Recall the result for a Poisson process having rate that given the number of events by time
the set of event times are independent and identically distributed uniform
random variables. Now suppose that each of these events is independently counted with a probability that is equal to
when the event occurred at time
. Hence, given the number of counted events, it follows that the set of times of these counted events are independent with a common distribution given by
, where
The preceding (somewhat heuristic) argument thus shows that given events of a nonhomogeneous Poisson process by time
event times are independent with a common density function
Since , the number of events by time
, is Poisson distributed with mean
, we can simulate the nonhomogeneous Poisson process by first simulating
and then simulating
random variables from the density function of (11.10).
If the distribution function specified by Equation (11.10) is not easily invertible, we can always simulate from (11.10) by using the rejection method where we either accept or reject simulated values of uniform random variables. That is, let
. Then
where is a bound on
. Hence, the rejection method is to generate random numbers
then accept
or, equivalently, if
The third method we shall present for simulating a nonhomogeneous Poisson process having intensity function is probably the most basic approach—namely, to simulate the successive event times. So let
denote the event times of such a process. As these random variables are dependent we will use the conditional distribution approach to simulation. Hence, we need the conditional distribution of
To start, note that if an event occurs at time then, independent of what has occurred prior to
, the time until the next event has the distribution
given by
Differentiation yields that the density corresponding to is
implying that the hazard rate function of is
We can now simulate the event times by simulating
; then if the simulated value of
, simulate
by adding
to a value generated from
, and if this sum is
by adding
to a value generated from
, and so on. The method used to simulate from these distributions should depend, of course, on the form of these distributions. However, it is interesting to note that if we let
be such that
and use the hazard rate method to simulate, then we end up with the approach of Method 1 (we leave the verification of this fact as an exercise). Sometimes, however, the distributions
can be easily inverted and so the inverse transform method can be applied.
A point process consisting of randomly occurring points in the plane is said to be a two-dimensional Poisson process having rate if
(a) the number of points in any given region of area is Poisson distributed with mean
; and
(b) the numbers of points in disjoint regions are independent.
For a given fixed point O in the plane, we now show how to simulate events occurring according to a two-dimensional Poisson process with rate in a circular region of radius
centered about
. Let
, denote the distance between
and its
th nearest Poisson point, and let
denote the circle of radius
centered at
. Then
Also, with denoting the region between
In fact, the same argument can be repeated to obtain the following.
In other words, the amount of area that needs to be traversed to encompass a Poisson point is exponential with rate . Since, by symmetry, the respective angles of the Poisson points are independent and uniformly distributed over
, we thus have the following algorithm for simulating the Poisson process over a circular region of radius
Step 1 Generate independent exponentials with rate 1, , stopping at
Step 2 If , stop. There are no points in
. Otherwise, for
, set
Step 3 Generate independent uniform random variables
Step 4 Return the Poisson points in
whose polar coordinates are
The preceding algorithm requires, on average, exponentials and an equal number of uniform random numbers. Another approach to simulating points in
is to first simulate
, the number of such points, and then use the fact that, given
, the points are uniformly distributed in
. This latter procedure requires the simulation of
, a Poisson random variable with mean
; we must then simulate
uniform points on
, by simulating
from the distribution
(see Exercise 25) and
from uniform
and must then sort these
uniform values in increasing order of
. The main advantage of the first procedure is that it eliminates the need to sort.
The preceding algorithm can be thought of as the fanning out of a circle centered at with a radius that expands continuously from 0 to
. The successive radii at which Poisson points are encountered is simulated by noting that the additional area necessary to encompass a Poisson point is always, independent of the past, exponential with rate
. This technique can be used to simulate the process over noncircular regions. For instance, consider a nonnegative function
, and suppose we are interested in simulating the Poisson process in the region between the
-axis and
going from 0 to
(see Figure 11.4). To do so we can start at the left-hand end and fan vertically to the right by considering the successive areas
. Now if
denote the successive projections of the Poisson points on the
-axis, then analogous to Proposition 11.6, it will follow that (with
, will be independent exponentials with rate 1. Hence, we should simulate
, independent exponentials with rate 1, stopping at
and determine by
If we now simulate —independent uniform
random numbers—then as the projection on the
-axis of the Poisson point whose
-coordinate is
is uniform on (0,
), it follows that the simulated Poisson points in the interval are
Of course, the preceding technique is most useful when is regular enough so that the foregoing equations can be solved for the
. For instance, if
(and so the region of interest is a rectangle), then
and the Poisson points are
Let have a given joint distribution, and suppose we are interested in computing
where is some specified function. It is often the case that it is not possible to analytically compute the preceding, and when such is the case we can attempt to use simulation to estimate
. This is done as follows: Generate
having the same joint distribution as
and set
Now, simulate a second set of random variables (independent of the first set) having the distribution of
and set
Continue this until you have generated (some predetermined number) sets, and so have also computed
. Now,
are independent and identically distributed random variables each having the same distribution of
. Thus, if we let
denote the average of these
random variables—that is,
Hence, we can use as an estimate of
. As the expected square of the difference between
is equal to the variance of
, we would like this quantity to be as small as possible. In the preceding situation,
, which is usually not known in advance but must be estimated from the generated values
. We now present three general techniques for reducing the variance of our estimator.
In the preceding situation, suppose that we have generated and
, identically distributed random variables having mean
. Now,
Hence, it would be advantageous (in the sense that the variance would be reduced) if and
rather than being independent were negatively correlated. To see how we could arrange this, let us suppose that the random variables
are independent and, in addition, that each is simulated via the inverse transform technique. That is,
is simulated from
is a random number and
is the distribution of
. Hence,
can be expressed as
Now, since is also uniform over
is a random number (and is negatively correlated with
) it follows that
defined by
will have the same distribution as . Hence, if
were negatively correlated, then generating
by this means would lead to a smaller variance than if it were generated by a new set of random numbers. (In addition, there is a computational savings since rather than having to generate
additional random numbers, we need only subtract each of the previous
from 1.) The following theorem will be the key to showing that this technique—known as the use of antithetic variables—will lead to a reduction in variance whenever
is a monotone function.
Since is increasing in
, being a distribution function, is increasing) it follows that
is a monotone function of
is monotone. Hence, if
is monotone the antithetic variable approach of twice using each set of random numbers
by first computing
and then
will reduce the variance of the estimate of
. That is, rather than generating
sets of
random numbers, we should generate
sets and use each set twice.
Let us start by recalling (see Proposition 3.1) the conditional variance formula
Now suppose we are interested in estimating by simulating
and then computing
. Now, if for some random variable
we can compute
then, as
, it follows from the conditional variance formula that
implying, since , that
is a better estimator of
than is
In many situations, there are a variety of that can be conditioned on to obtain an improved estimator. Each of these estimators
will have mean
and smaller variance than does the raw estimator
. We now show that for any choice of weights
is also an improvement over
Again suppose we want to use simulation to estimate where
. But now suppose that for some function
the expected value of
is known—say,
. Then for any constant
we can also use
as an estimator of . Now,