0.1. Trunk of an Ash Tree with Ivy (1857)
0.2. Lastrea Filix Mas (c. 1854)
01.1. Sheer Tyranny (n.d.)
01.2. Sheer Tenderness (n.d.)
01.3. The Grand “March of Intellect” (May 20, 1828)
01.4. Selection of English Heads (1849)
01.5. The British Bee Hive (1840; revised 1867)
01.6. The Load Borne by the British Public (December 15, 1819)
1.1. The Head Ache (February 12, 1819)
1.2. The Blue Devils (January 1823)
1.3. Jealousy (November 1825)
1.4. Tremendous Sacrifice! (1846)
2.1. London Nomades (1877–78)
2.2. Bluegate Fields (1872)
2.3. Our Next-Door Neighbours (1836–37)
2.4. The Sewer-Hunter (1851)
2.5. Flying Dustmen (1877–78)
3.1. Thomas Carlyle “Like a Block of Michelangelo’s Sculpture” (1867)
4.1. Les femmes? … un tas de serpents (1851)
4.2. J’ai voulu connaître les femmes. Ça ma coûte une jolie fortune … je n’en sais rien! (1851)
4.3. Je n’ai plus la terre de Chênerailles, ni mes bois … (1851)
4.4. Croquis (1873)
4.5. Sir John Frederick Herschel (1865)
4.6. Sir John Frederick Herschel (April 1867)
5.1. Hugh Miller (1843–47)
6.1. Der Augenturm (The Eye Tower; 1977)