brad, 63

Pak, Angela, 120–21

passion, 40

Pearle Vision, 115–16

personal appearance, 28–30

personal hygiene, 15–16

pillows, 88

“plussing it up,” 69–73

pollination, 69–73

positive feedback, 54

postal mail, 104

practice. See rehearsals

problem solving, 55

professionalism, 32–36

promises, keeping to customers, 114–18

Publix supermarket, 114–15, 117, 172

Quinn, Carol, 38

RadioShack, 174

readiness, 56

Reagan, Nancy, 160

Reed, Larry, 103

rehearsals, 53–56

reliability, 144–47

reputation, 144–47

responsibility, vs. authority, 148–51

Robinson, Don, 26

role modeling, 11, 54–55

roleplaying, 54–55

Schultz, Howard, 90–91

scripts, 42–46

selflessness, 108–10, 174–75

service, vs. services, 106 See also customer service

service work, 108

Six Senses Resort & Spa, Vietnam, 88

Smith, Carney & Co., 103

social media, 5–6, 179

Southwest Airlines, 16–17, 93, 102, 151

Starbucks, 91

Stihl (power tool manufacturer), 57–58

subordinates, 95

SunTrust Bank, 64

thoughtfulness, 17–18

Toyota, 146

training and development, 47–52

truth, 74–78

Vahle, Jeff, 25

Verizon Wireless, 50, 120–21

VIP (very individual person), 61–62

Virgin Group, 139

Waldron, Ken, 58

Wallace, Erin, 26

Walmart, 130

Walt Disney World, 4, 10, 25–26, 42–43, 51, 55, 59–60, 69–70, 71, 102, 131–32, 150, 161

Wilde, Oscar, 75

WIN (what’s important now), 123–25

Wooden, John, 166–67

wordsmiths, 95–98

Zappos, 175

zero tolerance, 164