Chapter 28. Process Creation and Program Execution in More Detail

This chapter extends the material presented in Chapter 24 to Chapter 27 by covering a variety of topics related to process creation and program execution. We describe process accounting, a kernel feature that writes an accounting record for each process on the system as it terminates. We then look at the Linux-specific clone() system call, which is the low-level API that is used to create threads on Linux. We follow this with some comparisons of the performance of fork(), vfork(), and clone(). We conclude with a summary of the effects of fork() and exec() on the attributes of a process.

When process accounting is enabled, the kernel writes an accounting record to the system-wide process accounting file as each process terminates. This accounting record contains various information maintained by the kernel about the process, including its termination status and how much CPU time it consumed. The accounting file can be analyzed by standard tools (sa(8) summarizes information from the accounting file, and lastcomm(1) lists information about previously executed commands) or by tailored applications.

Historically, the primary use of process accounting was to charge users for consumption of system resources on multiuser UNIX systems. However, process accounting can also be useful for obtaining information about a process that was not otherwise monitored and reported on by its parent.

Although available on most UNIX implementations, process accounting is not specified in SUSv3. The format of the accounting records, as well as the location of the accounting file, vary somewhat across implementations. We describe the details for Linux in this section, noting some variations from other UNIX implementations along the way.

Once process accounting is enabled, an acct record is written to the accounting file as each process terminates. The acct structure is defined in <sys/acct.h> as follows:

typedef u_int16_t comp_t;  /* See text */

struct acct {
    char      ac_flag;     /* Accounting flags (see text) */
    u_int16_t ac_uid;      /* User ID of process */
    u_int16_t ac_gid;      /* Group ID of process */
    u_int16_t ac_tty;      /* Controlling terminal for process (may be
                              0 if none, e.g., for a daemon) */
    u_int32_t ac_btime;    /* Start time (time_t; seconds since the Epoch) */
    comp_t    ac_utime;    /* User CPU time (clock ticks) */
    comp_t    ac_stime;    /* System CPU time (clock ticks) */
    comp_t    ac_etime;    /* Elapsed (real) time (clock ticks) */
    comp_t    ac_mem;      /* Average memory usage (kilobytes) */
    comp_t    ac_io;       /* Bytes transferred by read(2) and write(2)
                              (unused) */
    comp_t    ac_rw;       /* Blocks read/written (unused) */
    comp_t    ac_minflt;   /* Minor page faults (Linux-specific) */
    comp_t    ac_majflt;   /* Major page faults (Linux-specific) */
    comp_t    ac_swaps;    /* Number of swaps (unused; Linux-specific) */
    u_int32_t ac_exitcode; /* Process termination status */
#define ACCT_COMM 16
    char      ac_comm[ACCT_COMM+1];
                           /* (Null-terminated) command name
                              (basename of last execed file) */
    char      ac_pad[10];  /* Padding (reserved for future use) */

Note the following points regarding the acct structure:

Because accounting records are written only as processes terminate, they are ordered by termination time (a value not recorded in the record), rather than by process start time (ac_btime).

Since writing records to the accounting file can rapidly consume disk space, Linux provides the /proc/sys/kernel/acct virtual file for controlling the operation of process accounting. This file contains three numbers, defining (in order) the parameters high-water, low-water, and frequency. Typical defaults for these three parameters are 4, 2, and 30. If process accounting is enabled and the amount of free disk space falls below low-water percent, accounting is suspended. If the amount of free disk space later rises above high-water percent, then accounting is resumed. The frequency value specifies how often, in seconds, checks should be made on the percentage of free disk space.

The program in Example 28-2 displays selected fields from the records in a process accounting file. The following shell session demonstrates the use of this program. We begin by creating a new, empty process accounting file and enabling process accounting:

$ su                            Need privilege to enable process accounting
# touch pacct
# ./acct_on pacct
               This process will be first entry in accounting file
Process accounting enabled
# exit                          Cease being superuser

At this point, three processes have already terminated since we enabled process accounting. These processes executed the acct_on, su, and bash programs. The bash process was started by su to run the privileged shell session.

Now we run a series of commands to add further records to the accounting file:

$ sleep 15 &
[1] 18063
$ ulimit -c unlimited           Allow core dumps (shell built-in)
$ cat                           Create a process
Type Control-\ (generates SIGQUIT , signal 3) to kill cat process
Quit (core dumped)
Press Enter to see shell notification
 of completion of sleep before next shell prompt
[1]+  Done          sleep 15
$ grep xxx badfile              grep fails with status of 2
grep: badfile: No such file or directory
$ echo $?                       The shell obtained status of grep (shell built-in)

The next two commands run programs that we presented in previous chapters (Example 27-1, in The exec() Library Functions, and Example 24-1, in File Sharing Between Parent and Child). The first command runs a program that execs the file /bin/echo; this results in an accounting record with the command name echo. The second command creates a child process that doesn’t perform an exec().

$ ./t_execve /bin/echo
hello world goodbye
$ ./t_fork
PID=18350 (child) idata=333 istack=666
PID=18349 (parent) idata=111 istack=222

Finally, we use the program in Example 28-2 to view the contents of the accounting file:

$ ./acct_view pacct
command  flags   term.  user     start time            CPU   elapsed
                status                                 time    time
acct_on   -S--      0   root     2010-07-23 17:19:05   0.00    0.00
bash      ----      0   root     2010-07-23 17:18:55   0.02   21.10
su        -S--      0   root     2010-07-23 17:18:51   0.01   24.94
cat       --XC   0x83   mtk      2010-07-23 17:19:55   0.00    1.72
sleep     ----      0   mtk      2010-07-23 17:19:42   0.00   15.01
grep      ----  0x200   mtk      2010-07-23 17:20:12   0.00    0.00
echo      ----      0   mtk      2010-07-23 17:21:15   0.01    0.01
t_fork    F---      0   mtk      2010-07-23 17:21:36   0.00    0.00
t_fork    ----      0   mtk      2010-07-23 17:21:36   0.00    3.01

In the output, we see one line for each process that was created in the shell session. The ulimit and echo commands are shell built-in commands, so they don’t result in the creation of new processes. Note that the entry for sleep appeared in the accounting file after the cat entry because the sleep command terminated after the cat command.

Most of the output is self-explanatory. The flags column shows single letters indicating which of the ac_flag bits is set in each record (see Table 28-1). The Wait Status Value describes how to interpret the termination status values shown in the term. status column.

Example 28-2. Displaying data from a process accounting file

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/acct.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "ugid_functions.h"             /* Declaration of userNameFromId() */
#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

#define TIME_BUF_SIZE 100

static long long                /* Convert comp_t value into long long */
comptToLL(comp_t ct)
    const int EXP_SIZE = 3;             /* 3-bit, base-8 exponent */
    const int MANTISSA_SIZE = 13;       /* Followed by 13-bit mantissa */
    const int MANTISSA_MASK = (1 << MANTISSA_SIZE) - 1;
    long long mantissa, exp;

    mantissa = ct & MANTISSA_MASK;
    exp = (ct >> MANTISSA_SIZE) & ((1 << EXP_SIZE) - 1);
    return mantissa << (exp * 3);       /* Power of 8 = left shift 3 bits */

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int acctFile;
    struct acct ac;
    ssize_t numRead;
    char *s;
    char timeBuf[TIME_BUF_SIZE];
    struct tm *loc;
    time_t t;

    if (argc != 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
        usageErr("%s file\n", argv[0]);

    acctFile = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
    if (acctFile == -1)

    printf("command  flags   term.  user     "
            "start time            CPU   elapsed\n");
    printf("                status           "
            "                      time    time\n");

    while ((numRead = read(acctFile, &ac, sizeof(struct acct))) > 0) {
        if (numRead != sizeof(struct acct))
            fatal("partial read");

        printf("%-8.8s  ", ac.ac_comm);

        printf("%c", (ac.ac_flag & AFORK) ? 'F' : '-') ;
        printf("%c", (ac.ac_flag & ASU)   ? 'S' : '-') ;
        printf("%c", (ac.ac_flag & AXSIG) ? 'X' : '-') ;
        printf("%c", (ac.ac_flag & ACORE) ? 'C' : '-') ;

#ifdef __linux__
        printf(" %#6lx   ", (unsigned long) ac.ac_exitcode);
#else   /* Many other implementations provide ac_stat instead */
        printf(" %#6lx   ", (unsigned long) ac.ac_stat);

        s = userNameFromId(ac.ac_uid);
        printf("%-8.8s ", (s == NULL) ? "???" : s);

        t = ac.ac_btime;
        loc = localtime(&t);
        if (loc == NULL) {
            printf("???Unknown time???  ");
        } else {
            strftime(timeBuf, TIME_BUF_SIZE, "%Y-%m-%d %T ", loc);
            printf("%s ", timeBuf);

        printf("%5.2f %7.2f ", (double) (comptToLL(ac.ac_utime) +
                    comptToLL(ac.ac_stime)) / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK),
                (double) comptToLL(ac.ac_etime) / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK));

    if (numRead == -1)


Starting with kernel 2.6.8, Linux introduced an optional alternative version of the process accounting file that addresses some limitations of the traditional accounting file. To use this alternative version, known as Version 3, the CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT_V3 kernel configuration option must be enabled before building the kernel.

When using the Version 3 option, the only difference in the operation of process accounting is in the format of records written to the accounting file. The new format is defined as follows:

struct acct_v3 {
    char      ac_flag;        /* Accounting flags */
    char      ac_version;     /* Accounting version (3) */
    u_int16_t ac_tty;         /* Controlling terminal for process */
    u_int32_t ac_exitcode;    /* Process termination status */
    u_int32_t ac_uid;         /* 32-bit user ID of process */
    u_int32_t ac_gid;         /* 32-bit group ID of process */
    u_int32_t ac_pid;         /* Process ID */
    u_int32_t ac_ppid;        /* Parent process ID */
    u_int32_t ac_btime;       /* Start time (time_t) */
    float     ac_etime;       /* Elapsed (real) time (clock ticks) */
    comp_t    ac_utime;       /* User CPU time (clock ticks) */
    comp_t    ac_stime;       /* System CPU time (clock ticks) */
    comp_t    ac_mem;         /* Average memory usage (kilobytes) */
    comp_t    ac_io;          /* Bytes read/written (unused) */
    comp_t    ac_rw;          /* Blocks read/written (unused) */
    comp_t    ac_minflt;      /* Minor page faults */
    comp_t    ac_majflt;      /* Major page faults */
    comp_t    ac_swaps;       /* Number of swaps (unused; Linux-specific) */
#define ACCT_COMM 16
    char      ac_comm[ACCT_COMM];   /* Command name */

The following are the main differences between the acct_v3 structure and the traditional Linux acct structure:

  • The ac_version field is added. This field contains the version number of this type of accounting record. This field is always 3 for an acct_v3 record.

  • The fields ac_pid and ac_ppid, containing the process ID and parent process ID of the terminated process, are added.

  • The ac_uid and ac_gid fields are widened from 16 to 32 bits, to accommodate the 32-bit user and group IDs that were introduced in Linux 2.4. (Large user and group IDs can’t be correctly represented in the traditional acct file.)

  • The type of the ac_etime field is changed from comp_t to float, to allow longer elapsed times to be recorded.


We provide a Version 3 analog of the program in Example 28-2 in the file procexec/acct_v3_view.c in the source code distribution for this book.