Chapter 1. The JavaScript Revolution

JavaScript is arguably the most important programming language on earth. Once thought of as a toy, JavaScript is now the most widely deployed programming language in history. Almost everyone with a computer or a smartphone has all the tools they need to execute JavaScript programs and to create their own. All you need is a browser and a text editor.

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS have become so prevalent that many operating systems have adopted the open web standards as the presentation layer for native apps, including Windows 8, Firefox OS, Gnome, and Google’s Chrome OS. Additionally, the iPhone and Android mobile devices support web views that allow them to incorporate JavaScript and HTML5 functionality into native applications.

JavaScript is also moving into the hardware world. Projects like Arduino, Tessel, Espruino, and NodeBots foreshadow a time in the near future where JavaScript could be a common language for embedded systems and robotics.

Creating a JavaScript program is as simple as editing a text file and opening it in the browser. There are no complex development environments to download and install, and no complex IDE to learn. JavaScript is easy to learn, too. The basic syntax is immediately familiar to any programmer who has been exposed to the C family syntax. No other language can boast a barrier to entry as low as JavaScript’s.

That low barrier to entry is probably the main reason that JavaScript was once widely (perhaps rightly) shunned as a toy. It was mainly used to create UI effects in the browser. That situation has changed.

For a long time, there was no way to save data with JavaScript. If you wanted data to persist, you had to submit a form to a web server and wait for a page refresh. That hindered the process of creating responsive and dynamic web applications. However, in 2000, Microsoft started shipping Ajax technology in Internet Explorer. Soon after, other browsers added support for the XMLHttpRequest object.

In 2004, Google launched Gmail. Initially applauded because it promised users nearly infinite storage for their email, Gmail also brought a major revolution. Gone were the page refreshes. Under the hood, Gmail was taking advantage of the new Ajax technology, creating a single-page, fast, and responsive web application that would forever change the way that web applications are designed.

Since that time, web developers have produced nearly every type of application, including full-blown, cloud-based office suites (see, social APIs like Facebook’s JavaScript SDK, and even graphically intensive video games.

All of this is serving to prove Atwood’s Law: “Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.”

Advantages of JavaScript

JavaScript didn’t just luck into its position as the dominant client-side language on the Web. It is actually very well suited to be the language that took over the world. It is one of the most advanced and expressive programming languages developed to date. The following sections outline some of the features you may or may not be familiar with.

JavaScript code, by virtue of its ubiquity, is the most portable, reusable code around. What other language lets you write the same code that runs natively on both the client and the server? (See Getting Started with Node and Express to learn about an event-driven JavaScript environment that is revolutionizing server-side development.)

JavaScript can be modular and encapsulated, and it is common to see scripts written by six different teams of developers who have never communicated working in harmony on the same page.

The Net Result

JavaScript developers are at the heart of what may be the single biggest revolution in the history of computing: the dawn of the realtime web. Messages pass back and forth across the net, in some cases with each keystroke, or every move of the mouse. We’re writing applications that put desktop application UI’s to shame. Modern JavaScript applications are the most responsive, most socially engaging applications ever written—and if you don’t know JavaScript yet, you’re missing the boat. It’s time to get on board, before you get left behind.

While every app is unique, most share some common concerns, such as hosting infrastructure, resource management, presentation, and UI behaviors. This section covers where these various elements typically live in the application and the common mechanisms that allow them to communicate.

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a client-server communication architecture that creates a separation of concerns between data resources and user interfaces (or other data resource consumers, such as data analysis tools and aggregators). Services that implement REST are referred to as RESTful. The server manages data resources (such as user records). It does not implement the user interface (look and feel). Clients are free to implement the UI (or not) in whatever manner or language is desired. REST architecture does not address how user interfaces are implemented. It only deals with maintaining application state between the client and the server.

RESTful web services use HTTP verbs to tell the server what action the client intends. The actions supported are:

This might look familiar if you’re familiar with CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete). Just remember that in the REST mapping, update really means replace.

Figure 1-2 shows a typical state transfer flow.

It’s common to be confused about whether to use PUT or POST to change a resource. REST eases that confusion. PUT is used if the client is capable of generating its own safe IDs. Otherwise, a POST request is always made on a collection to create a new resource. In this case, the server generates the ID and returns it to the client.

For example, you might create a new user by hitting /users/ with a POST request, at which point the server will generate a unique ID that you can use to access the new resource at /users/userid. The server will return a new user representation with its own unique URI. You shouldn’t modify an existing resource with POST; you can add only children to it.

Use PUT to change the user’s display name by hitting /users/userid with the updated user record. Note that this will completely replace the user record, so make sure that the representation you PUT contains everything you want it to contain.

You can learn more about working with REST in Chapter 8.