

2D layers, simulating shallow depth of field, 219-221. See also layers

2D space, working in, 266

2K vs. 4K video, 9

3D camera views, using, 265-271

3D layers, 39, 270-271

3D References Axes, Composition panel, 28

3D Renderer, 34, 269-271

3D space, rotating layers, 263-265

4-Color Gradient effect, 179


ACA (Adobe Certified Associate) exam, preparing for, 5

ACA exam tips, 293

ACA exam objectives, x

Action Sports Logo project, 145-148, 167-170

ad elements, adding, 255-256

ad project, starting, 252-255

adjustment layers, 39, 244-245. See also layers

Adobe Bridge

effects presets, 115

enhanced browsing, 116-117

previewing presets, 234

Adobe Communities forum, 17

Adobe ID account icon, 14

Adobe Media Encoder CC

features, 53

proxy presets, 157

proxy workflows, 155-156

vs. Render Queue, 105-106

sending compositions to, 104-106

Adobe Premiere Pro

vs. After Effects, 55-57

and Dynamic Link, 246-248

Advanced tab, Composition Settings, 34

After Effects

getting news, 17

vs. Premiere Pro, 55-57

starting, 13-16

updates, 17

using, 11

aligning layers, 88-89

Alignment options, Paragraph panel, 87

Alt key. See keyboard shortcuts

anchor points

centering to layers, 171

customizing for transformations, 94-95

layers, 90

Pen tool, 127

Animate menu button, 92

animated shapes, creating for logos, 165. See also shapes


Dog with Puppet animation, 257-261

elliptical masks, 226-230

First Margin property, 126

flashing lights, 78-83

layers, 40-45

layers simultaneously, 172

logo text, 167-169

mask opacity, 238-239

strokes, 166

text, 117-121, 171-174

text along paths, 124-130

Trim Paths properties, 166

animation principles

anticipation, 276

appeal, 282-283

arc motion, 280

exaggeration, 281-282

follow-through action, 278-279

overlapping action, 278-279

pose-to-pose animation, 277-278

secondary action, 280-281

slow-in and slow-out, 279-280

solid drawing, 282

squash and stretch, 276

staging, 277

straight-ahead animation, 277-278

timing, 280-281

using, 282-283


applying with layer styles, 234-235

easing, 45

refining with interpolation, 283-286

setting up, 42-44

tuning with Graph Editor, 286-290

Animator text animator, working with, 168

anticipation, animation principle, 276

appeal, animation principle, 282-283

Appearance preferences, 54

application window, resizing, 24

arc motion, animation principle, 280

archiving projects, 195-196

aspect ratio

exporting compositions, 139-140

proxies in Adobe Media Encoder, 156

audio, adding to compositions, 102-103

Audio Meters panel, 20-21

Audio panel, 22-24

audio specifications, exporting compositions, 140

Audio tab, Export Settings dialog box, 109

Auto-Save preferences, 54


background color

composition settings, 33

removing, 210

background effects, browsing, 115

background video, adding, 175


applying effects, 214-217

defined, 223-224

pre-composing, 255

backward and forward playback, 183-185

Baseline Shift option, Character panel, 86

Bezier interpolation, 285

Bitrate settings, codecs, 156

bits and bytes, measuring, 154

blending modes

applying, 74-76

effects, 179

toggling with switches, 38

blur, amount, 220-221

Bold option, Character panel, 86

Bridge. See Adobe Bridge

Broadcast Colors effect, 182-183

Browse Presets, choosing, 115

browsing storage drives, 70


Camera Blue effect, 220-221

cameras, adding, 266-269

capitalization option, Character panel, 86

Capitals option, Character panel, 86

Captions tab, Export Settings dialog box, 110

Character panel, 85-87


editing on text layers, 85

selecting all on text layers, 124

child layer, Parent & Link menu, 102. See also layers

clips, logging and naming, 10

Close button, 22

codec settings, 156

collaboration and integration, 3

Collapse Transformations option, 38-39

Collect Files feature, 195

color correction vs. color grading, 134

color keying, 209

Color option, Character panel, 85

color picker, 47, 118. See also Lumetri Color

Colorize Infrared preset, 217

colors, changing for masks, 237-238

columns, controlling, 67

Command key. See keyboard shortcuts

compositing project, starting, 202-203

Composition Marker dialog box, 101

Composition panel

3D References Axes, 28

Grid and Guide options, 28-29

items displayed in, 242-243

navigating, 27

positioning objects, 28-29

preview magnification, 27

Proportional Grid, 28-29

quality of preview image, 30-31

Rulers, 28-29

symbols, 103

time display, 30

Title/Action-safe margins, 28-29

transparency, 31

using, 18-20, 26

viewing frames, 30

Composition Settings tabs

3D Renderer, 34

Advanced, 34

Basic, 32-34

Motion Blur options, 34

presets, 68

composition terms, 223-225


adding footage, 69-70

creating, 66-69

creating with presets, 174

exporting, 51-52, 139-140

going to start and end, 192

nesting, 83, 96

playing back, 27

presets, 68

previewing, 44

proofing and exporting, 104-111

rendering versions, 110-111

sending to Adobe Media Encoder, 104-106

setup for social media, 161-164

testing timing and positioning, 80

compression, 5-6

context menus, using, 12

Continuous Rasterization option, 38-39

copyright and permissions, 160

copyrighted material, 291

correction effects, applying, 176-177

correction properties, Lumetri Color, 133-134

Creative Cloud storage, 15

files, 14

support, 17

Creative Commons license, 291-292

Creative options, Lumetri Color, 135-136

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts

curved segments, reshaping, 128


data rates, measuring, 154


project items, 66-67

zip files, 7

delta symbol, 148

depth of field

defined, 223-224

simulating, 219-221

docking panels, 21-24

document types, displaying, 7

Dog with Puppet animation, animating, 257-261

downloading lesson files, 6-7

dragging panels, 22-24


layer masks, 206-209

lines precisely, 129-130

masks with Shape tool, 228

paths, 208

tools, 208

Drive-In composition, 235-236

drives, working with, 9-10

Drop Shadow layer, 234

Duplicate command, 193


layers, 80, 221-222

queue items, 111


changing for keyframes, 185

composition settings, 33

Dynamic Link and Premiere Pro, 246-248


easing animations, 45

Easy Ease feature, applying, 44, 126

Effect option, 39


applying automatically, 181-183

applying to backgrounds, 214-217

applying to layers, 72-74, 178-179

effects presets

panel, 20-21

practicing with, 122-124

previewing and applying, 114-117

Ellipse tool, 76, 165

elliptical masks, 226-230

exaggeration, animation principle, 281-282

exam tips, 293

exclusive licenses, 292

Expand/collapse twirl arrows, 38

Export Settings dialog box, 108-110


compositions, 51-52, 104-111, 139-140

multiple items, 196-197

Photoshop documents, 222-223


fair use, 291

Faux styling option, Character panel, 86

file compression, 5-6

file sizes, measuring, 154

file types, displaying, 7

files. See also Illustrator files; media files; missing files; Photoshop files

Creative Cloud storage, 14

filtering options, 14

linking to, 7-8

recent, 14

sorting options, 14

storing, 8-10

Fill Color, choosing, 92

fills, applying to shapes, 46

First Margin property, animating, 126

Fit To Comp Height command, 164

Fit To options, Transform submenu, 71

flashing lights, animating, 78-83

floating panels, 21-22, 24

floor graphic, creating, 254-255


creating, 65-66, 113

managing, 11

Output File, 197

follow-through action, animation principle, 278-279

Font option, Character panel, 85


adding to compositions, 69-70

connecting to proxies, 203

importing into projects, 61-64

interpreting, 66

panel, 19-20

trimming, 121-122, 147-148


applying luma key, 217-221

defined, 223-224

forward and backward playback, 183-185

Frame Blending option, 39

frame dimensions, exporting compositions, 139

frame rate, composition settings, 33


navigating, 44

viewing in Composition panel, 30


gamma, Levels effect, 176

Gaussian Blur effect, 179

GB (gigabytes), 154

GPU-accelerated effects icon, 132

gradient overlay, adding to text, 239-240

gradients, adding to shapes, 45-49

Graph Editor, tuning animation, 286-290

green screen composition, 204-205

Grids & Guides preferences, 28-29, 55

grouping panels, 21, 25

guides, defined, 224-225


Hand tool

Composition panel, 27

Timeline panel, 36

HDDs (hard disk drives), using, 9-10

help, getting, 17

hexadecimal model, color picker, 118

Hide/show layer switch, 37-38

Hindi digits option, Character panel, 86

Hold interpolation, 285

HSB model, color picker, 118

Hue/Saturation effect, 215-216, 245


Illustrator, animating text along paths, 271-272

Illustrator files, import options, 64. See also files

Illustrator graphics

converting layers to shape layers, 98-99

importing, 97

Illustrator layers, converting to shape layers, 98-99. See also layers

image correction effect, applying, 176-177

image sequences, importing, 159-160


footage into projects, 61-64

Illustrator files, 64, 97

image sequences, 159-160

JPEG still images, 159-160

In and Out points, adjusting, 122, 147

Indents options, Paragraph panel, 87

integration and collaboration, 3

intellectual property rights, 290-292


changing, 286

refining animations, 283-286

Italic option, Character panel, 86


Johnston, Ollie, 275

JPEG still images, importing, 159-160

Justification options, Paragraph panel, 87, 119


KB (kilobytes), 154

Kerning option, Character panel, 86, 119

Key Cleaner effect, 213

keyboard shortcuts

blending modes, 76

changing, 44

changing values, 44

columns, 67

Composition panel, 27

creating compositions, 68

Duplicate command, 80, 193, 221

Illustrator layers to shape layers, 98

importing footage, 62

interpolation methods, 285

layers, 41, 172, 240

markers, 100

masks, 41, 229, 241, 244

moving current time, 81

Opacity property, 41

opening files and projects, 15

pre-composing layers, 170-171

Preview panel, 49

previewing, 44

Project panel, 64, 72

revealing properties, 41

Select All, 255

showing rulers, 227

solids, 114

splitting layers, 246

start and end of compositions, 192

Transform submenu options, 71

using, 12, 15

zooming time magnification, 35


adding and removing, 177

adding to timeline, 43

changing duration, 185

changing values, 43-44

current-time indicator, 44

navigation buttons, 43

working with, 40

Keylight effect, 209-214


Label layer switch, 38

layer masks, drawing, 206-209. See also masks

layer names, 38

Layer panel, 190

layer properties, revealing, 40-41. See also properties

layer styles, applying, 234-235, 240

layer switches, 37-39

layers. See also 2D layers; adjustment layers; child layer; Illustrator layers; shape layers; text layers

aligning, 88-89

anchor points, 90

animating, 40-45

animating layers, 40-45

animating simultaneously, 172

composition panel, 18

duplicating, 80, 221-222

effects, 72-74

motion tracking, 187-193

parenting coordination, 101-102

playing backward and forward, 183-185

positioning, 175

pre-composing, 82-83, 171

renaming, 237

resizing, 71

reusing, 169-170

revealing properties, 172

rotating, 89-90, 99

rotating in 3D space, 263-265

scaling, 95-96, 163-164

sliding along timeline, 164

splitting, 245-246

Timeline panel, 36-40

Leading option, Character panel, 86, 119

Learn panel, 14

learning skills, 17

legal help, considering, 292

Lens Flare effect, 74

lesson files, downloading, 6-7

Levels, applying, 182

Levels effect, 176

licenses, types, 290-292

Ligatures option, Character panel, 86

lightning animation presets, applying, 136-138


and 3D Renderer, 269-271

putting in composition, 82-83

turning off, 81

Linear interpolation, 284

lines, drawing precisely, 129-130

linking to files, 7-8, 148-149

Lock layer switch, 38

Lock To Time interpolation, 286

logging clips, 10

logo animation, 165, 167-169, 171

Loop icon, Preview panel, 49

luma key, applying to foreground, 217-221

Lumetri Color, using, 132-136. See also color picker


macOS keyboard, Return and Enter keys, 37

Macs vs. PCs, 11-12

magnification bar, Timeline panel, 35

margins, 28-29

markers, using, 99-101

mask and shape path visibility, 208-209. See also shapes

mask areas, solidity and transparency, 211

mask edges, cleaning up, 212-214

mask opacity. See also Opacity property

animating, 238-239

keyboard shortcut, 41

mask paths

editing, 208

Timeline panel, 129

mask points, repositioning, 241-242

Mask Shape options, 229

masking moving subjects, 214-215

masks. See also layer masks

changing colors, 237-238

copying and pasting to text layers, 240-243

creating, 231

creating precisely, 228-229

drawing with Shape tools, 76-78, 228

Feather values, 230

identifying, 237

properties, 230, 241

renaming, 237

revealing video in parts, 236-239

maximizing panels, 24, 65

Mb (megabits) and MB (megabytes), 154

Media & Disk Cache preferences, 54-55

Media Browser panel, 70

Media Encoder CC

features, 53

proxy presets, 157

proxy workflows, 155-156

vs. Render Queue, 105-106

sending compositions to, 104-106

using, 53, 105-106

media files, listing, 13, 59-60. See also files

Memory preferences, 54

Mesh options, Tools panel, 258

missing files, relinking to, 148-149. See also files

model release, obtaining, 292

monitors, arranging panels, 25

motion, smoothing, 125

Motion Blur, 34, 39, 90-92

motion tracking, 187-193

moving subjects, masking, 214-215

Multiplexer tab, Export Settings dialog box, 110

Mute audio layer switch, 37-38


naming clips, 10

nesting compositions, 83, 96

network storage, 10

New Preset button, 162. See also presets

New Project button, 14

New Team Project button, 14

nonexclusive licenses, 292

null object, motion tracking parent, 190-193

Number layer switch, 38

numeric keypad, using, 40


opacity, raising, 79

Opacity property, 41, 179, 286. See also mask opacity

Open Team Project button, 14

Option key. See keyboard shortcuts

organizing files, 10, 65-66

Out and In points, adjusting, 122, 147

Output File folders, 197

Overflow menu, 22

overlapping action, animation principle, 278-279


Paddleboard intro composition, 186-187

Pan Behind tool, 94

Panel menu, 22


arranging, 21-22, 25

displaying, 22

maximizing, 24, 65

switching between, 27

types, 18-21

undocking, 24

Paragraph panel, 87, 119

Parent & Link menu, child layer, 102


coordinating layers, 101-102

Effect layer, 193


drawing, 208

drawing with Pen tool, 126-130

flowing text along, 124-125

PCs vs. Macs, 11-12

Pen tool, 78, 126-130, 206

permissions and copyright, 160

photographic composition terms, 223-225

Photoshop files. See also files

exporting, 222

import options, 62-63

pick whip icon, 102

pins, puppet animation, 257-261

pixel aspect ratio, composition settings, 32

Play/Stop button, 44

point text, adding, 84

pose-to-pose animation, animation principle, 277-278

position icon, 137

Position option, Character panel, 86


layers, 175

and timing, 80


backgrounds, 255

layers, 82-83, 169-171

pre-comps, editing, 171-174

preference settings

Appearance, 54

Auto-Save, 54

Grids & Guides, 55

Media & Disk Cache, 54-55

Memory, 54

resetting, 13, 16

Preferences dialog box, opening, 12

Premiere Pro

and Dynamic Link, 246-248

vs. After Effects, 55-57

preset.aep, creating, 113

presets. See also New Preset button

composition settings, 32

previewing, 234

saving, 110

preview image, changing quality, 30-31

Preview panel, 20-21, 44, 49-50

previewing compositions, 44

principles of animation. See animation principles

project folders. See folders

project items, deleting, 66-67

Project panel

controls, 66

displaying, 72

features, 64-65

organizing media in folders, 65-66

Project window, 66-67

symbols, 103

using, 18-20


archiving, 195-196

creating, 15

editing settings, 17

locating, 17

saving, 61

settings, 66-67

starting, 60-64

proofing compositions, 104-111

properties. See also layer properties

editing, 174

layer switch, 38

property release, obtaining, 292

Proportional Grid, Composition panel, 28-29


attaching to original files, 156

connecting footage, 203

creating in Adobe Media Encoder, 155-156

creating using Render Queue, 152-154

managing, 157-158

prepare for, 151-152

presets for Adobe Media Encoder, 157

using, 150-151

public domain, 291

Publish tab, Export Settings dialog box, 110

puppet animation, 257-261


Quality options, 39, 156

queue items, duplicating, 111

Queue panel, setting up items, 106-108

QuickTime, 52


Rally Car

finishing, 180

intro composition, 174-177

Time Remapping, 177-178

rate of change, controlling, 286-287

Ray-traced 3D option, 34

Reading Direction options, Paragraph panel, 87

Recent list, accessing, 15

relinking to missing files, 148-149

renaming layers and masks, 237

Render Queue

creating proxies, 152-154

vs. Media Encoder CC, 105-106

panel, 52

proxy workflows, 158

using, 51-52

rendering versions, 110-111


application window, 24

layers, 71


composition settings, 33

lowering, 30-31

Return and Enter keys, macOS keyboard, 37

reusing layers, 169-170

“RGB = XYZ,” 271

RGB fill color, choosing, 92

RGB model, color picker, 118

rotation, applying, 89-90, 99

Roto Brush tool, 214-215

Rove Across Time interpolation, 285

Ruby’s Diner Intro, 59

rule of thirds, 224-225

ruler guides

adding, 227

clearing, 230

rulers, showing, 28-29, 225, 227. See also time ruler


safe margins, 29

Save Preset button, 110


presets, 110

projects, 61

Scale property, editing, 71

scaling layers, 95-96, 163-164

Scaling option, Character panel, 86

scaling transformation handles, 71

Screen Matte viewing mode, 211

scrubbing values, 44

Search icon, 14

secondary action, animation principle, 280-281

Select All command, 255

Selection tool, 128

settings, editing, 17

shape layers, identifying, 40. See also layers

shape presets, using, 130-132

Shape tool, 76-78, 228

shapes. See also animated shapes; mask and shape path visibility

adding gradients, 45-49

customizing for animation, 261-263

Shift key. See keyboard shortcuts

Shy switch, 38

Size option, Character panel, 86

skills, learning, 17

slow-in and slow-out, animation principle, 279-280

Snowboard logo, 181, 185-186

social media, setting up compositions, 161-164

solid drawing, animation principle, 282

solids, creating, 72, 114

Solo layer switch, 37

sorting options, files, 14

Spacing option

Character panel, 86

Paragraph panel, 87

spatial interpolation, 284

speed graph, editing, 289-290

Spiro-Mandala shape preset, 132

splitting layers, 245-246

sprites, 131

SSD (solid-state drive) storage, 10

staging, animation principle, 277

Start screen, 14-16


After Effects, 13-16

projects, 60-64


enabling, 42

using with effects, 74

storage drives, browsing, 70

storing files, 8-10

straight-ahead animation, animation principle, 277-278

Stroke option, Character panel, 85

strokes, animating, 166

Subscript option, Character panel, 86

Superscript option, Character panel, 86

Support Center, 17

switches, toggling with blending modes, 38

switching between panels, 27

symbols, reviewing, 103

Sync Settings, 14


Talking Dog composition, starting, 225-226

TB (terabytes), 154

templates, using, 15

temporal interpolation, 284


adding, 222

adding to Action Sports logo, 167-170

along paths from Illustrator, 271-272

animating, 117-121, 171-174

animating along paths, 124-130

gradient overlays, 239-240

as track mattes, 193-195

text animators, using, 92-94

text layers. See also layers

copying and pasting masks, 240-243

forms, 84-85

Thomas, Frank, 275

Thumbs.db files, 6

time, moving, 81

Time Remapping, 177-178

Time Reverse Layer command, 183-185

time ruler, 38. See also rulers

timecode, composition settings, 33

timeline magnification, 38

Timeline panel

layer switches, 39

layers, 36-40

navigating, 35-36

using, 18-20, 50-51, 271

work area, 50-51


animation principle, 280-281

and positioning, 80

tips for taking ACA exam, 293

Title/Action-safe margins, Composition panel, 28-29


Ellipse, 76, 165

Hand, 27, 36

Pan Behind, 94

Pen, 78, 126-130, 206

Roto Brush, 214-215

Rotation, 89

Selection, 128

Shape, 228

Type, 84

Zoom, 27

Tools panel

Mesh options, 258

using, 20

track mattes, 193-195, 231-233

Tracking option, Character panel, 86, 119

Transform submenu, options, 71

transformation handles, scaling, 71

transformations, customizing, 94-96

transparency, Composition panel, 31

Trim Paths properties, animating, 166


footage, 121-122, 147-148

layers, 81

Type tool, 84


undocking panels, 24

updates, getting, 17


value graph, Graph Editor, 287-289

values, changing, 44

Vertical Scaling option, Character panel, 86

Video tab, Export Settings dialog box, 109


3D camera views, 265

Action Sports Logo project, 145

ad elements, 255

ad project, 252

adding and animating text, 180

adding media to compositions, 69

adjusting composition settings, 181

adjustment layers, 243

After Effects vs. Premiere Pro, 55-57

aligning layers, 88

animated shapes for logos, 165

animating gradients, 45

animating layers, 40

animating solids, 78

animating text along paths, 124

animation-presets startup, 113

applying effects to backgrounds, 214

applying luma key to foreground, 217

archiving projects, 195

automatic effects, 181

Baxter Barn Project, 13

compositing project, 202

copying masks to text layers, 240

copyright and permissions, 160

creating compositions, 67

creating masks, 231

creating solids, 72

custom shape to animate, 261

customizing layer transformations, 94

Dog with Puppet animation, 257

Drive-In composition, 235

duplicating layers, 221

editing composition settings, 32

editing pre-comps, 171

editing text for Action Sports logo, 167

effects presets, 114, 122

elliptical masks, 226

exporting, 51

exporting compositions, 139

exporting multiple compositions, 196

exporting Photoshop documents, 222

gradient overlay for text, 239

Graph Editor, 286

green screen composition, 204

Illustrator graphics, 97

importing image sequences, 159

importing media, 63

intellectual property, 290

interface overview, 13-16

keyframes, 40

Keylight effect, 209

layer masks, 206

layer style and animation, 234

lightning animation presets, 136

logo animation, 185

Lumetri Color, 132

markers, 99

motion tracking, 145, 187, 190

nesting compositions, 96

organizing files, 64

Paddleboard intro composition, 186

panels and workspaces, 141

parenting to coordinate layers, 101-102

photographic composition terms, 223

playing backward and forward, 183

preferences, 54

Premiere Pro and Dynamic Link, 246

proofing projects, 104

proxy workflows, 150

Rally Car intro composition, 174

refining animations with interpolation, 283

relinking to missing files, 148

revealing in parts using masks, 236-239

reviewing symbols, 103

rotating layers, 99

rotating layers in 3D space, 263

Ruby’s Diner Intro, 59

settings for compositions, 161

shape presets, 130

solids, 117

splitting layers, 243

stacking effects, 178

starting projects, 60

syncing to audio, 102-103

Talking Dog composition, 225-226

text, 83

text along paths from Illustrator, 271

text animation, 90, 119

text as track mattes, 193

text presets, 118

Time Remapping, 177

time remapping, 145

timeline, 49-51

Timeline panel, 35, 271

tips for taking ACA exam, 293

Track Matte composition, 231

trimming footage, 121

trimming layers, 81

Unpacking and Organizing, 5

videos in parts using masks, 236

visual effects, 113

Welcome to the Team, 3

views, controlling for compositions, 265-266


wall graphic, creating, 252-253

Warp Stabilizer effect, 183

wavy path, drawing, 127-128

width and height, composition settings, 32

Window menu, 18

work area, Timeline panel, 50-51

Work panel, 14-15

workflow, 19-20

working faster, 150-158


appearance, 16

choosing, 18

customizing, 141-142


“XYZ = RGB,” 271


zip files

deleting, 7

unpacking, 6-7

using, 5

zoom slider, Timeline panel, 35

Zoom tool, Composition panel, 27