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Daniel L. Akin, PhD, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Justice Anderson, ThD, Emeritus Professor of Missions, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Argentina (deceased)

Bruce Ashford, PhD, Provost and Dean of the Faculty, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Central Asia

Jeffrey Brawner, PhD, Adjunct Professor of Mission, Liberty University; Missionary to Brazil

Scott Bridger, PhD, Bill and Connie Jenkins Assistant Professor of World Religions and Islamic Studies, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Charles L. Chaney, PhD, Vice President, North American Mission Board (retired)

Keith E. Eitel, DMiss, DTheol, Dean, Roy Fish School of Evangelism and Missions and Professor of Missions, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Cameroon

Thomas Elliff, DMin, Former President of the International Mission Board; Missionary to Southern Africa

Millard J. Erickson, PhD, has taught at several schools including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Western Seminary, and Baylor University

Kyle Faircloth, DMiss, Professor of Missions; Missionary to East Asia

Robert Ferris, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Missions, Columbia Biblical Seminary; Missionary to the Philippines

Gloria Furman, MA, Missionary to the Middle East

J. D. Greear, PhD, Senior Pastor, Summit Church, Durham, NC; Missionary to Southeast Asia

Jose A. Hernandez, PhD, Consultant in Theological Education and Equipping Church Planters; Retired North American Missionary

Lisa Hoff, PhD, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to East Asia

R. Alton James, ThD, Professor of Missions, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to the Philippines

Keith Johnson, PhD, National Director of Theological Education for Cru (Campus Crusade); Adjunct Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary

Andreas J. Köstenberger, PhD, Senior Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Michael Lam, DMiss, President of Creative Ministries International, Hong Kong

Charles Lawless, PhD, Dean and Vice President of Graduate Studies and Ministry Centers and Professor of Evangelism and Missions, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Grant Lovejoy, PhD, Director of Oral Strategies, The International Mission Board

John Massey, PhD, Associate Professor of Missions, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Singapore

Michael McDaniel, PhD (candidate), Church Planting Pastor, Summit Church, Durham, NC

Benjamin Merkle, PhD, Professor of New Testament and Greek, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Southeast Asia

Jeffrey Palmer, MS, Executive Director of Baptist Global Response; Missionary to the Philippines

J. D. Payne, PhD, Pastor of Church Multiplication, Church at Brookhills; North American Church Planter

Philip Pinckard, PhD, Professor of Missions, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to East Asia

Zane Pratt, PhD, Vice President for Global Training, The International Mission Board and Associate Professor of Missions, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Central Asia

R. Philip Roberts, PhD, Professor of Christian Studies, Truett-McConnell College

Daniel R. Sanchez, PhD, Vernon D. and Jeannette Davidson Chair of Missions and Professor of Missions, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Panama

Eckhard Schnabel, PhD, Mary F. Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of New Testament Studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

M. David Sills, DMiss, PhD, A. P. and Faye Stone Professor of Christian Missions and Cultural Anthropology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Ecuador

Ebbie Smith, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Missions, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to Indonesia

Ed Stetzer, PhD, Executive Director of LifeWay Research; Church Planter in North America

Wilbur Stone, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Bethel Seminary; Missionary to East Asia

John Mark Terry, PhD, Professor of Missions, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; Missionary to the Philippines

Keith Whitfield, PhD, Assistant Professor of Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Christopher J. H. Wright, International Ministries Director of Langham Partnership

Gerald D. Wright, ThD, Professor of Cross-Cultural Studies, Palm Beach Atlantic University; Missionary to the Middle East

Name Index


Adam, James 282, 585

Adams, Bridget 489, 585

Adeyemo, Tokunboh 585, 610

Aghamkar, Atul Y. 476, 479, 585

Ahlstrom, Sydney E. 205, 209, 585

Aikins, Thomas Wade 585

Aikman, David 519, 522, 524–25, 585

Akin, Daniel 529, 585

Alexander, Gross 585

Alexander, Pat 585

Allen, Catherine 585

Allen, Michael N. 585

Allen, Roland 79, 228, 273–74, 383, 412, 585

Anderson, Allan 585

Anderson, Gerald H. 585–86

Anderson, J. N. D. 586

Anderson, Ken 586

Anderson, Neil T. 544, 586

Anderson, Neville P. 288, 586

Anderson, Norman 135, 586

Anderson, Rufus 181–82, 186, 270–71, 273, 382, 523, 586

Anthony, Dick 360–61, 616

Anyabwile, Thabiti 586

Appleby, J. L. 586

Arathoon, Alice 595

Arndt, William F. 130, 586

Arnold, Clinton 541–42, 545, 586

Ashford, Bruce Riley 32, 37, 586

Atiya, Aziz S. 458, 586

Attanasi, Katherine 586

Avis, Paul D. L. 555, 586


Bacon, Leonard Woolsey 586

Baer, Michael 484–87

Baker, Ken 586

Baker, Robert 586

Bakke, Raymond J. 471–74, 476–78, 587

Balda, Wesley D. 587

Barclay, William 587

Barna, George 122, 587

Barnett, Mike 120, 483, 487, 619

Barram, Michael 587

Barrett, David B. 229–30, 318–19, 474, 479–80, 587

Barth, Karl 35, 368, 587

Bartholomew, Craig G. 33–34, 115, 587

Basden, Paul 587

Bauckham, Richard J. 44, 72–74, 77, 80, 587

Bavinck, Herman 368–69, 371–72, 588

Bavinck, J. H. 8, 588

Bays, Daniel H. 519–21, 588

Beale, G. K. 57, 588

Beals, Allan 239–40, 588

Beals, Ralph 239–40, 588

Beaver, R. Pierce 193, 379–83, 588

Bebbington, D. W. 314, 588

Bediako, Kwame 314, 588

Beecher, Lyman 204–5, 209

Behr, John 32–33, 35, 588

Belew, M. Wendell 588

Bengtson, Dale R. 315, 588

Bennett, Shane 475, 588

Bennis, Warren 588

Bettenson, Henry 145, 589

Bevans, Stephen 275, 589

Beyerhaus, Peter 248–49, 267, 270, 589

Blackstone, William E. 589

Blauw, Johannes 589

Blevins, James L. 589

Bock, Darrell L. 60, 62, 559–89

Bockmuehl, Markus 74, 589

Bodhi, Bhikkhu 589, 620

Bonk, Jonathan J. 569, 589

Borchert, G. L. 551, 589

Borgman, Brian S. 554, 589

Bornkamm, Gunther 282, 589

Borthwick, Paul 589

Bosch, David J. 4, 6–9, 19, 267, 589

Boyesen, Hjalmer H. 589

Bradshaw, M. 291, 589

Brand, Chad 589

Braswell, George 590

Breshears, Gerry 546, 590

Bridges, Donald 590

Briggs, Charles 590

Brock, Charles 388, 590

Brown, Francis 590

Brown, Harold O. J. 137, 590

Brown, Robert McAfee 283, 590

Brownson, James V. 590

Brow, Robert C. 590, 614

Bruce, F. F. 66, 590

Bugbee, Bruce L. 590

Bujo, Benezet 590

Burke, Emory S. 590

Burleson, Blake Wiley 590

Bury, J. B. 153, 590

Bush, Luis 230, 448, 478–79, 590

Bushnell, Horace 204–5, 209, 590

Buswell, James O. 290–91, 590

Butler, Phil 590


Calvert, Stuart 590

Calvin, John 14, 167–68, 370, 381, 459, 590

Camara, Helder 283, 590

Campbell, Joseph E. 591

Cao, Nanlai 524, 591

Carey, William 7, 10, 14, 20, 26, 171, 174–78, 181–82, 190, 193, 226, 269–70, 299, 380–81, 430, 445, 460, 529, 569, 591

Carlson, Richard F. 36, 591

Carpenter, Joel A. 177, 591

Carroll, B. H. 88, 591

Carroll, H. K. 591

Carson, D. A. 54, 56, 369, 591

Carver, William O. 146–47, 212, 591

Case, Jay R. 571, 591

Castles, Stephen 394, 591

Cauthen, Baker J. 178, 446, 591

Cavid, George B. 591

Cerillo, Augustus, Jr. 472, 480, 591

Chamberlain, Jacob 591

Chaney, Charles L. 193, 196, 204, 211, 591

Charbonnier, Jean 517, 592

Charles, Elizabeth R. 592

Cheyne, John R. 446–47, 450, 592

Christian, Charles M. 592

Christian, Jayakumar 592

Clark, David 33, 36, 38–39, 471

Clark, Joseph B. 208, 592

Cobbs, Louis R. 592

Coe, Shoki 275, 281, 592

Cohen, Authur A. 592

Coleman, Robert E. 592

Collins, Marjorie A. 592

Conn, Charles W. 592

Conner, R. Dwayne 146, 593

Conn, Harvie M. 211, 289, 293, 471–79, 592–93

Conwell, Russell 513, 593

Cook, David 593

Cook, Harold R. 593

Coote, Robert 288–89, 586, 593, 614, 619

Copeland, E. Luther 472, 593

Corbett, Steve 454, 593

Corwin, Edward T. 197, 593

Corwin, Gary R. 593, 610

Costas, Orlando 283, 593

Courtney, Thomas J. 477–78, 593

Covell, Ralph R. 462, 593

Coward, Harold 593

Cowper, William 593

Cox, Norman W. 593

Coy, Terry 96, 593

Craig, Albert M. 593

Craig, William Lane 593

Cranfield, C. E. B. 59, 593

Crawford, T. P. 272, 521, 594

Crawley, Winston 277, 377, 386, 445–46, 594

Crockett, William V. 594

Crossing, Peter F. 565, 603


Dana, H. E. 180, 594

Daniels, Gene 530, 533, 600

Danker, William 483, 594

Daughrity, Dyron B. 565, 594

Davies, J. G. 147, 594

Davison, Nicola 594

Dawson, John 475, 547, 594

Dayton, Edward R. 377–78, 384, 386, 594

D’Costa, Gavin 367–68, 594

Decker, Murray 594

Dempster, Murray A. 594

Dennison, Jack 474, 480–81, 594

Desrochers, John 283, 285, 295, 594

Dick, Lois H. 594

Dilley, Andrea P. 220, 594

Dixon, Larry 137, 594

Dockery, David S. 587, 594

Dodd, C. H. 595

Donaldson, James 144, 146, 149, 616

Dorchester, Daniel 595

Dorsett, Lyle W. 595

Douglas, Groothius 359

Douglas, Harland P. 209, 595

Douglas, J. D. 223, 230, 232, 283, 287–88, 595

Drewery, Mary 595

Driver, S. R. 590

Dubose, Francis 595

Dunn, James D. G. 78, 595

Dupuis, Jacques 367, 373–74, 595

Dyrness, William A. 38, 595

Dyson, A. O. 286, 595


Eagleson, John 290, 621

Easterly, William 461, 595

Eastman, Dick 544, 595

Echerd, Pam 595

Edwards, D. 595

Edwards, Jonathan 197, 199, 595

Edwards, Judy 595

Eldred, Kenneth A. 487, 595, 626

Eliade, Mircea 595

Eliot, John 169, 171, 175, 193, 195–96, 381, 595

Elliot, Elisabeth 226, 302–6, 308, 595–96

Elliot, Jim 302, 304, 306, 308

Ellis, Earle E. 70, 596

Elmer, Duane 254–55, 261, 596

Elsbree, Oliver W. 195, 596

Engel, James F. 378, 596

Engel, James R. 480, 596

Enroth, Ronald 352–53, 596

Erickson, Millard 365, 596

Ericson, Norman R. 283, 290, 596

Ernst, Carl W. 596

Escobar, Samuel 87, 284–85, 288–89, 596

Esposito, John 596, 600

Estep, William R. 180, 183, 188, 272, 275, 596

Eusebius, Pamphilus 73, 143–48, 150, 596

Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 596


Farley, Edward 459, 596

Fashole-Luke, Edward W. 283–84, 596

Felder, Kim 475, 588

Ferre, Nels F. S. 125, 596

Festinger, Leon 596

Fielding, Charles 453, 597

Fikkert, Brian 454, 593

Finney, Charles G. 597

Fitzmyer, Joseph A. 60, 70, 597

Fleming, Bruce 286, 290–91, 293, 597

Fletcher, Jessie 527, 597

Foss, Cyrus D. 209, 597

Foyle, Marjory 535, 537–38, 597

Fraser, David A. 377–78, 384, 386, 594

Frend, W. H. C. 150, 153–55, 597

Fry, C. George 597

Fuder, John 597

Fuliga, Jose B. 467, 597


Gannett, Alden A. 597

Garland, David 541, 551, 597

Garrison, V. David 231, 597

Gaustad, Edwin S. 196, 597

Gehman, Richard J. 315, 317, 597

Geisler, Norman 597

George, Carl 389, 597

George, Timothy 269, 597

Gilkey, Langdon 597

Gillette, A. D. 200, 598

Gingrich, F. Wilbur 130, 586

Girardet, Herbert 477, 598

Glasser, Arthur F. 598

Glover, Robert H. 598

Gmelch, George 476, 598

Goble, Phillip 389, 598

Goen, C. C. 598

Goerner, H. Cornell 598

Goff, William E. 598

Goheen, Michael W. 34, 115, 587

Gollings, Richard 476, 598

Gonzalez, Justo L. 598

Goodykoontz, Colin B. 598

Gordon, A. J. 209, 598

Gordon, S. D. 598

Gordon, Wayne L. 479, 598

Goulet, Denis 598

Graham, J. B. 598

Graham, William A. 593

Grant, James P. 598

Grant, Michael 74, 598

Gray, Charlene J. 599

Gray, Elma E. 201, 599

Greear, J. D. 599

Greeley, Andrew M. 599

Green, Joel B. 61, 599

Green, Lauren 524, 599

Green, Michael 137, 146–47, 599

Greenway, Roger S. 471–80, 582, 599

Griffiths, Paul J. 369, 599

Griffiths, Valerie 599

Grigg, V. 473, 476, 478, 599

Grijalva, Joshua 599

Grossman, Cathy L. 581, 599

Grounds, Vernon C. 599

Grudem, Wayne 365, 437, 486–88, 599

Guder, Darrell 599

Guelden, Marlane 335, 600

Guelich, Robert A. 545, 600

Guinness, Os 600

Gundry, Robert H. 54–55, 600

Gurnall, William 543, 551, 600


Hadaway, C. Kirk 600

Haddad, Yvonne Y. 600

Hagner, Donald A. 53, 55, 600

Hale, Thomas 530, 533, 600

Halverson, Marvin 592

Hamilton, Jay T. 198, 600

Hamilton, Jay Taylor 600

Hammett, John S. 434, 600

Hancock, Robert L. 600

Handy, Robert T. 204, 600

Haney, Marsha 472, 479, 600

Harnack, Adolf 145–48, 155, 600

Harris, W. T. 310, 600

Hastey, Ervin E. 472, 600

Hattaway, Paul 515, 523, 525, 600, 626

Haviland, William A. 239, 601

Hawthorne, Steve 178, 182, 186, 475, 588, 625

Hayter, Teresa 601

Hedlund, Roger 601

Heim, S. Mark 373–74, 601

Hemphill, Ken 601

Hengel, Martin 74, 141, 601

Henry, Carl F. H. 601

Hesselgrave, David J. 98, 268, 275, 282–83, 290, 473, 479–80, 568, 590, 596, 601, 607

Hick, John 368, 601

Hiebert, Paul G. 101, 236, 238–39, 248, 473, 476–79, 568, 601, 615

Hillis, Don W. 601

Hixham, Irving 601

Hochschild, Adam 569, 601

Hodges, Melvin L. 268, 601

Hoijer, Harry 239–40, 588

Holste, J. Scott 449, 602

Homer, Norman A. 586

Horton, Michael 32, 602

Houghton, A. T. 602

Howard, Kevin L. 602

Hudson, Michael 598

Hudson, Winthrop S. 602

Hughes, Philip E. 602

Hughes, Richard T. 213, 602

Hulse, Erroll 602

Hunsberger, George R. 602

Hunter, George, III 383, 386, 602, 608

Hunter, Jane 602

Hutchison, William R. 178, 181–82, 191, 602

Hyatt, Irwin T., Jr. 272, 602

Hyde, Walter W. 149, 602


Ibn, Arabi M. 602

Idowu, Bolaji E. 284, 602


Jacobs, Cindy 544, 603

Janzen, Waldemar 603

Jenkins, Philip 565, 568–69, 603

Jeremias, Joachin 603

Jervell, Jacob 71, 603

Jessup, Henry H. 603

Jobe, Mark 479–80, 603

Johansson, Calvin M. 603

Johnson, David 603

Johnson, Keith 374–75, 603

Johnson, Luke Timothy 603

Johnson, Neal 488, 490, 492, 603

Johnson, Todd M. 565, 603

Johnstone, Patrick 229, 471, 565, 603

Jordan, Peter 603


Kagan, Donald 593

Kane, J. Herbert 143, 145, 161–62, 168, 179–80, 184, 189, 220, 224, 277, 379, 528, 603

Kaplan, Robert D. 604

Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti 604

Käsdorf, Hans 273, 604

Kato, Byang H. 276, 287, 289, 292, 568, 604

Kato, Z. 58–59, 604

Kauffman, J. Timothy 474, 604

Keathley, Naymond H. 604

Keller, Tim 99, 556, 562, 604

Keysser, Christian 189, 604

Kidd, B. J. 143–44, 148, 604

Kingsbury, Jack D. 56, 604

Kirkwood, David 541, 604

Klaus, Byron D. 594

Knitter, Paul 594

Knowles, James D. 426, 604

Knox, Noelle 578, 604

Koch, Kurt 605

Kollmann, Bernd 74, 604

Köstenberger, Andreas J. 53–54, 63–65, 604–5

Kotter, John P. 605

Kraft, Charles 19, 26, 250, 259, 282–83, 292, 388, 605

Kuhn, Isobel 605

Kwarteng, Kwasi 569, 605

Kyle, Richard 350, 605


Lane, William L. 59, 605

Lao, Tzu 331–32, 605

Larkin, William J., Jr. 64, 605

Latourette, Kenneth S. 144, 146, 149, 151, 153, 155, 157, 167, 173, 190–91, 217–18, 220, 225, 379, 381, 564, 605

Lawless, Charles, Jr. 540, 606

Lea, Tommy D. 544, 606

Lee, Wendy 522, 606

Lewis, Bernard 606

Lewis, C. S. 264, 549, 606

Lewis, Gordon 606

Lewis, James F. 311, 315, 606

Lewis, James R. 359

Lindsell, Harold 606

Lingenfelter, Judith 254, 259, 262, 473–75, 606

Lingenfelter, Sherwood G. 606

Linthicum, Robert C. 471–74, 477–79, 606

Littell, Franklin H. 216, 606

Lixin, Zheng 335, 606

Lorenzo, Victor 544–45, 606

Low, Alaine M. 569, 619

Lumpkin, William 355, 606

Luzbetak, Louis J. 241, 243, 284, 292, 606


MacArthur, John, Jr. 548, 606

MacDonald, Forrest 203, 606

Macdonald, Nathan 606

MacGaffey, Wyatt 320, 607

Mallone, George 607

Malphurs, Aubrey 411, 607

Maluga, Tom 476, 607

Mandryk, Jason 219, 224, 227, 230–31, 393, 401, 462, 579–81, 607

Marchant, Colin 478, 615

Marsden, George M. 210, 607

Marshall, Colin 32, 559, 607

Marshall, I. Howard 60, 607

Martin-Achard, Robert 607

Martin, Daniel 396, 607

Martin, Marie-Louise 320, 607

Mather, George 197, 607

Mathews, Shailer 379–80, 607

Matson, D. L. 62, 607

Matthews, Christopher R. 74, 607

Mayers, Marvin K. 607

Mbiti, John S. 269, 314–17, 322, 607

McBeth, Leon 608

McBride, E. B. 608

McClung, Floyd 476, 478, 608

McConaughy, David 608

McConnell, Douglas 96, 540, 542, 608, 615

McConnell, Walter 608

McCoy, Isaac 179, 202, 207, 608

McDermott, Gerald R. 369, 608

McDow, Malcolm 562, 608

McGavran, Donald A. 189, 216, 228–29, 244, 247, 267, 378, 382–83, 386–87, 409, 471, 575, 608

McGee, Gary B. 610

McGrath, Alister 608

McIntosh, Gary 608

McKim, Donald K. 459, 608

McKinley, Edward H. 214, 608

McMullen, Ramsay 155, 608

McPherson, Simon J. 608

Mead, Sidney E. 592, 608

Means, Frank 178, 591

Mejudhon, Nantachai 335, 609

Mejudhon, Ubolwan 335–36, 609

Melancon, Pat 451, 609

Melick, Ricahrd R. 553, 609

Melton, J. Gordon 349, 353, 359, 609

Meneses, Eloise H. 473, 476–79, 601

Menninger, Karl 122, 609

Merkle, Benjamin L. 435, 442, 600, 609

Miles, Delos 609

Miles, Todd 367, 373–74, 609

Miller, Calvin 609

Miller, Elliott 359

Miller, Mark J. 394, 591

Mims, Gene 609

Minear, Paul S. 144, 609

Minz, Nirmal 322, 609

Mitchell, Stephen 80, 609

Mode, Peter G. 609

Moerman, Murray 398, 609

Moffett, Samuel H. 163, 334, 516–21, 609

Monsma, T. 47–80, 599, 610

Montgomery, John Warwick 610

Moo, Douglas J. 54, 591

Moore, Charles A. 615

Moore, John A. 610

Moore, Russell D. 35, 610

Moreau, A. Scott 38, 540, 543, 545, 549, 610

Morgan, Chris 581, 610

Mounce, Robert 136, 610

Mpaayei, John T. 288, 610

Murray, Andrew 610

Mutunga, Stanley M. 479, 610

Mveng, Englebert 318, 610

Myers, Bryant L. 449, 610

Myklebust, O. G. 4–7, 9, 11, 610

Mzeka, Paul N. 316, 610


Ñãnamoli, Bhikkhu 610

Narada 330, 610

Nash, Ronald H. 542, 610

Neighbour, Ralph W. 473, 611

Neill, Stephen 3, 5, 108, 143, 146, 148, 150–51, 155, 158, 176, 177, 180–81, 184, 186, 188–89, 267, 270, 272, 381, 575, 611

Netland, Harold A. 368–69, 370–71, 608, 611

Neusner, Jacob 611

Nevius, John L. 188, 228, 271–73, 382, 520, 611, 647

Newbigin, Lesslie 20, 22, 37, 276, 402, 555, 570, 611

Newman, Albert H. 210–11, 611

Newport, John 359, 611

Nicholls, Bruce 568, 611

Nida, Eugene A. 313, 611

Niebuhr, H. Richard 208, 612

Nolland, John 63, 612

Noll, Mark A. 215, 568, 612

Norton, H. Wilbert 378, 596

Norwood, Frederick A. 200, 612

Noss, John B. 317, 612

Novak, Michael 486, 612

Nystrom, Carolyn 568, 612


Obiego, Cosmas O. 315, 612

O’Brian, Michael J. 460, 612

O’Brien, Brandon J. 615

O’Brien, Peter T. 53–54, 63, 65, 254, 553, 604

Octavianus, Petrus 288, 612

Ogden, Greg 612

Okholm, Dennis L. 612

Olson, C. Gordon 159, 167–68, 176, 186, 612

O’Neal, Norman 459, 612

Ortiz, Manuel 471–72, 474–79, 593, 612

Osteen, Ernest R. 612

Otis, George, Jr. 474–75, 539, 544–45, 612

Ott, Craig 38, 613

Ozment, Steven 593


Packer, J. I. 135, 613

Padilla, C. Rene 283, 285, 289, 291, 293, 613

Page, Sydney H. T. 540–41, 543, 613

Parham, Robert 214, 613

Parker, Chantal 613

Park, Hyung Jin 563, 613

Parks, R. Keith 473, 613

Parrinder, Edward G. 310, 315, 600, 613

Parrinder, E. G. 310, 315, 600

Parshall, Phil 389, 613

Parvin, Earl 613

Pate, Larry D. 232, 613

Paulinus 151, 613

Payne, J. D. 394, 397, 613

Payne, Tony 559, 607

Pentecost, J. Dwight 541–42, 613

Pepe, Enrico 459, 614

Peretti, Frank 540, 545, 614

Perez, Pablo M. 288, 614

Perkins, John M. 472–73, 476–79, 614

Petersen, Jim 614

Peters, George W. 614

Peters, John L. 614

Peterson, Douglas 594

Peterson, Robert A. 137, 614

Phillips, G. 6, 614

Phillips, James M. 586, 612, 614

Phillips, Timothy R. 612

Pickthall, Muhammad M. 614

Pinnock, Clark H. 135–37, 367, 614

Piper, John 20, 28, 120, 527, 614

Plummer, Robert L. 93, 615

Pobee, John 615

Pocock, Michael 96, 540, 542, 615

Poe, Harry L. 244, 615

Polhill, John B. 95, 232, 615

Powlinson, John 615

Prieto, Daniel S. 615

Punton, Jim 478, 615


Qutba, Seyyid 615


Rahkakrishnan, Sarvepalli 615, 622

Rah, Soong-Chan 96–97, 615

Rahula, Walpola 329, 615

Rainer, Thom S. 615

Raithatha, Manoj 489, 585

Ramsay, William M. 80, 615

Rankin, Jerry 531, 540, 551, 615

Ravenhill, Leonard 615

Ray, Cecil 615

Ray, Susan 615

Reid, Alvin 562, 608

Richards, Roger C. 254, 615

Riesner, Rainer 79, 615

Ritzenthaler, Pat 316, 615

Ritzenthaler, Robert 316, 615

Robbins, Joseph C. 616

Robbins, Thomas 360–61, 616

Rober, Dana 616

Roberts, Alexander 144, 146, 149, 616

Robinson, John A. T. 137, 616

Römmen, Edward 268, 275, 282–83, 601

Romm, James S. 71, 616

Romo, Oscar I. 616

Rose, Larry L. 616

Rosman, Abraham 37, 616

Ross, Kenneth R. 565, 603

Roth, Greg 321, 616

Rowley, H. H. 616

Rubel, Paula G. 37, 616

Rundle, Steve 483, 616

Runzo, Joseph 616

Ruokanen, Miika 367, 616


Sampson, Phillip 616

Sanders, John 136, 367, 616

Sanders, John E. 136, 367, 616

Sanders, J. Oswald 616

Sanneh, Lamin 565–66, 568–69, 616

Sargent, Douglas N. 616

Savage, Pedro 285, 616

Schaller, Lyle 410–11, 616

Scherer, J. A. 8, 617

Schlorff, Sam 617

Schnabel, Eckhard J. 37, 58, 71, 74, 79, 93, 434, 617

Schreiner, Thomas R. 548, 617

Schreiter, Robert J. 38, 275, 290–91, 617

Schwemer, Anna M. 601

Scott, James M. 79, 617

Scott, Robert 617

Scott, Waldron 19, 617

Seifert, David J. 621

Senior, Donald 59, 60, 62, 617

Severance, Diana L. 426, 617

Severus, Sulpicius 151, 617

Shank, David 617

Shannon, Harper 511–12, 617

Sharp, Lauriston 238, 617

Shenk, Wilbert R. 271, 569, 591, 617

Sherman, Dean 547, 617

Shorter, Aylward 268, 617

Sider, Ronald J. 617

Sigountos, James G. 594

Sills, M. David 120, 298, 528, 617

Sjogren, Bob 618

Skoglund, John E. 618

Sloan, Robert B. 618

Smalley, William A. 313, 611

Smart, Ninian 618

Smith, Charles D. 618

Smith, Charles R. 618

Smith, Ebbie C. 386–88, 530, 588, 618

Smith, John W. 618

Smith, Joseph 354, 356–57, 618

Smith, Timothy 618

Snyder, P. Z. 618

Socrates 152, 618

Sonn, F. A. 618

Soper, Edmund D. 377, 618

Sozomen 152, 154, 618

Speer, Robert E. 191, 210, 299–300, 618

Spencer, F. Scott 74, 619

Spradley, James P. 475, 619

Spurgeon, Charles H. 104, 301, 511, 619

Stackhouse, Max L. 599, 619

Stanley, Brian 569, 619

Starkes, M. Thomas 472, 619

Stark, Rodney 351, 565, 619

Steffen, Tom 268, 483, 487, 616, 619

Stetzer, Ed 106, 540, 551, 615, 619

Stevens, Paul 485, 487, 619

Steyne, Philip M. 619

Stott, John 137, 288–89, 386, 595, 619

Strange, Daniel 594

Strauss, Stephen J. 38, 613

Strong, Josiah 204, 209, 619

Stuhlmueller, Carroll 59–60, 62, 617

Stumme, Wayne 620

Sugden, Chris 616

Sundkler, Bengt 12, 280, 620

Swain, Scott R. 64, 605

Swartley, Williard M. 620

Synan, Vinson 214, 620


Taber, Charles R. 275, 281, 289, 294, 620

Tallman, J. Raymond 267, 620

Tannehill, R. C. 61, 63, 620

Tennent, Timothy C. 33, 38, 365, 369, 371–72, 563, 613, 620

Terry, John Mark 93, 264, 615

Theodoret 154, 620

Thera, Nyanaponika 620

Theron, Daniel J. 620

Thiede, Carsten 74, 620

Thiessen, Mary 472, 476, 479, 620

Thiselton, Anthony 33, 620

Thomas, Juliet 547, 620

Thomas, Norman E. 620

Thompson, E. A. 155–56, 620

Thompson, Glen L. 458, 620

Thompson, Laurence G. 316, 620–21

Thornton, Timothy C. G. 70, 621

Thrift, Charles T. 621

Tichenor, Isaac T. 212, 621

Tiersma, Jude 472–73, 478–79, 585, 592, 598, 600, 604, 622

Tippett, Alan R. 9, 244, 246–47, 249–50, 281, 383, 416, 621

Tira, Sadiri Joy 400, 621

Tonna, B. 472, 593, 621

Tonna, Benjamin 472, 593

Torres, Sergio 290, 621

Towns, Elmer L. 621

Townsend, Carl 474–75, 480, 624

Travis, Stephen H. 137, 621

Travis, William G. 311, 315, 606

Tucker, Ruth A. 189, 428, 621

Turner, Fennell P. 621

Turner, Harold W. 311–12, 314, 318–19, 322, 621

Tyler, B. B. 205, 622


Undy, Harry 320, 622

Unger, Merrill 622

Unnik, Willem C. van 71, 622


Vail, Albert L. 196, 622

Van Cise, Martha 622

Van Engen, Charles 19, 472–73, 478–79, 585, 604, 622

Van Gelder, Craig 602

Vanhoozer, Kevin J. 33–35, 38, 622

Van Reken, Ruth E. 622

Van Rheenen, Gailyn 311, 317, 540, 542, 546, 615, 622

Vaughan, John N. 621

Venn, Henry 182, 270–71, 273, 382, 523, 623

Ventura, Rob 554, 589

Verkuyl, J. 4–5, 9, 623

Verstraelen, F. J. 159, 174, 623

Vinay, Samuel 616

Von Rad, Gerhard 623


Wagner, C. Peter 228, 386–87, 480, 539, 546–47, 623

Wakely, Mike 623

Walker, Alan 623

Wallace, Daniel B. 436, 623

Wallbank, Thomas W. 309, 623

Walls, Andrew F. 31, 35, 563–64, 567, 569–71, 623

Walrath, D. A. 623

Warneck, Gustav 4–5, 7, 272–73, 382, 624

Warner, Timothy 546, 624

Warren, Max 382, 624

Warren, Rick 19, 201, 389, 575, 624

Washington, James M. 207, 624

Watson, Charlotte 592, 624

Waymire, Bob 474–75, 480, 624

Weatherspoon, J. B. 275, 624

Weber, Timothy P. 210, 624

Webster, D. H. 624

Webster, John 34, 624

Weinlich, John R. 624

Weinrich, William C. 141, 624

Wells, David F. 113, 612, 624

Wenham, Gordon 137, 624

Wenham, John W. 137, 624

Whatney, Paul 282, 624

White, Thomas B. 544, 624

Whitfield, Henry 195, 624

Whitfield, Keith 111, 624

Williams, Joel F. 60, 64, 605, 624

Willis, Avery T. 624

Wilson, George 299, 625

Winter, G. 625

Winter, Ralph D. 178, 182, 186, 218–20, 225, 227, 230, 270, 445, 462, 625

Wirth, Louis 625

Witherington, Ben, III 60, 259, 263, 625

Womack, David 625

Wong, Enoch 600

Woodberry, Robert D. 220, 260, 569, 625

Woolley, Davis Collier 625

Wright, Chris 98, 625

Wright, Christopher J. H. 625

Wright, N. T. 33, 262–63, 626

Wyllie, Robert W. 626


Xin, Yalin 464–65, 523, 626


Yamamori, Tetsunao 391, 487, 626

Yamamori, Theodore 626

Yannoulatos, Anastasios 152, 626

Yong, Amos 374, 519, 586, 626

Yongze, Peter Xu 525, 600

Yun, Brother 515, 523, 525, 600, 626


Zaimov, Stoyen 578, 626

Zenner, Walter P. 476, 598

Zetterholm, Magnus 77, 626

Zunkel, C. Wayne 626

Subject Index


10/40 Window 230 448, 577

abolitionist 205–6

abolitionist movement 183

Abrahamic Covenant 89, 114

access strategy 484, 486

accommodation 150, 166, 243, 247, 266, 380, 388, 496, 499

principles of 244

accountability 361, 440, 549

accreditation 467

adaptation 247

adoption 534

adultery 129

adventurism 270

Afghanistan 161, 337

Africa 163, 186

Africa Inland Mission 187

African American Baptist 208

age of accountability 135, 373

al-Qaeda 337

Alabama 212, 398

Alexandria 143

Allah 338, 366

American Bible Society 179

American ethnic 496

American Indians 171

American National Baptist Convention 211

American Revolution 194, 200–201

Amoldist 167

amulets 345

Anabaptist 20, 169

ancestors 317, 321

ancestor veneration 170

ancestor worship 276

ancient religions 16

Andover Seminary 178

angels 16, 57, 153, 341, 345, 542

Anglicanism 174

Anglicans 169, 195

Anglo-Saxon 159

Angola 164, 219

animatism 311

animism 37, 161, 167, 310, 546

annihilation 121, 357

annihilationism 137

anthropology 9, 17, 19–20, 36, 229, 247, 310–11, 472

anthropomorphism 126

Antigua 171

antimissionary controversy 202

Antioch 142–43

anxiety 430

apathy 512

apologetics 5, 147, 151, 362

apostasy 161

apostate 145

apostles, mission of 63, 70

apostolate 204

apostolic age 142

apostolic ethos 94

apostolic mandate 90

applied theology 290

apprenticeship 458, 464, 477

Arabia 143, 155, 158

Arabian Peninsula 337

Arabic 39, 176

architecture 493

Argentina 189, 580

Arianism 150, 349

Armenia 143

arrogance 551

asceticism 166

Ashanti 184

Asia 225

Asia Minor 143, 145, 158

assimilation 203, 495–96

Associationalism 15

astronomy 519

atheism 352

ātman 326

atonement 69, 132

Auca 226, 304

Augustinians 165

Australia 581

authority 37, 265, 334, 341, 355, 383, 427, 435, 440, 518

spiritual 549

autonomy 267, 272, 277, 286, 434

aviation 226

Azusa Street 215

Azusa Street Revival 223


Babel 12

baby dedication 560

Bangladesh 453, 489

baptism 4, 56, 76, 128, 152, 195, 354, 410–11, 458, 521, 562

of repentance 57

with the Holy Spirit 57

Baptist 20, 178, 195, 200, 202, 355

Baptist Missionary Society 174, 176

barbarians 149, 154, 205

Basel Evangelical Missionary Society 185

Battle of Tours 161, 340

behavioral mandates 246

Belgium 169, 174, 578

Benedictines 159

benevolence 150, 152

benevolent ministries 152

Bible 37, 118, 128, 244

abuse of 357

as authority 294

authority of 122

central theme 12

exegesis of 33

inspiration of 122

interpretation of 351

meta-narrative 32

missionary implications of 118

missionary nature of 11–12

teaching of 108

Bible League 226

Bible study 415, 420

biblical framework 472

biblical theology 347

of mission 43

biblicist 211

bicultural 29

bishop 146, 150

Bithynia 143

blasphemy 148

Boko Haram 565

Bossey 286

Bostra 143

Boxer Rebellion 522

Brahman 326

Brazil 163–64, 166, 168, 188, 303, 580

Brigham Young University 358

Britain 143–44, 159

British Royal Society 184

brokenness 550

Buddha 328

Buddhism 158, 180, 325, 579

Buddhists 365

Bulgaria 160

Burgundians 154

Burma 178–80, 380

business as mission 483

Business As Mission 232

Byzantine Empire 162, 167, 338, 340


Calcutta 176, 181

California 214

caliph 339

calling 108, 487, 491, 509–10, 528, 561

general 556

immutability 511

specific 556

Calvinism 88, 200

Cambodia 219

Cameroon 316

Campbellites 205

Campus Crusade for Christ 226–27, 574

Canada 164, 393, 580

Cane Ridge 205

cannibalism 177, 352

capitalism 101

Carib Indians 164

Caribbean 483

Carthage 143

case study 39–40

caste system 169, 181

catechism 151

categorical thinking 254

Catholicism 164, 519, 569

Catholic missions 169

cell groups 389, 503

Celtic missions 14, 159

Celtic monks 153

Central America 177, 223

Central Asia 303, 337

centrifugal mission 107

centripetal mission 107

ceremony 262

Ceylon 155, 180

charismatic movement 16

Charismatics 224

charity 149

child marriage 431

Chile 166

China 157–59, 164, 184, 188, 218, 225, 228, 271, 334, 448, 464, 575, 579

China Inland Mission 15, 187, 520


as priest 133

centrality of 6

righteousness of 132

Christian growth 565

Christian history 563

Christian ministry, nature of 12


Greek 167

nonindigenous 161

universality of 149

Christocentricity 102–3

Christology 20

Christonomy 280

Chronological Bible Storying 347

church 9, 19, 28, 37, 66, 102, 105, 117, 134

activities of 410

affirmation of 297

African-American 211

autonomous 422

congregational model 439

contextualized 416

development 405

discipline 361, 555

discipline of 149

edification 94

edification of 434

expansion of 76

formation of 55

inclusiveness of 149

indigenous 184, 462

instrument of blessing 91

leadership 94

local 415, 433

metaphors of 65

mission of 4, 6, 24, 28, 92, 100–101, 113, 148, 209, 215

missionary mandate 88, 94

missionary responsibility 169

motivation of 116

multicongregational 417

nature of 8, 12, 48, 65, 91, 102

new development 12

organization of 149

planting 12

Protestant 167

purpose of 89, 91, 107

role of 555

satellite 418

signs of being multicultural 499

sponsoring 422

strengthening 94

structure of 79

task of 87, 119

tradition of 75

unity 545

universal 433–34

universal mission of 60

universality of 65

church growth 13, 247, 378

church growth movement 229, 383, 386, 575

church planter 501

church planting 32, 37, 93, 107, 176, 186, 196–97, 208, 212, 268, 307, 378, 381, 383, 387, 401, 403, 433, 442, 476, 499, 520, 556, 561–62, 580

biblical basis 409–10

indigenous 274

justification for 410–12

Paul 72

principles 412–14

rationale 409–12

team 503, 562

church planting movement 231, 532

Civil War 205, 208, 211, 213

civilization 186

classless society 285

clergy, indigenous 165, 169

Codex Sinaiticus 75

coercion 261

cognitive development 460

Collectivism 254

Colombia 166

colonialism 37, 165, 182, 185–86, 219, 276, 317, 403, 570

Colonialism 15

colonization 165, 194–95

Columba 159

comfort zone 104

comity 382

commerce 142

common grace 131, 371–72, 474

communication 9, 37, 114, 413, 472, 500–501

breakdown 502

cross-cultural 16, 18, 20, 35

cross-culture 571

model 256

practices 253

theory 20, 36

Communism 218–19, 449

community 110, 476

community-based development 452

comparative religions 366

compassion 112, 150, 363, 454

compassion ministries 445–46

complexity 403, 475, 498

concept of time 314

condemnation 134

conditional immortality 127

Confucianism 325

Congo 164

congregationalism 440

Congregationalists 195–96, 201, 203–4

Constantinople 160

contentedness 512

contextualization 11, 20, 33, 37–39, 228, 243, 245, 266, 275, 323, 366, 368–69, 394, 414, 499, 547, 570–71

definition of 268, 281

guidelines for 294

justification for 291

of Paul 83

process of 38

contextualized implications 257

contextualized theology 277

contextual theology 33–34, 38, 286

Continental Reformation 193

conversion 8, 151, 153, 335, 373, 378, 383, 411, 426, 458, 509, 519

Copts 157

Corbie 160

core growth 421

correspondence courses 226

corrupted 370

corruption 122, 342, 478

inheritance of 129

Council of Nicea 141

Council of Trent 459

Counter Reformation 162, 165


Abrahamic 12, 46

Noahic 12

creation 114

restoration of 102

creation care 52

Creation to Christ 263

creative access 449, 539

credibility 474

creedalism 168

cross-cultural communication 322

Crusades 161, 379, 401

Cuba 166, 212, 219

cult, definition of 350–52

cultural adaptation 276

cultural biases 253

cultural Darwinism 37

cultural elements 496

cultural forms 287, 289

cultural imperialism 18

cultural integration 238

cultural mandate 221

cultural narratives 263

cultural overhang 18

cultural relativism 37, 276

cultural relativity 237

cultural shock 240

cultural systems 240, 262

culture 9–11, 16–17, 25, 34–35, 37–38, 235–36, 384

accommodation to 242

adaption of 25

adjustments to 241–43

components of 236–40

confrontation of 27

critique of 568, 570

definition of 236–37

goodness of 37

insider 26

judgment upon 26

local 27

sinfulness of 38

theology of 369

transformation of 25–27, 29, 494

culture jolts 241

culture shock 18, 261, 530, 543

reactions to 241

culture transmission 238

curse 128


Damascus 143

Danish-Halle Mission 170

Dao 331

Daoism 325

Dark Ages 162

deacons 143, 437, 464

death 127–28

death penalty 126

democracy 220

democratization 571

demographics 497, 582

demon possession 55, 57, 152, 552

demonic forces 144, 544, 546

demonic manifestations 552

demonic spirits 540

demonology 370, 473

demons 13, 58, 457, 540, 542

demonstration 454

Denmark 160

denominational missions 14

dependency 182, 270–71, 454, 461, 504

depravity 546

depression 430

Detroit 289

development ministries 445, 450

Devil 344, 531, 540, 575

devotion 507, 531

dharma 326

dialectical model 293

dialogical 38–39

dialogical instruction 463

dialogical model 289, 293

diaspora 37, 400, 522, 569

Didache 145

diffision vs. concentration 188

Disaster relief programs 451

disaster response 446

discernment 37, 297


authority of 61

commissioning of 61

equipping of 61

ministry of 62

mission of 63–66

rejection of 62

task of 66, 70

discipleship 54, 56, 103, 107, 112, 323, 378, 385, 399, 401, 409, 411, 413, 426, 433–34, 443, 453, 514, 534, 557, 561–62, 576, 580, 582

global 109

discipline 440, 507, 535

discouragement 543, 551

dispensationalist 209, 214

divine blessing 148

divine call 153

divine healing 224

Divine Light Mission 352

divine revelation 371

divine speech 371

diviner 316

divorce 527

dogmatism 168

Dohnavur Fellowship 189

Dominican monks 163

Dominicans 166–67

dominion 37

doxology 32

dreams and visions 73, 77, 79–80, 371

drunkenness 122

dynamic correspondence 250

dynamic equivalence 244, 250, 289, 292, 387


East India Company 176, 183

Eastern Orthodox Church 11, 15, 219, 224, 355

East Indies 163

Ecclesiasticism 15

ecclesiology 20, 47, 100, 361, 442

economic exploitation 49

ecstatic speech 345

Ecuador 166, 226, 302, 304, 580

Ecumenical Movement 221–26

Ecumenicalism 16

ecumenicity 274

Edessa 143

Edict of Milan 145, 149–50

Edict of Persecution 144

Edict of Toleration 145

Edinburgh 174, 177, 190


missionary family 536

origin of 460

theological 550

transformational 468

education by extension 452

Egypt 143, 145, 152, 337, 340

Eightfold Path 329

elders 73, 435–37, 464

election 12, 50, 91

missiological implications of 46–48

particularity of 46

elitism 461

emancipation 207

emic 499

enculturation 19, 238, 266

definition of 268

England 165, 187, 379, 529

Enlightenment 157

Ephesus 141–43

eschatology 14, 20, 51, 168, 195, 248, 573

esoteric knowledge 355

eternal life 127

ethical norm 369

ethics 50, 208

biblical 50

Old Testament 49

Ethiopia 155, 219, 338

ethnic American 496

ethnic diversity 400

ethnic identity 495

ethnic ministry 494

ethnic minority 48

ethnicity 497

ethnocentrism 12, 97, 179, 237, 269, 272, 276, 497, 567, 569

Ethnologue 229

etic 499

Europe 459

evangelical 12

evangelicalism 10, 12

Evangelical Lutheran Church 179

Evangelical Revival 202

evangelism 6, 13, 20, 49, 72, 81, 96, 111, 146–48, 151, 187, 198, 201, 208, 210, 279, 300, 361, 372, 378, 387, 403, 434, 454, 475, 484, 499, 520, 544, 553, 576, 580, 582

interfaith 362

motivation for 358

of Paul 83

philosophy of 121

evangelist 147, 521–22

evangelization 39, 145–46, 149, 195, 323, 539, 574

event oriented 254

evil 124, 127

inclination toward 130

Evil Eye 346

exclusivism 18, 187, 205, 363, 367

exclusivity 355

excommunication 440

exorcism 57, 155, 552

exorcist 143

experience 35, 480

explicit faith 135

exploitation 473, 488

extracanonical truth 354


faith missions 15, 187, 222, 225

faithfulness 509

fall 127

false teachers 541

family 298, 335, 426, 476, 478, 497, 512, 527

fasting 154, 299, 343

fate of unevangelized 134

fellowship 410, 421, 434, 476, 534

felt needs 479

female circumcision 431

female infanticide 431

feminism 428

films 226

finances 412

financial support 301, 441, 484, 503, 528

Finland 160

First World 16

flexibility 480, 532

folk Islam 345

folk religion 36

foot binding 431, 521

Foreign Mission Board 183, 188, 231, 274

formal correspondence 250, 289, 292, 387

Fourah Bay College 180

France 161, 165, 379, 578

Franciscan missionaries 159

Franciscan monks 163

Franciscans 166–67, 174, 194

Frankish church 159

Franks 154

free will 131, 136

French Revolution 173, 190

friendship 530

Frisians 159

Frontier Revival 205

functional substitute 250

fund raising 490

Fundamentalism 460


Gaul 143, 145, 159

general call 300

General Missionary Convention 179

general revelation 135, 367, 371

generosity 559

genocide 49

Gentile churches 142

Gentiles 130

inclusion of 56, 59, 77, 90

Georgia 155

Germanic tribes 144, 156

Germany 155, 159, 174

Ghana 184, 283, 321

global Christianity 96, 565

global evangelization 108

global mission 193

Global Recordings Network 227

global south 95–96

global village 17, 218

globalization 95, 365, 400, 478

Gnosticism 349

Goa 166


anger of 124

authority of 89

compassion of 448

condemnation of 127

distinctiveness of 44

enemies of 119

eschatological vision 118

faithfulness of 487

favor of 124

focusing on 549

global mission of 560

glory of 117, 123

goodness of 125

grace of 132, 487, 510, 559

graciousness of 125

hatred of 123

identity of 104

judgment of 127, 132

justice of 373, 488

lordship of 115, 118

love for 131

love of 105, 116, 149, 363, 447, 454

mercy of 487

mission of 46, 91, 100, 103–4, 118

movements of 578

nature of 27, 118

punishment of 125

purpose of 118, 148

redemptive intention of 46

rein of 101

relationship with 125

righteousness of 132

rule of 101

self-disclosure 114

separation from 128, 373

sovereign purpose of 89

sovereign rein of 118

sovereign rule of 119

sovereignty of 87, 91, 95, 487

the Father 9, 56

the Holy Spirit 9, 56

the Son 9, 56

trustworthiness of 488

uniqueness of 44–46, 82

universality of 44–45

will of 44, 114, 512, 528

wrath of 124, 132

God-fearers 143

God the Father 258

God the Son 258

going native 242

golden calf 124

good works 132

gospel 11, 20, 22, 28–29, 100, 116, 420, 501, 532, 534

demonstration of 105

duality of 103

elements of 294

embodiment of 108

implications of 101

nature of 291

universality of 78, 81, 103


composition of 53

mission motif in 66

Goths 150

grace 128, 132

gradualism 382

great apostasy 356

Great Awakening 13, 179, 199, 207

Great Century 187, 381, 519

Great Commission 20, 53, 55–56, 87–88, 90, 94, 111, 134, 167, 204, 246, 270, 278, 301, 338, 363, 383, 399–400, 409, 425, 427, 430, 487, 494, 540, 542, 562

universality of 56, 69

Great Omission, the 167

Greek 142–43

Greek New Testament 178, 189

Greenland 170–71, 483

group-oriented 36

Guatemala 226

guilt 124–25, 128, 255

Guinea 164


Hadith 344

Haiti 166

halal 344

haram 344

harvest 582

harvest field 576

harvest principle 95

harvest strategy 575

Hawaii 179, 271

healing 154–55, 320, 448, 552

heart language 495

heathenism 299

hell 121, 137, 342, 577

Henricians 167

heresy 40, 294, 350

hermeneutics 14

missional 50

hidden frontiers 230

hidden peoples 478

high-god concept 315

Hinduism 166, 169, 176, 181, 183, 189, 325, 365, 579

Hindus 449

Holiness churches 213–14

holistic missions 446

holistic thinking 254

Holland 194

holocaust 218

holy 125

Holy Land 161

Holy Spirit 15, 26–27, 37, 53, 55, 58, 60, 64, 66, 76–77, 79, 94, 104, 130, 148, 181, 198–99, 224, 228, 248, 267, 367, 373, 412, 415, 431, 439, 475, 506, 562, 567

baptism of 214

fruit of 24

guidance of 386

movement of 524

nature of 13

power of 514, 558

role of 273, 386

superintendence of 273

universe presence of 374

work of 105

Home Mission Board 183, 212

Home Mission Society 179

home school 536

homogeneous unit principle 498

homogeneous units 476

homogeneity 399, 475

homosexuality 393

hospitality 145, 147–48, 346, 426, 432

Hottentots 177

house church 525

house church movement 523

Huguenots 168, 194

human development 287

human goodness 122

humanism 11, 333

humanitarian efforts 385


call of 114

fall of 114

purpose of 114

humanization 284

humankind, mortality of 127

human nature, corruption of 130

human needs 111, 445–46, 450, 476

human sinfulness 122

human trafficking 223

humility 93–94, 110, 260

hunger 451

Hussites 167

hyper-Calvinism 175


identification 242

identity 262, 288, 309, 326, 429, 476, 496, 528, 531, 535, 569–70

idolatry 32, 37–38, 77, 82, 98, 115, 152, 338, 341, 370, 552

Igorots 190

Illinois 212

imagery 259

imagination 264

imago Dei 369

immigrants 96–97, 110, 195, 210, 394, 400

immigration 199, 207, 506

Roman Catholic 205

immortal soul 137

imperialism 186, 219, 270, 483

impermanence 330

impersonal powers 317

implicit faith 134

incarnation 25–26, 45, 142–43, 242, 289, 328, 374, 494

incarnational ministry 478

inclusivism 18, 135, 187, 367, 542

independency 273

India 155, 157, 164–65, 170, 178, 182, 186, 189, 270, 302, 304, 334, 337, 340, 381, 426, 430, 445, 459, 489, 529, 575, 579

indifference 512

indigeneity 265, 272, 499

indigenization 245, 275, 287, 290, 380, 520, 522

indigenizing principle 564


3 selfs 20

Christians 26

church 20, 185, 189

culture 27

leadership 188

ministry 182

principles 185–86

worship 39

indigenous church 245, 382, 387, 416

indigenous leadership 181, 268, 477

indigenous principle 499

indigenous principles 267

indigenous structures 277

indigenous theology 11

individual conversion 186

Individualism 15, 254

Indonesia 165, 185, 235, 243, 340, 380

industrialization 190, 478

Indus Valley 325

inerrancy 568

inflation 144

ingathering 70

Injil 341

injustice 447

innovation 389, 488

Institutionalism 16

intercession 473, 544

intermediaries 317

internationalization 479

International Mission Board 20, 183, 222, 521, 528

Internet 524

interpersonal relationships 254

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship 228

intuition 480, 511

Iona 159

Iowa 227

Iraq 337

Ireland 155, 159, 189

Irian Jaya 189, 238

Islam 36, 39–40, 158, 161, 167, 183, 189, 247, 299, 316, 365, 371, 389, 579

Israel 12, 114, 123

distinctives of 50

mission of 47

Istanbul 168

itineration 187–88, 198–201, 203, 380, 534

Ivory Coast 579


Jamaica 171, 179, 205

Japan 164, 165, 177, 183, 380, 575

Jehovah’s Witness 349

Jerusalem 141, 205

Jerusalem conference 245

Jesuits 164–65, 168, 174, 194, 334, 380, 459, 519

Jesus 22

ambassadors of 105

ascension of 63

authority of 56–57, 88, 439

baptism of 115

childhood of 45

coming of 51

communication 259

compassion of 55

continuing presence of 56

divinity of 45–46

enduring presence of 89

exclusivity of 363, 394

family of 58

genealogy of 115

generosity of 558

glorification of 66

humanity of 45

identity of 59, 82

images of 21, 25

infancy of 115

lordship of 89, 98, 514

love of 106, 116, 530, 551

ministry of 12, 58, 69

mission of 21, 27, 54, 59, 61, 63–64, 66, 115–16

model of mission 54

motivation of 113

opposition to 58

prayer life of 45

prayer of 55

rejection of 55, 61

relationship with 514

resurrection of 82

second coming of 5, 56, 83

teachings of 12

temptation of 115

types 54

uniqueness of 44, 63, 149

universality of 44

Jesus Film Project 227

jinn 341, 345

job assignment 532

job description 532

Joshua Project 229, 578–79

Journeyman 533

judgment 127

Judgment Day 77

justice 101, 108–9, 126

justification 82, 123, 131

justification by faith 132


Kaaba 338

Kali 328

Kansas 214, 223

Karens 180

karma 326

Keswick 189, 213

Kimbanguism 320

kingdom of darkness 543

kingdom of God 9, 12, 20–22, 55, 57, 69, 100–101, 114–15, 118, 195, 209, 232, 385, 442, 448, 557

inauguration of 103

stewards of 125

Korea 177, 184, 188, 219, 222, 228, 272, 577

Kurds 398

Kyrgykstan 579


Landmarkism 205

language 37–38, 81, 142, 146, 151, 180, 195–96, 208, 226, 239, 304, 381, 401, 430, 475, 478, 493–96, 500, 505, 566, 570

learning 532

school 532

Laos 219

Latin 143

Latin America 11, 223–24, 459

Laudian persecution 196

Lausanne 11, 97, 230, 232, 287, 483, 540, 549

law 50, 82, 123–24, 129, 135

role of 50

laypeople 146

Lazarists 174

leadership 79, 500

authority 439–40

biblical 433, 435

local 520

plurality 440

qualifications 441

training 422

visionary 479

leadership development 457

leadership training 502

liberalism 186, 578

liberation theology 11, 101, 222, 284, 288, 291, 293, 445

Liberia 179, 205

linguistics 17–18

literacy 181, 453, 458

literalism 568

logic 255

Lollards 167

London Missionary Society 176–77

Lord’s Supper 249

love 106, 111, 114

Lutherans 205

Lyons 145


Madagascar 164

Madura 166

magic 360

magicians 320

Magisterial Reformers 167

Mahdi 345

Majorca 163

Majority World 396, 401, 457, 461, 467

Majority World missions 232

Malaysia 340

Manifest Destiny 204

marginalization 425

Mariolatry 580

marketing 36, 390, 488

marriage 236, 527, 533

Mars Hill 94

martyr 145–46, 181, 194, 302, 426

martyrdom 148, 163

of Peter 73

of Stephen 74

Marxism 101, 219, 285, 292–93

materialism 16, 245, 319, 360

matrilineal 237

Mecca 338

media 226

medical missions 446, 453, 521, 527

Medina 338

megacities 96, 582

Melchizedek factor 135

meritocracy 461

Mesopotamia 143–44, 155, 158

metachurch 389

metaphor 264

Methodist Episcopal Church 179

Methodists 200–201, 203, 205

methods, definition of 377

Mexico 166, 226, 303, 496, 580

Middle Ages 340, 458

Middle East 39, 162, 337

migrants 479

migration 48, 94–95, 110, 149, 156, 365, 394, 400, 478

millennial kingdom 209

millennials 223

miracles 146, 151, 155, 342, 565

missio Dei 19, 21, 29, 49, 102, 275, 350

missiological triumvirate 182

missiologist, task of 16

missiology 3

as theological discipline 31

definition of 4, 8–9, 31

discipline of 3

distinctiveness 6

etymology 3–5, 8

father of 181

history of 3, 5

relationship with theology 5

scope of 10

task of 8

taxonomy 3

terms for 5

mission 11, 50

arising from theology 32

biblical 50, 52

burden of 54

compound 271

definition of 102

Gentile 51, 53

holistic 52

Paul’s practice of 47

philosophy of 10, 14–16, 186–87

practice of 31, 38

principles of 270

roles in 93

strategy 72

task of 91

theologian of 51

theology of 10–12, 38

trinitarian 67

universality of 63

urban 479

missional 32, 34, 44, 50, 405, 457, 555

definition of 99–100, 104

mandate 44

missionaries, calling of 27

missionary 11

activity 38

call 297

calling 29

effectiveness 508

family 528

health of 537

itinerant 145, 153

lay 154

mandate 181

non-residential 231

office of 146

role of 182, 228

task of 31

Missionary Aviation Fellowship 15, 385

missionary kids 534

missionary mandate 92, 94

missionary methods 149

missionary societies 196

missionary team 543

Mission Aviation Fellowship 306

missions 11, 107, 434, 555

aspects of 22

call to 429

capacity of 558

Catholic 165

challenges of 31

conference 559

confrontation of 29

conviction to 558

cross-cultural 43, 174

culture of 559

definition of 4, 8, 10

denominational 93

domestic 204

global scope of 87

hindrances to 556

history of 13–14

indigenous 177

integration 483

in the NT 13

local nature of 78

medical 186

methods of 76, 377

migration of 559

motivation for 87, 111, 117, 358

of the Apostles 72

philosophy of 13, 121, 204

practice of 93

prioritization 28

priority of 560

Protestant 170

purpose of 20–21, 25, 28–29

Roman Catholic 163

short-term 561

strategy of 76, 96, 377, 562, 573

student 227

task of 21, 26

theological vision of 556

urban 471

vision for 559

women in 425

mission societies 176

mission station 382

mobilization 557, 561

modeling 463

modernism 210

modernity 309, 402

modern missionary movement 7, 157

moksha 327

monasticism 151–52, 155, 166, 168, 170, 379, 458

monastic missions 152

monastic movement 14, 149, 152

monastic orders 158

Mongolia 164, 579

Mongol invasions 159

Mongols 517

monism 359

monocultural 96

monotheism 44, 142, 155, 337

Moody Bible Institute 225

moral absolutes 494

moral code 255

moral failure 538

morality 149

Moravia 160

Moravian mission 7, 170

Moravians 174, 197–98, 201, 381, 483

Mormonism 349, 356, 581

Morocco 161

Mosaic law 115

mosques 343–44, 366, 389

Mount Sinai 118

Mozambique 164, 219

Mughals 340

Muhammad 338

multiculturalism 498

multiethnic 97

multiplication 402

murder 129

music 493

Muslim 177

Shia 339, 345

Sunni 39, 339, 345, 517

Muslim background believers


Muslims 168, 231, 373, 449

mystery religions 349

mystical experience 355

mysticism 352, 360

myth 262


nationalism 204, 218–19, 274, 276, 570

Native Americans 193, 195–96, 198–99, 380, 400, 496

removal 204

nativistic cults 318

nativistic religious movements 291

naturalism 459

Navigators 228

neocolonialism 569

Nepal 398, 489

Nestorians 158, 483, 516

Nestorian Stele 516

Netherlands 165, 578

Netherlands Missionary Society 184

networking 479

networks 505

Nevius Method 228

Nevius Plan 228, 271, 382

New Age 16

New Age movement 359–60

New England 169

New Guinea 185

new Israel 209

New Light 200

New Mexico 212

new religious movements 318, 322, 351

New World Translation 356

New Zealand 581

Nicaragua 219

Nicea 141

Nigeria 184, 188, 284, 564, 577

nirvana 330

Noahic covenant 135

North Africa 145, 158, 337

North Africa Mission 187

North America 178, 218

North American Mission Board 20, 183

Norway 160


occult 16

occultism 361

offices 298

omnipotent 125

open theism 136

opium trade 176, 183, 190

Opium Wars 520

oral art forms 260

orality 259

oral tradition 71

orphans 448, 464

Orthodox Church 158, 160

orthodoxy 11, 516

Nicean 154

orthopraxy 11

outreach 504, 518

overseers 435–37


paganism 94, 146, 149, 155, 161, 292, 568

pagans 78, 82, 146, 148

pagan sacrifice 249

Pakistan 325

Palestine 141, 158, 337

Panama 212

pantheism 360

parables 58, 62, 448

Paraguay 166

Paris 174

Paris Missionary Society 169

Particular Baptist 175

partnership 266, 274, 279, 477, 479, 500, 561

pastors 435–37

Patagonian Indians 185

paternalism 170, 181–82, 186, 273, 382, 388, 454, 500

patrilineal 237

Paul 12

Pauline model 145

Pax Romana 142

Pedobaptists 201

Pelagianism 88

penitence 129

Pentecost 12

Pentecostalism 13, 16, 122, 213, 215, 223

people group, definition of 573

people groups 230, 581

people movement(s) 87, 229, 575

periodicals 229

persecution 32, 71–73, 119, 144, 148, 152, 165, 167, 412–13, 427, 510, 518–19, 523–24, 543, 551, 556, 558, 571

perseverance 513

Persia 141, 150, 155, 157–58, 185, 337, 340, 516

Persian Empire 340

Persian language 176

personal conversion 173

personal response 100

Peru 166, 288, 303

Petra 143

Philippines 166, 190, 358, 453, 459

philosophy 83, 142, 366, 458

Picts 153

Pietism 13–14, 158, 169–70, 173–74, 198–99

pilgrimage 343

pilgrim principle 564

Pillars of Islam 342–43

planning 480, 502

pluralism 18, 187, 216, 367–68, 394, 402, 474, 478, 517, 542, 572

Pneumaticism 15

pneumatology 20, 374

polemics 147, 185

polygamy 339

polytheism 69, 167, 341

Pontus 143

Portugal 161

positivism 16

possessio 248

postmillennialism 209, 213

postmodernism 45

postmodernity 402

postmortem encounter 136

poverty 393, 451, 477

power encounter 152, 155, 159, 167, 249, 553

practical holiness 550

prayer 25, 79, 129, 298–99, 301, 335, 348, 415, 421, 473, 502, 507, 514, 530, 553

intercessory 544

support 529

prayer support 553

preaching 147–48, 151, 199, 425

premillennialism 209, 213

preparatio evangelica 371

preparation 307

methodological 417

spiritual 416

Presbyterian Church 179

Presbyterians 195, 203–4, 272

presbyters 143, 147, 152–53

priesthood of believers 440

priesthood of the believer 224

primal societies 159

principle of relevance 256

printing press 259

privatization 402

proclamation 20, 22–23, 29, 101–2, 104, 109, 119, 454, 553, 564, 573

propaganda 147

prophecy 57

proselytization 358

protestant 5

theology 7

Protestant church 224

Protestant ecumenical movement 14, 190

Protestant Episcopal Church 179

Protestantism 168, 170

Protestant missionary movement 168

Protestant Reformation 158, 162, 166, 174, 459

proverbs 259, 366

provincialism 12

psychic activity 353

psychology 9, 18, 36, 311, 369

purgatory 342

Puritans 197, 380, 483


Quakers 195

Quichua 304

Quran 39–40, 338, 371, 374

codification of 339


radio 226

rationalism 173

reason 34

rebirth 327

recantation 148

receptivity 386, 413

receptor culture 243, 309

receptor-oriented methods 378

reconciliation 105, 336

redemption 22, 48–50, 63, 89, 105–6, 118, 132, 195, 487, 494

holistic 101

of creation 51

scope of 90

universality of 49, 51, 80

redemption and lift 484

redemptive history 107

redemptive process 494

Red River 206

Reductions 164, 166

Reformation 14, 555

refugees 48, 395

regeneration 104, 249

Regular Baptist 200

reincarnation 327

relationships 476, 550

relativism 45, 394, 445

relevance 295, 310, 420

Relevance Theory 256

relief ministries 445, 450

religion, definition of 311

religions 5

religious dialogue 572

religious liberty 201

religious pluralism 45

repentance 57, 76, 79, 100, 104, 112, 116, 131, 147

reproducibility 388, 434, 571

reproduction 442

research 229–30, 418–19, 475, 480, 494, 497, 544

responsibility 417, 434, 437, 439–40, 474, 535, 561, 576

restricted access 486

resurrection 128, 282, 328, 342

retirement 537

retribution 125

revelation 22, 63, 291, 293, 332, 339, 341, 354, 368, 374, 494

revenge 126

reverse culture shock 550

revival 197, 199–200, 205

Rhenish Mission 189

rhetoric 83

risk 71–72, 583

rites controversy 334

rites of passage 317

rituals 249, 317, 321, 326, 332, 343, 369, 553

role of women 147, 427–28

Roman Catholic 5

missionaries 380

missions 7, 174, 194, 267

Roman Catholic Church 11, 15, 161, 224, 355, 465

missionaries 14

Roman Christianity 153

Roman Empire 14, 142, 144, 149

Rome 142

Russia 160, 167, 219, 401, 463

Russian Orthodox 166


Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith 164

sacred texts 372

saints 320

salvation 9, 48–49, 88, 91, 121, 372, 445

economy of 375

universality of 46, 50–52, 60, 69, 77, 103, 115, 135

Samoa 581

Samsara 327

Sandy Creek Association 201

Sandy Creek Baptist Association 207

Satan 57–58, 341, 540

strategies of 541

saturation evangelism 226

Saudi Arabia 398

saving grace 374

Saxons, conversion of 161

Scandinavia 159

scholasticism 458

Scientology 352

Scotland 379

Scripture 248, 259, 281, 328, 335, 427, 494, 556

authority of 100, 291

interpretation of 293

metanarrative 101

primacy of 34

primary of 34

second baptism 224

second blessing 214

Second Coming See Jesus

Second Evangelical Awakening 184

Second Great Awakening 173, 202, 207, 270

Second World 17

secularization 16, 360, 474

seed sowing 383, 420

self-determination 267, 277, 309

self-theologization 275

self-theologizing 570

Seljuk Turks 161

seminaries 467

separation of church and state 196, 201, 571

Separatist Baptist 200

separatist movement 319

Serampore 175

Serampore Trio 176–77

Sermon on the Mount 54

servanthood 260

service 110

shaman 552

shame 128, 255

Shariah Law 344

Shia See Muslim

short-term missions 232, 307

Siamese 185

Sierra Leone 180

signs and wonders 151, 565

Silk Road 483, 515

simplicity 402

sin 26, 494

consequences of 123

conviction of 104

definition of 124

motivation for 128

remission of 133

result of 123

universality of 46, 123

wages of 127–28

sinful nature 129

Singapore 220, 222

singleness 428, 527, 533

slavery 49, 164, 198, 205–6

slave trade 186, 190

slaying in the spirit 224

small groups 561

social concern 173

social Darwinism 37

social dynamics 472

social gospel 101, 210–11, 213, 446

Social Gospel Movement 209

social institutions 473

socialism 17, 101, 449

social justice 22, 144, 222–23, 285, 287

social ministries 583

social networks 476

social patterns 369

social redemption 221

social sciences 35–36

social service 148

social stratification 237

social transformation 186

social work 583

societal transformation 108

sociocultural context 282, 290, 292–93

sociologist 36, 311

sociology 9, 17, 20, 36, 229, 311, 369, 472

sola scriptura 356

solidarity 346

Somalia 400

sorcerers 317

soteriology 20, 47, 368

South Africa 171, 177, 185

South America 177, 185

South American Missionary Society 185

South Asia 337

Southeast Asia 337

Southern Baptists 13

Southern Baptist Convention 20, 188, 204, 211, 222, 446, 521, 528

Southern Christianity 565

Southern Seminary 212

South Sea Islands 177

South Seas 181

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 229

Southwestern Seminary 228

sowing 582

Spain 141, 143–44, 161, 194

special revelation 371

spiritism 361, 552

spirits 317, 333

spiritual attack 550

spiritual conflict 540, 549

spiritual discipline 550

spiritual eyes 116

spiritual formation 465, 507, 531

spiritual gifts 12–13, 92, 94, 298, 404, 463

spiritual growth 414

spiritual mapping 539

spiritual powers 539

spiritual transformation 459

spiritual warfare 13, 23–25, 27, 531, 539

sponsoring church 415, 417

sponsorship 500

Sri Lanka 182

state religion 145

stateside assignments 535

status 255

stewardship 487, 505

Stoicism 349, 458

Stonites 206

stories 259, 369, 448

strategy 16, 76–81, 120, 226, 574

coordinators 231

definition of 377

development 480

global 76–78

harvest 582

history of 379

holistic 385

local 78–81

missiological 229

of apostles 71–73

of mission 229

of Paul 73, 77, 142

sowing 576

stress 535

Student Volunteer Movement 190, 210, 221, 227, 519

Sub-Saharan Africa 337

Sudan Interior Mission 187

suffering, theology of 551

Suffering Servant 299

Sufism 345

Summer Institute of Linguistics 226, 304

Sunni See Muslim

supernaturalism 360

superstition 143, 155

Supportivism 15

Surinam 171

sustainability 461, 468

Sweden 160, 578

Switzerland 159, 189, 286

symbols 239, 262

of Israel 70

synagogues 142

syncretism 11, 40, 244, 247, 279, 282–83, 287, 290–91, 294, 301, 380, 388, 516, 569, 580

Syria 145, 158, 337

systematic theology 286, 365


talismans 345

Tamils 180

Tanzania 509

Tatars 340

Taurat 341

technology 393, 452, 477, 529

temptation 542

tentmaker 483

tent-making 556

territorial spirits 539

testimony 147–48

Texas 214

Thailand 184–85, 380, 483

theological education 459

Theological Education by Extension (TEE) 227, 462

theological training 180

theology 5–7

biblical 88

characteristics of 32–33

formal versus functional 88

holistic concept of 6

missionary 10

practical 7, 34

systematic 10, 33

task of 32

theology of religions 365

theophany 45

third culture kids 535

Third World 570

three-self formula 182, 270, 382, 416, 504, 523

three-selfs 220

Tierra del Fuego 185

time oriented 254

tolerance 516

Tonga 581

tongues 214–15, 224

torture 145, 148

total depravity 130–32

tracts 539, 552

tradition 35

traditional cults 144

traditional religions 142, 284, 291

traditional religious beliefs 310, 319

traditional societies 312, 314, 318

trafficking 393

training 227, 383, 430, 442, 500

seminary 529

theological 458, 552

transcendence 343

transformation 247, 567

transition, missionary family 537

translation 5, 9, 18, 151, 160, 176, 185, 226, 292, 302, 307, 338, 341, 356, 379, 428, 432–33, 505, 516, 520, 569

Bible 566, 574

translations 176

Trans World Radio 227

tribal conversion 189

Triennial Baptist Convention 179–80, 182

Triennial Convention 179, 183, 202, 207

Trinity 45, 64, 87, 94, 101, 258, 347, 371, 373, 375

triumphalism 181, 190, 273

Turkey 185

Two-Thirds World 16, 232, 274–75, 283, 360, 379

churches 11

theology 11


Uganda 189, 284

Ukraine 160

unemployment 478

Unification Church 355

unified cosmology 313

United Bible Society 226

United States 393

universalism 221, 368

universal salvific will 373

University of Halle 170

unreached people groups 25

UPG 449

Uppsala 285

Urbana 228

urbanization 17, 393, 474, 478, 582

urbanology 472

Urdu 176

Uruguay 580

US census 497

UUPGs 230, 449, 532


values 501

Vandals 154

varna 328

Vedas 326

Venezuela 166

vengeance 126

vernacular 160, 170, 176, 182

Vietnam 219

Vikings 159

Virgin Islands 171

Vishnu 328

Visigoths 154

vision 479

visions and dreams 373

visitation 504

voluntarism 571

volunteers 29


Waldensians 167

Wales 575

War of 1812 204

wealth 487

Wesleyan revival 13, 171

Wesleyans 213

West Africa 23, 177, 184

Western academia 569

Wheaton College 302

Wheaton University 229

wicca 353

widows 143, 152, 448, 464

Willowbank 288

witches 317, 320

witness 55, 65, 67, 94, 107, 111, 114, 119, 133, 147, 285, 328, 330, 362, 426, 485, 487, 508, 543, 553, 564

of apostles 60

Word of God 548, 553

Word of Life 464

works-based salvation 121

World A 230, 577

World Christian Database 229

world Christianity 565

World Council of Churches 222, 320, 446

World Missionary Conference 190, 221

World Missions Conference 274

worldview 38, 262, 281, 293, 310, 312, 347, 360, 369, 394, 461, 497, 551

biblical 47

World War I 210, 218

World War II 218, 225–26, 228, 274

worship 13, 20, 32

Wycliffe Bible Translators 226, 385


xenophobia 176


yin-yang 331

Yoruba 184

Youth With a Mission 228


Zabur 341

Zaire 276, 320

Zoroastrianism 167

Scripture Index


1–11 46, 263

1:27 369

1:28 125

1:31 486

2:15 486

2:17 127

3 47, 370

3:9–12 550

3–11 46

3:12 543

3:22 127

4:1–8 550

6 126

6:5 122, 130

8:21 122

9 12

9:6 126

9:21 122

10:20 80

11 47

12 12, 46

12:1 556

12:1–3 54, 60, 89, 114, 116, 299

12:3 46, 253

15:1 549

15:7 118

18–19 50

18:19 49

20:6 372


1:8–16 54

3:14 371

4:22–23 54

5:22–6:8 118

6:2 118

15:3 549

15:15 51

19:1–6 114

19:4 54

19:4–6 47, 50

19:5–6 80

20:2 118

20:3–6 370

20:5 123


17:10–11 357

18–19 50

19:4 370

19:33–34 110

25:8–10 61


13:18 545

27:17 55


4:6–8 50

4:32–39 44

4:35 44

4:41–42 128

6:4 44–45

7:7 47

7:10 123

8:18 487

9:28 51

10:14 44, 47

10:17 331

15:4 447

23:7 48

32:16–17 370

32:35 126


18:1–10 545


2:14 124


4:13–14 91


1–2 551

2:1–10 543


2 82

5:5 123

9:18 447

14 123

14:1 122

16:10 82

18:40 123

19 167

19:1–6 371

19:7 548

22:1 46

23 65

24:1 44

28:7 549

30:5 124

37:4 297–98

42:1–2 531

45–47 299

47 51

47:9 51

51 129

67 48

67:1–2 253

72:12–14 447

87 48, 51

89:6–8 118

91 537

94:1 126

96 44

96:11–13 52

119:11 548

130:3 122


4:12 303

6:16 123

20:6 122

29:10 123


1:9 349

7:20 123


1:24 126

2:2–5 70, 77

2:3 72

9:1–2 54

9:2 54

14:2 77

19:19–25 51

29:4 357

40:3 57

40:9 72

40:11 65

40–55 47

42:1–4 54

42:6 21, 54

42:7 22

43:9–13 44

45:23 44

49:1–6 70

49:6 21, 70, 299

52:10 60

52:13 64

53:5–6 132

54:2–3 175

55:3 82

55:8–10 258

56:2–8 51

56:7 59

57:19 77

59:7–8 123

59:17 549

61 45, 115

61:1 448

61:1–2 22, 61, 115

65:17–25 52

65–66 37

66:19 79


4:1–2 50

10:1–16 44

10:6–7 118

10:24 124

12:8 123

16:19–21 77

17:10 259

18:1–10 51

23:1 65

27:1–12 44

29:7 474

31:33 129

46:10 126


4:1–5:17 545

11:19 129

25:14 126

34:11 65

36 50

36:16–23 51


3:4 80

10 545

10:13–20 545


9:15 123


2:28 77


9:11–12 51

9:12 51


4:1–4 77

4:1–5 70


3:9–10 77


8:17 123

8:20–23 77


3:1 57


1:1 54

1:1–17 60

1–13 600

1:21 54

2:15 54

4:1–11 54, 548

4:19 69

4:23 448

4:24–25 54

5:10 551

5:14 21

5:16 28

5:21–22 129

5:27–28 129

5:44–45 372

5:45 371

5:48 125

6:10 448

6:24 484

7:6 359

7:15–20 349, 354

8:1–4 54

8:5–13 69

9:32–33 552

9:35–38 55, 576

9:37 92

10:5–6 59

10:6 69

10:10 441

10:37 334

11:20–24 54

12 129, 545

12:28 457

12:29 545

13:3–9 541

13:19 541

15:22–28 552

16 574

16:18 113, 406, 433, 442

16:21 116

16:21–23 552

18 102

18:15–20 361

18:17 434, 439–40

21:21 457

22:37–38 111

23:23 131

24 574

24:14 69, 573

24:36 573

25:31–46 135, 448

25:34–40 128

25:46 137

28 115, 167

28:16–20 56

28:18–20 67, 103, 108, 114, 116, 372, 542, 544, 573

28:19 70, 78, 107, 139, 253, 399, 409, 557

28:19–20 204, 434, 553, 562

28:20 67


1:3 57

1:4–5 57

1:14–15 116

1:15 115

1:17 69, 78

1:40 448

3:14 457

4 457

4:1–32 260

5:1–20 69

5:3–4 552

5:5 552

5:7–10 553

5:9 552

6:7–12 59

6:7–13 61, 457

6:30–32 457

6:56 69

8:27–10:52 59

8:31 116

9:18 552

9:28–29 457

10:17–22 261

10:45 69

11:12–14 59

12:1–2 54

12:28–31 448

13 12

13:10 56

15:39 67


1–9:20 612

2:29–32 115

3:21–22 60

4:1–13 54

4:18–19 61, 115, 448

4:22 61

4:35 553

5:10 69

6:14–16 69

6:43–45 130

8:29 552

9:5 576

9:21–18:34 612

9:22 116

10:7 441

10:17–24 457

10:29–37 448

13:10–17 552

15 69

16:19–31 448

19:8 487

19:10 116

19:12–26 487

22:31 542

22:31–32 551

22:42 116

23:5 70

24:44–49 116

24:46–47 553

24:46–49 62, 67

24:47 63

1976 284


1:1 114

1:1–18 371

1:7 26

1:14 114

3:16 119

3:19 22

3:34 116

3:36 124

4 420

4:3–42 110

4:22 54

4:34 116

4:38 92

5:39 375

5:39–42 131

7:18 116

8:12 27

8:44 541

9:1 448

12:20–22 69

12–21 589

12:31 541

13:35 106

14:6 133, 373, 394

14:7 116

14:12 457, 557

14:16 375

15:19–21 551

15:26–27 375

16:7–15 375

16:8–11 104

17:18 116, 375

17:20–21 543

17:20–23 481

20:21 27, 102, 107–8, 555

20:21–22 67

20:21–23 116

21:25 190


1 621

1:2 69

1:5 77

1:6–9 375

1:8 69–70, 77, 94, 107–8, 113, 134, 375, 399, 423, 487, 554, 559, 596

1:9–10 88

1:12 78

1:23 434, 439

2 53, 413

2–5 73

2:5–11 72

2:10 143

2:12–14 71

2:14–36 76

2:17 77

2:38 63

2:38–39 76

2:40–47 410, 423

2:41–47 562

2:42 434

2:45 448

4:12 133, 363, 373, 394

4:13 363

4:17 72

4:18–20 72

4:29 72

5:28 72

6 437

6:1–6 437–38

6:4 437

6:5 74

7 263

7:38 433

8 413

8:1 71, 558

8:1–8 71

8:4 146, 412

8:14 72

8:14–15 399

8:26–40 71

9:15 70, 556

9:19–21 74

9:23–25 74

9:26–29 74

9:30 74

9:31 70, 556, 558

9:32 72

10 399, 413

10:1–7 72

10:1–11:18 72

10:9–16 77

10:37 70

10:38 448

11 412

11:14 135

11:19 412

11:19–20 74

11:19–24 72

11:19–26 399

11:26–30 74

11:30 438–39

12:1–17 73

12:17 73

13 37, 282, 413

13:1–3 299

13:2 415, 433

13:3 434, 440

13:4–12 74

13:12 80

13:13–48 78

13–14 405

13:14–14:23 75

13:16–41 81

13:38–39 82

13:50–51 71

14 37

14:11 81

14:15–17 82

14:16–17 371

14:21 56

14:21–22 414

14:23 414, 438, 440

14:24–26 75

15 245

15:4 438

15:7 78

15:16–18 51

15:22 434, 440

15:41 75

16:3 556

16:6 73, 80

16:6–7 72

16:6–17:15 75

16:9 80

16:14 487

16:30 403

16:30–31 133

17 37, 282, 372, 413, 545

17:11 439

17:16–18:28 75

17:16–21 545

17:19 413

17:23–28 95

17:28 332

18:2–26 556

18:24–28 76

19:1–41 75

19:10 81

19:32 433

20:17 435–36, 438

20:28 436, 439

20:33–35 487

21:27–26:32 75

22 37

26 37, 307, 413

26:18 24, 541

28:13–14 141

28:17–28 75


1 135

1:1 507–8

1:4 83

1:5 47

1–8 372

1:10–11 73

1:14 77

1:14–15 365

1:16–17 574

1:18 124

1:18–3:20 77

1:18–21 371, 373

1:18–22 370

1:18–32 130

1:21 24, 125, 131

1:26–27 131

2 135

2:5 124

2:15 130

3 123

3:9 123

3:21–26 69

3:23 77

4 47

5 127

5:8 363

5:12 127

5:12–21 370

6:4 128

6:6 131

6:23 128, 132

6:23: 127

7:5 130

8:1 531

8:18–21 52

8:18–25 102

9 117

9:2 117

9:3 558

9–11 117

9:22 124

10 167

10:9–13 133

10:9–15 542

10:9–17 372

10:13–15 299

10:14 136

10:14–17 134

10:15 109

10:17 454

11:33–36 117

12:2 249

12:8 436

12:19 126

13:1–6 372

15 576–77

15:1–3 105

15:7–16 51

15:14–21 375

15:19 74–75

15:20 73

15:23 73

15:24 71

16:1 437

16:5 434

1 Corinthians

1:2 434

1:18 546

1:21 372

1:23–24 434

1:26–28 81

1:26–29 78

1:30 531

2:1–5 82

2:2 83

2:2–5 375

2:3 104

2:4 23

2:4–5 85

2:5 83

3:2 359

3:5–9 92

3:5–11 93

5:2 434, 439–40

8:5–6 44

9:5 73, 78

9:8–10 441

9:19–22 413

9:22: 282

10:20 370

10:20–21 249

10:31 434

11:17–34 434

12 404, 434

12:2–3 375

13:6 363

15 127

15:3–4 100

15:9 433

15:10 509

15:45 83, 357

16:2 434

16:5–9 73

16:15–16 438–39

16:19 434

2 Corinthians

1:1 434

1:19 83

1:22 552

3:14–15 131

4:1–7 114

4:4 24, 373, 541

4:6 22

4:6–7 27

5:14 106

5:14–16 116

5:14–21 105

5:18 531

5:20 574

5:21 132

6:16 249

9:6–12 434

9:7 559

10:3–5 24

11:4 349

11:13 541

11:14 542

11:16–33 510

11:32 74

12:7 542

12:7–10 550


1 349

1:2 434

1:8 282, 439

1:13–16 510

1:17 74

1:21–22 75

2:11–14 78

3:6–11 132

3:8 46, 89

3:11 135

3:13 132

3:16 89

3:28 77

4:4 92, 143

5:17 130

5:24 131

6:2 434

6:6 441

6:9 543

6:10 448

6:17 510


1–3 372

1:3–14 567

1:9–10 103

1:13 406

1:14 552

1:18 119

1:18–2:7 24

1:20–23 114

1:21–22 103

1:22 433

2:2 541

2:2–3 546

2:3 123, 546

2:8–9 132, 357

2:11–3:6 51

2:13–17 91

2:15 128

2:21 90

3 589

3:1–13 90

3:6–10 48

3:7–13 100

3:10 90

4:11 436, 439

4:11–12 12, 401, 403–4, 434

4:11–14 298

4:12 442, 557

4:12–13 558

4:17–32 542

4:18–19 130

5:8 26

5:18 122

5:19 434

5:23 83

6:10–17 540, 550

6:10–20 370

6:11 542, 553

6:11–12 540

6:12 545

6:13–18 25

6:17 548

6:18–20 553

6:19–20 553


1:1 437–38

1:21 117

1:22–23 117

1:23 116

1:24 117

2:9–11 44

3:20 83


1:6 103

1:13 541, 543

1:15–20 49

1:18 83, 433, 439

1:20 102

2:13 131

2:15 554

3:1 114

3:11 71

3:16–17 434

4:2–3 553

4:3 553

4:3–4 553

4:4 553

4:15 434

4:18 553

1 Thessalonians

1:1 434

3:5 541

5:12 436, 438–39

5:13 439

2 Thessalonians

1:1 434

3:1 402

1 Timothy

2:8 434

3:1 435

3:1–7 435, 441

3:1–13 458

3:2 436–37, 439, 441

3:4–5 436

3:6 441–42

3:8 437

3:8–12 437

3:8–13 441

3:9 437

3:16 371

4:1–3 370

4:13 434

4:14 434, 436

5:17 436, 438–39

5:18 441

5:22–25 436

6:10 484

6:16 27

2 Timothy

1:6 436

2:2 434, 442

2:25–26 131

2:26 541

3:2–4 131

3:2–5 130

3:12 551

3:16–17 34, 511

4:2 434

4:7–8 513

4:10 75


1:5 75, 435, 438–39

1:5–9 441, 458

1:7–9 435

1:9 436, 439, 441

1:15 130


1:2 434


1:1–2 371

2:12 433

3:12–13 440

3:14 441

4:12 548

4:15 127

9:27 127

10 110

10:24 110, 441

10:24–25 434

10:30 126

12:2 116

13:5 406

13:7 438–39

13:17 439

13:24 438


1:1 439

1:17 110, 372

1:22 448

4:7 542

5:14 438

5:18–19 361

1 Peter

1:1 76, 439

1:9 89

2:2 359

2:5 90

3:17–19 136

4:8 261

4:10 108

5:1 438

5:1–2 435

5:1–3 436

5:1–4 441

5:2 439

5:8 542

5:9 543

2 Peter

3:13 52

1 John

1:5 27

1:5 27

1:7 26

4:1–4 370

4:1–4 370

4:4 549, 552

4:4 549, 552


1:4–7 118

1:5 120

1:6 119

1:8 118

1:9 119

1:11 80

2:1–7 349

2–3 118–19

2:10 543

2:13 543

3:7–13 119

3:9 119

4–5 118

4:6–8 119

4:11 118

5:6 118

5:9 80, 103, 114, 253

5:9–10 91, 434

6:10 427

7:9 viii, 46, 48, 80–81, 449, 538

9:20 370

11:15 248

12:10 541, 543

12:17 543

20:14 128

21:1–5 52

21–22 37, 119