
Part Two


Practical Practices

for Chakra Magic



The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.

vladimir nabokov


Now that you’ve gained a basic understanding of the chakras, as well as interrelated subtle structures and energies, you can put your knowledge to work. It’s time to activate the magic of the chakras.

In many ways, interacting with your chakras is like opening a book of seemingly blank pages. The sheets of paper look blank, but they aren’t! Every chakra constitutes an individual page inscribed with invisible ink.

You know what’s written on each page because you’ve read Part One. You are aware of each chakra’s location, coloration, and symbols; physical, psychological, and spiritual powers; and more. Equipped with this information, you can go to the next step: you can start directing your chakras to create healing, happiness, protection, dreams, and guidance. The exercises in part 2 are designed to help you accomplish these goals and more.

Through the many processes you’ll be shown, you’ll learn how to locate and assess your chakras, as well as invoke healing. Chapters are devoted to each of these specific concerns.

Next door to healing is stress relief. Who amongst us doesn’t need immediate and creative ways to cope with and benefit from the lovely but challenging roller coaster of life? In Chapter Seven you’ll be shown ways to use color, sound, gemstones, and oils, amongst other tools, to reduce and recover from stress—and to maybe even greet it with a little enthusiasm.

Dealing with life’s ups and downs is far easier with a good night’s sleep, the topic of Chapter Eight, which draws on information about brain waves and brain states to encourage deep rest and recovery through the chakras. And one of the most important ways to reduce stress is to feel—and be—safe. Chakras and their related auric fields are imperative for protecting yourself in a world full of undesirable energies. Specifically, Chapter Nine showcases a simple technique for establishing subtle energy boundaries.

Once ensconced in safety, we can turn to other matters. Joyously, chakras are near-miraculous organs when it comes to manifesting desires and receiving spiritual guidance. The chapters dedicated to these concerns will surely become favorites. In Chapter Ten you’ll be presented with manifesting tools, and in Chapter Eleven you’ll be shown how to open to spiritual guidance.

During many of the exercises you’ll be directed to invoke a higher power. The name I use in these practices is “the Divine”; feel free to substitute another term for that one. The short list includes God, Allah, the Goddess, Brahma, Creator, the Holy Spirit, the Great Spirit, and the Universe, amongst others. As well, many people conceptualize divinity as a greater aspect of themselves, such as the “Higher Self” or “Wise Inner Self.” You can also call this aspect of self your “spirit” or “essence,” which is what I’ll usually do when indicating your inner source of guidance. Others call upon the virtuousness in humanity. Use whatever term matches your spiritual beliefs.

Know, too, that throughout the exercises, you’ll frequently be provided with tips that can be inserted into an exercise to dramatize the effects. When possible, I tell you exactly where you can insert the tip within the steps of an exercise. These tips help you customize specific exercises with material from Part One and Part Two. They are aimed at supercharging an exercise’s effectiveness and handing you creative control.

In the end, no matter how you conduct the techniques, the source of the miraculous we’re all seeking lies in our ability to connect with sources of goodness, inspiration, integrity, and power. Our chakras serve as perfect doorways for this goal. In fact, therein lies their magic.

