1 Samuel 1

a S Jos 18:25

b 1Sa 9:5

c Jos 17:17–18

d Jos 21:20–22

e 1Ch 6:27, 34

f S Ge 4:19

1 1:1 See Septuagint and 1 Chron. 6:26–27, 33–35; or from Ramathaim Zuphim.

g ver 21; Ex 23:14; 1Sa 2:19; 20:6, 29; Lk 2:41

h Dt 12:5–7

i S Jos 18:1

j 1Sa 2:31; 14:3

k Lev 7:15–18; Dt 12:17–18

l S Ge 29:34

m S Ge 37:3

n S Ge 11:30; S 29:31

o S Ge 16:4

p 2Sa 12:17; Ps 102:4

q S Ru 4:15

r 1Sa 3:3

s Job 3:20; 7:11; 10:1; 21:25; 23:2; 27:2; Isa 38:15; Jer 20:18

t S Jdg 11:30

u S Ge 17:1; Ps 24:10; 46:7; Isa 1:9

v S Ge 8:1

w S Jdg 13:7

x Nu 6:1–21; Jdg 13:5; Lk 1:15

y 2Ki 4:27

z Ps 42:4; 62:8; La 2:19

a Ps 55:2

b Nu 6:26; 1Sa 20:42; 2Ki 5:19; S Ac 15:33

c S Ge 25:21; Ps 20:3–5

d S Ge 18:3; Ru 2:13

e Ro 15:13

f S Jos 18:25

g S Ge 8:1; S 29:31

h S Ge 17:19; S 29:32; S 30:6

i Ex 2:10; Mt 1:21

j 1Sa 7:5; 12:23; 1Ch 6:27; Jer 15:1; Heb 11:32

k S ver 3

2 1:20 Samuel sounds like the Hebrew for heard by God.

l S Ge 28:20; Nu 30:2; Dt 12:11

m Ex 13:2; Lk 2:22

n S Ge 25:21

3 1:22 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scrolls always. I have dedicated him as a Nazirite—all the days of his life.”

o Ge 21:8

p Nu 15:8–10

4 1:23 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint and Syriac your

5 1:24 Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint and Syriac; Masoretic Text with three bulls

6 1:24 That is, probably about 36 pounds or about 16 kilograms

q 1Sa 2:20; Ps 66:19–20

r S Jdg 13:7

1 Samuel 2

a Lk 1:46–55

b Ps 13:5; 33:21; Zec 10:7

c Ps 18:2; 89:17, 24; 148:14

d Ps 6:8

e S Nu 10:35; Ps 6:10

f S Ex 15:11; S Lev 11:44

1 2:1 Horn here symbolizes strength; also in verse 10.

g S Ex 8:10; Isa 40:25; 46:5

h S Ge 49:24; S Ex 33:22; Dt 32:37; 2Sa 22:2, 32; 23:3; Ps 31:3; 71:3

i Ps 17:10; 31:18; 73:8; 75:4; 94:4

j S Jos 22:22

k 1Sa 16:7; 1Ki 8:39; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 6:30; Pr 15:11; Jer 11:20; 17:10

l Pr 16:2; 24:11–12

m 2Sa 1:27; Ps 37:15; 46:9; 76:3

n Job 17:9; Isa 40:31; 41:1; 52:1; 57:10

o Lk 1:53

p Ps 113:9; Isa 54:1; Jer 15:9

q Dt 32:39

r Isa 26:19; Eze 37:3, 12

s S Dt 8:18

t Job 5:11; 40:12; Ps 75:7; Isa 2:12; 13:11; 22:19; Da 4:37

u Ps 113:7–8

v Jas 2:5

w 1Ki 16:2

x Ps 72:12; 107:41; 145:14; 146:8; S Mt 23:12

y 2Sa 7:8; Job 36:7; Isa 22:23; Eze 21:26

z Job 15:7; 38:4; Ps 104:5; Pr 8:29; Isa 40:12; Jer 10:12

a Ps 91:12; 121:3; Pr 3:26

b Pr 2:8

c Job 10:22; Isa 5:30; 8:22; 59:9; 60:2; Jer 13:16; Am 5:18, 20; Zep 1:14–15; Mt 8:12

d 1Sa 17:47; Ps 33:16–17; Zec 4:6

e S Ex 15:6

f S Ex 19:16; 1Sa 7:10; 12:17; 2Sa 22:14; Job 37:4, 5; 38:1; Ps 18:13; 29:3; Isa 66:6

g Ps 96:13; 98:9; Mt 25:31–32

h Ps 18:1; 21:1; 59:16

i S Dt 33:17; Ps 89:24; S Lk 1:69

j S Jos 18:25

k ver 18; S Nu 16:9; 1Sa 3:1

l Jer 2:8; 9:6

m Dt 18:3

n Lev 7:35–36

o Lev 3:3, 14–16; 7:29–34

p ver 22, 29; S Nu 14:11; Jer 7:21; Eze 22:26; Mal 2:7–9

q S ver 11

2 2:17 Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint; Masoretic Text people

r ver 28; 1Sa 22:18; 23:9; 2Sa 6:14; 1Ch 15:27

s S 1Sa 1:3

t S 1Sa 1:27

u Ge 21:1

3 2:20 Dead Sea Scrolls; Masoretic Text and asked from

v S Jdg 13:24; Lk 1:80; 2:40

w S ver 17

x S Ex 38:8

y Ex 4:21; Jos 11:20

z S Ex 32:10; S Nu 11:2; 1Sa 3:14; 1Ki 13:6; Job 9:33; Ps 106:30; Isa 1:18; 22:14; Jer 15:1; Heb 10:26

a S Jdg 13:24; Lk 2:52

4 2:25 Or the judges

b Pr 3:4

c S Dt 33:1; S Jdg 13:6

d S Ex 28:1

e S Ex 30:7

f 1Sa 22:18; 23:6, 9; 30:7

g Lev 7:35–36

h ver 12–17

i S Dt 12:5

j S Ex 29:9

5 2:29 The Hebrew is plural.

k Ps 50:23; 91:15; Pr 8:17

l Isa 53:3; Na 3:6; Mal 2:9

m Jer 18:10

n 1Sa 4:11–18; 22:16

o 1Sa 4:3; 22:17–20; Jer 7:12, 14

p 1Ki 2:26–27

q Jer 29:32; Mal 2:12

r S Dt 13:2

s 1Sa 4:11

t 1Ki 13:3

u 2Sa 8:17; 20:25; 1Ki 1:8, 32; 2:35; 4:4; 1Ch 16:39; 29:22; Eze 44:15–16

v 1Sa 9:16; 10:1; 16:13; 2Sa 2:4; 12:7; 23:1; 1Ki 1:34; Ps 89:20

w Eze 44:10–14

x 1Sa 3:12; 1Ki 2:27

1 Samuel 3

1 Samuel 4

1 Samuel 5

a S 1Sa 4:1

b S Jos 11:22; S 13:3

c S Jdg 16:23; Isa 2:18; 19:1; 46:1

d Isa 40:20; 41:7; 46:7; Jer 10:4

e Eze 6:6; Mic 1:7

f Zep 1:9

g S Ex 9:3; Ac 13:11

h 2Sa 6:7; Ps 78:66

i S Ex 15:26; 1Sa 6:5

1 5:6 Hebrew; Septuagint and Vulgate tumors. And rats appeared in their land, and there was death and destruction throughout the city

j S Jdg 16:18

k S Jos 11:22

l S Ex 14:24

m S Jos 13:3

2 5:9 Or with tumors in the groin (see Septuagint)

n ver 8

o S 1Sa 4:8

3 5:11 Or he

1 Samuel 6

1 Samuel 7

1 Samuel 8

1 Samuel 9

1 Samuel 10

a 1Sa 16:1; 2Ki 9:1, 3, 6

b S Ex 29:7; S 1Sa 9:16; S 1Ki 1:39

c S Ex 34:9; 2Sa 20:19; Ps 78:62, 71

d Ge 35:20

1 10:1 Hebrew; Septuagint and Vulgate over his people Israel? You will reign over the LORD’s people and save them from the power of their enemies round about. And this will be a sign to you that the LORD has anointed you ruler over his inheritance:

e 1Sa 9:4

f 1Sa 9:5

g S Ge 35:7–8

h ver 27; 1Sa 16:20; Pr 18:16

i ver 26; 1Sa 11:4; 15:34

j 1Sa 13:3

k S Nu 11:29; 1Ki 20:35; 2Ki 2:3, 15; 4:1; 6:1; 9:1; Am 7:14

l S Lev 26:30

m S Ge 31:27; Jer 31:4

n 1Ki 1:40; Isa 30:29

o 1Sa 16:16; 18:10; 19:9; 2Ki 3:15; Ps 92:3

p ver 10; 1Sa 19:20; 1Ch 25:1; 1Co 14:1

q S Nu 11:25

r ver 9

s 2Sa 7:3; 1Ki 8:17; 1Ch 22:7; 28:2; 2Ch 6:7; Ecc 9:10

t Jdg 9:33

u S Jos 1:5; Lk 1:28; Heb 13:5

v Jos 4:20; S 10:43; 1Sa 7:16; 11:14–15

w 1Sa 13:8

x ver 6

y S Dt 13:2

z ver 7

a S Nu 11:25; 1Sa 11:6

b S ver 5–6

c Mt 13:54; Jn 7:15

d ver 12; 1Sa 19:24; 2Ki 9:11; Jer 29:26; Hos 9:7

e S ver 11

f 1Sa 19:23

g 1Sa 14:50

h S 1Sa 9:3

i S 1Sa 9:3

j S 1Sa 7:5

k S Ex 1:14; S Nu 10:9

l S Nu 11:20; S Dt 33:5

m Ps 7:10; 18:48; 68:20; 145:19

n S 1Sa 8:5–7

o S Dt 17:14

p Jos 7:14

q Est 3:7; Pr 16:33

r S Ge 25:22; S Jdg 18:5

s 1Sa 9:2

t Dt 17:15; 2Sa 21:6

u 1Sa 9:2

v 1Ki 1:25, 34, 39; 2Ki 11:12

w S 1Sa 8:9

x S Dt 17:14–20; S 1Sa 8:11–18; 2Ki 11:12

y 1Sa 11:14

z S ver 5; S Jdg 19:14

a S Jdg 20:44

b S Dt 13:13; S 1Sa 20:7

c S ver 4; 1Ki 10:25; 2Ch 17:5; 32:23; Ps 68:29

1 Samuel 11

a S Ge 19:38; 1Sa 12:12; 2Sa 10:2; 17:27; 1Ch 19:1

b Jdg 21:8; 1Sa 31:11; 2Sa 2:4, 5; 21:12

c S Ex 23:32; S Jer 37:1

d Ge 34:15

1 11:1 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scrolls gifts. Now Nahash king of the Ammonites oppressed the Gadites and Reubenites severely. He gouged out all their right eyes and struck terror and dread in Israel. Not a man remained among the Israelites beyond the Jordan whose right eye was not gouged out by Nahash king of the Ammonites, except that seven thousand men fled from the Ammonites and entered Jabesh Gilead. About a month later, 1Nahash

e S Nu 16:14

f 1Sa 17:26

g S 1Sa 8:4

h S Jdg 2:16

i ver 10

j S 1Sa 10:5, 26

k S Ge 27:38; S Nu 25:6

l S Jdg 3:10

m S 1Sa 6:14

n S Jdg 19:29

o Jdg 21:5

p S Jdg 20:1

q Jdg 20:2

r Jdg 1:4

s ver 3

t S Jdg 7:16

u S Ge 19:38

v S Dt 13:13; Lk 19:27

w 2Sa 19:22

x 1Sa 19:5; 1Ch 11:14

y S Jos 10:43; S 1Sa 10:8

z 1Sa 10:25

a S Jos 5:9; 2Sa 19:15

b 1Sa 12:1

1 Samuel 12

a S 1Sa 8:7

b 1Sa 11:15

c S 1Sa 8:5

d 1Sa 8:3

e S 1Sa 9:16; 24:6; 26:9, 11; 2Sa 1:14; 19:21; Ps 105:15

f Nu 16:15

g S Ex 18:21; S 1Sa 8:3

h Ex 20:17; Ac 20:33

i S Lev 25:14

j S Ge 31:50

k Ac 23:9; 24:20

l Ex 22:4

m S Ex 3:10; Mic 6:4

n S Jos 24:1

o Isa 1:18; 3:14; Jer 2:9; 25:31; Eze 17:20; 20:35; Mic 6:1–5

p S Jdg 5:11

q S Ge 46:6

r S Ex 2:23

s S Ex 3:10; 4:16

t S Dt 32:18; S Jdg 3:7

u S Dt 32:30

v Jdg 4:2

w S Jos 11:1

x Jdg 10:7

y Jdg 3:12

z S Jdg 3:9

a S 1Sa 8:8

b S 1Sa 7:3

c Jdg 6:32

d S Jdg 4:6

e S Jdg 11:1

f S 1Sa 7:15

g S 1Sa 11:1

1 12:11 Also called Gideon

2 12:11 Some Septuagint manuscripts and Syriac; Hebrew Bedan

3 12:11 Hebrew; some Septuagint manuscripts and Syriac Samson

h S 1Sa 8:5

i 1Sa 25:30; 2Sa 5:2; 1Ch 5:2

j S 1Sa 8:5

k S 1Sa 9:20

l S Jos 24:14

m Jer 4:17; La 1:18

n Lev 26:16; Jos 24:20; Isa 1:20; Jer 4:17; 26:4

o S Ex 14:14

p S Ex 14:13

q S Ge 30:14; S 1Sa 6:13

r 1Ki 18:42; Jas 5:18

s S Ex 9:23; S 1Sa 2:10

t Ge 7:12; Ex 9:18; Job 37:13; Pr 26:1

u S 1Sa 8:6–7

v Ps 99:6

w S Ge 3:10; S Ex 14:31

x S Ex 8:8; S 1Sa 7:8; S Jer 37:3; Jas 5:18; 1Jn 5:16

y S Dt 9:19

z S Ex 32:30

a Isa 40:20; 41:24, 29; 44:9; Jer 2:5, 11; 14:22; 16:19; Jnh 2:8; Hab 2:18; Ac 14:15

b Dt 11:16

c Ps 25:11; 106:8; Isa 48:9, 11; Jer 14:7; Da 9:19

d S Jos 7:9; 2Sa 7:23; Jn 17:12

e S Lev 26:11; S Dt 31:6

f Dt 7:7; 1Pe 2:9

g S Nu 11:2; S 1Sa 1:20; S 7:8; Ro 1:9–10

h 1Ki 8:36; Ps 25:4; 34:11; 86:11; 94:12; Pr 4:11

i Dt 6:2; Ecc 12:13

j Dt 6:5; S Jos 24:14

k Job 34:27; Isa 5:12; 22:11; 26:10

l S Dt 10:21

m 1Sa 31:1–5

n Dt 28:36

o S Jos 24:20; S 1Ki 14:10

1 Samuel 13

a ver 15

1 13:1 A few late manuscripts of the Septuagint; Hebrew does not have thirty.

2 13:1 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text (see Acts 13:21); Masoretic Text does not have forty-.

b ver 5, 11, 23; Ne 11:31; Isa 10:28

c S Jdg 19:14

d S 1Sa 10:5

e S Jos 18:24

f S Lev 25:9; S Jdg 3:27

g S Ge 34:30

h 1Sa 17:1

i S Jos 11:4; Rev 20:8

j S ver 2

k S Jos 7:2

l 1Sa 14:11, 22

3 13:5 Some Septuagint manuscripts and Syriac; Hebrew thirty thousand

m S Jdg 6:2; Eze 33:27

n S Nu 32:33

o S Ge 35:5; S Ex 19:16

p 1Sa 10:8

q Dt 12:5–14; 2Sa 24:25; 1Ki 3:4

r 1Sa 15:13

s 1Sa 25:14

t S ver 2

u S Jos 10:43

v S Dt 4:29; Ps 119:58; Jer 26:19

w 2Ch 16:9

x ver 14; S Jos 22:16; 1Sa 15:23, 24; 2Sa 7:15; 1Ch 10:13

y Ps 72:5

z 1Sa 15:28; 18:8; 24:20; 1Ch 10:14

a Ac 7:46; 13:22

b 2Sa 6:21

c 1Sa 25:30; 2Sa 5:2; Ps 18:43; Isa 16:5; 55:4; Jer 30:9; Eze 34:23–24; 37:24; Da 9:25; Hos 3:5; Mic 5:2

d 1Sa 15:26; 16:1; 2Sa 12:9; 1Ki 13:21; Hos 13:11

e 1Sa 14:2

f ver 2

g S Jos 18:24

4 13:15 Hebrew; Septuagint Gilgal and went his way; the rest of the people went after Saul to meet the army, and they went out of Gilgal

h 1Sa 14:15

5 13:16 Two Hebrew manuscripts; most Hebrew manuscripts Geba, a variant of Gibeah

i S Jos 18:23

j S Jos 10:10

k Ne 11:34

l S Ge 4:22

m S Nu 25:7

6 13:20 Septuagint; Hebrew plow points

n 1Ch 9:39

7 13:21 That is, about 1/4 ounce or about 8 grams

8 13:21 That is, about 1/8 ounce or about 4 grams

o S Nu 25:7; 1Sa 14:6; 17:47; Zec 4:6

p 1Sa 14:4

q S ver 2

1 Samuel 14

a S Jdg 4:5

b 1Sa 13:15

c S Ex 28:33

d Isa 10:28

e S Ge 35:18

f 1Sa 22:11, 20

g S 1Sa 1:3

h Ps 78:60

i 1Sa 13:23

j S Jos 18:24

k Jdg 14:3; 1Sa 17:26, 36; 31:4; Jer 9:26; Eze 28:10

l S 1Sa 13:22; S 1Ki 19:12; S Mt 19:26; Heb 11:34

m Jdg 7:4

n Ps 33:16

o S Ge 24:14

p S Jos 2:24

q S Ge 14:13

r S 1Sa 13:6

s Jdg 8:16

t 1Sa 17:46; 2Sa 5:24

u S Ge 35:5; S Ex 14:24; S 19:16; 2Ki 7:5–7

v 1Sa 13:17

w 2Sa 18:24; 2Ki 9:17; Isa 52:8; Eze 33:2

1 14:15 Or a terrible panic

x 1Sa 30:7

y S Jdg 18:5

z Nu 27:21

2 14:18 Hebrew; Septuagint “Bring the ephod.” (At that time he wore the ephod before the Israelites.)

a S Jdg 7:22; Eze 38:21; Zec 14:13

b 1Sa 29:4

c S 1Sa 13:6

d S Ex 14:30

e S Jos 7:2

f Jos 6:26

g ver 43; Ps 19:10; Pr 16:24; 24:13

3 14:27 Or his strength was renewed; similarly in verse 29

h Jos 7:25; 1Ki 18:18

i ver 5

j S Jos 10:12

k 1Sa 15:19; Est 9:10

l S Ge 9:4

m S Ge 9:4

n Lev 19:26

o S 1Sa 7:17

p S Ge 25:22; S Jdg 18:5

q 1Sa 28:6, 15; 2Sa 22:42; Ps 18:41

r Jos 7:11

s S Nu 14:21; 2Sa 12:5; Job 19:25; Ps 18:46; 42:2

t ver 44

u Jos 7:15

v Jnh 1:7

4 14:41 Septuagint; Hebrew does not have “Why . . . at fault.

w S Jos 7:19

x S ver 27

y S Ru 1:17

z ver 39

a 1Ki 1:52; S Mt 10:30

b 2Sa 14:11

c S Ge 19:37

d S Ge 19:38; 2Sa 12:31

e 1Sa 21:7

f 2Sa 8:3; 10:6; 23:36

g S Ge 36:12; Nu 13:29; Jdg 3:13; 1Sa 15:2, 7; 27:8; 28:18; 30:13; 2Sa 1:13; 1Ch 4:43

5 14:47 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint king

6 14:47 Hebrew; Septuagint he was victorious

h 1Sa 31:2; 1Ch 8:33

i S Ge 29:26

j 2Sa 2:8; 3:6; 1Ki 2:5

k 1Sa 10:14

l S 1Sa 9:1

m 1Sa 8:11