The Blasius theorem can be readily applied to an arbitrary cross-section object around which there is circulation –Γ. The flow can be considered a superposition of a uniform stream and a set of singularities such as vortex, doublet, source, and sink.
qs, Γ, and
d are positive and real, the first term represents a uniform flow in the
x-direction, the second term represents a net source of fluid, the third term represents a clockwise vortex, and the fourth term represents a doublet. Because the body contour is closed, there can be no net flux of fluid into the domain. The sinks must scavenge all the flow introduced by the sources, so
qs = 0. The Blasius theorem,
(7.60), then becomes:
To evaluate the contour integral in
(7.61), we simply have to find the coefficient of the term proportional to 1/
z in the integrand. This coefficient is known as the
residue at
z = 0 and the residue theorem of complex variable theory states that the value of a contour integral like
(7.61) is 2
πi times the sum of the residues at all singularities inside
C. Here, the only singularity is at
z = 0, and its residue is
π, so:
Thus, there is no drag on an arbitrary-cross-section object in steady two-dimensional, irrotational constant-density flow, a more general statement of d’Alembert's paradox. Given that non-zero drag forces are an omnipresent fact of everyday life, this might seem to eliminate any practical utility for ideal flow. However, there are at least three reasons to avoid this presumption. First, ideal flow streamlines indicate what a real flow should look like to achieve minimum pressure drag. Lower drag on real objects is often realized when object-geometry changes are made or boundary-layer separation-control strategies are implemented that allow real-flow streamlines to better match their ideal-flow counterparts. Second, the predicted circulation-dependent force on the object perpendicular to the oncoming stream – the lift force,
L =
ρUΓ – is basically correct. The result
(7.62) is called the
Kutta-Zhukhovsky lift theorem, and it plays a fundamental role in aero- and hydrodynamics. As described in
Chapter 14, the circulation developed by an air- or hydrofoil is nearly proportional to
U, so
L is nearly proportional to
U2. And third, the influence of viscosity in real fluid flows takes some time to develop, so impulsively started flows and rapidly oscillating flows (i.e., acoustic fluctuations) often follow ideal flow streamlines.