Useful Contacts

Holidays and Festivals

Conversions and Climate

Numbers and Stumblers

Metric Conversions

Clothing Sizes

Paris’ Climate

Fahrenheit and Celsius Conversion

Packing Checklist

French Pronunciation Guide for Paris

French Survival Phrases

Useful Contacts

For tips on making calls, including specifics on dialing toll-free service numbers, see “How to Dial” on here.

Emergency Needs

Operators at emergency numbers may speak English, but there is no guarantee. Calls to 112 and 114 are received by either the Emergency Medical Assistance Service (called “SAMU”) or the fire brigade, who will reroute the call if necessary.

Police: Tel. 17

Fire and Accident: Tel. 18

Emergency Medical Assistance Service (SAMU): Tel. 15

Ambulance for Medical Emergencies: Tel. 15 or 01 45 67 50 50 (message asks for your address and name)

SOS All Services: 112

Hearing-Assisted SOS All Services: 114

American Hospital: Tel. 01 46 41 25 25 (63 Boulevard Victor Hugo, in Neuilly suburb, Mo: Porte Maillot, then bus #82)

English-Speaking Pharmacy (Pharmacie les Champs): Tel. 01 45 62 02 41, open 24 hours every day of the year (84 Avenue des Champs-Elysées, Mo: Georges V)

English-Speaking Doctors: For a good list, search on the US embassy’s website:

SOS Doctors: Tel. 01 47 07 77 77 (most speak some English, house calls to hotels or homes, usually €60-90)

SOS Help: Tel. 01 46 21 46 46 (anonymous telephone hotline with crisis/suicide prevention listening service in English, daily 15:00-23:00)

SOS Dentist: Tel. 07 81 63 74 63,

The American Chiropractic Center: Tel. 01 45 51 38 38, open Mon-Sat, closed Sun (119 Rue de l’Université, Mo: Invalides,

Lost Property (Bureau des Objets Trouvés, at police station): Tel. 08 21 00 25 25; open Mon-Fri 8:30-17:00 (36 Rue des Morillons, Mo: Convention, on south end of line 12)

Collect Calls to the US: Tel. 00 00 11

Embassies and Consulates

US Consulate and Embassy: Tel. 01 43 12 22 22 (4 Avenue Gabriel, to the left as you face Hôtel Crillon, Mo: Concorde,

Canadian Consulate and Embassy: Tel. 01 44 43 29 00, For 24/7 emergency assistance, call collect to Canadian (tel. 613/996-8885)

Australian Consulate: Tel. 01 40 59 33 00 (4 Rue Jean Rey, Mo: Bir-Hakeim,

Travel Advisories

US Department of State: Tel. 888-407-4747, from outside US tel. 1-202-501-4444,

Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs: Canadian tel. 800-387-3124, from outside Canada tel. 1-613-996-8885,

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Tel. 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636),

Tourist Info and Hotels

Paris Webservices Booking Service (for hotels, transportation, restaurants, and other tourist activities): Tel. 01 45 56 91 67 (12 Rue de l’Exposition, Mo: Ecole Militaire, RER: Pont de l’Alma,,, helpful Gérard)

G7 Taxis (Paris’ main taxi company): Tel. 01 41 27 66 99, (English version available)

Hotel Chains

Accor Hotels (huge chain, including Ibis, Mercure, and Novotel): Tel. 08 25 88 00 00, US tel. 800-221-4542,

Ibis Hotels: Tel. 08 92 68 66 86, US tel. 800-221-4542,

Mercure Hotels: Tel. 08 25 88 33 33, US tel. 800-221-4542,

Kyriad Hotels: From Europe dial British tel. 207/519-5045,

Best Western Hotels: US tel. 800-780-7234,

Country Home Rental: or

Youth Hostels

Hostelling International, US Office:

Hostelling International, Canada Office:

Hip Hop Hostels (clearinghouse for budget hotels and hostels in Paris): Tel. 01 48 78 10 00,

English-Language Churches in Paris

American Church (interdenominational): Tel. 01 40 62 05 00 (65 Quai d’Orsay, Mo: Invalides,; for more information, see here)

American Cathedral (Episcopalian): Tel. 53 23 84 00 (23 Avenue George V, Mo: George V,

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship:

Scots Kirk (Church of Scotland): Tel. 01 48 78 47 94 (17 Rue Bayard, Mo: Franklin D. Roosevelt,

St. George’s Anglican Church: Tel. 01 47 20 22 51 (7 Rue Auguste Vacquerie, Mo: George V or Kleber,

St. Joseph’s Church (Roman Catholic): Tel. 01 42 27 28 56 (50 Avenue Hoche, Mo: Etoile,

St. Michael’s Church (Anglican): Tel. 01 47 42 70 88 (5 Rue d’Aguesseau, Mo: Concorde or Madeleine,

Holidays and Festivals

This list includes selected festivals in Paris, plus national holidays observed throughout France. Many sights and banks close on national holidays—keep this in mind when planning your itinerary. Before planning a trip around a festival, verify its dates by checking the festival’s website or France’s national tourism website (


In Paris, hotels get booked up Easter weekend (note that Easter Monday is a holiday, and the weeks before and after are also busy), Labor Day, V-E Day, Ascension weekend, Pentecost weekend, Bastille Day and the week during which it falls, and the winter holidays (last half of December). Avoid leaving Paris at the beginning of one of these holiday weekends or returning at the end—you’ll be competing with Parisians for seats on planes and trains, or fighting them in traffic on the roadways.

Paris is lively with festivals and events throughout the summer and fall. Kicking off the season in late May or early June is the month-long Festival of St. Denis in that Parisian suburb, featuring musicians from around the world at various venues (tel. 01 48 13 06 07,

Paris celebrates the solstice (June 21) with its Music Festival (Fête de la Musique), staging concerts throughout the city.

Bastille Day, France’s National Day (July 14), brings fireworks, dancing, and revelry countrywide (see sidebar on here). In late July, the Tour de France bicycle race ends on the Champs-Elysées (; see sidebar on here).

From mid-July to mid-August, the Paris Neighborhoods Festival features theater, dance, and concerts around the city. At the same time, the fun Paris Plages, a riverside ersatz beach, is set up in the middle of the city (see here).

La Villette Jazz Festival brings a week of outdoor jazz concerts to this Parisian park from late August to mid-September. The first Saturday of October, Montmartre celebrates the grape harvest with a parade and festivities. The Festival of Autumn ( runs through fall, with theater, dance, film, and opera performances. If you’re in Paris during Christmas, see the Paris in Winter chapter for information on things to do. (Christmas week is generally quieter than the week of New Year’s.)

Here are some major holidays in 2015:

Jan 1 New Year’s Day
Jan 6 Epiphany
April 5 Easter Sunday
April 6 Easter Monday
May 1 Labor Day
May 8 V-E (Victory in Europe) Day
May 14 Ascension
May 24 Pentecost
May 25 Pentecost Monday
July 14 Bastille Day
Aug 15 Assumption of Mary
Nov 1 All Saints’ Day
Nov 11 Armistice Day
Dec 25 Christmas Day

Conversions and Climate


• Europeans write a few of their numbers differently than we do: 1 = Image, 4 = Image, 7 = Image.

• In Europe, dates appear as day/month/year, so Christmas 2015 is 25/12/15.

• Commas are decimal points and decimals are commas. A dollar and a half is $1,50, one thousand is 1.000, and there are 5.280 feet in a mile.

• When counting with fingers, start with your thumb. If you hold up your first finger to request one item, you’ll probably get two.

• What Americans call the second floor of a building is the first floor in Europe.

• On escalators and moving sidewalks, Europeans keep the left “lane” open for passing. Keep to the right.


A kilogram is 2.2 pounds, and l liter is about a quart, or almost four to a gallon. A kilometer is six-tenths of a mile. I figure kilometers to miles by cutting them in half and adding back 10 percent of the original (120 km: 60 + 12 = 72 miles, 300 km: 150 + 30 = 180 miles).

1 foot = 0.3 meter

1 yard = 0.9 meter

1 mile = 1.6 kilometers

1 centimeter = 0.4 inch

1 meter = 39.4 inches

1 kilometer = 0.62 mile

1 square yard = 0.8 square meter

1 square mile = 2.6 square kilometers

1 ounce = 28 grams

1 quart = 0.95 liter

1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds

32°F = 0°C


When shopping for clothing, use these US-to-European comparisons as general guidelines (but note that no conversion is perfect).

• Women’s dresses and blouses: Add 30

(US size 10 = European size 40)

• Men’s suits and jackets: Add 10

(US size 40 regular = European size 50)

• Men’s shirts: Multiply by 2 and add about 8

(US size 15 collar = European size 38)

• Women’s shoes: Add about 30

(US size 8 = European size 38-39)

• Men’s shoes: Add 32-34

(US size 9 = European size 41; US size 11 = European size 45)



First line, average daily high; second line, average daily low; third line, average days without rain. For more detailed weather statistics for destinations in this book (as well as the rest of the world), check


Europe takes its temperature using the Celsius scale, while we opt for Fahrenheit. For a rough conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit, double the number and add 30. For weather, remember that 28°C is 82°F—perfect. For health, 37°C is just right. At a launderette, 30°C is cold, 40°C is warm (usually the default setting), 60°C is hot, and 95°C is boiling.



When using the phonetics: Try to nasalize the n sound (let the sound come through your nose). Note that the “ahn” combination uses the “ah” sound in “father,” but the “an” combination uses the “a” sound in “sack.” Pronounce the “ī” as the long “i” in “light.” If your best attempt at pronunciation meets with a puzzled look, just point to the place name on the list.

Arc de Triomphe ark duh tree-ohnf

arrondissement ah-rohn-dees-mohn

Art Nouveau art noo-voh

Auvers-sur-Oise oh-vehr-sur-wahz

Bateaux Mouches bah-toh moosh

Bon Marché bohn mar-chay

boulangerie boo-lahn-zheh-ree

Carnavalet kar-nah-val-eh

Champ de Mars shahn duh mar

Champs-Elysées shahn-zay-lee-zay

Chantilly shahn-tee-yee

charcuterie shar-koo-tuh-ree

Chartres shar-truh

château(x) shah-toh

Cité see-tay

Cité des Sciences see-tay day see-ahns

Conciergerie kon-see-ehr-zhuh-ree

Contrescarpe kohn-truh-scarp

droguerie droh-guh-ree

Ecole Militaire eh-kohl mee-lee-tehr

Egouts ay-goo

Fauchon foh-shohn

Fontainebleau fohn-tehn-bloh

fromagerie froh-mah-zhuh-ree

Galeries Lafayette gah-luh-ree lah-fay-yet

gare gar

Gare d’Austerlitz gar doh-stehr-leets

Gare de l’Est gar duh lest

Gare de Lyon gar duh lee-ohn

Gare du Nord gar dew nor

Gare St. Lazare gar sahn lah-zar

Giverny zhee-vehr-nee

Grand Palais grahn pah-lay

Grande Arche de la Défense grahnd arsh duh lah day-fahns

Hôtel de Sully oh-tehl duh soo-lee

Ile de la Cité eel duh lah see-tay

Ile St. Louis eel sahn loo-ee

Jacquemart-André zhahk-mar-ahn-dray

jardin zhar-dan

Jardin des Plantes zhar-dan day plahnt

Jeu de Paume juh duh pohm

La Madeleine lah mah-duh-lehn

La Marseillaise lah mar-seh-yehz

Le Hameau luh ah-moh

Les Halles lay ahl

Les Invalides lay-zan-vah-leed

Loire lwar

L’Orangerie loh-rahn-zhuh-ree

Louvre loov-ruh

Marais mah-ray

marché aux puces mar-chay oh poos

Marmottan mar-moh-tahn

Métro may-troh

Monge mohnzh

Montmartre mohn-mart

Montparnasse mohn-par-nas

Moulin Rouge moo-lan roozh

musée mew-zay

Musée de l’Armée mew-zay duh lar-may

Musée d’Orsay mew-zay dor-say

Notre-Dame noh-truh-dahm

Opéra Garnier oh-pay-rah gar-nee-ay

orangerie oh-rahn-zhuh-ree

Orsay or-say

palais pah-lay

Palais de Justice pah-lay duh zhew-stees

Palais Royal pah-lay roh-yahl

Parc de la Villette park duh la vee-leht

Parc Monceau park mohn-soh

Père Lachaise pehr lah-shehz

Petit Palais puh-tee pah-lay

Pigalle pee-gahl

place plahs

Place Dauphine plahs doh-feen

Place de la Bastille plahs duh lah bah-steel

Place de la Concorde plahs duh lah kohn-kord

Place de la République plahs duh lah ray-poo-bleek

Place des Vosges plahs day vohzh

Place du Tertre plahs dew tehr-truh

Place St. André-des-Arts plahs sahn tahn-dray-day-zart

Place Vendôme plahs vahn-dohm

Pompidou pohn-pee-doo

pont pohn

Pont Alexandre III pohn ah-leks-ahn-druh twah

Pont Neuf pohn nuhf

Promenade Plantée proh-mehn-ahd plahn-tay

quai kay

Rive Droite reeve dwaht

Rive Gauche reeve gohsh

Rodin roh-dan

rue rew

Rue Cler rew klehr

Rue Daguerre rew dah-gehr

Rue des Rosiers rew day roz-ee-ay

Rue Montorgueil rew mohn-tor-goy

Rue Mouffetard rew moof-tar

Rue de Rivoli rew duh ree-voh-lee

Sacré-Cœur sah-kray-koor

Sainte-Chapelle sahnt-shah-pehl

Seine sehn

Sèvres-Babylone seh-vruh-bah-bee-lohn

Sorbonne sor-buhn

St. Germain-des-Prés sahn zhehr-man-day-pray

St. Julien-le-Pauvre sahn zhew-lee-an-luh-poh-vruh

St. Séverin sahn say-vuh-ran

St. Sulpice sahn sool-pees

Tour Eiffel toor ee-fehl

Trianon tree-ahn-ohn

Trocadéro troh-kah-day-roh

Tuileries twee-lay-ree

Vaux-le-Vicomte voh-luh-vee-kohnt

Venus de Milo vuh-news duh mee-loh

Versailles vehr-“sigh”

French Survival Phrases

When using the phonetics, try to nasalize the n sound.

English French Pronunciation
Good day. Bonjour. bohn-zhoor
Mrs. / Mr. Madame / Monsieur mah-dahm / muhs-yur
Do you speak English? Parlez-vous anglais? par-lay-voo ahn-glay
Yes. / No. Oui. / Non. wee / nohn
I understand. Je comprends. zhuh kohn-prahn
I don’t understand. Je ne comprends pas. zhuh nuh kohn-prahn pah
Please. S’il vous plaît. see voo play
Thank you. Merci. mehr-see
I’m sorry. Désolé. day-zoh-lay
Excuse me. Pardon. par-dohn
(No) problem. (Pas de) problème. (pah duh) proh-blehm
It’s good. C’est bon. say bohn
Goodbye. Au revoir. oh vwahr
one / two un / deux uhn / duh
three / four trois / quatre twah / kah-truh
five / six cinq / six sank / sees
seven / eight sept / huit seht / weet
nine / ten neuf / dix nuhf / dees
How much is it? Combien? kohn-bee-an
Write it? Ecrivez? ay-kree-vay
Is it free? C’est gratuit? say grah-twee
Included? Inclus? an-klew
Where can I buy / find...? Où puis-je acheter /trouver...? oo pwee-zhuh ah-shuh-tay / troo-vay
I’d like / We’d like... Je voudrais / Nous voudrions... zhuh voo-dray / noo voo-dree-ohn
...a room. ...une chambre. ewn shahn-bruh
...a ticket to ___. ...un billet pour ___. uhn bee-yay poor ___
Is it possible? C’est possible? say poh-see-bluh
Where is...? Où est...? oo ay
...the train station gare lah gar
...the bus station gare routière lah gar root-yehr
...tourist information ...l’office du tourisme loh-fees dew too-reez-muh
Where are the toilets? Où sont les toilettes? oo sohn lay twah-leht
men hommes ohm
women dames dahm
left / right à gauche / à droite ah gohsh / ah dwaht
straight tout droit too dwah
When does this open / close? Ça ouvre / ferme à quelle heure? sah oo-vruh / fehrm ah kehl ur
At what time? À quelle heure? ah kehl ur
Just a moment. Un moment. uhn moh-mahn
now / soon / later maintenant / bientôt / plustard man-tuh-nahn / bee-an-toh / plew tar
today / tomorrow aujourd’hui / demain oh-zhoor-dwee / duh-man

In a French Restaurant

English French Pronunciation
I’d like / We’d like... Je voudrais / Nous voudrions... zhuh voo-dray / noo voo-dree-ohn reserve... ...réserver... ray-zehr-vay
...a table for one / two. ...une table pour un / deux. ewn tah-bluh poor uhn / duh
Is this seat free? C’est libre? say lee-bruh
The menu (in English), please. La carte (en anglais), s’il vous plaît. lah kart (ahn ahn-glay) see voo play
service (not) included service (non) compris sehr-vees (nohn) kohn-pree
to go à emporter ah ahn-por-tay
with / without avec / sans ah-vehk / sahn
and / or et / ou ay / oo
special of the day plat du jour plah dew zhoor
specialty of the house spécialité de la maison spay-see-ah-lee-tay duh lah may-zohn
appetizers hors d’oeuvre or duh-vruh
first course (soup, salad) entrée ahn-tray
main course (meat, fish) plat principal plah pran-see-pahl
bread pain pan
cheese fromage froh-mahzh
sandwich sandwich sahnd-weech
soup soupe soop
salad salade sah-lahd
meat viande vee-ahnd
chicken poulet poo-lay
fish poisson pwah-sohn
seafood fruits de mer frwee duh mehr
fruit fruit frwee
vegetables légumes lay-gewm
dessert dessert day-sehr
mineral water eau minérale oh mee-nay-rahl
tap water l’eau du robinet loh dew roh-bee-nay
milk lait lay
(orange) juice jus (d’orange) zhew (doh-rahnzh)
coffee / tea café / thé kah-fay / tay
wine vin van
red / white rouge / blanc roozh / blahn
glass / bottle verre / bouteille vehr / boo-tay
beer bière bee-ehr
Cheers! Santé! sahn-tay
More. / Another. Plus. / Un autre. plew / uhn oh-truh
The same. La même chose. lah mehm shohz
The bill, please. L’addition, s’il vous plaît. lah-dee-see-ohn see voo play
Do you accept credit cards? Vous prenez les cartes? voo pruh-nay lay kart
tip pourboire poor-bwahr
Delicious! Délicieux! day-lee-see-uh

For more user-friendly French phrases, check out Rick Steves’ French Phrase Book and Dictionary or Rick Steves’ French, Italian & German Phrase Book.