At the very bottom of the NOOK screen, you’ll find the Status bar, which keeps you up to date with the state of your NOOK, and any alerts and notifications. For example, if you’re having a problem with your WiFi connection, you get an update from NOOK Friends (see Chapter 14). The Status bar is visible no matter what you’re doing—even when you’re reading a book.
The Status bar is divided into two sections. The one on the left sends you alerts and notifications. Way over on the far right, you see details about the state of your NOOK, such as its battery level.
Over on the right, what you’ll generally see is straightforward:
An icon that tells you whether you’ve got a WiFi connection.
A battery life indicator.
The time, displayed on a 12-hour clock. If you prefer having it displayed on a 24-hour clock, change it via the Time Settings screen (Time).
A mute symbol, if you’ve muted the NOOK (Quick Settings).
Over on the left side, the Status bar has a lot more action. Plenty of different icons may appear there. Here’s a list of the most common:
An open–book icon, when tapped, brings you to the page of the book, newspaper, or magazine you most recently were reading.
An envelope icon with an @ sign means you’ve got new email.
A green NOOK symbol indicates that your NOOK has been updated with the latest software.
An icon of two friends appears to tell you that there’s been action in the NOOK Friends app, such as a new contact added.
A yellow caution symbol warns you that you’ve got problems with your WiFi connection.
A downward-pointing arrow tells you that an app, book, newspaper, or magazine is downloading.
A letter P appears when the Pandora streaming music app is in the background; tap to return to the app.
Red musical notes indicate that the Music Player is in the background; tap to return to it.
A red circle that has a number in it tells you the number of LendMe notifications you’ve received (Lending and Borrowing Books with LendMe), recommendations, and software updates.
To see more details about the alerts, tap that area of the Status bar. A Notifications screen pops up with details about each alert—like the number of new email messages. On this screen, you can tap any of the alerts to get even more information about it or to jump to a screen where you can take action on an alert. For example, tap the email alert, and you go straight to your email inbox.