Chapter 10. Music, Pictures, Video, and Documents

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YOUR NOOK DOES MORE than work as a great eReader and entertainment player—it’s also a great device for listening to music, viewing pictures, playing videos, and even reading work documents such as PDF files and Microsoft Office documents. Everything you need to do all that is built right into the NOOK itself. Read on to learn how to do it all.

Before you can listen to music, view movies or pictures, or read documents, you have to get them into your NOOK Tablet. You can get them there in three different ways:


When you copy files from your computer to your NOOK Tablet or NOOK Color, it’s best to copy them to the microSD card if you’ve installed one (Installing an SD Card). You can store only 1 GB of non–Barnes & Noble content on the device’s internal storage, so if you have lots of pictures, video, and other content, you can run out of storage space. You can store as much on the microSD card as it can hold, which is up to 32 GB capacity.