Avocados in chocolate mousse? Let’s talk about this recipe for a second. This will be my attempt to dissuade you from having an internal crisis when you hear the words chocolate and avocado in the title for dessert.

I too thought this was a pretty bizarre concept. Yet, similar to adding spinach to a smoothie, all other flavors work in a concerted effort to mask any lingering spinach, or in this case, avocado, flavor. And here comes the second bit of confusion: why is balsamic vinegar making an appearance? And this is where I tell you to forget anything you know about chocolate and to just try it out, because balsamic has a way of intensifying the cacao flavor (removing any avocado taste). And that’s the kind of healthy pudding I want to have—creamy, chocolaty and without any vegetable aftertastes. —MR


3 ripe avocados

¾ cup (82 g) raw cacao powder, plus more for sprinkling

5–7 tbsp (75–105 ml) maple syrup, depending on how sweet you like it

¾ cup (180 ml) almond milk

1 tsp balsamic vinegar (helps to intensify the chocolate flavor)

Pinch of sea salt

Simply blend all of the ingredients in a food processor until creamy and smooth. Make sure there are no avocado lumps! Pour the batter into ramekins or small bowls and keep them in the refrigerator to set and chill for about 15 minutes. Sprinkle them with raw cacao powder right before you eat, and enjoy!

Note: As a friendly nudge, before serving this to any friends, don’t tell them that it’s a healthy dessert—and for the love of god, please do not mention that there is an avocado hidden inside. No one really needs to know that … unless they are allergic.