1 Some convergence of religious views on the ethics of neurogenetic technologies
Part I
Asian religions: Buddhism
3 Neurogenomics and neuroeudaimonics: bioethical challenges from the Buddhist perspective
4 Meditation or medication? A Buddhist response
5 A Christian point of view on Buddhist neuroethics
Part II
Asian religions: Confucianism
6 DNA, brain, mind and soul: a Confucian perspective
7 Confucian bio-philosophical naturalism
8 Christian reflections on Confucian understandings of the person
Part III
Asian religions: Hinduism
9 Hinduism and bioethical challenges in neurogenomics
10 Bioethical challenges in neurogenomics: repositioning Hindu bioethics
Part IV
Monotheistic religions: Christianity and Catholicism
13 Technological advances and the common good: a Protestant Christian response
14 A Jewish perspective on neuroethics and religion
Part V
Monotheistic religions: Islam
15 Responsibly seeking knowledge: an Islamic understanding of neurogenomics and enhancement
16 Ruminations on the Islamic understanding of neurogenomics from a Hindu perspective
17 The ethical challenges of neurogenomics: nuancing the Islamic discourse
Part VI
Monotheistic religions: Judaism
18 If I only had three eyes! Jewish perspectives on genetic enhancement
20 Enhancement, hubris and vulnerability of the human nature: a response to the Jewish perspective