5.3.4 Further Properties of Poisson Processes
Consider a Poisson process {N(t),t⩾0} having rate λ, and suppose that each time an event occurs it is classified as either a type I or a type II event. Suppose further that each event is classified as a type I event with probability p or a type II event with probability 1-p, independently of all other events. For example, suppose that customers arrive at a store in accordance with a Poisson process having rate λ; and suppose that each arrival is male with probability 12 and female with probability 12. Then a type I event would correspond to a male arrival and a type II event to a female arrival.
Let N1(t) and N2(t) denote respectively the number of type I and type II events occurring in [0,t]. Note that N(t)=N1(t)+N2(t).
It is easy to verify that {N1(t),t⩾0} is a Poisson process with rate λp by verifying that it satisfies Definition 5.3.
• N1(0)=0 follows from the fact that N(0)=0.
• It is easy to see that {N1(t),t⩾0} inherits the stationary and independent increment properties of the process {N(t),t⩾0}. This is true because the distribution of the number of type I events in an interval can be obtained by conditioning on the number of events in that interval, and the distribution of this latter quantity depends only on the length of the interval and is independent of what has occurred in any nonoverlapping interval.
• P{N1(h)=1}=P{N1(h)=1∣N(h)=1}P{N(h)=1}
• P{N1(h)⩾2}⩽P{N(h)⩾2}=o(h)
Thus we see that {N1(t),t⩾0} is a Poisson process with rate λp and, by a similar argument, that {N2(t),t⩾0} is a Poisson process with rate λ(1-p). Because the probability of a type I event in the interval from t to t+h is independent of all that occurs in intervals that do not overlap (t,t+h), it is independent of knowledge of when type II events occur, showing that the two Poisson processes are independent. (For another way of proving independence, see Example 3.23.) ■
Example 5.14
If immigrants to area A arrive at a Poisson rate of ten per week, and if each immigrant is of English descent with probability 112, then what is the probability that no people of English descent will emigrate to area A during the month of February?
Example 5.15
Suppose nonnegative offers to buy an item that you want to sell arrive according to a Poisson process with rate λ. Assume that each offer is the value of a continuous random variable having density function f(x). Once the offer is presented to you, you must either accept it or reject it and wait for the next offer. We suppose that you incur costs at a rate c per unit time until the item is sold, and that your objective is to maximize your expected total return, where the total return is equal to the amount received minus the total cost incurred. Suppose you employ the policy of accepting the first offer that is greater than some specified value y. (Such a type of policy, which we call a y-policy, can be shown to be optimal.) What is the best value of y? What is the maximal expected net return?
Solution: Let us compute the expected total return when you use the y-policy, and then choose the value of y that maximizes this quantity. Let X denote the value of a random offer, and let F¯(x)=P{X>x}=∫x∞f(u)du be its tail distribution function. Because each offer will be greater than y with probability F¯(y), it follows that such offers occur according to a Poisson process with rate λF¯(y). Hence, the time until an offer is accepted is an exponential random variable with rate λF¯(y). Letting R(y) denote the total return from the policy that accepts the first offer that is greater than y, we have
E[R(y)]=E[acceptedoffer]-cE[timetoaccept]=E[X∣X>y]-cλF¯(y)=∫0∞xfX∣X>y(x)dx-cλF¯(y)=∫y∞xf(x)F¯(y)dx-cλF¯(y)=∫y∞xf(x)dx-c/λF¯(y) (5.14)
Differentiation yields
Therefore, the optimal value of y satisfies
It is not difficult to show that there is a unique value of y that satisfies the preceding. Hence, the optimal policy is the one that accepts the first offer that is greater than y∗, where y∗ is such that
Putting y=y∗ in Equation (5.14) shows that the maximal expected net return is
Thus, the optimal critical value is also the maximal expected net return. To understand why this is so, let m be the maximal expected net return, and note that when an offer is rejected the problem basically starts anew and so the maximal expected additional net return from then on is m. But this implies that it is optimal to accept an offer if and only if it is at least as large as m, showing that m is the optimal critical value. ■
It follows from Proposition 5.2 that if each of a Poisson number of individuals is independently classified into one of two possible groups with respective probabilities p and 1-p, then the number of individuals in each of the two groups will be independent Poisson random variables. Because this result easily generalizes to the case where the classification is into any one of r possible groups, we have the following application to a model of employees moving about in an organization.
Example 5.16
Consider a system in which individuals at any time are classified as being in one of r possible states, and assume that an individual changes states in accordance with a Markov chain having transition probabilities Pij,i,j=1,…,r. That is, if an individual is in state i during a time period then, independently of its previous states, it will be in state j during the next time period with probability Pij. The individuals are assumed to move through the system independently of each other. Suppose that the numbers of people initially in states 1,2,…,r are independent Poisson random variables with respective means λ1,λ2,…,λr. We are interested in determining the joint distribution of the numbers of individuals in states 1,2,…,r at some time n.
Solution: For fixed i, let Nj(i),j=1,…,r denote the number of those individuals, initially in state i, that are in state j at time n. Now each of the (Poisson distributed) number of people initially in state i will, independently of each other, be in state j at time n with probability Pijn, where Pijn is the n-stage transition probability for the Markov chain having transition probabilities Pij. Hence, the Nj(i),j=1,…,r will be independent Poisson random variables with respective means λiPijn, j=1,…,r. Because the sum of independent Poisson random variables is itself a Poisson random variable, it follows that the number of individuals in state j at time n—namely ∑i=1rNj(i)—will be independent Poisson random variables with respective means ∑iλiPijn, for j=1,…,r. ■
Example 5.17
The Coupon Collecting Problem
There are m different types of coupons. Each time a person collects a coupon it is, independently of ones previously obtained, a type j coupon with probability pj,∑j=1mpj=1. Let N denote the number of coupons one needs to collect in order to have a complete collection of at least one of each type. Find E[N].
Solution: If we let Nj denote the number one must collect to obtain a type j coupon, then we can express N as
However, even though each Nj is geometric with parameter pj, the foregoing representation of N is not that useful, because the random variables Nj are not independent.
We can, however, transform the problem into one of determining the expected value of the maximum of independent random variables. To do so, suppose that coupons are collected at times chosen according to a Poisson process with rate λ=1. Say that an event of this Poisson process is of type j,1⩽j⩽m, if the coupon obtained at that time is a type j coupon. If we now let Nj(t) denote the number of type j coupons collected by time t, then it follows from Proposition 5.2 that {Nj(t),t⩾0},j=1,…,m are independent Poisson processes with respective rates λpj=pj. Let Xj denote the time of the first event of the jth process, and let
denote the time at which a complete collection is amassed. Since the Xj are independent exponential random variables with respective rates pj, it follows that
E[X]=∫0∞P{X>t}dt=∫0∞1-∏j=1m(1-e-pjt)dt (5.15)
It remains to relate E[X], the expected time until one has a complete set, to E[N], the expected number of coupons it takes. This can be done by letting Ti denote the ith interarrival time of the Poisson process that counts the number of coupons obtained. Then it is easy to see that
Since the Ti are independent exponentials with rate 1, and N is independent of the Ti, we see that
and so E[N] is as given in Equation (5.15).
Let us now compute the expected number of types that appear only once in the complete collection. Letting Ii equal 1 if there is only a single type i coupon in the final set, and letting it equal 0 otherwise, we thus want
Now there will be a single type i coupon in the final set if a coupon of each type has appeared before the second coupon of type i is obtained. Thus, letting Si denote the time at which the second type i coupon is obtained, we have
Using that Si has a gamma distribution with parameters (2,pi), this yields
Therefore, we have the result
The next probability calculation related to Poisson processes that we shall determine is the probability that n events occur in one Poisson process before m events have occurred in a second and independent Poisson process. More formally let {N1(t),t⩾0} and {N2(t),t⩾0} be two independent Poisson processes having respective rates λ1 and λ2. Also, let Sn1 denote the time of the nth event of the first process, and Sm2 the time of the mth event of the second process. We seek
Before attempting to calculate this for general n and m, let us consider the special case n=m=1. Since S11, the time of the first event of the N1(t) process, and S12, the time of the first event of the N2(t) process, are both exponentially distributed random variables (by Proposition 5.1) with respective means 1/λ1 and 1/λ2, it follows from Section 5.2.3 that
PS11<S12=λ1λ1+λ2 (5.16)
Let us now consider the probability that two events occur in the N1(t) process before a single event has occurred in the N2(t) process. That is, P{S21<S12}. To calculate this we reason as follows: In order for the N1(t) process to have two events before a single event occurs in the N2(t) process, it is first necessary for the initial event that occurs to be an event of the N1(t) process (and this occurs, by Equation (5.16), with probability λ1/(λ1+λ2)). Now, given that the initial event is from the N1(t) process, the next thing that must occur for S21 to be less than S12 is for the second event also to be an event of the N1(t) process. However, when the first event occurs both processes start all over again (by the memoryless property of Poisson processes) and hence this conditional probability is also λ1/(λ1+λ2); thus, the desired probability is given by
In fact, this reasoning shows that each event that occurs is going to be an event of the N1(t) process with probability λ1/(λ1+λ2) or an event of the N2(t) process with probability λ2/(λ1+λ2), independent of all that has previously occurred. In other words, the probability that the N1(t) process reaches n before the N2(t) process reaches m is just the probability that n heads will appear before m tails if one flips a coin having probability p=λ1/(λ1+λ2) of a head appearing. But by noting that this event will occur if and only if the first n+m-1 tosses result in n or more heads, we see that our desired probability is given by
5.3.5 Conditional Distribution of the Arrival Times
Suppose we are told that exactly one event of a Poisson process has taken place by time t, and we are asked to determine the distribution of the time at which the event occurred. Now, since a Poisson process possesses stationary and independent increments it seems reasonable that each interval in [0,t] of equal length should have the same probability of containing the event. In other words, the time of the event should be uniformly distributed over [0,t]. This is easily checked since, for s⩽t,
This result may be generalized, but before doing so we need to introduce the concept of order statistics.
Let Y1,Y2,…,Yn be n random variables. We say that Y(1),Y(2),…,Y(n) are the order statistics corresponding to Y1,Y2,…,Yn if Y(k) is the kth smallest value among Y1,…,Yn, k=1,2,…,n. For instance, if n=3 and Y1=4, Y2=5, Y3=1 then Y(1)=1,Y(2)=4, Y(3)=5. If the Yi,i=1,…,n, are independent identically distributed continuous random variables with probability density f, then the joint density of the order statistics Y(1),Y(2),…,Y(n) is given by
The preceding follows since
(i) (Y(1),Y(2),…,Y(n)) will equal (y1,y2,…,yn) if (Y1,Y2,…,Yn) is equal to any of the n! permutations of (y1,y2,…,yn);
(ii) the probability density that (Y1,Y2,…,Yn) is equal to yi1,…,yin is ∏j=1nf(yij)=∏j=1nf(yj) when i1,…,in is a permutation of 1,2,…,n.
If the Yi,i=1,…,n, are uniformly distributed over (0,t), then we obtain from the preceding that the joint density function of the order statistics Y(1),Y(2),…,Y(n) is
We are now ready for the following useful theorem.
To obtain the conditional density of S1,…,Sn given that N(t)=n note that for 0<s1<⋯<sn<t the event that S1=s1,S2=s2,…,Sn=sn,N(t)=n is equivalent to the event that the first n+1 interarrival times satisfy T1=s1,T2=s2-s1,…,Tn=sn-sn-1,Tn+1>t-sn. Hence, using Proposition 5.1, we have that the conditional joint density of S1,…,Sn given that N(t)=n is as follows:
which proves the result. ■
Application of Theorem 5.2 (Sampling a Poisson Process)
In Proposition 5.2 we showed that if each event of a Poisson process is independently classified as a type I event with probability p and as a type II event with probability 1-p then the counting processes of type I and type II events are independent Poisson processes with respective rates λp and λ(1-p). Suppose now, however, that there are k possible types of events and that the probability that an event is classified as a type i event, i=1,…,k, depends on the time the event occurs. Specifically, suppose that if an event occurs at time y then it will be classified as a type i event, independently of anything that has previously occurred, with probability Pi(y),i=1,…,k where ∑i=1kPi(y)=1. Upon using Theorem 5.2 we can prove the following useful proposition.
Proposition 5.3
If Ni(t),i=1,…,k, represents the number of type i events occurring by time t then Ni(t),i=1,…,k, are independent Poisson random variables having means
Before proving this proposition, let us first illustrate its use.
Example 5.18
An Infinite Server Queue
Suppose that customers arrive at a service station in accordance with a Poisson process with rate λ. Upon arrival the customer is immediately served by one of an infinite number of possible servers, and the service times are assumed to be independent with a common distribution G. What is the distribution of X(t), the number of customers that have completed service by time t? What is the distribution of Y(t), the number of customers that are being served at time t?
To answer the preceding questions let us agree to call an entering customer a type I customer if he completes his service by time t and a type II customer if he does not complete his service by time t. Now, if the customer enters at time s,s⩽t, then he will be a type I customer if his service time is less than t-s. Since the service time distribution is G, the probability of this will be G(t-s). Similarly, a customer entering at time s,s⩽t, will be a type II customer with probability G¯(t-s)=1-G(t-s). Hence, from Proposition 5.3 we obtain that the distribution of X(t), the number of customers that have completed service by time t, is Poisson distributed with mean
E[X(t)]=λ∫0tG(t-s)ds=λ∫0tG(y)dy (5.17)
Similarly, the distribution of Y(t), the number of customers being served at time t is Poisson with mean
E[Y(t)]=λ∫0tG¯(t-s)ds=λ∫0tG¯(y)dy (5.18)
Furthermore, X(t) and Y(t) are independent.
Suppose now that we are interested in computing the joint distribution of Y(t) and Y(t+s)—that is, the joint distribution of the number in the system at time t and at time t+s. To accomplish this, say that an arrival is
Hence, an arrival at time y will be type i with probability Pi(y) given by
Thus, if Ni=Ni(s+t),i=1,2,3, denotes the number of type i events that occur, then from Proposition 5.3, Ni,i=1,2,3, are independent Poisson random variables with respective means
it is now an easy matter to compute the joint distribution of Y(t) and Y(t+s). For instance,
where the last equality follows since the variance of a Poisson random variable equals its mean, and from the substitution u=t-y. Also, the joint distribution of Y(t) and Y(t+s) is as follows:
Example 5.19
A One Lane Road with No Overtaking
Consider a one lane road with a single entrance and a single exit point which are of distance L from each other (See Figure 5.2). Suppose that cars enter this road according to a Poisson process with rate λ, and that each entering car has an attached random value V which represents the velocity at which the car will travel, with the proviso that whenever the car encounters a slower moving car it must decrease its speed to that of the slower moving car. Let Vi denote the velocity value of the ith car to enter the road, and suppose that Vi,i⩾1 are independent and identically distributed and, in addition, are independent of the counting process of cars entering the road. Assuming that the road is empty at time 0, we are interested in determining
(a) the probability mass function of R(t), the number of cars on the road at time t; and
(b) the distribution of the road traversal time of a car that enters the road at time y.
Solution: Let Ti=L/Vi denote the time it would take car i to travel the road if it were empty when car i arrived. Call Ti the free travel time of car i, and note that T1,T2,… are independent with distribution function
Let us say that an event occurs each time that a car enters the road. Also, let t be a fixed value, and say that an event that occurs at time s is a type 1 event if both s⩽t and the free travel time of the car entering the road at time s exceeds t-s. In other words, a car entering the road is a type 1 event if the car would be on the road at time t even if the road were empty when it entered. Note that, independent of all that occurred prior to time s, an event occurring at time s is a type 1 event with probability
Letting N1(y) denote the number of type 1 events that occur by time y, it follows from Proposition 5.3 that N1(y) is, for y⩽t, a Poisson random variable with mean
Because there will be no cars on the road at time t if and only if N1(t)=0, it follows that
To determine P(R(t)=n) for n>0 we will condition on when the first type 1 event occurs. With X equal to the time of the first type 1 event (or to ∞ if there are no type 1 events), its distribution function is obtained by noting that
thus showing that
Differentiating gives the density function of X:
To use the identity
P(R(t)=n)=∫0tP(R(t)=n∣X=y)fX(y)dy (5.19)
note that if X=y⩽t then the leading car that is on the road at time t entered at time y. Because all other cars that arrive between y and t will also be on the road at time t, it follows that, conditional on X=y, the number of cars on the road at time t will be distributed as 1 plus a Poisson random variable with mean λ(t-y). Therefore, for n>0
Substituting this into Equation (5.19) yields
(b) Let T be the free travel time of the car that enters the road at time y, and let A(y) be its actual travel time. To determine P(A(y)<x), let t=y+x and note that A(y) will be less than x if and only if both T<x and there have been no type 1 events (using t=y+x) before time y. That is,
Because T is independent of what has occurred prior to time y, the preceding gives
Example 5.20
Tracking the Number of HIV Infections
There is a relatively long incubation period from the time when an individual becomes infected with the HIV virus, which causes AIDS, until the symptoms of the disease appear. As a result, it is difficult for public health officials to be certain of the number of members of the population that are infected at any given time. We will now present a first approximation model for this phenomenon, which can be used to obtain a rough estimate of the number of infected individuals.
Let us suppose that individuals contract the HIV virus in accordance with a Poisson process whose rate λ is unknown. Suppose that the time from when an individual becomes infected until symptoms of the disease appear is a random variable having a known distribution G. Suppose also that the incubation times of different infected individuals are independent.
Let N1(t) denote the number of individuals who have shown symptoms of the disease by time t. Also, let N2(t) denote the number who are HIV positive but have not yet shown any symptoms by time t. Now, since an individual who contracts the virus at time s will have symptoms by time t with probability G(t-s) and will not with probability G¯(t-s), it follows from Proposition 5.3 that N1(t) and N2(t) are independent Poisson random variables with respective means
Now, if we knew λ, then we could use it to estimate N2(t), the number of individuals infected but without any outward symptoms at time t, by its mean value E[N2(t)]. However, since λ is unknown, we must first estimate it. Now, we will presumably know the value of N1(t), and so we can use its known value as an estimate of its mean E[N1(t)]. That is, if the number of individuals who have exhibited symptoms by time t is n1, then we can estimate that
Therefore, we can estimate λ by the quantity λˆ given by
Using this estimate of λ, we can estimate the number of infected but symptomless individuals at time t by
For example, suppose that G is exponential with mean μ. Then G¯(y)=e-y/μ, and a simple integration gives that
If we suppose that t=16 years, μ=10 years, and n1=220 thousand, then the estimate of the number of infected but symptomless individuals at time 16 is
That is, if we suppose that the foregoing model is approximately correct (and we should be aware that the assumption of a constant infection rate λ that is unchanging over time is almost certainly a weak point of the model), then if the incubation period is exponential with mean 10 years and if the total number of individuals who have exhibited AIDS symptoms during the first 16 years of the epidemic is 220 thousand, then we can expect that approximately 219 thousand individuals are HIV positive though symptomless at time 16. ■
Proof of Proposition 5.3
Let us compute the joint probability P{Ni(t)=ni,i=1,…,k}. To do so note first that in order for there to have been ni type i events for i=1,…,k there must have been a total of ∑i=1kni events. Hence, conditioning on N(t) yields
Now consider an arbitrary event that occurred in the interval [0,t]. If it had occurred at time s, then the probability that it would be a type i event would be Pi(s). Hence, since by Theorem 5.2 this event will have occurred at some time uniformly distributed on [0,t], it follows that the probability that this event will be a type i event is
independently of the other events. Hence,
will just equal the multinomial probability of ni type i outcomes for i=1,…,k when each of ∑i=1kni independent trials results in outcome i with probability Pi,i=1,…,k. That is,
and the proof is complete. ■