In this chapter you will learn to enhance soul vibration compatibility with a family member if it’s lacking. Enhancing compatibility on the level of soul is not only possible but relatively easy to do. That’s because everyone’s subtle field shares the same structure and functions in the same way, which means that, once family members can share energy and consciousness freely, they will break down the barriers that support incompatibility.
However, before you learn to enhance compatibility on the level of soul, you must be able to sense your own soul vibration. In order for you to do that, we’ve developed an exercise called the Soul Vibration Mudra. We taught this technique to Wendy and Charlie, whose family problems began with the birth of their first child, Tim.
They performed the exercise together every day for several weeks. We were gratified to learn that they quickly recognized two significant things: they shared the same soul vibration, which validated our original insight; and, because they didn’t share the same soul vibration with Tim, they hadn’t been able to empathize with him or bond with him on the subtle levels of energy and consciousness. These two insights motivated Wendy and Charlie to use the techniques of deep family healing to restore their relationship to Tim and put their son’s needs above their own.
We also taught this exercise to Andrew after we explained the principles of compatibility to him. He practiced it for several weeks before he called his ex-wife, Shelly, who had a different soul vibration. He was able to convince Shelly to participate in the healing process by explaining that he wanted to heal his relationship to her and to his oldest son, Mark. After Mark agreed to participate, all three family members learned to perform the following series of exercises—and within a short time they were able to harmonize their soul vibrations.
Exercise: The Soul Vibration Mudra
To perform the Soul Vibration Mudra, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then place the tips of your thumbs together and the tips of your index fingers together. By doing that, you will create a triangle which you should hold in front of your solar plexus. Let your other fingers drop loosely towards your palms without them touching and don’t do anything special with your tongue or feet (see Figure 7: The Soul Vibration Mudra).
Hold the mudra for ten minutes with your eyes closed. After ten minutes, release the mudra and open your eyes. By practicing the mudra regularly, you will quickly be able to sense your own soul vibration. And as a bonus, you will recognize, like Wendy and Charlie did, that you’re part of a community of people who share the same soul vibration.
Once you can sense your personal soul vibration, you can begin to harmonize it with a family member whose soul vibration differs from yours. To harmonize your soul vibrations, you will perform a series of three exercises designed specifically for that purpose. In the first exercise, which you and your exercise partner will perform alone, you will strengthen your gaze and your ability to focus it. Being able to focus your gaze without distraction is important because your eyes, along with your hands, feet, and chakras, are the primary organs through which you share prana with other people. By performing the exercise, you will be able to gaze at your partner without being distracted. And at the same time, you will be able to share prana with them through your eyes, which is an essential part of the process.
Figure 7: The Soul Vibration Mudra
Exercise: Strengthening Your Gaze
To strengthen your gaze, you will need a large mirror, which you will place in front of you so that you can see your face clearly. Once you’ve set the mirror in place, sit in front of it with your back straight. Then close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Go to your personal healing space next and bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Enjoy the process for five minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent to activate my sixth chakra.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to center myself in my sixth chakra field.” Take a few moments to enjoy the shift. Then assert, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the level of my sixth chakra field.”
Once you’re centered, open your eyes (keep them slightly unfocused) and look into the eyes of your image in the mirror. Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to radiate prana through my eyes.” Don’t do anything after that. Don’t try to understand what’s happening or give the energy you’re radiating an extra push. Just enjoy the enhanced flow of energy radiating through your eyes while you continue to make eye contact for five minutes. After five minutes, break eye contact. Then count from one to five. When you reach the number five, bring yourself out of the exercise. You and your family member should practice this exercise every day for five days or until you feel comfortable gazing and radiating prana to the image of yourselves in the mirror.
Once you and your family member feel confident that you can gaze at the image of yourself without distraction, you are ready to gaze at one another from your thirteen chakras in body space.
On the subtle levels, family members with compatible soul vibrations will share a common trait. They will be able to share prana freely from their thirteen chakra fields, in body space, while they gaze at each other. In contrast, if partners are not naturally compatible, there will be blockages which will prevent them from sharing prana in the same way.
It’s important to note that each chakra regulates energetic interactions within a specific spectrum of subtle energy. If the stream of energy flowing between you and a family member, while you’re centered in a chakra field, creates feelings of belonging, comfort, trust, and warmth, then you and your partner are naturally compatible within that spectrum of energy. If the stream of energy connecting you creates energetic static and angst, then you’re not. You can use this principle to determine if you and your partner have compatible soul vibrations by gazing at one another while you’re centered in each of your chakra fields in body space.
Gazing from the Chakras
Once you and your partner have strengthened your gaze so that you can radiate prana through your eyes without thoughts, emotions, and/or feelings interfering with it, you can begin to gaze at one another from your chakras in body space, beginning with the first chakra. After you’ve gazed at one another from the seven traditional chakras, you will continue with the lower and upper etheric chakras, the lower and upper physical chakras, and the lower and upper physical-material chakras (see Figure 3: The Chakras in Body Space). We recommend that you gaze at one another for five minutes from each of your chakras in body space.
By gazing at one another from your chakras, you can determine whether any of the thirteen chakras in body space has been blocked and is unable to freely radiate energy and the universal qualities associated with it (see chapter — one —). Blockages in the chakra fields are what create incompatibility by creating tension, stress, angst, and—in extreme cases—fear when you attempt to share prana with someone you love.
Before you begin the exercise, it’s important to recognize that, when you practice mutual gazing from your chakras, you and your partner won’t be staring at one another. Instead, you will be sharing universal qualities with one another while you’re both centered in the appropriate chakra field.
Exercise: Gazing from the Chakras
To begin the exercise, find a place where you won’t be distracted by other people or electronic devices. Then sit facing your partner close enough to hold hands. Keep your backs straight. Then breathe deeply through the nose for two to three minutes. Next, go to your personal healing space and bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. After you’ve brought your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit, you can activate your first chakras by asserting, “It’s my intent to activate my first chakra.” Once the chakra is active, assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my first chakra field.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the level of my first chakra field.”
Take two to three minutes to enjoy the shift. Then begin to gaze into your partner’s eyes. Don’t do anything after that. Don’t watch yourselves or give the prana and jing (essence) you’re radiating an extra push. Just pay attention to how you feel—and whether you’re able to share the universal qualities of energy associated with the chakra with your exercise partner.
After a few moments, take each other’s hands so that the minor energy centers in your palms are touching. You and your exercise partner have a minor energy center in each hand that complements the functions of the chakras and enhances your ability to express yourselves and participate in worldly activities (see Figure 8: Minor Energy Centers in the Hands and Feet).
Figure 8: Minor Energy Centers in the Hands and Feet
If you and your partner can radiate prana and jing freely on the first dimension, the level of your first chakra, your breathing will get deeper and your muscles will relax. Thoughts will give way to a deep sense of well-being that will bring you closer to one another. Continue to gaze at one another for five minutes. Then release eye contact and count from one to five. When you reach the number five, bring yourselves out of the exercise. You can perform the same exercise to determine if incompatibility exists on any of the remaining dimensions, regulated by the chakras in body space.
We included a list of universal qualities associated with the thirteen chakras in body space in chapter Chapter Two. Use the list of qualities as a guide—along with feelings of static and angst and the inability to experience intimacy—to determine if compatibility has been blocked in any of your chakra fields.
Wendy and Charlie performed the exercise over a period of three weeks to determine if any of their chakras in body space were blocked. It wasn’t necessary to have Tim to participate because it’s quite unusual for a three-year-old to have chakras in body space that can’t radiate prana and jing freely.
Both Wendy and Charlie discovered that they had blockages in their first and third chakras because of a build-up of karmic baggage as well as energetic attachments to their parents. These blockages were not strong enough to prevent them from sharing some joy with one another or from feeling like they belonged together. But they did diminish how much joy they could share and how much they could benefit from having compatible soul vibrations. That’s because the first chakra plays an important part in grounding a person on earth, in feeling secure in their body, and in sharing pleasure with another person. The third chakra, which is its companion chakra, regulates belonging, contentment, trust, and feelings of security in all groups including families. Because Wendy and Charlie both had blockages in their first and third chakras, they were unable to freely share prana and jing from these chakras with their son, Tim. This was the basis of their compatibility problem with him, and why Tim felt so isolated from his parents.
As part of his healing process, Andrew performed the same exercise with his ex-wife Shelly, who didn’t share the same soul vibration. By performing the exercise together, they learned that they both had blockages that interfered with the functions of their heart chakras. It’s the heart chakra that regulates self-awareness and personal rights—including the right to control your physical-material body, to express your emotions, and to follow your personal dharma (life path). Because of the blockages and their inability to share prana and jing from their heart chakras freely, Shelly felt that her self-confidence and spontaneity were being blocked by Andrew. Although this wasn’t Andrew’s intent, their inability to interact on the subtle levels in a healthy way had exacerbated their marital problems. Although their marriage could not be restored, they could restore the compatibility of their soul vibrations. This in turn made it possible for them to work together to create a nourishing environment for their patchwork family.
Once you and a family member have checked for incompatibility by gazing from your chakras, you can begin the process of enhancing compatibility by performing the following exercise.
Exercise: Technique to Restore
Soul Vibration Compatibility
In the following exercise, you will choose one of your chakras in body space where blockages have disrupted compatibility. Then you will activate the chakra and center yourself in the chakra field. Once you’re centered, you will use your intent to fill the chakra field with prana.
By filling the chakra field with prana, you will enhance the spectrum of energy that you can share with a family member. In time, prana will fill the chakra field to capacity and reduce the influence of any karmic baggage and blockages that remain. When that happens, blockages will have less power to interfere with your relationship. That in turn will allow you to share more intimacy, empathize more deeply, and communicate more honestly with your estranged family member.
It’s not necessary for you or a family member to perform the exercise together or for a small child to perform the exercise at all. Depending on your schedules, each of you can perform the exercise whenever time permits. In the following exercise, you will begin to enhance compatibility by restoring the functions of your first chakra. Once you feel confident that you can fill a chakra field with prana, you can restore compatibility the same way in any chakra where you’ve discovered compatibility is lacking.
To begin the exercise, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then go to your personal healing space. Once you’ve brought your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit, assert, “It’s my intent to activate my first chakra at the base of my spine.” Then assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my first chakra field.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the level of my first chakra field.” Take a few moments to enjoy the shift. Then assert, “It’s my intent to fill my first chakra field with prana.” Take fifteen minutes to enjoy the effects. Then return to normal consciousness by counting from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the exercise.
We recommend that you and your partner perform the exercise every day for two weeks—or until angst and tension have been replaced by feelings of satisfaction and well-being. Once compatibility has been enhanced on one subtle dimension regulated by a chakra, continue by performing the exercise with any other chakra that has been blocked by karmic baggage, attachments, and/or distorted fields of energy.
Harmonizing Core Values
Although many couples disagree over family issues, disagreements in themselves don’t indicate that partners have incompatible core values or that their core values are self-limiting. What does indicate incompatible core values or core values that are self-limiting are blockages in family relationships that prevent family members from being themselves and sharing energy with universal qualities with one another.
In contrast to self-limiting core values, core values that are life-affirming always support family relationships because they enhance the free radiation of prana and jing between family members, and they support trust, honesty, and communication. We’ve included a list of life-affirming core values below. This is only a partial list, but it will give you an idea of what we mean.
Life-Affirming Core Values
1. Respect for both universal feminine and masculine energy
2. Respect for women, men, and children
3. Generosity
4. Honesty
5. Flexibility
6. Self-awareness
7. Mental clarity
8. Stability and reliability
9. Empathy for others
10. Self-confidence
11. Tolerance
12. Non-harming
In the past, it was rare for societies to fully embrace life-affirming core values such as respect for people of all genders, tolerance, and empathy for others. In fact, for centuries the dominant societies in Europe, the Middle East, and America assigned a list of core values according to gender without much concern about their relationship to universal feminine and masculine energy or their effect on family relationships. Many of these societies demanded that women should be nurturing, gentle, receptive, patient, chaste, attractive, in touch with their feelings, etc. These attributes are natural to all genders. But until recently, societies in Europe, the Middle East, and America demanded that women accept them as core values while many men, especially those in authority, were free to reject them in order to embrace another set of core values that they were taught were the sole province of men. These included competitiveness, assertiveness, ambition, rationality, toughness, aggression, etc.7
However, for those of you who want to enhance your compatibility, it’s essential that you and your partner share life-affirming core values, even if the institutions of society still don’t embrace them fully.
In our work, we’ve learned that, in relationships where core values are not life-affirming, one partner will inevitably dominate the other. This will lead to alienation and resentment. It will also lead to disagreements that won’t be settled by compromise, but by the projection of power and—in extreme cases—physical force.
Creating New Core Values
For those of you ready to enhance the compatibility of your core values, we’ve provided you with two exercises designed to release self-limiting core values and to replace them with core values that are life-affirming. Since all life-affirming core values are compatible, it won’t be necessary to perform these exercises with a family member. Each family member can perform the exercises alone by substituting life-affirming core values for core values that are self-limiting.
The first exercise is the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra. After you’ve performed the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra, you will learn to perform the Core Values Transformation Technique.
Although Randy was reluctant at first to participate in the process (remember, he was old-school), three weeks of badgering by his wife and children had the desired effect. To pacify them and heal the family dynamic, he agreed to examine his core values.
Since personal reflection wasn’t one of Randy’s strong points, we began by teaching him to create his personal healing space. He performed this along with his wife and children for three weeks. After that, we taught him to perform the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra and the Core Values Transformation Technique. He was stubborn—but with the effects of the two exercises and a little extra prodding by his kids, he eventually softened his world view and gave them more space to be themselves.
From his father, Andrew had learned to put his personal survival above the needs of his family. To support this survival strategy, he adapted many core values that were self-limiting and in opposition to core values that were life-affirming. After Andrew restored his relationship with his mother and he’d harmonized his soul vibration with his first wife Shelly, we taught him to perform the same two exercises as Randy. By performing them every day for two and a half months, he was able to transform his core values and his relationship to his wives and children.
Irene and Simon, whom we worked with several years later, also illustrate how a couple can enhance the compatibility of their core values. Irene was brought up in a religious family and had been programmed as a child to believe that women were the weaker sex.
Simon supported that self-limiting core value—because like her, he was brought up in a patriarchal family whose mother submitted to her husband’s authority.
After the birth of their daughter Elizabeth, both Irene and Simon recognized that, for their daughter’s sake, it was time to change the self-limiting core values that they continued to share with their birth families. To do that, they used the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra and the Core Values Transformation Technique to release the self-limiting core value.
Since Irene was already in her early forties and had spent her life struggling with dependency issues, it was necessary for her to overcome two subordinate core values. The first was “Men can’t be trusted.” The second was that “A good wife submits to the will and desires of her husband.”
Under our guidance, Irene repeated the process several times in order to release all three self-limiting core values and make room for life-affirming core values to replace them. Within six weeks, the condition of her subtle field improved dramatically. Prana and jing began to flow more freely through her chakra fields and major meridians. And for the first time in years, she could feel parts of her body that had been numb or off limits.
Simon released the self-limiting core value that made him feel entitled, and, a short time later, he and Irene began to share their feelings and thoughts more easily. That in turn made it easier for them to empathize with one another and to share the responsibilities of parenting.
Like Randy and Andrew, who harmonized their core values with their wives and children, and Irene and Simon, who enhanced the depth and intimacy of their relationships, you can transform your core values by performing the next two exercises.
Exercise: The Orgasmic Bliss Mudra
The Orgasmic Bliss Mudra is a simple technique that will allow you to experience bliss consciously. The mudra will also empower you to be yourself (your authentic self)—making it easier for you to discard core values that aren’t life-affirming and that don’t support family relationships.
According to Tantric adepts, orgasmic bliss is an enduring condition, deep inside your subtle field, created through the union of consciousness (Shiva) and energy (Shakti). The merging of pure consciousness and energy with universal qualities provides you with a constant flow of healing power that can release even the deepest ailments and self-limiting patterns on the level of consciousness.
By performing the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra regularly, you can expect to experience changes in your awareness and sense of Self. At first, you will experience these changes while you hold the mudra—and often for several hours afterward. Later, these changes will become a part of your day-to-day experience.
In the first significant change, your awareness will be drawn inward until it’s once more centered in your body space. Three additional shifts will take place: thoughts will cease to disturb you, and you will consciously experience the life force. The life force is not something you can feel since it emerges through consciousness. But you will recognize it because it creates a buzz that enlivens your body on the molecular level.
In the final shift, the existential problem that can eat away at you from deep inside will disappear. That’s because what lies at the root of the existential problem is the inability to bring bliss into your conscious awareness.
To perform the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra, sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Then breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Continue by placing the tip of your tongue on your upper palate and sliding it straight back until it comes to rest at the point where the hard palate rolls up and becomes soft. Once the tip of your tongue is in that position, put the bottom of your feet together so that the soles are touching. Then bring your hands in front of your solar plexus and place the inside tips of your thumbs together. Continue by bringing the outside of your index fingers together from the tips to the first joint. Next, bring the outside of your middle fingers together from the first to the second joint. The fourth and fifth fingers should be curled into your palm. Once your tongue, fingers, and feet are in position, close your eyes and breathe through your nose (see Figure 9: The Orgasmic Bliss Mudra).
Figure 9: The Orgasmic Bliss Mudra
Hold the mudra for ten minutes. Then release your fingers, separate the soles of your feet, and bring your tongue back to its normal position.
We recommend that, like our clients, you perform the mudra every day until you feel that you’ve regained the clarity necessary to change negative core values into core values that are more life-affirming.
The second exercise in the process is the Core Values Transformation Technique. This exercise is designed to release self-limiting core values. Since all self-limiting core values share the same trait—they find their support in fields of distorted energy and consciousness—it’s not necessary to dwell on each individual self-limiting core value. Instead, all that’s necessary is to go to the place in the subtle field where core values emerge, release the distorted fields that support them, and replace them with life-affirming energy and consciousness.
The place where core values emerge and find support is known as the Core Field. It contains the sixteen functions of mind, which include intent, will, desire, resistance, surrender, acceptance, knowing, choice, commitment, rejection, faith, enjoyment, destruction, creativity, empathy, and love.
Without the support of these sixteen functions of mind, it will be difficult for a person to embrace life-affirming core values and share them with the people they love.
Before you continue, it’s important to note that, when the core field is functioning healthfully, all core values will be life-affirming because the only fields that emerge from the core field will be fields of universal energy and consciousness.
Exercise: The Core Values
Transformation Technique
When you’re confident that you can experience bliss consciously, you can continue the process of transforming a core value by performing the Core Values Transformation Technique. To do that, choose a core value that you want to release. Then find a comfortable position with your back straight. Breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then go to your healing space and bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Once you’re ready to continue, perform the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra and continue to hold it throughout the exercise. After enjoying the mudra for two to three minutes, assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my core field.” Once you’re centered, assert, “It’s my intent to locate the most distorted fields of consciousness that support the core value I’ve chosen to release.”
Be patient because it may take a few moments for the field to emerge. As soon as it does and you recognize it by its individual qualities, you will surround it with a bliss box. To do that, assert, “It’s my intent to surround the field I observe with a bliss box.” Once the box has appeared, assert, “It’s my intent to fill the bliss box with bliss and release the distorted field of consciousness within it.” Don’t do anything after that. Bliss will fill the box you’ve created and release the distorted field automatically.
Some of you may experience a sense of relief and/or a pop when bliss fills the box. Both indicate that the distorted field, within the bliss box, has been released and bliss has filled the empty space.
Once the distorted field has been released, release the bliss box and the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra. Then count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes. You will feel wide awake, perfectly relaxed, and better than you did before.8
It often takes more than one blockage to create a self-limiting core value. This means that you may have to repeat the exercise several times. Each time you repeat the exercise, release the most distorted field of consciousness. That way, you will release blockages in a systematic manner and guarantee that, in a short time, you will release the self-limiting core value you had in mind. Only then should you move on to the next self-limiting core value and release the distorted fields that support it.
Exercise: Filling the Core Field with Bliss
Each time you release a distorted field that supports a self-limiting core value, you can fill the core field with bliss. To do that, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Go to your healing space next and bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Once you’re centered, perform the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra and hold it for the duration of the exercise. Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to center myself in my core field.” Take a few moments to enjoy the experience. Then assert, “It’s my intent to fill my core field with bliss.” Take ten minutes to enjoy the effects physically, emotionally, and mentally. After ten minutes, release the bliss mudra and count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the exercise.
Overcoming Elemental Incompatibility
Overcoming elemental incompatibility may seem like a hopeless endeavor. However, elemental compatibility can be enhanced by restoring the health of your domains. Everyone has three domains. They are known as the light body domain, the self-domain, and the universal domain.
It’s through your three domains that the universal part of your authentic mind, paramatman, perceives the universe. What you may not know is that these three domains also have a significant influence on elemental compatibility because contained within them are the seeds of all five elements: water, metal, earth, wood, and fire.
Problems of elemental incompatibility are created when either the light body, Self, or universal domain have been polluted by fields of distorted energy and consciousness. Since all five elements exist within each domain, differing only in how they manifest their universal qualities, it’s possible to restore elemental compatibility by restoring the functions of the domains.
However, before you can determine where incompatibility exists, you must know which qualities are manifested by each element.
Metal manifests its qualities in all three domains as self-awareness and memory. It supports the subtle field and will keep it strong and stable, even in chaotic situations. It enhances moral and physical courage, honesty, and your ability to accept your personal limitations. Normal metal enhances perseverance and supports discipline especially during times of loss and confusion.
Water manifests its qualities in all three domains as a strong sense of belonging and inner peace. It enhances emotional stability and strength and the ability to express authentic emotions at the appropriate time.
Fire is associated with the two midriff cavities as well as the universal domain. It enhances your ability to express human love and share pure consciousness. It also enhances creativity and helps motivate you to perform activities that support your dharma.
Earth is associated with being grounded in the physical-material world. It’s also associated with strength in the lower dantian and kwas, both of which support the lower abdomen with chi and jing. A person with normal earth will be emotionally stable and realistic. They will find it easy to stay centered in their authentic mind, and they will have a good relationship to the earth and its creatures in all three domains.
Wood is associated with original ideas and creativity, which means it’s connected to the etheric chakras and the midriff cavities. It supports motivation and the ability to make original connections that lead to advancements in the arts and sciences. Spontaneity and the acceptance of diversity are markers of a normal wood element. People with a healthy wood element are disciplined, well organized, and punctual. They play by the rules—and are trustworthy. As a result, they quickly earn the trust of their friends and colleagues. Clarity and originality are also markers of normal wood, in all three domains—so is a lifestyle that is rich in earthly benefits.
You can begin to harmonize your dominant element with a family member by performing the next exercise. We call it Gazing into Elemental Fields. It will help you to determine where elemental incompatibility exists. To do that, you must recognize that it’s through the light body domain that the elements manifest their qualities as fields of universal energy. It’s through the self-domain that the elements manifest their qualities as authentic identity, and it’s through the universal domain that the elements manifest their qualities as paramatman, the universal Self.
In the exercise, you and your partner will center yourselves in your light body domain. Then you will gaze at one another for five minutes. If either partner experiences angst, fear, or prolonged discomfort, then you’ve located an area of elemental incompatibility. It’s not necessary for both partners to experience discomfort for elemental incompatibility to exist.
In contrast, if you and your partner feel drawn to one another and experience a deep sense of belonging and satisfaction when you gaze at each other from the your light body domain, then you are compatible in all the universal qualities in your light body domains.
Exercise: Gazing into Elemental Fields
This is a partner exercise. To begin, sit one yard (meter) apart, facing one another. Once you’re both comfortable, breathe deeply through your noses for two to three minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my light body domain.” To continue, assert, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the level of my light body domain.” Take five minutes to enjoy the shift. Then open your eyes and gaze at one another for the next five minutes. Don’t do anything after that. Don’t watch yourself or try to enhance any of the effects. Just pay attention to whether you’re able to share the universal qualities of the domain with one another. After five minutes, count from one to five and bring yourselves out of the exercise.
Once you’ve performed this exercise in all three domains and determined where you and your partner experience elemental incompatibility, you can use the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra along with the Bliss Box Technique to release blockages in the domains where compatibility has been disrupted. You will learn to perform the technique using the light body domain. After that, you can use the same technique to enhance compatibility in the self-domain and the universal domain.
Exercise: Enhancing Elemental Compatibility
To begin the exercise, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Perform the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra next (see Figure 9: The Orgasmic Bliss Mudra). Continue to hold the mudra while you assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my light body domain.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception inward on the level of my light body domain.” Once you’re centered, assert, “It’s my intent to surround the most disruptive blockage in my light body domain with a bliss box.” Once you can sense and/or see the box, assert, “It’s my intent to fill the box with bliss and release the disruptive blockage within it.” Don’t do anything after that. Bliss will fill the box you’ve created and release the blockage automatically.
Some of you may experience a sense of relief and/or a pop when bliss fills the box. Both indicate that the blockage, within the bliss box, has been released and bliss has filled the empty space.
Once the blockage has been released, release the bliss box and the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra. Then count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes. You will feel wide awake, perfectly relaxed, and better than you did before.
It often takes more than one blockage to disrupt elemental incompatibility in a domain, which means that you may have to repeat the exercise in the same domain several times. Each time you repeat the exercise, release the most disruptive blockage. This way, you will release blockages in a systematic manner. We recommend that you and your partner continue to release blockages in the light body domain until you can gaze at each other joyfully from it, without any distorted fields getting in the way. Only then should you begin working in another domain to restore compatibility.