
Abbasid caliphate 17, 51, 52

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali: The Incoherence of Philosophers 68

Académie Royale des Sciences, Paris 69

advertising see marketing/advertising

Afghanistan xvi, 323

Africa 5, 9, 33, 308

China and 32, 145–6

colonial period 14, 139, 195, 145, 146, 148, 163–75, 176–81, 189–95; First World War and 181–9; settlement pattern 170–71

as the Dark Continent 146, 146n

foreign aid to 145–6

health issues 146–8, 168–75; HIV/AIDS 147; public health 171–2; Western medicine, effects of 146–8, 168–75

life expectancy 168, 171

see also individual countries

Agricola, Georgius 65

agricultural innovation 27–8

agriculture 199, 293

Eastern 26–7, 44, 46

Western 26, 209

see also food supplies

al-Din al-Farisi, Kamal 51

algebra 51

Algeria 195

al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham, Abū Alī 51

al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa 51

al-Qaeda 290

alphabets see linguistic issues

al-Rashid, Harun 51

al-Waleed bin Abdel Malek 51

Amaru, Túpac 101

Amaru II, Túpac 115

America, North 4, 9, 13

French colonies (Louisiana Purchase) 160–61

America, North, British colonies 14, 15, 96–7, 98, 99, 103–4, 109–12, 115–18

Barbados Proclamation 110

‘Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina’ 109–10, 111, 114

indentured servants as migrants to 103, 110–12

native Indians 116, 125

property rights 106–7, 106n, 110–12, 115–16, 117, 124–5, 138; headright system 111

as Protestant 106, 114

transatlantic trade 106, 115, 218–19

see also American …; Canada; United States

America, South 4, 5, 9, 13, 130

gold from 99, 101–2

Inca empire 98, 99–102

Mayan civilization 298–9

racial issues 119, 120, 125–6, 133, 135

silver from 101–2

United States, migration to 138–9

see also individual countries

America, South, Spanish colonies 14, 15, 96–7, 98–102, 103–4, 105

Catholicism in 113–14, 120, 120n, 131

health issues 147–8

native Indians 113, 114, 125, 127

political system 122–4

property rights 102, 113–14, 119, 124, 128

revolution in 115, 119–26, 127–9; British support for 121–2

slavery in 129, 130–32, 133, 135, 136

American Civil War (1861–6) 136–7

American Constitution 119, 128, 129, 135

Simón Bolívar on 123–4

American Revolution (1775–81) 112, 115–17, 119, 124, 129, 157

Articles of Confederation 117

Edmund Burke on 149

casualty figures 155, 156

Alexis de Tocqueville on 153–4

Declaration of Independence (1776) 129

France and 117

Andean Revolution (1780–83) 115

Angola 136

Ankara University, Turkey 92

Arafat, Yasser 247

Archer, W. Brian 300–301

Archimedes 63

Argentina 124

Aristotle 51

De anima 62

Arkwright, Richard 70, 200, 204

Armstrong, Louis 18

art/painting 60, 232

see also individual artists

Asia, East 307–8

civilization(s) 3–5, 7, 11, 20

economic growth/output 239–40

science/technology 4, 11

see also individual countries

astrology 68–9, 70

astronomy 64, 65, 66

Islamic 68–9

Atahualpa (Inca leader) 100, 101

Atatürk, Kemal (Kemal Mustafa) 90–93, 228

atomic weapons 235

Augustine, St: City of God 60

Austerlitz, battle of (1805) 156, 156n

Austria 83, 215

see also Habsburg empire

Austrian colonies 144

Aztec empire 99

Bach, Johann Sebastian 18, 80

Bacon, Roger 60

on Islamic science/technology 52

Bakunin, Mikhail 162, 162n

ballistics 83–5, 156

banking system 230–31

Beethoven, Ludwig van 18, 159

Behring, Emil von 175

Belgian colonies 144, 176, 191

Belgium 16, 213

Bentham, Jeremy 199n

von Berenhorst, Georg Heinrich 81–2

Bergson, Henri 196n

Berlin Wall 249, 251

Bernanke, Ben 308

Bernoulli, Daniel 66

Berry, Chuck 18

Best, Werner 194

Das Beste (German magazine) 252n

the Bible 62, 263, 278–9

Book of Revelations 293–4

Bingham, Hiram 101

Birmingham Lunar Society 201

von Bismarck, Otto Eduard Leopold 214

Black, Joseph 66

Black Death/plague 4, 23, 25, 54, 169, 175

Blake, William 206

Boehn, General Hans von 185

Bolingbroke, Viscount Henry St John 296–7

Bolívar, Simón 13, 119–24, 128

on American Constitution 123–4

British support for 121–2, 125

Cartagena Manifesto (1812) 123, 124

Decree of War to the Death 120

as a dictator 124

on political systems 123, 124

Bolivia 122

Bonaparte, Jérôme 159

Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon Bonaparte

Bonneval, comte Claude Alexandre de 87

Boss, Hugo 233

Boswell, James 201

Böttcher, Viktor 189–90

Boulton, Matthew 201, 202, 206n

Boves, José Tomás 120

Boxer Rebellion, China (1900) 282–3

Boyacá, battle of (1819) 122

Boyce, Sir Rupert William 169

Boyle, Robert 66

Boyle’s Law 66, 83

Bozeman, Adda 3

Brabenec, Vratislav 248

Brahe, Tycho 65

Brahms, Johannes xxiii

Braudel, Fernand, on civilization(s) xxv–xxvi, 3

Brazil 17, 127, 130, 139

slavery in 130–32, 133

Brazzaville Conference (1944) 195

Britain 12, 14, 161, 201, 202

Simón Bolívar, support for 121–2, 125

Christianity, decline of 267–70

financial system 161, 219

France and 140, 160, 161, 173

Industrial Revolution 10, 13, 21, 28–9, 70, 199–200, 203–5

legal system 202–3

living standards 210–11

London see London

political system 202–3

in Second World War 234

see also England; Scotland

British army 233–4

British East India Company 38, 83, 161, 201, 278

British empire 142, 164, 263–4

in Africa 148, 168, 173, 176

in America see America, North, British colonies

decline of 163, 303

extent of 142

in India 144, 169–70, 264

Jamaica 148

property rights 125

Bruckner, Anton xxiii

Bruegel, Pieter (the Elder): The Triumph of Death (painting) 25–6

Brunelleschi, Filippo 60

Burke, Edmund

on American Revolution 149

on French Revolution 149, 150–52, 152n, 155, 156

Burnett, Leo 241

Burns, Robert xxiii–xxiv

Busbecq, Ogier Ghiselin de 9, 53

Bush, George W. xvi, xvii

Butterfield, Herbert xxi

Byron, Lord George 74, 121

Byzantine empire 3, 4, 17, 52

Cajamarca, battle of (1532) 100, 101

Callot, Jacques: Miseries of War (engravings) 12

Canada 116, 119, 125

see also America, North, British colonies

Cápac, Manco 100

capitalism 7, 11, 14, 15–16, 205, 207–8, 210–11, 219, 246, 262–3, 288

development of 263; in China 17, 252–3, 277, 304, 306–8

in Great Depression 229–31

Carabobo, battle of (1821) 122, 123

Caribbean area 10, 97, 119, 120, 123, 148

slavery in 131

Carlyle, Thomas, on the cash nexus 206

Cartwright, Edmund 200

Castellani, Aldo 170

Catholicism 17, 61, 259, 260, 263, 266, 269, 278

in Spanish American colonies 113–14, 120, 120n, 131

Cavour, conte Camillo Benso de 214

Caxton, William 61

Celsus: De re medica 62–3

Chancellor, Richard 36

Chanoine, Julien 166

Charles I, King of England 194, 106, 107, 152

Charmes, Gabriel 165

Chávez, Hugo 128

Chesterton, G. K.

on religion 288, 289

Short History of England 268

Chiang Kai-shek 283

‘Chimerica’ xvii, 315–16

China xv, xviii, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19–22, 23

Africa and 32, 154–5

Beijing 4, 5, 20, 22, 44

Boxer Rebellion 282–3

capitalism in 17, 252–3, 277, 304, 306–8

Christianity in see Protestantism below

Confucian philosophy 21, 27, 32, 43, 164, 286

Cultural Revolution (1964–76) 283, 294

decline of 44–9, 57

education in 43

England and 47–9

exploration, voyages of 28–33, 48

geography 36–7

Great Leap Forward (1958–62) 283

Great Wall 42

India and 29, 32

industrialization 225, 284, 285

Japan and 226, 233, 234

Leibniz on 46

linguistic issues 43

living standards 21–2, 26–8, 44, 210–11, 304

Montesquieu on 20–21, 77

Nanjing 21, 22, 23, 43

political system 42–3, 283, 284

population figures 10, 20–21, 44

Portugal and 35

Protestantism in 277–80, 282–8; radical sects 285–6

François Quesnay on 46, 77–8

Adam Smith on 19, 20, 46, 78

Taiping Rebellion 211, 279–80, 285

trade: internal 22, 23; external 29, 31, 35, 47, 48

Voltaire on 46

Max Weber on 27, 264

Wenzhou 284–5

Westerners in: Earl Macartney 21, 47; Marco Polo 21–2, 27; Matteo Ricci 41

as a world power 257, 295–325; problems faced by 319–22

Yangzi river 21, 48; Grand Canal 21–2, 48

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 287

Chinese empire 29, 31

Chinese Revolution (1949) 283

Chinese science/technology 11, 27–8

cholera 148, 169

Christianity 258–9

the Bible 62, 263, 278–9, 293–4

Calvinism 260

Catholicism 17, 61, 259, 260, 263, 266, 269, 278; in Spanish American colonies 113–14, 120, 120n, 131

church/state relationship 60, 289–90

civilization and 268, 288

decline of, in the West 267–73, 274, 288–9

missionaries 39, 142, 263–4

Orthodox 15

Protestantism see Protestantism

Reformation 9, 38, 60–62, 67, 259

in US 267, 270, 273–7

Max Weber on 259, 260–64

see also religious issues; religious wars

Churchill, Winston 238–9, 240, 303

on civilization 98, 139, 325

cities, development/growth of 2–3, 5, 205, 215, 304–5

Citroën 190

Civil Rights movement (USA) 245

civil society concept 78

civilization(s) 1–18

Fernand Braudel on xxv–xxvi, 3

Christianity and 268, 288

Winston Churchill on 98, 139, 325

Kenneth Clark on 1–2

as complex systems 299–301

definition 1–3, 142; first use of term 2

East Asian 3–5, 7, 11, 20

Freud on 272–3

Gandhi on 141, 144, 195

Great Divergence theory of 304–5

growth/numbers of 3–5, 8, 142

Samuel Huntington on 15, 16, 312–13

life-cycle theory of 297–9

success/decline of 3, 4, 7, 17–18, 44–9, 291–4, 295–325

Western see Western ascendancy

see also imperialism

Clark, Gregory: Farewell to Alms 200n

Clark, Kenneth 199n

on civilization 1–2

Clausewitz, Carl von: On War 157–8

Clemenceau, Georges 183, 187

climate change see environmental issues

clocks/clockwork 27, 41–2, 47, 90

marine chronometers 70

clothing see fashion/clothing

coal supplies 203–4

Cobbett, William 203

Coca-Cola 145n, 242–3

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel 245

Cold War 236–9, 250

Cole, Thomas: The Course of Empire (paintings) 295–6, 298, 299

Collingwood, R. G. xx–xxii, xxv

Colombia 105, 115, 122

Angostura 121, 123, 125

colonialism see imperialism

Columbus, Christopher 28

communication(s) 218–19

language see linguistic issues

in/with overseas colonies 170–71, 181–2

railways 170, 171, 204, 215, 218, 224

in warfare 55, 181–2

communism 7, 11, 209–10, 227–8, 236, 238

consumerism and 249–50

see also Russia/Soviet Union

comparative advantage 202, 202n

competition 12, 13, 36–49

between states 36–9, 41

definition 13

in trade 33–6, 48; see also trade

within states 24, 39–41

complex systems/complexity 299–301

Comunero Revolution (1781) 115

Conder, Josiah 222n

Condorcet, marquis Nicolas de Caritat de 79 Reflections on Negro Slavery 78

Confucian philosophy 21, 27, 32, 43, 264, 286

Congo: Belgian 176, 191; French 174

Conrad, Joseph: Heart of Darkness 181

consumer credit 238

consumerism 12, 14, 17, 195, 196–255, 288

communist attitude to 249–50

definition 13

development of 196–218, 257

fashion see fashion/clothing

Industrial Revolution and 201

jeans as symbol of 240–49, 250

marketing 241, 242, 246

Copernicus, Nicolaus 65

Cortés, Hernán 99

cotton industry/trade 201, 202–3, 204, 218

see also textile industry

Crompton, Samuel 200

Cromwell, Oliver 107

cultural pursuits 11, 76, 91–2, 235n

art/painting 60, 232; see also individual artists

film 230, 241

literature 60, 76, 181, 203, 228, 269–70

music see music

Czech Revolution (1967–8) 247–9, 251

da Camões, Luis 35

da Gama, Vasco 33–5, 37, 39

Daily Mail xxii, xxiin

Danton, Georges Jacques 155–6

Darby, Abraham 200

David, Jacques-Louis 159

Davis, Jacob 241

de Albuquerque, Alfonso, Governor of Portuguese India 34

de Aliaga, Jerónimo 101, 102, 103, 112–13

de Córdoba, Fray Pedro 113–14

de Freycinet, Charles 170

de Montfort, Simon 40

de Tocqueville, Alexis

Democracy in America 153–4

on French Revolution 153–4

de Torres, Sebastián 112–13

De Tott, baron François 87

Debieuvre, Lieut. Colonel (French army) 185–6

Debord, Guy 246

Debray, Régis 244

Delacroix, Eugène: Liberty Leads the People (painting) 161n

Delafosse, Maurice 166

Delavignette, Robert 172–3

demography see population figures

Deng Xiaoping 48

Denmark 147

Deppe, Ludwig 182

Descartes, René 65, 66, 80

di Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi: The Leopard 214–15

Diagne, Blaise 166–7, 183–4, 187

Diamond, Jared

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail … 298–9

on Western ascendancy 11–12

Dias, Bartolomeu 33

Dickens, Charles 203

Diderot, Denis 79

Diebitsch, Karl 233

diet 7, 24–5, 45–6, 170, 211

sugar 10, 45; production of 129, 131–2, 160

discovery see exploration

disease(s) see health issues

Djilas, Milovan 239

Dominican Republic 128

Donizetti, Giuseppe 88

Donne, Anne xxii

Donne, John xxii–xxiii

Dostoevsky, Fyodor: Crime and Punishment 228

Dubček, Alexander 248

Duckworth, Sir John 85

Dutch East India Company 38

Dutschke, Rudi 245

East India Company see British East India Company; Dutch East India Company

economic crises 7, 17, 44

in the West xvii–xviii, 257, 258, 259, 260–64, 276–7, 283, 288, 301, 307–12; in France 149–50, 161

in Ottoman empire 71, 89

economic growth/output 5, 14, 199, 200, 204–5, 218, 225, 227, 232–3, 257, 304–5, 306–7

in East Asia 239–40

in Great Depression 229–31

economic systems see financial systems

Ecuador 98, 122, 128

Edict of Worms (1521) 61

Edison, Thomas 260

education 14, 215, 238, 263, 264

in China 43

Islamic 51

literacy rates 77, 125, 263, 264

teaching of history xviii–xx

university level 7, 17–18, 92, 175, 244–5

for women 94, 244

Edward, Prince of Wales (Edward VIII) 220, 225

Ehrhardt, Hermann 188–9

Ehrlich, Paul 176

Eichacker, Captain Reinhold 185–6

Eijkman, Christiaan 170

Einstein, Albert 235

Eisenstadt, Shmuel 3

Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick (wife of Frederick the Great) 73–4

Ellington, Duke 230

Elliott, J. H. 103–4

empires see imperialism; individual empires

Encümen-i Daniş (Assembly of Knowledge), Ottoman empire 89

Engels, Friedrich 207, 209, 210–11, 228

England 4, 18, 37

China and 47–9

exploration, voyages of 36

France and 23, 24, 39

Industrial Revolution 10, 13, 21, 28–9, 70

Ireland and 24, 105, 203n

London see London

slavery (chattel slavery) in 130, 132

see also Britain; British empire

English Civil Wars 104, 105, 106, 107, 115, 150, 152

the Enlightenment 76–9, 81

environmental issues 17, 293–4, 299

Epp, Franz Xavier Ritter von 188–9

Erasmus, Desiderius xxiii

Erdely, Eugene 190

Eugene of Savoy, Prince 56

eugenics 176–7

in Germany 176–81, 189–90, 191; in German Namibia 176–81; genocide in 179–80, 188

Euler, Leonard 84

Euphrates river/valley 17


competition between states 36–42

geography 36–7

Islamic envoys to 86–7

US and 16

see also individual countries

European integration 14–15, 239

Everett, Edward 137

exploration, voyages of 9, 23, 38

Chinese 28–33, 48

English 36

marine chronometers for 70

as missionary endeavours 39

Portuguese 33–5, 39, 53, 130

Spanish 35–6

Faidherbe, Louis, governor of Senegal 164, 165, 166

fashion/clothing 197–8, 219–20, 225, 237, 246, 255

communist attitude to 249–50

in Japan 220–21, 222, 223, 225

jeans 240–44, 246–9, 250

machine made 217–18, 237

for men 216, 220–21, 230

military uniforms 215–16, 229, 233, 234, 237

for women 216, 220, 246; Islamic 253–5, 253n

see also consumerism

Fashoda incident, Sudan (1898) 173

Feng Youlan: History of Chinese Philosophy 27

Feraios, Rigas 213

Fermat, Pierre de 66

Ferrier, Thomas 121, 122

Ferry, Jules, Prime Minister of France 172

Fertile Crescent concept 17

film industry 230, 231

Filmer, Sir Robert: Patriarcha 108

financial systems 7, 14, 139

in Asia 7, 252–3, 277–8

banking 230–31

capitalism see capitalism

cash nexus concept 206–7

consumer credit 238

in Europe 106–7, 161

markets/market economy 205–6, 276–7

money supply 38

monopolies 38

taxation 38, 44, 106, 107, 117, 210–11, 288

see also economic …; Great Depression

First World War (1914–18) 16, 92, 148–9, 181, 182, 227

African colonial troops in 181–9; French 183–7; German 182

casualty figures 181, 183, 186, 187

Dardanelles 85

Gallipoli 91, 182

Rudyard Kipling on 187–8

Fischer, Eugen 180–81, 189

Human Heredity … 189

food see diet

food supplies 22, 200–201

famine 44, 46

see also agriculture

foreign aid, to Africa 145–6

France 4, 16, 36, 37, 83, 85

American Revolution and 117

Britain and 140, 160, 161, 173

economic crises 149–50, 161

England and 23, 24, 39

the Enlightenment 77–8

in First World War 182–3, 185–7

Huguenots 39, 41, 76

Italy and 159

literacy rates 77

living standards 24–5

the Marseillaise 156, 156n

under Napoleon Bonaparte 119, 142, 156–61

Paris 5, 77, 215

property rights 152

Russia and 160

Spain and 119

student unrest 245

see also French …

Frauenfeld, Alfred 193

Frederick the Great of Prussia 73–4

The Anti-Machiavel 75, 79–80

as an intellectual 79–80

Political Testaments 73, 80

as a scientific patron 71, 79–80, 84

French army, in First World War 182–3, 185–7

mutiny in 186–7

French empire 148, 159, 160, 195

in Africa 163–75, 176, 188, 190–91; segregation in 174–5

colonial armies 164; in First World War 183–7

Ecole Coloniale 165, 166–7, 172

extent of 144

institutional structure 172–3

legal system 165–6

male suffrage in 163

in North America (Louisiana Purchase) 163, 160–61

slavery, abolition of 163–4

unrest in 163, 175

French Revolution 119, 142, 149–57, 161–2

Edmund Burke on 149, 150–52, 152n, 155, 156

causes of 149–50, 153

Declaration of the Rights of Man 150, 151

executions during 152–3

political system during 152–3

as a religious conflict 151, 152, 153, 154

Rousseau and 151–2

the Terror 153, 155–6

Alexis de Tocqueville on 153–4

see also France …

French West Africa 170–71, 174, 191

Freud, Sigmund 16

on civilization 272–3

on religion 270–71, 272

Frisch, Otto 235

Galileo Galilei 65, 66, 83, 84

Galton, Francis 176–7

Kantsaywhere 177n

Gandhi, Mahatma 217

on Western civilization 141, 144, 171, 195

on Western medicine 146, 149

Garibaldi, Giuseppe 229

Le Gazetier Cuirassé 79

genocide 179–80, 188, 193, 194, 234

see also eugenics

German army, in First World War 182–3, 185–7

colonial troops 182

German empire 144

in Africa 176–81, 188–90, 191; legal system 177, racial issues 176, 177–81; rebellion in 178–9

Nazi, in Eastern Europe 189–90, 191–5

German nationalism 213, 214

Germany 11, 16, 38, 159

division of, post-1945 243; Berlin Wall 249, 251

economic growth/output 231, 232–3

eugenics in 176–81

living standards 232–3

Nazi regime 189–90, 191–5, 231–4; see also Hitler, Adolf

as a printing centre 61

Reformation 38

Russia and 192, 194, 231–2

as a scientific centre 175–6

Gibbon, Edward 78

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 257–9, 291–2

Gide, André 174

Gilbert, William 65

Ginsburg, Allen 247

globalization 239

gold, from South America 99, 101–2, 130

golf 28

Goltz, Colmar Freiherr von de (Goltz Pasha) 91

Gorbachev, Mikhail 250

Göring, Heinrich (father of Hermann Göring) 176, 189

Göring, Hermann 176, 189, 193

Graham, Billy 273–4

Great Britain see Britain

Great Depression 229–31

Greece 15, 17, 21

Greek nationalism 213, 228

Greer, Germaine 246

Gregory VII, Pope 60

Grijns, Gerrit 170

Grimm, Hans: People without Space 189

Grosseteste, Robert 60

Guettard, Jean-Etienne 66

Guizot, François xxvii

Gutenberg, Johann 60–61

Habsburg empire 8–9, 53, 144

Ottoman empire’s invasion of (1683) 52, 54–7

Vienna, siege of (1683) 52, 53, 55, 57

see also Austria

Haiti 120, 128, 160

Hamakari, battle of (1904) 179

Hammond, Mac 275

Hardy, Georges 166

Hargreaves, James 200

Harrison, John 70

Harvey, William 66

Haussmann, Baron Georges 215

Havel, Václav 248–9

Hawaii 144

Hayek, Friedrich von 301

Road to Serfdom 237

health issues 7, 12, 14, 44, 68, 175–6

antibiotics 148

Black Death/plague 4, 23, 25, 54, 169, 175

death 25–6

definition 13

diet and 170

eugenics see eugenics

European diseases, spread of 99, 101

hospitals: Islamic 51

medical schools 53

native medicine/healers 171–2

public health 147, 148, 171–2, 177, 205

sanitation 23, 147, 179

tropical diseases 148, 168–70, 173; mortality rate from 168; research on 169–70, 174

vaccination 14, 147, 148, 170, 173, 175

Western medicine, benefits of 146–8, 168–75, 191

witch doctors 171, 172

health transition concept 147–8

Heck, Walter 233

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 159, 207, 212

Helvétius, Adrien 78

Hempel, Carl xx

Hendel, Ann Katrin 250

Henry V, King of England 23, 24, 39

Henry VIII, King of England 72, 103–4

Henry the Navigator, King of Portugal 39

Himmler, Heinrich 190, 192, 193–4

Hirohito, Crown Prince of Japan 220, 225–6

Hispaniola (island) 101–2


teaching of xviii–xx

limitations of xx–xxii

Hitler, Adolf 189–90, 194, 231

Hossbach memorandum 233

see also Germany, Nazi regime

Ho Chi Minh 167

Hobbes, Thomas 24, 73

on liberty 107–8

Hoffmann, Erich 175–6

Hogg, James xxvi

Holbach, baron Paul-Henri Thiry d’ 79

homicide rates 24, 25, 105

Hong Kong 105, 169

Hong Xiuquan 279–80

Hooke, Thomas 67, 70

Micrographia 64

How, Millicent (English migrant to South Carolina) 103, 106, 111–12

Hu Jintao 287–8

Huguenots 39, 41, 76

human rights 8

Hume, David 77, 78

Hungary 251

Huntington, Samuel, on Western civilization 15, 16, 312–13

Hus, Jan 61

Hussein, Saddam xvi

Hutton, James 66

Ibrahim, Muktar Said 288–9

illiteracy see literacy rates

imperialism 8–10, 13, 14, 15, 142–95, 302–3

in Africa 14, 139, 145, 146, 148, 163–75; see also individual countries

in America see America …

colonial armies/troops 164, 181–9

communications, difficulty of 170–71, 181–2

as conquest 99–102

European diseases spread by 99, 101

growth/decline of 3, 4, 5, 13, 38, 142, 144–5

impact of 8, 45, 46, 144–6, 173–4, 190–95

institutional structures and 103–5

Lenin on 144

as a term of abuse 144, 145

Mark Twain on 144

Western 14, 15, 96–140, 142–95

Western medicine, benefits of to overseas colonies 146–8, 168–75, 191

see also individual empires

Inca empire, Spanish conquest of 98, 99–102

income levels see living standards; wages

India 5, 9, 17, 36

as British colony 144, 264

China and 29, 32

as independent state 224–5

Portugal and 34, 35, 39

science/technology 11

textile industry 2245

Indian Medical Service 169–70

Indian Ocean 29, 32, 33

Indo-China, as a French colony 167, 191

Indonesia 240

Industrial Revolution 13, 21, 28–9, 70, 198–205

in Britain 10, 13, 21, 28–9, 70, 199–200, 203–5

consumerism, increase caused by 201–2

definition 198–9

spread of 204–5, 225, 264

industrialization 10, 14, 216–18

in China 225, 284, 285

inequality see living standards

infant mortality see life expectancy

Inoue Kaoru 226

institutional structures 11–14

cultural 77

financial/economic see financial systems

imperialism and 103–5, 112, 172–3, 287

of Islamic fundamentalism 288, 289, 290n

Islamic 289, 290, 290n

Iran 94–5, 255

Ireland 11, 227, 203n

England and 24, 105

iron/steel industry 200–201

Islam 3, 8, 9, 16, 60

calligraphy, importance of 68

Europe, envoys sent to 86–7

health issues: hospitals 51; medical schools 53

the Koran 63

population figures 290

printing, attitude to 68, 86

religious conflict 71

in Turkey 253–5

the West and 39, 50–57, 63, 85–90, 255

women’s clothing 253–5, 254n

see also Ottoman empire; religious issues

Islamic education 51

Islamic fundamentalism 93–5, 93n, 255, 258, 288–91

institutional structure 288, 289, 290n

Islamic migration 290, 290n

Islamic science/technology 51–7, 264

astronomy 68–9

attitudes to 67–9

Roger Bacon on 52

modernization of 88–9, 92, 94–5

optics 51–2

Israel 92–5, 246–7

Jerusalem 93, 93n, 94

science/technology in 93–4

see also Jews

Italian city-states/Italy 4, 25, 28, 159, 182

France and 159

Under Mussolini 228

Naples 26, 159

as a printing centre 63

Rome 17; March on (1922) 228–9

in Second World War 233–4

Venice 38–9

see also Roman empire

Italian colonies 144

Italian unification 212–13, 214–15, 228

Iwakura Tomomi 221

Jamaica 120, 123

as a British colony 148

Jansen, Zacharias 65

Japan 5, 9, 42

China and 226, 233, 234

fashion/clothing 220–21, 222, 223, 225

living standards 45–6

modernization of 90, 218, 221–5, 226, 239, 257; internal opposition to 222

Russia and 226

textile industry 223–4

US and 221; in Second World War 233–5

Western influence on 5, 7, 15, 221–5

women in 222

Japanese armed forces 226, 234

Java 170

jeans, as a symbol of consumerism 240–49, 250

Jefferson, Thomas 134

Jerusalem 93, 93n, 94

Jews 3, 76

as entrepreneurs 216–17, 217n, 262n

as intellectuals 235, 235n

in Palestine 92–3

persecution of 38–9; in Germany 92, 214, 234, 235

Max Weber on 262

see also Israel

Jiang Zemin 287

Jiao Yu and Liu Ji: Huolongjing 28

Jirous, Ivan 248

John Paul II, Pope 252

Johnson, Blind Willie 18

Johnson, Samuel 2, 10

Kahn, Albert 196, 196n

Kamen, Dean 145n

Kant, Immanuel 76, 79, 80–81

Critique of Pure Reason 76

Kara Mustafa Köprülü (‘the black’), Grand Vizier 52, 54–5, 56, 71, 86

Karaca, Nihal Bengisu 254

Kaufman, Henry xvi

Kemal, Mustafa see Atatürk, Kemal

Kennedy, Paul: The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers 298

Keynes, John Maynard 7, 230, 231, 237

Khan, Dr A. Q. 95

Khomeini, Ayatollah 255

Khrushchev, Nikita 243, 250

King, Jonathan 273n

Kipling, Rudyard, on First World War 187–8

Kirsch, Wilhelm 90

Kissinger, Henry 16

Kitchener, Sir Horatio 173

Koch, Erich 193

Koch, Robert 169, 175

the Koran 63

see also Islam

Korea 11

Korea, South 239, 240, 306–7

Korean War (1950–53) 235–6, 239

Kraus, Karl 273

Kuhlman, August 179–80

labour market 203, 232, 265

migrant workers 219

trade unions 238–9, 245

unemployment 230–31, 232, 265, 265n

women in 224

working hours 265, 277

Labouret, Henri 166

Lafayette, marquis Gilbert de 150

Laigret, Jean 170

land ownership see property rights

Landes, David, on Western ascendancy 11

Langton, Christopher 299

Laplace, Pierre-Simon 158n

Larkin, Philip 270

Latin America see South America

Laud, Archbishop William 106, 107

Lavoisier, Antoine 66

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van 66

legal systems 8, 12, 124

in Britain 202–3

definition 13

in French colonies 165–6

in German colonies 177

Napoleonic 159–60

property rights see property rights

racial laws 134–6

in Russia 244

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 65, 66, 70, 78, 80

on China 46

Leipzig, battle of (1813) 160

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 227, 228

on imperialism 144

Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor 54, 55

Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor 155

Lettow-Vorbeck, General Paul Emil von 188

Leuthen, battle of (1757) 82–3

Leutwein, Theodor 176

Levi jeans 241–3, 244

Lewis, C. S.: The Screwtape Letters 269

liberty 121, 154

Thomas Hobbes on 107–8

John Locke on 108–9

life expectancy 5, 10, 24, 147–8, 205, 208

in Africa 168, 171, 190–91

see also population figures/density

lifestyles 7–8, 72–4

see also consumerism

Lincoln, Abraham xxiv

Lindell, John 275

linguistic issues 3, 4, 14, 215

in China 43

in Turkey 90, 91–2

Linnaeus, Carolus 66

Lippershey, Hans 65

literacy rates 77, 125, 263, 264

literature 60, 76, 181, 203, 213, 228, 269–70

see also printing

livery companies/guilds 40–41

see also trading companies

living standards 5, 7, 25, 232, 238

in England 22–4, 210–11

in China 21–2, 26–8, 44, 210–11

in France 24–5

in Japan 45–6

social inequality 208–9

see also wages

Locke, John 78

‘Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina’ 109–10, 111, 114, 135

on liberty 108–9

on property rights 111, 112

his Treatises of Government 57, 108–9

London 5, 22–3, 162

City of London Corporation, as autonomous 39–40

livery companies/guilds 40–41

population figures 23

Thames river 22

Louis XVI, King of France 149–50, 152–3, 155

Low Countries 9, 36, 39

see also United Provinces

Lucretius: De natura rerum 62

Luther, Martin 61, 63, 259, 262, 263

Ninety-Five Theses 61

publications 61–2

see also Reformation

Macartney, George, First Earl, in China 21, 47

Machiavelli, Niccolò

The Prince 75, 296

Frederick the Great on (The Anti-Machiavel) 75, 79–80

Maharero, Samuel 178

malaria 169–70, 173, 174

Malaysia 239

Malche, Albert 92

Mali 164, 170

Malthus, Thomas 203n

Mangin, General Charles 184–5

Manhattan Project 235

Mann, Thomas 16

Marchand, Major Jean-Baptiste 173

marine chronometers 70

maritime exploration see exploration, voyages of

marketing/advertising 241, 242, 246

markets/market economy 205–6

housing market 276–7

see also consumerism; financial systems

Marlowe, Christopher: Doctor Faustus 63–4

Marschalk, Nicolaus 62

Marx, Karl/Marxism 7, 153, 198, 206–9, 210–11, 228, 245

Capital 207–8

Contribution to a Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy … 212

Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de 79, 80

Different Figures of the Planets 67

Mayan civilization 299

Mazzini, Giuseppe 212–13

Mbaye, Ndematy (French African soldier) 184

Mboup, Demba (French African soldier) 184, 185, 186

medicine see health issues

Mehmed III, Ottoman sultan 72

Mehmed IV, Ottoman sultan 72

Mehmed, Kadizâde 71

Mehmed, Yirmisekiz Çelebi 85

Melko, Matthew 3

Mendel, Gregor 180

Mendelssohn, Moses 76

Le Ménestrel (French journal) 88

Mengele, Joseph 189

Mexican Revolution (1822–4) 124

Mexico 99, 102, 105, 138

property rights 124

Midhat, Ahmed (Midhat Pasha) 89, 90

military science/technology 37, 41, 57, 65n, 233, 235–6

ballistics 83–5

see also science/technology; warfare

Milne, William 279

Milner, Alfred 298n

Mirabeau, comte Honoré de 150

Mirabeau, marquis Victor de 2, 79

Miranda, Francisco 119

missionaries/missionary societies 142, 263–4

in China 277–80, 282–3, 284

women as 282

money supply 28

gold 99, 101–2

silver 35, 38, 44, 101–2

Mongol empire 4, 37, 42

Monk, Thelonious xxvii

Montaigne, Michel de xxiii

Montecorvino, Giovanni da 278

Montecuccoli, Raimondo 85

Montesquieu, baron Charles de Secondat 79, 296

on China 20–21, 77

Persian Letters 85

Moody, Dwight Lyman 282

Morande, Charles Théveneau de 79

More, Thomas 62

Morrison, Robert 278–9

mortality rates see life expectancy

Moutet, Marius 173

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus xxiii, 18, 77

Mugabe, Robert 145

Mughal empire 9

Murat, Joachim 159

Murray, Charles 65n

Muscovy Company 36

music 60, 77, 80, 206, 208, 218

military 88, 256, 256n

popular/rock 230, 243–4, 246, 249–50, 273, 274

Muslims see Islam

Mussolini, Benito 228

Mustafa III, Ottoman sultan 86, 87

Müteferrika, Ibrahim 10n

Rational Bases for the Politics of Nations 85–6

Napier, John 66

Napoleon Bonaparte 119, 142, 156–61

Clausewitz on 157–8

naval wars 160

policies/aims 158–9

Russia and 160

Napoleon III, Emperor of France 163

nationalism 212–16, 227

in Greece 213, 228

in Italy 212–13, 214–15, 228

in Germany 213, 214

in Russia 182, 227–8

natural philosophy see science/technology

natural resources 10, 48, 97

Needham, Joseph: Science and Civilization in China 27

Neilson, James 200

Nelson, Horatio 160

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 222

Newcomen, Thomas 70, 200

Newton, Isaac 65, 67, 70–71, 79, 80, 83

Principia 59, 66, 83

Nile, battle of (1798) 160

Nile river/valley 17

Nivelle, General Robert 185, 186

Nixon, President Richard 242, 243

Nobel prizes 175, 235n

nuclear science/engineering 94–5

Obama, Barack 138, 139

O’Donnell, J. P. 252

Ōkubo Toshimichi 222, 223

Ōmura Masujirō 223

opium 46

Oporinus, Johannes 63

Osman III, Ottoman Sultan 72

Ottoman army/defences 52, 53, 55, 57

Janissaries 71, 87–8

modernization of 87–8, 91

Ottoman empire 4, 9, 13, 38, 39, 76, 84–5

decline of 56–7, 71–2, 84, 85–6, 89–90, 92

economic crises 71, 89

extent of 52–4

Habsburg empire, invasion of (1683) 52, 54–7

the harem 72–3

political system 71–2, 89–90

the West and 52, 53, 63, 86–90

see also Turkey

Owen, Robert 208

Pacioli, Luca: Summa de arithmetica … 63

Pakistan 95

Palach, Jan 248

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 246–7

Pamuk, Orhan: Snow 254n

Panama Canal 219

Paracelsus 65

Pascal, Blaise xxiii, 66

Pasteur, Louis 169, 175

Pasteur Institutes 170, 174

Paston family (of Norfolk) 24

patronage 79

political 107

royal 70, 79–80, 84

Peel, Sir Robert 210

Pemberton, John 242

Pernot, Maurice 91

Perry, Commodore Matthew C. 221

Peru 122, 125, 170

see also Inca empire

Philippines 35, 144

Piar, Manuel Carlos 120, 125

Picasso, Pablo xxiv

Pizarro, Francisco 99–101, 112–13, 133

Pizarro, Hernando (brother of Francisco Pizarro) 100

plague see Black Death

Poland 55–6, 75, 228, 251

political systems

Simón Bolívar on 123, 124

Chinese 42–3, 283, 284

church/state relationship 60, 289–90

communism 7, 11, 209–10, 227–8, 236, 238

competition between states 36–42

democracy see representative government below

dictatorships 124, 128

English 107–9, 202–3; in North American colonies 109–12

fragmentation of 12, 36–7

French 158–9; during the Revolution 152–3

German, under Nazi regime 193–4

Thomas Hobbes on 107–8

liberty (freedom) 107–9, 121

John Locke on 57, 108–9

Marxism 207–8; see also Marx, Karl

nationalism/nation states 212–16, 227–8

Ottoman 71–2, 89–90

Prussian 73, 80

representative government 13, 78–9, 97, 99, 117, 123

socialism 208–9

in Spanish American colonies 122–4

political theory 57, 107, 212–13, 296–7

Polo, Marco, in China 21–2, 27

Polybius: Histories 296

Poma, Waman 100

Pomeranz, Kenneth 304

Ponty, William, Governor General of French West Africa 172

Henry Poole & Co. (tailors of Savile Row) 220–21, 220n

population figures/density 4, 5, 10, 17, 20–21, 25, 26, 45, 105–6, 200, 200n, 218, 308

depopulation 12, 23, 25, 44

life expectancy 5, 10, 24, 147–8, 205, 208; in Africa 168, 171, 190–91

Muslims 290

young people 244

pornography 273, 274

Portugal 4, 9, 14, 202n

China and 35

exploration, voyages of 33–5, 39, 53, 130

India and 34, 35, 39

Portuguese empire 97, 144, 176

Pottier, Eugène: ‘The Internationale’ 208

Priestley, Joseph 201

printing 27, 60

impact/spread of 60–63, 67, 77, 263

Islamic attitude to 68, 86

Pritchard, Jack 136

property rights 13, 97, 99, 111, 125, 152, 288

in British North American colonies 106–7, 106n, 109–12, 115–16, 117, 124–5, 138; headright system 111

John Locke on 111, 112

slaves as property 132, 135–6

in Spanish South American colonies 102, 113–14, 119, 124, 128

Protestantism 106, 107, 114, 259, 264

British North American colonies as Protestant 106, 114

in China 277–80, 282–8; radical sects 285–6

evangelical, in US 273–4

missionaries 263–4; in China 277–80, 282–3

Max Weber on 259, 260–64, 276, 283

see also Christianity

Protestant work ethic see work ethic

Prussia 144, 159, 214

Berlin 75–6, 86

the Enlightenment 76–9, 81

under Frederick the Great 71, 73–85

Islamic envoys in 86

political system 73, 80

Potsdam 81–8; Sanssouci palace 73–4, 79

religious toleration 76, 78

Silesia, invasion of 74–5

Prussian Academy of Science and Belle-Lettres 79, 80, 81

Prussian army 74–5, 81–2, 91

public health 147, 148, 177, 205

in French West Africa 171–2

see also health issues

Puerto Rico 144

Punch 169

Quebec Act (1774) 116

Quesnay, François, on China 46

Quigley, Carroll 3, 297–8

his ‘Rhodes–Milner group’ theory 298n

Tragedy and Hope … 298n

racial issues

in French West Africa 174–5

in German colonies 176, 177–8

interbreeding (miscegenation) 133–6; in French colonies (métissage) 164

in South America 119, 120, 125–6, 133, 135

in US 129, 133, 134–6, 137–9; Civil Rights movement 245; segregation 137–8, 177

racial theory see eugenics

railways 170, 171, 204, 215, 218, 224

Reagan, Ronald 252

Reche, Otto 189

Redhouse, James 89

Reformation 9, 38, 60–62, 67, 259

see also Luther, Martin

religious issues 3, 8, 17, 266–7

atheism 8, 289

Christianity see Christianity

Freud on 270–71, 273

Islam see Islam

science/technology and 67–8

Adam Smith on 276

religious toleration 76, 78, 114

religious tracts/publications 61–3

see also individual authors

religious wars/conflict 9, 12, 38–9

French revolution as 151, 152, 153, 154

Islamic 71

Resmi Efendî, Ahmed 86–7

revolution 162–3, 164, 227–8, 244, 246, 251–2

by students/young people 245–9

see also individual revolutions

Rhodes, Cecil 298n

Ricardo, David, his comparative advantage doctrine 202, 202n

Ricci, Matteo, SJ, in China 41

Richard II, King of England 23–4

Richard, Timothy 282

Richard of Wallingford 41

Richardson, Lewis Fry 301–2, 301n

Rivera, Diego: The Arsenal (painting) 162n

Roberts, Richard 200

Robespierre, Maximilien 156

Robins, Benjamin 83–4

New Principles of Gunnery 83

on rifled gun barrels 84

rock and roll/ popular music 230, 243–4, 246,

249–50, 273, 274

Rohrbach, Paul von 181

German Colonial Economics 176

Roman Catholicism see Catholicism

Roman Empire 16–17, 296

Gibbon on 257–9, 291–2

Romania 251

Roosevelt, President Franklin Delano xxiv, 230

Rosa, Salvator: L’umana fragilatà (painting) 26

Rosenberg, Alfred 193

Ross, Ronald 169–70

Rothschild, Nathan 161

Roume, Ernest, Governor of French West Africa 170–71

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 155, 156

Social Contract 78, 151–2

Royal Observatory, Greenwich 70

Royal Society of London 69–70, 80, 83, 84

Copley Medal 84

Ruiz-Linares, Andrés 133

Russia/Soviet Union 7, 83, 156, 303

economic growth 231–2

expansion of 144

exploration of 36

France and 160

Germany and 192, 194, 231–2: in Second World War 233–4

under Gorbachev 250

Japan and 226

legal system 244

Napoleon Bonaparte and 160

nationalism in 182, 227–8

US and 236; Cold War 236–9, 250

as a Western civilization 15

Russian army 234

Russian Revolution (1917–18) 182, 227–8

Russo-Japanese War (1904) 226

Safavid empire 9

St Alban’s Abbey 27, 41

Saint-Domingue (island) 160

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de: The Little Prince 90

Sandys, George 283

sanitation 23, 147, 179

see also health issues

Schacht, Hjalmar 231

Schaudinn, Fritz 175–6

Schiller, Friedrich 77, 79

Schubert, Franz xxiii

Schubert, Helmut 194

Schularick, Moritz xvii

Schumpeter, Joseph 205

science/technology 7, 10–11, 12, 14, 50–95, 257, 287

advances in/spread of 41–2, 47, 57, 60–71, 216–18, 317–18; chronology of 65–6; as Eurocentric 67

astronomy 64, 65, 66; Islamic 68–9

ballistics 83–5

Chinese 11, 27–8

definition 13

in East Asia 4, 11

gravity, law of 70

Industrial Revolution see Industrial Revolution

Islamic see Islamic science/technology

in Israel 93–4

military 37, 41, 57, 65n, 233, 235–6

nuclear 94–5

optics 51–2, 64, 70

religious issues in 67–8

royal patronage of 70; by Frederick the Great 71, 79–80, 84

scientific institutions 69–70, 79, 89

scientific method 60, 64–5, 67, 70

collaborative 70

Scotland 263

England and 24, 105, 107, 213

Industrial Revolution 199

see also Britain

Scott, Sarah 289

Second World War (1939–45) 192, 233–6

casualty figures 193; civilian 233, 234

causes of 233

Germany in 189–90, 191–5, 231–4; see also Hitler, Adolf

Italy in 233–4

Japan in 233–5

Seven Years’ War (1756–63) 115, 116, 116n

sexual revolution 246

Shakespeare, William 23, 62n, 324n

Shark Island concentration camp, German South-West Africa 179–80

Sharp, Granville 133

Shaw, George Bernard, on Western medicine 148

Shays, Daniel 117

Sherrington, Charles 300

shipbuilding industry 22, 28–9, 37, 48

Sibutus, George 62

siege warfare 52, 54–7

Siegert, Johann Gottlieb Benjamin 121n

Sierra Leone 168

silver, from South America 101–2

Singapore 240, 306–7

Singer sewing machines 216–18, 220

Sivasi Efendi 71

slave revolts 131–2, 136, 160

slavery/slave trade 97, 120, 125, 129–36

abolition of 129, 131, 132–3; in British colonies 177; in French colonies 163, 177

in Africa 176, 177

slaves as property 132, 135–6

in Spanish South American colonies 129, 130–32, 133, 135, 136

in US 129, 130, 132–3, 134–6

Smith, Adam 7, 78, 301

on China 19, 20, 46, 78

on religion 276

Theory of Moral Sentiments xxiv–xxv

The Wealth of Nations 297

Smith, Abraham (English migrant to South Carolina) 103, 106, 111–12

Sobieski, Jan III, King of Poland 55–6

socialism 208–9

Sorokin, Pitrim 297

Soviet Union see Russia/Soviet Union


exploration, voyages of 35–6

France and 119

Spanish Civil War (1936–9) 231, 233

Spanish empire 144

in America see America, South, Spanish colonies in

Spengler, Oswald: The Decline of the West 297

spice trade 33, 34, 36

Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch) xxiii, 65

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon 282

Stead, William T. 298n

steam engines 70, 200, 204, 218

Stendhal (Henri Marie Beyle): The Red and the Black 162

Stevens, John Lloyd 298–9

Stevenson, Robert Louis xxvi

Stott, George 282, 284

Strauss, Levi 241

Suez Canal 219

suffrage, male 210

in French colonies 163

sugar/sugar production 10, 45, 129, 131–2, 160

Suleiman the Magnificent 52–3, 52n, 56–7, 72

Sun Yat-sen 283

Switzerland 41, 159

syphilis 176

Taiping Rebellion, China 211, 279–90, 285

Takiyüddīn al-Rāsid (Taqi al-Din) 68–9

Taleb, Nassim 301

Tamani, Hüseyin Rifki 69

Tang Yi 286

Tanweer, Shehzad 291

tariffs see trade tariffs

Tawney, R. H. 263

taxation 38, 44, 106, 107, 117, 210–11, 288

Taylor, James Hudson 280, 282

technology see Industrial Revolution;


Teller, Edward 235

Tennyson, Alfred Lord xiv

terrorism see violence/terrorism

textile industry/trade 28, 198–9, 200, 203, 218–19, 239–40

cotton 201, 202–3, 204, 218

in India 224–5

in Japan 223–4

Thatcher, Margaret 252

Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) 37

Thuillier, Louis 169

Tigris river/valley 17

tobacco 46, 131

Todd, John L. 169

Tolstoy, Leo 270

Toqué, Emile 165

Touška, Ivan 247

Toussaint ‘Louverture’, François-Dominique 160

Townsend, Pete 274n

Toynbee, Arnold: The Study of History 297

trade/trade routes 9, 22, 29, 31, 161

with China 29, 31, 35, 47, 48

comparative advantage doctrine 202, 202n

competition in 33–6, 48

development of 33–6

free markets 7, 17

in Great Depression 229–30

importance of 20, 46, 47, 48

ocean freight 218–19

in slaves 97, 129–36, 161; see also slavery

in spices 33, 34, 36

in sugar 129, 131–2, 160

in textiles see textile industry/trade

transatlantic 106, 115, 218–19

trade monopolies 38

trade tariffs 202–3, 229–30

trade unions 238–9, 245

trading companies 36, 38, 83, 161, 201, 278

Trafalgar, battle of (1805) 160

Trevithick, Richard 200

Trotha, General Adrian Dietrich Lothar von 178–9, 181

Troup, Bobby 274

Tull, Jethro 27

Turgenev, Ivan: Fathers and Sons 228

Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, on civilization 2


under Kemal Atatürk 90–93, 228

Dolmabahçe palace 88, 90

founding of 91

as Islamist 253–5

linguistic issues 90, 91–2

as a secular state 92, 253

see also Ottoman empire

Twain, Mark, on imperialism 144

Tyndale, Matthew 62

Uganda 170

Ulugh Beg 69

unemployment 230–31, 232, 265, 265n

see also labour market

United Kingdom see Britain

United Provinces 39, 104

see also Low Countries

United States (US) xvi, 5, 15, 16

Christianity in 267, 270, 273–7

colonial expansion 144

economic growth/output xvi, 218, 307–12

in First World War 182–3

Great Depression 229–31

Gullah Coast 135–6

Japan and 221; in Second World War 233–5

migrants to 219; South Americans 138–9

population figures 218

property rights 124

racial issues 129, 133, 134–6, 137–9; Civil Rights movement 245; segregation 137–8, 177

Russia and 236; Cold War 236–9

St Louis World Fair (1904) 260–61

in Second World War 233–5

slavery in 129, 130, 132–3, 134–6

student unrest 245

trade with 218–19

Max Weber in 260–61

as a world power xvi–xvii, 97, 218, 257, 307–12

see also America, North, British colonies; American …

United States Army 234–5

university education 7, 17–18, 92, 175, 244–5

urbanization see cities

Vaquette de Gribeauval, General 84

Veblen, Thorstein 205

Venezuela 119, 128, 139

Caracas 129

Catholicism in 120, 120n

under Chávez 128

property rights 119, 124, 128

revolution in 119–22

Verdun, battle of (1916) 183

Vermeer, Jan xxiv

Vesalius, Andreas 65

Vespucci, Amerigo 96

Vico, Giambattista: Scienza nuova 296

Vienna, siege of (1683) 52, 53, 55, 57

Vietnam 167

see also Indo-China

Vietnam War (1965–73) 245, 246

violence/terrorism 246–7, 254n, 258, 288–9, 291

homicide rates 24, 25, 105

Voltaire (François Marie Arouet) 67, 70–71, 78, 79

on China 46

Diatribe du Docteur Akakia … 80

Vordman, Adolphe 170

Voulet, Paul 166

wages 203, 210–11, 238

Wagner, Richard 162, 162n, 206, 208

Waldseemüller, Martin: Universalis cosmographia 96

Wales, England and 24, 39

see also Britain

Wallace, George 137

Wang Zhen: Treatise on Agriculture 28

Wappers, Egide: Episode of the Belgian Revolution 162n

Warburg, Siegmund 94

warfare/weapons 4, 23, 24, 57, 82

armed forces 215–16, 229, 233, 234, 236; colonial troops 164, 181–9; see also individual armies

atomic weapons 235–6

casualty figures 301–2

Clausewitz on 157–8

communications in 55, 181–2

definition 157–8

financing of 161

gunpowder 28

imperialism as conquest 99–102

military technology 37, 41, 57, 65n; ballistics 83–5

military uniforms 215–16, 229, 233, 234, 237

naval 37, 160

religious 9, 12, 38–9

Lewis Fry Richardson on 301–2, 301n

siege warfare 52, 54–7

strategy/tactics 84, 85, 133; Inca 100

see also individual battles/conflicts

Washington, George 116, 116n, 117

water supplies 145, 145n

Waterloo, battle of (1815) 160

Watt, James 70, 200, 201, 202, 204, 206n

Waugh, Evelyn, on Catholicism 269–70

Weber, Max 259–60, 270

on China 21, 264

on the Jews 262

on Protestantism 259, 260–64, 276, 283

in US 260–61

on Western ascendancy 11

Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 94

Wenzel von Liechtenstein, Prince Joseph 84

the West

definition 14–16; by Samuel Huntington 15, 16

Islam and 39, 50–57, 63, 85–90, 255

loss of confidence by 17–18

Ottoman empire and 52, 53, 63, 86–90

Roman Empire in 16–17

Western ascendancy

competition and 12, 13, 19–49

consumerism and 12, 13, 195, 196–255

Jared Diamond on 11–12

health issues and 12, 13, 146–8, 168–75, 191

Samuel Johnson on 10

David Landes on 11

legal systems and 8, 12, 13; see also property rights

reasons for xv–xvi, xxvi, 1–8, 96–7, 195

science/technology and 10–11, 13, 50–95

threats to 17–18, 255, 256–94, 295–325; economic crises 257, 258, 259, 260–64, 276, 283

Max Weber on 11

work ethic and 12, 13, 259–94

see also individual countries

Whittington, Richard (Dick) 22, 23

Wilde, Oscar 208–9

William II, Kaiser 178

William of Orange, as King of England 104–5, 107

Willoughby, Hugh 36

Wilson, Paul 248

Wilson, President Woodrow 227

witch doctors 171, 172

witches/witchcraft 63–4, 114

Wittfogel, Karl, on Oriental despotism 42

Wolle, Stefan 244


in Japan 222

measurements, scientific study of 237

as missionaries 282

women workers 224

women’s education 94, 244

women’s fashion/clothing 216, 220, 246

Islamic 253–5, 253n

Woodruff, Robert W. 243

Woolwich Academy of Engineering and Artillery 85

work ethic 12, 17, 259–94

definition 13

working hours 265, 277

World Values Survey 266, 267

Wren, Christopher 69–70

Wu, Y. T. 283

Yersin, Alexandre 169

Young, Brigham 241

young people

as consumers see consumerism

Islamic organizations for 290

power/influence of 244–9, 253–4

Yuan Zhiming 287

Zhang, Hanping 285

Zhao Xiao 287

Zheng He, Admiral (Chinese explorer) 28–9, 32, 37, 48

Zhou Enlai 283

Zhou Shixiu 26–7

Zhuo Xinping 287

Zong (slave ship) 132–3