Ps 1:1 stand in the way that s take or sit

37:38 But all s will be destroyed;

Pr 23:17 Do not let your heart envy s,

Mt 9:13 come to call the righteous, but s.”

Ro 5:8 While we were still s, Christ died

Gal 2:17 find ourselves also among the s,

1Ti 1:15 came into the world to save s

Heb 7:26 set apart from s,


Ex 20:20 be with you to keep you from s.”

1Co 15:34 senses as you ought, and stop s;

1Ti 5:20 those elders who are s you are

Heb 10:26 If we deliberately keep on s after

1Jn 3:6 one who lives in him keeps on s.

3:9 they cannot go on s, because they


Lev 5:1 “ ‘If anyone s because they do not

16:30 you will be clean from all your s.

26:40 if they will confess their s and the s

Nu 15:30 “ ‘But anyone who s defiantly,

1Sa 2:25 but if anyone s against the LORD,

Ezr 9:6 because our s are higher than our

9:13 us less than our s deserved

Ne 9:2 confessed their s and the s of their

Ps 19:13 your servant also from willful s;

32:1 are forgiven, whose s are covered.

51:9 Hide your face from my s and blot

79:9 forgive our s for your name’s sake.

85:2 your people and covered all their s.

Ps 103:3 forgives all your s and heals all

103:10 does not treat us as our s deserve

130:3 LORD, kept a record of s, Lord,

Pr 5:22 the cords of their s hold them fast.

28:13 Whoever conceals their s does not

29:22 person commits many s.

Ecc 7:20 who does what is right and never s.

Isa 1:18 “Though your s are like scarlet,

38:17 put all my s behind your back.

43:25 and remembers your s no more.

59:2 your s have hidden his face

64:6 like the wind our s sweep us away.

Jer 31:34 will remember their s no more.”

La 3:39 when punished for their s?

Eze 18:4 The one who s is the one who will

33:10 offenses and s weigh us down,

36:33 day I cleanse you from all your s,

Hos 14:1 Your s have been your downfall!

Mt 1:21 will save his people from their s.”

6:15 your Father will not forgive your s.

9:6 has authority on earth to forgive s.”

18:15 “If your brother or sister s,

26:28 for many for the forgiveness of s.

Lk 5:24 has authority on earth to forgive s.”

11:4 Forgive us our s, for we also forgive

17:3 your brother or sister s against you,

Jn 8:24 you will indeed die in your s.”

20:23 If you forgive anyone’s s, their s are

Ac 2:38 Christ for the forgiveness of your s.

3:19 so that your s may be wiped out,

10:43 forgiveness of s through his name.”

22:16 be baptized and wash your s away,

26:18 they may receive forgiveness of s

Ro 4:7 are forgiven, whose s are covered.

4:25 delivered over to death for our s

1Co 15:3 Christ died for our s according

2Co 5:19 counting people’s s against them.

Gal 1:4 gave himself for our s to rescue us

Eph 2:1 dead in your transgressions and s,

Col 2:13 When you were dead in your s

2:13 He forgave us all our s,

1Ti 5:22 and do not share in the s of others.

Heb 1:3 he had provided purification for s,

2:17 atonement for the s of the people.

7:27 sacrificed for their s once for all

8:12 will remember their s no more.”

9:28 once to take away the s of many;

10:4 of bulls and goats to take away s.

10:12 for all time one sacrifice for s,

10:26 the truth, no sacrifice for s is left,

Jas 5:16 Therefore confess your s to each

5:20 and cover over a multitude of s.

1Pe 2:24 “He himself bore our s” in his

3:18 For Christ also suffered once for s,

4:8 love covers over a multitude of s.

1Jn 1:9 If we confess our s, he is faithful

2:2 is the atoning sacrifice for our s,

3:5 so that he might take away our s.

4:10 as an atoning sacrifice for our s.

Rev 1:5 freed us from our s by his blood,


Jdg 4:2 S, the commander of his army,

5:26 She struck S, she crushed his head,


Lev 18:9 have sexual relations with your s,

Mk 3:35 does God’s will is my brother and s

1Co 7:15 or the s is not bound in such

2Jn 13 The children of your s, who is


Mt 13:56 Aren’t all his s with us?

19:29 left houses or brothers or s or

Jn 11:3 So the s sent word to Jesus, “Lord,

1Ti 5:2 and younger women as s,


Dt 6:7 about them when you s at home

1Ki 8:25 have a successor to s before me

Ps 1:1 or s in the company of mockers,

26:5 and refuse to s with the wicked.

80:1 You who s enthroned between

110:1S at my right hand until I make

139:2 know when I s and when I rise;

SS 2:3 I delight to s in his shade, and his

Isa 16:5 in faithfulness a man will s on it—

Mic 4:4 Everyone will s under their own

Mt 20:23 but to s at my right or left is not

22:44S at my right hand until I put

Lk 22:30 in my kingdom and s on thrones,

Heb 1:13S at my right hand until I make

Rev 3:21 I will give the right to s with me


Ps 99:1 he s enthroned between

Isa 40:22 He s enthroned above the circle

Mt 19:28 Son of Man s on his glorious

Rev 4:9 thanks to him who s on the throne


Est 2:19 Mordecai was s at the king’s gate.

Mt 26:64 the Son of Man s at the right hand

Rev 4:2 in heaven with someone s on it.


1Co 7:24 should remain in the s they were

Php 4:12 being content in any and every s,


2Ti 4:5 you, keep your head in all s,


Ps 19:1 the s proclaim the work of his

108:4 your faithfulness reaches to the s.


Ps 137:5 may my right hand forget its s.

Ecc 10:10 is needed, but s will bring success.


Pr 22:29 Do you see someone s in their


Ps 45:1 my tongue is the pen of a s writer.

78:72 with s hands he led them.


Job 19:20 escaped only by the s of my teeth.

19:26 And after my s has been destroyed,

Jer 13:23 Can an Ethiopian change his s


Ex 25:5 ram s dyed red and another type

Lk 5:37 the new wine will burst the s;


Mt 27:33 (which means “the place of the s”).


Ge 1:8 God called the vault “s.”

Pr 30:19 the way of an eagle in the s,

Isa 34:4 the stars in the s will be dissolved

Jer 33:22 me as countless as the stars in the s

Mt 24:29 the stars will fall from the s,

Php 2:15 among them like stars in the s


Pr 18:9 One who is s in his work is brother


1Sa 18:7 “Saul has s his thousands,

Eze 37:9 winds and breathe into these s,

Rev 5:6 looking as if it had been s,

5:12 who was s, to receive power

6:9 those who had been s because


Lev 19:16 spreading s among your people.

Ps 15:3 whose tongue utters no s, who

Pr 10:18 lying lips and spreads s is a fool.

Mk 3:28 their sins and every s they utter,

2Co 12:20 of rage, selfish ambition, s, gossip,

Eph 4:31 brawling and s, along with every

1Ti 5:14 the enemy no opportunity for s.

Titus 3:2 to s no one, to be peaceable

1Pe 3:16 may be ashamed of their s.


1Co 4:13 when we are s, we answer kindly.


Jer 9:4 is a deceiver, and every friend a s.

1Co 5:11 immoral or greedy, an idolater or s,


Ro 1:30 s, God-haters, insolent,

1Co 6:10 nor drunkards nor s nor swindlers

Titus 2:3 live, not to be s or addicted to much


2Ti 3:3 unforgiving, s, without self-control


Mt 5:39 If anyone s you on the right cheek,


Isa 53:7 he was led like a lamb to the s,

Jer 11:19 been like a gentle lamb led to the s;

Ac 8:32 “He was led like a sheep to the s,


Ps 44:22 we are considered as sheep to be s.

Ro 8:36 we are considered as sheep to be s.”


Ge 21:10 “Get rid of that s woman and her

Pr 22:7 and the borrower is s to the lender.

Mal 1:6 his father, and a s his master.

Mt 20:27 wants to be first must be your s

Jn 8:34 everyone who sins is a s to sin.

Ro 7:14 I am unspiritual, sold as a s to sin.

1Co 7:21 Were you a s when you were

12:13 whether Jews or Gentiles, s or free

Gal 3:28 Jew nor Gentile, neither s nor free,

4:30 “Get rid of the s woman and her

4:7 no longer a s, but God’s child;

Col 3:11 s or free, but Christ is all,

1Ti 1:10 for s traders and liars and perjurers

Phm 16 no longer as a s, but better than a s,


Ex 2:23 The Israelites groaned in their s

Gal 4:3 in s under the elemental spiritual

1Ti 6:1 of s should consider their masters


Ps 123:2 As the eyes of s look to the hand

Ecc 10:7 I have seen s on horseback,

10:7 while princes go on foot like s.

Ro 6:6 we should no longer be s to sin—

6:16 whether you are s to sin,

6:19 so now offer yourselves as s

6:22 sin and have become s of God,

Gal 2:4 in Christ Jesus and to make us s.

4:8 you were s to those who by nature

Eph 6:5 S, obey your earthly masters

Col 3:22 S, obey your earthly masters

4:1 provide your s with what is right

Titus 2:9 Teach s to be subject to their

2Pe 2:19 for “people are s to whatever has


Job 13:15 Though he s me, yet will I hope


Ge 2:21 the man to fall into a deep s;

15:12 Abram fell into a deep s,

28:11 under his head and lay down to s.

Ps 4:8 In peace I will lie down and s,

121:4 Israel will neither slumber nor s.

127:2 for he grants s to those he loves.

Pr 6:9 When will you get up from your s?

Ecc 5:12 The s of a laborer is sweet,

1Co 15:51 We will not all s, but we will all be

1Th 4:13 about those who s in death,

5:7 For those who s, s at night,


Eph 5:14 “Wake up, s, rise from the dead,


Mk 13:36 do not let him find you s.


2Co 6:5 in hard work, s nights and hunger;


Pr 10:5 son, but he who s during harvest is


Ps 40:2 He lifted me out of the s pit,


1Sa 17:50 over the Philistine with a s


Ps 121:3 He will not let your foot s


Ps 66:9 our lives and kept our feet from s.


Ex 34:6 and gracious God, s to anger,

Jas 1:19 s to speak and s to become angry,

2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not s in keeping his


Pr 6:6 Go to the ant, you s;

26:15 A s buries his hand in the dish;


Pr 13:4 A s appetite is never filled,


Pr 20:4 S do not plow in season;


Ps 121:3 he who watches over you will not s;

Pr 6:10 little s, a little folding of the hands

Ro 13:11 for you to wake up from your s,


Ps 15:3 neighbor, and casts no s on others;


Ecc 10:1 As dead flies give perfume a bad s,


Ex 19:18 Mount Sinai was covered with s,

Ps 104:32 touches the mountains, and they s.

Isa 6:4 and the temple was filled with s.

Joel 2:30 blood and fire and billows of s.

Ac 2:19 blood and fire and billows of s.

Rev 15:8 the temple was filled with s


Rev 2:8 the angel of the church in S write:


Nu 21:8 “Make a s and put it up on a pole;

Pr 23:32 In the end it bites like a s

Jn 3:14 lifted up the s in the wilderness,


Mt 10:16 Therefore be as shrewd as s and as

Mk 16:18 they will pick up s with their


Dt 7:16 gods, for that will be a s to you.

Ps 69:22 table set before them become a s;

91:3 he will save you from the fowler’s s

Pr 29:25 Fear of man will prove to be a s,

Ro 11:9 “May their table become a s


Pr 3:26 will keep your foot from being s.


Jn 10:28 no one will s them out of my hand.


Jude 23 save others by s them from the fire;


Ps 35:21 They s at me and say, “Aha! Aha!


Pr 11:22 a pig’s s is a beautiful woman who


Ps 51:7 me, and I will be whiter than s.

Isa 1:18 scarlet, they shall be as white as s;


Isa 42:3 smoldering wick he will not s out.

Mt 12:20 smoldering wick he will not s out,


Pr 13:9 but the lamp of the wicked is s out.


Mal 3:2 a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s s.


Isa 40:31 They will s on wings like eagles;


2Sa 22:11 he s on the wings of the wind.


1Sa 25:37 Nabal was s, his wife told him

Ro 12:3 think of yourself with s judgment,

1Th 5:6 asleep, but let us be awake and s.

5:8 be s, putting on faith and love

1Pe 1:13 minds that are alert and fully s,

4:7 of s mind so that you may pray.

5:8 Be alert and of s mind.


Ge 13:12 plain and pitched his tents near S.

19:24 rained down burning sulfur on S

Isa 1:9 we would have become like S,

Lk 10:12 that day for S than for that town.

Ro 9:29 we would have become like S,

Rev 11:8 which is figuratively called S


Ge 4:2 kept flocks, and Cain worked the s.

Mt 13:23 the seed falling on good s refers


1Ki 21:25 who s himself to do evil in the eyes

Mt 10:29 not two sparrows s for a penny?

13:44 in his joy went and s all he had

Ro 7:14 I am unspiritual, s as a slave to sin.


1Co 9:7 Who serves as a s at his own

2Ti 2:3 like a good s of Christ Jesus.


Dt 28:65 resting place for the s of your foot.

Isa 1:6 From the s of your foot to the top


2Ti 2:19 God’s s foundation stands firm,

Heb 5:12 You need milk, not s food!


Son of David by Bathsheba; king of Judah (2Sa 12:24; 1Ch 3:5, 10). Appointed king by David (1Ki 1); adversaries Adonijah, Joab, Shimei killed by Benaiah (1Ki 2). Asked for wisdom (1Ki 3; 2Ch 1). Judged between two prostitutes (1Ki 3:16–28). Built temple (1Ki 5–7; 2Ch 2–5); prayer of dedication (1Ki 8; 2Ch 6). Visited by Queen of Sheba (1Ki 10; 2Ch 9). Wives turned his heart from God (1Ki 11:1–13). Jeroboam rebelled against (1Ki 11:26–40). Death (1Ki 11:41–43; 2Ch 9:29–31).

Proverbs of (1Ki 4:32; Pr 1:1; 10:1; 25:1); psalms of (Ps 72; 127); song of (SS 1:1).


Ge 17:19 your wife Sarah will bear you a s,

21:10 rid of that slave woman and her s,

22:2 said, “Take your s, your only s,

Ex 11:5 Every firstborn s in Egypt will die,

Dt 1:31 as a father carries his s, all the way

6:20 your s asks you, “What is the

8:5 that as a man disciplines his s,

21:18 rebellious s who does not obey his

2Sa 7:14 be his father, and he will be my s.

1Ki 3:20 and put her dead s by my breast.

Ps 2:7 He said to me, “You are my s;

2:12 Kiss his s, or he will be angry

Pr 3:12 as a father the s he delights in.

6:20 My s, keep your father’s command

Pr 10:1 A wise s brings joy to his father, but a foolish s brings grief

Isa 7:14 will conceive and give birth to a s,

Da 3:25 and the fourth looks like a s

7:13 there before me was one like a s

Hos 11:1 and out of Egypt I called my s.

Am 7:14 a prophet nor the s of a prophet,

Mt 1:1 Jesus the Messiah the s of David, the s of Abraham:

1:21 She will give birth to a s,

2:15 “Out of Egypt I called my s.”

3:17 said, “This is my S, whom I love;

4:3 “If you are the S of God, tell these

8:20 the S of Man has no place to lay his

11:27 one knows the S except the Father,

11:27 whom the S chooses to reveal him.

12:8 For the S of Man is Lord

12:32 who speaks a word against the S

12:40 so the S of Man will be three days

13:41 The S of Man will send out his

13:55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s s?

14:33 “Truly you are the S of God.”

16:16 Messiah, the S of the living God.”

16:27 For the S of Man is going to come

17:5 said, “This is my S, whom I love;

19:28 when the S of Man sits on his

20:18 the S of Man will be delivered over

20:28 just as the S of Man did not come

21:9 “Hosanna to the S of David!”

22:42 the Messiah? Whose s is he?”

22:42 “The s of David,” they replied.

24:27 will be the coming of the S of Man.

24:30 appear the sign of the S of Man

24:44 because the S of Man will come

25:31 “When the S of Man comes in his

26:63 you are the Messiah, the S of God.”

27:54 “Surely he was the S of God!”

28:19 and of the S and of the Holy Spirit,

Mk 1:11 “You are my S, whom I love;

2:28 So the S of Man is Lord even

8:38 the S of Man will be ashamed

9:7 “This is my S, whom I love.

10:45 even the S of Man did not come

13:32 nor the S, but only the Father.

14:62 you will see the S of Man sitting

Lk 1:32 and will be called the S of the Most

Lk 2:7 she gave birth to her firstborn, a s.

3:22 “You are my S, whom I love;

9:35 saying, “This is my S, whom I have

9:58 the S of Man has no place to lay his

12:8 the S of Man will also acknowledge

15:20 he ran to his s, threw his arms

18:8 when the S of Man comes, will he

18:31 about the S of Man will be fulfilled.

19:10 For the S of Man came to seek

Jn 3:14 so the S of Man must be lifted up,

3:16 that he gave his one and only S,

3:36 believes in the S has eternal life,

5:19 the S can do nothing by himself;

6:40 is that everyone who looks to the S

11:4 God’s S may be glorified through

17:1 Glorify your S, that your S may

Ac 7:56 the S of Man standing at the right

13:33 “ ‘You are my s; today I have

Ro 1:4 was appointed the S of God

5:10 to him through the death of his S,

8:3 sending his own S in the likeness

8:29 conformed to the image of his S,

8:32 He who did not spare his own S,

1Co 15:28 the S himself will be made subject

Gal 2:20 I live by faith in the S of God,

4:4 God sent his S, born of a woman,

4:30 rid of the slave woman and her s,

1Th 1:10 and to wait for his S from heaven,

Heb 1:2 days he has spoken to us by his S,

1:5 did God ever say, “You are my S;

4:14 into heaven, Jesus the S of God,

5:5 God said to him, “You are my S;

7:28 appointed the S, who has been

10:29 punished who has trampled the S

12:6 everyone he accepts as his s.”

2Pe 1:17 saying, “This is my S, whom I love;

1Jn 1:3 is with the Father and with his S,

1:7 Jesus, his S, purifies us from all sin.

2:23 who denies the S has the Father;

2:23 acknowledges the S has the Father

3:8 The reason the S of God appeared

4:9 only S into the world that we might

4:14 the Father has sent his S to be

5:5 believes that Jesus is the S of God.

5:11 eternal life, and this life is in his S.

Rev 1:13 lampstands was someone like a s

14:14 the cloud was one like a s of man


Ps 40:3 He put a new s in my mouth,

69:30 I will praise God’s name in s

96:1 Sing to the LORD a new s;

98:4 burst into jubilant s with music;

119:54 theme of my s wherever I lodge.

149:1 Sing to the LORD a new s,

Isa 49:13 burst into s, you mountains!

55:12 hills will burst into s before you,

Rev 5:9 And they sang a new s, saying:

15:3 sang the s of God’s servant Moses


2Sa 23:1 God of Jacob, the hero of Israel’s s:

Job 35:10 Maker, who gives s in the night,

Ps 100:2 come before him with joyful s.

126:6 to sow, will return with s of joy,

137:3 “Sing us one of the s of Zion!”

Eph 5:19 hymns, and s from the Spirit.

Jas 5:13 Let them sing s of praise.


Ge 6:2 the s of God saw that the daughters

10:20 These are the s of Ham by their

Ru 4:15 who is better to you than seven s,

Ps 132:12 their s will sit on your throne

Joel 2:28 s and daughters will prophesy,

2Co 6:18 you will be my s and daughters,

Gal 4:6 Because you are his s, God sent


Ro 8:15 brought about your adoption to s.

8:23 wait eagerly for our adoption to s,

9:4 Israel. Theirs is the adoption to s;

Gal 4:5 we might receive adoption to s.

Eph 1:5 adoption to s through Jesus Christ,


Pr 15:4 The s tongue is a tree of life,


Ps 6:7 My eyes grow weak with s;

Ps 116:3 I was overcome by distress and s.

Isa 60:20 light, and your days of s will end.

Jer 31:12 garden, and they will s no more.

Ro 9:2 I have great s and unceasing

2Co 7:10 Godly s brings repentance that

7:10 regret, but worldly s brings death.


2Ch 26:5 He s God during the days

31:21 he s his God and worked

Ps 34:4 I s the LORD, and he answered

119:58 have s your face with all my heart;


Dt 6:5 with all your s and with all your

10:12 all your heart and with all your s,

30:6 all your heart and with all your s,

Jos 22:5 all your heart and with all your s.”

2Ki 23:25 and with all his s and with all his

Ps 23:3 he refreshes my s. He guides me

42:1 of water, so my s pants for you,

42:11 Why, my s, are you downcast?

62:5 Yes, my s, find rest in God;

103:1 Praise the LORD, my s;

Pr 13:19 A longing fulfilled is sweet to the s,

16:24 sweet to the s and healing

La 3:20 and my s is downcast within me.

Mt 10:28 kill the body but cannot kill the s.

16:26 the whole world, yet forfeit their s?

16:26 give in exchange for their s?

22:37 with all your s and with all your

Jn 12:27 “Now my s is troubled, and what

Heb 4:12 it penetrates even to dividing s

3Jn 2 even as your s is getting along well.


Jer 6:16 it, and you will find rest for your s.

Mt 11:29 and you will find rest for your s.


Ge 3:8 his wife heard the s of the LORD

Pr 3:21 preserve s judgment and discretion

Eze 3:12 me a loud rumbling s as the glory

Jn 3:8 You hear its s, but you cannot tell

Ac 2:2 Suddenly a s like the blowing

1Co 14:8 the trumpet does not s a clear call,

15:52 For the trumpet will s, the dead

1Ti 1:10 else is contrary to the s doctrine

2Ti 4:3 will not put up with s doctrine.

Titus 1:9 can encourage others by s doctrine

2:1 what is appropriate to s doctrine.


Eze 18:2 “ ‘The parents eat s grapes,


Heb 5:9 became the s of eternal salvation


Ge 15:2 But Abram said, “S LORD,

2Sa 7:18 “Who am I, S LORD, and what is

Ps 71:16 your mighty acts, S LORD;

Isa 25:8 The S LORD will wipe away

40:10 the S LORD comes with power,

50:4 The S LORD has given me

61:1 The Spirit of the S LORD is

61:11 to grow, so the S LORD will make

Jer 32:17 “Ah, S LORD, you have made

Eze 12:28 ‘This is what the S LORD says:

Da 4:25 Most High is s over all kingdoms

2Pe 2:1 even denying the s Lord who

Jude 4 deny Jesus Christ our only S


Da 7:27 Then the s, power and greatness


Job 4:8 and those who s trouble reap it.

Ps 126:5 Those who s with tears will reap

Hos 8:7 “They s the wind and reap

10:12 S righteousness for yourselves,

Mt 6:26 they do not s or reap or store away

13:3 “A farmer went out to s his seed.

1Co 15:36 What you s does not come to life

Jas 3:18 Peacemakers who s in peace reap

2Pe 2:22 “A s that is washed returns to her


Isa 55:10 so that it yields seed for the s

Mt 13:18 to what the parable of the s means:

Jn 4:36 so that the s and the reaper may be

2Co 9:10 Now he who supplies seed to the s


Mt 13:8 sixty or thirty times what was s.

Mk 4:15 along the path, where the word is s.

1Co 15:42 The body that is s is perishable,


Pr 11:18 the one who s righteousness reaps

22:8 Whoever s injustice reaps calamity,

2Co 9:6 Whoever s sparingly will also reap

9:6 and whoever s generously will

Gal 6:7 A man reaps what he s.


Est 7:3 And s my people—this is my

Ro 8:32 He who did not s his own Son,

11:21 God did not s the natural branches, he will not s you either.

2Pe 2:4 if God did not s angels when they

2:5 if he did not s the ancient world


Pr 13:24 Whoever s the rod hates their


Pr 21:26 but the righteous give without s.


Zec 9:16 They will s in his land like jewels


Ps 84:3 Even the s has found a home,


Mt 10:29 Are not two s sold for a penny?


1Sa 19:10 to pin him to the wall with his s,

Ps 46:9 breaks the bow and shatters the s;


Isa 2:4 and their s into pruning hooks.

Joel 3:10 and your pruning hooks into s.

Mic 4:3 and their s into pruning hooks.


Jas 2:3 If you show s attention to the man


Mt 7:3 do you look at the s of sawdust


1Co 4:9 We have been made a s to the

Col 2:15 he made a public s of them,


Ps 19:3 They have no s, they use no words;

2Co 8:7 in faith, in s, in knowledge,

1Ti 4:12 an example for the believers in s,

1Jn 3:18 let us not love with words or s but


Pr 31:3 Do not s your strength on women,

Isa 55:2 Why s money on what is not bread,

2Co 12:15 So I will very gladly s for you


Mk 5:26 doctors and had s all she had,

Lk 6:12 and s the night praying to God.

15:14 After he had s everything, there


Mt 6:28 They do not labor or s.


Ge 1:2 the S of God was hovering over

6:3 said, “My S will not contend

Ex 31:3 I have filled him with the S of God,

Nu 11:25 power of the S that was on him

Dt 34:9 the s of wisdom because Moses

Jdg 6:34 Then the S of the LORD came

11:29 Then the S of the LORD came

13:25 the S of the LORD began to stir

1Sa 10:10 the S of God came powerfully

16:13 day on the S of the LORD came

16:14 Saul, and an evil s from the LORD

2Sa 23:2 “The S of the LORD spoke

2Ki 2:9 inherit a double portion of your s,”

Ne 9:20 You gave your good S to instruct

9:30 By your S you warned them

Job 33:4 The S of God has made me;

Ps 31:5 Into your hands I commit my s;

34:18 saves those who are crushed in s.

51:10 and renew a steadfast s within me.

51:11 or take your Holy S from me.

51:17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken s;

106:33 they rebelled against the S of God,

139:7 Where can I go from your S?

Ps 143:10 may your good S lead me on level

Isa 11:2 The S of the LORD will rest

30:1 but not by my S, heaping sin

32:15 till the S is poured on us

44:3 pour out my S on your offspring,

57:15 to revive the s of the lowly

61:1 The S of the Sovereign LORD is

63:10 rebelled and grieved his Holy S.

Eze 11:19 heart and put a new s in them;

13:3 prophets who follow their own s

36:26 a new heart and put a new s in you;

Da 4:8 the s of the holy gods is in him.)

Joel 2:28 I will pour out my S on all people.

Zec 4:6 but by my S,’ says the LORD

Mt 1:18 to be pregnant through the Holy S.

3:11 He will baptize you with the Holy S

3:16 saw the S of God descending like

4:1 led by the S into the wilderness

5:3 “Blessed are the poor in s, for

10:20 but the S of your Father speaking

12:31 blasphemy against the S will not be

26:41 The s is willing, but the flesh is

28:19 and of the Son and of the Holy S,

Mk 1:8 will baptize you with the Holy S.”

Lk 1:35 “The Holy S will come on you,

1:80 child grew and became strong in s;

3:16 He will baptize you with the Holy S

4:18 “The S of the Lord is on me,

11:13 in heaven give the Holy S to those

23:46 into your hands I commit my s.”

Jn 1:33 who will baptize with the Holy S.’

3:5 they are born of water and the S.

4:24 God is s, and his worshipers must worship in the S

6:63 The S gives life; the flesh counts

7:39 that time the S had not been given,

14:26 the Holy S, whom the Father will

16:13 But when he, the S of truth, comes,

20:22 and said, “Receive the Holy S.

Ac 1:5 will be baptized with the Holy S.”

1:8 when the Holy S comes on you;

2:4 other tongues as the S enabled

2:17 I will pour out my S on all people.

2:38 will receive the gift of the Holy S.

4:31 they were all filled with the Holy S

5:3 that you have lied to the Holy S

6:3 who are known to be full of the S

8:15 that they might receive the Holy S,

9:17 and be filled with the Holy S.”

11:16 will be baptized with the Holy S.’

13:2 the Holy S said, “Set apart for me

19:2 even heard that there is a Holy S.”

Ro 1:9 in my s in preaching the gospel

8:4 to the flesh but according to the S.

8:5 minds set on what the S desires.

8:9 if indeed the S of God lives in you.

8:13 but if by the S you put to death

8:16 The S himself testifies with our s

8:23 who have the firstfruits of the S,

8:26 the S helps us in our weakness.

8:26 the S himself intercedes for us

1Co 2:10 God has revealed to us by his S.

2:10 The S searches all things,

2:14 without the S does not accept

2:14 are discerned only through the S.

3:1 as people who live by the S but

5:3 present, I am with you in s.

6:19 bodies are temples of the Holy S,

12:1 Now about the gifts of the S,

12:13 we were all baptized by one S so as

12:13 and we were all given the one S

14:1 and eagerly desire gifts of the S,

2Co 1:22 put his S in our hearts as a deposit,

3:3 but with the S of the living God,

3:6 letter kills, but the S gives life.

3:17 Now the Lord is the S, and where

5:5 who has given us the S as a deposit,

7:1 that contaminates body and s,

Gal 3:2 Did you receive the S by the works

5:16 say, walk by the S, and you will not

5:22 But the fruit of the S is love, joy,

5:25 Since we live by the S, let us keep

6:1 who live by the S should restore

6:8 whoever sows to please the S,

Eph 1:13 with a seal, the promised Holy S,

2:22 in which God lives by his S.

Eph 4:4 There is one body and one S, just

4:30 do not grieve the Holy S of God,

5:18 Instead, be filled with the S,

5:19 hymns, and songs from the S.

6:17 of salvation and the sword of the S,

Php 2:2 being one in s and of one mind.

1Th 5:19 Do not quench the S.

5:23 May your whole s, soul and body

2Th 2:13 the sanctifying work of the S

1Ti 3:16 was vindicated by the S, was seen

2Ti 1:7 the S God gave us does not make

Heb 2:4 of the Holy S distributed according

4:12 even to dividing soul and s,

10:29 who has insulted the S of grace?

1Pe 3:4 beauty of a gentle and quiet s,

2Pe 1:21 were carried along by the Holy S.

1Jn 3:24 We know it by the S he gave us.

4:1 do not believe every s, but test

4:13 he in us: He has given us of his S.

Jude 20 faith and praying in the Holy S,

Rev 2:7 let them hear what the S says


1Co 2:4 a demonstration of the S power,


1Co 12:10 another distinguishing between s,

14:32 The s of prophets are subject

Heb 1:7 “He makes his angels s, and his

1Jn 4:1 but test the s to see whether they


1Co 2:13 spiritual realities with S words.


Ro 12:11 but keep your s fervor,

1Co 2:13 the Spirit, explaining s realities

15:44 a natural body, it is raised a s body.

Eph 1:3 realms with every s blessing

6:12 against the s forces of evil

1Pe 2:2 crave pure s milk, so that by it you

2:5 are being built into a s house to be


Mt 27:30 They s on him, and took the staff

Rev 3:16 I am about to s you out of my


1Ch 16:29 the LORD in the s of his holiness.

29:11 glory and the majesty and the s,

Job 37:22 of the north he comes in golden s;

Ps 29:2 the LORD in the s of his holiness.

45:3 clothe yourself with s and majesty.

96:6 S and majesty are before him;

96:9 the LORD in the s of his holiness;

104:1 you are clothed with s and majesty.

110:3 Arrayed in holy s, your young men

145:5 of the glorious s of your majesty—

145:12 the glorious s of your kingdom.

148:13 his s is above the earth

Pr 16:31 Gray hair is a crown of s;

20:29 strength, gray hair the s of the old.

Isa 55:5 for he has endowed you with s.”

60:21 my hands, for the display of my s.

61:3 the LORD for the display of his s.

63:1 robed in s, striding forward

Hab 3:4 His s was like the sunrise;

Mt 6:29 in all his s was dressed like one

Lk 9:30 and Elijah, appeared in glorious s,

2Th 2:8 and destroy by the s of his coming.


119:162 promise like one who finds great s.


Isa 53:12 he will divide the s with the strong,

Jn 6:27 Do not work for food that s,


2Pe 3:14 make every effort to be found s,


Jer 13:23 change his skin or a leopard its s?


Ge 30:32 them every speckled or s sheep,


Ps 78:19 “Can God really s a table

Ac 6:7 So the word of God s.

12:24 the word of God continued to s

13:49 of the Lord s through the whole

19:20 way the word of the Lord s widely

2Th 3:1 message of the Lord may s rapidly


Pr 29:5 flatter their neighbors are s nets

1Th 3:2 in God’s service in s the gospel


Pr 10:18 lying lips and s slander is a fool.


Jer 2:13 forsaken me, the s of living water,

Jn 4:14 in them a s of water welling

Jas 3:12 can a salt s produce fresh water.


2Pe 2:17 These people are s without water


Lev 16:14 with his finger s it on the front


Heb 10:22 having our hearts s to cleanse us

1Pe 1:2 Jesus Christ and s with his blood:


Pr 23:5 for they will surely s wings and fly

Jer 33:15 I will make a righteous Branch s


Heb 10:24 consider how we may s one


Pr 15:5 A fool s a parent’s discipline,


Gal 2:4 had infiltrated our ranks to s


Lk 15:13 there s his wealth in wild living.


Pr 29:3 of prostitutes s his wealth.


Rev 21:16 The city was laid out like a s,


Pr 29:4 By justice a king gives a country s,


Ge 49:10 nor the ruler’s s from between his

Ex 7:12 Aaron’s s swallowed up their staffs.

Nu 17:6 and Aaron’s s was among them.

Ps 23:4 your rod and your s, they comfort


Eph 5:27 without s or wrinkle or any other


Isa 63:1 with his garments s crimson?


Isa 54:2 your cords, strengthen your s.


Ex 14:13 S firm and you will see

Lev 19:32 “ ‘S up in the presence

Jos 10:12 “Sun, s still over Gibeon, and you,

2Ch 20:17 s firm and see the deliverance

Job 19:25 in the end he will s on the earth.

Ps 1:1 or s in the way that sinners take

1:5 Therefore the wicked will not s

24:3 Who may s in his holy place?

33:11 plans of the LORD s firm forever,

40:2 rock and gave me a firm place to s.

76:7 Who can s before you when you

93:5 Your statutes, LORD, s firm;

119:120 fear of you; I s in awe of your laws.

130:3 of sins, Lord, who could s?

Isa 7:9 If you do not s firm in your faith,

29:23 will s in awe of the God of Israel.

Eze 22:30 s before me in the gap on behalf

Hab 3:2 I s in awe of your deeds, LORD.

Zec 14:4 day his feet will s on the Mount

Mal 3:2 Who can s when he appears?

Mt 12:25 divided against itself will not s.

Lk 21:19 S firm, and you will win life.

Ac 11:17 think that I could s in God’s way?”

Ro 14:4 their own master, servants s or fall.

14:4 for the Lord is able to make them s.

14:10 we will all s before God’s judgment

1Co 15:58 dear brothers and sisters, s firm.

16:13 on your guard; s firm in the faith;

Gal 5:1 S firm, then, and do not let

Eph 6:14 S firm then, with the belt of truth

2Th 2:15 s firm and hold fast to the

Jas 5:8 be patient and s firm,

Rev 3:20 I s at the door and knock.


Ex 3:5 where you are s is holy ground.”

Jos 5:15 the place where you are s is holy.”

Ru 2:1 side, a man of s from the clan

4:11 May you have s in Ephrathah

1Ti 3:13 have served well gain an excellent s

1Pe 5:9 Resist him, s firm in the faith,


Ps 89:2 that your love s firm forever,

119:89 it s firm in the heavens.

Pr 12:7 the house of the righteous s firm.

Mt 10:22 the one who s firm to the end will

2Ti 2:19 God’s solid foundation s firm,


Nu 24:17 A s will come out of Jacob;

Isa 14:12 morning s, son of the dawn!

Mt 2:2 We saw his s when it rose and have

2Pe 1:19 the morning s rises in your hearts.

Rev 2:28 also give that one the morning s.

22:16 David, and the bright Morning S.”


Ge 1:16 He also made the s.

Job 38:7 while the morning s sang together

Da 12:3 like the s for ever and ever.

Php 2:15 you will shine among them like s


1Sa 2:26 boy Samuel continued to grow in s

Lk 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and s,


Ps 19:7 The s of the LORD are

93:5 Your s, LORD, stand firm;

119:2 Blessed are those who keep his s

119:14 in following your s as one rejoices

119:24 Your s are my delight; they are my

119:36 Turn my heart toward your s

119:99 teachers, for I meditate on your s.

119:111 Your s are my heritage forever;

119:125 that I may understand your s.

119:129 Your s are wonderful;

119:138 The s you have laid down are

119:152 your s that you established them

119:167 I obey your s, for I love them


Ps 51:10 and renew a s spirit within me.

57:7 My heart, O God, is s, my heart is s;

108:1 My heart, O God, is s; I will sing

112:7 their hearts are s,

119:5 my ways were s in obeying your

Pr 4:26 your feet and be s in all your ways.

Isa 26:3 peace those whose minds are s,

1Pe 5:10 and make you strong, firm and s.


Isa 35:3 hands, s the knees that give way;


Ex 20:15 “You shall not s.

Lev 19:11 “ ‘Do not s. “ ‘Do not lie.

Dt 5:19 “You shall not s.

Mt 19:18 you shall not s, you shall not give

Ro 13:9 “You shall not s,” “You shall not

Eph 4:28 has been stealing must s no longer,


Job 34:21 he sees their every s.

Ps 1:1 is the one who does not walk in s

Gal 5:25 let us keep in s with the Spirit.


Early church leader (Ac 6:5). Arrested (Ac 6:8–15). Speech to Sanhedrin (Ac 7). Stoned (Ac 7:54–60; 8:2; 11:19; 22:20).


Ps 37:23 The LORD makes firm the s

Pr 14:15 the prudent give thought to their s.

16:9 but the LORD establishes their s.

20:24 A person’s s are directed

Jer 10:23 it is not for them to direct their s.

1Pe 2:21 that you should follow in his s.


Pr 15:10 S discipline awaits anyone who


Ro 11:22 the kindness and s of God:

11:22 s to those who fell, but kindness


Pr 18:24 there is a friend who s closer than


Ex 34:9 Although this is a s people,

Pr 29:1 Whoever remains s after many


Jos 10:13 So the sun stood s, and the moon

Ps 37:7 Be s before the LORD and wait

46:10 “Be s, and know that I am God;

89:9 its waves mount up, you s them.

Zec 2:13 Be s before the LORD,

Mk 4:39 Be s!” Then the wind died down


2Pe 3:1 of them as reminders to s you


1Co 15:55 Where, O death, is your s?”


Pr 28:22 The s are eager to get rich and are


Pr 28:25 The greedy s up conflict, but those


Ps 45:1 My heart is s by a noble theme as I


Pr 6:19 a person who s up conflict

10:12 Hatred s up conflict, but love

15:1 but a harsh word s up anger.

Pr 15:18 A hot-tempered person s up

16:28 A perverse person s up conflict,

29:22 An angry person s up conflict,


Lev 6:4 they must return what they have s

SS 4:9 You have s my heart, my sister,


1Co 6:13 “Food for the s and the s for food,

Php 3:19 their god is their s, and their glory


Ex 24:4 up twelve s pillars representing

28:10 six names on one s

34:1 out two s tablets like the first ones,

Dt 4:13 then wrote them on two s tablets.

19:14 your neighbor’s boundary s set

1Sa 17:50 the Philistine with a sling and a s;

Ps 91:12 will not strike your foot against a s.

118:22 The s the builders rejected has

Pr 22:28 not move an ancient boundary s

Isa 8:14 and Judah he will be a s that causes

28:16 “See, I lay a s in Zion, a tested s,

Eze 11:19 remove from them their heart of s

36:26 remove from you your heart of s

Mt 7:9 asks for bread, will give him a s?

21:42 “ ‘The s the builders rejected has

24:2 you, not one s here will be left

Mk 16:3 “Who will roll the s away

Lk 4:3 God, tell this s to become bread.”

Jn 8:7 first to throw a s at her.”

Ac 4:11 Jesus is “ ‘the s you builders

Ro 9:32 stumbled over the stumbling s.

2Co 3:3 not on tablets of s but on tablets

1Pe 2:6 “See, I lay a s in Zion, a chosen

Rev 2:17 person a white s with a new name


Ex 28:21 There are to be twelve s,

Jos 4:3 take up twelve s from the middle

1Sa 17:40 hand, chose five smooth s

Mt 3:9 these s God can raise up children

1Co 3:12 silver, costly s, wood, hay or straw,

2Co 11:25 once I was pelted with s,

1Pe 2:5 like living s, are being built


Heb 11:37 They were put to death by s;


Jos 10:13 So the sun s still, and the moon

Lk 22:28 You are those who have s by me

2Ti 4:17 But the Lord s at my side and gave

Jas 1:12 trial because, having s the test,


Ps 113:6 who s down to look on the heavens


Job 37:14 s and consider God’s wonders.

Isa 1:13 S bringing meaningless offerings!

1:16 out of my sight; s doing wrong.

2:22 S trusting in mere humans,

Jer 32:40 I will never s doing good to them,

Mk 9:39 “Do not s him,” Jesus said.

Jn 6:43S grumbling among yourselves,”

7:24 S judging by mere appearances,

20:27 S doubting and believe.”

Ro 14:13 let us s passing judgment

1Co 14:20 sisters, s thinking like children.


Jos 3:17 of the LORD s in the middle


Pr 2:1 s up my commands within you,

7:1 s up my commands within you.

10:14 The wise s up knowledge,

Isa 33:6 a rich s of salvation and wisdom

Mt 6:19 “Do not s up for yourselves

6:26 not sow or reap or s away in barns,

2Ti 4:8 Now there is in s for me the crown


Lk 6:45 out of the good s up in his heart,

6:45 out of the evil s up in his heart.

Col 1:5 spring from the hope s up for you


Mal 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the s,


2Pe 1:16 we did not follow cleverly devised s

2:3 will exploit you with fabricated s.


Job 38:1 LORD spoke to Job out of the s.

Ps 107:29 He stilled the s to a whisper;

Lk 8:24 the s subsided, and all was calm.


Ps 27:11 lead me in a s path because of my

107:7 He led them by a s way to a city

Pr 2:13 who have left the s paths to walk

3:6 and he will make your paths s.

4:11 and lead you along s paths.

4:25 Let your eyes look s ahead;

11:5 the blameless makes their paths s,

15:21 understanding keeps a s course.

Isa 40:3 make s in the desert a highway

Mt 3:3 the Lord, make s paths for him.’ ”

Jn 1:23 ‘Make s the way for the Lord.’ ”

2Pe 2:15 They have left the s way


Mt 23:24 You s out a gnat but swallow


Php 3:13 behind and s toward what is ahead,


Isa 28:11 and s tongues God will speak to

Eze 3:5 of obscure speech and s language,


Ps 119:19 I am a s on earth; do not hide your

Mt 25:35 I was a s and you invited me in,

Jn 10:5 But they will never follow a s;


Heb 13:2 not forget to show hospitality to s,


Mk 1:7 s of whose sandals I am not worthy


Isa 11:7 and the lion will eat s like the ox.

1Co 3:12 silver, costly stones, wood, hay or s,


119:176 I have s like a lost sheep.

Jer 31:19 After I s, I repented; after I came


Pr 21:16 Whoever s from the path

Eze 34:16 for the lost and bring back the s.


Am 5:24 righteousness like a never-failing s!


Ps 1:3 person is like a tree planted by s

46:4 a river whose s make glad the city

Ecc 1:7 All s flow into the sea, yet the sea


Mt 6:5 and on the s corners to be seen

22:9 So go to the s corners and invite

Rev 21:21 The great s of the city was of gold,


Ex 15:2 “The LORD is my s and my

Dt 4:37 by his Presence and his great s,

6:5 all your soul and with all your s.

Jdg 16:15 told me the secret of your great s.”

2Sa 22:33 It is God who arms me with s

2Ki 23:25 with all his soul and with all his s,

1Ch 16:11 Look to the LORD and his s;

16:28 ascribe to the LORD glory and s.

29:12 power to exalt and give s to all.

Ne 8:10 the joy of the LORD is your s.”

Ps 18:1 I love you, LORD, my s.

21:13 Be exalted in your s, LORD;

28:7 The LORD is my s and my shield;

29:11 The LORD gives s to his people;

33:16 no warrior escapes by his great s.

46:1 God is our refuge and s,

59:17 You are my s, I sing praise to you;

65:6 having armed yourself with s,

73:26 but God is the s of my heart and

84:5 Blessed are those whose s is in you,

96:7 ascribe to the LORD glory and s.

105:4 Look to the LORD and his s;

118:14 The LORD is my s and my

147:10 pleasure is not in the s of the horse,

Pr 24:5 have knowledge muster their s.

30:25 Ants are creatures of little s,

Isa 12:2 himself, is my s and my defense;

31:1 in the great s of their horsemen,

40:26 of his great power and mighty s,

40:31 in the LORD will renew their s.

63:1 forward in the greatness of his s?

Jer 9:23 strong boast of their s or the rich

Mic 5:4 his flock in the s of the LORD,

Hab 3:19 The Sovereign LORD is my s;

Mk 12:30 all your mind and with all your s.’

1Co 1:25 of God is stronger than human s.

Eph 1:19 power is the same as the mighty s

Php 4:13 this through him who gives me s.

Heb 11:34 whose weakness was turned to s;

1Pe 4:11 do so with the s God provides,


2Ch 16:9 to s those whose hearts are fully

Ps 119:28 s me according to your word.

Isa 35:3 S the feeble hands, steady the

41:10 I will s you and help you;

Lk 22:32 have turned back, s your brothers.”

Eph 3:16 of his glorious riches he may s you

1Th 3:13 May he s your hearts so that you

2Th 2:17 and s you in every good deed

Heb 12:12 s your feeble arms and weak knees.


Col 1:11 being s with all power according

Heb 13:9 for our hearts to be s by grace,


Col 1:29 To this end I s contend with all


Ps 104:2 he s out the heavens like a tent


Isa 53:4 him punished by God, s by him,


1Co 9:25 in the games goes into s training.


Pr 13:10 Where there is s, there is pride,

17:1 than a house full of feasting, with s.

20:3 It is to one’s honor to avoid s,

22:10 out the mocker, and out goes s;

30:33 so stirring up anger produces s.”

1Ti 6:4 about words that result in envy, s,


Ge 3:15 your head, and you will s his heel.”

Zec 13:7S the shepherd, and the sheep will

Mt 4:6 you will not s your foot against

26:31 “ ‘I will s the shepherd,

1Co 9:27 I s a blow to my body and make it


Jn 20:5 in at the s of linen lying there


Ac 24:16 So I s always to keep my

2Co 13:11 S for full restoration, encourage

1Th 5:15 always s to do what is good for

1Ti 4:10 That is why we labor and s,


Php 1:27 s together as one for the faith


Mt 5:18 letter, not the least s of a pen,


Dt 3:24 your greatness and your s hand.

31:6 Be s and courageous. Do not be

Jos 1:6 Be s and courageous, because you

Jdg 5:21 March on, my soul; be s!

2Sa 10:12 Be s, and let us fight bravely for

1Ki 2:2 “So be s, act like a man,

1Ch 28:20 his son, “Be s and courageous,

2Ch 32:7 “Be s and courageous. Do not be

Ps 24:8 The LORD s and mighty,

31:2 of refuge, a s fortress to save me.

Pr 31:17 her arms are s for her tasks.

Ecc 9:11 to the swift or the battle to the s,

SS 8:6 for love is as s as death, its jealousy

Isa 35:4 fearful hearts, “Be s, do not fear;

53:12 he will divide the spoils with the s,

Jer 9:23 or the s boast of their strength

50:34 Yet their Redeemer is s;

Hag 2:4 Be s, all you people of the land,’

Mt 12:29 can anyone enter a s man’s house

Lk 2:40 And the child grew and became s;

Ro 15:1 We who are s ought to bear

1Co 1:27 things of the world to shame the s.

16:13 in the faith; be courageous; be s.

2Co 12:10 For when I am weak, then I am s.

Eph 6:10 be s in the Lord and in his mighty

2Ti 2:1 be s in the grace that is in Christ

1Pe 5:10 restore you and make you s,


Dt 4:38 you nations greater and s than you

1Co 1:25 of God is s than human strength.


2Sa 22:3 He is my s, my refuge and my

Ps 9:9 oppressed, a s in times of trouble.

18:2 and the horn of my salvation, my s.

27:1 The LORD is the s of my life—

144:2 my fortress, my s and my deliverer,


Zep 3:6 their s are demolished.

2Co 10:4 have divine power to demolish s.


Ro 15:30 join me in my s by praying to God

Eph 6:12 For our s is not against flesh

Heb 12:4 In your s against sin, you have not


Ge 32:28 because you have s with God


Lk 6:40 The s is not above the teacher,


Ezr 7:10 Ezra had devoted himself to the s

Ecc 1:13 I applied my mind to s

12:12 end, and much s wearies the body.

Jn 5:39 You s the Scriptures diligently


Ps 37:24 though he may s, he will not fall,

119:165 and nothing can make them s.

Pr 3:23 in safety, and your foot will not s.

24:17 when they s, do not let your heart

Isa 8:14 be a stone that causes people to s

Jer 13:16 before your feet s on the darkening

31:9 a level path where they will not s,

Eze 7:19 for it has caused them to s into sin.

Hos 14:9 them, but the rebellious s in them.

Mal 2:8 teaching have caused many to s;

Mt 18:6 to s, it would be better for them

Mk 9:43 If your hand causes you to s, cut it

Lk 17:1 that cause people to s are bound

Jn 11:9 walks in the daytime will not s,

11:10 a person walks at night that they s,

Ro 9:33 Zion a stone that causes people to s

14:20 that causes someone else to s.

1Co 10:32 Do not cause anyone to s,

Jas 3:2 We all s in many ways.

1Pe 2:8 “A stone that causes people to s

1Jn 2:10 is nothing in them to make them s.


Jas 2:10 yet s at just one point is guilty


Lev 19:14 put a s block in front of the blind,

Ps 56:13 me from death and my feet from s,

Mt 16:23 You are a s block to me; you do not

Ro 9:32 They stumbled over the s stone.

11:9 a s block and a retribution for.

14:13 your mind not to put any s block

1Co 1:23 a s block to Jews and foolishness

8:9 rights does not become a s block

2Co 6:3 We put no s block in anyone’s path,

Jude 24 him who is able to keep you from s


Isa 6:13 so the holy seed will be the s

11:1 will come up from the s of Jesse;


Pr 12:1 but whoever hates correction is s.

2Ti 2:23 to do with foolish and s arguments,


Ro 11:8 “God gave them a spirit of s,


Ge 1:28 fill the earth and s it.


Jos 10:40 So Joshua s the whole region,

Ps 47:3 He s nations under us,


Mt 5:22 or sister will be s to judgment.

Ro 13:1 Let everyone be s to the governing

1Co 14:32 of prophets are s to the control

15:28 the Son himself will be made s

Titus 2:5 and to be s to their husbands,

2:9 slaves to be s to their masters

3:1 Remind the people to be s to rulers


Ro 8:20 the creation was s to frustration,


1Co 14:34 but must be in s, as the law says.

1Ti 2:11 learn in quietness and full s.

Heb 5:7 heard because of his reverent s.

1Pe 3:22 authorities and powers in s to him.


Jas 3:17 considerate, s, full of mercy


Pr 3:6 in all your ways s to him, and he

Ro 13:5 is necessary to s to the authorities,

1Co 16:16 to s to such people and to everyone

Eph 5:21 S to one another out of reverence

Col 3:18 s yourselves to your husbands, as is

Heb 12:9 How much more should we s

13:17 leaders and s to their authority,

Jas 4:7 S yourselves, then, to God.

1Pe 2:18 reverent fear of God s yourselves

3:1 the same way s yourselves to your

5:5 s yourselves to your elders.


Eph 5:24 Now as the church s to Christ,


Dt 4:2 you and do not s from it,


Ps 20:4 heart and make all your plans s.

Pr 15:22 but with many advisers they s.

21:30 plan that can s against the LORD.


Ge 39:23 and gave him s in whatever he did.

1Sa 18:14 In everything he did he had great s,

1Ch 12:18 S, s to you, and s to those who help

22:13 you will have s if you are careful

2Ch 26:5 the LORD, God gave him s.

Ecc 10:10 is needed, but skill will bring s.


Jos 1:7 that you may be s wherever you go.

2Ki 18:7 he was s in whatever he undertook.

2Ch 20:20 in his prophets and you will be s.”


Job 36:15 But those who s he delivers in their

Isa 53:10 to crush him and cause him to s,

Mk 8:31 Son of Man must s many things

Lk 24:26 the Messiah have to s these things

24:46 The Messiah will s and rise

2Co 1:6 of the same sufferings we s.

Php 1:29 in him, but also to s for him,

Heb 9:26 to s many times since the creation

1Pe 3:17 to s for doing good than for doing

4:16 if you s as a Christian, do not be


Isa 53:11 After he has s, he will see the light

Heb 2:9 and honor because he s death,

2:10 perfect through what he s.

2:18 Because he himself s when he was

10:34 You s along with those in prison

1Pe 2:21 called, because Christ s for you,

3:18 For Christ also s once for sins,

4:1 since Christ s in his body,


Job 36:15 who suffer he delivers in their s;

Ps 22:24 scorned the s of the afflicted one;

Isa 53:3 a man of s, and familiar with pain.

La 1:12 Is any s like my s that was inflicted

Ac 5:41 been counted worthy of s disgrace

Ro 5:3 that s produces perseverance;

2Ti 1:8 join with me in s for the gospel,

2:3 Join with me in s, like a good

Heb 13:3 as if you yourselves were s.


Ro 5:3 but we also glory in our s,

8:17 if indeed we share in his s in order

8:18 that our present s are not worth

2Co 1:5 share abundantly in the s of Christ,

Php 3:10 and participation in his s,

1Pe 4:13 you participate in the s of Christ,

5:9 is undergoing the same kind of s.


Pr 13:20 for a companion of fools s harm.

1Co 12:26 If one part s, every part s with it;


2Co 12:9 said to me, “My grace is s for you,


Ge 2:18 I will make a helper s for him.”


Ro 13:9 be, are s up in this one command:


Ps 50:1 s the earth from the rising of the

Isa 45:3 God of Israel, who s you by name.


Mt 7:12 to you, for this s up the Law


Jos 10:13 So the s stood still, and the moon

Jdg 5:31 may all who love you be like the s

Ps 84:11 For the LORD God is a s

121:6 the s will not harm you by day,

136:8 the s to govern the day,

Pr 4:18 the righteous is like the morning s,

Ecc 1:9 there is nothing new under the s.

Isa 60:19 The s will no more be your light

Mal 4:2 the s of righteousness will rise

Mt 5:45 He causes his s to rise on the evil

13:43 the righteous will shine like the s

17:2 His face shone like the s, and his

Lk 23:45 for the s stopped shining.

Eph 4:26 Do not let the s go down while you

Rev 1:16 His face was like the s shining in

21:23 The city does not need the s


Mt 26:30 When they had s a hymn, they


2Sa 23:4 light of morning at s on a cloudless

Hab 3:4 His splendor was like the s;


Ro 11:18 do not consider yourself to be s to

Heb 1:4 as the name he has inherited is s

8:6 ministry Jesus has received is as s


Lk 22:20 after the s he took the cup, saying,

1Co 11:25 way, after s he took the cup, saying,

Rev 19:9 to the wedding s of the Lamb!”


Ac 20:34 of mine have s my own needs

Php 4:18 I am amply s, now that I have


2Co 8:14 your plenty will s what they need,

1Th 3:10 and s what is lacking in your faith.


2Co 9:12 you perform is not only s the needs


Ps 18:18 disaster, but the LORD was my s.

Ro 11:18 You do not s the root, but the root

1Co 9:12 have this right of s from you,


Ps 94:18 your unfailing love, LORD, s me.

Col 2:19 s and held together by its ligaments


Eph 4:16 held together by every s ligament,


Ro 1:18 s the truth by their wickedness,


Col 1:18 in everything he might have the s.


Nu 28:31 s the animals are without defect.

32:23 you may be s that your sin will find

Dt 6:17 Be s to keep the commands

14:22 Be s to set aside a tenth of all

29:18 make s there is no root among you

Jos 23:13 you may be s that the LORD your

1Sa 12:24 But be s to fear the LORD

Ps 132:11 David, a s oath he will not revoke:

Pr 27:23 Be s you know the condition

Isa 28:16 cornerstone for a s foundation;

Eph 5:5 For of this you can be s:


Pr 31:29 noble things, but you s them all.”


Jn 1:15 me has s me because he was before

1:30 me has s me because he was before


Ps 138:2 solemn decree that it s your fame.

Pr 8:19 what I yield s choice silver.

Mt 5:20 that unless your righteousness s

Eph 3:19 know this love that s knowledge—


Ps 150:2 praise him for his s greatness.

2Co 3:10 in comparison with the s glory.

9:14 of the s grace God has given you.

Php 3:8 a loss because of the s worth


1Th 5:4 this day should s you like a thief.


1Pe 4:4 are s that you do not join them

4:12 do not be s at the fiery ordeal

1Jn 3:13 not be s, my brothers and sisters,


Ps 5:12 you s them with your favor as

32:7 and s me with songs of deliverance.

89:7 more awesome than all who s him.

125:2 As the mountains s Jerusalem,


Heb 12:1 since we are s by such a great cloud


Ps 32:10 LORD’s unfailing love s the one

89:8 and your faithfulness s you.

125:2 so the LORD s his people both


Ezr 4:9 and Babylon, the Elamites of S,

Ne 1:1 year, while I was in the citadel of S,


Job 26:7 he s the earth over nothing.


1Ti 6:4 in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil s


Ps 55:22 on the LORD and he will s you;

Isa 46:4 will s you and I will rescue you.


Heb 1:3 s all things by his powerful word.


Ps 18:35 shield, and your right hand s me;

146:9 the foreigner and s the fatherless

147:6 The LORD s the humble but casts

Isa 50:4 to know the word that s the weary.


Isa 25:8 he will s up death forever.

Jnh 1:17 provided a huge fish to s Jonah,

Mt 23:24 You strain out a gnat but s a camel.


1Co 15:54 “Death has been s up in victory.”

2Co 5:4 so that what is mortal may be s


Mt 11:7 A reed s by the wind?

22:16 You aren’t s by others, because you

2Ti 3:6 are s by all kinds of evil desires,


Lev 19:12 “ ‘Do not s falsely by my name

Ps 24:4 trust in an idol or s by a false god.

Isa 45:23 by me every tongue will s.

Mt 5:34 I tell you, do not s an oath at all:

Jas 5:12 my brothers and sisters, do not s


Ge 3:19 the s of your brow you will eat

Lk 22:44 his s was like drops of blood falling


Job 20:12 “Though evil is s in his mouth

119:103 How s are your words to my taste,

Pr 9:17 “Stolen water is s; food eaten

13:19 A longing fulfilled is s to the soul,

16:24 s to the soul and healing

20:17 Food gained by fraud tastes s,

Ecc 5:12 The sleep of a laborer is s,

Isa 5:20 who put bitter for s and s for bitter.

Eze 3:3 tasted as s as honey in my mouth.

Rev 10:10 tasted as s as honey in my mouth,


Ps 19:10 they are s than honey, than honey

119:103 taste, s than honey to my mouth!


SS 4:11 Your lips drop s as the honeycomb,

5:16 His mouth is s itself;


Mt 12:44 s clean and put in order.


Pr 1:16 into evil, they are s to shed blood.

Ecc 9:11 The race is not to the s or the battle

Isa 59:7 they are s to shed innocent blood.

Ro 3:15 “Their feet are s to shed blood;

2Pe 2:1 bringing s destruction


1Co 5:11 or slanderer, a drunkard or s.


1Co 5:10 or the greedy and s, or idolaters.

6:10 nor slanderers nor s will inherit


Ge 3:24 and a flaming s flashing back

Dt 32:41 when I sharpen my flashing s

Jos 5:13 of him with a drawn s in his hand.

1Sa 17:45 “You come against me with s

17:47 here will know that it is not by s

31:4 Saul took his own s and fell on it.

2Sa 12:10 the s will never depart from your

Ps 44:6 my s does not bring me victory;

45:3 Gird your s on your side,

Isa 2:4 will not take up s against nation,

Mic 4:3 will not take up s against nation,

Mt 10:34 not come to bring peace, but a s.

26:52 all who draw the s will die by the s.

Lk 2:35 a s will pierce your own soul too.”

Ro 13:4 for rulers do not bear the s for no

Eph 6:17 of salvation and the s of the Spirit,

Heb 4:12 Sharper than any double-edged s,

Rev 1:16 was a sharp, double-edged s.

19:15 of his mouth is a sharp s


Ps 64:3 They sharpen their tongues like s

Pr 12:18 words of the reckless pierce like s,

Isa 2:4 They will beat their s

Joel 3:10 Beat your plowshares into s


Heb 6:13 him to swear by, he s by himself,


Ps 110:4 The LORD has s and will not

Eze 20:42 the land I had s with uplifted hand

Heb 7:21 “The Lord has s and will not


Am 7:14 and I also took care of s trees.

Lk 19:4 and climbed a s tree to see him,


Nu 6:9 the hair that s their dedication,

6:18 off the hair that s their dedication.

6:19 off the hair that s their dedication,

1Pe 3:21 this water s baptism that now saves


1Pe 3:8 like-minded, be s, love one another


Ps 69:20 I looked for s, but there was none,


Lk 4:16 the Sabbath day he went into the s,

Ac 17:2 Paul went into the s, and on three