Stream Sockets

The operation of stream sockets can be explained by analogy with the telephone system:

  1. The socket() system call, which creates a socket, is the equivalent of installing a telephone. In order for two applications to communicate, each of them must create a socket.

  2. Communication via a stream socket is analogous to a telephone call. One application must connect its socket to another application’s socket before communication can take place. Two sockets are connected as follows:

  3. Once a connection has been established, data can be transmitted in both directions between the applications (analogous to a two-way telephone conversation) until one of them closes the connection using close(). Communication is performed using the conventional read() and write() system calls or via a number of socket-specific system calls (such as send() and recv()) that provide additional functionality.

Figure 56-1 illustrates the use of the system calls used with stream sockets.

The listen() system call marks the stream socket referred to by the file descriptor sockfd as passive. The socket will subsequently be used to accept connections from other (active) sockets.

#include <sys/socket.h>

int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);


Returns 0 on success, or -1 on error

We can’t apply listen() to a connected socket--that is, a socket on which a connect() has been successfully performed or a socket returned by a call to accept().

To understand the purpose of the backlog argument, we first observe that the client may call connect() before the server calls accept(). This could happen, for example, because the server is busy handling some other client(s). This results in a pending connection, as illustrated in Figure 56-2.

The kernel must record some information about each pending connection request so that a subsequent accept() can be processed. The backlog argument allows us to limit the number of such pending connections. Connection requests up to this limit succeed immediately. (For TCP sockets, the story is a little more complicated, as we’ll see in TCP Connection Establishment.) Further connection requests block until a pending connection is accepted (via accept()), and thus removed from the queue of pending connections.

SUSv3 allows an implementation to place an upper limit on the value that can be specified for backlog, and permits an implementation to silently round backlog values down to this limit. SUSv3 specifies that the implementation should advertise this limit by defining the constant SOMAXCONN in <sys/socket.h>. On Linux, this constant is defined with the value 128. However, since kernel 2.4.25, Linux allows this limit to be adjusted at run time via the Linux-specific /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn file. (In earlier kernel versions, the SOMAXCONN limit is immutable.)

The accept() system call accepts an incoming connection on the listening stream socket referred to by the file descriptor sockfd. If there are no pending connections when accept() is called, the call blocks until a connection request arrives.

#include <sys/socket.h>

int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);


Returns file descriptor on success, or -1 on error

The key point to understand about accept() is that it creates a new socket, and it is this new socket that is connected to the peer socket that performed the connect(). A file descriptor for the connected socket is returned as the function result of the accept() call. The listening socket (sockfd) remains open, and can be used to accept further connections. A typical server application creates one listening socket, binds it to a well-known address, and then handles all client requests by accepting connections via that socket.

The remaining arguments to accept() return the address of the peer socket. The addr argument points to a structure that is used to return the socket address. The type of this argument depends on the socket domain (as for bind()).

The addrlen argument is a value-result argument. It points to an integer that, prior to the call, must be initialized to the size of the buffer pointed to by addr, so that the kernel knows how much space is available to return the socket address. Upon return from accept(), this integer is set to indicate the number of bytes of data actually copied into the buffer.

If we are not interested in the address of the peer socket, then addr and addrlen should be specified as NULL and 0, respectively. (If desired, we can retrieve the peer’s address later using the getpeername() system call, as described in Section 61.5.)

The connect() system call connects the active socket referred to by the file descriptor sockfd to the listening socket whose address is specified by addr and addrlen.

#include <sys/socket.h>

int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);


Returns 0 on success, or -1 on error

The addr and addrlen arguments are specified in the same way as the corresponding arguments to bind().

If connect() fails and we wish to reattempt the connection, then SUSv3 specifies that the portable method of doing so is to close the socket, create a new socket, and reattempt the connection with the new socket.

A pair of connected stream sockets provides a bidirectional communication channel between the two endpoints. Figure 56-3 shows what this looks like in the UNIX domain.

The semantics of I/O on connected stream sockets are similar to those for pipes:

The usual way of terminating a stream socket connection is to call close(). If multiple file descriptors refer to the same socket, then the connection is terminated when all of the descriptors are closed.

Suppose that, after we close a connection, the peer application crashes or otherwise fails to read or correctly process the data that we previously sent to it. In this case, we have no way of knowing that an error occurred. If we need to ensure that the data was successfully read and processed, then we must build some type of acknowledgement protocol into our application. This normally consists of an explicit acknowledgement message passed back to us from the peer.

In The shutdown() System Call, we describe the shutdown() system call, which provides finer control of how a stream socket connection is closed.