Job 6:20 because they had been c;

Ps 27:3 against me, even then I will be c.

27:13 I remain c of this: I will see

Lk 18:9 To some who were c of their own

2Co 1:15 Because I was c of this, I wanted

5:6 Therefore we are always c

5:8 We are c, I say, and would prefer

9:4 be ashamed of having been so c.

2Co 10:7 If anyone is c that they belong

Gal 5:10 I am c in the Lord that you will

Php 1:6 being c of this, that he who began

1:14 sisters have become c in the Lord

2:24 I am c in the Lord that I myself will

Phm 21 C of your obedience, I write to

1Jn 2:28 that when he appears we may be c


Ps 25:14 The LORD c in those who fear


2Pe 1:10 make every effort to c your calling


Pr 6:14 in his heart—he always stirs up c.

6:19 who stirs up c in the community.

10:12 Hatred stirs up c, but love covers

15:18 A hot-tempered person stirs up c,

16:28 A perverse person stirs up c,

28:25 The greedy stir up c, but those who

29:22 An angry person stirs up c, and a

Heb 10:32 in a great c full of suffering.


Ro 12:2 not c to the pattern of this world,

1Pe 1:14 do not c to the evil desires you had


Eze 5:7 You have not even c

11:12 but have c to the standards

Ac 26:5 that I c to the strictest sect of our

Ro 8:29 predestined to be c to the image


Eph 1:11 everything in c with the purpose


1Ti 1:11 that c to the gospel concerning


Mic 1:15 I will bring a c against you who live

Rev 6:2 rode out as a c bent on conquest.


Ro 8:37 are more than c through him who


Ge 20:5 I have done this with a clear c

20:6 I know you did this with a clear c,

1Sa 25:31 have on his c the staggering burden

Job 27:6 my c will not reproach me as long

Ac 23:1 to God in all good c to this day.”

24:16 to keep my c clear before God

Ro 9:1 my c confirms it through the Holy

13:5 but also as a matter of c.

1Co 4:4 My c is clear, but that does not

8:7 a god, and since their c is weak,

8:10 if someone with a weak c sees you,

8:12 this way and wound their weak c,

10:25 without raising questions of c,

10:27 you without raising questions of c.

10:28 who told you and for the sake of c.

10:29 referring to the other person’s c,

10:29 being judged by another’s c?

2Co 1:12 Our c testifies that we have

4:2 to everyone’s c in the sight of God.

5:11 and I hope it is also plain to your c.

1Ti 1:5 and a good c and a sincere faith.

1:19 holding on to faith and a good c,

3:9 truths of the faith with a clear c.

2Ti 1:3 with a clear c, as night and day I

Heb 9:9 able to clear the c of the worshiper.

10:22 to cleanse us from a guilty c

13:18 We are sure that we have a clear c

1Pe 3:16 keeping a clear c, so that those who

3:21 the pledge of a clear c toward God.


Ro 2:15 hearts, their c also bearing witness,

1Ti 4:2 whose c have been seared as

Titus 1:15 their minds and c are corrupted.

Heb 9:14 cleanse our c from acts that lead


1Sa 24:5 David was c for having cut off

2Sa 24:10 David was c after he had counted


2Ch 29:34 for the Levites had been more c


Ro 3:20 through the law we become c of

1Pe 2:19 unjust suffering because they are c


Ex 13:2C to me every firstborn male.

40:9 c it and all its furnishings, and it

Lev 20:7 “ ‘C yourselves and be holy,

25:10 C the fiftieth year and proclaim

1Ch 15:12 fellow Levites are to c yourselves


Ex 29:43 and the place will be c by my glory.

Lev 8:30 So he c Aaron and his garments

2Ch 7:16 c this temple so that my Name may

Lk 2:23 male is to be c to the Lord”),

1Ti 4:5 because it is c by the word of God


1Co 7:5 other except perhaps by mutual c


1Sa 12:24 c what great things he has done

16:7 “Do not c his appearance or his

2Ch 19:6 them, “C carefully what you do,

Job 37:14 stop and c God’s wonders.

Ps 8:3 When I c your heavens, the work

77:12 I will c all your works and meditate

143:5 and c what your hands have done.

Pr 6:6 c its ways and be wise!

20:25 and only later to c one’s vows.

Ecc 7:13 C what God has done:

Lk 12:24 C the ravens: They do not sow

12:27C how the wild flowers grow.

Php 3:8 I c everything a loss because

3:8 I c them garbage, that I may gain

Heb 10:24 And let us c how we may spur one

Jas 1:2 C it pure joy, my brothers

1:26 Those who c themselves religious


Titus 3:2 to be peaceable and c, and always

Jas 3:17 then peace-loving, c, submissive,

1Pe 2:18 only to those who are good and c,

3:7 the same way be c as you live


Job 1:8 “Have you c my servant Job?

2:3 “Have you c my servant Job?

Ps 44:22 we are c as sheep to be slaughtered.

Isa 53:4 yet we c him punished by God,

Ro 8:36 all day long; we are c as sheep to be


Pr 31:16 She c a field and buys it; out of her

Ro 14:5 One person c one day more sacred

14:5 another c every day alike.


Lk 12:15 life does not c in an abundance


Eph 5:9 fruit of the light c in all goodness,


Ps 94:19 within me, your c brought me joy.


Ps 2:1 Why do the nations c


Dt 28:66 You will live in c suspense,

Pr 19:13 wife is like the c dripping of a leaky

Ac 27:33 “you have been in c suspense

Heb 5:14 by c use have trained themselves


1Co 10:23 but not everything is c.


Gal 1:16 was not to c any human being.


Jn 2:17 “Zeal for your house will c me.”


Ps 69:9 for zeal for your house c me,


Dt 4:24 For the LORD your God is a c fire,

Heb 12:29 for our “God is a c fire.”


1Ki 8:27 the highest heaven, cannot c you.

2Ch 2:6 the highest heavens, cannot c him?

6:18 the highest heavens, cannot c you.

Ecc 8:8 has power over the wind to c it,

2Pe 3:16 His letters c some things that are


Heb 9:4 This ark c the gold jar of manna,


Pr 15:6 of the righteous c great treasure,


2Co 7:1 from everything that c body


2Co 3:18 unveiled faces c the Lord’s glory,


Pr 14:31 oppresses the poor shows c for

17:5 Whoever mocks the poor shows c

18:3 so does c, and with shame comes

Da 12:2 others to shame and everlasting c.

Mal 1:6 “It is you priests who show c

Ro 2:4 do you show c for the riches of his

14:3 treat with c the one who does not,

Gal 4:14 did not treat me with c or scorn.

1Th 5:20 Do not treat prophecies with c


Ge 6:3 “My Spirit will not c with humans

Ps 35:1 C, LORD, with those who c

Isa 49:25 I will c with those who c with you,

Jude 3 urge you to c for the faith that was


Php 4:3 these women since they have c


Col 2:1 to know how hard I am c for you


Ge 25:27 while Jacob was c to stay at home

Jos 7:7 If only we had been c to stay

Ps 131:2 like a weaned child I am c.

Pr 13:25 The righteous eat to their hearts’ c,

19:23 then one rests c,

Ecc 4:8 toil, yet his eyes were not c with his

Lk 3:14 be c with your pay.”

Php 4:11 to be c whatever the circumstances.

4:12 learned the secret of being c in any

1Ti 6:8 clothing, we will be c with that.

Heb 13:5 and be c with what you have,


1Co 11:16 If anyone wants to be c about this,


Job 36:11 in prosperity and their years in c.

SS 8:10 in his eyes like one bringing c.

1Ti 6:6 But godliness with c is great gain.


Pr 15:15 but the cheerful heart has a c feast.


1Ki 8:23 servants who c wholeheartedly

2Ch 6:14 servants who c wholeheartedly

Ps 36:10 C your love to those who know

Ac 13:43 them to c in the grace of God.

Ro 11:22 that you c in his kindness.

Gal 3:10 Cursed is everyone who does not c

Php 2:12 c to work out your salvation

Col 1:23 if you c in your faith,

2:6 as Lord, c to live your lives in him,

1Ti 2:15 if they c in faith, love and holiness

2Ti 3:14 c in what you have learned and

1Jn 2:28 dear children, c in him,

3:9 who is born of God will c to sin,

5:18 born of God does not c to sin;

2Jn 9 not c in the teaching of Christ

Rev 22:11 Let the one who does wrong c to

22:11 let the one who does right c to do

22:11 let the holy person c to be holy.”


Ps 100:5 his faithfulness c through all

119:90 Your faithfulness c through all

2Co 10:15 is that, as your faith c to grow,

1Jn 3:6 No one who c to sin has either seen


Ro 13:8 except the c debt to love one


Ro 15:26 to make a c for the poor among


2Ch 24:10 the people brought their c gladly,

31:12 they faithfully brought in the c,


Ps 51:17 a broken and c heart you, God,

Isa 57:15 with the one who is c and lowly

Isa 57:15 and to revive the heart of the c.

66:2 who are humble and c in spirit,


1Co 7:9 But if they cannot c themselves,

7:37 but has c over his own will,

1Th 4:4 should learn to c your own body


Ps 32:9 understanding but must be c by bit


Job 37:15 you know how God c the clouds


Ac 26:3 with all the Jewish customs and c.

1Ti 6:4 have an unhealthy interest in c

Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish c and genealogies


Col 4:6 Let your c be always full of grace,


1Ti 3:6 He must not be a recent c, or he


Pr 24:25 go well with those who c the guilty,

Jude 15 to c all of them of all the ungodly


1Co 14:24 they are c of sin and are brought


1Th 1:5 with the Holy Spirit and deep c.

Heb 3:14 we hold our original c firmly


Ge 45:28 And Israel said, “I’m c!

Lk 16:31 they will not be c even if someone

Ac 19:26 hear how this fellow Paul has c

26:9 “I too was c that I ought to do all

26:26 am c that none of this has escaped

28:24 Some were c by what he said,

Ro 2:19 if you are c that you are a guide

8:38 I am c that neither death nor life,

14:5 them should be fully c in their own

14:14 I am c, being fully persuaded

15:14 I myself am c, my brothers

2Co 5:14 because we are c that one died

Php 1:25 C of this, I know that I will remain,

2Ti 1:12 am c that he is able to guard what I

3:14 have learned and have become c of,

Heb 6:9 we are c of better things in your


Ac 1:3 and gave many c proofs that he was


Heb 9:23 for the c of the heavenly things


Dt 17:18 himself on a scroll a c of this law,

Heb 8:5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a c

9:24 that was only a c of the true one;


Mk 7:11 their father or mother is C (that is,


Jos 2:18 you have tied this scarlet c

Ecc 4:12 A c of three strands is not quickly


Pr 5:22 the c of their sins hold them fast.

Isa 54:2 lengthen your c, strengthen your

Hos 11:4 I led them with c of human


Ac 18:1 Paul left Athens and went to C.

1Co 1:2 To the church of God in C,

2Co 1:1 To the church of God in C,


Roman to whom Peter preached; first Gentile Christian (Ac 10).


Ru 3:9 “Spread the c of your garment over

Pr 21:9 Better to live on a c of the roof

25:24 Better to live on a c of the roof

Ac 26:26 because it was not done in a c.


Mt 6:5 on the street c to be seen by others.

22:9 So go to the street c and invite


Job 38:6 its footings set, or who laid its c

Ps 118:22 builders rejected has become the c;

Isa 28:16 a precious c for a sure foundation;

Jer 51:26 rock will be taken from you for a c,

Zec 10:4 From Judah will come the c,

Mt 21:42 builders rejected has become the c;

Mk 12:10 builders rejected has become the c;

Lk 20:17 rejected has become the c’?

Ac 4:11 rejected, which has become the c.’

Eph 2:20 Christ Jesus himself as the chief c.

1Pe 2:6 a chosen and precious c, and the

2:7 rejected has become the c,”


Job 6:26 Do you mean to c what I say,

40:2 contends with the Almighty c him?

2Ti 4:2 c, rebuke and encourage—


Pr 29:19 Servants cannot be c by mere


2Ti 3:16 c and training in righteousness,


Lev 26:23 things you do not accept my c

Job 36:10 He makes them listen to c

Pr 5:12 How my heart spurned c!

6:23 and c and instruction are the way

10:17 but whoever ignores c leads others

12:1 but whoever hates c is stupid.

13:18 but whoever heeds c is honored.

15:5 whoever heeds c shows prudence.

15:10 the one who hates c will die.

15:12 Mockers resent c, so they avoid

15:31 Whoever heeds life-giving c will be

15:32 who heeds c gains understanding.

Jer 2:30 they did not respond to c.

5:3 crushed them, but they refused c.

7:28 LORD its God or responded to c.

Zep 3:2 She obeys no one, she accepts no c.

3:7 you will fear me and accept c!’


Job 5:17 “Blessed is the one whom God c;

Pr 9:7 Whoever c a mocker invites insults


Ge 6:11 Now the earth was c in God’s sight

Ps 14:1 They are c, their deeds are vile;

14:3 turned away, all have become c;

Pr 4:24 keep c talk far from your lips.

6:12 who goes about with a c mouth,

19:28 A c witness mocks at justice,


2Co 7:2 wronged no one, we have c no one,

Titus 1:15 their minds and consciences are c.


2Pe 1:4 having escaped the c in the world

2:20 have escaped the c of the world


Ecc 7:7 into a fool, and a bribe c the heart.

1Co 15:33 “Bad company c good character.”

Jas 3:6 It c the whole body, sets the whole


Nu 16:38 who sinned at the c of their lives.

Pr 4:7 Though it c all you have,

7:23 little knowing it will c him his life.

Isa 55:1 milk without money and without c.

Lk 14:28 estimate the c to see if you have

Rev 21:6 thirsty I will give water without c


Pr 6:31 though it c him all the wealth of


Ps 89:7 the c of the holy ones God is

107:32 praise him in the c of the elders.


1Ki 22:5 “First seek the c of the LORD.”

2Ch 18:4 “First seek the c of the LORD.”

Ps 73:24 You guide me with your c,

Pr 8:14 C and sound judgment are mine;

15:22 Plans fail for lack of c,

1Ti 5:14 So I c younger widows to marry,

Rev 3:18 I c you to buy from me gold


Isa 9:6 And he will be called Wonderful C,

Ro 11:34 Or who has been his c?”


Ps 16:7 I will praise the LORD, who c me;


Eze 33:12 former righteousness will c

Ro 4:8 Lord will never c against them.”

6:11 c yourselves dead to sin but alive


Ac 5:41 because they had been c worthy

2Th 1:5 as a result you will be c worthy


1Jn 2:27 as that anointing is real, not c


2Co 5:19 not c people’s sins against them.


Pr 28:2 When a c is rebellious, it has many

29:4 By justice a king gives a c stability,

Isa 66:8 Can a c be born in a day or

Lk 15:13 had, set off for a distant c and there

Jn 4:44 prophet has no honor in his own c.)

2Co 11:26 in danger in the c, in danger at sea;

Heb 11:14 are looking for a c of their own.


Jn 6:63 the flesh c for nothing.

1Co 7:19 God’s commands is what c.

Gal 5:6 that c is faith expressing itself

6:15 what c is the new creation.


Jos 2:11 everyone’s c failed because of you,

5:1 they no longer had the c to face

2Sa 4:1 he lost c, and all Israel became

7:27 So your servant has found c to pray

1Ch 17:25 So your servant has found c to pray

2Ch 15:8 of Oded the prophet, he took c.

19:11 Act with c, and may the LORD be

Ezr 7:28 I took c and gathered leaders

10:4 support you, so take c and do it.”

Ps 107:26 in their peril their c melted away.

Eze 22:14 Will your c endure or your hands

Da 11:25 and c against the king of the South.

Mt 14:27 immediately said to them: “Take c!

Mk 6:50 he spoke to them and said, “Take c!

Ac 4:13 When they saw the c of Peter

23:11 stood near Paul and said, “Take c!

27:22 now I urge you to keep up your c,

27:25 So keep up your c, men, for I have

Php 1:20 will have sufficient c so that now as


Dt 31:6 Be strong and c. Do not be afraid

31:7 “Be strong and c, for you must go

31:23 “Be strong and c, for you will bring

Jos 1:6 Be strong and c, because you will

1:7 “Be strong and very c. Be careful

1:9 Be strong and c. Do not be afraid;

1:18 to death. Only be strong and c!”

10:25 Be strong and c. This is what

1Ch 22:13 Be strong and c. Do not be afraid

28:20 “Be strong and c, and do the work.

2Ch 26:17 eighty other c priests of the LORD

32:7 “Be strong and c. Do not be afraid

1Co 16:13 firm in the faith; be c; be strong.


Ps 19:5 a champion rejoicing to run his c.

Pr 2:8 for he guards the c of the just

15:21 understanding keeps a straight c.

16:9 In their hearts humans plan their c,

17:23 in secret to pervert the c of justice.

Jas 3:6 sets the whole c of one’s life on fire,


Pr 22:22 and do not crush the needy in c,

25:8 do not bring hastily to c, for what

Mt 5:25 adversary who is taking you to c.

1Co 4:3 judged by you or by any human c;

6:6 one brother takes another to c


Ps 84:10 your c than a thousand elsewhere;

100:4 thanksgiving and his c with praise;

Am 5:15 maintain justice in the c.

Zec 8:16 and sound judgment in your c;


Ex 27:9 “Make a c for the tabernacle.


Est 2:7 Mordecai had a c named Hadassah

Col 4:10 as does Mark, the c of Barnabas.


Ge 9:9 “I now establish my c with you

17:2 I will make my c between me

Ex 19:5 if you obey me fully and keep my c,

24:7 he took the Book of the C and read

Dt 4:13 He declared to you his c, the Ten

29:1 of the c the LORD commanded

Jdg 2:1 ‘I will never break my c with you,

1Sa 23:18 them made a c before the LORD.

1Ki 8:21 which is the c of the LORD that he

8:23 you who keep your c of love

2Ki 23:2 all the words of the Book of the C,

1Ch 16:15 He remembers his c forever,

2Ch 6:14 you who keep your c of love

34:30 all the words of the Book of the C,

Ne 1:5 who keeps his c of love with those

Job 31:1 “I made a c with my eyes not

Ps 105:8 He remembers his c forever,

Pr 2:17 ignored the c she made before God

Isa 42:6 make you to be a c for the people

61:8 make an everlasting c with them.

Jer 11:2 “Listen to the terms of this c

31:31 I will make a new c with the people

31:32 It will not be like the c I made

31:32 because they broke my c, though I

31:33 “This is the c I will make

Eze 37:26 will make a c of peace with them;

37:26 it will be an everlasting c.

Da 9:27 He will confirm a c with many

Hos 6:7 at Adam, they have broken the c;

Mal 2:14 the wife of your marriage c.

3:1 the messenger of the c, whom you

Mt 26:28 This is my blood of the c, which is

Mk 14:24 “This is my blood of the c, which is

Lk 22:20 “This cup is the new c in my blood,

1Co 11:25 “This cup is the new c in my blood;

2Co 3:6 as ministers of a new c

Gal 4:24 One c is from Mount Sinai

Heb 8:6 since the new c is established

8:8 I will make a new c with the people

9:15 Christ is the mediator of a new c,

12:24 to Jesus the mediator of a new c,


Ro 9:4 the c, the receiving of the law,

Gal 4:24 The women represent two c.

Eph 2:12 foreigners to the c of the promise,


Ex 25:17 “Make an atonement c of pure

25:21 Place the c on top of the ark and

33:22 and c you with my hand until I

Lev 16:2 of the atonement c on the ark,

16:2 in the cloud over the atonement c.

Ps 32:5 you and did not c up my iniquity.

91:4 He will c you with his feathers,

Hos 10:8 will say to the mountains, “C us!”

Lk 23:30 and to the hills, “C us!” ’

1Co 11:6 if a woman does not c her head,

11:6 shaved, then she should c her head.

11:7 A man ought not to c his head,

Jas 5:20 and c over a multitude of sins.


Ps 32:1 are forgiven, whose sins are c.

85:2 of your people and c all their sins.

Isa 6:2 With two wings they c their faces,

51:16 c you with the shadow of my hand

Ro 4:7 are forgiven, whose sins are c.

1Co 11:4 with his head c dishonors his head.


1Co 11:15 For long hair is given to her as a c.


Ge 3:7 and made c for themselves.

Pr 31:22 She makes c for her bed;


Pr 10:12 conflict, but love c over all wrongs.

17:9 would foster love c over an offense,

2Co 3:15 Moses is read, a veil c their hearts.

1Pe 4:8 because love c over a multitude


1Pe 2:16 do not use your freedom as a c


Ex 20:17 “You shall not c your neighbor’s

20:17 You shall not c your neighbor’s

Ex 34:24 no one will c your land when you

Dt 5:21 “You shall not c your neighbor’s

7:25 Do not c the silver and gold

Mic 2:2 They c fields and seize them,

Ro 7:7 had not said, “You shall not c.”

13:9 “You shall not c,” and whatever

Jas 4:2 You c but you cannot get what you


Jos 7:21 shekels, I c them and took them.

Ac 20:33 I have not c anyone’s silver or gold


Ro 7:7 not have known what c really was

7:8 produced in me every kind of c.


Rev 21:8 But the c, the unbelieving, the vile,


Ge 41:2 of the river there came up seven c,

1Sa 6:7 with two c that have calved


Job 5:13 He catches the wise in their c,

1Co 3:19 “He catches the wise in their c”;

Eph 4:14 and c of people in their deceitful


Ge 3:1 the serpent was more c than any

1Sa 23:22 They tell me he is very c.

Job 5:12 He thwarts the plans of the c,

15:5 you adopt the tongue of the c.

Pr 7:10 like a prostitute and with c intent.

2Co 12:16 Yet, c fellow that I am, I caught you


Nu 11:4 with them began to c other food,

Dt 12:20 you, and you c meat and say,

Pr 21:10 The wicked c evil;

23:3 not c his delicacies, for that food

23:6 host, do not c his delicacies;

31:4 drink wine, not for rulers to c beer,

Mic 7:1 eat, none of the early figs that I c.

1Pe 2:2 babies, c pure spiritual milk,


Nu 11:34 the people who had c other food.

Ps 78:18 test by demanding the food they c.

78:29 he had given them what they c.

78:30 they turned from what they c,


Pr 21:26 All day long he c for more,


Job 20:20 he will have no respite from his c;

Ps 106:14 In the desert they gave in to their c;

Pr 10:3 but he thwarts the c of the wicked.

21:25 c of a sluggard will be the death

Jer 2:24 desert, sniffing the wind in her c


Ps 10:3 He boasts about the c of his heart;

Eph 2:3 gratifying the c of our flesh


Ge 3:14 You will c on your belly and you


Ps 51:10 C in me a pure heart, O God,

Isa 4:5 the LORD will c over all of Mount

45:7 I form the light and c darkness,

45:7 I bring prosperity and c disaster;

45:18 he did not c it to be empty,

65:17 I will c new heavens and a new

65:18 and rejoice forever in what I will c,

65:18 I will c Jerusalem to be a delight

Jer 31:22 The LORD will c a new thing

Mal 2:10 Did not one God c us? Why do we

Eph 2:15 His purpose was to c in himself


Ge 1:1 the beginning God c the heavens

1:21 So God c the great creatures

1:27 So God c mankind in his own

1:27 in the image of God he c them; male and female he c them.

2:4 and the earth when they were c,

5:1 When God c mankind, he made

5:2 He c them male and female

5:2 “Mankind” when they were c.

Ge 6:7 earth the human race I have c

Dt 4:32 the day God c human beings

Ps 89:12 You c the north and the south;

89:47 futility you have c all humanity!

102:18 a people not yet c may praise

104:30 they are c, and you renew the face

139:13 For you c my inmost being;

148:5 for at his command they were c,

Ecc 7:29 God c mankind upright, but they

Isa 40:26 to the heavens: Who c all these?

41:20 that the Holy One of Israel has c it.

43:1 he who c you, Jacob, he who

43:7 my name, whom I c for my glory,

45:8 I, the LORD, have c it.

45:12 the earth and c mankind on it.

45:18 he who c the heavens, he is God;

48:7 They are c now, and not long ago;

54:16 it is I who c the blacksmith who

54:16 it is I who have c the destroyer

57:16 the very people I have c.

Eze 21:30 In the place where you were c,

28:13 day you were c they were prepared.

28:15 day you were c till wickedness was

Mk 13:19 when God c the world, until now—

Ro 1:25 and served c things rather than

1Co 11:9 neither was man c for woman,

Eph 2:10 c in Christ Jesus to do good works,

3:9 hidden in God, who c all things.

4:24 the new self, c to be like God in

Col 1:16 For in him all things were c:

1:16 all things have been c through him

1Ti 4:3 which God c to be received

4:4 For everything God c is good,

Heb 12:27 that is, c things—so that what

Jas 1:18 be a kind of firstfruits of all he c.

Rev 4:11 for you c all things, and by your will they were c

10:6 who c the heavens and all that is


Am 4:13 the mountains, who c the wind,


Ge 2:3 all the work of c that he had done.

Isa 57:19 c praise on their lips.


Ps 96:13 Let all c rejoice before the LORD,

Hab 2:18 who makes it trusts in his own c;

Mt 13:35 will utter things hidden since the c

25:34 for you since the c of the world.

Mk 10:6 of c God ‘made them male

16:15 preach the gospel to all c.

Jn 17:24 because you loved me before the c

Ro 1:20 For since the c of the world God’s

8:19 For the c waits in eager expectation

8:20 For the c was subjected

8:21 that the c itself will be liberated

8:22 the whole c has been groaning as

8:39 nor anything else in all c, will be

2Co 5:17 is in Christ, the new c has come:

Gal 6:15 what counts is the new c.

Eph 1:4 us in him before the c of the world

Col 1:15 God, the firstborn over all c.

Heb 4:3 have been finished since the c

4:13 Nothing in all c is hidden

9:11 that is to say, is not a part of this c.

9:26 suffer many times since the c

1Pe 1:20 He was chosen before the c

2Pe 3:4 as it has since the beginning of c.”

Rev 3:14 true witness, the ruler of God’s c.

13:8 was slain from the c of the world.

17:8 book of life from the c of the world


Ge 14:19 Most High, C of heaven and earth.

14:22 Most High, C of heaven and earth,

Dt 32:6 your C, who made you and formed

Ecc 12:1 Remember your C in the days

Isa 27:11 and their C shows them no favor.

40:28 God, the C of the ends of the earth.

42:5 the C of the heavens, who stretches

43:15 Holy One, Israel’s C, your King.”

Mt 19:4 at the beginning the C ‘made them

Ro 1:25 created things rather than the C

Col 3:10 in knowledge in the image of its C.

1Pe 4:19 themselves to their faithful C


Lev 17:11 For the life of a c is in the blood,

17:14 the life of every c is its blood.

17:14 must not eat the blood of any c,

Ps 136:25 He gives food to every c.

Eze 1:15 on the ground beside each c with

Rev 4:7 The first living c was like a lion,


Ge 6:19 into the ark two of all living c,

8:21 again will I destroy all living c, as I

Ps 104:24 the earth is full of your c.

Eze 1:5 was what looked like four living c.


Lk 6:33 good to you, what c is that to you?

Ro 4:24 whom God will c righteousness—

1Pe 2:20 it to your c if you receive a beating


Ge 15:6 and he c it to him as righteousness.

Ps 106:31 This was c to him as righteousness

Eze 18:20 of the righteous will be c to them,

Ro 4:3 it was c to him as righteousness.”

4:4 wages are not c as a gift but as

4:5 their faith is c as righteousness.

4:9 Abraham’s faith was c to him as

4:23 The words “it was c to him” were

Gal 3:6 it was c to him as righteousness.”

Php 4:17 is that more be c to your account.

Jas 2:23 it was c to him as righteousness,”


Dt 15:2 Every c shall cancel any loan they


Ro 4:6 whom God c righteousness apart


Titus 1:12C are always liars, evil brutes,


Ac 27:12 This was a harbor in C, facing both


Ex 2:23 groaned in their slavery and c out,

14:10 terrified and c out to the LORD.

Nu 20:16 but when we c out to the LORD,

Jos 24:7 But they c to the LORD for help,

Jdg 3:9 But when they c out to the LORD,

3:15 Again the Israelites c

4:3 they c to the LORD for help.

6:6 the Israelites that they c

10:12 you and you c to me for help, did I

1Sa 7:9 He c out to the LORD on Israel’s

12:8 they c to the LORD for help,

12:10 They c out to the LORD and said,

Ps 18:6 I c to my God for help.


Lk 23:32 both c, were also led out with him


Isa 1:18 though they are red as c, they shall

63:1 with his garments stained c?


Mk 9:45 to enter life c than to have two feet


1Co 7:26 Because of the present c, I think


2Co 8:20 want to avoid any c of the way we


Dt 32:5 are a warped and c generation.

Ps 125:5 to c ways the LORD will banish

Pr 2:15 whose paths are c and who are

8:8 none of them is c or perverse.

10:9 whoever takes c paths will be

Ecc 1:15 What is c cannot be straightened;

7:13 can straighten what he has made c?

Isa 59:8 have turned them into c roads;

La 3:9 he has made my paths c.

Lk 3:5 The c roads shall become straight,

Php 2:15 fault in a warped and c generation.”


Mt 13:8 good soil, where it produced a c

21:41 his share of the c at harvest time.”


Pr 3:9 with the firstfruits of all your c;

10:5 He who gathers c in summer is

28:3 like a driving rain that leaves no c.

2Ti 2:6 the first to receive a share of the c.


Dt 4:21 swore that I would not c the Jordan

12:10 But you will c the Jordan and settle

Mt 10:38 Whoever does not take up their c

16:24 and take up their c and follow me.

Mk 8:34 and take up their c and follow me.

Lk 9:23 take up their c daily and follow me.

14:27 whoever does not carry their c

Jn 19:17 Carrying his own c, he went

Ac 2:23 to death by nailing him to the c.

5:30 you killed by hanging him on a c.

1Co 1:17 lest the c of Christ be emptied of

1:18 the message of the c is foolishness

Gal 5:11 offense of the c has been abolished.

6:12 persecuted for the c of Christ.

6:14 in the c of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Eph 2:16 both of them to God through the c,

Php 2:8 even death on a c!

3:18 live as enemies of the c of Christ.

Col 1:20 through his blood, shed on the c.

2:14 taken it away, nailing it to the c.

2:15 triumphing over them by the c.

Heb 12:2 set before him he endured the c,

1Pe 2:24 bore our sins” in his body on the c,


Jos 4:7 When it c the Jordan, the waters

Jn 5:24 but has c over from death to life.


Ge 48:14 and c his arms, he put his left hand


Jer 6:16 “Stand at the c and look;


Ge 4:7 what is right, sin is c at your door;


Ex 23:2 pervert justice by siding with the c,


Mt 9:36 When he saw the c, he had


Mt 26:74 Immediately a rooster c.


Pr 4:9 and present you with a glorious c.”

10:6 Blessings c the head

12:4 noble character is her husband’s c,

16:31 Gray hair is a c of splendor;

17:6 Children’s children are a c

Isa 35:10 everlasting joy will c their heads.

51:11 everlasting joy will c their heads.

61:3 on them a c of beauty instead

62:3 You will be a c of splendor

Eze 16:12 and a beautiful c on your head.

Zec 9:16 in his land like jewels in a c.

Mt 27:29 then twisted together a c of thorns

Mk 15:17 then twisted together a c of thorns

Jn 19:2 The soldiers twisted together a c

19:5 came out wearing the c of thorns

1Co 9:25 do it to get a c that will not last,

9:25 to get a c that will last forever.

Php 4:1 joy and c, stand firm in the Lord

1Th 2:19 the c in which we will glory

2Ti 2:5 not receive the victor’s c except

4:8 store for me the c of righteousness,

Jas 1:12 that person will receive the c of life

1Pe 5:4 you will receive the c of glory

Rev 2:10 will give you life as your victor’s c.

3:11 so that no one will take your c.

14:14 of man with a c of gold on his head


Ps 8:5 the angels and c them with glory

Pr 14:18 the prudent are c with knowledge.

SS 3:11 which his mother c him on the day

Heb 2:7 you c them with glory and honor

2:9 now c with glory and honor


Ps 103:4 from the pit and c you with love

149:4 he c the humble with victory.

Rev 4:4 and had c of gold on their heads.

4:10 They lay their c before the throne

12:3 ten horns and seven c on its heads.

19:12 fire, and on his head are many c.


Mt 26:34 night, before the rooster c, you will


Mt 20:19 to be mocked and flogged and c.

26:2 Man will be handed over to be c.”

27:26 and handed him over to be c.

27:35 When they had c him, they divided

27:38 Two rebels were c with him,

27:44 same way the rebels who were c

28:5 are looking for Jesus, who was c.

Mk 15:15 and handed him over to be c.

15:24 And they c him. Dividing up his

15:25 in the morning when they c him.

15:27 They c two rebels with him,

15:32 Those c with him also heaped

16:6 for Jesus the Nazarene, who was c.

Lk 23:23 insistently demanded that he be c,

23:33 called the Skull, they c him there,

24:7 be c and on the third day be raised

24:20 to death, and they c him;

Jn 19:16 handed him over to them to be c.

19:18 There they c him, and with him

19:20 where Jesus was c was near the city,

19:23 When the soldiers c Jesus, they

19:32 the first man who had been c

19:41 At the place where Jesus was c,

Ac 2:36 Jesus, whom you c, both Lord

4:10 whom you c but whom God raised

Ro 6:6 that our old self was c with him so

1Co 1:13 Was Paul c for you?

1:23 but we preach Christ c:

2:2 you except Jesus Christ and him c.

2:8 they would not have c the Lord

2Co 13:4 to be sure, he was c in weakness,

Gal 2:20 I have been c with Christ and I no

3:1 Christ was clearly portrayed as c.

5:24 have c the flesh with its passions

6:14 which the world has been c to me,

Rev 11:8 where also their Lord was c.


Mt 23:34 Some of them you will kill and c;

27:22 They all answered, “C him!”

27:23 shouted all the louder, “C him!”

27:31 Then they led him away to c him.

Mk 15:13C him!” they shouted.

15:14 shouted all the louder, “C him!”

15:20 Then they led him out to c him.

Lk 23:21 kept shouting, “C him! C him!”

Jn 19:6 saw him, they shouted, “C! C!”

19:6 “You take him and c him.

19:10 either to free you or to c you?”

19:15 C him!” “Shall I c your king?”


Heb 6:6 their loss they are c the Son of God


Ge 3:15 he will c your head, and you will

Isa 53:10 it was the LORD’s will to c him

Ro 16:20 peace will soon c Satan under your


Ps 34:18 and saves those who are c in spirit.

Pr 17:22 but a c spirit dries up the bones.

18:14 but a c spirit who can bear?

Isa 53:5 he was c for our iniquities;

2Co 4:8 pressed on every side, but not c;


Ex 2:23 their c for help because of their

Ps 5:2 Hear my c for help, my King

34:15 and his ears are attentive to their c;

40:1 he turned to me and heard my c.

130:1 Out of the depths I c to you,

Pr 21:13 their ears to the c of the poor will

La 2:18 The hearts of the people c

Hab 2:11 The stones of the wall will c out,

Lk 19:40 keep quiet, the stones will c out.”


Ro 10:4 Christ is the c of the law so


2Co 11:3 was deceived by the serpent’s c,

Eph 4:14 by the c and craftiness of people


Ps 23:5 my head with oil; my c overflows.

Isa 51:22 that c, the goblet of my wrath,

Mt 10:42 anyone gives even a c of cold water

20:22 “Can you drink the c I am going

23:25 You clean the outside of the c

Mt 23:26 First clean the inside of the c

26:27 Then he took a c, and when he had

26:39 may this c be taken from me.

26:42 for this c to be taken away unless I

Mk 9:41 anyone who gives you a c of water

10:38 “Can you drink the c I drink or be

10:39 “You will drink the c I drink and

14:23 Then he took a c, and when he had

14:36 Take this c from me.

Lk 11:39 Pharisees clean the outside of the c

22:17 After taking the c, he gave thanks

22:20 “This c is the new covenant in my

22:42 are willing, take this c from me;

Jn 18:11 Shall I not drink the c the Father

1Co 10:16 Is not the c of thanksgiving

10:21 You cannot drink the c of the Lord and the c of demons too;

11:25 “This c is the new covenant in my


Ge 40:1 the c and the baker of the king

Ne 1:11 of this man.” I was c to the king.


Jer 17:9 above all things and beyond c.

30:15 wound, your pain that has no c?

Hos 5:13 But he is not able to c you, not able

Lk 9:1 out all demons and to c diseases,


Lk 6:18 troubled by impure spirits were c,


Ge 4:11 Now you are under a c and driven

8:21 again will I c the ground because

12:3 and whoever curses you I will c;

Dt 11:26 you today a blessing and a c

11:28 the c if you disobey the commands

21:23 is hung on a pole is under God’s c.

23:5 turned the c into a blessing for you,

Job 1:11 he will surely c you to your face.”

2:5 he will surely c you to your face.”

2:9 C God and die!”

Ps 109:28 While they c, may you bless;

Pr 3:33 The LORD’s c is on the house

Jer 42:18 You will be a c and an object

Mal 2:2 “I will send a c on you, and I will c your blessings.

Lk 6:28 bless those who c you,

Ro 12:14 bless and do not c.

Gal 1:8 to you, let them be under God’s c!

3:10 the works of the law are under a c,

3:13 redeemed us from the c of the law by becoming a c for us,

Jas 3:9 and with it we c human beings,

Rev 22:3 No longer will there be any c.


Ge 3:17C is the ground because of you;

Dt 27:15C is anyone who makes an idol—

27:16C is anyone who dishonors their

27:17C is anyone who moves their

27:18C is anyone who leads the blind

27:19C is anyone who withholds justice

27:20C is anyone who sleeps with his

27:21C is anyone who has sexual

27:22C is anyone who sleeps with his

27:23C is anyone who sleeps with his

27:24C is anyone who kills their

27:25C is anyone who accepts a bribe

27:26C is anyone who does not uphold

Pr 24:24 be c by peoples and denounced

Jer 17:5C is the one who trusts in man,

Mal 1:14C is the cheat who has

Ro 9:3 I could wish that I myself were c

1Co 4:12 When we are c, we bless;

12:3 “Jesus be c,” and no one can say,

Gal 3:10C is everyone who does not

3:13C is everyone who is hung


Ex 21:17 “Anyone who c their father

Lev 20:9 “ ‘Anyone who c their father

Nu 5:23 priest is to write these c on a scroll

Jos 8:34 the blessings and the c—just as it is

Pr 20:20 someone c their father or mother,

28:27 their eyes to them receive many c.

Mt 15:4 and ‘Anyone who c their father

Mk 7:10 and, ‘Anyone who c their father


Ps 109:18 He wore c as his garment;

Ro 3:14 “Their mouths are full of c

Jas 3:10 the same mouth come praise and c.


Ex 26:31 “Make a c of blue,

26:33 The c will separate the Holy Place

Mt 27:51 that moment the c of the temple

Mk 15:38 The c of the temple was torn in

Lk 23:45 the c of the temple was torn in two.

Heb 6:19 the inner sanctuary behind the c,

9:3 Behind the second c was a room

10:20 way opened for us through the c,


Gal 3:23 we were held in c under the law,


Job 1:5 This was Job’s regular c.

Mk 10:1 and as was his c, he taught them.

Lk 4:16 into the synagogue, as was his c.

Ac 17:2 As was his c, Paul went


Lev 19:27 “ ‘Do not c the hair at the sides

21:5 of their beards or c their bodies.

1Ki 3:25C the living child in two and give

Isa 51:1 to the rock from which you were c

53:8 For he was c off from the land

Da 2:45 of the vision of the rock c

Mt 3:10 produce good fruit will be c down

24:22 “If those days had not been c short,

1Co 11:6 for a woman to have her hair c off


1Co 13:1 a resounding gong or a clanging c.


1Ch 15:16 lyres, harps and c.

2Ch 5:12 dressed in fine linen and playing c,

Ps 150:5 praise him with the clash of c,

150:5 praise him with resounding c.


Persian king who allowed exiles to return (2Ch 36:22Ezr 1:8), to rebuild temple (Ezr 5:136:14), as appointed by the LORD (Isa 44:2845:13).