

adoption 184, 200, 175; same sex 125, 237; studies 18990

Adorno, Theodor 25, 31, 99101, 103, 115

allele 177, 178, 183, 191, 228, 231; splicing 194; variation 206, 208, 21516; heritability 211, 213

Altemeyer, Robert 102, 115, 189

Amodio, David 155, 170,

amygdala 20, 65, 154, 156, 158, 197, 231

androstenone 11314

Angell, DeeAnn 1735, 183, 184, 199

anteaters 2058, 216

anterior cingulate cortex 20, 1546, 198

Aristotle 378, 40, 41, 44, 45, 49, 50

Arovosis, John 243

art 90, 945, 1045, 11011, 143

Asperger’s Disorder 767

assortative mating 39

authoritarian(ism) 43, 45, 97, 113, 124, 186, 189; authoritarian personality 25, 98107

authority (obedience to) 5965, 86

autism 768

automatism 82

autonomic nervous system (ANS) 6, 153, 159, 166, 169, 247


baloney generator 201, 26,

Baron-Cohen, Simon 78, 88

BeanFest 1368, 154

bedrock (social) dilemmas/principles 37, 41, 446, 48, 4950, 52, 556

behaviorally relevant biological predispositions 86, 196, 2468

behaviorism 6770

Belyaev, Dmitri 180, 211

Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire 168

Berlin, Isaiah 72

Big Five Personality Index 16, 1034, 110

Bin Laden, Osama 24, 239

Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli 2401

Boas, Franz 72, 73

Bouchard, Thomas 189, 2001, 270

brain imaging 20, 24, 26, 157

Buckley, Jr., William F. 14, 12, 28, 40, 45, 51

Bush, George W. 42, 48, 93, 23940, 242


Cameron, David 142, 193

Capote, Truman 59

Carney, Dana 95, 115, 268

Cashdan, Elizabeth 217, 233

Center for Responsive Politics 96

central nervous system (CNS) 149, 152, 169

Chambers, Alan 846

Charney, Evan 32, 201, 235, 249

City College of New York 337, 42, 45

Cochran, Gregory 88, 203, 21013, 226, 2334

(cognitive) closure 105, 124, 137, 231

communism 27, 345, 46, 99

conscientiousness 8, 103; and ideology 1419, 104, 11011; and tastes and preferences 1047, 137; and cognitive closure 105, 124; and RWA 107

Converse, Philip 27, 32, 567

core values 1089

correlated/correlate/correlations 1419

corrugator supercilii 1689

cortisol 151, 169

Cosmides, Leda 88, 211, 223, 2334

Costa, Paul 104, 115


Damasio, Antonio 83, 88

determinism 26, 72, 243, 264

dictator games 623

disgust 135, 147, 151, 162, 163, 164, 167, 168, 191; sensitivity to 21, 22, 26, 110, 162, 163; and moral foundations 1067, 161, 162, 163; facial expressions 1356; images 136, 161, 163, 164

dizygotic (DZ) twins 1859

Dodd, Mike 120, 130, 1445

dopamine 150, 179, 191, 197

dot-probe 124, 126, 133

DRD4 1912, 197

Durkheim, Emile 72, 88


Eagleman, David 20, 30, 88, 199, 201

Eaves, Lindon 186

electroencephalogram (EEG) 155

eidetic imagery 989

Einstein, Albert 34, 200

electrodermal activity (EDA) 26, 152, 15965

electromyography (EMG) 26, 168, 244

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 11, 12, 224

endocrine/endocrinology 20, 24, 169

epigenetics 179, 230

equipotentiality 68

ethnocentrism 100, 1813, 220, 223, 226

eugenics 245

event response potential (ERP) 155

evolution 68, 69, 2078, 214, 215, 21617, 243, 245; and faces 128, 135; and images 131; and disgust 162; and reproduction 178; attitudes toward 2034; and groups 21821; and politics 21821, 223, 224

evolutionary psychology 86, 225; and behaviorism 69, 210, 212, 231; and personality 70, 211; environment of evolutionary adaptiveness 217

Exodus International 84

eyetracking 26, 12933

Eyesenck, Hans 101


false consensus 247, 260

false equivalency 5

fascist/fascism 27, 51, 59, 99101, 115

Faulkner, William 150

Fazio, Russell 13645

Firth, Colin 147, 153, 154, 156, 170

flanker task 12433

Fowler, James 191, 201

Fox News 3, 6

Fox, Arthur 112

Franken, Al 3, 200, 273

Frenkel-Brunswick, Else 100

Freud(ian) 59, 101, 118

fruit flies 175, 183, 209; and beer 8990, 112; reproductive behavior 178, 1946, 230

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 155, 1578


Gage, Phineas 14850

Gallup 253, 262

Garcia, John 68, 88

gay (same-sex) marriage 237, 262; issue position 16, 37, 43, 125; and disgust 1623

gaze cuing 26, 11924, 143

Gilbert and Sullivan 25, 28

Gladwell, Malcolm 735, 88

global warming (climate change) 9, 19, 22, 37, 140, 151, 251

Goldberg, Lewis 104, 115

Gould, Stephen Jay 2434

Graham, Jesse 31, 106107, 116

Gross, James 56, 168, 171,

group evolution 21826

genome wide association study (GWAS) 38, 190, 192


Haidt, Jonathan 30, 31, 106, 107, 110, 116, 171, 200, 222, 225, 234, 255, 264,

happiness set point 23

Harlow, Harry 67, 68, 88

Harpending, Henry 88, 203, 210, 212, 213, 226, 233, 234

Haston, Robert 7, 30, 200, 233, 234

Hatemi, Pete 190, 191, 201

heart rate 20, 1513

hippocampus 20, 194, 196

Hitler 42, 47, 62, 100, 209

Hobbes, Thomas 712, 88, 221, 242

homosexuals/homosexuality 84, 102, 127, 2534

hormones 149, 151, 169, 177, 1967, 213

hot cognition 22, 26

Howe, Irving 356

Huey, Edmund 129, 144

humor 6, 25, 87, 90, 95, 110 913, 114

Huntington’s Disease 182, 209

Hussein, Saddam 48, 239, 240

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) 151

hypothalamus 20, 196


International Affective Picture System (IAPS) 126, 1304

insular cortex 20


Jaensch, Erich 989, 115

Jencks, Christopher 227, 234

John, Oliver 168

Jost, John 27, 303, 57, 116, 145, 268


Kanai, Ryota 154, 156, 170

Kennedy, John F. 117, 149

Kirkpatrick, Jeane 2278

Kristol, Irving 36, 56


Laertius, Diogenes 37

Lakoff, George 2567, 265

Laponce, J. A. 51, 57

Lavin, Christine 173, 196, 268

Leibniz, Gottfried 1921

Levinson, Daniel 100

Lewis, Jim 1834, 189

Libertarians 1112, 423, 237

Limbaugh, Rush 3, 200

Lindbergh, Charles 478

Locke, John 712, 88

Lodge, Henry Cabot 47

Lodge, Milton 22, 31, 264

Lysenko, Trofim 99, 200


M’Naughton, Daniel 801

Madison, James 2, 25860, 265

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 154,

Malkin, Michelle 3

Mao 73, 245

Marcus, Gary 207

Martin, Nick 186, 200

Marx, Groucho 25, 28, 72

Marx, Karl 35, 72, 241

marxism 34, 36, 56, 226

McCabe, Kevin 65, 87

McCrae, Robert 104, 115, 271

McGuire, Eleanor 1934

mendellian genetics 99, 214

Mill, John Stuart 1112, 30

Miller, Andrew 217, 233

Milgram, Stanley 5965, 87

monozygotic twins 1849, 192

Mooney, Christopher 28, 32, 145

moral foundations 26, 51, 10516, 161, 163, 231, 246, 248

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 235, 242

Mueller, Dennis 71, 88

Murray, Charles 2434, 264

music 90, 946, 99, 1025, 110, 190


negativity bias 170, 2226, 231, 246

Neiman, Jayme 112, 115, 116, 199

neoconservatism 367, 227

neuroception 2467, 256 92, 114

New York Times 34, 157,

Niebuhr, Reinhold 12

Nixon, Cynthia 2423, 253

noble savage 723, 86


Obama, Barack 24, 913, 142, 242, 257

Obamacare 22

object warping 66

oldfield Mice 22832

olfaction 113, 191

openness 1034, 226, 251; and political orientations 104, 105, 124, 226; and tastes and preferences 104; and moral foundations 107; and right wing authoritarianism 107; and values 10910; and evolution 223

Optimates 501

orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) 83

Ortega y Gasset, Jose 117


Palin, Sarah 22, 51

parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) 153

Patterson, John 25, 114

Pearson, Karl 245, 264

phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) 11213

Pinker, Stephen 20, 30, 234

poetry 94, 967, 110, 232, 236

polarization 29, 224, 245

polygraph 152, 159

Populares 501


Ray, J. J. 103, 115

Reagan, Ronald 36, 47, 228

Reed, Kay Rene 1735, 1834, 199

Rees, Gerant 154, 156

Republican Party 11, 37, 478

respiration 20, 152

right wing authoritarianism (RWA) 102, 107, 186, 189

Robinson, Gene 179

Romney, Mitt 134, 142, 193, 257

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 345

Rorschach, Hermann 11718

Rosenberg, Julius 35

Russell, Bertrand 34


Sacks, Oliver 148, 170

salmon, dead 1578

Sanford, Nevitt 100

Santorum, Rick 33

scatterplot 1518, 186, 187

Schwartz, Shalom 31, 10810, 116,

serotonin 169, 197

Settle, Jaime 191, 192, 201

Shapiro, Robert 240, 241, 164

Shook, Natalie 13740, 145, 154

sickle cell anemia 213

silver foxes 175, 1801, 183, 211

skin conductance level (SCL) 2312

Skinner, B.F. 67, 69, 71, 88

Sober, Eliot 219, 233

society works best index 52, 53, 54, 186

sociopathy 21415

Sophocles 147, 162

Springer, Jim 1834, 189

stroop test 1245, 127, 133

Stuart, Robert Douglas, Jr. 47

sympathetic nervous system (SNS) 153, 159, 169, 246


Taber, Charles 22, 31, 264

Taft, Robert 47, 57

testosterone 70, 113, 169

threat (perception) 19, 134, 141, 158, 169, 2223, 230, 246; and political views 22, 1356, 156, 161, 2223, 251, 252; and out-groups 44, 46, 48; attention to 130; images 1356, 161; facial expressions 1356, 156; and SNS 153, 161

Tomkins, Silvan 25, 31

Tooby, John 88, 211, 223, 233, 234

traumatic brain injury (TBI) 148


ultimatum games 623


vasopressin 1778, 191, 1956

Vedantam, Shankar 198, 201, 258, 265

Vidal, Gore 14, 28, 40, 45, 51

Vigil, Jacob 1356, 145

Visscher, Peter 1923, 201

voles 17683, 191, 195, 196


Wallace, Alfred Russell 198, 199

Washington, George 258, 260

Watson, John 67, 82

Weaver, Jim 1834, 189

Will, George 12, 27

Wilson, David Sloan 219

Wilson, E. O. 218, 243

Wilson, Glenn 25, 94, 101

Wilson-Patterson 15, 16, 102

Wisotsky, Zev 90, 114


Yarbus, Alfred 130, 144

Young, Everett 1234


Zimbardo, Philip 60, 62, 87