♦ ♦ ♦


Aachen, Congress of (1818), 174

Abyssinia, 183

Addis, Sir Charles, 42

Agricultural interests, 111–113

Agricultural prices, 57, 65, 102, 104, 113, 129, 145–146

Angell, Norman, 12

Anti-Semitism, 188–189

Aquinas, Thomas, 206

Aranha, Oswaldo, 155–157

Argentina, 12, 64–65, 67–68, 145–146, 177; banks, 66; central bank, 36, 151; depression, 146–152; Roca-Runciman agreement, 132, 147–149; trade policies, 146–147

Asia: financial and economic crisis of 1997, 17, 26, 32, 65, 200, 208, 213–214, 220–222; wage conditions, 176–177

Auriol, Vincent, 193–194

Australia, 12, 28–29, 63, 126; immigration, 15; wage bargaining, 171

Austria: Anschluss (1938), 184, 195; bank crisis, 53–57, 71, 98–99; budget, 56; exchange control, 46–47; League of Nations stabilization, 36, 38; Nationalbank, 20, 141; trade policy, 126, 141

Bähr, Johannes, 171

Bailouts, 56

Balcerowicz, Leszek, 209

Balderston, Theo, 171

Balfour Committee, 107

Balogh, Thomas, 198

Bankers Trust, 86

Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 5, 41–48, 97, 217; decline in 1930s, 95

Bank of England, 20, 35, 45, 69–70, 190; and devaluation, 73–74; and private banks, 72–73

Bank of United States, 76

Banque de France, 20, 54, 73, 84, 190; and devaluation, 87; internal structure, 192, 194; links with commercial banks, 85–86, 195–196

Barings, 20, 216

Barshefsky, Charlene, 222

Belgium: bank problems, 51; gold standard, 91–92; stabilization, 40

Benjamin, David, 170

Bennett, Richard, 121, 125

Bentley, Arthur Fischer, 114

Bernanke, Ben, 169

Bilateralization of trade, 140, 163–166

Binder, Hamlyn, 55

Blanqui, Jérome, 175

Blum, Léon, 191, 194–195

Bodenkreditanstalt, 53–54, 71

Bolivia, 152; default, 46, 64, 66, 146

Bonar Law, Andrew, 118

Bonnet, Georges, 195

Borah, William, 135

Borchardt, Knut, 171

Boyce, Robert, 68

Brazil, 3, 26, 28, 100, 126; bank problems, 66; central bank, 36; depreciation and default, 46, 64–66, 73; trade policies, 144, 146, 152–157

Bretton Woods conference (1944), 43, 166, 205

Briand, Aristide, 25, 122

Brüning, Heinrich, 92, 128

Brussels conference (1920), 36

Buchanan, Patrick, 202

Bülow, Bernhard von, 132

Bülow tariff, 101

Bulgakov, Mikhail, 163

Bulgaria, 142–143

Caldwell and Company, 76

Canada: central bank, 36, 195; immigration, 15–16, 174; and imperial preference, 125–126; protectionism, 121, 125–126; and world depression, 94–95, 116, 145–146

Cannan, Edwin, 170

Capital flight, 50, 61–62, 82, 85–86, 187–189, 195–196

Capital flows: and crises, 2–3, 16, 19–20, 31–32, 45–46, 95, 98–100, 222; long-term, 17, 48–49, 63, 103; short-term, 42, 48–50, 103

Caprivi, Leo von, 15

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 209

Carey, Kevin, 169

Cariguel, Charles, 87

Cartels, international, 139–140

Castle, William, 128

Central banks, 17–18; and BIS, 43; and economic crises, 96–97; independence, 35–37, 41, 52, 208; as villains of depression, 97

Chamberlain, Neville, 124–126, 131

Chevalier, Michel, 13, 26

Chile, 36, 145, 157; default, 46, 64, 66–67, 146

China, 16, 172, 177

Clay, Henry, 148

Cleveland, Grover, 173

Cobden, Richard, 13, 26

Colijn, Hendrik, 92, 121

Colombia, default, 46, 64, 67

Condliffe, J. B., 119

Connally, Thomas T., 80

Construction and economic activity, 173

Copper, 139

Corruption, 215–217

Counter-Reformation, 8–10

Crane, J. E., 87

Creditanstalt, 54–56

Cuba, 67, 136

Czechoslovakia, 111, 184; stabilization, 37–39; trade policy, 107–108, 126, 144

Daladier, Edouard, 83–84, 195

Danat Bank (Darmstädter- und Nationalbank), 61–63, 71

Daniels, Josephus, 137

Davenport, C. B., 174

Davis, Norman, 129

Dawes plan, 39–40, 42, 141

Democratic politics, 110–115, 140, 165

Denmark, 40, 126, 140

Dependency theory, 143

Deutsche Bank, 61, 63

Díaz-Alejandro, Carlos, 67

Dollfuss, Engelbert, 131

Duclos, Jacques, 191

Economist, 72, 129

Egypt, 48, 68; cotton exports, 112, 144

Eichengreen, Barry, 33, 69, 169, 196

Einzig, Paul, 91

Elliott, Walter, 124

Ellis, Howard, 142

El Salvador, 67

Estonia, 126

Federal Reserve System, 40, 76; and BIS, 43; creation, 19; New York Bank, 61–62, 77, 79–80; open market operations, 78, 80

Federation of British Industry, 114, 118, 124

Feinstein, Charles, 50

Feis, Herbert, 136

Finland, 140

First World War, 25, 168; and depression, 5; and finance, 37, 117; and labor militancy, 35, 175; and national production, 110, 188–189

Fontane, Theodor, 10

Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act, 28, 102, 116–118

Fournier, Pierre, 193

France, 57; bank weakness, 84–86; budget policies, 15, 83–84, 88, 194–195; and capital flight, 49–50, 82, 189–191; currency stabilization, 37, 40; and empire, 146; and Germany, 39, 114, 119, 167; and Great Britain, 41–42, 54; immigration, 179–181; trade policy and protectionism, 110–112, 118–119, 126

Francqui, Emile, 47

Fugger, Jakob, 9

Fujimori, Alberto, 209

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 22–23, 68

Galsworthy, John, 188

Geddes, Sir Eric, 37

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 110, 166, 204–205

Genoa conference (1922), 33–34, 42, 93

Germain-Martin, Louis, 83

Germany, 2, 37, 64; banking crises, 59–63, 71, 99; budget problems, 15, 62; customs union with Austria, 123; external debt, 6–16, 70; and gold standard, 33; immigration, 16, 176, 180–181; recovery and rearmament, 197–198; short-term debt, 49; stabilization (1924), 39–40; trade with Argentina, 151–152; trade protection, 100, 113, 117–118, 126, 136, 141–145; trade with Brazil, 153–155; trade with Soviet Union, 161; wages, 169, 171

Gide, André, 197

Gilbert, Seymour Parker, 47

Glass, Carter, 80

Glass-Steagall Act (1932), 81

Gnägi, Gottfried, 89

Goebbels, Joseph, 189

Göring, Hermann, 138, 151

Gold standard, 17–18, 33–35, 65, 73–74, 79–82, 87–89, 91–92, 94, 96, 169

González, Felipe, 209

Goode, Sir William, 72

Grandi, Dino, 182–83

Gray, John, 4

Great Britain: banking problems, 70–74, 98; and bilateralism, 164–166; budget, 69–70; as short-term debtor, 49–50; stabilization (1925), 68–69; trade policy and protection, 110, 118, 123–125, 129, 136; trade with Argentina, 132; wages and unemployment, 170–171, 181

Greece, 46, 126, 142

Grimm, Hans, 183

Grosz, George, 25

Grundy, Joseph, 112

Haberler, Gottfried, 196

Habsburg empire, 9, 51–52, 111, 119, 185

Haider, Jörg, 202

Hajdu, Zoltan, 53

Harrison, George, 37, 61, 71, 77, 79, 97

Harvey, Sir Ernest, 70

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act (1930), 29, 102, 112–114, 116, 121–122, 134, 222

Herriot, Edouard, 83–84, 191

Hilferding, Rudolf, 171

Hirschman, Albert, 144–145

Hitler, Adolf, 106, 133, 134–135, 141, 183–184, 224

Honduras, 67

Hoover, Herbert, 78–79, 81, 112, 130, 170

Hopkins, Sir Richard, 69–70

Hülse, Ernst, 44

Hueyo, Alberto, 148, 150

Hugenberg, Alfred, 132

Hull, Cordell, 109, 132–136, 138, 156–157, 166

Hungary: and anti-Semitism, 189; banks, 52–53; currency losses, 58; foreign indebtedness, 57–59, 71; League of Nations stabilization, 36, 38–39; trade policy, 107–108, 111, 119, 142–143

India, 177

Inflation, 7, 34–35, 37, 39, 117, 198

Inoue Junnosoke, 93

Interest groups, 109, 111–112, 114–115, 124–125, 134–135, 137–138, 165

International Labour Organization, 5, 176–177, 181, 208, 217

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 5, 25, 43, 39, 100, 166, 218–221

International Trade Organization, 166

Inukai Tsuyoshi, 94

Ireland, 11

Islam, 210–11

Istituto di Ricostruzione Industriale, 68

Italy: bank problems, 53, 68; demography, 182; emigration, 172–173, 179–180, 182; stabilization, 40; trade policy, 126

Jacobsson, Per, 34–35, 47, 95

Janssen, Albert, 96

Japan: banks, 93; and depression, 43, 93–94; emigration, 172, 182–183; recovery and rearmament, 198; trade and trade policy, 107, 121, 126, 136, 138–139; wages and costs, 136, 175, 177

John Paul II, 210

Jorgensen, Erika, 146

Jung, Guido, 97

Kanitz, Count, 20

Kellogg, Frank, 25

Keynes, John Maynard, 6, 43, 123, 197, 204

Keynesianism, 26

Kim dae-Jung, 209

Kindersley, Sir Robert, 45–46, 72

Kindleberger, Charles, 55, 119

Kissinger, Henry, 145

Kleinworts, 71–72

Kochin, Levis, 170

Korea, 32

Kreuger, Ivar, 22, 47–48

Krugman, Paul, 3, 22

Kulenkampff, J. A., 151

Kunz, Diane, 69

Labeyrie, Ernest, 192–193

Lacour-Gayet, Robert, 88

Lafontaine, Oskar, 200

Lamont, Thomas W., 47, 64

Latvia, 47, 68

Lausanne conference (1932), 128

Laval, Pierre, 92

Layton, Sir Walter, 129

Lazards, 71–72, 192–193

League of Nations, 25–26, 35, 51, 157, 179, 217; and Austria, 57; financial stabilizations, 25, 38–39; and Hungary, 59; and labor policy, 176; and trade policy, 109, 119–121

Leeson, Nick, 216

Lehideux, Roger, 192

Leith-Ross, Sir Frederick, 129–131, 140

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 158

Leo XIII, 210

Le Pen, Jean-Marie, 202

Lewis, W. Arthur, 104–105, 119

Ley, Robert, 151

Libya, 151

Long Term Capital Management, 3

Luther, Hans, 61–62

Luther, Martin, 8–10, 24, 215

MacDonald, Ramsay, 71–72, 123–124, 127–129, 131, 168–169

Macedo Soares, José Carlos de, 155

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 8–9

Mahathir Mohamad, 3, 202, 224

Malaysia, 3, 202

Manchuria, 182–183

Mannheimer, Fritz, 190

Mant, Sir Reginald, 96

Marchandeau, Pierre, 195–196

Marx, Karl, 21–25

McDonald’s, 2, 12

McGarrah, Gates, 44, 47

McKenna Committee, 50

Méline, Jules, 112

Mexico, 46, 56, 68, 98, 206

Meyer, Eugene, 80, 97

Midland Bank, 72

Mikoyan, A. I., 159

Milken, Michael, 216

Mills, Ogden, 79, 97

Milward, Alan, 143

Mitchell, Charles, 63–64

Mitterrand, François, 200

Mönick, Emanuel, 88, 191–192

Moggridge, Donald, 68

Moret, Clément, 46–47, 54–55, 84–85

Morgan, J. P., 18, 56, 86

Morgenthau, Henry, 194–195

Most-Favored-Nation Clause, 105–106, 117–118, 120, 122–123, 130

Mussolini, Benito, 25, 121, 134–135, 182–183

Musy, Jean-Marie, 90

Napoleon III, 43

Nationalism, 13–14, 26, 29–30, 187–189

Netherlands, 7, 43, 47, 51, 61; bank crises, 89, 91; devaluation, 92

Neurath, Konstantin von, 132

Niemeyer, Sir Otto, 44, 148, 152, 157

Norman, Montagu, 35–37; and Austria, 54–55; and BIS, 41, 45–46; and financial crisis (1931), 69–70, 73–74; mental collapse, 73; view of statistics, 95

Norway, 11

Nurkse, Ragnar, 6, 196

O’Brien, R. L., 135

O’Rahilly, Alfred, 178–179

O’Rourke, Kevin, 4, 6, 11

Ortega y Gasset, José, 7

Oslo convention (1930), 123

Ottawa conference (1932), 125–126, 129–130, 147, 149

Ouchy convention (1932), 123

Oustric scandal, 84–85

Owen, Robert, 174–175

Panama, 67

Paraguay, 152

Pâtenotre, Raymond, 87

Peru, and debt defaults, 64, 67, 146

Poland, 47, 111, 126, 209; agricultural laborers, 16; emigration, 16, 180, 184–185; trade policies, 116, 144

Pollard, Sidney, 68

Popocics, Sándor, 57

Posse, Hans, 130

Prebisch, Raúl, 149, 151, 198

Puttkamer, Robert von, 16

Pyatakov, Grigori, 162

Quesnay, Pierre, 43, 44, 54

Rašin, Alois, 38

Rathenau, Walther, 175

Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, 135–136

Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 81

Reformation, 8–10

Reichsbank, 18–20, 28, 61–63, 131

Reichsverband der Deutschen Industries, 114–115

Reparations, 38–42, 61, 128, 141

Reynaud, Paul, 87, 191

Ricardo, David, 204

Rist, Charles, 88, 195

Ritter, Karl, 156

Robbins, Lionel, 23, 170

Robertson, Dennis, 106

Roca, Julio, 148–149

Rockefeller, John D., 134

Rodrik, Dani, 207

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 81–82, 131–134, 152, 192

Roosevelt, Theodore, 18, 22

Roth, Joseph, 185

Rothschilds, 18, 20, 54, 71

Rubber, 27, 42, 108

Rueff, Jacques, 170

Rumania, 38, 142, 146

Runciman, Sir Walter, 124, 126, 148–149

Russia, 3, 18, 26, 200; commercial monopoly, 122, 158–163; inflation, 37; as model, 21, 160–161, 163, 198, 224

Rwanda, 221

Sachs, Jeffrey, 146, 169

Sackett, Frederick, 128

Salisbury, Lord (Robert Cecil), 24–25

Salter, Sir Arthur, 35, 197

Samuel, Sir Herbert, 124, 126

Schacht, Hjalmar, 28, 37, 131–133, 141, 190

Schachtianism, 133, 141, 163, 166

Schiller, Friedrich, 131

Schmidt, Helmut, 26

Schroeders bank, 71–72

Schumpeter, Joseph, 6

Schwartz, Anna, 69, 76–77

Sciarra, Marco, 9

Scotland, 21

Siepmann, Harry, 74

Simon, Sir John, 124

Singer sewing machines, 12

Smith, Jeremiah, 38

Snowden, Philip, 70, 124

Société Générale, 51

Sombart, Werner, 106, 199

Soros, George, 3, 203, 215–216

South Africa, 40

Souza Aranha, Olavo Egydio de, 154–155

Soviet Union. See Russia

Spain, 7, 43, 45

Stalin, Joseph, 158–163, 224

Stevenson rubber plan, 27, 42, 108

Stiglitz, Joseph, 3

Stimson, Henry, 97, 130

Stoppani, Pietro, 130

Strakosch, Sir Henry, 96

Strong, Benjamin, 36–37, 40–41

Sugar, 139

Sweden, 136

Switzerland, 43–44, 51, 61; bank crises and capital flight, 89–91; bank secrecy, 90; devaluation, 92; immigration, 179; trade policy, 121–122, 127, 141

Swope, Gerald, 134

Tajikistan, 221

Takahashi Korekiyo, 94

Tardieu, André, 112, 123

Tea, 139

Teagle, Walter, 134

Temin, Peter, 33–34, 69

Thailand, 32

Thomas, Albert, 181–182

Thomas, Brinley, 11

Torrens, Robert, 106

Trade unions, 111, 170–171

Tripartite Pact (1936), 194–195

Trotsky, Leon, 158

Turkey, 46, 47, 142; bank runs, 68

Unemployment, 70, 74, 78, 168–169, 171

United States: bank exposure to central Europe, 59; banking crises, 76–82; budget problems, 77–79, 81–82; capital export, 33, 48–50, 60, 63–64, 133, 137, 148, 157; and crisis of 1907, 18–19; and gold standard, 81–82; immigration, 15, 172–174; labor unions, 170; Securities and Exchange Commission, 63; stock crash (1929), 29, 76–82; trade policy, 107, 113–114, 121, 131–137; trade with Brazil, 155–157; trade with Soviet Union, 161

Universal banks, 51–53

Uruguay, 65–67

Vandenberg, Arthur, 135

Van Tonningen, Rost, 57

Varga, Eugen, 160

Vargas, Gétulio, 153, 155–156

Vargas Llosa, Mario, 89

Versailles Treaty (1919), 28, 101, 113, 176, 208

Villermé, Louis René, 175

Viner, Jacob, 160

Volcker, Paul, 4, 219

Wages and wage costs, 11, 69, 74, 117, 169–170, 180–181, 203

Wagner, Adolph, 14, 207

Wagner, Richard, 23–25

Warburg, Paul, 40 “Washington consensus,” 200, 207–208

Washington Hours of Work Convention, 178

Watson, Catherine, 50

Webb, Sidney (Lord Passfield), 74

Weber, Max, 16

Wicker, Elmus, 76

Wilhelm II, 175

Williams, E. E., 15

Williamson, Jeffrey, 4, 6, 11

Williamson, John, 208

Wilson, Harold, 23

Wilson, Woodrow, 101, 173

World Bank, 223

World Economic Conference: of 1927, 109, 119–120; of 1933, 97, 109, 128–133, 139

World Population Conference (1927), 181

World Trade Organization, 5, 166, 205, 221; Seattle meeting, 1–2, 4, 220

Young, Owen, 41

Young plan and loan (1929), 41–42, 141

Yugoslavia, 39, 46; trade policy, 142–143

Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 202, 212

Zimmermann, Alfred, 38