

ageing, and immunity 1

aïoli, garlic 1

alcohol 1, 2, 3

allergic rhinitis 1

allergies 1, 2, 3–4

almonds: almond butter cookies 1

almond crunch 1

almond milk 1

banana and almond breakfast pot 1

amino acids 1

anaphylaxis 1

anchovy and tomato risotto 1

antibiotics 1, 2, 3

antibodies 1, 2, 3

antigens 1

anti-inflammatories 1

antioxidants 1–2, 3

apples 1

baked apple slices with walnut and cinnamon 1

chicory and apple salad 1

figgy apple and cinnamon porridge 1

apricots (dried): chicken banana korma 1

fruity lamb tagine 1

artichokes 1

artichoke and mushroom spelt 1

asparagus: warm chicken and asparagus salad 1

asthma 1

atopic conditions 1

aubergines (eggplant): aubergine and tomato hake 1

king prawn jalfrezi 1

paprika and cayenne pepper ‘meatballs’ 1

autoimmune disorders 1–2, 3, 4–5, 6, 7, 8

avocados: avocado and black bean eggs 1

baked eggs in avocado 1

broccoli and turmeric hash 1

chocolate avo mousse 1

summertime avocado and cucumber soup 1


B cells 1, 2

babies, gut microbiome 1–2

bacteria 1, 2

see also gut microbiome

bananas: banana and almond breakfast pot 1

chicken banana korma 1

no-flour banana pancakes 1

peanut butter bean brownies 1

basil: pesto 1

beetroot (beets) 1

beetroot, spinach and goat’s cheese couscous 1

beetroot and carrot salad 1

chicken, broccoli and beetroot salad 1

berries 1

beta-glucan 1

birth, and gut microbiome 1–2

biryani, chicken 1

black beans: avocado and black bean eggs 1

peanut butter bean brownies 1

blood sugar levels 1–2

bone broth 1

bone marrow 1

borlotti (cranberry) beans: hearty chicken casserole 1

tuna and bean patties 1

breastfeeding 1

broccoli 1

broccoli and potato frittata 1

broccoli and turmeric hash 1

broccoli lemon chicken 1

chicken, broccoli and beetroot salad 1

kimchi fried rice 1

brownies, peanut butter bean 1

bulgur wheat: minty bulgur tabbouleh 1

spicy bulgur with roasted peppers 1

burgers: chickpea and cumin burgers 1

turkey burgers 1

butter (lima) bean stew 1

butyrate 1, 2, 3


cabbage 1

crunchy coleslaw 1

kimchi 1

sauerkraut 1

caffeine 1–2, 3

calories 1

cancer 1

cannellini beans: tuna, fennel and bean salad 1

carbohydrates 1–2, 3

cardamom 1

Caribbean butternut squash curry 1

carrots 1

beetroot and carrot salad 1

kimchi fried rice 1

cashews, broccoli lemon chicken with 1

cauliflower: cauliflower, lentil and sweet potato bowl 1

cauliflower rice 1

chicken biryani with cauliflower rice 1

cheese: beetroot, spinach and goat’s cheese couscous 1

grain-free spinach and Parmesan quiche 1

halloumi kebabs with raita 1

kale and goat’s cheese frittata 1

pepper and rocket frittata 1

pesto 1

pesto courgetti 1

chia seeds: raspberry chia bowl 1

chicken: broccoli lemon chicken 1

chicken and vegetable soup 1

chicken banana korma 1

chicken biryani with cauliflower rice 1

chicken, broccoli and beetroot salad 1

chicken curry 1

coconut chicken and green bean stir-fry 1

hearty chicken casserole 1

warm chicken and asparagus salad 1

chickpeas (garbanzo beans): chickpea and bean chilli 1

chickpea and cumin burgers 1

homemade hummus 1

Moroccan fish stew 1

chicory and apple salad 1

chilli peppers 1, 2

chickpea and bean chilli 1

chilli and coconut salmon 1

chocolate 1, 2

almond crunch 1

chocolate avo mousse 1

chocolate cups 1

overnight chocolate oats 1

peanut butter bean brownies 1

raspberry coconut chocolate 1

cinnamon 1

cocoa 1, 2

coconut: coconut oil 1

raspberry coconut chocolate 1

coconut cream: chilli and coconut salmon 1

coleslaw, crunchy 1

complex carbs 1–2

constipation 1, 2

cookies, almond butter 1

cottage pie, veggie 1

courgettes (zucchini): pesto courgetti 1

couscous: beetroot, spinach and goat’s cheese 1

Covid-19 1, 2, 3

crackers, spicy flax seed 1

Crohn’s disease 1

cucumber: raita 1

summertime avocado and cucumber soup 1

curry: Caribbean butternut squash curry 1

chicken banana korma 1

chicken curry 1

king prawn jalfrezi 1

pumpkin and spinach curry 1

spiced kedgeree 1


dairy produce 1, 2

dates: honey flapjack bites 1

peanut butter bean brownies 1

diabetes 1

digestive aids 1

dysbiosis 1


eggs: avocado and black bean eggs 1

baked eggs in avocado 1

broccoli and turmeric hash 1

grain-free spinach and Parmesan quiche 1

kimchi fried rice 1

poached egg and mushroom hash 1

poached eggs with spinach and walnuts 1

spiced kedgeree 1

see also frittata; omelette

ellagic acid 1

epidemics 1, 2

epigenome 1

exercise 1–2, 3, 4, 5


fasting, intermittent 1–2

fats 1, 2–3, 4

fennel: prawn and fennel risotto 1

tuna, fennel and bean salad 1

fibre 1, 2–3, 4

figgy apple and cinnamon porridge 1

fish 1

fish cakes, salmon 1

fish stew, Moroccan 1

flapjack bites 1

flavonoids 1

flax seeds (linseeds) 1

spicy flax seed crackers 1

FODMAP foods 1

food allergies 1, 2, 3–4

food intolerances 1–2

frittata: broccoli and potato frittata 1

kale and goat’s cheese frittata 1

pepper and rocket frittata 1

fruit 1, 2

fruit ‘n’ nut quinoa crumble 1

fungi 1


garlic 1, 2

garlic aïoli 1

genetics 1–2, 3, 4, 5

ginger 1

glucosinolates 1

glutamine 1

gluten 1

glycine 1–2

grains 1

granola, nutty maple 1

grapes 1

green beans: coconut chicken and green bean stir-fry 1

gut microbiome 1–2

birth and 1–2

diversity 1

dysbiosis 1

exercise and 1

fasting and 1–2

and immune system 1–2

repairing 1–2

and sleep 1

stress and 1


haddock: Moroccan fish stew 1

hake: aubergine and tomato hake 1

halloumi kebabs with raita 1

hayfever 1, 2

herbs 1, 2, 3

honey flapjack bites 1

hummus, homemade 1


IgE antibodies 1, 2

immune system: ageing and 1

allergies 1, 2, 3–4

autoimmune disorders 1–2, 3, 4–5, 6

exercise and 1–2

fasting and 1

functions 1, 2

genetics 1–2, 3

and gut microbiome 1–2

immunological memory 1

micronutrients and 1

parts of 1–2

and sleep 1

strengthening with nutrition 1

stress and 1

suppressors 1

vitamin D and 1, 2, 3

infectious diseases 1, 2–3

inflammation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

interferons 1

intermittent fasting 1–2

inulin 1


kale: kale and goat’s cheese frittata 1

portobello mushrooms with kale and feta 1

kedgeree, spiced 1

kefir 1

kidney beans: chickpea and bean chilli 1

kimchi 1

kimchi fried rice 1


lamb: fruity lamb tagine 1

Mediterranean lamb steaks 1

spicy lamb meatballs 1

leaky gut 1, 2

lectins 1

legumes 1, 2, 3

lentils: cauliflower, lentil and sweet potato bowl 1

lentil and butternut squash soup 1

Puy lentils with smoked tofu 1

red lentil and rosemary patties 1

veggie cottage pie 1

light 1, 2, 3, 4

lupus 1

lymph nodes 1, 2

lymphatic system 1–2, 3

lymphocytes 1–2, 3


macronutrients 1–2, 3

mayo, homemade 1

meal planners 1

meatballs: paprika and cayenne pepper ‘meatballs’ 1

spicy lamb meatballs 1

meditation 1

Mediterranean lamb steaks 1

Mediterranean roasted vegetables 1

melon 1

metabolic disease 1

microbes 1

see also gut microbiome

microbiota 1–2, 3

micronutrients 1–2, 3, 4

milk: kefir 1

mind:body interaction 1

mindfulness 1

minerals 1, 2, 3–4

miso soup 1

monounsaturated fats 1, 2

Moroccan fish stew 1

mousse, chocolate avo 1

MS 1

mushrooms: artichoke and mushroom spelt 1

poached egg and mushroom hash 1

portobello mushrooms with kale and feta 1


NK (natural killer) cells 1, 2

nuts 1, 2

fruit ‘n’ nut quinoa crumble 1

nut butter 1

nutty maple granola 1

see also almonds


oats: figgy apple and cinnamon porridge 1

honey flapjack bites 1

nutty maple granola 1

oat milk 1

overnight chocolate oats 1

peanut butter bean brownies 1

oil, coconut 1

olive oil 1

omega-3 fatty acids 1, 2

omega-6 fatty acids 1–2

omelette, sundried tomato, feta and basil 1

onions 1


paella, easy peasy 1

pak choi with oyster sauce 1

pancakes, no-flour banana 1

pandemics 1, 2

peanut butter: peanut butter bean brownies 1

satay tofu skewers 1

peas: pea and lemon risotto 1

pea, basil and mint soup 1

peppers (bell) 1

chickpea and bean chilli 1

fruity lamb tagine 1

hearty chicken casserole 1

king prawn jalfrezi 1

pepper and rocket frittata 1

roasted pepper and tomato soup 1

spicy bulgur with roasted peppers 1

pesto 1

pesto courgetti 1

phytochemicals 1–2

phytonutrients 1

pine nuts: pesto 1

pesto courgetti 1

plasticity 1

polyphenols 1

polyunsaturated fats 1–2, 3

porridge, figgy apple and cinnamon 1

potatoes: broccoli and potato frittata 1

prawns: king prawn jalfrezi 1

prawn and fennel risotto 1

prebiotics 1, 2, 3

probiotics 1, 2

protein 1, 2–3, 4

pumpkin 1

pumpkin and spinach curry 1


quiche, grain-free spinach and Parmesan 1

quinoa crumble, fruit ‘n’ nut 1


raita 1

raspberries: raspberry chia bowl 1

raspberry coconut chocolate 1

ratatouille 1

red blood cells 1

red cabbage 1

resistant starch 1

resveratrol 1

rheumatoid arthritis 1

rice: anchovy and tomato risotto 1

easy peasy paella 1

kimchi fried rice 1

pea and lemon risotto 1

prawn and fennel risotto 1

spiced kedgeree 1

risotto: anchovy and tomato risotto 1

pea and lemon risotto 1

prawn and fennel risotto 1

rocket: pepper and rocket frittata 1

rosemary 1


salads: beetroot and carrot salad 1

chicken, broccoli and beetroot salad 1

chicory and apple salad 1

tuna, fennel and bean salad 1

warm chicken and asparagus salad 1

zingy teriyaki salmon salad 1

salmon: chilli and coconut salmon 1

salmon fish cakes 1

wild salmon veggie bowl 1

zingy teriyaki salmon salad 1

salt 1

satay tofu skewers 1

saturated fats 1–2, 3

sauerkraut 1

seafood: easy peasy paella 1

seeds 1, 2, 3, 4

selenium 1, 2, 3, 4

skewers: halloumi kebabs with raita 1

satay tofu skewers 1

sleep 1–2, 3

smoked haddock: spiced kedgeree 1

smoked salmon: baked eggs in avocado 1

smoothie, immunity 1

soups: chicken and vegetable soup 1

lentil and butternut squash soup 1

miso soup 1

pea, basil and mint soup 1

roasted pepper and tomato soup 1

spinach and watercress soup 1

summertime avocado and cucumber soup 1

soy 1

spelt, artichoke and mushroom 1

spices 1, 2, 3

spinach 1

beetroot, spinach and goat’s cheese couscous 1

grain-free spinach and Parmesan quiche 1

immunity smoothie 1

poached eggs with spinach and walnuts 1

pumpkin and spinach curry 1

spinach and watercress soup 1

spleen 1

squash 1

Caribbean butternut squash curry 1

fruity lamb tagine 1

lentil and butternut squash soup 1

stress reduction 1–2, 3

sunlight 1, 2, 3, 4

supplements 1, 2–3, 4–5, 6

sweet potatoes 1

cauliflower, lentil and sweet potato bowl 1

sweet potato wedges 1

veggie cottage pie with sweet potato mash 1


T-lymphocytes (T cells) 1–2, 3

tabbouleh, minty bulgur 1

tagine, fruity lamb 1

thymus gland 1, 2

tofu: miso soup 1

Puy lentils with smoked tofu 1

satay tofu skewers 1

turmeric scramble 1

tomatoes 1

anchovy and tomato risotto 1

aubergine and tomato hake 1

butter bean stew 1

chickpea and bean chilli 1

fruity lamb tagine 1

hearty chicken casserole 1

king prawn jalfrezi 1

Moroccan fish stew 1

roasted pepper and tomato soup 1

spicy lamb meatballs 1

sundried tomato, feta and basil omelette 1

tomato sauce 1

trans fats 1

tuna: tangy tuna steaks 1

tuna and bean patties 1

tuna, fennel and bean salad 1

turkey burgers 1

turmeric 1

turmeric scramble 1


vaccination 1

vegetables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Mediterranean roasted vegetables 1

ratatouille 1

veggie cottage pie 1

wild salmon veggie bowl 1

see also potatoes, tomatoes etc

vinaigrette, homemade 1

viruses 1, 2

vitamins 1, 2–3, 4

vitamin A 1–2, 3, 4, 5

vitamin C 1, 2, 3, 4

vitamin D 1, 2–3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

vitamin E 1, 2, 3, 4


watercress: chicken, broccoli and beetroot salad 1

spinach and watercress soup 1

white blood cells 1, 2

wine 1


yoga 1–2

yoghurt: raita 1


zinc 1, 2–3, 4, 5, 6