Before the revolution… Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Beyond the Goal: Eliyahu Goldratt Speaks on the Theory of Constraints (Your Coach in a Box) (Prince Frederick, Maryland: Gildan Media, 2005), Audiobook.
Put even more… Jeff Immelt, “GE CEO Jeff Immelt: Let’s Finally End the Debate over Whether We Are in a Tech Bubble,” Business Insider, December 9, 2015, .
Or as Jeffrey… “Weekly Top 10: Your DevOps Flavor,” Electric Cloud, April 1, 2016, .
Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt… Goldratt, Beyond the Goal.
As Christopher Little… Christopher Little, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2010.
As Steven J. Spear… Steven J. Spear, The High-Velocity Edge: How Market Leaders Leverage Operational Excellence to Beat the Competition (New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education), Kindle edition, chap. 3.
In 2013, the… Chris Skinner, “Banks have bigger development shops than Microsoft,” Chris Skinner’s Blog, accessed July 28, 2016, .
Projects are typically… Nico Stehr and Reiner Grundmann, Knowledge: Critical Concepts, Volume 3 (London: Routledge, 2005), 139.
Dr. Vernon Richardson… A. Masli, V. Richardson, M. Widenmier, and R. Zmud, “Senior Executive’s IT Management Responsibilities: Serious IT Deficiencies and CEO-CFO Turnover,” MIS Quaterly (published electronically June 21, 2016).
Consider the following… “IDC Forecasts Worldwide IT Spending to Grow 6% in 2012, Despite Economic Uncertainty,” Business Wire, September 10, 2012, .
The first surprise… Nigel Kersten, IT Revolution, and PwC, 2015 State of DevOps Report (Portland, OR: Puppet Labs, 2015), .
This is highlighted… Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley, 1995).
As Randy Shoup… Gene Kim, Gary Gruver, Randy Shoup, and Andrew Phillips, “Exploring the Uncharted Territory of Microservices,”, webinar, February 20, 2015, .
The 2015 State… Kersten, IT Revolution, and PwC, 2015 State of DevOps Report.
Another more extreme… “Velocity 2011: Jon Jenkins, ‘Velocity Culture’,” YouTube video, 15:13, posted by O’Reilly, June 20, 2011, ; “Transforming Software Development,” YouTube video, 40:57, posted by Amazon Web Service, April 10, 2015, .
Later in his… Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Beyond the Goal.
As with The… JGFLL, review of The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford, review, March 4, 2013, ; Mark L Townsend, review of The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford, review, March 2, 2013, ; Scott Van Den Elzen, review of The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford, review, March 13, 2013, .
One key principle… Kent Beck, et al., “Twelve Principles of Agile Software,”, 2001, .
He concluded that… Mike Rother, Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results (New York: McGraw Hill, 2010), Kindle edition, Part III.
Karen Martin and… Karen Martin and Mike Osterling, Value Stream Mapping: How to Visualize Work and Align Leadership for Organizational Transformation (New York: McGraw Hill, 2013), Kindle edition, chap 1.
In this book… Ibid., chap. 3.
Karen Martin and… Ibid.
Studies have shown… Joshua S. Rubinstein, David E. Meyer, and Jeffrey E. Evans, “Executive Control of Cognitive Processes in Task Switching,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 27, no. 4 (2001): 763-797, doi: 10.1037//0096-1523.27.4.763, .
Dominica DeGrandis, one… “DOES15—Dominica DeGrandis—The Shape of Uncertainty,” YouTube video, 22:54, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
Taiichi Ohno compared… Sami Bahri, “Few Patients-In-Process and Less Safety Scheduling; Incoming Supplies are Secondary,” The Deming Institute Blog, August 22, 2013, .
In other words… Meeting between David J. Andersen and team at Motorola with Daniel S. Vacanti, February 24, 2004; story retold at USC CSSE Research Review with Barry Boehm in March 2004.
The dramatic differences… James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation (New York: Free Press, 2010), Kindle edition, chap. 1.
There are many… Eric Ries, “Work in small batches,”, February 20, 2009, .
In Beyond the… Goldratt, Beyond the Goal.
As a solution… Eliyahu M. Goldratt, The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement (Great Barrington, MA: North River Press, 2014), Kindle edition, “Five Focusing Steps.”
Shigeo Shingo, one… Shigeo Shingo, A Study of the Toyota Production System: From an Industrial Engineering Viewpoint (London: Productivity Press, 1989); “The 7 Wastes (Seven forms of Muda),”, accessed July 28, 2016, .
In the book… Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck, Implementing Lean Software: From Concept to Cash, (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley, 2007), 74.
The following categories… Adapted from Damon Edwards, “DevOps Kaizen: Find and Fix What Is Really Behind Your Problems,”, posted by dev2ops, May 4, 2015, .
Dr. Charles Perrow… Charles Perrow, Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999).
Dr. Sidney Dekker… Dr. Sidney Dekker, The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error (Lund University, Sweden: Ashgate, 2006).
After he decoded… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 8.
Dr. Spear extended… Ibid.
Dr. Peter Senge… Peter M. Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization (New York: Doubleday, 2006), Kindle edition, chap. 5.
In one well-documented… “NUMMI,” This American Life, March 26, 2010, .
As Elisabeth Hendrickson… “DOES15 - Elisabeth Hendrickson - Its All About Feedback,” YouTube video, 34:47, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
“In doing so… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 1.
As Dr. Spear… Ibid., chap. 4.
Examples of ineffective… Jez Humble, Joanne Molesky, and Barry O’Reilly, Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale (Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2015), Kindle edition, Part IV.
In the 1700s… Dr. Thomas Sowell, Knowledge and Decisions (New York: Basic Books, 1980), 222.
As Gary Gruver… Gary Gruver, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
For instance, in… Paul Adler, “Time-and-Motion Regained,” Harvard Business Review, January-February 1993, .
The “name, blame… Dekker, The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error, chap. 1.
Dr. Sidney Dekker… “Just Culture: Balancing Safety and Accountability,” Lund University, Human Factors & System Safety website, November 6, 2015, .
He observed that… Ron Westrum, “The study of information flow: A personal journey,” Proceedings of Safety Science 67 (August 2014): 58-63, The_study_of_information_flow_A_personal_journey .
Just as Dr. Westrum… Nicole Forsgren Velasquez, Gene Kim, Nigel Kersten, and Jez Humble, 2014 State of DevOps Report (Portland, OR: Puppet Labs, IT Revolution Press, and ThoughtWorks, 2014), .
As Bethany Macri… Bethany Macri, “Morgue: Helping Better Understand Events by Building a Post Mortem Tool - Bethany Macri,” Vimeo video, 33:34, posted by, October 18, 2013, .
Dr. Spear observes… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 1.
In The Fifth… Senge, The Fifth Discipline, chap. 1.
Mike Rother observed… Mike Rother, Toyota Kata, 12.
This is why… Mike Orzen, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2012.
Consider the following… “Paul O’Neill,” Forbes, October 11, 2001, .
In 1987, Alcoa… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 4.
As Dr. Spear… Ibid.
A remarkable example… Ibid., chap. 5.
This process of… Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (Incerto), (New York: Random House, 2012).
According to Womack… Jim Womack, Gemba Walks (Cambridge, MA: Lean Enterprise Institute, 2011), Kindle edition, location 4113.
Mike Rother formalized… Rother, Toyota Kata, Part IV.
Mike Rother observes… Ibid., Conclusion.
Therefore, we must… Michael Rembetsy and Patrick McDonnell, “Continuously Deploying Culture [at Etsy],”, October 4, 2012, posted by Patrick, .
In 2015, Nordstrom… “Nordstrom, Inc.,” company profile on,,-inc/company-overview.aspx .
The stage for… Courtney Kissler, “DOES14 - Courtney Kissler - Nordstrom - Transforming to a Culture of Continuous Improvement,” YouTube video, 29:59, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit 2014, October 29, 2014, .
These organizations were… Tom Gardner, “Barnes & Noble, Blockbuster, Borders: The Killer B’s Are Dying,” The Motley Fool, July 21, 2010, .
As Kissler described… Kissler, “DOES14 - Courtney Kissler - Nordstrom.”
As Kissler said… Ibid; Alterations to quote made by Courtney Kissler via personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2016.
As Kissler stated… Ibid; Alterations to quote made by Courtney Kissler via personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2016.
In 2015, Kissler… Ibid.
She continued, “This… Ibid.
Kissler concluded, “From… Ibid.
An example of… Ernest Mueller, “Business model driven cloud adoption: what NI Is doing in the cloud,”, June 28, 2011, posted by Ernest Mueller, .
Although many believe… Unpublished calculation by Gene Kim after the 2014 DevOps Enterprise Summit.
Indeed, one of… Kersten, IT Revolution, and PwC, 2015 State of DevOps Report.
CSG (2013): In… Prugh, “DOES14: Scott Prugh, CSG - DevOps and Lean in Legacy Environments,”, November 14, 2014, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, .
Etsy (2009): In… Rembetsy and McDonnell, “Continuously Deploying Culture [at Etsy].”
The Gartner research… Bernard Golden, “What Gartner’s Bimodal IT Model Means to Enterprise CIOs,” CIO Magazine, January 27, 2015, .
Systems of record… Ibid.
Systems of engagement… Ibid.
The data from… Kersten, IT Revolution, and PwC, 2015 State of DevOps Report.
Scott Prugh, VP… Scott Prugh, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
Geoffrey A. Moore… Geoffrey A. Moore and Regis McKenna, Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers (New York: HarperCollins, 2009), 11.
Big bang, top-down… Linda Tucci, “Four Pillars of PayPal’s ‘Big Bang’ Agile Transformation,” TechTarget, August 2014, .
The following list… “Creating High Velocity Organizations,” description of course by Roberto Fernandez and Steve Spear, MIT Sloan Executive Education website, accessed May 30, 2016, .
But as Ron van Kemenade… Ron Van Kemande, “Nothing Beats Engineering Talent: The Agile Transformation at ING,” presentation at the DevOps Enterprise Summit, London, UK, June 30-July 1, 2016.
Peter Drucker, a… Leigh Buchanan, “The Wisdom of Peter Drucker from A to Z,” Inc., November 19, 2009, .
Over the years… Kissler, “DOES14 - Courtney Kissler - Nordstrom.”
Kissler explained:… Ross Clanton and Michael Ducy, interview of Courtney Kissler and Jason Josephy, “Continuous Improvement at Nordstrom,” The Goat Farm, podcast audio, June 25, 2015, .
She said proudly… Ibid.
Technology executives or… Brian Maskell, “What Does This Guy Do? Role of Value Stream Manager,” Maskell, July 3, 2015, .
Damon Edwards observed… Damon Edwards, “DevOps Kaizen: Find and Fix What Is Really Behind Your Problems,”, posted by dev2ops, May 4, 2015, .
In their book… Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble, The Other Side of Innovation: Solving the Execution Challenge (Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review, 2010) Kindle edition.
Based on their… Ibid., Part I.
After the near-death… Marty Cagan, Inspired: How to Create Products Customers Love (Saratoga, CA: SVPG Press, 2008), 12.
Cagan notes that… Ibid.
Six months after… Ashlee Vance, “LinkedIn: A Story About Silicon Valley’s Possibly Unhealthy Need for Speed,” Bloomberg, April 30, 2013, .
LinkedIn was created… “LinkedIn started back in 2003 — LinkedIn - A Brief History,”, posted by Josh Clemm, November 9, 2015, .
One year later… Jonas Klit Nielsen, “8 Years with LinkedIn – Looking at the Growth [Infographic],”, May 10, 2011, .
By November 2015… “LinkedIn started back in 2003,”
The problem was… “From a Monolith to Microservices + REST: The Evolution of LinkedIn’s Architecture,”, posted by Karan Parikh, November 6, 2014, .
Josh Clemm, a… “LinkedIn started back in 2003,”
In 2013, journalist… Vance, “LinkedIn: A Story About,” Bloomberg.
Scott launched Operation… “How I Structured Engineering Teams at LinkedIn and AdMob for Success,” First Round Review, 2015, .
Scott described one… Ashlee Vance, “Inside Operation InVersion, the Code Freeze that Saved LinkedIn,” Bloomberg, April 11, 2013, .
However, Vance described… Vance, “LinkedIn: A Story About,” Bloomberg.
As Josh Clemm… “LinkedIn started back in 2003,”
Kevin Scott stated… “How I Structured Engineering Teams,” First Round Review.
As Christopher Little… Christopher Little, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2011.
As Ryan Martens… Ryan Martens, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2013.
He observed, “After… Dr. Melvin E. Conway, “How Do Committees Invent?”, , previously published in Datamation, April 1968.
These observations led… Ibid.
Eric S. Raymond, author… Eric S. Raymond, “Conway’s Law,”, accessed May 31, 2016, .
Etsy’s DevOps journey… Sarah Buhr, “Etsy Closes Up 86 Percent on First Day of Trading,” Tech Crunch, April 16, 2015, .
As Ross Snyder… “Scaling Etsy: What Went Wrong, What Went Right,”, posted by Ross Snyder, October 5, 2011, .
As Snyder observed… Ibid.
In other words… Sean Gallagher, “When ‘Clever’ Goes Wrong: How Etsy Overcame Poor Architectural Choices,” Arstechnica, October 3, 2011, .
Snyder explained that… “Scaling Etsy”
Etsy initially had… Ibid.
In the spring… Ibid.
As Snyder described… Ross Snyder, “Surge 2011—Scaling Etsy: What Went Wrong, What Went Right,” YouTube video, posted by Surge Conference, December 23, 2011, .
As Snyder said… Ibid.
Sprouter was one… “Continuously Deploying Culture: Scaling Culture at Etsy - Velocity Europe 2012,”, posted by Patrick McDonnell, October 4, 2012, .
They are defined… “Creating High Velocity Organizations,” description of course by Roberto Fernandez and Steven Spear.
Adrian Cockcroft remarked… Adrian Cockcroft, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
In the Lean… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 8.
As Mike Rother… Rother, Toyota Kata, 250.
Reflecting on shared… “DOES15 - Jody Mulkey - DevOps in the Enterprise: A Transformation Journey,” YouTube video, 28:22, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
He continued, “The… Ibid.
Pedro Canahuati, their… Pedro Canahuati, “Growing from the Few to the Many: Scaling the Operations Organization at Facebook,” InfoQ, December 16, 2013, .
When departments over-specialize… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 1.
Scott Prugh writes… Scott Prugh, “Continuous Delivery,” Scaled Agile Framework, updated February 14, 2013, .
“By cross-training… Ibid.
“Traditional managers will… Ibid.
Furthermore, as Prugh… Ibid.
When we value… Dr. Carol Dweck, “Carol Dweck Revisits the ‘Growth Mindset,’” Education Week, September 22, 2015, .
As Jason Cox… Jason Cox, “Disney DevOps: To Infinity and Beyond,” presentation at DevOps Enterprise Summit 2014, San Francisco, CA, October 2014.
As John Lauderbach… John Lauderbach, personal conversation with Gene Kim, 2001.
These properties are… Tony Mauro, “Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design,” NGINX, February 19, 2015, .; Adam Wiggins, “The Twelve-Factor App,”, January 30, 2012, .
Randy Shoup, former… “Exploring the Uncharted Territory of Microservices,” YouTube video, 56:50, posted by XebiaLabs, Inc., February 20, 2015, .
As part of… Humble, O’Reilly, and Molesky, Lean Enterprise, Part III.
In the Netflix… Reed Hastings, “Netflix Culture: Freedom and Responsibility,”, August 1, 2009, .
Amazon CTO Werner… Larry Dignan, “Little Things Add Up,” Baseline, October 19, 2005, .
Target is the… Heather Mickman and Ross Clanton, “DOES15 - Heather Mickman & Ross Clanton - (Re)building an Engineering Culture: DevOps at Target,” YouTube video, 33:39, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
As Mickman described… Ibid.
In an attempt… Ibid.
Because our team… Ibid.
In the following… Ibid.
These changes have… Ibid.
The API Enablement… Ibid.
At Big Fish… “Big Fish Celebrates 11th Consecutive Year of Record Growth,”, January 28, 2014, .
He observed that… Paul Farrall, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, January 2015.
Farrall defined two… Ibid., 2014.
He concludes, “The… Ibid.
Ernest Mueller observed… Ernest Mueller, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
As Damon Edwards… Edwards, “DevOps Kaizen.”
Dianne Marsh, Director… “Dianne Marsh ‘Introducing Change while Preserving Engineering Velocity,” YouTube video, 17:37, posted by Flowcon, November 11, 2014, .
Jason Cox said… Jason Cox, “Disney DevOps.”
At Etsy, this… “devopsdays Minneapolis 2015 - Katherine Daniels - DevOps: The Missing Pieces,” YouTube video, 33:26, posted by DevOps Minneapolis, July 13, 2015, .
As Ernest Mueller… Ernest Mueller, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2015.
Scrum is an agile… Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka, “New Product Development Game,” Harvard Business Review (January 1986): 137-146.
In her presentation… Em Campbell-Pretty, “DOES14 - Em Campbell-Pretty - How a Business Exec Led Agile, Lead, CI/CD,” YouTube video, 29:47, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, April 20, 2014, .
Campbell-Pretty became… Ibid.
They created a… Ibid.
Campbell-Pretty observed… Ibid.
Campbell-Pretty described… Ibid.
The first version… “Version Control History,”, accessed May 31, 2016, .
A version control… Jennifer Davis and Katherine Daniels, Effective DevOps: Building a Culture of Collaboration, Affinity, and Tooling at Scale (Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2016), 37.
Bill Baker, a… Simon Sharwood, “Are Your Servers PETS or CATTLE?,” The Register, March 18 2013, .
At Netflix, the… Jason Chan, “OWASP AppSecUSA 2012: Real World Cloud Application Security,” YouTube video, 37:45, posted by Christiaan008, December 10, 2012, .
The latter pattern… Chad Fowler, “Trash Your Servers and Burn Your Code: Immutable Infrastructure and Disposable Components,”, June 23, 2013, .
The entire application… John Willis, “Docker and the Three Ways of DevOps Part 1: The First Way—Systems Thinking,” Docker, May 26, 2015, .
Gary Gruver, former… Gary Gruver, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
They had problems… “DOES15 - Mike Bland - Pain Is Over, If You Want It,”, posted by Gene Kim, November 18, 2015, .
Bland describes how… Ibid.
Bland described that… Ibid.
As Bland describes… Ibid.
As Bland notes… Ibid.
Over the next… Ibid.
Eran Messeri, an… Eran Messeri, “What Goes Wrong When Thousands of Engineers Share the Same Continuous Build?,” presentation at the GOTO Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, October 2, 2013.
Messeri explains, “There… Ibid.
All their code… Ibid.
Some of the… Ibid.
In Development, continuous… Jez Humble and David Farley, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2012.
The deployment pipeline… Jez Humble and David Farley, Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesly, 2011), 3.
Humble and Farley… Ibid., 188.
As Humble and… Ibid., 258.
Martin Fowler observes… Martin Fowler, “Continuous Integration,”, May 1, 2006, .
Martin Fowler described… Martin Fowler, “TestPyramid,”, May 1, 2012, .
This technique was .. Martin Fowler, “Test Driven Development,”, March 5, 2005, .
Nachi Nagappan, E. Michael… Nachiappan Nagappan, E. Michael Maximilien, Thirumalesh Bhat, and Laurie Williams, “Realizing quality improvement through test driven development: results and experiences of four industrial teams,” Empir Software Engineering, 13, (2008): 289-302, .
In her 2013… Elisabeth Hendrickson, “On the Care and Feeding of Feedback Cycles,”, posted by Elisabeth Hendrickson, November 1, 2013, .
However, merely automating… “Decreasing false positives in automated testing,”, posted by Sauce Labs, March 24, 2015, .; Martin Fowler, “Eradicating Non-determinism in Tests,”, April 14, 2011, .
As Gary Gruver… Gary Gruver, “DOES14 - Gary Gruver - Macy’s - Transforming Traditional Enterprise Software Development Processes,” YouTube video, 27:24, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit 2014, October 29, 2014, .
Randy Shoup, former… Randy Shoup, “The Virtuous Cycle of Velocity: What I Learned About Going Fast at eBay and Google by Randy Shoup,” YouTube video, 30:05, posted by Flowcon, December 26, 2013, .
This is sometimes… David West, “Water scrum-fall is-reality_of_agile_for_most,”, posted by harsoft, April 22, 2013, .
The surprising breadth… Gene Kim, “The Amazing DevOps Transformation of the HP LaserJet Firmware Team (Gary Gruver),”, 2013, .
Gruver described this… Ibid.
Compile flags (#define… Ibid.
Gruver admits trunk-based… Gary Gruver and Tommy Mouser, Leading the Transformation: Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at Scale (Portland, OR: IT Revolution Press), 60.
Gruver observed, “Without… Kim, “The Amazing DevOps Transformation ”
Jeff Atwood, founder… Jeff Atwood, “Software Branching and Parallel Universes,”, October 2, 2007, .
This is how… Ward Cunningham, “Ward Explains Debt Metaphor,”, 2011, .
Ernest Mueller, who… Ernest Mueller, “2012: A Release Odyssey,”, posted by Ernest Mueller, March 12, 2014, .
At that time… “Bazaarvoice, Inc. Announces Its Financial Results for the Fourth Fiscal Quarter and Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2012,”, June 6, 2012, .
Mueller observed, “It… Ernest Mueller, “DOES15 - Ernest Mueller - DevOps Transformations At National Instruments and…,” YouTube video, 34:14, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
“By running these… Ibid.
Mueller further described… Ibid.
However, the data… Kersten, IT Revolution, and PwC, 2015 State of DevOps Report.
In 2012, Rossi… Chuck Rossi, “Release engineering and push karma: Chuck Rossi,” post on Chuck Rossi’s Facebook page, April 5, 2012, .
Just prior to… Ryan Paul, “Exclusive: a behind-the-scenes look at Facebook release engineering,” Ars Technica, April 5, 2012, .
Rossi continued, “If… Chuck Rossi, “Release engineering and push karma.”
The Facebook front-end… Paul, “Exclusive: a behind-the-scenes look at Facebook release engineering,” Ars Technica.
He explained that… Chuck Rossi, “Ship early and ship twice as often,” post on Chuck Rossi’s Facebook page, August 3, 2012, .
Kent Beck, the .. Kent Beck, “Slow Deployment Causes Meetings,” post on Kent Beck’s Facebook page, November 19, 2015), .
Scott Prugh, their… Prugh, “DOES14: Scott Prugh, CSG - DevOps and Lean in Legacy Environments.”
Prugh observed, “It… Ibid.
Prugh writes, “We… Ibid.
Prugh also observes:… Ibid.
In their experiments… Puppet Labs and IT Revolution Press, 2013 State of DevOps Report (Portland, OR: Puppet Labs, 2013), .
Prugh reported that… Scott Prugh and Erica Morrison, “DOES15 - Scott Prugh & Erica Morrison - Conway & Taylor Meet the Strangler (v2.0),” YouTube video, 29:39, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
Consider the following… Tim Tischler, personal conversation with Gene Kim, FlowCon 2013.
In practice, the… Puppet Labs and IT Revolution Press, 2013 State of DevOps Report.
In Puppet Labs’… Velasquez, Kim, Kersten, and Humble, 2014 State of DevOps Report.
The deployment process… Chad Dickerson, “Optimizing for developer happiness,”, June 6, 2011, .
As Noah Sussman… Noah Sussman and Laura Beth Denker, “Divide and Conquer,”, April 20, 2011, .
Sussman writes, “Through… Ibid.
If all the tests… Ibid.
Once it is an… Erik Kastner, “Quantum of Deployment,”, May 20, 2010, .
This technique was… Timothy Fitz, “Continuous Deployment at IMVU: Doing the impossible fifty times a day,”, February 10, 2009, .
This pattern is… Fitz, “Continuous Deployment,”; Michael Hrenko, “DOES15 - Michael Hrenko - DevOps Insured By Blue Shield of California,” YouTube video, 42:24, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
Dan North and Dave… Humble and Farley, Continuous Delivery, 265.
The cluster immune… Eric Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses (New York: Random House, 2011), Audiobook.
One sophisticated example… Andrew ‘Boz’ Bosworth, “Building and testing at Facebook,” post on Boz Facebook page, August 8, 2012, ; “Etsy’s Feature flagging API used for operational rampups and A/B testing,”, ; “Library for configuration management API,”, .
In 2009, when… John Allspaw, “Convincing management that cooperation and collaboration was worth it,”, January 5, 2012, .
Similarly, as Chuck… Rossi, “Release engineering and push karma.”
For nearly a decade… Emil Protalinski, “Facebook passes 1.55B monthly active users and 1.01B daily active users,” Venture Beat, November 4, 2015, .
By 2015, Facebook… Ibid.
Eugene Letuchy, an… Eugene Letuchy, “Facebook Chat,” post on Eugene Letuchy’s Facebook page, May 3, 2008, .
Implementing this computationally-intensive… Ibid.
As Letuchy wrote… Ibid.
However, in 2015… Jez Humble, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
His updated definitions… Ibid.
At Amazon and… Ibid.
This is the… Jez Humble, “What is Continuous Delivery,”, accessed May 28, 2016, .
He observes that… Kim, Gruver, Shoup, and Phillips, “Exploring the Uncharted Territory of Microservices.”
He reflects, “Looking… Ibid.
eBay’s architecture went… Shoup, “From Monolith to Micro-services.”
Charles Betz, author… Charles Betz, Architecture and Patterns for IT Service Management, Resource Planning, and Governance: Making Shoes for the Cobbler’s Children (Witham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2011), 300.
As Randy Shoup… Randy Shoup, “From the Monolith to Micro-services,”, posted by Randy Shoup, October 8, 2014, .
Shoup notes, “Organizations… Ibid.
As Randy Shoup observes… Ibid.
One of the most… Werner Vogels, “A Conversation with Werner Vogels,” acmqueque 4, no. 4 (2006): 14-22, .
Vogels tells Gray… Ibid.
Describing the thought… Ibid.
Vogels notes, “The… Ibid.
In 2011, Amazon… John Jenkins, “Velocity 2011: Jon Jenkins, “Velocity Culture,”” YouTube video, 15:13, posted by O’Reilly, June 20, 2011, { .
By 2015, they… Ken Exner, “Transforming Software Development,” YouTube video, 40:57, posted by Amazon Web Services, April 10, 2015, .
The term strangler… Martin Fowler, “StranglerApplication,”, June 29, 2004, .
When we implement… Boris Lublinsky, “Versioning in SOA,” The Architecture Journal, April 2007, .
The strangler application… Paul Hammant, “Introducing Branch by Abstraction,”, April 26, 2007, .
An observation from… Martin Fowler, “StranglerApplication,”, June 29, 2004, .
Blackboard Inc., is… Gregory T. Huang, “Blackboard CEO Jay Bhatt on the Global Future of Edtech,” Xconomy, June 2, 2014, .
As David Ashman… David Ashman, “DOES14 - David Ashman - Blackboard Learn - Keep Your Head in the Clouds,” YouTube video, 30:43, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit 2014, October 28, 2014, .
In 2010, Ashman… Ibid.
How this started… David Ashman, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
Ashman noted, “To… Ibid.
“In fact,” Ashman… Ibid.
Ashman concluded, “Having… Ibid.
In Operations, we… Kim, Behr, and Spafford, The Visible Ops Handbook: Implementing ITIL in 4 Practical and Auditable Steps (Eugene, OR: IT Process Institute, 2004), Kindle edition, Introduction.
In contrast, the… Ibid.
In other words… Ibid.
To enable this… “Telemetry,” Wikipedia, last modified May 5, 2016, .
McDonnell described how… Michael Rembetsy and Patrick McDonnell, “Continuously Deploying Culture: Scaling Culture at Etsy - Velocity Europe 2012,”, posted by Patrick McDonnell, October 4, 2012, .
McDonnell explained further… Ibid.
By 2011, Etsy… John Allspaw, personal conversation with Gene Kim, 2014.
As Ian Malpass… Ian Malpass, “Measure Anything, Measure Everything,”, February 15, 2011, .
One of the findings… Kersten, IT Revolution, and PwC, 2015 State of DevOps Report.
The top two… “2014 State Of DevOps Findings! Velocity Conference,”, posted by Gene Kim, June 30, 2014, .
In The Art… James Turnbull, The Art of Monitoring (Seattle, WA: Amazon Digital Services, 2016), Kindle edition, Introduction.
The resulting capability… “Monitorama - Please, no more Minutes, Milliseconds, Monoliths or Monitoring Tools,”, posted by Adrian Cockcroft, May 5, 2014, .
Scott Prugh, Chief… Prugh, “DOES14: Scott Prugh, CSG - DevOps and Lean in Legacy Environments.”
To support these… Brice Figureau, “The 10 Commandments of Logging,” Mastersen’s Blog, January 13, 2013, .
Choosing the right… Dan North, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2016.
To help ensure… Anton Chuvakin, “LogLogic/Chuvakin Log Checklist,” republished with permission, 2008, .
In 2004, Kim… Kim, Behr, and Spafford, The Visible Ops Handbook, Introduction.
This was the… Dan North, “Ops and Operability,”, February 25, 2016, .
As John Allspaw… John Allspaw, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2011.
This is often… “Information Radiators,”, accessed May 31, 2016, .
Although there may… Ernest Mueller, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
Prachi Gupta, Director… Prachi Gupta, “Visualizing LinkedIn’s Site Performance,” LinkedIn Engineering blog, June 13, 2011, .
Thus began Eric… Eric Wong, “Eric the Intern: the Origin of InGraphs,” LinkedIn, June 30, 2011, .
Wong wrote, “To… Ibid.
At the time… Ibid.
In writing about… Gupta, “Visualizing LinkedIn’s Site Performance.”
Ed Blankenship, Senior… Ed Blankenship, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2016.
However, increasingly these… Mike Burrows, “The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems,” OSDI’06: Seventh Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, November 2006, .
Consul may be… Jeff Lindsay, “Consul Service Discovery with Docker,”, August 20, 2014, .
As Jody Mulkey… Jody Mulkey, “DOES15 - Jody Mulkey - DevOps in the Enterprise: A Transformation Journey,” YouTube video, 28:22, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
In 2015, Netflix… Netflix Letter to Shareholders, January 19, 2016, .
Roy Rapoport describes… Roy Rapoport, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
One of the statistical… Victoria Hodge and Jim Austin, “A Survey of Outlier Detection Methodologies,” Artificial Intelligence Review 22, no. 2 (October 2004): 85-126, papers/Hodge+Austin_OutlierDetection_AIRE381.pdf .
Rapoport explains that… Roy Rapoport, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
Rapoport continues, “We… Ibid.
Rapoport states that… Ibid.
As John Vincent… Toufic Boubez, “Simple math for anomaly detection toufic boubez - metafor software - monitorama pdx 2014-05-05,”, posted by tboubez, May 6, 2014, .
Tom Limoncelli, co-author… Tom Limoncelli, “Stop monitoring whether or not your service is up!,”, November 27, 2013, .
As Dr. Toufic… Toufic Boubez, “Simple math for anomaly detection toufic boubez - metafor software - monitorama pdx 2014-05-05,”, posted by tboubez, May 6, 2014, .
Dr. Nicole Forsgren… Dr. Nicole Forsgren, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2015.
Scryer works by… Daniel Jacobson, Danny Yuan, and Neeraj Joshi, “Scryer: Netflix’s Predictive Auto Scaling Engine,” The Netflix Tech Blog, November 5, 2013, .
These techniques are… Varun Chandola, Arindam Banerjee, and Vipin Kumar, “Anomaly detection: A survey,” ACM Computing Surveys 41, no. 3 (July 2009): article no. 15, .
Tarun Reddy, VP… Tarun Reddy, personal interview with Gene Kim, Rally headquarters, Boulder, CO, 2014.
At Monitorama in 2014… “Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test,” Wikipedia, last modified May 19, 2016, .
Even saying Kilmogorov-Smirnov… ”Simple math for anomaly detection toufic boubez - metafor software - monitorama pdx 2014-05-05,”, posted by tboubez, May 6, 2014, -toufic-boubez-metafor-software-monitorama-pdx-20140505.
In 2006, Nick… Mark Walsh, “Ad Firms Right Media, AdInterax Sell To Yahoo,” MediaPost, October 18, 2006, .
Galbreath described the… Nick Galbreath, personal conversation with Gene, 2013.
However, Galbreath observed… Nick Galbreath, “Continuous Deployment - The New #1 Security Feature, from BSildesLA 2012,”, posted by Nick Galbreath, Aug 16, 2012, .
After observing many… Ibid.
Galbreath observes that… Ibid.
As Patrick Lightbody… “Volocity 2011: Patrick Lightbody, ‘From Inception to Acquisition,’” YouTube video, 15:28, posted by O’Reilly, June 17, 2011,
As Arup Chakrabarti… Arup Chakrabarti, “Common Ops Mistakes,” presentation at Heavy Bit Industries, June 3, 2014, http://www
More recently, Jeff… ”From Design Thinking to DevOps and Back Again: Unifying Design & Operations,” Vimeo video, 21:19, posted by William Evans, June 5, 2015,
As an anonymous… Anonymous, personal conversation with Gene Kim, 2005.
Launch guidance and… Tom Limoncelli, “SRE@Google: Thousands Of DevOps Since 2004,” YouTube video of USENIX Association Talk, NYC, posted by USENIX, 45:57, posted January 12, 2012, .
As Treynor Sloss has… Ben Treynor, “Keys to SRE” (presentation, Usenix SREcon14, Santa Clara, CA, May 30, 2014), .
Treynor Sloss has resisted… Ibid.
Even when new… Limoncelli, “SRE@Google.”
Tom Limoncelli noted… Ibid.
Limoncelli noted, “In… Ibid.
Furthermore, Limoncelli observed… Tom Limoncelli, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2016.
Limoncelli explained, “Helping… Ibid., 2015.
In general, Jez… Humble, O’Reilly and Molesky, Lean Enterprise, Part II.
In 2012, they… Intuit, Inc., “2012 Annual Report: Form 10-K,” July 31, 2012, 2012/INTU_2012_7_31_10K_r230_at_09_13_12_FINAL_and_Camera_Ready.pdf .
Cook explained that… Scott Cook, “Leadership in an Agile Age: An Interview with Scott Cook,”, April 20, 2011,
He continued, “By… Ibid.
In previous eras… “Direct Marketing,” Wikipedia, last modified May 28, 2016, .
Interestingly, it has… Freakonomics, “Fighting Poverty With Actual Evidence: Full Transcript,”, November 27, 2013, .
Ronny Kohavi, Distinguished… Ron Kohavi, Thomas Crook, and Roger Longbotham, “Online Experimentation at Microsoft,” (paper presented at the Fifteenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Paris, France, 2009), .
Kohavi goes on… Ibid.
Jez Humble joked… Jez Humble, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2015.
In a 2014… Wang, Kendrick, “Etsy’s Culture Of Continuous Experimentation and A/B Testing Spurs Mobile Innovation,”, January 30, 2014, .
Barry O’Reilly, co-author… Barry O’Reilly, “How to Implement Hypothesis-Driven Development,”, October 21, 2013, .
In 2009, Jim… Gene Kim, “Organizational Learning and Competitiveness: Revisiting the “Allspaw/Hammond 10 Deploys Per Day at Flickr” Story,”, 2015, .
Stoneham observes that… Ibid.
He continues, “These… Ibid.
Their astounding achievements… Ibid.
Stoneham concluded, “This… Ibid.
Once a pull… Scott Chacon, “Github Flow,”, August 31, 2011, .
For example, in… Jake Douglas, “Deploying at Github,”, August 29, 2012, .
A fifteen minute… John Allspaw, “Counterfactual Thinking, Rules, and the Knight Capital Accident,”, October 29, 2013, .
One of the core… Bradley Staats and David M. Upton, “Lean Knowledge Work,” Harvard Business Review, October 2011, .
In the 2014… Velasquez, Kim, Kersten, and Humble, 2014 State of DevOps Report.
As Randy Shoup… Randy Shoup, personal interview with Gene Kim, 2015.
As Giary Özil… Giray Özil, Twitter post, February 27, 2013, 10:42 a.m., .
As noted earlier… Eran Messeri, “What Goes Wrong When Thousands of Engineers Share the Same Continuous Build?,” (2013), .
In 2010, there… John Thomas and Ashish Kumar, “Welcome to the Google Engineering Tools Blog,” Google Engineering Tools blog, posted May 3, 2011, .
This requires considerable… Ashish Kumar, “Development at the Speed and Scale of Google,” (presentation at QCon, San Francisco, CA, 2010), .
He said, “I… Randy Shoup, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
Jeff Atwood, one… Jeff Atwood, “Pair Programming vs. Code Reviews,”, November 18, 2013, .
He continued, “Most… Ibid.
Dr. Laurie Williams performed… “Pair Programming,” ALICE Wiki page, last modified April 4, 2014, .
She argues that… Elisabeth Hendrickson, “DOES15 - Elisabeth Hendrickson - Its All About Feedback,” YouTube video, 34:47, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 5, 2015, .
In her 2015… Ibid.
The problem Hendrickson… Ibid.
Worse, skilled developers… Ibid.
Hendrickson lamented that… Ibid.
That was an actual… Ryan Tomayko and Shawn Davenport, personal interview with Gene Kim, 2013.
It is many… Ibid.
Reading through the… Ibid.
Adrian Cockcroft observed… Adrian Cockcroft, interview by Michael Ducy and Ross Clanton, “Adrian Cockcroft of Battery Ventures – the Goat Farm – Episode 8,” The Goat Farm, podcast audio, July 31, 2015, .
Similarly, Dr. Tapabrata Pal… Tapabrata Pal, “DOES15 - Tapabrata Pal - Banking on Innovation & DevOps,” YouTube video, 32:57, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, January 4, 2016, .
Jason Cox, Senior… Jason Cox, “Disney DevOps.”
At Target in… Ross Clanton and Heather Mickman, ‘DOES14 - Ross Clanton and Heather Mickman - DevOps at Target,” YouTube video, 29:20, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit 2014, October 29, 2014, .
“As we went… Ibid.
She added, “I… Ibid.
Consider a story… John Allspaw and Jez Humble, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
The result is… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 1.
“For such an… Ibid., chap. 10.
A striking example… Julianne Pepitone, “Amazon EC2 Outage Downs Reddit, Quora,” CNN Money, April 22, 2011, .
In January 2013… Timothy Prickett Morgan, “A Rare Peek Into The Massive Scale of AWS,” Enterprise Tech, November 14, 2014, .
However, a Netflix… Adrian Cockcroft, Cory Hicks, and Greg Orzell, “Lessons Netflix Learned from the AWS Outage,” The Netflix Tech Blog, April 29, 2011, .
They did so… Ibid.
Dr. Sidney Dekker… Sidney Dekker, Just Culture: Balancing Safety and Accountability (Lund University, Sweden: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2007), 152.
He asserts that… “DevOpsDays Brisbane 2014 - Sidney Decker - System Failure, Human Error: Who’s to Blame?” Vimeo video, 1:07:38, posted by, 2014, .
As John Allspaw… Jenn Webb, interview with John Allspaw, “Post-Mortems, Sans Finger-Pointing,” The O’Reilly Radar Postcast, podcast audio, August 21, 2014, .
Blameless post-mortems, a… John Allspaw, “Blameless PostMortems and a Just Culture,”, May 22, 2012, .
Ian Malpass, an… Ian Malpass, “DevOpsDays Minneapolis 2014 -- Ian Malpass, Fallible humans,” YouTube video, 35:48, posted by DevOps Minneapolis, July 20, 2014, .
Dan Milstein, one… Dan Milstein, “Post-Mortems at HubSpot: What I Learned from 250 Whys,” HubSpot, June 1, 2011, .
Randy Shoup, former… Randy Shoup, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
We may also… “Post-Mortem for February 24, 2010 Outage,” Google App Engine website, March 4, 2010,!topic/google-appengine/p2QKJ0OSLc8 ; “Summary of the Amazon DynamoDB Service Disruption and Related Impacts in the US-East Region,” Amazon Web Services website, accessed May 28, 2016, .
This desire to… Bethany Macri, “Morgue: Helping Better Understand Events by Building a Post Mortem Tool - Bethany Macri,” Vimeo video, 33:34, posted by, October 18, 2013, .
For example, as… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 4.
Dr. Amy C. Edmondson… Amy C. Edmondson, “Strategies for Learning from Failure,” Harvard Business Review, April 2011, .
Dr. Spear summarizes… Ibid.
We now know… Ibid., chap. 3.
However, prior to… Michael Roberto, Richard M.J. Bohmer, and Amy C. Edmondson, “Facing Ambiguous Threats,” Harvard Business Review, November 2006, .
They describe how… Ibid.
They observe, “Firms… Ibid.
The authors conclude… Ibid.
On failures, Roy… Roy Rapoport, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2012.
He continues, “I… Ibid.
He concludes, “DevOps… Ibid.
As Michael Nygard… Michael T. Nygard, Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software (Pragmatic Bookshelf: Raleigh, NC, 2007), Kindle edition, Part I.
An even more… Jeff Barr, “EC2 Maintenance Update,” AWS Blog, September 25, 2014, .
As Christos Kalantzis… Bruce Wong and Christos Kalantzis, “A State of Xen - Chaos Monkey & Cassandra,” The Netflix Tech Blog, October 2, 2014, .
But, Kalantzis continues… Ibid.
As Kalantzis and… Ibid.
Even more surprising… Roy Rapoport, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2015.
Specific architectural patterns… Adrian Cockcroft, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2012.
In this section… Jesse Robbins, “GameDay: Creating Resiliency Through Destruction - LISA11,”, posted by Jesse Robbins, December 7, 2011, .
Robbins defines resilience… Ibid.
Jesse Robbins observes… Jesse Robbins, Kripa Krishnan, John Allspaw, and Tom Limoncelli, “Resilience Engineering: Learning to Embrace Failure,” amcqueue 10, no. 9 (September 13, 2012): .
As Robbins quips… Ibid.
As Robbins describes… Ibid.
Robbins explains, “You… Ibid.
During that time… “Kripa Krishnan: ‘Learning Continuously From Failures’ at Google,” YouTube video, 21:35, posted by Flowcon, November 11, 2014, .
Krishnan wrote, “An… Kripa Krishnan, “Weathering the Unexpected,” Communications of the ACM 55, no. 11 (November 2012): 48-52, .
Some of the learnings… Ibid.
As Peter Senge… Widely attributed to Peter Senge.
As Jesse Newland… Jesse Newland, “ChatOps at GitHub,”, February 7, 2013, .
As Mark Imbriaco… Mark Imbriaco, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2015.
They enabled Hubot… Newland, “ChatOps at GitHub.”
Hubot often performed… Ibid.
Newland observes that… Ibid.
Instead of putting… Leon Osterweil, “Software processes are software too,” paper presented at International Conference on Software Engineering, Monterey, CA, 1987, .
Justin Arbuckle was… Justin Arbuckle, “What Is ArchOps: Chef Executive Roundtable” (2013).
What resulted was… Ibid.
Arbuckle’s conclusion was… Ibid.
By 2015, Google… Cade Metz, “Google Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—and It’s All in One Place,” Wired, September 16, 2015, .
The Chrome and… Ibid.
Rachel Potvin, a… Ibid.
Furthermore, as Eran… Eran Messeri, “What Goes Wrong When Thousands of Engineers Share the Same Continuous Build?” (2013), .
As Randy Shoup… Randy Shoup, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
Tom Limoncelli, co-author… Tom Limoncelli, “Yes, you can really work from HEAD,”, March 15, 2014, .
Tom Limoncelli describes… Tom Limoncelli, “Python is better than Perl6,”, January 10, 2011, .
Google used C++… “Which programming languages does Google use internally?,” forum, accessed May 29, 2016, .; “When will Google permit languages other than Python, C++, Java and Go to be used for internal projects?,” forum, accessed May 29, 2016, .
In a presentation… Ralph Loura, Olivier Jacques, and Rafael Garcia, “DOES15 - Ralph Loura, Olivier Jacques, & Rafael Garcia - Breaking Traditional IT Paradigms to…,” YouTube video, 31:07, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, November 16, 2015, .
In many organizations… Michael Rembetsy and Patrick McDonnell, “Continuously Deploying Culture: Scaling Culture at Etsy - Velocity Europe 2012,”, posted by Patrick McDonnell, October 4, 2012, .
At that time, Etsy… Ibid.
Over the next… Ibid.
Similarly, Dan McKinley… Dan McKinley, “Why MongoDB Never Worked Out at Etsy,”, December 26, 2012, .
One of the… “Kaizen,” Wikipedia, last modified May 12, 2016, .
Dr. Spear explains… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 8.
Spear observes that… Ibid.
Clanton describes, “We… Mickman and Clanton, “(Re)building an Engineering Culture.”
Ravi Pandey, a… Ravi Pandey, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2015.
Clanton expands on… Mickman and Clanton, “(Re)building an Engineering Culture.”
In addition to… Hal Pomeranz, “Queue Inversion Week,” Righteous IT, February 12, 2009, .
As Dr. Spear… Spear, The High-Velocity Edge, chap. 3.
In an interview with Jessica… Jessica Stillman, “Hack Days: Not Just for Facebookers,” Inc., February 3, 2012, .
In 2008, Facebook… AP, “Number of active users at Facebook over the years,” Yahoo! News, May 1, 2013, .
During a hack… Haiping Zhao, “HipHop for PHP: Move Fast,” post on Haiping Zhao’s Facebook page, February 2, 2010, .
In an interview with Cade… Cade Metz, “How Three Guys Rebuilt the Foundation of Facebook,” Wired, June 10, 2013, .
Steve Farley, VP… Steve Farley, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, January 5, 2016.
Karthik Gaekwad, who… “Agile 2013 Talk: How DevOps Change Everything,”, posted by Karthik Gaekwad, August 7, 2013, changeseverythingagile2013karthikgaekwad/ .
As Glenn O’Donnell… Glenn O’Donnell, “DOES14 - Glenn O’Donnell - Forrester - Modern Services Demand a DevOps Culture Beyond Apps,” YouTube video, 12:20, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit 2014, November 5, 2014, .
As of 2014… Nationwide, 2014 Annual Report, .
Steve Farley, VP… Steve Farley, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2016.
Capital One, one… “DOES15 - Tapabrata Pal - Banking on Innovation & DevOps,” YouTube video, 32:57, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, January 4, 2016, .
Dr. Tapabrata Pal… Tapabrata Pal, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2015.
Target is the… “Corporate Fact Sheet,” Target company website, accessed June 9, 2016, .
Incidentally, the first… Evelijn Van Leeuwen and Kris Buytaert, “DOES15 - Evelijn Van Leeuwen and Kris Buytaert - Turning Around the Containership,” YouTube video, 30:28, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, December 21, 2015, .
Clanton describes, “2015… Mickman and Clanton, “(Re)building an Engineering Culture.”
At Capital One… “DOES15 - Tapabrata Pal - Banking on Innovation & DevOps,” YouTube video, 32:57, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, January 4, 2016, .
Bland explains that… Bland, “DOES15 - Mike Bland - Pain Is Over, If You Want It.”
Even though they… Ibid.
They used several… Ibid.
Bland described, “The… Ibid.
Bland continues, “One… Ibid.
As Bland describes… Ibid.
Bland continues, “It… Ibid.
He continues, “The… Ibid.
Bland describes Fixits… Mike Bland, “Fixits, or I Am the Walrus,”, October 4, 2011, .
These Fixits, as… Ibid.
One of the top… James Wickett, “Attacking Pipelines--Security meets Continuous Delivery,”, posted by James Wickett, June 11, 2014, .
James Wickett, one… Ibid.
Similar ideas were… Tapabrata Pal, “DOES15 - Tapabrata Pal - Banking on Innovation & DevOps,” YouTube video, 32:57, posted by DevOps Enterprise Summit, January 4, 2016, .
Justin Arbuckle, former… Justin Arbuckle, personal interview with Gene Kim, 2015.
He continues, “By… Ibid.
This helped the… Snehal Antani, “IBM Innovate DevOps Keynote,” YouTube video, 47:57, posted by IBM DevOps, June 12, 2014, .
In a presentation… Nick Galbreath, “DevOpsSec: Appling DevOps Principles to Security, DevOpsDays Austin 2012,” Slideshare, posted by Nick Galbreath, April 12, 2012, .
Furthermore, he states… Ibid.
Furthermore, we should… “OWASP Cheat Sheet Series,”, last modified March 2, 2016, .
The scale of… Justin Collins, Alex Smolen, and Neil Matatall, “Putting to your Robots to Work V1.1,”, posted by Neil Matatall, April 24, 2012, .
In early 2009… “What Happens to Companies That Get Hacked? FTC Cases,” Giant Bomb forum, posted by SuicidalSnowman, July 2012, .
In their previously… Collins, Smolen, and Matatall, “Putting to your Robots to Work V1.1.”
The first big… Twitter Engineering, “Hack Week @ Twitter,” Twitter blog, January 25, 2012, .
Josh Corman observed… Josh Corman and John Willis, “Immutable Awesomeness - Josh Corman and John Willis at DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015,” YouTube video, 34:25, posted by Sonatype, October 21, 2015, .
In the 2014… Verizon, ”2014 Data Breach Investigations Report,” (Verizon Enterprise Solutions, 2014), .
In 2015, this… “2015 State of the Software Supply Chain Report: Hidden Speed Bumps on the Way to ‘Continuous,’” (Fulton, MD: Sonatype, Inc, 2015), of_the_Software_Supply_Chain_Report-.pdf?t=1466775053631 .
The last statistic… Dan Geer and Joshua Corman, “Almost Too Big to Fail,” ;login:: The Usenix Magazine, 39, no. 4 (August 2014): 66-68, .
US Federal Government… Wyatt Kash, “New details released on proposed 2016 IT spending,” FedScoop, February 4, 2015, .
As Mike Bland… Bland, “DOES15 - Mike Bland - Pain Is Over, If You Want It.”
Furthermore, the… Mossadeq Zia, Gabriel Ramírez, Noah Kunin, “Compliance Masonry: Bulding a risk management platform, brick by brick,” 18F, April 15, 2016, .
Marcus Sachs, one… Marcus Sachs, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2010.
We need to… “VPC Best Configuration Practices,” Flux7 blog, January 23, 2014, .
In 2010, Nick… Nick Galbreath, “Fraud Engineering, from Merchant Risk Council Annual Meeting 2012,”, posted by Nick Galbreath, May 3, 2012, .
Of particular concern… Nick Galbreath, “DevOpsSec: Appling DevOps Principles to Security, DevOpsDays Austin 2012,”, posted by Nick Galbreath, April 12, 2013, .
We were always… Ibid.
This was a ridiculously… Ibid.
As Galbreath observed… Ibid.
Galbreath observed, “One… Ibid.
As Jonathan Claudius… Jonathan Claudius, “Attacking Cloud Services with Source Code,”, posted by Jonathan Claudius, April 16, 2013, .
ITIL defines utility… Axelos, ITIL Service Transition (ITIL Lifecycle Suite) (Belfast, Ireland: TSO, 2011), 48.
Salesforce was founded… Reena Matthew and Dave Mangot, “DOES14 - Reena Mathew and Dave Mangot - Salesforce,”, posted by ITRevolution, October 29, 2014, .
By 2007, the… Dave Mangot and Karthik Rajan, “,”, posted by Dave Mangot, August 12, 2013, .
Karthik Rajan, then… Ibid.
At the 2014… Matthew and Mangot, “DOES14 - Salesforce.”
For Mangot and… Ibid.
Furthermore, they noted… Ibid.
Bill Massie is… Bill Massie, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
Because the scope… “Glossary,” PCI Security Standards Council website, accessed May 30, 2016, .
Are code review… PCI Security Standards Council, Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Stands: Requirements and Security Assessment Procedures, Version 3.1 (PCI Security Standards Council, 2015), Section 6.3.2. .
To fulfill this… Bill Massie, personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2014.
Massie observes that… Ibid.
As a result… Ibid.
As Bill Shinn… Bill Shinn, “DOES15 - Bill Shinn - Prove it! The Last Mile for DevOps in Regulated Organizations,”, posted by ITRevolution, November 20, 2015, .
Helping large enterprise… Ibid.
Shinn notes, “One… Ibid.
“That was fine… Ibid.
He explains, “In… Ibid.
Shinn states that… Ibid.
Shinn continues, “With… Ibid.
That requires deriving… Ibid.
Shinn continues, “How… Ibid.
Shinn gives an… Ibid.
To help solve… James DeLuccia, Jeff Gallimore, Gene Kim, and Byron Miller, DevOps Audit Defense Toolkit (Portland, OR: IT Revolution, 2015), .
She made the… Mary Smith (a pseudonym), personal correspondence with Gene Kim, 2013
She observed:… Ibid., 2014.
As Jesse Robbins… “Hacking Culture at VelocityConf,”, posted by Jesse Robbins, June 28, 2012, .
The Lean movement started… Ries, The Lean Startup.
A key principal… Kent Beck et al., “Twelve Principles of Agile Software,”, 2001, .
Building upon the… Humble and Farley, Continuous Delivery.
This idea was… Fitz, “Continuous Deployment at IMVU.”
Toyota Kata describes… Rother, Toyota Kata, Introduction.
His conclusion was… Ibid..
In 2011, Eric… Ries, The Lean Startup.
In The Phoenix… Kim, Behr, and Spafford, The Phoenix Project, 365.
Myth 1: “Human… Denis Besnard and Erik Hollnagel, Some Myths about Industrial Safety(Paris, Centre De Recherche Sur Les Risques Et Les Crises Mines, 2012), 3, .
Myth 2: “Systems… Ibid., 4.
Myth 3: “Safety… Ibid., 6.
Myth 4: “Accident… Ibid., 8.
Myth 5: “Accident… Ibid., 9.
Myth 6: Safety… Ibid., 11.
Rather, when the… John Shook, “Five Missing Pieces in Your Standardized Work (Part 3 of 3),”, October 27, 2009, .
Time to resolve… “Post Event Retrospective - Part 1,” Rally Blogs, accessed May 31, 2016, .
Bethany Macri, from… “Morgue: Helping Better Understand events by Building a Post Mortem Tool - Bethany Macri,” Vimeo video, 33:34, posted by, October 18, 2013, .
These discussions have… Cockcroft, Hicks, and Orzell, “Lessons Netflix Learned.”
Since then, Chaos… Ibid.
Lenny Rachitsky wrote… Lenny Rachitsky, “7 Keys to a Successful Public Health Dashboard,” Transparent Uptime, December 1, 2008, .