Name | |
Birth | |
Marriage | |
Death | |
Other details |
Name | ||||
Relationship to person of interest, if known | ||||
Birth | ||||
Marriage(s) | ||||
Death | ||||
Other events/details |
List at least two and as many as four Polish, Czech, or Slovak names you’re researching.
For each name, come up with as many spelling variants as possible, taking into account phonetics, “translation” into English, and possible transcription errors.
Surname | |
Phonetic variants | |
Possible “translations” into English | |
Other spellings or variations | |
Suffixes for women* |
Surname | |
Phonetic variants | |
Possible “translations” into English | |
Other spellings or variations | |
Suffixes for women* |
Surname | |
Phonetic variants | |
Possible “translations” into English | |
Other spellings or variations | |
Suffixes for women* |
Surname | |
Phonetic variants | |
Possible “translations” into English | |
Other spellings or variations | |
Suffixes for women* |
* Czech/Slovak: –ova
Polish: –ówna or –’anka (unmarried women), –owa (married) or –’ina/–’yna (widowed)
List the town/village names you uncovered during your research in US sources. Note whether the town/village was within the Russian, Austrian, or Prussian partition. If you don’t know or are unsure, note that and your plan to identify its location.
Ancestor’s Name | Immigration Year | Town/Village Name | Partition | Notes/Next Steps |
Fill in the following information as you discover it and confirm it in your research.
First, here’s what not to take along on your heritage travel trip: your original files, photos, or documents. But do make room in your suitcase for these items.
Szanowny Panie/Pani !
Piszę do Pana z nadzieją,że Pan zechce mi pomóc w odnalezieniu informacji o historii mojej rodziny.
Interesuję się nastepującą osobą. Podaję wszystkie dane jakie posiadam.
Proszę o przesłanie odpisu świadectwa urodzenia/ świadectwa chrztu/świadectwa zgonu/świadectwa slubu.
Proszę o poinformowanie mnie jakie będą koszta związane z otrzymaniem tej informacji i w jaki sposób mogę to uregulować. Za wszelką pomoc będę bardzo wdzięczny/wdzięczna.
Z poważaniem,
(your complete name and address)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you in the hope that you can assist me in gathering information on the history of my family.
I am interested in the following person. I have listed all the information that I possess.
Please send me a copy of the baptismal record/birth record, death record, marriage record.
Please inform me of the charges to obtain the information that I am seeking and how this payment may be sent to you. I will be very grateful for any assistance you give me.
Sincerely yours,
(your complete name and address)
Vážená paní/Vážený pane matrikářko/matrikáři,
Dovoluji si požádat o doslovný výpis matričních údajů pro následující osobu :
Křtů Sňatků Úmrtí
Římsko-katolická Evangelická Řecko-katolick Pravoslavná Protestantská Židovská
Předem děkuji za poskytnutí hledaných údajů.
S pozdravem,
(your complete name and address)
Dear Mrs./Mr. Registrar,
I would like to ask you to do a copy of parish record for following person:
Book of :
Births Marriages Deaths
Roman Catholic Evangelical Greek Catholic Orthodox Protestant Jewish
Thank you in advance for providing inquired data.
With best wishes,
(your complete name and address)
Vážený pán/Vážená pani:
Za účelom zistenia informácií o minulosti mojej rodiny Vás týmto chcem požiadať o informácie o mojom predkovi: _____________________________ , narodený________________________________ v___________________________________ .
Môžem Vás poprosiť o zaslanie kompletného výpisu z matriky krstených / narodených týkajúce sa hore uvedeného predka.
Ak by to bolo možné chcem Vás poprosiť aj o zaslanie rodných, sobášnych a úmrtných záznamov týkajúcich sa jeho rodičov, ktorí žili v rovnakej obci. Za Vašu pomoc Vám budem veľmi vďačný.
Na pokrytie Vašich nákladov zasielam _______ dolárov ako aj dva kupóny, ktoré je možné vymeniť za letecké poštovné.
Za Vašu pomoc vopred ďakujem.
S pozdravom,
(your complete name and address)
Dear Sir/Madam,
To complete my family history I would like to have information about my ancestor ___________________________________ , born ________________________________ in ____________________________________.
May I please ask that you send me a complete extract from the birth record for the above named?
Should it be possible to send me extracts of the birth, marriage, or death records for his parents, who lived in the same town, I would be very thankful for this aid.
To cover your fees I am enclosing ________ dollars as well as two coupons that you can exchange for airmail postage.
Thank you in advance for your aid.
(your complete name and address)