- About page, website component, 123
- Achievement, impact, 162
- Action‐oriented guidance, provision, 92, 98–99
- Actions
- checklist, 206–207
- planning, 206
- ACTIONTM. See Attract Captivate Tempt Inform Offer Nurture
- Ad hoc income, 10, 213
- Advanced publishing strategy, 112–113
- Adverse consequence, prevention, 199
- Adversity, delay, 199
- Advertising
- brand advertising, impact, 142
- quality, impact, 141
- Advertorials, 144, 146
- Advisory status, 23, 24
- Agenda (confirmation), script (usage), 192
- Always Be Closing (sales adage), 192
- Amazon Web Hosting, usage, 125
- American Insurance Association, 171
- Anti‐social media, 127
- Articles
- acceptance, 110
- content type, 118, 119
- posting, 133
- provision, 111
- published articles, reprints, 189
- rethinking/reusing/repurposing, 112
- sending, 108–110
- website component, 123
- writing, 107–108
- Attention, attraction, 142–144
- testimonials, impact, 147–149
- Attract Captivate Tempt Inform Offer Nurture (ACTIONTM) advertising, 70, 139, 142–146, 213
- client attraction system, 68
- formulas, 143–144, 146
- impact, 146f
- natural ACTIONTM advertisements, 147–151
- Attrition rate, 80
- Audience, 58
- business‐to‐business audience, white papers/special reports (usage), 77
- captivation, 144–145
- testimonials, impact, 148
- characterization, 46
- clients, presence, 96–97
- connection, 88
- decision making, temptation, 145
- education, 48, 76
- entertainment, 92, 95
- informing, 145
- members
- emotional connection, 143
- motivation, 76
- message, matching, 54–56
- nurturing, 145–146
- offers, 145
- temptation, testimonial (impact), 148
- Audio, content type, 118, 121
- Background information, expertise (offering), 107
- Bedside manner, 199
- Belly‐to‐belly, 17, 213
- Belly‐to‐belly selling, 63
- Biannual phone calls, 50
- Blog, usage, 123
- Book review, 48
- Bots, 128–129
- Brand advertising, impact, 142
- Brand awareness, 142
- Branding, expense, 142
- Business
- cards, collection, 99
- change, qualifying script (usage), 187–189
- driving, 72
- examination, 18
- general business groups, 170, 214
- generation, RaporMax® system, usage, 43–50
- growth, 20
- leader, differentiation, 117
- life, 162
- loss, 80
- loyalty, 57
- meeting, 185, 213
- networking groups
- productivity, process, 171–173
- selection process, 169
- online publications, usage, 106
- opportunity, avoidance, 129
- problems, solution, 185
- relationship revenue percentage, 26, 27
- Business Network International (BNI), 171
- Business owner career, 17
- Business‐to‐business audience, white papers/special reports (usage), 77
- Business‐to‐business sale, 18
- Call script, 42
- Call to action, issuance, 83–84, 108
- Carlin, George, 118
- Character references, 149
- Charitable organizations, 169, 170, 213
- Church/religious publications, 111
- Civic groups, 169, 170, 213
- Clarity of purpose. See Purpose
- Client Attraction Secrets for Lawyers (Lorenzo), 105
- Clients, 71
- ambassador, 59
- anger, 60
- attraction, evangelist referral (impact), 72
- attraction system, 67–68
- behavior, seasonality, 63
- calls, 27
- characteristics, 58–59
- commonality points, identification, 58
- communication, 69
- company leaders, research, 133
- conversation, 19
- conversion, 175
- customers, contrast, 71, 214
- decision making ability, 186
- decisions, preference, 61
- delivery, 179–180
- desires, 61
- difference, ability, 29
- economy, impact, 62
- emerging leaders, 60
- evaluation, 154–155
- face‐to‐face meeting, 26, 28
- frustrations, 60
- goal, achievement (barriers), 19–20
- industry/tribe, connection, 59
- interaction, 27–28
- interest, promotion/advancement, 24, 25
- investment average, 60
- invitation, 101
- label, 66
- language, 22, 61
- life events, attendance, 29
- media outlet preference, 62–63
- names, usage, 83
- obtaining, 53
- personal impact, 18
- perspectives, 4
- portfolio, expansion, 122
- product/service introduction, 10
- profile, 57–58
- promotions, 210
- prospective clients. See Prospective clients.
- qualifying process, 183–187
- reading material, 62
- referrals, 28, 155
- relationship
- deepening, 68
- possibility, 19
- revenue, 11
- sales, failure, 61
- selection, 180
- financial advisor script, 181–182
- situation, strengthening, 199
- success story, sharing, 96
- testimonials, 24, 25
- trade associations, 169–171
- transaction size, 60
- trust, 62
- video interview, 121–122
- websites, examination, 121–122
- worry, 60
- Commonality, search, 112
- Communication
- continuation, 84
- frequency, 24
- levers, 44
- persuasion, 45
- RaporMax® System, usage, 71
- Community
- credibility, 149
- leaders, outreach, 54
- outreach, volunteer, 172
- publications, article (sending), 108–110
- Compensation
- agreements, structuring, 54
- impact, absence, 30
- threshold, minimum, 180
- Confidence
- demonstration, 90
- impact, 8
- Confirmation, 153
- Connections, making, 161
- Consultant career, initiation, 5–8
- Consumer‐focused audience, honeypot usage, 77
- Contacts
- introduction, 164
- page, website component, 123
- Content
- calendar, creation, 131–132
- importance, 118
- types, 118–121
- written content, 119
- Contractor, example, 32
- Conversation, initiation, 17–18, 162–163
- Conversion actions, 68f
- Cover letter, usage, 155, 188
- Cover mail, writing, 109
- CPAs, interaction, 54–55
- Credibility, 89, 90–91
- addition, 151
- building, primary internet presence (impact), 124f
- establishment, 90
- origin story, usage, 92–94
- CRM. See Customer relationship management
- Cross‐selling, revenue, 10
- Curiosity (creation), social media (impact), 130f
- Customer, client (contrast), 71, 214
- Customer office, flooding/damage, 4
- Customer relationship management (CRM), 214
- Database, 34, 49, 66–68, 214
- Dating scenario, 69
- Day‐to‐day activities, focus, 15, 44
- Deal
- agreement, 56–58
- closure, 191
- Delivery system, 63
- formula, 131
- identification, 58
- Dialogue, 5
- Differentiation, 89, 91–92
- Domain, recognition/registration, 118
- Dumb money advertisements, 142, 214
- Economic state, examination, 18
- Economy, impact, 62
- Editors, interaction, 110
- Educational events, development, 101
- Educational groups, 169, 170–171, 214
- Electronic books, usage, 106
- Electronic newsletters, usage, 106
- Elks Clubs, 170
- Email
- communication, asynchronicity, 89
- examples, 38–39
- introduction, 167–168
- newsletter, usage, 46–47
- usage, 207
- Emotional connection, making, 78, 96, 119
- Emotional resonance, communication lever, 44, 45
- Emotion (building), presentation arc (usage), 92, 96
- Engagement devices, types/usage, 77
- Entrepreneur's CPA, 55
- Evangelists, 11, 66, 71–73, 214
- identification process, 72–73
- impact, 72
- invitation, 101
- potential, 164
- referrals, 68, 72, 84
- relationships, 84f
- Experience, impact, 199
- Expertise, positioning, 76
- External orientation, 4–5, 56, 214
- Facebook
- advantage, 134
- business page, setup, 134
- leverage, 135
- reconnection, 33
- usage, 127, 134–135
- Facebook Live, usage, 134
- Face‐to‐face meeting, 26, 28
- Failure, pleasure, 211
- Fake accounts, impact, 128–129
- Fear of missing out (FOMO), 214
- Feedback, 151–152
- Financial advisor
- Financial risk, 195–196
- Follow‐up, 168
- opportunities, 99
- publication follow up, 110–111
- For‐profit business, goal, 183
- Frat boy approach, 74, 214
- Frequency, communication lever, 44
- Friends
- making, process, 128
- natural network, 34
- General business groups, 170, 214
- General solution, 80–82
- Goals, achievement, 5, 44
- barriers, 19–20
- stopping, 163
- Goodwill, demonstration, 18
- Gratitude, expression, 24, 25, 28
- Greenfield, Perry, 20
- Ground rules, 182–186, 214
- Growth goals, achievement, 50
- Guidance, 108
- action‐oriented guidance, provision, 92, 98–99
- Gutenberg, Johannes, 112
- Handwritten note, sending, 163–164
- Headline, impact, 107–108
- Headshots, usage, 151
- Hierarchy, basis, 29
- High‐quality referrals, 171
- Hit‐and‐run sales, 7, 214
- Home page
- choices, 123–124
- website component, 123
- Honeypot, 189, 214
- call to action, 83–84
- construction process, steps, 77–84
- conversion, 65
- creation, 207
- general solution, introduction, 80–82
- link, embedding, 132
- offering, 92, 98, 108, 124
- opening, 77–78
- person/product/service, qualifications, 82
- problem
- consequences, 79–80
- framing, 78–79
- qualifications, 82–83
- sending, 164
- services, description, 82–83
- solution/product, description, 82–83
- stand‐alone honeypot, 132
- usage, 73–84
- Humor, usage, 95
- Hypothesis, confirmation, 199
- Ideal Relationship Targeting 21 (IRT 21), 58–63, 214
- Impact areas, options, 200–201
- Income
- source, 8
- types, 9–12, 10f
- Industry
- credibility, 149
- topic, audience (education), 48
- trends, 59
- Information
- physical packet, sending, 188
- power, delivery, 92, 94–95
- product, honeypot usage, 75–76
- Initial contact
- emails, examples, 38
- letters, examples, 40–41
- In‐person meeting, 168
- Instagram, 135–137
- challenge, 136
- leverage, success, 136
- Interaction, opportunity, 22–23
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS), problems, 73
- Internet
- presence, client attraction system, 68, 74
- primary internet presence, 115–121
- usage, 89
- Interview, 152–153
- conducting, 58, 63
- information, usage, 64
- video interview, 121–122
- Intimacy, 24, 25–26
- Investigations, 167
- Job description, 32
- Jobs, listing, 35–36
- Kiwanis Clubs, 170
- Knowledge
- demonstration, 90
- impact, 199
- Language, application, 185–186
- Laughter, permission, 93
- Leadership, demonstration, 90
- Leads Club, 171
- LeTip International, 171
- Letters, examples, 40–41
- Letters of recommendation, receipt, 26, 28
- Leverage (enhancement), evangelists (impact), 72
- Life events, attendance, 29
- Life lesson, 47
- Lifetime value, 57
- relationships, indicators, 23–24
- LinkedIn, 133
- articles, posting, 133
- notifications, sending, 133
- Liparulo, Ralph, 3–5
- Live event, attendance honeypot, 77
- Longer‐form advertisements, 145
- Mailings, usage, 32
- Manager, role, 211
- Masthead, 108
- Media opportunities, 172
- Media outlet
- client preference, 62–63
- preference, 59
- Meeting
- agenda, 189
- expectations, 184
- ground rules, 186
- preparation, 178
- purpose, 182
- Message Audience Delivery system (MAD), 55, 215
- collection, 53
- formula, 63
- Message, crafting, 58
- Message recipients, responses (factors), 55–56
- Messaging, creation, 58
- Mind‐set shift, 7
- Mission, identification, 67
- Money, 180–182, 186
- collection, 53
- discussion, 198–203
- impact, 105–107
- making, opportunity (loss), 177
- requirement, 42–43
- Money, management, 22–23
- Monthly print newsletter, usage, 50
- Movie review, 48
- Names, provision, 166
- Natural ACTIONTM advertisements, 147–151
- Natural network, 32–34, 84, 215
- additions, 66
- members, contact, (reinitiation), 33–34
- memory jogger, 34–37
- people, addition, 33
- RaporMax® System, priming, 74
- setup, 207
- Neighbors, natural network, 34, 35
- Network. See Natural network
- emails, examples, 38–39
- initial contact, email example, 38
- initial contact, letter example, 40–41
- outreach, 38–42
- phone call, example, 41–42
- usage, 32–34
- voice mail, example, 42
- Networking
- business networking, group selection process, 169
- client attraction system, 67, 70
- groups, review, 207
- guide, 161–164
- impact, 165f
- opportunity, maximization, 172
- quality, 157
- speech, delivery, 165
- speed networking, 159–161
- structured networking groups, 169, 171, 215
- time commitment, 173
- News
- media personalities, following, 135
- websites, usage, 106
- Newspapers, content acceptance, 106
- Notes of thanks, receipt, 26, 28
- Objections, thwarting, 149
- Objective, assistance, 162
- Office supplies, referral, 3–4
- Old‐school sales, 56, 74, 215
- Online publications, usage, 106
- Opening question, 18
- Opening story, usage, 108
- Opinion
- sharing, 47–48
- valuation, 56
- Opportunities
- loss, risk, 196
- presence, 23
- Oprah approach, 120–121
- Opt‐in information, 132
- Options, 200–201
- Organizations
- listing, 37
- people, recruitment, 173
- Organizer, calling, 161–162
- Orientation packet, 188–189, 215
- Origin story, usage, 92–94, 96
- Outcome, facilitation, 199
- Paperwork, impact, 210
- Payment, frequency, 36–37
- Pay‐per‐click advertisements, 144, 146
- Peer, treatment, 56
- Pen purchase advance, 3
- People database, 66–68
- Performance
- Performance improvement, measurement, 29
- Personal differentiating factors, 199–200
- Personal email, sending, 163
- Personal meetings, 168
- Personal story, 47
- Personal website, creation, 100
- Phone call, example, 41–42
- Photos
- Physical harm, risk, 195
- Physical letter, usage, 207
- Pipeline, obsession, 9
- Political messages, amplification, 128–129
- Portfolio management, approaches, 20
- Premier positioning, 103
- Presentation
- arc, usage, 92, 96
- interruption, 6
- skills, development, 101–102
- Pride, usefulness, 8
- Primacy (communication lever), 44–45
- Primary internet presence, 115–121, 215
- Printed books, usage, 106
- Printed newsletter
- Print newsletter, usage/effectiveness, 50
- Problems
- consequences, 79–80
- framing, 78–79
- general solution, introduction, 80–82
- realization, 194
- solving, 5, 185–186
- Process management, 9
- Product benefit, demonstration, 197–198
- Professionals
- list, 36
- staff, friendships, 172
- Profile, development, 133
- Projector, usage, 6
- Promotional email, usage, 49–50
- Property, reflagging, 122
- Proposal, creation, 200
- Prospective clients, 164, 180–182
- emotional engagement, increase, 198
- expectations, setting, 184–185
- product/service benefit, demonstration, 197–198
- Prospects, 71, 215
- action, 68
- attraction
- publishing, usage, 107–112
- speaking engagements, usage, 100f
- avoidance, risks, 194–197
- communication, 70
- conversion, 68, 68f, 175
- high‐trust prospects, delivery, 84f
- invitation, 101
- label, 66–67
- production, 109f
- requirements, focus, 193–194
- Psychological risk, 196–197
- Publications
- follow‐up, 110–111
- masthead, 108
- usage, 71
- Published articles, reprints, 189
- Publishing
- advanced publishing strategy, 112–113
- client attraction system, 67, 70
- power, 105
- prospects, production, 109f
- self‐publishing, ease, 112–113
- usage, 103, 107–112
- writing, contrast, 105–106
- Purpose, clarity, 16–17, 213
- Qualifying process, 183–189
- Qualifying script, usage, 187–189
- Questions, 164
- answers, knowledge, 3
- handling, 100
- RaporMax® System, 31, 215
- activities, combination, 67
- calendar, 131
- contacts, addition, 50, 73, 164
- flowchart, 43f
- message, usage, 45
- natural network, additions, 66
- priming, 74
- usage, 43–50, 73, 88, 106
- Recency, communication lever, 44, 45
- Recreational activities, 36
- Recruitment, 147
- Recurring income, 215
- Recurring revenue income, 11
- Referability, 24
- Referrals
- client referrals, 28, 155
- high‐quality referrals, 171
- receipt, 27, 165–166
- relationship, 19
- Relationship‐based business development, commitment intensity (measurement), 26
- Relationship‐based sales, 8–9
- Relationship‐based selling, 175
- Relationship building, problem, 6
- Relationship growth
- factors, 15
- focus, 24
- tracking/forecasting process, 23–26
- Relationship income, 9, 12, 215
- Relationship intensity, commitment, 24, 25
- Relationship Report CardTM, 15, 26, 215
- hierarchy, 29
- questions, 27–29
- Relationship revenue, 11
- Relationships, 88–89
- building, 75
- deepening, 120–121
- destruction, social media (impact), 130
- development, 7, 12, 66, 147
- social media, usage, 130–137
- importance, 4–5
- initiation, 16–17, 57, 101–102
- networking, impact, 165f
- personal interest, 164
- rekindling, 33
- Relatives, natural network, 34, 35
- Repeat income, 215
- Repeat revenue income, 10–11
- Resource, reasons, 20–22
- Restaurant review, 48
- Return on investment (ROI), 171
- maximization, steps, 171–173
- Revenue attraction, problems, 10
- Risk
- Rodriguez, Frank, 121–125
- Rotary Clubs, 170
- Sales
- change, 1, 75
- interview question, 3
- leaders, mistakes, 209
- manager, open letter, 209
- measurement/forecasting, 26–27
- meetings, avoidance, 6–7
- message, development, 57
- operating system, 67
- perspectives, 5–8
- process, 179
- professional
- differentiation, 117
- emailing, 179
- relationship‐based sales, 8–9
- territories, guarding, 210
- training
- Sales conversation
- initiation, 17–20
- meaning, 18
- opening question, 18
- School groups, 35
- Script
- application, 22
- call script, 42
- creation/test, 17
- example, 20–21
- usage, 50, 192
- Search engine optimization (SEO), 119
- Secondary publications
- articles, provision, 111
- content, acceptance, 111
- Self‐deprecation, usefulness, 95
- Self‐promotion, 210
- Self‐published work, content, 113
- Self‐publishing, ease, 112
- Selling, impact, 7
- Service, 200
- benefit, demonstration, 197–198
- construction service, 201–202
- examples, 201–202
- investment, 28
- necessity, 16–17
- passion, 24, 26
- promotional email, usage, 49–50
- Short‐form advertisements, 145
- Show Up/Throw Up, 16
- Situational authority, 91
- Skills, impact, 199
- Small business clients, assistance, 54
- Social media
- advertisements, 144
- client attraction system, 68, 70
- experimentation, 128
- fights, avoidance, 128–130
- impact, 130f
- pay‐per‐action advertisements, 146
- stupidity, 129
- usage, 130–137
- Social platforms, growth, 128
- Social risks, 197
- Solution
- complexity, highlighting, 92, 97–98
- provision, 92, 97
- Speaking
- booking, 91
- client attraction system, 67, 70
- credibility, 89, 90–91
- differentiation, 89, 91–92
- engagements, 71, 141
- attraction process, 100–101
- leverage, 92
- power, leverage, 90
- prospect attractions, 100f
- examples, usage, 95–96
- purpose, clarity, 98, 101–102
- questions, handling, 100
- solution, provision, 92, 97
- videos, posting, 100
- visibility, 89, 91
- Speaking engagements, usage, 87
- Speech
- cancellation, 94
- completion, 98
- delivery, 165
- reason, 99
- structuring, 87
- topics, selection, 100–101
- Speed networking, 159–161
- Spreadsheet, usage, 34
- Stand‐alone honeypot, 132
- Stand‐up meeting, usage, 90
- Story (stories)
- borrowing, 95
- emotional connection, making, 96
- impact, 144
- opening story, usage, 108
- photo stories, 135–136
- usage, 95–96
- Structured networking groups, 169, 171, 215
- Subgroup
- formation, 172
- initiation, 172
- Subject, coverage, 98
- Success
- measurement, 23, 29, 89
- stories
- provision, 92, 96–97
- sharing, 96
- Survey letter, usage, 155
- Surveys, 153–154
- Suspects, 71, 215
- collection, 69–73
- conversion, 69–73, 68f
- credibility (building), evangelists (impact), 72
- invitation, 101
- label, 67
- targeting, 68
- Talent, impact, 199
- Team buy‐in, 195
- Telephone
- connection, 168
- conversations, usage, 88, 160
- Temptations, avoidance, 49
- Testimonials, 147–151, 189, 215
- impact, 147–149
- obtaining, 151–154
- provision, 83, 92, 96–97
- rarity, 147–149
- receipt, 26, 28
- signature, 151
- types, 149–150
- Thinking, showcasing, 119
- Thought process, 17
- Time
- commitment, 173
- loss, risk, 196
- waste, 179–180
- Title/subject line, topic examples, 47
- Tone, setting, 15
- Topic calendar, usage, 120
- Topic examples, 47
- Topic rotation, 46
- Track record, examination, 211
- Trade organization, recruitment, 147
- Trade periodical, publication goal, 111
- Trade publications
- articles, sending, 108–110
- reporters, presence, 107
- Transaction size, 60
- Travel reimbursement, requirement (absence), 101
- Trust, 59, 62, 73
- Turnarounds, 150
- Twitter
- Value, 88–89
- delivery, 8, 152
- exchange, 184, 214
- identification/communication process, 198–200
- product/service, investment, 68
- provision, demonstration, 92, 95–96
- Video
- advertisements, 146
- content type, 118, 119–120
- copying, 120
- creation, 132
- description, writing, 132
- Facebook, advantage, 134
- interview, 121–122
- posting, 132
- transcription, 120
- Visibility, 89, 91
- building, primary internet presence (impact), 124f
- Voice mail, example, 42
- Wants Needs Avoid Benefit Emotional (WNABETM), 192–198
- prospect, relationship, 193
- Websites
- case study, 121–125
- monitoring, 125
- news websites, usage, 106
- pages, requirement, 123
- personal website, creation, 100
- requirement, 117
- technical details, 122–123
- usage, 120–121
- Weekly email newsletter, usage, 46–47
- WNABETM. See Wants Needs Avoid Benefit Emotional
- Work
- investment option, 202–203
- product, 200
- Writing
- dissemination, 106
- publishing, contrast, 105–106