1.Catherine Brahic, “Does the Earth’s Magnetic Field Cause Suicides?” New Scientist (April 24, 2008). Available at http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13769#.Ub8mSeAxYVs.
2.Nigel and Maggie Percy, “The Cause of Cancer? What Doctors Have Said,” Sixth Sense Consulting. Online summary available to newsletter subscribers; available at professional-house-clearing.com/cause-of-cancer.html. Elora Gabriel, “Geopathic Stress and Radiation: A Breakthrough in Earth Healing,” Explore! 9, no. 1 (1999). Article online, available at rubysemporium.org/geo_stress.html.
3.William Bengston, The Energy Cure (Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2010).
4.Judy Jacka, The Vivaxis Connection: Healing through Earth Energies (Newburyport, MA: Hampton Roads, 2000).
1.See Cyndi Dale, The Complete Book of Chakra Healing (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2009) and Advanced Chakra Healing (Berkeley, CA: Crossing Press, 2005).
2.David Furlong, Working with Earth Energies (London: Piatkus Books, 2003). Katrina Raphaell, The Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts, webcrystalacademy.com.
1.Cyndi Dale, The Intuition Guidebook (Minneapolis: Deeper Well Publishing and Brio Press, 2011).
1.Stephen Barrett, Chios Energy Healing, chioshealing.com.
2.Leslie Swartz and Elmarie Swartz, Healing Journeys Energy School of Energy Healing, healing-journeys-energy.com.
1.Dorothea Hover-Kramer, Healing Touch: Essential Energy Medicine for Yourself and Others (Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2011), 12.
2.Sanjay Pisharodi, “Ten Acupressure Points Lead to a Healthy, Wholesome Life,” NaturalNews.com, October 21, 2011. Available at naturalnews.com/033933_accupressure_health.html#ixzz1n44SlWRh.
3.Michael Reed Gach, Acupressure’s Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments (New York, NY: Bantam, 1990).
4.The seven acu-exercises were adapted from those in the following online articles: Melissa Smith, “Acupressure Points for Healing,” Livestrong.com, September 2, 2010. Available at livestrong.com/article/213496-acupressure-points-for-healing/#ixzz1n3zAJ5Xs. Sumei FitzGerald, “Anti-Anxiety Acupressure Points,” Livestrong.com, August 18, 2011. Available at livestrong.com/article/516869-antianxiety-acupressure-points/#ixzz1n40ktXAk. Melissa Smith, “Acupressure Points for Neck Pain,” Livestrong.com, September 2, 2012. Available at livestrong.com/article/227586-acupressure-pointfor-neck-pain/#ixzz1n40P3Ezf. Melissa Smith, “Facial Acupressure,” Livestrong.com, September 28, 2010. Available at livestrong.com/article/260944-facial-acupressure/#ixzz1n40AzAMZ. Melissa Smith, “Acupressure Points for Metabolism,” Livestrong.com, June 14, 2011. Available at livestrong.com/article/278680-acupressure-points-for-metabolism/#ixzz1n3zm1G7Q. Meg Kramer, “Acupressure Points for Allergies,” Livestrong.com, September 9, 2011. Available at livestrong.com/article/539688-acupressure-points-for-allergies/#ixzz1n3zMnH1e.
5.Valerie Lis, MA, certified EFT expert and trainer, Simple EFT, simpleeft.com.
1.Jacka, The Vivaxis Connection.
2.Jack Angelo, Distant Healing: A Complete Guide (Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2008).
1.Gertrud Hirschi, “Finger Meditations, a.k.a. Mudras,” article on the website InnerSelf.com (no date). Available at innerself.com/Meditation/finger_mudras.htm. Article excerpted from Gertrud Hirschi, Mudras: Yoga for Your Hands (San Francisco: Weiser, 2000).
1.Jon Kabat-Zinn, Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress (New York: Delta, 1990).
2.Sue Schmidt, “Brain Wave Therapy,” webpage on the website Mind Power for Positive Change (2009). Available at mindpower1.net/brainwaveinfo.html
3.Vianna Stibal, “About Vianna Stibal” webpage on the website ThetaHealing, thetahealing.com.
4.Cyndi Dale, The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy (Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2009), 106.
5.Franz Bardon, Initiation into Hermetics, trans. Dieter Rüggeberg (Salt Lake City, UT: Merkur, 2001). Original German edition, 1956. First English edition, 1962.
1.Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2008). The Yaqui are a native tribal people living in northern Mexico and in Arizona. Although Castenada’s books are fiction, they are based on his real-life experiences. I have found the shamanic information they contain is consistent with my own experiences.
2.Jon Whale, “Core Energy: Shifting the Assemblage Point,” Positive Health, no. 17 (January 1997). Available at positivehealth.com/article/energy-medicine/core-energy-shifting-the-assemblage-point.
1.Amir Farid Isahak, “The Ki to Longevity” (May 7, 2007), SuperQiGong.com. Available at http://superqigong.com/articlesmore.asp?id=123. S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi and Tomoko Ohnishi, “The Nishino Breathing Method and Ki-energy (Life-energy): A Challenge to Traditional Scientific Thinking,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3, no. 2 (June 2006), 191–200. DOI: 10.1093/ecam/nel004.
1.James Mattioda, PhD, DHom (Med), owner of Arcana Empothecary, San Diego, California, ArcanaEmpothecary.com.
2.“Dangerous Essential Oils,” online page/list on the website Elaine: Webbed. Available at eethomp.com/AT/dangerous_oils.html.
3.Jodi Baglien, certified clinical aromatherapist, well being + wisdom studio, Osseo, Minnesota, JodiBaglien.com.
4.“The 38 Bach Flower Remedies, in Dr. Bach’s Own Words,” page of the website The Original Bach Flower Remedies. Available at nelsonsnaturalworld.com/en-us/us/our-brands/bachoriginalflowerremedies/.
5.Tim Simmone, ChargedWater.com.
6.“Liquid Crystals Light Way to Better Data Storage,” article online at ScienceDaily, June 24, 2010. Available at sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100622095050.htm.
7.John Matson, “Crystal Memory Allows Efficient Storage of Quantum in Light,” June 29, 2010, entry in the blog “Observations,” on the website Scientific American. Available at blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/2010/06/29/crystal-memory-allows-efficient-storage-of-quantum-information-in-light/.
1.Kay Grace, CAEH, sound healing practitioner and educator, Minneapolis, Energy Express, energyexpress.com.
2.Ken Cohen, The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing (New York: Ballantine Books, 1999), 165–166. As cited in Joseph F. Morales, “Six Healing Sounds,” Baharna.com, article online, available at baharna.com/chant/six_healing.htm.
3.Michael Baird, “Reiki and the Healing Drum,” The International Center for Reiki Training: Reiki Articles (2000), article online, available at reiki.org/reikinews/Reiki%20and%20the%20Healing%20Drum.htm.
4.Susan Govali, Singing from the Center, singingfromthecenter.com.
1.“Sunlight Can Prevent Cancer (& Other Illness),” a collection of excerpted articles on the website Healing Cancer Naturally (no date). Available at healingcancernaturally.com/sunlight-prevents-cancer.html. Oliver Gillie, “Article 38: Sunlight Prevents Cancer,” article online on the website Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre (no date). Available at msrc.co.uk/index.cfm/fuseaction/show/pageid/1089.
2.Joseph Mercola, “Light as a Nutrient,” article online on the website International Alliance for Animal Therapy and Healing (IAATH, 2006). Available at iaath.com/light.htm.
3.Jennifer Warters, BSc, MA, sound healer and teacher, United Kingdom, rainbowlightfoundation.net/Jennifer_Warters.html.
4.Howard and Jennifer Beckman, “Healing with Color and Gems,” webpage on the website Vedic Cultural Fellowship. Available at vedicworld.org/healing-with-color-and-gems/.
1.Abraham Karim, “The Science of BioGeometry” article on the website Rexresearch.com (1997). Available at rexresearch.com/biogeom/biogeom.htm.
2.Cyndi Dale, Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life (Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2011), 111–113.
3.Ibid., 113–114.
4.Ibid., 114.
5.Claude Swanson, Life Force: The Scientific Basis: Volume 2 (Tucson, AZ: Poseidia Press, 2009).
6.Mary Desaulniers, “The Torus of Life Healing Meditation,” article on the website Suite 101 (March 10, 2010). Available at suite101.com/article/the-torus-of-life-healing-meditation-a211628.
7.“Healing With Frequencies,” newsletter article on the website Altered States (no date). Available at altered-states.net/barry/newsletter420/.
8.“Platonic Solids,” webpage on the online store Crystal Well-Being (no date). Available at crystalwellbeing.co.uk/catalogueplatonicsolids.php. Ilona Anne Hress, “How to Use Platonic Solids for Personal Growth and Evolutionary Development,” blog entry at Growing Consciousness: The Center for Evolutionary Activity (January 23, 2010). Available at growingconsciousness.com/?p=47.
9.Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medicine (Rochester, VT: Bear & Company, 2001), p. 371.
10.Dale, Energetic Boundaries, 115–116.
1.The Energy Store Geopathic and Electro-Stress Balancing (geopathic-stress.info). BioGeometry (biogeometry.com/english). The Vesica Institute (vesica.org).
2.“Magnetic Field Therapy,” online article on the website “Alternative Medicine Online” (1998), a student-developed learning project included in ThinkQuest Library. Article available at library.thinkquest.org/24206/magnetic-field-therapy.html.
3.Channary Houle, “How to Use Medical Magnets,” webpage on the website Magnetic-Therapy-Living.com (no date). Available at magnetic-therapy-living.com/medical-magnets.html. BiomagScience, “Which Side of a BioMagnet to Use? Because It Matters!” webpage on the website BiomagScience.net (no date). Available at biomagscience.net/magnet-therapy/which-side-biomagnet-use-it-matters.
4.Donn Saylor, “How to Heal With Magnets,” article online at eHow.com. Available at ehow.com/how_5533338_heal-magnets.html.
5.Christine Tran, “Transforming White Walls with Feng Shui Colors,” article online at GoArticles.com (July 21, 2010). Available at goarticles.com/article/Transforming-White-Walls-with-Feng-Shui-Colors/3131198/.
1.Grant McFetridge, PhD, Institute for the Study of Peak States, PeakStates.com.