☐ Fairy Ring Mushroom 50, 51
☐ False Chanterelle 43
☐ False Morel 234, 235
☐ Fat Jack 180
☐ Felt-ringed Agaricus 114
☐ Flat-topped Agaricus 108
☐ Flat-topped
☐ Fluted Black Elfin Saddle 238
☐ Fly Amanita xvi, 76, 77
☐ Fragrant Russula 32
☐ Fried Chicken Mushroom 62
☐ Gemmed Amanita 79
☐ Giant Cypress Agaricus 118
☐ Giant Horse Mushroom 102, 103
☐ Giant Sawtooth 39
☐ Golden Pholiota 136
☐ Granulated Slippery Jack 176
☐ Green-spored Parasol 92, 93
☐ Gypsy Mushroom 140, 253
☐ Hawk Wing 204, 205, 207
☐ Hedgehog Mushroom 202, 203
☐ Hideous Gomphidius 150
☐ Hollow-stemmed Tamarack Jack 182
☐ Honey Mushroom 82, 83–84
Hooded False Morel 235
Horn of Plenty 10
☐ Horse Mushroom 104
☐ Indigo Milk Cap 18
☐ Inky Cap 131
☐ Inrolled Pax 147
☐ Jumbo Gym 138
☐ King Bolete 152–153, 154, 155–158
☐ King Stropharia 124, 125
☐ Large White Leucopaxillus 58
☐ Liberty Cap 129
☐ Lion’s Mane xviii, 200
☐ Lobster Mushroom 248
☐ Ma’am on Motorcycle 98
Madrone Bolete 174
Magic Mushroom 130
☐ Man on Horseback 33, 61
☐ Manzanita Bolete 174
☐ Matte Jack 183
☐ Meadow Mushroom 113
☐ Mock Matsutake 85
☐ Mock Meadow Mushroom 111
☐ Morel 228–229, 232
☐ Northern Red-dye 142, 143
Oak Root Fungus 82
Old Man’s Beard 200
☐ Orange Birch Bolete 152, 173
☐ Orange Milk Cap 24
☐ Orange Peel Fungus 244
☐ Oregon White Truffle 247
☐ Oyster Mushroom xviii, 33–34, 35
☐ Panther Amanita xix, 78
☐ Parasol 96, 97
☐ Parrot Mushroom 46
☐ Pig’s Ears 1, 7
☐ Pine Spike 148
☐ Pink-tipped Coral Mushroom 211
☐ Plums and Custard 42
☐ Poison Pie 146
Pom Pom du Blanc 198–200
Ponderous Lentinus 39
☐ Poor Man’s Slippery Jack 178
☐ Poplar Tricholoma 60
☐ Potent Psilocybe 130
☐ Prince 106, 107
☐ Purple-staining Bearded Milk Cap 20
☐ Queen Bolete 159
☐ Questionable Stropharia 126
☐ Red-belted Conk 191
☐ Red Hot Milk Cap 21
☐ Red-pored Bolete 167
☐ Redwood Rooter 49
☐ Rosy Russula 29
☐ Salt-loving Agaricus 119
☐ Satan’s Bolete 168
☐ Scaly Chanterelle 8, 9
☐ Scaly Pholiota 137
☐ Scarlet Waxy Cap 45
☐ Shaggy Mane 132, 133
☐ Shaggy Parasol xx, 81, 94, 95
☐ Shaggy-stalked Parasol 99
☐ Shaggy Stem 90
☐ Short-stemmed Russula 14, 27
☐ Short-stemmed Slippery Jack 175
☐ Shrimp Mushroom 30, 31
☐ Sierran Puffball 220, 221
☐ Slender Red-pored Bolete 166
☐ Slim Jack 179
Slippery Jill 179
Smooth Parasol 98
☐ Snowbank False Morel 236
☐ Southwestern Caesar’s Amanita 67
Sponge Mushroom 232
Spring Coccora 63, 69
☐ Springtime Amanita 70, 71
☐ Stinkhorn 241
☐ Strap Coral 213
☐ Sulfur Shelf 184, 185
☐ Sulfur Tuft 134
☐ Sweat-producing Clitocybe 52
☐ Tamarack Jack 181
☐ Toothed Jelly Fungus 201
☐ Tork 120, 121, 122–123
Tree Ear 243
Trumpet of Death 10
Truncate Club Coral 212
☐ Tumbling Puffball 216, 217
☐ Turkey Tail 197