Aramean general whose leprosy was cleansed by Elisha (2Ki 5).
Wealthy Carmelite the LORD killed for refusing to help David (1Sa 25). David married Abigail, his widow (1Sa 25:39–42).
Jezreelite killed by Jezebel for his vineyard (1Ki 21). Ahab’s family destroyed for this (1Ki 21:17–24; 2Ki 9:21–37).
1. Firstborn of Aaron (Ex 6:23); killed with Abihu for offering unauthorized fire (Lev 10; Nu 3:4).
2. Son of Jeroboam I; king of Israel (1Ki 15:25–32).
Pr 21:19 with a quarrelsome and n wife.
Prophet against Nineveh (Na 1:1).
Jn 20:25 “Unless I see the n marks in his
Ro 16:18 they deceive the minds of n people.
Ge 2:25 Adam and his wife were both n,
Job 1:21 “N I came from my mother’s womb, and n I will depart.
Isa 58:7 you see the n, to clothe them,
2Co 5:3 are clothed, we will not be found n.
Ge 2:19 man to see what he would n them;
4:26 to call on the n of the LORD.
11:4 we may make a n for ourselves;
12:2 I will make your n great, and you
32:29 Jacob said, “Please tell me your n.”
Ex 3:15 “This is my n forever, the n you
20:7 “You shall not misuse the n
34:14 for the LORD, whose n is Jealous,
Lev 24:11 Israelite woman blasphemed the N
Dt 5:11 “You shall not misuse the n
12:11 choose as a dwelling for his N—
18:5 minister in the LORD’s n always.
25:6 carry on the n of the dead brother
28:58 this glorious and awesome n—
Jos 7:9 and wipe out our n from the earth.
Jdg 13:17 “What is your n, so that we may
1Sa 12:22 of his great n the LORD will not
2Sa 6:2 which is called by the N, the n
7:9 Now I will make your n great,
1Ki 5:5 will build the temple for my N.’
8:29 you said, ‘My N shall be there,’
1Ch 17:8 I will make your n like the names
2Ch 7:14 people, who are called by my n,
Ne 9:10 You made a n for yourself,
Ps 8:1 how majestic is your n in all
9:10 Those who know your n trust
20:7 in the n of the LORD our God.
29:2 to the LORD the glory due his n;
34:3 let us exalt his n together.
44:20 we had forgotten the n of our God
66:2 Sing the glory of his n;
68:4 his n is the LORD.
79:9 our Savior, for the glory of your n;
96:8 to the LORD the glory due his n;
Ps 103:1 my inmost being, praise his holy n.
115:1 not to us but to your n be the glory,
138:2 praise your n for your unfailing
145:1 I will praise your n for ever
147:4 the stars and calls them each by n.
Pr 3:4 and a good n in the sight of God
10:7 The n of the righteous is used
10:7 but the n of the wicked will rot.
18:10 The n of the LORD is a fortified
22:1 A good n is more desirable than
30:4 What is his n, and what is the n
Ecc 7:1 A good n is better than fine
SS 1:3 your n is like perfume poured out.
Isa 12:4 and proclaim that his n is exalted.
26:8 your n and renown are the desire
40:26 and calls forth each of them by n.
42:8 “I am the LORD; that is my n!
56:5 I will give them an everlasting n
57:15 who lives forever, whose n is holy:
63:14 to make for yourself a glorious n.
Jer 14:7 LORD, for the sake of your n.
15:16 for I bear your n, LORD God
Eze 20:9 But for the sake of my n, I brought
20:14 of my n I did what would keep it
20:22 of my n I did what would keep it
Da 12:1 everyone whose n is found written
Hos 12:5 God Almighty, the LORD is his n!
Joel 2:32 the n of the LORD will be saved;
Mic 5:4 of the n of the LORD his God.
Zep 3:9 may call on the n of the LORD
Zec 6:12 is the man whose n is the Branch,
14:9 one LORD, and his n the only n.
Mal 1:6 who show contempt for my n.
Mt 1:21 you are to give him the n Jesus,
6:9 in heaven, hallowed be your n,
18:20 where two or three gather in my n,
24:5 For many will come in my n,
28:19 baptizing them in the n of the
Mk 9:41 water in my n because you belong
Lk 11:2 hallowed be your n, your kingdom
Jn 10:3 He calls his own sheep by n
14:13 I will do whatever you ask in my n,
16:24 not asked for anything in my n.
Ac 2:21 on the n of the Lord will be saved.’
4:12 is no other n under heaven given
Ro 10:13 on the n of the Lord will be saved.”
Php 2:9 gave him the n that is above every n,
2:10 at the n of Jesus every knee should
Col 3:17 do it all in the n of the Lord Jesus,
Heb 1:4 the angels as the n he has inherited
Jas 5:14 them with oil in the n of the Lord.
1Jn 5:13 you who believe in the n of the Son
Rev 2:17 stone with a new n written on it,
3:5 I will never blot out the n of that
3:12 write on them the n of my God
3:12 and the n of the city of my God,
3:12 I will also write on them my new n.
19:13 and his n is the Word of God.
20:15 Anyone whose n was not found
Ge 5:2 And he n them “Mankind” when
Ex 28:9 engrave on them the n of the sons
Lk 10:20 but rejoice that your n are written
Php 4:3 whose n are in the book of life.
Heb 12:23 whose n are written in heaven.
Rev 21:27 only those whose n are written
Wife of Elimelek, mother-in-law of Ruth (Ru 1:2, 4). Left Bethlehem for Moab during famine (Ru 1:1). Returned a widow, with Ruth (Ru 1:6–22). Advised Ruth to seek marriage with Boaz (Ru 2:17—3:4). Cared for Ruth’s son Obed (Ru 4:13–17).
Son of Jacob by Bilhah (Ge 30:8; 35:25; 1Ch 2:2). Tribe of blessed (Ge 49:21; Dt 33:23), numbered (Nu 1:43; 26:50), allotted land (Jos 19:32–39; Eze 48:3), failed to fully possess (Jdg 1:33), supported Deborah (Jdg 4:10; 5:18), David (1Ch 12:34), 12,000 from (Rev 7:6).
Prophet and chronicler of Israel’s history (1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29). Announced the Davidic covenant (2Sa 7; 1Ch 17). Denounced David’s sin with Bathsheba (2Sa 12). Supported Solomon (1Ki 1).
Apostle (Jn 1:45–49; 21:2). Probably also called Bartholomew (Mt 10:3).
Ge 12:2 “I will make you into a great n,
Ex 19:6 a kingdom of priests and a holy n.’
Dt 4:7 What other n is so great as to have
Jos 5:8 the whole n had been circumcised,
2Sa 7:23 the one n on earth that God went
Ps 33:12 Blessed is the n whose God is
Pr 11:14 For lack of guidance a n falls,
14:34 Righteousness exalts a n, but sin
Isa 2:4 N will not take up sword against n,
26:2 that the righteous n may enter,
60:12 For the n or kingdom that will not
65:1 a n that did not call on my name,
66:8 a n be brought forth in a moment?
Mic 4:3 N will not take up sword against n,
Mt 24:7 N will rise against n, and kingdom
Mk 13:8 N will rise against n, and kingdom
1Pe 2:9 a holy n, God’s special possession,
Rev 5:9 and language and people and n.
7:9 could count, from every n, tribe,
14:6 to every n, tribe,
Ge 17:4 You will be the father of many n.
18:18 and all n on earth will be blessed
Ex 19:5 of all n you will be my treasured
Lev 20:26 apart from the n to be my own.
Dt 7:1 seven n larger and stronger than
15:6 You will rule over many n but none
Jdg 3:1 These are the n the LORD left
2Ch 20:6 rule over all the kingdoms of the n.
Ne 1:8 I will scatter you among the n,
Ps 2:1 Why do the n conspire
2:8 I will make the n your inheritance,
9:5 You have rebuked the n
22:28 the LORD and he rules over the n.
46:10 I will be exalted among the n, I will
47:8 God reigns over the n; God is
66:7 his power, his eyes watch the n—
67:2 earth, your salvation among all n.
68:30 Scatter the n who delight in war.
72:17 all n will be blessed through him,
96:3 Declare his glory among the n,
99:2 he is exalted over all the n.
106:35 mingled with the n and adopted
110:6 He will judge the n,
113:4 LORD is exalted over all the n,
Isa 2:2 the hills, and all n will stream to it.
11:10 the n will rally to him, and his
12:4 known among the n what he has
40:15 Surely the n are like a drop
42:1 and he will bring justice to the n.
49:22 I will beckon to the n, I will lift
51:4 justice will become a light to the n.
52:15 so he will sprinkle many n,
56:7 called a house of prayer for all n.”
60:3 N will come to your light,
66:18 and gather the people of all n
Jer 1:5 you as a prophet to the n.”
3:17 and all n will gather in Jerusalem
31:10 the word of the LORD, you n;
33:9 honor before all n on earth that
46:28 completely destroy all the n among
Eze 22:4 you an object of scorn to the n
34:13 I will bring them out from the n
36:23 Then the n will know that I am
37:22 they will never again be two n or
39:21 will display my glory among the n,
Hos 7:8 “Ephraim mixes with the n;
Joel 2:17 of scorn, a byword among the n.
3:2 scattered my people among the n
Am 9:12 and all the n that bear my name,”
Zep 3:8 I have decided to assemble the n,
Hag 2:7 what is desired by all n will come,
Zec 8:13 have been a curse among the n,
8:23 n will take firm hold of one Jew
9:10 He will proclaim peace to the n.
14:2 I will gather all the n to Jerusalem
Mt 12:18 he will proclaim justice to the n.
24:9 you will be hated by all n because
24:14 whole world as a testimony to all n,
25:32 All the n will be gathered before
28:19 go and make disciples of all n,
Mk 11:17 called a house of prayer for all n’?
Ac 4:25 “ ‘Why do the n rage
Ro 15:12 who will arise to rule over the n;
Gal 3:8 “All n will be blessed through
1Ti 3:16 was preached among the n,
Rev 15:3 true are your ways, King of the n.
15:4 All n will come and worship before
21:24 The n will walk by its light,
22:2 the tree are for the healing of the n.
1Co 15:44 it is sown a n body, it is raised
Ro 1:20 his eternal power and divine n—
7:18 dwell in me, that is, in my sinful n.
Php 2:6 Who, being in very n God, did not
Col 3:5 whatever belongs to your earthly n:
2Pe 1:4 may participate in the divine n,
Mt 2:23 that he would be called a N.
Mk 14:67 “You also were with that N,
16:6 “You are looking for Jesus the N,
Ac 24:5 He is a ringleader of the N sect
Mt 4:13 Leaving N, he went and lived
Lk 4:16 He went to N, where he had been
Jn 1:46 “N! Can anything good come
Dt 34:1 Moses climbed Mount N
Babylonian king. Subdued and exiled Judah (2Ki 24–25; 2Ch 36; Jer 39). Dreams interpreted by Daniel (Da 2; 4). Worshiped God (Da 3:28–29; 4:34–37).
Ac 1:21 Therefore it is n to choose one
Ro 13:5 it is n to submit to the authorities,
2Co 9:5 I thought it n to urge the brothers
Php 1:24 it is more n for you that I remain
2:25 I think it is n to send back to you
Heb 8:3 and so it was n for this one
9:16 it is n to prove the death of the one
9:23 It was n, then, for the copies
10:18 sacrifice for sin is no longer n.
Pharaoh who killed Josiah (2Ki 23:29–30; 2Ch 35:20–22), deposed Jehoahaz (2Ki 23:33–35; 2Ch 36:3–4).
Pr 3:22 an ornament to grace your n.
6:21 fasten them around your n.
Mt 18:6 millstone hung around their n
1Ki 8:59 Israel according to each day’s n,
Ps 79:8 meet us, for we are in desperate n.
142:6 to my cry, for I am in desperate n;
Mt 6:8 knows what you n before you ask
Lk 15:14 country, and he began to be in n.
Ac 2:45 to give to anyone who had n.
Ro 12:13 the Lord’s people who are in n.
1Co 12:21 say to the hand, “I don’t n you!”
Eph 4:28 something to share with those in n.
1Ti 5:3 those widows who are really in n.
Heb 4:16 grace to help us in our time of n.
1Jn 3:17 sister in n but has no pity on them,
Mt 19:24 to go through the eye of a n than
Isa 58:11 he will satisfy your n
Php 2:25 you sent to take care of my n.
4:19 God will meet all your n according
Jas 2:16 nothing about their physical n,
Dt 15:11 who are poor and n in your land.
1Sa 2:8 and lifts the n from the ash heap;
Ps 35:10 and n from those who rob them.”
69:33 The LORD hears the n and does
72:12 he will deliver the n who cry out,
140:12 and upholds the cause of the n.
Pr 14:21 is the one who is kind to the n.
14:31 is kind to the n honors God.
22:22 and do not crush the n in court,
31:9 the rights of the poor and n.
31:20 and extends her hands to the n.
Mt 6:2 “So when you give to the n, do not
Dt 12:19 to n the Levites as long as you live
14:27 do not n the Levites living in your
Ezr 4:22 Be careful not to n this matter.
Ne 10:39 “We will not n the house of our
Est 6:10 Do not n anything you have
Ps 119:16 I will not n your word.
SS 1:6 my own vineyard I had to n.
Lk 11:42 but you n justice and the love
Ac 6:2 for us to n the ministry of the word
1Ti 4:14 not n your gift, which was given
Mt 23:23 But you have n the more important
Cupbearer of Artaxerxes (Ne 2:1); governor of Israel (Ne 8:9). Returned to Jerusalem to rebuild walls (Ne 2–6). With Ezra, reestablished worship (Ne 8). Prayer confessing nation’s sin (Ne 9). Dedicated wall (Ne 12).
Ex 20:16 give false testimony against your n.
20:17 anything that belongs to your n.”
Lev 19:13 “ ‘Do not defraud or rob your n.
19:17 Rebuke your n frankly so you will
19:18 people, but love your n as yourself.
Ps 15:3 who does no wrong to a n,
88:18 have taken from me friend and n—
Pr 3:29 Do not plot harm against your n,
11:12 derides their n has no sense,
14:21 It is a sin to despise one’s n,
16:29 A violent person entices their n
24:28 against your n without cause—
25:18 gives false testimony against a n.
27:10 better a n nearby than a relative far
27:14 anyone loudly blesses their n early
Jer 31:34 No longer will they teach their n,
Mt 5:43 ‘Love your n and hate your enemy.’
19:19 and ‘love your n as yourself.’ ”
Mk 12:31 ‘Love your n as yourself.’
Lk 10:27 and, ‘Love your n as yourself.’ ”
10:29 asked Jesus, “And who is my n?”
Ro 13:9 “Love your n as yourself.”
13:10 Love does no harm to a n.
Gal 5:14 “Love your n as yourself.”
Eph 4:25 and speak truthfully to your n,
Heb 8:11 No longer will they teach their n,
Jas 2:8 “Love your n as yourself,”
Ex 20:17 “You shall not covet your n house.
Dt 5:21 “You shall not covet your n wife.
19:14 not move your n boundary stone
27:17 moves their n boundary stone.”
Pr 25:17 Seldom set foot in your n house—
Mt 8:20 “Foxes have dens and birds have n,
Pr 1:17 spread a n where every bird can
Hab 1:15 he catches them in his n,
Mt 13:47 heaven is like a n that was let down
Jn 21:6 unable to haul the n in because
Ps 141:10 the wicked fall into their own n,
Mt 4:20 At once they left their n
Lk 5:4 and let down the n for a catch.”
Am 5:24 river, righteousness like a n stream!
Ps 40:3 He put a n song in my mouth,
Ps 98:1 Sing to the LORD a n song, for he
Ecc 1:9 there is nothing n under the sun.
Isa 42:9 taken place, and n things I declare;
62:2 you will be called by a n name
65:17 I will create n heavens and a n
66:22 “As the n heavens and the n earth
Jer 31:31 I will make a n covenant
La 3:23 They are n every morning;
Eze 11:19 heart and put a n spirit in them;
18:31 and get a n heart and a n spirit.
36:26 will give you a n heart and put a n
Zep 3:5 and every n day he does not fail,
Mt 9:17 pour n wine into n wineskins,
Mk 16:17 they will speak in n tongues;
Lk 5:39 drinking old wine wants the n,
22:20 “This cup is the n covenant in my
Jn 13:34 “A n command I give you:
Ac 5:20 tell the people all about this n life.”
Ro 6:4 the Father, we too may live a n life.
1Co 5:7 may be a n unleavened batch—
11:25 “This cup is the n covenant in my
2Co 3:6 as ministers of a n covenant—
5:17 in Christ, the n creation has come:
5:17 The old has gone, the n is here!
Gal 6:15 what counts is the n creation.
Eph 4:23 be made n in the attitude of your
4:24 and to put on the n self,
Col 3:10 and have put on the n self, which is
Heb 8:8 I will make a n covenant
9:15 is the mediator of a n covenant,
10:20 a n and living way opened for us
12:24 Jesus the mediator of a n covenant,
1Pe 1:3 great mercy he has given us n birth
2Pe 3:13 looking forward to a n heaven and a n earth,
1Jn 2:8 Yet I am writing you a n command;
Rev 2:17 white stone with a n name written
3:12 city of my God, the n Jerusalem,
3:12 will also write on them my n name.
21:1 I saw “a n heaven and a n earth,”
1Pe 2:2 Like n babies, crave pure spiritual
2Ki 7:9 This is a day of good n and we are
Ps 112:7 They will have no fear of bad n;
Pr 15:30 good n gives health to the bones.
25:25 to a weary soul is good n
Isa 40:9 You who bring good n to Zion,
52:7 the feet of those who bring good n,
61:1 me to proclaim good n to the poor.
Na 1:15 the feet of one who brings good n,
Mt 4:23 proclaiming the good n
9:35 proclaiming the good n
11:5 and the good n is proclaimed
Mk 1:15 Repent and believe the good n!”
Lk 1:19 to you and to tell you this good n.
2:10 I bring you good n that will cause
3:18 proclaimed the good n to them.
4:43 “I must proclaim the good n
8:1 proclaiming the good n
16:16 the good n of the kingdom of God
Ac 5:42 proclaiming the good n that Jesus
10:36 announcing the good n of peace
17:18 Paul was preaching the good n
Ro 10:15 feet of those who bring good n!”
Pharisee who visited Jesus at night (Jn 3). Argued fair treatment of Jesus (Jn 7:50–52). With Joseph, prepared Jesus for burial (Jn 19:38–42).
Ge 1:5 and the darkness he called “n.”
1:16 the lesser light to govern the n.
Ex 13:21 by n in a pillar of fire to give
14:24 of the n the LORD looked down
Dt 28:66 filled with dread both n and day,
Jos 1:8 meditate on it day and n, so that
Job 35:10 Maker, who gives songs in the n,
Ps 1:2 meditates on his law day and n.
19:2 n after n they reveal knowledge.
42:8 his love, at n his song is with me—
63:6 you through the watches of the n.
77:6 I remembered my songs in the n.
90:4 gone by, or like a watch in the n.
Ps 91:5 You will not fear the terror of n,
119:148 open through the watches of the n,
121:6 by day, nor the moon by n.
136:9 moon and stars to govern the n;
Pr 31:15 She gets up while it is still n;
31:18 and her lamp does not go out at n.
Isa 21:11 “Watchman, what is left of the n?
58:10 and your n will become like
Jer 33:20 day and my covenant with the n,
Zec 14:7 no distinction between day and n.
Lk 2:8 watch over their flocks at n.
6:12 and spent the n praying to God.
Jn 3:2 He came to Jesus at n and said,
9:4 N is coming, when no one can
1Th 5:2 Lord will come like a thief in the n.
5:5 We do not belong to the n
Rev 21:25 shut, for there will be no n there.
Jnh 1:17 of the fish three days and three n.
Mt 4:2 After fasting forty days and forty n,
12:40 three n in the belly of a huge fish,
12:40 three n in the heart of the earth.
2Co 6:5 hard work, sleepless n and hunger;
Ge 10:9 “Like N, a mighty hunter before
Righteous man (Eze 14:14, 20) called to build ark (Ge 6–8; Heb 11:7; 1Pe 3:20; 2Pe 2:5). God’s covenant with (Ge 9:1–17). Drunkenness of (Ge 9:18–23). Blessed sons, cursed Canaan (Ge 9:24–27).
Ru 3:11 you are a woman of n character.
Ps 16:3 “They are the n ones in whom is
45:1 by a n theme as I recite my verses
Pr 12:4 n character is her husband’s crown,
31:10 wife of n character who can find?
31:29 “Many women do n things, but
Isa 32:8 But the n make n plans, and by n
Lk 8:15 good soil stands for those with a n
Php 4:8 whatever is n, whatever is right,
Ge 2:7 into his n the breath of life,
Ex 15:8 blast of your n the waters piled up.
Ps 18:15 at the blast of breath from your n.
Ac 4:13 they took n that these men had
2Sa 24:24 burnt offerings that cost me n.”
Ne 9:21 they lacked n, their clothes did not
Ps 73:25 earth has n I desire besides you.
Jer 32:17 N is too hard for you.
Jn 15:5 apart from me you can do n.
Ro 14:14 Jesus, that n is unclean in itself.
Pr 10:21 The lips of the righteous n many,
Ex 33:1 go up to the land I promised on o
Nu 30:2 takes an o to obligate himself
Dt 6:18 land the LORD promised on o
7:8 and kept the o he swore to your
29:12 you this day and sealing with an o,
Ps 95:11 So I declared on o in my anger,
119:106 I have taken an o and confirmed it,
132:11 The LORD swore an o to David, a sure o he will not revoke:
Ecc 8:2 because you took an o before God.
Mt 5:33 ‘Do not break your o, but fulfill
Heb 7:20 became priests without any o,
1. Believer who sheltered 100 prophets from Jezebel (1Ki 18:1–16).
2. Prophet against Edom (Ob 1).
Ge 49:10 the o of the nations shall be his.
Dt 10:12 to walk in o to him, to love him,
26:17 and that you will walk in o to him,
30:16 to walk in o to him, and to keep his
Jos 22:5 to walk in o to him, to keep his
1Ch 21:19 So David went up in o to the word
2Ch 31:21 of God’s temple and in o to the law
Lk 23:56 rested on the Sabbath in o
Ac 21:24 you yourself are living in o
Ro 1:5 all the Gentiles to the o that comes
5:19 through the o of the one man
6:16 to death, or to o, which leads
16:19 Everyone has heard about your o,
16:26 might come to the o that comes
2Co 9:13 God for the o that accompanies
10:6 once your o is complete.
Phm 21 Confident of your o, I write to you,
Heb 5:8 he learned o from what he suffered
2Jn 6 that we walk in o to his commands.
Dt 30:17 heart turns away and you are not o,
Jdg 2:17 been o to the LORD’s commands.
Isa 1:19 If you are willing and o, you will
Lk 2:51 with them and was o to them.
Ac 6:7 of priests became o to the faith.
Ro 6:16 yourselves to someone as o slaves,
2Co 2:9 the test and be o in everything.
7:15 he remembers that you were all o,
10:5 thought to make it o to Christ.
Php 2:8 himself by becoming o to death—
Titus 3:1 to be o, to be ready to do whatever
1Pe 1:2 be o to Jesus Christ and sprinkled
1:14 As o children, do not conform
Ex 12:24 “O these instructions as a lasting
19:5 Now if you o me fully and keep my
24:7 the LORD has said; we will o.”
Lev 18:4 You must o my laws and be careful
25:18 and be careful to o my laws,
Nu 15:40 remember to o all my commands
Dt 5:27 We will listen and o.”
6:3 be careful to o so that it may go
6:24 commanded us to o all these
11:13 faithfully o the commands I am
12:28 o all these regulations I am giving
13:4 Keep his commands and o him;
21:18 son who does not o his father
28:1 If you fully o the LORD your God
28:15 you do not o the LORD your God
30:2 God and o him with all your heart
30:10 if you o the LORD your God
30:14 and in your heart so you may o it.
32:46 to o carefully all the words
Jos 1:7 o all the law my servant Moses
24:24 the LORD our God and o him.”
1Sa 15:22 To o is better than sacrifice,
1Ki 8:61 his decrees and o his commands,
2Ki 17:13 I commanded your ancestors to o
2Ch 34:31 and to o the words of the covenant
Ps 103:18 and remember to o his precepts.
103:20 do his bidding, who o his word.
119:17 I live, that I may o your word.
119:34 your law and o it with all my heart.
119:57 I have promised to o your words.
119:67 went astray, but now I o your word.
119:100 the elders, for I o your precepts.
119:129 therefore I o them.
119:167 I o your statutes, for I love them
Pr 5:13 I would not o my teachers or turn
Jer 7:23 O me, and I will be your God
11:4 I said, ‘O me and do everything I
11:7 again and again, saying, “O me.”
42:6 we will o the LORD our God,
Mt 8:27 the winds and the waves o him!”
28:20 to o everything I have commanded
Lk 11:28 hear the word of God and o it.”
Jn 14:23 who loves me will o my teaching.
14:24 not love me will not o my teaching.
Ac 5:29 must o God rather than human
5:32 has given to those who o him.”
Ro 2:13 it is those who o the law who will
6:12 body so that you o its evil desires.
6:16 you are slaves of the one you o—
6:17 have come to o from your heart
15:18 in leading the Gentiles to o God
Gal 5:3 he is obligated to o the whole law.
Eph 6:1 o your parents in the Lord, for this
6:5 o your earthly masters with respect
6:5 just as you would o Christ.
Col 3:20 o your parents in everything,
3:22 Slaves, o your earthly masters
2Th 3:14 who does not o our instruction
1Ti 3:4 and see that his children o him,
Heb 5:9 eternal salvation for all who o him
1Pe 4:17 for those who do not o the gospel
Ge 22:18 blessed, because you have o me.”
Jos 1:17 Just as we fully o Moses, so we will
Ps 119:4 precepts that are to be fully o.
Da 9:10 we have not o the LORD our God
Jnh 3:3 Jonah o the word of the LORD
Mic 5:15 on the nations that have not o me.”
Jn 15:20 If they o my teaching, they will
17:6 to me and they have o your word.
Ac 7:53 through angels but have not o it.”
Php 2:12 friends, as you have always o—
Heb 11:8 as his inheritance, o and went,
1Pe 3:6 who o Abraham and called him
1Sa 15:22 as much as in o the LORD?
Ps 119:5 were steadfast in o your decrees!
Gal 5:7 you to keep you from o the truth?
1Pe 1:22 purified yourselves by o the truth
Lev 18:5 for the person who o them will live
Eze 20:11 the person who o them will live.
Jn 8:51 whoever o my word will never see
Ro 2:27 yet o the law will condemn you
1Jn 2:5 But if anyone o his word,
Ro 8:12 brothers and sisters, we have an o
Eph 5:4 Nor should there be o, foolish talk
Ex 31:13 ‘You must o my Sabbaths.
Lev 25:2 the land itself must o a sabbath
Dt 4:6 O them carefully, for this will show
5:12 “O the Sabbath day by keeping it
8:6 O the commands of the LORD
11:22 you carefully o all these commands
26:16 carefully o them with all your heart
Ps 37:37 the blameless, o the upright;
Heb 8:13 “new,” he has made the first one o;
Ro 14:13 block or o in the way of a brother
Ro 16:17 put o in your way that are contrary
Pr 12:2 Good people o favor
Ro 11:7 sought so earnestly they did not o.
2Ti 2:10 they too may o the salvation that is
Heb 9:12 blood, thus o eternal redemption.
Mt 6:18 so that it will not be o to others
Gal 5:19 The acts of the flesh are o:
1Ti 5:24 The sins of some are o,
5:25 good deeds are o, and even those
5:25 are not o cannot remain hidden
Eph 6:18 the Spirit on all o with all kinds
Pr 17:9 would foster love covers over an o,
19:11 it is to one’s glory to overlook an o.
Gal 5:11 In that case the o of the cross has
Ecc 10:4 calmness can lay great o to rest.
Isa 44:22 swept away your o like a cloud,
59:12 For our o are many in your sight,
Eze 18:30 Turn away from all your o;
33:10 “Our o and sins weigh us down,
Ps 139:24 See if there is any o way in me,
Ps 4:5 O the sacrifices of the righteous
Ro 6:13 not o any part of yourself to sin
6:13 rather o yourselves to God as those
12:1 o your bodies as a living sacrifice,
Heb 9:25 he enter heaven to o himself again
13:15 let us continually o to God
Isa 50:6 I o my back to those who beat me,
1Co 9:13 share in what is o on the altar?
10:20 of pagans are o to demons,
Heb 7:27 sins once for all when he o himself.
9:14 Spirit o himself unblemished
11:17 tested him, o Isaac as a sacrifice.
Jas 5:15 the prayer o in faith will make
Ge 4:3 of the soil as an o to the LORD.
22:2 Sacrifice him there as a burnt o
22:8 provide the lamb for the burnt o,
Ex 29:24 before the LORD as a wave o.
29:40 of a hin of wine as a drink o.
Lev 1:3 “ ‘If the o is a burnt o
2:4 you bring a grain o baked
3:1 “ ‘If your o is a fellowship o,
4:3 young bull without defect as a sin o
5:15 the sanctuary shekel. It is a guilt o.
7:37 are the regulations for the burnt o, the grain o, the sin o,
9:24 consumed the burnt o and the fat
22:18 to fulfill a vow or as a freewill o,
22:21 a special vow or as a freewill o,
1Sa 13:9 And Saul offered up the burnt o.
1Ch 21:26 heaven on the altar of burnt o.
2Ch 7:1 and consumed the burnt o
Ps 40:6 Sacrifice and o you did not desire
116:17 I will sacrifice a thank o to you
Isa 53:10 the LORD makes his life an o
Mt 5:23 if you are o your gift at the altar
Ro 8:3 likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin o.
Eph 5:2 himself up for us as a fragrant o
Php 2:17 out like a drink o on the sacrifice
4:18 are a fragrant o, an acceptable
2Ti 4:6 being poured out like a drink o,
Heb 10:5 “Sacrifice and o you did not desire,
11:4 God a better o than Cain did.
1Pe 2:5 o spiritual sacrifices acceptable
1Sa 15:22 the LORD delight in burnt o
2Ch 35:7 lambs and goats for the Passover o,
Isa 1:13 Stop bringing meaningless o!
Hos 6:6 of God rather than burnt o.
Mal 3:8 we robbing you?’ “In tithes and o.
Mk 12:33 is more important than all burnt o
Heb 10:8 “Sacrifices and o, burnt o and sin o
Heb 10:11 and again he o the same sacrifices,
2Ti 2:4 tries to please his commanding o.
Ex 5:21 his o and have put a sword in their
Pr 17:26 surely to flog honest o is not right.
29:12 to lies, all his o become wicked.
Ge 3:15 and between your o and hers;
12:7 “To your o I will give this land.”
13:16 I will make your o like the dust
26:4 through your o all nations on earth
28:14 be blessed through you and your o.
Ex 13:2 The first o of every womb among
Ru 4:12 Through the o the LORD gives
Isa 44:3 I will pour out my Spirit on your o,
53:10 he will see his o and prolong his
Ac 3:25 ‘Through your o all peoples
17:28 own poets have said, ‘We are his o.’
17:29 “Therefore since we are God’s o,
Ro 4:18 said to him, “So shall your o be.”
9:8 who are regarded as Abraham’s o.
Ex 29:7 Take the anointing o and anoint
30:25 It will be the sacred anointing o.
Dt 14:23 grain, new wine and olive o,
1Sa 10:1 Samuel took a flask of olive o
16:13 So Samuel took the horn of o
1Ki 17:16 up and the jug of o did not run dry,
2Ki 4:6 Then the o stopped flowing.
Ps 23:5 You anoint my head with o;
45:7 by anointing you with the o of joy.
104:15 hearts, o to make their faces shine,
133:2 It is like precious o poured
Pr 21:17 wine and olive o will never be rich.
Isa 1:6 bandaged or soothed with olive o.
61:3 the o of joy instead of mourning,
Mt 25:3 but did not take any o with them.
Heb 1:9 by anointing you with the o of joy.”
Ge 8:11 beak was a freshly plucked o leaf!
Jdg 9:8 They said to the o tree, ‘Be our
Jer 11:16 LORD called you a thriving o tree
Zec 4:3 Also there are two o trees by it,
Ro 11:17 though a wild o shoot, have been
11:24 grafted into a cultivated o tree,
11:24 be grafted into their own o tree!
Rev 11:4 They are “the two o trees”
Zec 14:4 the Mount of O will be split in two
Mt 24:3 was sitting on the Mount of O,
Jas 3:12 can a fig tree bear o, or a grapevine
Rev 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the O,”
21:6 I am the Alpha and the O,
22:13 I am the Alpha and the O, the First
Lev 19:26 not practice divination or seek o.
Jer 26:2 I command you; do not o a word.
King of Israel (1Ki 16:21–26).
Nu 11:5 melons, leeks, o and garlic.
Ps 78:2 I will o my mouth with a parable;
Ps 40:6 but my ears you have o—
Lk 4:13 he left him until an o time.
Jdg 9:33 seize the o to attack them.”
1Sa 18:21 “Now you have a second o
Jer 46:17 a loud noise; he has missed his o.’
Mt 26:16 watched for an o to hand him over.
Mk 14:11 watched for an o to hand him over.
Lk 22:6 for an o to hand Jesus over
Ac 25:16 have had an o to defend themselves
27:13 began to blow, they saw their o;
Ro 7:8 sin, seizing the o afforded
7:11 sin, seizing the o afforded
1Co 16:12 but he will go when he has the o.
2Co 5:12 are giving you an o to take pride
11:12 under those who want an o to be
Gal 6:10 as we have o, let us do good to all
Eph 5:16 making the most of every o,
Php 4:10 but you had no o to show it.
Col 4:5 make the most of every o.
1Ti 5:14 to give the enemy no o for slander.
Heb 11:15 they would have had o to return.
Ex 23:22 and will o those who o you.
1Sa 2:10 those who o the LORD will be
Job 23:13 stands alone, and who can o him?
Titus 1:9 doctrine and refute those who o it.
2:8 those who o you may be ashamed
1Ti 6:20 the o ideas of what is falsely called
Heb 12:3 Consider him who endured such o
Ex 1:11 slave masters over them to o them
22:21 “Do not mistreat or o a foreigner,
Isa 3:5 People will o each other—
Eze 22:29 they o the poor and needy
Da 7:25 Most High and o his holy people
Am 5:12 are those who o the innocent
Zec 7:10 Do not o the widow
Mal 3:5 wages, who o the widows
Jdg 2:18 their groaning under those who o
Ps 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the o,
82:3 the cause of the poor and the o.
146:7 He upholds the cause of the o
Pr 16:19 along with the o than to share
31:5 and deprive all the o of their rights.
Isa 1:17 Defend the o. Take up the cause
53:7 He was o and afflicted, yet he did
58:10 and satisfy the needs of the o,
Zec 10:2 the people wander like sheep o
Lk 4:18 sight for the blind, to set the o free,
Pr 14:31 Whoever o the poor shows
22:16 o the poor to increase his wealth
28:3 A ruler who o the poor is like
Eze 18:12 He o the poor and needy.
Ps 72:14 He will rescue them from o
119:134 Redeem me from human o, that I
Isa 53:8 By o and judgment he was taken
58:9 “If you do away with the yoke of o,
Ps 111:9 he o his covenant forever—
139:16 all the days o for me were written
Eze 28:14 a guardian cherub, for so I o you.
Hab 1:12 my Rock, have o them to punish.
1Pe 4:12 at the fiery o that has come on you
Nu 9:23 They obeyed the LORD’s o,
Ps 110:4 forever, in the o of Melchizedek.”
Heb 5:10 high priest in the o of Melchizedek.
9:10 until the time of the new o.
Rev 21:4 for the old o of things has passed
Mk 1:27 He even gives o to impure spirits
3:12 But he gave them strict o not to tell
9:9 Jesus gave them o not to tell
Ac 4:13 that they were unschooled, o men,
2Pe 1:21 For prophecy never had its o
1Co 14:36 did the word of God o with you?
Mic 5:2 Israel, whose o are from of old,
Ge 37:3 and he made an o robe for him.
1Ti 6:3 If anyone teaches o and does not
Nephew of Caleb (Jos 15:15–19; Jdg 1:12–15). Judge who freed Israel from Aram (Jdg 3:7–11).
Ps 139:18 they would o the grains of sand—
Col 4:5 wise in the way you act toward o;
1Th 4:12 daily life may win the respect of o
1Ti 3:7 also have a good reputation with o,
Ex 6:6 I will redeem you with an o arm
Dt 4:34 by a mighty hand and an o arm,
5:15 with a mighty hand and an o arm.
1Ki 8:42 mighty hand and your o arm—
Ps 136:12 with a mighty hand and o arm;
Jer 27:5 power and o arm I made the earth
32:17 by your great power and o arm.
Eze 20:33 with a mighty hand and an o arm
2Co 4:17 an eternal glory that far o them all.
2Co 2:11 in order that Satan might not o us.
Ps 49:16 not be o when others grow rich,
Titus 1:7 not o, not quick-tempered, not
Mt 16:18 and the gates of Hades will not o it.
Mk 9:24 help me o my unbelief!”
Lk 10:19 to o all the power of the enemy;
Jn 1:5 and the darkness has not o it.
16:33 But take heart! I have o the world.”
Ro 12:21 Do not be o by evil, but o evil
2Pe 2:20 are again entangled in it and are o,
1Jn 2:13 because you have o the evil one.
4:4 are from God and have o them,
5:4 is the victory that has o the world,
Ps 65:11 and your carts o with abundance.
119:171 May my lips o with praise, for you
La 1:16 I weep and my eyes o with tears.
Ro 5:15 man, Jesus Christ, o to the many!
15:13 so that you may o with hope
2Co 4:15 may cause thanksgiving to o
1Th 3:12 love increase and o for each other
Pr 3:10 then your barns will be filled to o,
8:24 were no springs o with water;
2Co 8:2 trial, their o joy and their extreme
9:12 o in many expressions of thanks
Col 2:7 taught, and o with thankfulness.
Ps 23:5 anoint my head with oil; my cup o.
Da 6:23 The king was o and gave orders
Mt 2:10 they saw the star, they were o.
Jn 20:20 The disciples were o when they
Ac 12:14 she was so o she ran back without
1Pe 4:13 that you may be o when his glory
Pr 19:11 it is to one’s glory to o an offense.
Pr 6:7 has no commander, no o or ruler,
1Ti 3:1 to be an o desires a noble task.
3:2 Now the o is to be above reproach,
Titus 1:7 Since an o manages God’s
1Pe 2:25 the Shepherd and O of your souls.
Pr 12:21 No harm o the righteous,
2Th 2:8 whom the Lord Jesus will o
2Sa 22:5 the torrents of destruction o me.
1Ki 10:5 temple of the LORD, she was o.
Ps 38:4 My guilt has o me like a burden
65:3 When we were o by sins,
Mt 26:38 “My soul is o with sorrow
Mk 7:37 People were o with amazement.
9:15 they were o with wonder and ran
2Co 2:7 so that he will not be o by excessive
Pr 27:4 Anger is cruel and fury o, but who
Isa 10:22 has been decreed, o and righteous.
28:15 When an o scourge sweeps by,
Ro 13:7 Give to everyone what you o them: If you o taxes, pay taxes;
Phm 19 that you o me your very self.
Isa 1:3 the donkey its o manger, but Israel
2Co 1:22 set his seal of o on us, and put his
Dt 25:4 Do not muzzle an o while it is
Isa 11:7 the lion will eat straw like the o.
Eze 1:10 and on the left the face of an o;
Lk 13:15 of you on the Sabbath untie your o
1Co 9:9 “Do not muzzle an o while it is
1Ti 5:18 “Do not muzzle an o while it is
Rev 4:7 the second was like an o, the third
Isa 2:6 Philistines and embrace p customs.
Mt 18:17 treat them as you would a p or a
Lk 12:30 For the p world runs after all such
Mt 5:47 Do not even p do that?
Mt 6:7 do not keep on babbling like p,
6:32 For the p run after all these things,
1Co 5:1 a kind that even p do not tolerate:
10:20 but the sacrifices of p are offered
12:2 You know that when you were p,
1Th 4:5 not in passionate lust like the p,
1Pe 2:12 such good lives among the p that,
4:3 past doing what p choose to do—
3Jn 7 out, receiving no help from the p.
Job 6:10 my joy in unrelenting p—that I
33:19 on a bed of p with constant distress
Isa 53:4 Surely he took up our p and bore
Jer 4:19 I writhe in p. Oh, the agony of my
15:18 Why is my p unending and my
Mt 4:24 those suffering severe p,
Jn 16:21 to a child has p because her time
1Pe 2:19 up under the p of unjust suffering
Rev 21:4 death’ or mourning or crying or p,
Ge 3:16 with p labor you will give birth
Ge 3:17 through p toil you will eat food
5:29 p toil of our hands caused
Job 6:25 How p are honest words!
Eze 28:24 neighbors who are p briers
2Co 2:1 I would not make another p visit
Heb 12:11 seems pleasant at the time, but p.
Ge 3:16 “I will make your p in childbearing
Mt 24:8 these are the beginning of birth p.
Ro 8:22 as in the p of childbirth right
Gal 4:19 in the p of childbirth until Christ is
1Th 5:3 as labor p on a pregnant woman,
Ge 7:8 P of clean and unclean animals,
Isa 29:22 no longer will their faces grow p.
Jer 30:6 labor, every face turned deathly p?
Da 10:8 my face turned deathly p and I was
Rev 6:8 and there before me was a p horse!
Isa 49:16 engraved you on the p of my hands
Pr 29:21 A servant p from youth will turn
Dt 20:3 do not p or be terrified by them.
1Sa 14:15 It was a p sent by God.
Isa 28:16 on it will never be stricken with p.
Eze 7:7 There is p, not joy,
Zec 14:13 by the LORD with great p.
Ps 42:1 As the deer p for streams of water, so my soul p for you,
Ps 78:2 I will open my mouth with a p;
Mt 13:35 “I will open my mouth in p, I will
Lk 8:10 but to others I speak in p, so that,
Lk 23:43 today you will be with me in p.”
2Co 12:4 was caught up to p and heard
Rev 2:7 of life, which is in the p of God.
Mt 9:2 men brought to him a p man,
Mk 2:3 bringing to him a p man,
Ac 9:33 was p and had been bedridden
Ps 143:6 I thirst for you like a p land.
2Ti 4:13 and my scrolls, especially the p.
2Ch 30:18 LORD, who is good, p everyone
Job 7:21 Why do you not p my offenses
Isa 55:7 and to our God, for he will freely p.
Nu 14:19 just as you have p them
Mic 7:18 like you, who p sin and forgives
Pr 17:21 is no joy for the p of a godless fool.
Pr 15:5 A fool spurns a p discipline,
Ex 20:5 for the sin of the p to the third
Pr 17:6 p are the pride of their children.
19:14 and wealth are inherited from p,
Jer 31:29 say, ‘The p have eaten sour grapes,
Mal 4:6 hearts of the p to their children,
Mt 10:21 children will rebel against their p
Lk 1:17 the hearts of the p to their children
18:29 sisters or p or children for the sake
21:16 You will be betrayed even by p,
Jn 9:3 this man nor his p sinned,”
Ro 1:30 of doing evil; they disobey their p;
2Co 12:14 not have to save up for their p, but p for their children.
Eph 6:1 Children, obey your p in the Lord,
Col 3:20 Children, obey your p in
1Ti 5:4 family and so repaying their p
2Ti 3:2 disobedient to their p, ungrateful,
1Co 13:10 comes, what is in p disappears.
Pr 18:5 It is not good to be p to the wicked
Lev 19:15 do not show p to the poor
Dt 1:17 Do not show p in judging;
10:17 who shows no p and accepts no
16:19 Do not pervert justice or show p.
2Ch 19:7 our God there is no injustice or p
Job 32:21 I will show no p, nor will I flatter
34:19 who shows no p to princes and
Pr 24:23 To show p in judging is not good:
Mal 2:9 but have shown p in matters
Lk 20:21 that you do not show p but teach
1Ti 5:21 keep these instructions without p,
1Co 10:20 not want you to be p with demons.
Pr 2:17 who has left the p of her youth
Mal 2:14 though she is your p, the wife
1Pe 3:7 them with respect as the weaker p
Eph 5:7 Therefore do not be p with them.
Ex 12:13 I see the blood, I will p over you.
33:19 “I will cause all my goodness to p
1Ki 9:8 All who p by will be appalled
19:11 for the LORD is about to p by.”
Ps 90:10 for they quickly p, and we fly away.
105:19 till what he foretold came to p,
Isa 31:5 it, he will ‘p over’ it and will rescue
43:2 When you p through the waters,
62:10 P through, p through the gates!
Jer 22:8 many nations will p by this city
La 1:12 nothing to you, all you who p by?
Da 7:14 dominion that will not p away,
Am 5:17 for I will p through your midst,”
Mt 24:34 certainly not p away until all
24:35 Heaven and earth will p away,
24:35 but my words will never p away.
Mk 13:31 Heaven and earth will p away,
Lk 21:33 but my words will never p away.
1Co 13:8 there is knowledge, it will p away.
Jas 1:10 since they will p away like a wild
1Jn 2:17 The world and its desires p away,
Ge 15:17 appeared and p between the pieces.
Ex 33:22 with my hand until I have p by.
2Ch 21:20 He p away, to no one’s regret,
Ps 57:1 your wings until the disaster has p.
Lk 10:32 saw him, p by on the other side.
1Co 15:3 For what I received I p on to you as
Heb 11:29 faith the people p through the Red
Pr 26:10 is one who hires a fool or any p.
1Co 7:31 world in its present form is p away.
2Co 3:13 seeing the end of what was p away.
1Jn 2:8 because the darkness is p
Ps 11:5 love violence, he hates with a p.
Hos 7:6 Their p smolders all night;
1Co 7:9 to marry than to burn with p.
1Th 4:5 not in p lust like the pagans, who
Ro 7:5 the sinful p aroused by the law
1Co 7:36 and if his p are too strong
Gal 5:24 have crucified the flesh with its p
Titus 2:12 to ungodliness and worldly p,
3:3 and enslaved by all kinds of p
Ex 12:11 Eat it in haste; it is the LORD’s P.
Nu 9:2 “Have the Israelites celebrate the P
Dt 16:1 celebrate the P of the LORD your
Jos 5:10 the Israelites celebrated the P.
2Ki 23:21 “Celebrate the P to the LORD
Ezr 6:19 month, the exiles celebrated the P.
Mk 14:12 preparations for you to eat the P?”
Lk 22:1 called the P, was approaching,
1Co 5:7 For Christ, our P lamb, has been
Heb 11:28 By faith he kept the P
Isa 43:18 do not dwell on the p.
65:16 For the p troubles will be forgotten
Ro 15:4 was written in the p was written
16:25 the mystery hidden for long ages p,
Eph 3:9 for ages p was kept hidden in God,
Heb 1:1 In the p God spoke to our
Eph 4:11 the evangelists, the p and teachers,
Ps 37:3 dwell in the land and enjoy safe p.
95:7 God and we are the people of his p,
100:3 are his people, the sheep of his p.
Jer 50:7 their verdant p, the LORD,
Eze 34:13 I will p them on the mountains
Jn 10:9 come in and go out, and find p.
Ps 23:2 He makes me lie down in green p,
Mt 9:16 “No one sews a p of unshrunk
Job 16:22 years will pass before I take the p
Ps 16:11 make known to me the p of life;
27:11 me in a straight p because of my
119:9 person stay on the p of purity?
119:32 I run in the p of your commands,
119:105 to my feet and a light for my p.
Pr 2:9 and just and fair—every good p.
12:28 along that p is immortality.
15:10 awaits anyone who leaves the p;
15:19 the p of the upright is a highway.
15:24 The p of life leads upward
21:16 strays from the p of prudence
Isa 26:7 The p of the righteous is level;
Jer 31:9 on a level p where they will not
Mt 13:4 some fell along the p, and the birds
Lk 1:79 guide our feet into the p of peace.”
2Co 6:3 no stumbling block in anyone’s p,
Ps 23:3 He guides me along the right p
25:4 ways, LORD, teach me your p.
Pr 1:19 Such are the p of all who go
2:13 who have left the straight p to walk
3:6 and he will make your p straight.
4:11 and lead you along straight p.
4:26 thought to the p for your feet
5:21 and he examines all your p.
8:20 along the p of justice,
22:5 In the p of the wicked are snares
Isa 2:3 so that we may walk in his p.”
Jer 6:16 ask for the ancient p, ask where
Mic 4:2 so that we may walk in his p.”
Mt 3:3 Lord, make straight p for him.’ ”
Ac 2:28 made known to me the p of life;
Ro 11:33 and his p beyond tracing out!
Heb 12:13 “Make level p for your feet,”
Pr 19:11 A person’s wisdom yields p; it is
25:15 Through p a ruler can be
Ecc 7:8 and p is better than pride.
Isa 7:13 not enough to try the p of humans?
7:13 Will you try the p of my God also?
Ro 2:4 forbearance and p, not realizing
9:22 bore with great p the objects of his
2Co 6:6 understanding, p and kindness;
Col 1:11 may have great endurance and p,
3:12 humility, gentleness and p.
1Ti 1:16 might display his immense p as
2Ti 3:10 of life, my purpose, faith, p, love,
4:2 great p and careful instruction.
Heb 6:12 p inherit what has been promised.
Jas 5:10 as an example of p in the face
2Pe 3:15 that our Lord’s p means salvation,
Ne 9:30 many years you were p with them.
Job 6:11 What prospects, that I should be p?
Pr 14:29 Whoever is p has great
15:18 the one who is p calms a quarrel.
16:32 Better a p person than a warrior,
Mt 18:26 ‘Be p with me,’ he begged, ‘and I
18:29 and begged him, ‘Be p with me,
Ro 12:12 Be joyful in hope, p in affliction,
1Co 13:4 Love is p, love is kind. It does not
2Co 1:6 produces in you p endurance
Eph 4:2 be p, bearing with one another
1Th 5:14 help the weak, be p with everyone.
Jas 5:7 Be p, then, brothers and sisters,
5:8 You too, be p and stand firm,
2Pe 3:9 Instead he is p with you,
Rev 1:9 p endurance that are ours in Jesus,
13:10 This calls for p endurance
14:12 This calls for p endurance
Ps 37:7 the LORD and wait p for him;
40:1 I waited p for the LORD;
Isa 38:13 I waited p till dawn, but like a lion
Hab 3:16 Yet I will wait p for the day
Ac 26:3 I beg you to listen to me p.
Ro 8:25 we do not yet have, we wait for it p.
Heb 6:15 And so after waiting p,
1Pe 3:20 ago when God waited p in the days
Jas 5:7 p waiting for the autumn and
Rev 3:10 kept my command to endure p,
Ex 25:40 according to the p shown you
Ro 5:14 who is a p of the one to come.
12:2 not conform to the p of this world,
2Ti 1:13 keep as the p of sound teaching,
Heb 8:5 according to the p shown you
Also called Saul (Ac 13:9). Pharisee from Tarsus (Ac 9:11; Php 3:5). Apostle (Gal 1). At stoning of Stephen (Ac 8:1). Persecuted church (Ac 9:1–2; Gal 1:13). Vision of Jesus on road to Damascus (Ac 9:4–9; 26:12–18). In Arabia (Gal 1:17). Preached in Damascus; escaped death through the wall in a basket (Ac 9:19–25). In Jerusalem; sent back to Tarsus (Ac 9:26–30).
Brought to Antioch by Barnabas (Ac 11:22–26). First missionary journey to Cyprus and Galatia (Ac 13–14). Stoned at Lystra (Ac 14:19–20). At Jerusalem council (Ac 15). Split with Barnabas over Mark (Ac 15:36–41).
Second missionary journey with Silas (Ac 16–20). Called to Macedonia (Ac 16:6–10). Freed from prison in Philippi (Ac 16:16–40). In Thessalonica (Ac 17:1–9). Speech in Athens (Ac 17:16–33). In Corinth (Ac 18). In Ephesus (Ac 19). Return to Jerusalem (Ac 20). Farewell to Ephesian elders (Ac 20:13–38). Arrival in Jerusalem (Ac 21:1–26). Arrested (Ac 21:27–36). Addressed crowds (Ac 22), Sanhedrin (Ac 23:1–11). Transferred to Caesarea (Ac 23:12–35). Trial before Felix (Ac 24), Festus (Ac 25:1–12). Before Agrippa (Ac 25:13—26:32). Voyage to Rome; shipwreck (Ac 27). Arrival in Rome (Ac 28).
Epistles: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon.
Jn 19:13 at a place known as the Stone P
Lev 26:43 They will p for their sins because
Dt 7:12 If you p attention to these laws
Pr 4:1 p attention and gain understanding
4:20 My son, p attention to what I say;
5:1 My son, p attention to my wisdom,
6:31 must p sevenfold, though it costs
19:19 person must p the penalty;
22:17 P attention and turn your ear
24:29 I’ll p them back for what they did.”
Eze 40:4 p attention to everything I am
Zec 11:12 “If you think it best, give me my p;
Mt 20:2 He agreed to p them a denarius
22:16 because you p no attention to who
22:17 Is it right to p the imperial tax
Lk 3:14 be content with your p.”
19:8 I will p back four times
Ro 13:6 This is also why you p taxes,
2Pe 1:19 you will do well to p attention to it,
Lev 26:6 “ ‘I will grant p in the land,
Nu 6:26 toward you and give you p.” ’
25:12 him I am making my covenant of p
Dt 20:10 a city, make its people an offer of p.
Jdg 3:11 So the land had p for forty years,
3:30 and the land had p for eighty years.
5:31 Then the land had p forty years.
6:24 there and called it The LORD Is P.
8:28 lifetime, the land had p forty years.
1Sa 7:14 And there was p between Israel
2Sa 10:19 they made p with the Israelites
1Ki 2:33 there be the LORD’s p forever.”
22:44 also at p with the king of Israel.
2Ki 9:17 and ask, ‘Do you come in p?’ ”
1Ch 19:19 they made p with David and
22:9 have a son who will be a man of p
2Ch 14:1 his days the country was at p for
20:30 kingdom of Jehoshaphat was at p,
Job 3:26 I have no p, no quietness; I have no
22:21 to God and be at p with him;
Ps 29:11 LORD blesses his people with p.
34:14 and do good; seek p and pursue it.
37:11 land and enjoy p and prosperity.
37:37 a future awaits those who seek p.
85:10 and p kiss each other.
119:165 Great p have those who love your
120:7 I am for p; but when I speak,
122:6 Pray for the p of Jerusalem:
147:14 He grants p to your borders
Pr 12:20 but those who promote p have joy.
14:30 A heart at p gives life to the body,
16:7 enemies to make p with them.
17:1 Better a dry crust with p and quiet
Ecc 3:8 a time for war and a time for p.
Isa 9:6 Everlasting Father, Prince of P.
14:7 All the lands are at rest and at p;
26:3 in perfect p those whose minds are
32:17 of that righteousness will be p;
48:18 p would have been like a river,
48:22 “There is no p,” says the LORD,
52:7 who proclaim p, who bring good
53:5 that brought us p was on him,
54:10 nor my covenant of p be removed,”
55:12 go out in joy and be led forth in p;
57:2 who walk uprightly enter into p;
57:19 P, p, to those far and near,”
57:21 “There is no p,” says my God,
59:8 who walks along them will know p.
Jer 6:14 ‘P, p,’ they say, when there is no p.
8:11 “P, p,” they say, when there is no
30:10 Jacob will again have p
46:27 Jacob will again have p
Eze 13:10 saying, “P,” when there is no p,
34:25 “ ‘I will make a covenant of p
37:26 I will make a covenant of p
Mic 5:5 will be our p when the Assyrians
Zec 8:19 Therefore love truth and p.”
9:10 He will proclaim p to the nations.
Mal 2:5 a covenant of life and p,
2:6 He walked with me in p
Mt 10:34 have come to bring p to the earth.
10:34 I did not come to bring p,
Mk 9:50 and be at p with each other.”
Lk 1:79 guide our feet into the path of p.”
2:14 and on earth p to those on whom
10:6 If someone who promotes p is there, your p will rest on them;
19:38 “P in heaven and glory
Jn 14:27 P I leave with you; my p I give you.
16:33 so that in me you may have p.
Ro 1:7 and p to you from God our Father
2:10 and p for everyone who does good:
5:1 we have p with God through our
8:6 governed by the Spirit is life and p.
12:18 on you, live at p with everyone.
14:19 every effort to do what leads to p
1Co 7:15 God has called us to live in p.
14:33 is not a God of disorder but of p—
2Co 13:11 be of one mind, live in p.
13:11 God of love and p will be with you.
Gal 5:22 Spirit is love, joy, p, forbearance,
Eph 2:14 For he himself is our p, who has
2:15 out of the two, thus making p,
2:17 preached p to you who were far
6:15 that comes from the gospel of p.
Php 4:7 the p of God, which transcends
Col 1:20 by making p through his blood,
3:15 Let the p of Christ rule in your
3:15 of one body you were called to p.
1Th 5:3 people are saying, “P and safety,”
5:13 Live in p with each other.
5:23 the God of p, sanctify you through
2Th 3:16 the Lord of p himself give you p
2Ti 2:22 love and p, along with those who
Heb 7:2 of Salem” means “king of p.”
12:11 p for those who have been trained
12:14 effort to live in p with everyone
13:20 Now may the God of p,
1Pe 3:11 they must seek p and pursue it.
2Pe 3:14 blameless and at p with him.
Rev 6:4 power to take p from the earth
Titus 3:2 no one, to be p and considerate,
1Ti 2:2 that we may live p and quiet lives
Jas 3:17 then p, considerate, submissive,
Rev 21:21 each gate made of a single p.
Mt 7:6 do not throw your p to pigs.
13:45 like a merchant looking for fine p.
1Ti 2:9 or gold or p or expensive clothes,
Rev 21:21 The twelve gates were twelve p,
2Co 2:17 we do not p the word of God
Jdg 4:21 She drove the p through his temple
King of Israel (2Ki 15:25–31; Isa 7:1).
Son of Menahem; king of Israel (2Ki 15:22–26).
Ps 45:1 my tongue is the p of a skillful
Mt 5:18 not the least stroke of a p,
Jn 10:1 who does not enter the sheep p
Heb 4:12 p even to dividing soul and spirit,
Lk 12:6 not five sparrows sold for two p?
Mt 5:26 out until you have paid the last p.
10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a p?
Lk 12:59 out until you have paid the last p.”
Ac 2:1 When the day of P came, they were
20:16 if possible, by the day of P.
1Co 16:8 I will stay on at Ephesus until P,
Ge 11:6 said, “If as one p speaking the same
Ex 5:1 ‘Let my p go, so that they may hold
6:7 I will take you as my own p, and I
8:23 make a distinction between my p and your p.
15:13 will lead the p you have redeemed.
19:8 The p all responded together,
24:3 told the p all the LORD’s words
32:1 When the p saw that Moses was so
32:9 “and they are a stiff-necked p.
33:13 that this nation is your p.”
Lev 9:7 atonement for yourself and the p;
16:24 for himself and for the p.
26:12 be your God, and you will be my p.
Nu 11:11 the burden of all these p on me?
14:11 “How long will these p treat me
14:19 forgive the sin of these p, just as
22:5 “A p has come out of Egypt;
Dt 4:6 is a wise and understanding p.”
4:20 be the p of his inheritance, as you
5:28 “I have heard what this p said
7:6 you are a p holy to the LORD your
26:18 declared this day that you are his p,
31:7 must go with this p into the land
31:16 and these p will soon prostitute
32:9 For the LORD’s portion is his p,
32:43 atonement for his land and p.
33:29 like you, a p saved by the LORD?
Jos 1:6 because you will lead these p
24:24 And the p said to Joshua, “We will
Jdg 2:7 The p served the LORD
Ru 1:16 Your p will be my p and your God
1Sa 8:7 to all that the p are saying to you;
12:22 the LORD will not reject his p,
16:7 P look at the outward appearance,
2Sa 5:2 ‘You will shepherd my p Israel,
7:10 Wicked p will not oppress them
1Ki 3:8 a great p, too numerous to count
8:30 of your p Israel when they pray
8:56 to his p Israel just as he promised.
18:39 When all the p saw this, they fell
2Ki 23:3 all the p pledged themselves
1Ch 17:21 And who is like your p Israel—
17:21 out to redeem a p for himself,
29:17 how willingly your p who are here
2Ch 2:11 “Because the LORD loves his p,
7:5 and all the p dedicated the temple
7:14 if my p, who are called by my
30:6 “P of Israel, return to the LORD,
36:16 LORD was aroused against his p
Ezr 2:1 these are the p of the province
3:1 the p assembled together as one
Ne 1:10 They are your servants and your p,
4:6 the p worked with all their heart.
8:1 all the p came together as one
Est 3:6 a way to destroy all Mordecai’s p,
Job 12:2 you are the only p who matter,
Ps 29:11 The LORD gives strength to his p;
30:4 of the LORD, you his faithful p;
31:23 Love the LORD, all his faithful p!
33:12 the p he chose for his inheritance.
50:4 the earth, that he may judge his p:
53:6 When God restores his p, let Jacob
81:13 “If my p would only listen to me,
94:14 For the LORD will not reject his p;
95:7 and we are the p of his pasture,
95:10 said, ‘They are a p whose hearts go
125:2 LORD surrounds his p both now
133:1 it is when God’s p live together
135:14 For the LORD will vindicate his p
144:15 blessed is the p whose God is
149:1 in the assembly of his faithful p.
149:5 Let his faithful p rejoice in this
Pr 14:34 a nation, but sin condemns any p.
29:2 the righteous thrive, the p rejoice;
29:18 is no revelation, p cast off restraint;
Isa 1:3 know, my p do not understand.”
1:4 nation, a p whose guilt is great,
5:13 Therefore my p will go into exile
6:10 Make the heart of this p calloused;
9:2 The p walking in darkness have
11:12 he will assemble the scattered p
19:25 “Blessed be Egypt my p,
29:13 “These p come near to me
40:1 comfort my p, says your God.
40:5 and all p will see it together.
40:7 Surely the p are grass.
42:6 you to be a covenant for the p
49:13 For the LORD comforts his p
51:4 “Listen to me, my p; hear me,
52:6 Therefore my p will know my
53:8 of my p he was punished.
60:21 Then all your p will be righteous
62:12 They will be called the Holy P,
65:23 for they will be a p blessed
Jer 2:11 p have exchanged their glorious
2:13 “My p have committed two sins:
2:32 Yet my p have forgotten me,
4:22 “My p are fools; they do not know
5:14 and these p the wood it consumes.
5:31 and my p love it this way.
7:16 not pray for this p nor offer any
7:23 be your God and you will be my p.
18:15 Yet my p have forgotten me;
30:3 ‘when I will bring my p Israel
Eze 13:23 I will save my p from your hands.
36:8 branches and fruit for my p Israel,
36:28 you will be my p, and I will be your
36:38 cities be filled with flocks of p.
37:11 these bones are the p of Israel.
37:13 you, my p, will know that I am
38:14 day, when my p Israel are living
39:7 my holy name among my p Israel.
Da 7:18 But the holy p of the Most High
7:27 to the holy p of the Most High.
8:24 those who are mighty, the holy p.
9:19 city and your p bear your Name.”
9:24 ‘sevens’ are decreed for your p
9:26 The p of the ruler who will come
10:14 will happen to your p in the future,
11:32 but the p who know their God will
12:1 great prince who protects your p,
Hos 1:10 ‘You are not my p,’ they will be
2:23 say to those called ‘Not my p,’ ‘You are my p’;
4:14 a p without understanding will
Joel 2:18 for his land and took pity on his p.
3:16 LORD will be a refuge for his p,
Am 9:14 I will bring my p Israel back
Mic 6:2 the LORD has a case against his p;
7:14 Shepherd your p with your staff,
Hag 1:12 And the p feared the LORD.
Zec 2:11 in that day and will become my p.
8:7 “I will save my p
13:9 ‘They are my p,’ and they will say,
Mt 4:19 I will send you out to fish for p.”
23:5 “Everything they do is done for p
Mk 5:19 “Go home to your own p and tell
7:6 “ ‘These p honor me with their
8:27 asked them, “Who do p say I am?”
Lk 1:17 to make ready a p prepared
1:68 because he has come to his p
Lk 2:10 will cause great joy for all the p.
3:6 all p will see God’s salvation.’ ”
6:22 Blessed are you when p hate you,
21:23 the land and wrath against this p.
Jn 2:24 himself to them, for he knew all p.
3:19 p loved darkness instead of light
11:50 one man die for the p than
12:32 earth, will draw all p to myself.”
18:14 be good if one man died for the p.
Ac 15:14 to choose a p for his name
18:10 because I have many p in this city.”
Ro 1:18 godlessness and wickedness of p,
5:12 and in this way death came to all p,
8:27 for God’s p in accordance
9:3 from Christ for the sake of my p,
9:25 call them ‘my p’ who are not my p;
11:1 I ask then: Did God reject his p?
15:10 you Gentiles, with his p.”
1Co 6:2 the Lord’s p will judge the world?
9:22 I have become all things to all p so
2Co 6:16 their God, and they will be my p.”
Eph 1:15 Jesus and your love for all God’s p,
1:18 glorious inheritance in his holy p,
4:8 captives and gave gifts to his p.”
5:3 are improper for God’s holy p.
6:18 keep on praying for all the Lord’s p.
1Th 5:26 Greet all God’s p with a holy kiss.
1Ti 2:4 who wants all p to be saved
2:6 gave himself as a ransom for all p.
4:10 God, who is the Savior of all p,
2Ti 2:2 entrust to reliable p who will also
Titus 2:11 that offers salvation to all p.
2:14 himself a p that are his very own,
Phm 7 refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s p.
Heb 2:17 atonement for the sins of the p.
4:9 a Sabbath-rest for the p of God;
5:1 priest is selected from among the p
5:3 sins, as well as for the sins of the p.
9:27 Just as p are destined to die once,
10:30 again, “The Lord will judge his p.”
11:25 with the p of God rather than
13:12 make the p holy through his own
1Pe 2:9 But you are a chosen p, a royal
2:10 Once you were not a p, but now you are the p of God;
2Pe 2:1 also false prophets among the p,
3:11 what kind of p ought you to be?
Rev 5:8 which are the prayers of God’s p.
18:4 my p,’ so that you will not share
19:8 the righteous acts of God’s holy p.)
21:3 dwelling place is now among the p,
21:3 They will be his p, and God
Ge 17:16 kings of p will come from her.”
25:23 and two p from within you will be
27:29 serve you and p bow down to you.
28:3 you become a community of p.
48:4 I will make you a community of p,
Dt 14:2 of all the p on the face of the earth,
28:10 all the p on earth will see that you
32:8 up boundaries for the p according
Jos 4:24 all the p of the earth might know
1Ki 8:43 all the p of the earth may know
2Ch 7:20 an object of ridicule among all p.
Ps 9:8 and judges the p with equity.
67:5 may all the p praise you.
87:6 will write in the register of the p:
96:10 he will judge the p with equity.
Isa 2:4 and will settle disputes for many p.
17:12 Woe to the p who roar—
25:6 a feast of rich food for all p,
34:1 pay attention, you p!
55:4 I have made him a witness to the p,
Jer 10:3 the practices of the p are worthless;
Da 7:14 p of every language worshiped him
Mic 4:1 the hills, and p will stream to it.
4:3 He will judge between many p
5:7 the midst of many p like dew
Zep 3:9 Then I will purify the lips of the p,
3:20 praise among all the p of the earth
Zec 8:20 “Many p and the inhabitants
12:2 all the surrounding p reeling.
Rev 10:11 prophesy again about many p,
17:15 prostitute sits, are p, multitudes,
Isa 6:9 be ever seeing, but never p.’
Mt 13:14 you will be ever seeing but never p.
Mk 4:12 may be ever seeing but never p,
Ac 28:26 will be ever seeing but never p.”
Dt 32:4 his works are p, and all his ways
2Sa 22:31 “As for God, his way is p:
Job 36:4 one who has p knowledge is
37:16 of him who has p knowledge?
Ps 18:30 As for God, his way is p:
19:7 The law of the LORD is p,
50:2 Zion, p in beauty, God shines
64:6 say, “We have devised a p plan!”
SS 6:9 but my dove, my p one, is unique,
Isa 25:1 for in p faithfulness you have done
26:3 in p peace those whose minds are
Eze 16:14 had given you made your beauty p,
27:3 say, Tyre, “I am p in beauty.”
28:12 full of wisdom and p in beauty.
Mt 5:48 Be p, therefore, as your heavenly Father is p.
19:21 answered, “If you want to be p, go,
Ro 12:2 his good, pleasing and p will.
2Co 12:9 my power is made p in weakness.”
Col 3:14 binds them all together in p unity.
Heb 2:10 of their salvation p through what
5:9 made p, he became the source
7:19 (for the law made nothing p),
7:28 Son, who has been made p forever.
9:11 more p tabernacle that is not made
10:1 make p those who draw near
10:14 he has made p forever those who
11:40 with us would they be made p.
12:23 the spirits of the righteous made p,
Jas 1:17 good and p gift is from above,
1:25 looks intently into the p law
3:2 never at fault in what they say is p,
1Jn 4:18 But p love drives out fear,
4:18 The one who fears is not made p
Heb 12:2 on Jesus, the pioneer and p of faith.
2Co 7:1 p holiness out of reverence for God