
We are all intuitive. But, you know that already. You’ve gotten this far in life by using your intuition, if only occasionally. You are ready to move on to the next level, to go beyond your beginnings, and tune in to all your psychic gifts. You’ve likely already absorbed the basics and are looking for more. If not, don’t worry! We will cover key basics at the start to ensure we are all moving beyond the beginner phase with a solid foundation in place. Either way, it doesn’t matter. It’s of no import, because you know, don’t you? You know that you’ve already got something brewing. You’ve already begun to tap into all the universe has to offer. But, possibly, you’re stuck, though you are all set and ready to go. Now is your chance to move to the next level.

Being psychic is natural. It’s normal. It’s part of your birthright. It is as ordinary as breathing, yet we don’t usually treat it that way. It is an innate legacy we have all been bestowed with, though we undoubtedly have not drawn on it nearly as much as we should. Perhaps it doesn’t feel as instinctive to you because you’ve fought against it at some point during your lifetime. Maybe you’ve discovered that you really are psychic or at the very least, intuitive. Either way, you are at the point when you are prepared to go deeper, to understand more fully what it means to be psychic or to utilize your inherent psychic abilities.

Have you ever felt a sometimes strong or other times gentle nudging that you were missing something? It feels like you should do something, but you can’t quite figure out what that is? I, too, have felt it. It starts to gnaw at you a bit, interfering with your daily routine. It makes you feel like nothing is right and you feel a bit hollow. Perhaps it feels as though you are moving under water. That is a call to action; it is one of the ways your spirit tells you to pay attention to your intuition. On every level, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned expert, this feeling can befall you and will most likely last until you recognize it for what it is.

The acknowledgment that you are ready is your opening. Being past the point of curiosity, your spirit knows what is next—feeding that need to tap into your psychic gifts. It is taking a necessary step to expand upon what you already know to increase your awareness across the board. You’ve moved past the beginning, the inkling that there was more to life than the naked eye could see, and you have more than just a passing interest in psychic abilities. Circumstance, curiosity, and need have brought you to this new level of alertness. You have already begun to grasp that there is more to reality than the naked eye can see; now it is up to you to become more familiar with how to foster that reality to become part of your everyday world.

By now you’ve gone through life, possibly feeling unfulfilled or yearning for more. It can feel this way because you’ve maybe just scratched the surface of your psychic potential. It can feel like you’ve gotten lost a bit, even though you’ve already begun tuning in to your intuition. It’s okay to feel lost, because you’re moving in the right direction. You are reaching beyond where you’ve already been and are feeling the physical and organic pull toward your psychic abilities. Chances are, because you’ve decided to explore your gifts further, you’ve discovered you are very intuitive. You are already psychic, and you’re lucky enough to realize it. You’ve detected the psychic vibrations that are with you and around you and are ready to decipher them with your abilities. This joy of making sense out of the energy around you is what’s been on the edge of your consciousness, distracting you and drawing you out—making you feel as though there was something you weren’t quite grasping.

Take your time, now. Enjoy the process of developing your intuitive gifts further. Have trust in the process and don’t try to rush it. If you force your development, whether you are a beginner or an expert, it will create friction and won’t feel right, like sucking too hard on a straw and pinching it shut. Being patient and building a strong foundation to work from will allow you to progress further. As much as we all want to instantly utilize every bit of our abilities, it doesn’t typically happen without some cultivation. We can expand our knowledge by connecting with our own soul and bringing to the surface what we possess but we may not have nurtured in full, yet.

Don’t forget how much you’ve already learned! You’ve come a long way and you’ve gone through a lot discovering your intuitive gifts. Respect your psychic intelligence (the knowledge and natural perception you’ve developed of the power to bring in a greater extrasensory understanding) and the wisdom you’ve attained. Regardless of where you feel you are, you can sit easy knowing you are exceptional and capable of bringing even more to your world. Carry everything you’ve studied and practiced forward but do it with an open mind. You want to leave room to learn more and be open to a different way of accessing your psychic abilities than you may have learned before. Don’t close yourself off because you feel vulnerable, or because you feel you’ve already been there, done that. Loving the learning process is what will help propel you to the next stage in your development. Now is the time to answer your higher calling. You’re taking your first step into a larger world.

At the beginning of every phase of psychic development you have a choice whether to keep going beyond the basics or to halt your progression and rest, giving yourself a chance to digest what you’ve learned and where you’re at in your metaphysical life. The potential to increase your gifts is always there and taking the next step on your journey won’t ever reverse what you’ve already learned. When I do readings for my clients I always tell them what I see psychically based on their greatest potential. I also allow that they will make their own choices and those choices will affect that result. What I am able to share with them, based on what I receive as the best possible outcome, can help guide them in making their own decisions to provide them with an end product they will be happy with. The decisions you make moving forward will continue to add to your knowledge or will provide you with a break from your training. Either way, what you’ve learned will always be there for you to continue analyzing, and more important, playing with when you are ready.

Where I’m Coming From

We don’t always choose who we will be when we grow up. Heck, we usually don’t know what we want to be, or we change our mind twenty times before we even crest our teen years. Mostly, when we are young, we want to be teachers, doctors, daredevils, firefighters, performers, and parents. Being a psychic is not something we typically aspire to, unless, as a child, you have profound experiences that affect your intuitive senses. The reality is, most of us don’t develop a deep understanding of the metaphysical world until we begin studying it, feeding the drive or the need to comprehend the unknown.

I started out as an accountant and was the controller of a company. This career is totally left-brained as it’s rational, logical, analytical, and dare I say, kind of boring. (Nothing against accountants!) However, I never felt completely fulfilled. It was like I was missing something, and I felt somewhat hollow. My right brain needed a challenge. That spiritual side, the metaphysical, artistic, intuitive, and creative part of me, needed nourishing. During my tenure as controller, we hired an outside firm to do personality and aptitude assessments for all our department supervisors. They charted our test results and mine looked like a perfect diamond. Turned out I was completely balanced, right- and left-brained, both detail-oriented and holistic, which, according to them, is very unusual. Most people are naturally slanted in one direction or another. This was the beginning of my knowing, validation that there was more to me, and to what I needed, to help make me feel like a complete and whole person.

When I was a teenager, I never knew I would be a professional psychic, hypnotist, and author, and I’m still amazed I get to live in this incredible world, understanding there is more to life than the naked eye can see. When I began my journey, about twenty years ago, I decided I needed to set out to learn as much as I could about psychic abilities. I was born with natural intuition, which I knew, but I was “told” in a message I couldn’t ignore that I had to “Do this work now!” It felt like I was hit over the head and I heard those words while standing in my dining room. Being rational and logical, I could not just dive in and change my life or my family’s life. I needed to explore and study what it meant to be psychic and what it entailed. That’s when I started absorbing everything I possibly could, knowing at that point I would become a working psychic and that I would help others and teach them to tune in to their gifts as well.

Some people grow up talking to dead people and others have a life-changing event or accident that triggers their gifts. Still others, like myself, find themselves suddenly blessed with abilities that can be further developed. Regardless of how it happens, our natural extrasensory perception can be enhanced with practice. When I was metaphysically hit over the head, I knew it was my turn to further develop my intuition, so I started taking classes and studied with more advanced psychics and mediums. During those classes, I found I was doing better than I could have imagined and I knew I’d found my calling—it was no longer something I was told to do, instead it was something I couldn’t not do.

I offered free sessions to be sure I felt comfortable, but quickly progressed into renting office space and offering my services professionally. I knew I was no longer a beginner, just starting out. I was more advanced, and I needed to share my gifts with others through readings and teaching. I also added many other modalities, including becoming a certified hypnotist and a certified reflexologist and Reiki master. I realized I loved learning and wanted to add other complimentary holistic services to my repertoire.

I also found the more I tuned in, the more I could tune in. This has become a more natural state for me and I find myself doing casual, off-the-cuff readings quite a bit. A while back I was with a friend, Patty, working in the snack shed for our high school football team. We started talking and she told me about a medium she had been to see, telling me she was a believer in psychic ability but was always skeptical. She also told me she loved readings. As she spoke, I began experiencing a sense of winter and I could feel snow in the air though it was a warm, early fall day. I immediately got an impression of Patty skiing.

“Do you ski?” I asked her.

She responded with a strange look on her face, “No. I don’t.”

“Hmm. Who’s the M name? I’m getting Michael or Matthew and I see you skiing with a group of friends,” I continued, knowing this was important.

“I don’t know. I’m not a skier,” she continued, still looking very strange.

“I’m sensing this was a long time ago, and I’m now seeing bloody mittens. I feel like something tragic happened and you’ve never really talked about it since then. I’m sensing a bizarre, tragic accident. Are you sure you didn’t ski? I’m getting an M name still, and this young man is here for you,” I persisted.

I normally would not have pushed it, but I was well aware of how Patty felt, that she enjoyed and was awed by psychic ability and mediumship. I was also sure this “M” person was coming through for her.

“OH MY GOD! I’ve never told anyone this story! No one knows, in all my years I have not shared this with anyone! How could you know about this?” she finally confessed.

“All I know is that ‘M’ is coming through, saying you did all you could and that he appreciates it. Everything is okay, he says, and it’s his way of letting you know he’s around. Are you going to tell me what happened?” I continued with curiosity.

“Wow. When I was a teenager I went on a class ski trip. I was with a group of girls and a kid from another school came down the mountain and lost control. He crashed into one of the ski lift supports, right next to us. We tried to help him, but he was not doing well. I remember my brand-new wool mittens—looking down at them covered in blood. I can’t believe you picked up on that. And, his name was Matthew. I don’t know how you knew that. I don’t know why he would have come to you for me? It was so long ago. I’m in total shock,” she answered, clearly flabbergasted and surprised.

“He’s just letting you know he’s around and appreciates that you all tried to save him. He knows you watched him go down the mountain. He’s also providing the proof you need to believe that I’m connecting to your energy,” I told her.

We talked about it some more and both knew Matthew had made a special visit. It was amazing. The fact that Matthew randomly came in to connect to Patty was incredible. But, what was even more incredible came afterward. About a week later Patty texted me.

“So, I never, ever told anyone in my family of the ski accident (my husband knew way back then, but we’ve never spoken of it in twenty-five years). I also never mentioned last week’s thing with you. Lucy, my daughter, woke up this morning and said she had the most vivid dream of her entire life. She said she thought everything was totally real life, not a dream (her words), and as she began to tell me I lost my footing. She explained her dream, but it was MY day and our skiing and the boy and the blood on the mittens and clothes, and how we waited and waited for help. And, how he went in the back of a ski mobile in a toboggan and was wrapped in a blanket and how we were covered in blood and had to go down the mountain and we went back to the lodge and just sat and sat and sat and called the hospital. Holy crap! What’s going on? I feel like I could sleep the whole day away, I’m physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted!”

I told Patty that Matthew was, again, just letting her know he was around. I also heard him tell her, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” She shared that four thank yous made sense as there were four people there. He had found a doorway in and used it to make Patty aware of his presence and his gratitude. I, too, became aware of Matthew as he had hung around for the past week and popped up during my other sessions. I think he was just happy to find a way to communicate. We, Patty and I, were both happy he had chosen us for that.

I regularly do readings for people all around the world, and I teach individuals and groups through workshops and books to tune in to their own gifts. This is my path and how I progressed from a beginner to a professional.

Where You’re Going

Everyone is different. We all have different lives and lifestyles. We participate in different activities than even our best friends every day. We enjoy different foods and different entertainment. Yet, all of you have chosen to go beyond your own beginning. Which begs the questions, why are you reading this book? What are you hoping to get out of it? What can developing your psychic abilities beyond a beginning level do for you? These are questions you, yourself can begin to answer, now.

Chances are, you’ve discovered you either have a natural talent with psychic abilities or you are extremely curious and want to take it to the next level. Developing your gifts beyond where you’ve gone before will feel powerful. It is about releasing the hold your physical mind has put on your spiritual self and allowing that part to really blossom. When you have your psychic senses available to you, at your command, everything in life will bloom more beautifully.

Within the pages of this book, you’ll find a variety of methods essential to master a multitude of techniques, which will allow you to attain a higher level of confidence in your abilities. Using true stories from my client sessions as well as client feedback and interpretations, you will easily understand the psychic development examples presented to further your own skills. The exercises offered will prepare you for deepening the connections you will create with your metaphysical self. Some people will find it helpful to prerecord the exercises so you can close your eyes and listen to the exercises out loud.

InChapter 1 through Chapter 3, you will notice some basic concepts that you may have already worked with. Think of this as your foundation, the jumping-off point that will also contain new or deeper concepts, as well as different ways to get you to where you need to be to go beyond. This is also a good place to discover exactly what you’re already familiar with and what you need to work on to prepare you to move to the next level. In Chapter 4, we really start to amp up our psychic practices, introducing you to metaphysical concepts and extrasensory experiences. Chapter 5 is where the “beyond beginner” phase really takes hold, acquainting you to many ideas, thoughts, and concepts that will have you thinking of your gifts from a fresh perspective. Get ready to dive in and unleash your power!

Regardless of where you are in your psychic journey, you will reinforce your gifts as you move through the book. You will become better acquainted with the way energy behaves, in your ethereal body as well as with your connection to the universe and to loved ones on the other side. You will learn in Chapter 6 that becoming a medium may be an added benefit to expanding your psychic abilities, for yourself and others. Venturing outside of your physical body will take you on a voyage to previous lifetimes and can also bring you to a different location in the present moment, providing you with the opportunity to utilize both trips to enhance and deepen your psychic abilities. Your recognition of symbolic messages will intensify, allowing you to better connect with your own intuition and communicate with the other side in a more evidential way. You may find you develop a profound need to share your gifts with others professionally and in Chapter 10 you will learn about many ways to bring that desire to fruition. Overall, you’ll find a plethora of information at your fingertips to provide you with a more concentrated awareness to take you beyond a beginning level.

Enjoy Your Journey!

There are many ways to remember your journey throughout this book. One of the best ways is to get a blank journal or notepad. Recording your unique experiences will help you along the way as you develop your own psychic abilities. For every exercise you will have answers or outcomes. Before embarking on each new training, open your journal to a fresh page and have a pen ready to record your observations and responses. Be sure to write down which chapter and exercise number you are journaling about. That way you can always go back and review and compare your original results to any new experiences you choose to repeat. It also gives you a chance to reflect upon how far you’ve come!

You may have heard that anything worth doing is worth doing well. I take that a step further and submit that you should not move forward with psychic development, on any level, unless it brings you happiness. When you are really good at something you usually enjoy doing it. The same holds true for psychic abilities. If you feel as though you are truly connecting and excelling at tuning in to your gifts, you will be more apt to want to continue. However, enjoying your gifts also means you enjoy the learning process. Know that sometimes you will be better at being able to intuit information than other times. This is perfectly okay! Don’t allow possible setbacks and even confusion to take away from your appreciation and the joy it brings you. You may feel self-doubt creeping in along the way as well. This is normal—just shake it off and allow the opportunities to develop your gifts to keep coming. Remember, enjoy the process! If you are never having fun when working with your psychic abilities, you really need to take a step back and decide if this is for you. Challenging yourself is good, and healthy on many levels, but it should never feel like a chore.
