Box 2–1: Correlations and Factor Analysis

Box 3–1: Herding, Farming, and the Optimal Level of A

Box 3–2: Personality and Altruism: H as the Missing Link

Box 3–3: Nature and Nurture

Box 3–4: Does Personality Change?

Box 4–1: Of Conquistadors and Sweetheart Swindlers

Box 4–2: Pride and Prejudice—and Personality

Box 4–3: Personalities of US Presidents of the 1960s and 1970s

Box 4–4: Personality and the Stanford Prison Experiment

Box 4–5: A Tale of Two Art Collectors

Box 5–1: Narcissism at First Sight

Box 5–2: Measuring Personality: Self-Reports (and Observer Reports) Work Better Than You’d Think

Box 6–1: Why Are Spouses Similar in Beliefs and Attitudes?

Box 7–1: Political Orientation, Sexual Orientation, and the O Factor

Box 7–2: Personality and Politics: It Depends on the Context

Box 9–1: Cheating in the Psychology Lab

Box 9–2: The H Factor and the Free Rider Problem

Box 9–3: Hutopia?