Note: italic page numbers refer to figures.
- Aboriginal Australians. See Australian Aborigines
- Adler, Dankmar, 20, 106, 115, 119, 121
- “Adler & Sullivan, Building for Richard Knisely,” 117
- Aflaq, Michel, 72
- AIDS Memorial Quilt, 18–19
- Al-Assad, Bashaar, 74–76
- Al-Assad, Bashar. See Al-Assad, Bashaar
- Al-Assad, Hafez, 73–74
- Al-Assad, Khaled, 22
- Al-Azem, Khaled, 72
- Alfred Beit Foundation, 40–41
- All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Historic and Cultural Monuments, 38, 40
- Al-Madina Souq, 66
- Al-Qaeda, 76
- Al-Quwatli, Shukri, 72
- Al-Shami, Leila, 66–67, 73
- Americana, 90–91
- American Library Association (ALA), 137–138
- American Pickers, 88
- American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), 83
- Antiques Roadshow, 88
- Antiquities Act of 1906, 156
- Aoun, Michel, 74
- Appelt, Dieter, 196
- Appleton, William Sumner, 110
- Arab League, 72
- ArchDaily, 122
- Architectural conservation, 117–125
- Athens Charter on, 118
- Architecture 360, 125
- Armenian Massacre, 52
- Art, digital, 142–144
- Art Institute of Chicago, 106, 109, 119
- Art of War, The, 49
- Arts and Crafts Movement, 156
- Assmann, Jan, 24
- Athens Charter, 118, 169
- Atlas Obscura, 35
- Australian Aborigines, 171–172
- Authenticity, 169
- Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress, 55–57, 77
- Ba’ath Party, 72–73
- Báez, Fernando, 48
- Balfour Declaration of 1917, 70
- Balkan Wars, 22, 48, 57–58
- Bamiyan Buddhas, 20, 21, 147, 177, 181
- Banks, Paul, 4
- Barenboim, Daniel, 208
- Barker, Nicolas, 94
- Baron, David, 167
- Bartle, Richard, 141
- Basbanes, Nicholas A., 94
- Baturina, Yelena, 35
- Beck, James, 168
- Beit, Alfred, 41
- Beit, Lady, 41
- Berlin, 187, 215–216
- Bode Museum, 191, 192, 215
- Brandenburg Gate, 188, 194–195, 196
- demolition versus reconstruction in, 212–214
- history of, 189–190
- Jewish Museum, 204–205
- Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche neighborhood church, 209–211
- “Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe,” 189
- “Memorial Way,” 196–205
- Musikinstrumenten-Museum, 192
- Nefertiti statue in, 187, 188, 190, 214–215
- Potsdamer Platz, 205–212
- Reichstag, 192–194
- unique challenges of preservation in formerly divided, 187–189
- in World War II, 190–191
- Bevan, Robert, 181–182
- Bey, Lee, 125
- Blaha, Craig, 139–140
- Blasphemy laws, 180
- Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access, 146
- Bluestone, Daniel, 111–112
- Blumberg, Stephen C., 94
- Bode Museum, 191, 192, 215
- Bokova, Irina, 63–64
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, 189
- Book collecting, 93–101
- Google Books Library Project, 132–134
- Book Collector, The, 88
- Book of Durrow, The, 31
- Book of Kells, the, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 40
- Book of Manu, 49
- Borchardt, Ludwig, 214
- Bosnian National and University Library, 22
- Bouvard, Marguerite, xxi, 65
- Boym, Svetlana, 189
- Brandenburg Gate, 188, 194–195, 196
- British Museum, 96
- Britz, Johannes J., 148
- Brody, Richard, 204
- Brown, Denise Scott, 12–13
- Brown, Jean, 87, 98–101
- Brown, Leonard, 98, 100
- Bruno, Andrea, 182
- Buddhas of Bamiyan. See Bamiyan Buddhas
- Burke, Richard, 27, 40
- Burnham, Daniel, 106
- Burnham, Franklin Pierce, 112, 114
- Burra Charter, 164
- Cabinet of Curiosities. See Wunderkammer
- Cahan, Richard, 105, 119
- Cains, Anthony, 29–30
- Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The, 177
- Carbon paper, 130
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 55
- Carone, Gabriela Roxana, 156
- Carson, Rachel, 163
- Carter, John, 96
- Cartoons, political, 177–180
- Charlie Hebdo, 180
- Charny, Israel, 59
- Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage, 144–145
- Chicago, 107–109. See also Nickel, Richard
- architectural conservation, 117–125
- Mecca Hotel, 112–113, 114
- Newberry Library, 111, 112
- Prentice Women’s Hospital, 121, 124
- urban renewal and, 113–114
- Chicago Architecture Foundation, 107
- Chicago Historical Society, 111
- Chicago Stock Exchange, 106, 107, 108, 120, 126
- Chinese Railroad Worker Memorial Monument, 8, 9
- Christo and Jeanne-Claude, 193
- Cloud computing, 131
- Cobb, Henry Ives, 111
- Collecting
- book, 93–101
- culture conveyed through, 89–90
- defining, 87–88
- of family histories, 89
- of intangible things, 101–103
- meaning and identity through, 88–89
- visionary, 90–92
- Wunderkammer, 92–93
- Colonial Williamsburg, 25
- Commission on Chicago Landmarks (CCL), 115
- Conservation, 4–5, 167, 169
- architectural, 117–125
- of Bamiyan Buddhas, 181
- Controlled Environment for Works of Art in Transit, 29
- Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, 102, 145–146
- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 56–57
- Conway, Paul, 133, 135
- Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations, 80
- Coptic Museum, 177
- Copying
- benefits of, 136
- cloud computing and, 131
- digital technology and, 130–133
- errors in, 131–135
- evolution of technologies that simplify, 130
- Google Books Library Project, 132–134
- information and knowledge transmitted through, 129–130
- learning by, 129
- Council of the European Union, 172
- Cox, Richard, 140
- Coyle, Karen, 135
- Crowdsourcing, 5
- Cultural genocide, 47
- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 56–57
- ethnic cleansing as, 58
- Hague Convention on, 51–53, 62–63
- looting and, 82
- mass violence as, 59
- Raphael Lemkin on, 53–57, 60, 64, 77–78
- since World War II, 57–58
- terminology, 55–57
- Cultural heritage, 20. See also Cultural genocide
- causes of destruction of, 47
- defined, 23
- human rights and, 48
- intangible, 101–103
- preserved via heritage sites, 78–80
- Radenci Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Emergencies and Exceptional Situations, 80
- Seoul Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Emergency Situations, 80
- strategies for preserving, 23–25
- sustainable preservation and, 173
- “Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley,” 20
- Cultural memory, 23–24
- Cultural property, 51, 62
- Cunningham, Ann Pamela, 110
- CyArk, 82
- Dada, 100
- Dada Painters and Poets, The, 100
- Dahlem Museum, 214
- Daimler Group, 207
- Daley, Richard J., 113, 119, 121
- David, 168–169
- Day, Brian J., 160
- DeHart, Robert, 24
- de Lusenet, Yola, 145
- de Paor, Liam, 30
- de Paor, Maureen, 30
- “De Provincie Bamian,” 21
- Destruction
- of buildings, 108–109
- of cultural heritage, 47
- of objects, 19–22
- versus reconstruction in Berlin, 212–214
- de Waal, Edmund, 89
- Digital art, 142–144
- Digital collecting, 82
- Digital documents, 132–133
- copying errors, 131–135
- Google Books Library Project, 132–134
- Digital preservation, 184. See also Copying
- defined, 137–138
- digital art and, 142–144
- ethics and values in, 147–149, 150
- financial sustainability and, 146–147
- gaming and, 141–142
- Google Books Library Project, 132–134
- new definition of, 151
- social networking and, 138–140
- 3D re-creations and reconstructions as strategy for, 147
- UNESCO and, 144–146
- “Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis, A,” 8, 10
- Documentation of heritage sites, 79–80
- photo-, 81
- Donne, John, 47
- Dragset, Ingar, 17, 25
- Duguid, Paul, 133
- Dunant, Henri, 50
- du Pont, Henry Francis, 90
- Dupré, Judith, 17, 18
- Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 33, 34
- EA-Land, 141
- Eccles, Lord, 88
- Economic aesthetics, 109
- Edbrooke, Willoughby J., 112, 114
- Eiermann, Egon, 211
- E Ink Corp, 137
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 13
- Eisenlohr, Klaus W., 196
- Eisenman, Peter, 198, 204
- Ellison, Nicole B., 139
- Elmgreen, Michael, 17, 25
- El-Sisi, Abdel Fattah, 183
- Encyclopaedia Britannica, 190
- Enola Gay exhibit, Smithsonian Institute, 25
- Ephrussi, Charles, 89
- Ephrussi, Ignace, 89
- Errors, copying, 131–132
- digital, 132–135
- Eternity, 12
- “Ethical Perspective on Political-Economic Issues in the Long-Term Preservation of Digital Heritage, An,” 148
- Ethics
- and values in digital preservation, 147–149, 150
- virtue, 166
- Ethnic cleansing, 58
- Evocative Objects: Things We Think With, 89
- Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP), United Nations, 60
- Facebook, 139–140, 145
- Faceless 82 (Omareen), 68
- Fallen Monument Park, Moscow, 33, 35, 39
- Falser, Michael, 20
- Family histories, 89
- Faysal Ibn Husayn, Amir, 67–68, 71
- Fearrington, Florence, 93
- Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, 13
- Federal Rules of Evidence, 132
- Fertile Crescent, 66–67
- Fick, Roderich, 190
- Fildis, Ayse Tekdal, 76
- Financial sustainability and digital heritage, 146–147
- First Geneva Conference for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded Armies in the Field, 50, 52
- Fisher, Max, 75
- Fluxus movement, 100–101
- Ford, Henry, 90, 110
- Forest, Benjamin, 38, 39
- Foster, Norman, 193
- Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871, 190
- Frank, Peter, 100
- Freud, Sigmund, 8, 10
- Friedman, Ken, 100
- Futurist stance, 166
- Gaming, 141–142
- Gammage, Bill, 171–172
- Gandhi, Mahatma, 164
- Garrick, David, 96
- Garrick Theater, 121
- General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy, 52
- Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare of 1925, 52
- Genocide. See Cultural genocide
- Genocide Studies and Prevention, 57
- Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Biliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books, A, 94
- Giving Preservation a History, 110
- Glessner House, 115, 121, 121
- Goldberg, Bertrand, 121–122, 123
- Golden Eye, 34
- Goodacre, Glenna, 16
- “Good-bye Party Comrades!,” 42, 43
- Google Books Library Project, 132–134
- Gorbachev, Mikhail, 31
- Great Sphinx of Giza, 10, 11, 12
- Great Wall of China, 8, 24
- Greene, David, 31
- Haacke, Hans, 196
- Hague Convention, 51–52, 62–63
- definition of cultural property, 51
- International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS), 78–80
- International Criminal Court (ICC), 52–53
- Halasa, Malu, 68
- Halbwachs, Maurice, 23–24
- Hall, Marcus, 23, 168–170
- Hamar Cathedral, 182–183
- Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance, The, 89
- Hart, Frederick, 16
- Hart, Michael S., 133
- Hate crimes, 180–181
- HathiTrust Digital Library, 133
- Havemeyer, Henry Osborne, 90
- Havemeyer, Louisine, 90, 91
- Hazard, Ebenezer, 96
- Heritage for Peace, 63
- Heroic monuments, 12, 16–17
- Herscher, Andrew, 59
- Hezbullah, 74
- “H. H. Richardson’s Glessner House, 1887,” 121
- Higgins, Dick, 100
- Hijazi, Sulafa, 69
- Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML), 81
- Himmelsbach, Sabine, 142–143, 144, 149
- Historic preservation
- as architectural conservation, 117–125
- Athens Charter, 118
- in Chicago, 107–114
- laws, 115–117
- Hitler, Adolph, 77, 190, 193
- Holabird, John, 106
- Holden, John, 147
- Holocaust, the, 189, 190, 197, 198, 200–205
- “How Long Is Now,” 150
- Hu, Liyan, 22
- Human rights, 48–49
- indigenous persons and, 60–61
- Human Rights Commission, 48–49
- Identity through collecting, 88–89
- Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention C107 of 1957, 60
- Indigenous Australians. See Australian Aborigines
- Intangible things, collection of, 101–103
- International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), 118
- International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites, 118
- International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS), 78–80
- International Council of Museums (ICOM), 80, 118
- International Council on Archives (ICA), 80
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), 80
- International Court of Justice, 52, 53
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 49
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 49
- International Criminal Court (ICC), 52, 64
- International Criminal Tribunal, 59–60
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 33
- International Labour Organization, 60
- Internet Archive, 133
- Interpretive restoration, 163
- Ippolito, Jon, 144
- Iran-Iraq War, 73
- IRENE (Image, Reconstruct, Erase Noise, Etc.), 6
- Irish Times, 27, 29, 30
- IS (Islamic State). See ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
- ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), 20, 22, 63, 66, 76, 181, 184
- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). See ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
- Izenour, Steven, 12–13
- Jacobson, Joseph, 137
- Jahn, Helmut, 208
- Jampol, Justinian, 39
- Jeanne-Claude and Christo, 193
- Jefferson, Thomas, 96, 98
- Jenney, William Le Baron, 106, 107
- Jewish Museum Berlin, 204–205
- Johnson, Juliet, 38, 39
- Jones, Samuel, 147
- Journal of Genocide, 57
- Journal of the History of Collections, 88
- J. Paul Getty Center, 98, 100–101
- Jyllands-Posten, 177, 178–179
- Kadishman, Menashe, 204–205
- Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche neighborhood church, 209–211
- Karavan, Daniel, 197
- Katz, Steven, 59
- Keck, Caroline, 4
- Keck, Sheldon, 4
- Kellogg-Briand Pact, 52
- Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 74, 180
- Kibi, Akira, 212
- Kindle, 137
- King, Roger J. H., 165
- Knisely Building, 117, 119
- Knuth, Rebecca, 48
- Kurds, 71, 75, 76
- Landscape, natural, 12–13
- Langhans, Carl G., 194
- Last Judgment, 168
- Las Vegas, Nevada, 12–15
- League of Arab States, 72
- Learning from Las Vegas, 12–15
- Lebanon, civil war in (1975–1990), 72, 73
- Leclerc, Georges-Louis, Comte de Buffon, 170
- Le Corbusier, 121
- Leigh, Karen, 78
- Lemkin, Raphael, 53–57, 60, 64, 77–78
- Lenin, Vladimir, 34, 36, 39–40, 42
- Library of Congress, 96
- Lieber, Francis, 50
- Lieber Code, 50
- Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, The, 133
- “Limits to Freedom of Expression? The Problem of Blasphemy,” 180
- Lin, Maya, 15–16
- Lipe, William, 4
- Looting, 82
- Lor, Peter Johan, 148
- Lowenthal, David, 165–166
- Lund & Slaatto, 182
- Luxor Temple, 105
- Luzhkov, Yury, 35
- Maciunas, George, 100
- Mahfoud, Nawara, 68
- Mako, Shamiran, 60
- Malanicheva, Galina, 40
- Manaktala, Meghna, 59
- Margottini, Claudio, 20
- “Marina City, Chicago, IL,” 123
- Market Warriors, 88
- Marsh, George Perkins, 170
- Mason, Randall, 110–111
- Massively multiplayer online role-playing games, 141
- Mass violence, 59
- Maxwell Street Market, 125
- McLean, Roy, 215
- McMillan, M. E., 72, 76
- Mecca Hotel, 112–113, 114
- Medvedev, Dmitri, 35
- Memorial to Heinz Sokolowski, 198, 199
- Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted under Nazism, 198, 200–201
- Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, 189, 198, 202–203, 204
- Memorial to the Murdered Members of the Reichstag, 197, 197
- Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe Murdered under National Socialism, 197
- Memory
- cultural, 23–24
- external sites of, 24–25
- Memory of the World Register, 31, 61
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 29
- Michelangelo, 168–169, 171
- Microfilming, 135
- Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 113, 120, 122
- Mihailov, Konstantin, 40
- Miller, Ward, 20
- Miloševic, Slobodon, 59
- Mitchell, Nora T., 165
- Monuments
- definition of, 3, 8
- heroic, 12, 16–17
- nontraditional, 18–19
- types of, 8–19
- as worthy of preservation, 10
- Morris, Sarah Rogers, 120
- Morris, William, 164
- Morrison, Hugh, 120–121
- Motherwell, Robert, 100
- Muir, John, 169–170
- Müller, Justus, 196
- Munby, A. N. L., 94
- Muñoz Viñas, Salvador, 4, 168–169
- Murphy, Derek, 141
- Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 93
- Musikinstrumenten-Museum, 192
- Muslim Brotherhood, 73
- Muslims
- Bamiyan Buddhas and, 20, 21, 147, 177, 182
- Jyllands-Posten and, 177, 178–179
- sharia law and, 180
- Nag Hammadi Gnostic scriptures, 177
- NAMES Project Foundation, 19
- Nara Document, 169
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 72
- National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NUL), 22
- National Gallery of Dublin, 41
- National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), 115–116
- National Park Service, U.S., 167, 169
- National Trust for Historic Preservation, 122
- Native Americans, 156, 158
- Natural landscape, 12–13, 169
- restoration of, 171–172
- Nazi Germany, 56–57, 77, 190–191. See also Berlin
- Nefertiti, 187, 188, 190, 214–215
- Netizens, 63
- Neues Museum, 214
- Newberry Library, 111, 112
- New York Review of Books, 29, 30
- Nickel, John, 115
- Nickel, Richard, 19–20, 30, 116
- attempts to preserve Sullivan’s buildings, 118–125
- education of, 114–115
- historic preservation laws and, 115–117
- learning about the process of historic preservation through, 109–111
- “Louis Sullivan’s Architectural Ornamentation” thesis, 114–115
- service in the Korean War, 114
- significant contributions to historic preservation, 106–107, 120
- Studs Terkel on, 126
- Nintendo64, 34
- Nontraditional monuments, 18–19
- Nora, Pierre, 24
- “Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Exterior View of Prentice Women’s Hospital and Maternity Center, Chicago, IL,” 124
- Norton Anthology of English Literature, 160
- Novella Maioriani 4, De aedificiis pubblicis, 105
- Nye, Joseph, 62
- Omar, Mullah Mohammed, 181
- Omareen, Zaher, 68
- On Architecture, 156
- On Collecting, 88
- Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) WorldCat, 88
- Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence, 59
- Oral cultures, 101–102
- Orange, 35
- Ottoman Empire, 67, 70
- Page, Max, 109–111
- Palmyra, 65, 78
- Paradox, preservation
- examples, 177–183
- recent events and, 183–184
- “Paradox of Preservation, The,” 177, 183
- Pearlstein, Ellen, 4
- Permanent monuments, 7
- Personal information management (PIM), 140
- Phillipps, Thomas, 94, 95, 96
- Photo-documentation, 81
- Pinchot, Gifford, 169–170
- Plato, 156
- Polish Daily News, 115
- Political cartoons, 177–180
- Potsdamer Platz, 205–212
- Powell, Roger, 29
- “Powerless Structure,” 17, 18
- Prentice Women’s Hospital, 121, 124
- Preservation. See also Cultural genocide
- aspects of, 5–6
- in Berlin (see Berlin)
- in Chicago (see Chicago)
- collecting as (see Collecting)
- conservation, restoration, and, 4–5
- defined, 4, 167
- of destroyed objects, 19–22, 108–109
- different definitions of, 184–185
- as enduring or ephemeral, 177–185
- laws on, 115–117
- as monumental task, 3, 6–7
- as nexus of cultural heritage and human rights, 48
- paradox, 177–183
- social networking and, 6
- strategies for cultural heritage, 23–25
- in Syria (see Syria)
- Preservation, digital. See also Copying
- defined, 137–138
- digital art and, 142–144
- ethics and values in, 147–149, 150
- financial sustainability and, 146–147
- gaming and, 141–142
- Google Books Library Project, 132–134
- new definition of, 151
- social networking and, 138–140
- 3D re-creations and reconstructions as strategy for, 147
- UNESCO and, 144–146
- Preservation, sustainable
- connections between natural and human-made environments and, 172–173
- debates over, 168–169
- environmental sustainability principles and, 165–167
- futurist stance in, 166
- history of, 155–158
- proper relationship between humans and nature and, 170–171
- restoring land, 171–172
- standards for, 164–165
- virtue ethics in, 166
- Preservation Chicago, 122
- Project Gutenberg, 133
- Putin, Vladimir, 40
- Raczynski, Count, 192
- Radenci Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Emergencies and Exceptional Situations, 80
- Radislav Krstic case, 59
- “Rationale of Collecting, A,” 87, 88
- Realms of Memory, 24
- Re-Collection: Art, New Media, and Social Memory, 144
- Re-creations, 3D, 147
- Red Cross, 50
- Reichstag, 192–194
- Renewal, urban, 113–114
- Restoration, 4, 105
- boundaries of, 163
- interpretive, 163
- of the natural landscape, 171–172
- sustainable preservation and, 167–168
- Revitalization, 114
- Richard Nickel Archive, 126
- “Richard Nickel’s Photography: Preserving Ornament in Architecture,” 120–121
- Richardson, Henry Hobson, 106, 107, 114, 115, 121
- Riedlmayer, András J., 48, 59
- Riegl, Alois, 8, 12
- Rinehart, Richard, 144
- Robie House, 121
- Roche, Martin, 106
- Roerich, Nicholas, 50–51
- Roerich Pact, 50–51
- Rolland, Romain, 10
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 48–49
- Root, John Wellborn, 106
- “Ruin or Rebuild? Conserving Heritage in an Age of Terrorism,” 181–182
- Rules of engagement, 49–50
- Rumsey, Abby Smith, 149
- Rushdie, Salman, 180
- Ruskin, John, 131, 143, 155
- argument against restoration, 162
- criticisms of scientists, 160–161
- on destructive “restoration,” 162–163
- influence on William Morris, 164
- on moral dimension, 163–164
- on state of architecture in his own time, 163
- writings about clouds, 158–160
- writings as “prequel” to environmental ethics, 161–162
- Russia, 38–39, 43. See also Soviet Union, the
- All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Historic and Cultural Monuments of, 38, 40
- “Good-bye Party Comrades!,” 42, 43
- “Leninfall” in, 39–40
- Syria and, 76
- San Remo Conference of 1920, 67, 70
- Satanic Verses, The, 180
- Save Prentice Coalition, 122
- Schadow, Johann Gottfried, 194
- Schloss, the, 213
- Schmidt, Heinz, 212
- Schmidt, Helmut, 197
- Schneider, Peter, 200, 213
- Schüller-Zwierlein, André, 62
- Schwartz, Hillel, 129, 135
- Scott, David A., 169
- Semelin, Jacques, 58–59
- Seoul Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Emergency Situations, 80
- Serra, Richard, 198, 204
- Seven Lamps of Architecture, The, 162
- Shalechet (Fallen Leaves), 204–205
- Sharia law, 180
- Silent Spring, 163
- Silk Road, 66, 181
- Simon, James, 214–215
- Siskind, Aaron, 20, 115
- Sistine Chapel, 168, 169, 171
- Six-Day War, 73
- Smithsonian Institution, 25
- Social justice, 148
- Social networking, 5, 6
- digital preservation and, 138–140
- Social network sites (SNSs), 139, 145
- Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB), 164
- Soft power, 62
- Sokolowski, Heinz, 198, 199
- Sony Center, 208, 209
- Sorokin, Vladimir, 39, 40
- Soviet Union, the. See also Russia
- Fallen Monument Park, Moscow, 33, 35, 39
- fallen statues in, 31, 33–39
- Felix Dzerzhinsky Monument in, 33, 34
- Joseph Stalin monuments in, 36, 37
- Vladimir Lenin monuments in, 34, 36, 39, 42
- Yakov Sverdlov Monument in, 33, 34
- Spatial archaeometry studies, 82
- Stalin, Joseph, 36, 37
- St. Clair, Archer, 165
- Steele, Jane, 121
- Sterne, Laurence, 133
- “Stewarding the Future,” 165–166
- Stewardship, 165–166
- Stewart, Rob, 164
- Stipe, Robert E., 110
- Stock Exchange Trading Room, Art Institute of Chicago, 106–107, 109
- Stone, Peter, 79–80
- Storytelling, 101–102
- Stubbs, John H., 23, 105
- Sturges, Paul, 180
- Sullivan, Louis, 20, 106, 107, 111, 114, 115, 117, 137
- Nickel’s attempts to preserve buildings of, 118–125
- Sun Tzu, 49
- Surrealism, 100
- Sustainable preservation
- connections between natural and human-made environments and, 172–173
- debates over, 168–169
- environmental sustainability principles and, 165–167
- futurist stance in, 166
- history of, 155–158
- proper relationship between humans and nature and, 170–171
- restoring land, 171–172
- standards for, 164–165
- virtue ethics in, 166
- Sutkus, Antanas, 42, 43
- Sverdlov, Yakov, 33, 34
- Swartzburg, Susan G., 33, 34
- Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, 67, 70–71, 76
- Syria, 181
- al-Assad regimes, 73–76
- American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) in, 83
- Arab League and, 72
- civil war in, 65–66, 74–76, 83–84
- diverse and ancient cultures of, 66–67
- 8 March Revolution, 72
- Emergency Safeguarding of the Syrian Heritage Project, UNESCO, 81
- ethnic groups in, 75
- in the Fertile Crescent, 66–67
- French control of, 67, 70, 71–72
- heritage sites, 78–80
- Marguerite Bouvard on, 65
- rich cultural heritage of, 65–66
- Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 and, 67, 70–71, 76
- Violations Documentation Center, 76
- Yazda: A Global Yazidi Organization in, 83
- Syria Speaks: Art and Culture from the Frontline, 68
- Talbot, Henry Fox, 130
- Taliban, the, 20, 181–182
- Tanselle, G. Thomas, 87–88, 101
- Taylor, Ken, 165
- Terkel, Studs, 126
- Terrorism, 180–181
- Thompson, Jana, 166–167
- 3D re-creations and reconstructions, 147
- Trading Room. See Stock Exchange Trading Room, Art Institute of Chicago
- Treasures of Early Irish Art exhibition, Trinity College Library, 27–31, 41
- Treaty of Sèvres, 71
- Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments, 50
- Trinity College Library, 27–31, 32
- Turkle, Sherry, 89
- Ukraine, 39
- UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), 20, 22, 31, 61–62, 63–64, 66, 181–182
- Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, 102
- digital heritage and, 144–146
- Emergency Safeguarding of the Syrian Cultural Heritage Project, 81
- World Heritage Sites, 20, 61, 66, 165, 169, 191
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), 60–61
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 49, 180
- University of Virginia Library, 96, 97–98
- Untitled (Hijazi), 69
- Untitled 5 (Younes), 69
- Urban renewal, 113–114
- Van der Lubbe, Marinus, 193
- Venice Charter, the, 118, 164, 169
- Venturi, Robert, 12–13
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 14, 15–17
- Vinci, John, 20
- Violations Documentation Center, Syria, 76
- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel, 162–163, 164
- Virtue ethics, 166
- Vitruvius, 156
- Von Boddien, Wilhelm, 213
- Wabi-sabi approach, 143–144
- Wallot, Paul, 192
- War(s)
- human rights and, 48–49
- rules of engagement for, 49–50
- since World War II, 57–58
- World War I, 53–54
- World War II, 56–57, 77
- “War and Heritage: Using Inventories to Protect Cultural Heritage,” 79
- Warburg, Aby, 23–24
- Washington Pact, 50–51
- Washington Post, 75
- Webb, Electra Havemeyer, 90–91, 98
- Wedel, Carola, 214
- Weever, John, 3, 8, 10
- Welchman, Jennifer, 166
- Wikipedia, 130–131
- Working Group on Indigenous Populations (WGIP), United Nations, 60
- World Heritage Sites, 20, 61, 66, 165, 169, 191
- World War I, 53–54
- World War II, 56–57, 77. See also Berlin
- Wrapped Reichstag, 193
- Wright, David H., 30–31, 121
- Wright, Frank Lloyd, 106
- Wunderkammer, 92–93
- Xerography, 130
- Yamagata, Hiro, 22
- Yanukovych, Victor, 39
- Yassin-Kassab, Robin, 66–67, 73
- Yazda: A Global Yazidi Organization, 83
- Younes, Khalil, 69
- Yu, Janson, 22
- Yueluan, Yang, ii, 24, 25
- Yugoslavia, 57–58, 59, 79–80
- Zwirner, Christian, 196