Policy, Governance and Institutions: Mapping India after Seven Decades of Freedom
I India’s External Security Challenges
II India in a Globalized World: Maximizing Benefits and Minimizing Costs
III India’s Elections and Electoral Reforms at Seventy
V India–ASEAN Relations at Seventy
VI Normalizing the Unique: Explaining the Persistence of Caste
VII Towards Sustainable, Productive and Profitable Agriculture
Ashok Gulati and Gayathri Mohan
VIII The Rise and Fall of Indian Planning
IX Will India Ever Be a Great Power?
X Non-Governmental Organizations in India: Contribution, Challenges and Future Prospects
XI Indian Industry: Prospects and Challenges
XII Land: Finite, Fragmented, Fragile, Fraught
XIII Healthcare in India: Looking back, looking ahead
XV Challenges Facing Higher Education in India
XVI Few Hits, Many Misses: India’s Mixed Record in the International Sporting Arena since 1947
XVII Civil Service Reforms in India
XVIII Clean or Not-Clean: India’s Energy Dilemma
XIX Democracy’s Angry Crowds: Civil Society and Legitimacy in India
XXI Indian Media at Seventy: Five Big Challenges
XXII New India Needs a New Model for Skill Development
XXIII Corporate Governance in India: A Giant Leap in the Last Five Years